Li Qiye and femalepressin the same place, twopeopleseeminglyhaveintimatelyintimately, twosuchbodiesare intertwinedin the same place, said that ambiguousambiguous, as if, making one lookthinks.李七夜与女子压在一起,两个人看起来有多亲密就有多亲密,两个这样身体交缠在一起,说多暧昧就有多暧昧,似乎,让人看得都不由浮想联翩。Just, did not have others at this timehere, Li Zhitianandconstructs the slavesto turn around, discourteousdo not regard.
只不过,此时在这里也没有其他人,李止天和建奴都转过身去了,非礼勿视。„Oh, this way, weroll the lawnnot to know how longmustroll.” The Li Qiyefeeling, shakes the head, said: „Rubs gentlyagain, rubbed the sodbare, thiswas the crime.”
“唉,再这样下去,我们滚草地都不知道要滚多久。”李七夜感慨,摇了摇头,说道:“再磨蹭下去,把草皮都蹭秃了,这可是罪过呀。”Femalehorizontallooks atLi Qiye, said: „Feared that yourub throughmyclothes.”Thissaying, thatwas bold.
女子横看着李七夜,说道:“就怕你把我衣服磨破。”这话一出,那就大胆了。„eh--”Li Qiyeownalmostspurted, said: „Crime, the crime, the miss, don'tmade false accusations, wasyourubsme, Ihave not rubbedyou.”
“呃——”李七夜自己差点喷了,说道:“罪过,罪过,姑娘,莫血口喷人,是你磨我,我可没有磨你也。”„Right, Irubyou, how?” The femalesare valiant, are squeezingLi Qiye, mustdillydallyhim, mustcompelLi Qiye, during weakallare not saying.
“对,我磨你,怎么了?”女子英姿勃发,紧压着李七夜,非要磨蹭他,非要逼李七夜,酥软一切都在不言之中。„Good, good, good, Ifearedyou.”Li Qiyeraises handto surrender, said: „Youare fierce, Itook, on this day, surnamed Li, could not disputewithyou.”
“好,好,好,我怕你了。”李七夜举手投降,说道:“你厉害,我服了,这天下,姓李的,都与你较量不得。”„Conceding.” The femalesstareto take a look atLi Qiye, is squeezingLi Qiye, is a handcancoverLi Qiye'swristunexpectedly, puts out a handto try to find out.
“服输是了吧。”女子瞪眼睛瞅着李七夜,紧压着李七夜,竟然是一只手能扣住李七夜的手腕,伸手去摸索。„What do youtry to find out?”Li Qiyesmiles bitterly, said.
“你摸索什么?”李七夜都不由苦笑,说道。„Does not tracegood.” The femalesare staring, veryominouscourageous, but, was trying to find out.
“摸一摸不行呀。”女子瞪着眼,十分凶勐,但是,还是在摸索。„Yousuchtouch, my wasjumps inYellow River unable to wash clean.”Li Qiyedoes not know whether to laugh or cry, shakes the headgently, said: „Whatifyoumustlook, cantellme,mybody, Iamn't clear?”
“你这样一摸,我这是跳进黄河都洗不清了。”李七夜哭笑不得,轻轻摇了摇头,说道:“如果你要找什么,可以跟我说,我的身体,我还不清楚吗?”„Thisdid not say.” The femaleslook at intentlyLi Qiye, said: „Ithought that youhave made the transaction.”
“这不好说。”女子瞅紧李七夜,说道:“我看你是不是做过交易。”„Transaction?”Li Qiyeboth eyesnarrows the eyes, is staring atfemalethatcheek, althoughat first sight, there's nothingis shocking, but, makes one be worth seeing a hundred times.
“交易?”李七夜不由双目一眯,盯着女子那张脸蛋,虽然乍一看,没有什么惊艳,但是,却让人百看不厌。„Who are you?” The Li Qiyevisionbeat, the profoundincomparablestoppinglight, mustpeepcompletelyall of femaleprobably.
A femaleverychest, performingis the peaks and ridges, domineering100%, is staring atLi Qiye, said: „What's wrong, the abusedoes not change, likespeeping atothers? Come, come, come, is quite attractive, what kind of, is attractive?”
女子一挺胸膛,尽是峰峦,霸气十足,盯着李七夜,说道:“怎么,还是恶习不改,喜欢窥视别人?来,来,来,好好看,怎么样,好不好看?”Femalesayingsaid that performsprovokes, the endlessscenery, performsinLi Qiye'sjumpsat present.
女子这话说的,尽是挑衅,无尽的风光,尽在李七夜的眼前跳跃。Li Qiyecannot smile bitterly, saidslowly: „Ihave not flowed the nosebleedluckily, otherwise, will be worn the hat of oldsexual harasserbyyou.”李七夜不由苦笑不得,徐徐地说道:“幸好我没有流鼻血,不然,会被你扣上老色狼的帽子。”„Feared that youare the oldsexual harasser is not good.” The femalesprovoketo stare atLi Qiye.
