ED :: Volume #45

#4420: I decided

At once, the atmosphere was dignified to the extreme, under the Ancient Tree opens the mouth, Golden Phoenix Monster King also refuted incompetently, did not have the strength resistance. 一时之间,气氛是凝重到了极点,在古树开口之下,金鸾妖王也无能反驳,也无实力对抗。 Although said, Golden Phoenix Monster King is one generation of Monster King, the strength is really powerful, but , compared with one of Three Great Ancient Monsters Ancient Tree, that has the enormous disparity. 虽然说,金鸾妖王乃是一代妖王,实力甚为强大,但是,与三大古妖之一古树相比起来,那就有着极大的差距了。 Let alone, Ancient Tree is not only one of Three Great Ancient Monsters, but, as Dragon Cult most powerful Ancient Ancestor, he in Sect, has the extremely strong power, it may be said that is powerful, the speech has the component. 更何况,古树不仅是三大古妖之一,而且,作为龙教最位高权重的古祖,他在宗门之内,拥有着极强大的权力,可谓是位高权重,说话乃是十分有份量。 At this time, Ancient Tree has spoken, Dragon Cult many Old Ancestor also indeed are favors this to marry, even is Dragon Sect's many disciples, if stands sane perspective, same is favors this to marry. 在这个时候,古树已经发话,龙教诸多的老祖也的确是看好这一桩联姻,甚至是龙教的诸多弟子,若是站在理智的角度来看,也一样是看好这一桩联姻。 After all, Five Yang Sovereign is future Dao Monarch, that feared that Five Yang Sovereign cannot become Dao Monarch in the future, will become one generation of invincible generations, can be on par Dao Monarch, has Peerless Innate Talent, has Heavenly Peng Bloodline Five Yang Sovereign, with Jian Qingzhu absolutely is match. 毕竟,五阳皇乃是未来的道君,那怕五阳皇未来不能成为道君,也将会成为一代无敌之辈,可以比肩道君,拥有着绝世天赋,拥有着天鹏血统五阳皇,与简清竹绝对是十分的匹配。 As Monster Race, if Five Yang Sovereign Heavenly Peng Bloodline and Jian Qingzhu Phoenix Bloodline unifies mutually, is extremely the matter of advantage, if feeds in Dragon Cult such Bloodline again, that can augment Dragon Sect's background. 作为妖族而言,若是五阳皇天鹏血统简清竹凤凰血统相互结合,乃是极利之事,若是再把这样的血统传回龙教,那更是能添增龙教的底蕴 It can be said that besides few people, marries facing such a, Dragon Cult is also good, Eastern Desolate is also good, will approve, will favor this to marry. 可以说,除了极少数的人之外,面对这样的一桩联姻,龙教也好,东荒也好,都会赞同,都会看好这一桩联姻。 Although said, Jian Qingzhu is opposed such marries, in fact, in grasping Old Ancestor and Cult Master of elder the big sects and countries destiny power is looking like, before a Sect ten thousand years of important matter, a will of disciple, is not worth mentioning. 虽然说,简清竹是反对这样的一桩联姻,事实上,在掌握着大教疆国命运大权的诸位老祖教主长老看来,在宗门的万年大计之前,一位弟子的意志,不值得一提。 Let alone, Jian Qingzhu takes Dragon Cult Saintess, she should the responsibility of promising Dragon Cult contribution, for with the Eastern Desolate alliance, strengthen tie between Eastern Desolate and Dragon Cult , Jian Qingzhu this Dragon Cult Saintess, marries Five Yang Sect, is Sect makes the contribution, that is the matter of being duty-bound. 更何况,简清竹作为龙教圣女,她应该有为龙教贡献的责任,为了与东荒的联盟,加强东荒龙教之间的纽带,那么,简清竹这位龙教圣女,远嫁五阳宗,为宗门作出贡献,那是责无旁贷之事。 