ED :: Volume #53

#5268: Sells Tofu Pudding

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Today explodes four, for the new year, new year's celebration small short break period, the renewal possibly little, three, are not possibly able to maintain four, thanked everyone to support Emperor's Domination., 今天爆四更哦,要过年了,过年可能会小小休息一下,更新可能会少点,三更吧,无法维持四更,感谢大家支持帝霸。, The entire small wineshop dashes to run, like the leg, ran steadily quickly, looks extremely from afar, probably in the ostrich that in desert runs. 整座小酒肆飞奔而跑,像长了腿一样,跑得极快,远远看去,像是一只在沙漠里奔跑的鸵鸟。 Li Qiye with tightening on, constructs, True Bear, Li Zhitian they is also busy at following Li Qiye to run. 李七夜跟紧而上,建奴、真熊李止天他们也忙跟着李七夜奔跑。 Also does not know that ran many, runs up to the night from the daytime, finally ran into the dense fog in this dense fog, lost the direction all of a sudden, as if, in this dense fog, your soul must enter the deep sleep to be the same, in can make you unable to distinguish clearly the east, south, west, and north instantaneously, seemed like very strange. 也不知道跑了多少,从白日跑到黑夜,最终跑入了迷雾之中在这迷雾之中,一下子失去了方向,似乎,在这迷雾之中,你魂魄都要进入沉睡一样,在瞬间能让你分不清东南西北,看起来十分的诡异。 Constructs, Li Zhitian their also mind one cold, restrains the mind, follows close on, as Li Qiye. 建奴、李止天他们也不由心神一凛,收敛心神,紧跟随着李七夜 Li Qiye treads the fog, organizes about, the step fluctuates, constructing, Li Zhitian they are also cautious, is following close on Li Qiye's each step. 李七夜踏雾而起,腾挪左右,步伐变幻,建奴、李止天他们也都小心翼翼,紧跟着李七夜的每一步。 Finally hears bang a resonate sound, they double treadonned on the spot, stepped on the sand. 最终听到“砰”的一声响起,他们都双脚踏到了实地了,是踩在了沙子之中。 Opens one's eyes wide to look, seeing only at present is a piece of vast sand dune, seems like place of some vast desert, raise one's head looks, above sky, is stars is bright, each stars between sky, seems like each plane to be the same, each plane, seems like leads the path that everyone is going home. 张目望去,只见眼前乃是一片广袤的沙丘,看起来是某一处广袤之地的沙漠,抬头而望,天空之上,乃是星辰明亮,天空间的每一颗星辰,就好像是每一个坐标一样,每一个坐标,似乎是引领着每一个人回家的道路。 Therefore, when this vast desert, raise one's head looks, looks at stars plane, a not being able to say steadfast feeling, probably looked when that Dong belongs to own plane, own under the direction of this stars plane, can find the path that goes home surely. 所以,在这广袤沙漠之中,抬头看之时,看着星辰坐标,给人一种说不出来的踏实之感,好像看那一侗属于自己坐标之时,自己在这星辰坐标的指引之下,必定是能找到归家的道路。 The homeward journey, the homeward journey, is top of the head stars. 归途,归途,就是头顶星辰 When looks around again looks at present this vast sand dune, the wind has blown, the yellow sand tumbles, when the yellow sand has rolled, under the yellow sand, revealed skeleton faintly . Moreover, some revealed skeleton, is very gigantic, has a limited view, then buries entire under yellow sand conceivably has skeleton, is what kind of huge. 再张望去望眼前这广袤的沙丘之时,风吹过,黄沙翻滚,在黄沙滚过之时,在黄沙之下,隐隐露出了白骨,而且,露出的部分白骨,十分硕大,管中窥豹,便可以想象埋在黄沙之下的整具白骨,是何等的庞大。 Moreover, under this yellow sand, skeleton does not have one merely. 而且,在这黄沙之下,白骨也并非是仅仅只有一处也。 In there one after another in this, the time, Li Zhitian saw that running away small, the wineshop, at this time, this small wineshop is located in a sand dune, above, hangs in liquor curtain also along with Feng Piao/breeze, swinging, seems like that satisfied, as if, before its billion years, there. “在那里一一”在这个,时候,李止天看到了那座逃走的小,酒肆,此时,这个小酒肆正座落在了一个沙丘,之上,挂在门外的酒幌还在随风飘,荡着,似乎是那么的,惬意,似乎,它千百万年之前,就在那里了。 