“就怕你做老色狼都不行。”女子十分挑衅盯着李七夜。„Bang”a resonate sound, Li Qiyeturns around, the femalecannot resist, was suppressedbyLi Qiyeinstantaneously, Li Qiyeis the absoluteadvantage, the instantaneoussteamrollis occupied by the female.
“砰”的一声响起,李七夜一转身,女子抗拒不得,瞬间被李七夜压住,李七夜乃是绝对的优势,瞬间碾压住女子。„What's wrong, nowcancome?” The femalesrule by force, speechspecialhas the flavor, said: „Wantssteamrollme, your thought that had the strong wind.”
“怎么,现在就要来吗?”女子霸道,说话特别的有韵味,说道:“是不是要碾压一下我,你这样就觉得有雄风了。”Li Qiyewas saidall of a suddenbyhersuchwordssmilesto spurt, shakes the headwith a smile, said: „No, but, the man, cannotsay that ownis not good.”李七夜一下子被她这样的话说得都笑喷了,不由笑着摇头,说道:“非也,但是,男人,总不能说自己不行。”„Is good, youtry, daresnot to try?” The femalesprovoke , the diastoleopens.
“行不行,你试试,敢试不?”女子十分挑衅,舒张而开。Li Qiyeis pressing the female, staresto tightenher, said: „Ringing the universe, is not applicable.”李七夜压着女子,盯紧着她,说道:“朗朗乾坤,使不得也。”„Whatmatter do you have to be shameful?” The femalesselect the chart saying: „If not good, saiddirectly.”
“你还有什么事见不得人?”女子不由挑图地说道:“若是不行,直接说嘛。”„Right?” The Li Qiyedomineeringsame place, entersinstantaneously, the flashby the absolutesteamrollopposite party, the femalesuffocates, elegant eyesis still fixing the eyes onLi Qiye, was full of the provocation.
“是吗?”李七夜霸气一起,瞬间直入,一瞬间以绝对的碾压对方,女子不由为之一窒息,秀目依然紧盯着李七夜,充满了挑衅。„Crime, crime.”Li Qiyeshakes the headgently, covershertenfingers, isstaresto tighten the female.
The femalesalsowhatafraidhasit, welcomedLi Qiye, was very overbearing, was the provocationextremely, fell into the endlesssoftplaceLi Qiyeinstantaneously.
女子又何怕有之,迎上了李七夜,十分霸道,也是挑衅万分,瞬间把李七夜陷入了无尽的柔软之处。„Can youcome?” The femalesprovoke, are staringLi Qiye.
“你要来吗?”女子十分挑衅,瞪着李七夜。Li Qiyeis lightsmiles, said: „Whowassaysmustsolve, naturally, yourownsolution, Ialsowelcome.”李七夜不由淡淡一笑,说道:“是谁说要解,当然,你自己解,我也欢迎。”„Has the skillyouto solve.” The femalesdo not admit defeat, veryominouscourageous, in this case, soundsenough the vigor.
“有本事你解。”女子也毫不认输,十分凶勐,这样的话,听起来够劲。„Myvigorously, onlyfearedyoucannot withstand, surelyisvanish(ed) in a puff of smoke.”Li Qiyestrolls, slowlyhoweversaid.
The femalesare staringLi Qiye, said: „Bigtone, actuallybighowlooks atyour, has the skill, lets loose.”
女子瞪着李七夜,说道:“好大的口气,看你究竟何其之大,有本事,放开来。”„Goodone after another”Li Qiyeto smile, both eyesconcentrates, said: „Youcome, makingyouseeendlessWeixiong.”
The wordsfall, Li Qiye'svisiononeradiant, Divine Consciousnessopensgreatly, the femalefalls to the enemyinstantaneously into.
话一落下,李七夜的目光一璀璨,神识大开,女子瞬间沦陷入其中。InLinight of Knowledge Sea, thatisunequalledvast, Three Thousand Worlds, inhisKnowledge Sea, that is just also insignificant.
The females are also involuntary, inthisin an instant, was towedto entrain into Knowledge SeabyLi Qiye.
女子也是身不由己,在这刹那之间,被李七夜拖拽入了识海之中。„Ok, thishuge, can yoube able to withstand?”Li Qiyeis the Supremecontrol of entireKnowledge Sea, even the female is powerful, sameis unable to compare favorablywithpresentKnowledge Sea.
“好了,这巨大,你可承受得了?”李七夜就是整个识海的无上主宰,就算女子再过于强大,也一样无法与眼前的识海相媲美。„Haswhat to fearit, bring it on.” The femalesdo not fearLi Qiye, veryprovokes.