Therefore, looks like in many people, the opposition of Jian Qingzhu is invalid . Moreover, must obey the arrangement of Sect. 所以,在不少人看来,简清竹的反对是无效的,而且,也必须服从宗门的安排。 Good, good.” Sees this to marry has decided that Five Yang Old Sect Master also for it one happy, said: My Five Yang Sect presents betrothal gifts instantly, selects the lucky day and time, then gets married with my son.” “甚好,甚好。”见此联姻已定,五阳老宗主也不由为之一喜,说道:“我五阳宗即刻下聘,择良辰吉日,便与吾儿成亲。” Two happy unions lasting a hundred years, this is beautiful talk.” Peacock Bright King also shows the smile, regarding such result / to bear fruit is really satisfied. “两家百年好合,此乃是一桩美谈。”孔雀明王也不由露出笑容,对于这样的结果甚是满意。 Regarding Peacock Bright King, regardless the own personal gain, stands Sect perspective, to forms an alliance with Five Yang Sect and Eastern Desolate, that is hundred advantages does not certainly have matter of the evil, is his Cult Master great achievements, in the future can augment strong one for his cause. 对于孔雀明王而言,撇开自己的私利,站在宗门角度而言,对与五阳宗东荒结盟,那当然是百利无一害之事,更是他这位教主的丰功伟绩,未来能为他的伟业上添增浓厚的一笔。 Sees Dragon Cult and Five Yang Sect comes to an arrangement, Golden Phoenix Monster King for it complexion big change, Jian Qingzhu is also pale, at this time, without more powerful strength attacks , their will marry will become the matter of being settled. 龙教五阳宗谈妥,金鸾妖王不由为之脸色大变,简清竹也不由脸色发白,在这个时候,若是没有更加强大的力量去冲击,那么,他们这一桩联姻就将会成为板上钉钉之事。 What's wrong, is this year in vogue marries to compel to marry?” At this time, an ease sound resounded. “怎么,这年头这么盛行强娶强嫁吗?”就在这个时候,一个悠然的声音响起。 Originally, Dragon Cult and Five Yang Sect have reached an agreement this to marry, when this is the great happiness, when this moment emits such a sound, that appears very towering, sabotaged the atmosphere of this jubilation all of a sudden. 本来,龙教五阳宗已经谈好了这一桩联姻,此乃是大喜之时,在这一刻冒出这样的一个声音之时,那就显得十分突兀了,一下子破坏了这喜庆的气氛。 Everyone turns head immediately, looks following this sound, sees only to have three people to walk into the field, two elders one few, few walks in the middle, two elders about. 大家立即回头,顺着这声音望去,只见有三个人走入场来,两老一少,少者走在中间,两老在左右。 Young Master, Ancient Ancestor.” Sees three people who this walks into, Jian Qingzhu just like sees the liberator to be the same, for it one happy, at this time, a heart that Jian Qingzhu that hung put down finally, her backer arrived, finally could be saved. 公子,古祖。”看到这走入来的三个人,简清竹就犹如见到救星一样,不由为之一喜,在这个时候,简清竹那高悬的一颗心终于放下了,她靠山到了,终于有救了。 Li Qiye-- sees these three people, immediately some people recognized the youth, naturally was Li Qiye, but, some two elders people did not know, some people said in a low voice: Who is that?” 李七夜——”看到这三个人,立即有人认出了青年,当然是李七夜了,但是,两老有人不认识,有人低声地说道:“那是谁?” „When Ancient Ancestor-- is seeing these two Old Man, the Dragon Sect's powerhouses for it mind cold, Dragon Cult Old Ancestor also one after another on the scene set out to do obeisance, the Dragon Sect's disciple also follows to do obeisance greatly. 