However, when such a sand dune land, yellowish white buries the bone, moreover is desolate, this, night, presented a small wineshop, this is to make people feel to feel at ease, makes people feel absolutely terrified. 但是,在这样的一个沙丘大地之中,黄白埋骨,而且毫无人烟,就这样,夜深之时,出现了一个小酒肆,这是让人感到心安呢,还是让人感到毛骨悚然呢。 Naturally, Li Qiye is also good and construct the slave, even if Li Zhitian and True Bear they are the bold people , looks at like this small wineshop, curious. 当然,李七夜也好、建奴也罢,就算是李止天真熊他们都是胆大包天的人,只不过,看着这样的小酒肆之时,都只是好奇而已。 Ok, we first slept.” Li Qiye looks all about the world, finally, falls in the place simply, closed the eye. “好了,我们先睡一觉。”李七夜纵览天地,最后,索性跌坐于地,闭上了眼睛。 Sleeps?” Li Zhitian is startled, he had not responded the time, Li Qiye has fallen asleep probably, in the meantime, constructs, True Bear they to fall in the place, closes the eye, followed to fall asleep. “睡一觉?”李止天不由一怔,他还没有反应过来的时候,李七夜好像已经睡着了,同时,建奴、真熊他们都已经跌坐于地,闭上眼睛,也跟着睡着了。 Li Zhitian is also curious, were not many asked that also followed Li Qiye to fall on the yellow sand ground, closed the eye he also really to fall asleep. 李止天也是好奇,也不多问了,也跟着李七夜跌坐在黄沙地上,闭上了眼睛他也真的是睡着了。 When a sleep/felt wakes up, Li Zhitian stretch/open eye looked, discovered own has been in a situation in bustling streets. 当一觉醒来的时候,李止天张眼一看,发现自己已经处身于一个闹市之中。 At this time, Li Qiye they had awaked, has stood, Li Zhitian also busy was following stood. 在这个时候,李七夜他们都已经醒了,都已经站起来了,李止天也忙是跟着站了起来。 Opens one's eyes wide to look, seeing only this is lively incomparable ancient city, here, crowded, bustling, the runner peddler, the people of all forms have. 张目而望,只见这是一个热闹无比的古城,在这里,人来人往,熙熙攘攘,走卒小贩,形形色色的人都有。 Interesting place.” Li Qiye looks at at present such ancient city, looks at this crowded, showed the light smile. “有意思的地方。”李七夜看着眼前这样的一座古城,看着这人来人往,不由露出了淡淡的笑容。 Quite strange.” Comparing Li Qiye's is relaxed, constructs the slave actually manner one dignifiedly, looks at at present this strange ancient city. “好奇怪。”相比起李七夜的轻松自在,建奴倒是神态一凝重,看着眼前这个奇怪的古城了。 Where is this?” If not for Li Zhitian can also be able to calm down, that certainly was also frightened to jump. “这是哪里?”若不是李止天还能沉得住气,那也是一定被吓得跳了起来。 Before he sleeps, sits in desert, he is remembers clear, own sits is the yellow sand, but , a sleep/felt wakes up, own unexpectedly in ancient city., 他睡觉前,还是坐在沙漠之中,他是记得一清二楚,自己坐着的就是黄沙,但是,没有想到,一觉醒来,自己竟然是在一个古城之中。, could it be that said, own came to ancient city by the removal, this as if not possible matter, if really some people of removals they, how possibly do not know that but, if by the removal, that is not anything. 难道说,自己被人搬移到了一个古城之中来了,这似乎不可能的事情,如果真的有人搬移他们,那们又怎么可能不知道呢,但是,如果不是被搬移,那又是什么。 ancient city that a night braves.” Li Zhitian also muttered said, found it specially strange, specially strange. “一夜间冒出来的古城。”李止天也不由喃喃地说道,觉得特别的奇怪,特别的诡异。 In the yellow sand land, emitted ancient city overnight, but landlord who they sit cross-legged, is the position that ancient city is. 在黄沙大地之中,一夜之间冒出了古城,而他们所盘坐的地主,就是古城所在的位置。 In the evening, there is the yellow sand land, during the daytime is ancient city, such thinks, as if all are easily solved, but, thinks carefully, makes people absolutely terrified. 晚上,那里是黄沙大地,白天则是古城,这样一想,似乎一切都迎刃而解,但是,仔细去想,又让人不由为之毛骨悚然。 The evening is the yellow sand buries the bone, but during the daytime, is crowded lively ancient city, such matter, how strange. 晚上是黄沙埋骨,而白天,则是人来人往的热闹古城,这样的事情,是多么的诡异。 