“有何惧之,放马过来。”女子也不怕李七夜,十分挑衅。„Goodone after another”Li Qiyeto laugh, said: „When the time comes, do not saycausesto cheat.”
The wordsfall, „bang”loud sound, inthisin an instant, the Li Qiye'sKnowledge Seaflashgushes out, endlessDivine Consciousnessdirect impact.
话一落下,“轰”的一声巨响,就在这刹那之间,李七夜的识海一瞬间喷薄而出,无尽无尽的神识直冲而来。„Opensone after another”femaleportal, opensgreatly, acceptsendless, daymagnificent, hears„bang, bangandbang”onethundersintermittently, loud sound, even if the female does not have, performsportal, overlap, but, Li QiyeDivine Consciousness, boundless, isshecanwithstand.
When inexhaustibleDivine Consciousnessfillsenters, slightlyhas the time, the female does not withstand, stuffy.
就在无穷无尽的神识直灌而入的时候,稍有时间之时,女子也是承受不得,一声闷哼。Inthiselectrical spark light, the femaletotal military defeat, the sound of calling out in alarm, was submergedbyLi Qiye'sboundlessDivine Consciousnessinstantaneously, Divine Consciousnessis inexhaustible, entersto enter, with irresistible force, the femalecannot withstand the impact, screamedonewith amazement.
就在这石火电光之间,女子兵败如山倒,惊呼之声,瞬间被李七夜的磅礴神识所淹没,神识无穷无尽,直入而入,势如破竹,女子根本就是不堪冲击,骇然尖叫一声。Inthisin an instant, Li Qiyedrove out the Knowledge Seamostdeep place of female, irresistible, fiercebraveincomparable.
就在这刹那之间,李七夜轰开了女子的识海最深处,势不可挡,悍勇无匹。„Youcauseto cheatone after another”under the Li Qiye'sbombardment, the femalelosessuch as, mountaininverted/fall, inYi Ye/one leafsmall boatlikedifficult situation, inthis moment, beautiful facechanging colors.
“你使诈一一”在李七夜的轰击下,女子兵败如,山倒,如同惊涛骇浪之中的一叶小舟,在这一刻,花容失色。InthisDongtime, the femalewantsto revoltwithout enough time, Li Qiyeis irresistible, when„bang”underloud sound, Li Qiyedrives straight aheadto enter, enters the deepestsoftplace, peelingmostprofoundis wonderful, suddenly the radiantincomparable, endlessfeelingheads oninstantaneously, making the personsoulflyNine Heavens.
在这侗时候,女子想反抗都来不及了,李七夜势不可挡,在“轰”的一声巨响之下,李七夜长驱而入,直入最深的柔软之处,剥得最深奥妙之时,突然璀璨无比,无尽的感受瞬间扑面而来,让人魂飞九天。„Thisisone after another” the Li Qiyecomplexionchanges, whenthisblasts outradiantly, Li QiyeDivine Consciousnessis immeasurable, concentratesto modelall landsinstantaneously, invertsYin Yang, reversesSamsara, does not give the opportunity that the femaleblasts out.
“这是一一”李七夜不由脸色一变,在这璀璨炸开的时候,李七夜神识无量,瞬间凝塑万域,颠倒阴阳,逆转轮回,不给女子炸开的机会。Hears„bang”a resonate sound, the femaleshakesinstantaneouslyfliessky, sheleaps, Ta Kong/treads the skygoes, vanishesin the horizoninstantaneously.
听到“砰”的一声响起,女子瞬间震飞上天空,她飞跃而起,踏空而去,瞬间消失在天际之中。„surnamed Li, has not endedwithyou.”Finally, the femaledisappearsinendlesssky.
“姓李的,与你没完。”最终,女子消失在无尽的天空之中。Li Qiyesatatthis time, the direction that the looks atfemalevanishes, mutteredsaid: „Verypersonawfully.”李七夜在这个时候坐了起来,看着女子消失的方向,不由喃喃地说道:“好不要命的人。”„Thisiswhat enmitywhatYuan.”Li Qiyerubbed the nose, whispered, said: „Mustperish togetherwithme.”
“这是何仇何怨。”李七夜不由揉了揉鼻子,嘀咕了一声,说道:“非要与我同归于尽。”Atthis time, Li Qiyestared atNine Heavens, wantedto peependless, but, finally, hesmiled bitterly, shook the headgently, no longersaid a word.
在这个时候,李七夜凝视九天,欲窥得无尽,但是,最后,他还是苦笑了一下,轻轻摇头,不再言语。Atthis time, constructedandLi Zhitianturns around, theyseemedanythingnot to see.
