ED :: Volume #45

#4421: I decide

An opens the mouth, then offended Dragon Cult, offended Eastern Desolate, such attitude, indeed is to make the person be flabbergasted. 一开口,便得罪了龙教,也得罪了东荒,这样的态度,也的确是让人咋舌。 After Li Qiye opens the mouth, the Eastern Desolate many cultivator powerhouses look angrily at it, especially many cultivator powerhouse and important people of Old Ancestor Eastern Desolate mission, is both eyes one cold. 李七夜开口之后,东荒不少修士强者怒视之,特别是东荒使团的诸多修士强者、大人物老祖,更是双目一冷。 After all, in their opinion, Li Qiye is just nameless junior, dares to talk nonsense before them, rampant extremely arrogant, does not place in their entire Eastern Desolate the eye, that is brings about own destruction. 毕竟,在他们看来,李七夜只不过是无名小辈罢了,竟敢在他们面前大放厥词,嚣张狂妄,不把他们整个东荒放在眼中,那是自寻死路。 Who this boy is, dares to bluster.” Has Eastern Desolate cultivator to hear this saying, cannot bear whisper. “这小子是谁呀,敢如此口出狂言。”有东荒修士一听到这话,就忍不住嘀咕一声。 Has Southern Desolate cultivator to say in a low voice: Is Li Qiye, Lesser Vajra Sect's sect master.” 南荒修士低声地说道:“就是李七夜,小金刚门的门主。” Lesser Vajra Sect, has not listened.” Regarding such Sect, Eastern Desolate any cultivator powerhouse, as soon as listens is also strange, has not listened. 小金刚门,没听过。”对于这样的一个门派,东荒的任何修士强者一听也都为之陌生,根本就是没听过。 Small to cannot small small sect small school.” Had the Dragon Cult disciple to smile bitterly. “一个小到不能再小的小门小派而已。”有龙教弟子苦笑了一下。 "Snort" has the Eastern Desolate powerhouse to be discontented, the whisper said: „A small Sect small role, dares to jump to reach before the world person, overreaches oneself, so small role, Dragon Cult no matter also teaches, this danger does smile the natural family/home?” “哼”东荒的强者不满,嘀咕地说道:“一个小门派的小角色,也敢在天下人面前蹦达,不自量力,如此小角色,龙教也不管教好,这岂不是殆笑大方之家吗?” Naturally, the Dragon Sect's disciple also smiled bitterly, did not say anything. 当然,龙教的弟子也都苦笑了一下,不说什么。 Li Qiye is Li Qiye.” Had the Southern Desolate powerhouse to set upright a thumb secretly, although Li Qiye opened the mouth to offend Dragon Cult and Eastern Desolate, but, was makes some Southern Desolate cultivator powerhouses like, especially has paid attention to the Li Qiye's cultivator powerhouse, was approves the mouth unceasingly, said: Is such rampant attitude, does not place in the world person the eye.” 李七夜就是李七夜。”有南荒的强者暗暗地竖了一下拇指,虽然李七夜一开口就得罪了龙教东荒,但是,也是让一些南荒修士强者喜欢,特别是一直都关注李七夜的修士强者,更是赞口不绝,说道:“就是这么嚣张的态度,不把天下人放在眼中。” Some Southern Desolate cultivator powerhouses, was used to Li Qiye to be like this rampant, after all, Li Qiye was rampant, was not one day two days of things. 一些南荒修士强者,也都习惯了李七夜这样的嚣张了,毕竟,李七夜嚣张,也不是一天二天的事情了。 junior, you come what which school.” In this moment, has Old Ancestor of Eastern Desolate mission unable to bear reprimand shouts: Dares boast shamelessly in front of various predecessors, making your elder come out.” 小辈,你出身何门何派。”在这一刻,有东荒使团的老祖就忍不住斥喝道:“敢在诸贤面前大言不惭,让你长辈出来。” Li Qiye looked that has not looked at one, smiled, said: One crowd of shameless old thing, dares the self-praise sage, the facial skin is also enough thick.” 李七夜看都未看一眼,笑了一下,说道:“一群恬不知耻的老东西,也敢自我标榜贤者,脸皮也是够厚的。” Li Qiye this saying let all Old Ancestor complexion big change of Eastern Desolate mission immediately, Li Qiye a few words, referred to a moment ago merely superficially, but, Li Qiye these words, are pointing at their Eastern Desolate mission nose cursed of Old Ancestor now. 李七夜这话就顿时让东荒使团的所有老祖脸色大变了,刚才李七夜一句话,仅仅是泛泛而指,但是,现在李七夜这一句话,就是指着他们东荒使团的诸位老祖的鼻子大骂了。 That feared that Old Ancestor of Eastern Desolate mission has the self-control again, has the demeanor again, as renowned important people, was pointing at nose cursed, can not fly into a rage? 