Li Qiye smiles, slowly walks on this extremely busy street, the looks at crowded scene, heavy traffic, the runner peddlers are quite busy, as if, this is the human world signal flare air/Qi. 李七夜笑了笑,慢慢地行走在这热闹非凡的街道上,看着人来人往的景象,车水马龙,走卒小贩都在忙得不亦乐乎,似乎,这就是人间烟火气。 Li Qiye walks very slowly, looks is with great interest, as if, there's nothing is more attractive than all these at present, but, at present all these are just every world most common one. 李七夜走得很慢,看得是津津有味,似乎,没有什么比眼前这一切再好看了,但是,眼前这一切只不过是凡世间最常见的一幕。 Tofu Pudding , Tofu Pudding .” At this time, did not roar bright hawking resonate sound very much, but, this street vendors'cries had the rhythm, but also was very powerfully steady. 豆腐花,豆腐花。”在这个时候,一个不是很哄亮的叫卖声响起,但是,这叫卖声十分有节奏,也而是十分稳健有力。 In a shoulder pole yo in the sound, sees only Old Man to take on two wooden barrels to come, Old Man Zhang Guozi face, on the face covered entirely the wrinkle, the years in the trace that on his face left is unable to obliterate. Old Man wears a ko-hemp clothing, on the shoulder is building the one towel, even if the shoulders is taking on full two barrels of Tofu Pudding , he walks still walk as if flying, appears especially vigorous powerful, has a hale and hearty feeling. 在一阵扁担的吱悠声中,只见一个老人担着两个木桶而来,老人一张国字老脸,脸上布满了皱纹,岁月在他的脸庞上留下了无法磨灭的痕迹。老人穿着一身葛衣,肩上搭着一条毛巾,哪怕是双肩担着满满的两桶豆腐花,他走起路来依然是健步如飞,显得格外的矫健有力,给人有一种老当益壮的感觉。 Sells Tofu Pudding .” The Li Qiye vision fell on this Old Man, this Old Man stopped, Zhang Guozi face showed the smile, said: Can buy Tofu Pudding ?” “卖豆腐花的。”李七夜目光落在了这个老人身上,这个老人停了下来,一张国字老脸露出了笑容,说道:“要买豆腐花吗?” Li Qiye has a smile, without the speech, Li Zhitian feels sorry, said busily: Gives us to come one bowl.” 李七夜含笑,没有说话,李止天过意不去,忙是说道:“给我们都来一碗吧。” Li Qiye smiles, shakes the head gently, but referred to Li Zhitian, said: Gave him one bowl enough.” 李七夜笑了笑,轻轻地摇了摇头,只是指了李止天一下,说道:“给他一碗就够了。” Li Zhitian is startled, but, has not recovered, Old Man has scooped up one bowl, the stopper in the hand of Li Zhitian. 李止天不由为之一怔,但是,还没有回过神来,老人已经舀了一碗,塞在了李止天的手中了。 When Li Zhitian has not recovered, Old Man took on Tofu Pudding to walk away, walked while called: Tofu Pudding , Tofu Pudding .” 李止天还没有回过神来的时候,老人又担着豆腐花走远了,边走边叫:“豆腐花,豆腐花。” Has not given money.” Li Zhitian recovers, called one, but, Old Man has taken on Tofu Pudding to vanish in the huge crowd. “还没给钱呢。”李止天回过神来,就叫了一声,但是,老人已经担着豆腐花消失在人海之中了。 Li Zhitian does not have the means that lowers the head, the opens the mouth drinks Tofu Pudding in bowl. 李止天没办法,低头,不由张口喝起碗里的豆腐花来。 Mother one after another Li Zhitian drinks, feels is not right, yelled, immediately spat. “妈呀一一李止天一喝的时候,顿感不对劲了,不由大叫了一声,立即吐了出来。 When Li Zhitian spits Tofu Pudding of mouth, at present in a flash, sees that probably is not Tofu Pudding , but is full one bowl of yellow sand, but, then in pulled back the reality him instantaneously, in his bowl is still full Tofu Pudding . 李止天把嘴里的豆腐花一吐出来的时候,眼前一晃,好像看到了那不是豆腐花,而是满满的一碗黄沙,但是,然后又在瞬间把他拉回了现实,他碗里依然是满满的豆腐花 At once, Li Zhitian does not know which that own looks was really which is false, he hit the Heaven Splitting eye immediately, Tofu Pudding in rapt attention bowl, at present in a flash, probably yellow sand, but, is changing Tofu Pudding instantaneously, very strange. 一时之间,李止天都不知道自己看的哪个是真哪个是假了,他立即打开天眼,一凝神碗中的豆腐花,眼前一晃,好像是黄沙,但是,又在瞬间变回了豆腐花,十分的离奇。 At this time, Li Zhitian opened one's eyes wide looks at entire ancient city, he eventually was Dragon Monarch that had 12 Wushuang/matchless sacred fruit, in this in an instant, he saw many illusory, but, has many realities. 