古祖——”在一见到这两个老人之时,龙教的强者都不由为之心神一凛,在场的龙教老祖也都纷纷起身一拜,龙教的弟子也都跟着大拜。 even if also does obeisance as Cult Master Peacock Bright King, Ancient Tree also stood. 就算是作为教主孔雀明王也是一拜,古树也站了起来。 Ancient Pheasant and Ancient Lion.” After seeing these two Old Man, there is a powerhouse to recognize immediately, pulled out an cold air/Qi, loses one's voice said. 古雉古狮。”一见到这两位老人之后,有强者立即认出来,不由抽了一口冷气,失声地说道。 What, Ancient Pheasant and Ancient Lion, this is Dragon Cult Three Great Ancient Monsters.” Hears this given name, everyone also for it mind big change. “什么,古雉古狮,这是龙教三大古妖。”一听到这个大名,大家也都不由为之心神剧震 Three Great Ancient Monsters, is prestigious, today, Three Great Ancient Monsters also arrived, how this does not let person mind big change. 三大古妖,乃是威名赫赫,今日,三大古妖也都到场了,这怎么不让人心神剧震呢。 Ancient Lion, is one of Three Great Ancient Monsters, tall and powerfully built, looks about, has fearful Divine Power, a dominating feeling, seems like a lion to be the same, killing comes, filled strength. 古狮,乃是三大古妖之一,身材魁梧,顾盼之间,有着慑人神威,给人一种雄霸之感,就好像是一头雄狮一样,扑杀而来,乃是充满了力量 At this time, Eastern Desolate Old Ancestor, many powerhouses, shakes for it mind, one after another looks at at present this. 此时,东荒诸位老祖,诸多强者,也都为之心神一震,都纷纷看着眼前这一幕。 You also came finally.” Sees Ancient Pheasant and Ancient Lion, Ancient Tree is not surprised, greets. “你们也终于来了。”看到古雉古狮,古树也不吃惊,打了招呼。 You are Li Qiye that everyone said.” Meanwhile, Ancient Tree both eyes concentrates, is staring at Li Qiye. “你就是大家所说的李七夜。”同时,古树双目一凝,盯着李七夜 However, Li Qiye, has not actually paid attention, looked at Five Yang Old Sect Master one, said lightly: Ok, this marrying, cancelled.” 但是,李七夜,未却理会,看了五阳老宗主一眼,淡淡地说道:“好了,这桩联姻,就地取消。” What-- Li Qiye this saying, on the scene immediately in an uproar, everyone eyes open the eyes in a big way. “什么——李七夜这话一出,在场顿时一片哗然,所有人都不由一双眼睛睁得大大的。 Two schools marry, is the huge matter, now Li Qiye asks for it to cancel marries, this tears Dragon Cult and Five Yang Sect? This with Dragon Cult and Five Yang Sect for the enemy? 两派联姻,乃是天大之事,现在李七夜一开口就要取消联姻,这不是要把龙教五阳宗都撕裂吗?这不是要与龙教五阳宗为敌吗? bold and arrogant-- at this time, Five Yang Old Sect Master drank one severely, said: You is a what kind of person, dares here to talk nonsense, tired of living?” 放肆——”在这个时候,五阳老宗主厉喝一声,说道:“你是何许人,敢在这里大放厥词,活腻了吗?” junior, this is the matter of Dragon Cult, rests you to speak irresponsibly, this king has not done accounts with you.” Peacock Bright King cannot repress, reprimanded to Li Qiye shouts, both eyes one severe. 小辈,此乃是龙教之事,休得你乱说,本座还未与你算帐。”孔雀明王也按捺不住,对李七夜斥喝道,双目一厉。 Peacock, draws back.” At this time, the Ancient Pheasant opens the mouth, coldly said. “孔雀,退下。”在这个时候,古雉开口,冷冷地说道。 Ancient Ancestor-- in this moment, Peacock Bright King also for it one cold, but, is unwilling, looks to Ancient Tree. 古祖——”在这一刻,孔雀明王也不由为之一凛,但是,不甘心,向古树望去。 Ancient Tree came from dragon platform, as of dragon platform three lineage/vein Ancient Ancestor, Ancient Tree supports certainly Peacock Bright King. 