在这个时候,建奴和李止天都转过身来,他们好像什么都没有看到。„High Lordinvincibleone after another”atthis time, constructed the slavetoLi Qiyebowing the body, said.
“主上无敌一一”在这个时候,建奴向李七夜一鞠身,说道。Li Qiyelooked athisoneeyes, said: „Nowflatters, was late.”李七夜不由看了他一眼,说道:“现在才拍马屁,是不是迟了点。”„Lackeystem from the bottom of one's heart.”Always the cherish words such as goldconstructingslavesaidso manywordsrarely.
“奴才句句出自肺腑。”一向惜字如金的建奴难得说出这么多的话来。„A moment agoshewasinlegend”Li Zhitianwas also startled, after all, a moment agothatfemale, was really enoughfearful, underheruniquetechnique, his 12Wushuang/matchlesssacred fruitDragon Monarch, could not resist.
“刚才她就是传说中的”李止天也不由吃惊,毕竟,刚才那个女子,实在是够可怕的,在她独一无二的手法下,他这位十二颗无双圣果的龙君,根本是招架不住。Butis a title. „Li Qiyeshakes the headgently, said:”„human worldtitle, representativeanything.”
只不过是一个称谓罢了。“李七夜轻轻摇头,说道:”“人世间的称谓,代表不了什么。”„Whytwosimilarnames?”Constructing the slaveis pertinent.
“为什么两个差不多的称谓?”建奴一针见血。Li Qiyesmileslightly, said: „Thisshouldasktheirown, whycantwonames, a man and a woman.”李七夜淡淡一笑,说道:“这个就应该问他们自己了,为什么会两个称谓,一男一女。”Saying, Li Qiyealsoraise one's headlooks atsky, ponders, remembered something, but, does not feelright, as if the matteris notso.
说着,李七夜也不由抬头看着天空,不由沉思起来,想起了一些事情,但是,又觉得不对劲,似乎事情并非是如此。„Did Young Mastergo into debt?”Inthis moment, Li Zhitiancannot bearat heartin the curiosity.
“公子欠债了?”在这一刻,李止天也是忍不住心里在的好奇。SeeingLi Qiye'sis mysterious, realized that Li Qiye'sdeep and unmeasurable, Li Zhitianalwaysfelt, Li Qiye is not possibleto be in the debt of person, but, thisfemalevisitsprobablycollect debt, howeverdoes not seem like a creditor, thatfeeling, verystrange.
见过李七夜的神奇,认识到李七夜的深不可测,李止天总觉得,李七夜是不可能欠人的债,但是,这个女子好像是上门讨债,然而又不像是一个债主,那种感觉,给人十分的离奇。„All, did not say.”Atthis time, Li Qiyehisownwas even in doubt, according totruth, thisis the not possiblematter, but, thishuman world, probablyanythingdoes not press the truthnow, allsurpassedprobablyexpected.
“一切,都不好说。”在这个时候,连李七夜他自己都拿不准了,按道理来说,这是不可能的事情,但是,现在这人世间,好像什么都已经不按道理,一切都好像超出了预期。„Thiefold man, youdidanything.”Li Qiyewhispered.
“贼老头,你这是干了什么。”李七夜不由嘀咕了一声。Naturally, Li Zhitianis also good, constructs the slave, theydo not knowLi Qiye'sdoubtsrepresentativeanything, but, certainly some thingsare what we definitely know is that puzzlingLi Qiye.
当然,李止天也好,建奴也罢,他们都不知道李七夜的疑惑代表着什么,但是,可以肯定的是,一定是有一些事情困扰着李七夜。„Ok, drankonecupagain.” The Li Qiyestand, pattedclapping, saidwith a smile.
“好了,再喝一杯。”李七夜站了起来,拍了拍手,笑着说道。„Bang”loud sound, Li Qiyejuststood, plansto drinkonecup of timesagain, the smallwineshopjumpedsuddenly.
“轰”的一声巨响,李七夜刚站起来,打算再喝一杯的时候,小酒肆突然跳了起来。Right, thissmalltavernatthis time, livedprobablyall of a suddencameto be the same, probablygrewfourlegsto be the sameall of a sudden, jumped.
没错,这个小酒馆在这个时候,好像一下子活了过来一样,好像一下子生长出四条腿一般,一跳而起。„Bang, bangandbang”onethundersintermittentlyresonate sound, thissmalltavernjumpshigh, runsto goto the distant place.
“轰、轰、轰”的一阵阵轰鸣之声响起,这小酒馆高高跳起,向远处奔跑而去。Right, at this moment, thissmalltavernwill escapeto be the same unexpectedly, takes to one's heelsto runto goto the horizon.
没错,此时此刻,这小酒馆竟然会逃跑一样,撒腿向天边奔跑而去。„Followsquickly.”Li Qiyesmiled, takes a step.
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