那怕东荒使团的诸位老祖再有涵养,再有风度,作为声名赫赫的大人物,被人指着鼻子大骂,能不勃然大怒吗? Reckless thing Five Yang Old Sect Master both eyes one severe, spout cold light, cold voice said: You may know, who I and others are “不知死活的东西五阳老宗主双目一厉,喷涌出了寒光,冷声地说道:“你可知道,我等是谁” Does not know.” Li Qiye wants not to think, spoke thoughtlessly one should. “不知道。”李七夜想都不想,随口一应。 I am Five Yang Sect Old Sect Master, my son is Peerless supreme talent Five Yang Sovereign, presents sage, is world Wushuang/matchless Old Ancestor, this is Treasure Elephant True Person......” Five Yang Old Sect Master is singlish, the report to the given name, sent out portal. “我乃是五阳宗老宗主,吾儿乃是绝世天骄五阳皇,在场诸位贤者,都是天下无双老祖,此乃宝象真人……”五阳老宗主乃是朗朗上口,报向名号,报出门户 In fact, trading to do is others, one hear of Five Yang Old Sect Master, Five Yang Sovereign and Treasure Elephant True Person...... and so on prestige, will be scared, especially young one generation, is frightens the both legs to hit to tremble, after all, these illustrious prestige, that is stamps a foot, the land for building trembles important people that three shake. 事实上,换作是其他人,一听五阳老宗主五阳皇宝象真人……等等威名,都会被吓破了胆,特别是年轻一辈,更是吓得双腿直打哆嗦,毕竟,这些一个个赫赫的威名,那都是跺一脚,地皮颤三抖的大人物 However, regarding these given names, a Li Qiye interest does not have, beckons with the hand gently, said: Has not listened, even you reported on your Old Ancestor given name, I have not listened.” 但是,对于这些名号,李七夜一点兴趣都没有,轻轻地摆了摆手,说道:“没听过,就算你报上你们老祖宗的名号,我也没听过。” In fact, Li Qiye is not intentionally, he indeed has not listened, even if has listened, will not care. 事实上,李七夜也不是故意的,他也的确是没听过,就算听过,也不会放在心上。 You Five Yang Old Sect Master the complexion passes immediately red, he thinks that in report illustrious prestige, can deter Li Qiye surely, frightens scared shitless Li Qiye, but , a Li Qiye response does not have, this seems him to fight with the fists ruthlessly, actually hit spatial, this feeling was very uncomfortable, made Five Yang Old Sect Master become angry out of shame. “你”五阳老宗主顿时脸色红通,他本以为报上赫赫威名,必定能威慑李七夜,把李七夜吓得屁滚尿流,但是,没有想到,李七夜一点反应都没有,这就好像他狠狠一拳打出,却打了一个空,这种感觉就是十分难受了,也让五阳老宗主老羞成怒。 Ok, rolls now.” Li Qiye has no interest, beckons with the hand gently, said: I have other things to be busy.” “好了,现在滚吧。”李七夜没兴趣,轻轻摆了摆手,说道:“我还有其他事情要忙。” Li Qiye such beckoning with the hand, makes Five Yang Old Sect Master and Old Ancestor of Eastern Desolate mission wild with rage immediately, the anger is torrential, Li Qiye this beckons with the hand, catches up with the fly to be the same probably, does not pay attention to them. 李七夜这样的一摆手,顿时让五阳老宗主东荒使团的诸位老祖都狂怒,怒火滔滔,李七夜这一摆手,就好像是地赶苍蝇一样,根本就不把他们所有人放在眼里。 This boy was insane, hit the person not to apply makeup, this pulled out Eastern Desolate mission big slap on the face simply.” Had the cultivator powerhouse to pull out an cold air/Qi. “这小子是疯了吧,打人不打脸,这简直就是抽了东荒使团一个大耳光。”有修士强者不由抽了一口冷气。 The Eastern Desolate mission is comprised of Eastern Desolate many Ancient Aristocratic Family Old Ancestor, representative a Eastern Desolate strong incomparable strength, who is daring easily to offend, now Li Qiye is in front of their, like catching up with fly, must drive out them completely, does this pull out slap on the face of Eastern Desolate mission? 东荒使团乃是由东荒诸多古老世家老祖所组成,代表东荒一股强大无匹的实力,谁敢轻易得罪,现在李七夜当着他们的面,就像赶苍蝇一样,要把他们全部撵走,这岂不是抽东荒使团的耳光吗? Such shame, don't said that aristocratic family Old Ancestor such important people, only feared that any the big sects and countries powerhouse disciple will unable to endure, the metropolis/can anger soars to the heavens. 