古树是出身于龙台,作为三脉之一龙台古祖,古树当然是力挺孔雀明王 „The matter of marrying, this is significant, not child's play.” Ancient Tree said to Ancient Pheasant and Ancient Pheasant liangs person sinking sound. “联姻之事,兹为重大,不可儿戏。”古树古雉个人沉声说道。 old tree, our three people, this marry, I cast the opposite ballot with old chicken.” At this time the Ancient Lion opens the mouth, the sound vigorously, said loudly: Therefore, this marries, invalid.” 老树,我们三个人,这一桩联姻,我与老鸡儿投反对票。”此时古狮开口,声音浑厚,大声地说道:“所以,这一桩联姻,无效。” This saying said that the entire scene on the scene was peaceful, everyone is looking at present this all of a sudden. 这话一说出来,在场整个场面都安静下来了,一下子所有人都望着眼前这一幕。 Originally, Dragon Cult and Five Yang Sect marry, shortly is the matter of being settled, now among a blink, then became malingered, this indeed was also scared. 本来,龙教五阳宗联姻,眼看就是板上钉钉的事情,现在一眨眼之间,便成了泡汤了,这也的确是让人傻眼了。 Naturally, the Ancient Lion words are also very substantive, just like Ancient Tree . Moreover, now in Dragon Cult Three Great Ancient Monsters Ancient Pheasant and Ancient Lion opposed that this marries, that means that fears the Ancient Tree support, this married and discusses inadequately. 当然,古狮的话也是十分有份量的,与古树一样,而且,现在龙教三大古妖古雉古狮都反对这一桩联姻,那就意味着,那怕古树支持,这一桩联姻与谈不成了。 This-- at once, Peacock Bright King also poked there, the complexion became flushed, originally, this grand meeting was, the itself/Ben that he facilitated personally is the Dragon Sect's great long-term cause , in this twinkling, then malingered . Moreover, his Cult Master authority was under the impact. “这——”一时之间,孔雀明王也杵在了那里,脸色涨红,本来,这一场盛会就是他亲手所促成的,本就是龙教的千秋大业,没有想到,在这一眨眼之间,便泡汤了,而且,他的教主权威受到了冲击。 .” Ancient Tree stamps the feet, were not many says. “罢了,罢了。”古树一跺脚,也不多说了。 After all, their Dragon Cult has the Dragon Sect's gauge discipline, at the matter of such important matter, their Three Great Ancient Monsters also decides, if Ancient Pheasant and Ancient Lion opposed that this marries , this married malingers. 毕竟,他们龙教龙教的规纪,在这样的大事之事,他们三大古妖同时拍板,如果说,古雉古狮都反对这一桩联姻,那么,这一桩联姻就是泡汤了。 Originally, Peacock Bright King or Ancient Tree, wants to cut the gordian knot, is in front of everyone, the standpoint is complying with Five Yang Sect to marry, once if set this to marry, then, even afterward Ancient Pheasant and Ancient Lion opposed that was still invalid, because of what is done cannot be undone. 本来,不论是孔雀明王还是古树,也是想快刀斩乱麻,当着所有人的面,立场答应五阳宗的这一桩联姻,若是一旦定下了这一桩联姻,那么,就算事后古雉古狮反对,那也是无效,因为木已成舟。 However, in this crucial point, Ancient Pheasant and Ancient Lion stand, opposed that simultaneously this marries, this enabled Peacock Bright King this grand occasion also to fail. 但是,就在这节骨眼上,古雉古狮站了出来,都同时反对这一桩联姻,这使得孔雀明王这一桩盛事也是落空了。 