在这个时候,李止天张目一看整个古城,他终究是一位拥有十二无双圣果龙君,在这刹那之间,他看到了许多的虚幻,但是,又有着许多的真实。 In this in an instant, probably entire ancient city is illusory, but, many runner peddlers actually very real, as if has more powerful strength to mold all these, making one be in a situation here time, was unable to divide to be clear about this is real or false. 在这刹那之间,好像整座古城都是虚幻的,但是,有很多走卒小贩却又是十分的真实,似乎有着更加强大的力量塑造了这一切,让人处身于这里的时候,已经无法分清楚这是真是假了。 Actually is this really or false?” At this time, Li Zhitian is not clear, even if he such strong strength, is unable to distinguish clearly is really or false. “这究竟是真还是假呀?”在这个时候,李止天都不明白了,哪怕他这样强大的实力,都无法分清是真还是假了。 Constructs slave manner discretely looks at at present all these, he did not determine many scenes, is really the false. 建奴神态谨慎地看着眼前这一切,他也不确定其中的很多景象,是真又是假。 Fakes the true time, really also false ; Really when counterfeits, false also.” Li Qiye smiled lightly. “假作真时,真亦假;真作假时,假亦真。”李七夜淡淡地笑了一下。 Fakes the true time, really also false ; Really when counterfeits, false also.” Li Zhitian muttered said. “假作真时,真亦假;真作假时,假亦真。”李止天不由喃喃地说道。 When looks again on this day, does not know the genuine and fake, cannot distinguish clearly what for real, what for is false, as if, they see is real, is the vacations. 再看这天时,不知真假,分不清何为真,何为假,似乎,他们所看到的都是真,也都是假。 Bang, bang and bang......” at this time, one thundered intermittently resonate sound, a huge incomparable form covered entire sky all of a sudden. “轰、轰、轰……”在这个时候,一阵阵轰鸣之声响起,一个巨大无比的身影一下子笼罩住了整个天空 Everyone raise one's head looks, is a big incomparable skeleton, is a colossus, such colossus steps on, as if can step on entire ancient city crushes. 大家抬头一看,是一个高大无比的骨架,是一个庞然大物,这样的庞然大物一脚踩下来,似乎可以把整个古城踩得粉碎。 This is one after another sees such huge incomparable form, the colossus, Li Zhitian and True Bear are so startled. “这是一一”看到这样巨大无比的身影,如此庞然大物,李止天真熊都不由吃惊。 However, in this ancient city, the runner peddler on street, is the bustling pedestrian, does not have to a it feeling, even does not look at one, is busy living on own. 但是,在这古城之中,不论是街道上的走卒小贩,还是熙熙攘攘的行人,对之一点感觉都没有,甚至都不去看一眼,都在忙着自己手上的活。 You, the fast feudal official bends down under my great day, otherwise, tramples flat your world.” At this time, this giant incomparable skeleton opened the mouth, sound such as thunderous, thunder Jingwan. “你们,速速臣伏于我巨天之下,否则,踏平你们的世界。”在这个时候,这个巨大无比的骨架开口了,声如雷动,雷惊万里。 Like this when the giant skeleton opens the mouth, very fearful, as if, he is in a rage, then tramples flat ancient city, shovels even Wanli the land. 这样的巨大骨架开口之时,十分的慑人,似乎,他一怒之下,便是踏平古城,铲平万里大地。 Small dwarf, should not be in the way.” At this time, in the crowd does not know that who yelled one. “小矮子,别碍事。”在这个时候,人群之中不知道谁大叫了一声。 This giant incomparable skeleton seems like receives the stimulation to be the same all of a sudden, is bang. 这个巨大无比的骨架好像是一下子受到刺激一样,乃是“砰”的一声。 Li Zhitian and True Bear had a scare, they think that this giant bone will be angry in a profligate manner, take action tramples flat the entire ancient city anything. 李止天真熊都被吓了一大跳,他们都以为这巨人骨头会狂然大怒,出手踏平整个古城什么的。 However, this bang , the giant bone broke all of a sudden, vanishes to disappear all of a sudden, crawls a dwarf. 但是,这“砰”的一声之下,巨大的骨头一下子散架了,一下子消失不见了,爬起一个小矮人来。 This dwarf seems like goblin Little Ghost. 这个小矮人就好像是一个地精小鬼
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