这样的羞辱,莫说世家老祖这样的大人物,只怕任何一个大教疆国的强者弟子都会忍受不住,都会怒火冲天。 Therefore, at this time, an eye of both anger observed closely Li Qiye, might tear to shreds to be the same Li Qiye. 所以,在这个时候,一双双怒火的眼睛盯住了李七夜,好像是要把李七夜碎尸万段一样。 junior Five Yang Old Sect Master shouted coldly: Here, is not one's turn your Ling send/hair, the matter of marrying, is not one's turn you to gesticulate, otherwise, bringing about own destruction?” Li Qiye smiled, said: What's wrong, hasn't lost heart? I cut your heads, loses heart.” 小辈五阳老宗主冷喝道:“在这里,轮不到你施令发号,联姻之事,也轮不到你指手画脚,否则,自寻死路是吗?”李七夜笑了一下,说道:“怎么,还不死心?是不是我把你们的头颅一个又一个砍下来,才死心。” Bold Li Qiye such words, enraged Old Ancestor of Eastern Desolate mission thoroughly, one after another shouted angrily, under the feather turban sage or Treasure Elephant True Person, was angry, stood. “大胆”李七夜这样的话,彻底激怒了东荒使团的诸位老祖,都纷纷怒喝一声,不论是羽巾贤者还是宝象真人,都大怒之下,站了起来。 Depending on your saying, then heinous crime.” Old Ancestor both eyes spouted the anger, he in Dragon Cult was a distinguished guest, kept aloof, today, nameless junior dares to be in front of the world person to shame them unexpectedly, this can not make them wild with rage. “凭你这话,便罪该万死。”有一位老祖双目都喷出怒火了,他在龙教都是一位贵宾,高高在上,今日,一个无名小辈竟然敢当着天下人的面羞辱他们,这又焉能不让他们狂怒。 Far more than heinous crime.” Five Yang Old Sect Master both eyes one severe, sinks to shout: Dares the shame my Five Yang Sect, my son must the slaughter his ten clans, probably let his posterity, the world world...... was good for the slave, does not want my son, my son.” Li Qiye beckons with the hand, smiled, said: I thought that you hang your son on the mouth frequently, it seems like your son somewhat skill, can make your old father take it as arrogantly, good, can I your old father killing, seeing your son revenge for you.” “何止罪该万死。”五阳老宗主双目一厉,沉喝道:“敢辱我五阳宗,吾儿必屠他十族,必让他子孙后代,世世为奴……好了,不要吾儿,吾儿的。”李七夜摆了摆手,不由笑了起来,说道:“我看你时时刻刻都把你儿子挂在嘴上,看来你儿子有几分本事,能让你这个老父亲以之为傲,那好,我就把你这个老父亲给杀了,看你儿子能不能为你报仇。” The words that Li Qiye this said with a smile, let everyone on the scene for it dumbfounded, at once, many people you looked at me, I thought your, some people pulled out an cold air/Qi. 李七夜这笑着说出来的话,让在场的所有人都不由为之呆住了,一时之间,不少人你看我,我看你的,也有人抽了一口冷气。 If, Five Yang Old Sect Master killing, but Five Yang Sovereign becomes Dao Monarch, that......” will have the cultivator powerhouse also to suppose boldly. “如果说,把五阳老宗主给杀了,而五阳皇又成为道君,那将会……”有修士强者也大胆假设起来。 That was the Five Yang Old Sect Master words, slaughter its ten clans, the posterity for generations was a slave.” Another powerhouse muttered said. “那就是五阳老宗主的话了,屠其十族,子孙后代世世代代为奴。”另外一个强者喃喃地说道。 However, when Li Qiye this saying said that to Li Qiye has the person of certain understanding, pulled out an cold air/Qi, Jian Qingzhu heard Li Qiye to say this saying time, faint, she had smelled smell of blood. 但是,当李七夜这话说出来之时,对李七夜有一定了解的人,也不由为之抽了一口冷气,简清竹一听到李七夜说这话的时候,隐隐之间,她已经闻到了一股血腥味了。 You the Five Yang Old Sect Master complexion become flushed, becomes the liver colored quickly, finally, the anger smiles extremely, said: Kills me, depends on your junior......” “你”五阳老宗主脸色涨红,快成猪肝色,最终,怒极而笑,说道:“杀我,就凭你一个小辈……” Finally gives you an opportunity, now rolls, otherwise, head falls to the ground.” Li Qiye smiles lightly, looks at Five Yang Old Sect Master, said slowly: „If not roll, that happen to about my intent, killed you, seeing your son can revenge for his old father.” “最后给你们一次机会,现在滚,否则,人头落地。”李七夜淡淡地一笑,看着五阳老宗主,徐徐地说道:“若不滚,那正好合我意,杀了你,看你儿子会不会为他老父亲报仇。” This saying said from the Li Qiye mouth, that superficial, but, had the understood person to Li Qiye, that was absolutely terrified. 这话从李七夜口中说出来,是那么的轻描淡写,但,对李七夜有所了解的人,那是不由毛骨悚然。 Then, Li Qiye intended to cut Five Yang Old Sect Master , will Five Yang Sovereign revenge for the own father? Especially after he becomes one generation of invincible Dao Monarch, he to give own father revenging slaughter its ten clans? 那么,李七夜有意斩了五阳老宗主,那么,五阳皇会为自己父亲报仇吗?特别是他成为一代无敌道君之后,他会为了给自己父亲报仇屠其十族吗? Sect Master, cut him.” At this time, till feather turban sage pair one cold, coldly said: Dares boast shamelessly, provokes Your Majesty Divine Power, when executes it.” 宗主,斩了他吧。”此时,羽巾贤者双止一寒,冷冷地说道:“敢大言不惭,挑衅陛下神威,当诛之。” Killed him.” At this time, till Five Yang Old Sect Master also pair one cold, told to three elders, said: Breaks the hands and feet, the broken meridians, put to death by dismemberment the execution.” “杀了他。”此时,五阳老宗主也双止一寒,对身边的三位长老吩咐,说道:“断手脚,碎经脉,凌迟处死。” A Five Yang Old Sect Master instruction, the three elders of his side stood immediately, the body like lightning, became the triangle instantaneously, surround Li Qiye. 五阳老宗主一吩咐,他身边的三位长老立即站了出来,身如闪电,瞬间成三角,围住李七夜 In this moment, everyone turns very quiet, looks at at present this, Five Yang Sect is Large Sect, strength very formidable, three elder take action, the matter of that absolute no small matter. 在这一刻,所有人都不由为之屏住呼吸,看着眼前这一幕,五阳宗乃是大教,实力十分强悍,三位长老出手,那绝对非同小可之事。 At this time, Dragon Sect's three ancient monster have not spoken, but stands in one side looks at, Peacock Bright King have no reason to prevent, he has wanted to cut to kill Li Qiye, is the own son revenges, is only at this moment concerned about the status, without take action. 此时,龙教的三位古妖也没有吭声,只是站在一旁看着,孔雀明王更是没有理由阻止,他早就想斩杀李七夜,为自己儿子报仇,只是此时此刻碍于身份,没有出手罢了。 Now Five Yang Sect wanted take action to cut Li Qiye, or wanted the ice to locate Li Qiye, regarding Peacock Bright King, why not go ahead with it? 现在五阳宗出手斩了李七夜,或者要凌处李七夜,对于孔雀明王来说,何乐不为呢? Killing a fly with a hammer.” At this time, elder coldly looked at Li Qiye one, said desolate: Boy, the brothers three people begins today, is good fortune that your three generations cultivates.” “杀鸡焉用牛刀。”在这个时候,其中一位长老冷冷地看了李七夜一眼,冷森森地说道:“小子,今天我们兄弟三人动手,乃是你三世修来的福分。” Regarding the Five Yang Sect three elders, they have not placed in Li Qiye the eye, after all, they are the Five Yang Sect elder, formidable of strength, non- junior can, let alone be family background small sect small school junior, to them, this is just easy, they want Li Qiye to be in deep sorrow, that is also the easy matter. 对于五阳宗的三位长老而言,他们没把李七夜放在眼中,毕竟,他们乃是五阳宗长老,实力之强悍,非小辈所能及,更何况是一个出身小门小派小辈而已,对于他们而言,这只不过是手到擒来罢了,他们想要李七夜痛不欲生,那也是轻而易举之事。 Blade comes Li Qiye to look that has not looked at one, spoke thoughtlessly to call out. “刀来”李七夜看都没有多看一眼,随口叫道。 Hears clang a resonate sound, the Jian Qingzhu phoenix plume blade took off/escaped the sheath to depart, fell into the Li Qiye hand. 听到“铛”的一声响起,简清竹的凤翎刀脱鞘飞出,落入了李七夜手中。 Gives you first take action opportunity.” A phoenix plume blade finger/refers in Li Qiye hand, was saying to three elders conveniently superficially: Otherwise, a blade killed you, in order to avoid you are unwilling, makes trouble must whisper I there not to you opportunity.” “给你们先出手的机会。”李七夜手中的凤翎刀随手一指,对着三位长老轻描淡写地说道:“不然,一刀杀了你们,以免得你们不甘心,做鬼也要在那里嘀咕我没给你们机会。” Good, good, good.” Three elders were mad result in the complexion to become flushed, the anger smiles extremely, said the half-length skirt: Now youngster, the tone is getting bigger and bigger.” “好,好,好。”三位长老被气得脸色涨红,怒极而笑,说半身裙:“现在年轻人,口气越来越大。”
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