Two daoist brother, this matter for significant, but also invited think carefully.” At this time, the feather turban sage did best to convince to persuade Ancient Pheasant and Ancient Lion busily, said: Our Eastern Desolate mission, hundred teaches thousand clans, coming in waves, this is the bosom is sincere, but , is also willing to testify for this bestowed by heaven predestined match, Dragon Cult and Five Yang Sect marry, is this perfect matter......”? Yes, this is the matter of extraordinarily good luck. Five Yang Sovereign is now the Wushuang/matchless spoiled child, is future Dao Monarch, such Ji Yuan, considers to reconcile also......” Treasure Elephant True Person wait/etc Eastern Desolate Old Ancestor also one after another to speak to make peace. “两位道兄,此事兹为重大,还请三思。”在这个时候,羽巾贤者忙是苦口婆心劝说古雉古狮,说道:“我们东荒使团,百教千族,联袂而来,此乃是怀诚心而至,也愿为这一桩天赐良缘作证,龙教五阳宗联姻,此乃是十全十美之事……”?“是呀,此乃是大吉之事也。五阳皇乃是当今无双骄子,乃是未来道君,此等吉缘,当是撮合也……”宝象真人等等诸位东荒老祖也都纷纷出言劝和。 Ok, is not your family marries the daughter, worries about so many to do.” At this time, Ancient Pheasant has not spoken, Li Qiye beckons with the hand gently, said: Does not marry does not marry, do so many idle talk do, ok, you dispersed.” “好了,又不是你们家嫁女儿,操心这么多干什么。”在这个时候,古雉还没有说话,李七夜轻轻摆了摆手,说道:“不嫁就是不嫁,那么多废话干什么,好了,你们都散了吧。” Your-- Li Qiye this saying, angered Eastern Desolate everyone all of a sudden, the feather turban sage or Treasure Elephant True Person wait/etc, looks angrily at Li Qiye. “你——李七夜这话,就一下子惹怒了东荒的所有人了,不论是羽巾贤者还是宝象真人等等,都怒视李七夜 junior, your possibly representative Dragon Cult-- feather turban sage interrogated loudly. 小辈,你可能代表龙教——”羽巾贤者不由大声质问。 Peacock Bright King also both eyes one severe, coldly stares at Li Qiye, the sinking sound was saying: „The matter of Dragon Cult, does not need the bystander to gesticulate, dares the fainting word, this place unable to accommodate you again.” 孔雀明王双目一厉,冷冷地盯着李七夜,沉声地说道:“龙教之事,无需外人指手画脚,敢再厥言,此地容不得你。” Peacock Bright King wants to begin to Li Qiye now, even wants to cut Li Qiye, is the son who own died revenges, but, at this moment, is their Dragon Cult grand meeting, takes the larger situation into account, he was hold back heart inside anger. 孔雀明王现在就想对李七夜动手,甚至想斩了李七夜,为自己死去的儿子报仇,只不过,此时此刻,乃是他们龙教盛会,以大局为重,他还是忍住了心里面的怒火。 I do not need representative anyone.” Li Qiye smiled, beckons with the hand lightly, told that said: This girl, my looks at, I did not say good, is not good, who is ignorant of the proper action to take, that brings about own destruction.” “我不需要代表谁。”李七夜笑了一下,轻摆手,吩咐地说道:“这丫头,我看着,我说不行,就是不行,谁不知进退,那就是自寻死路。” Li Qiye this saying said superficially, is as rampant as the extreme. 李七夜这话说得轻描淡写,也是嚣张到极点。 On the scene not only has Dragon Cult many Old Ancestor, Eastern Desolate hundred teach the Old Ancestor powerhouses of thousand clans, now Li Qiye speaks thoughtlessly a saying, offended everyone. 在场不仅是有龙教诸多老祖,还有东荒百教千族的老祖强者,现在李七夜随口一说,就是把所有人都得罪了。 This saying not only does not place in Dragon Cult the eye, hundred does not teach thousand clans to pay attention to Eastern Desolate, even does not spare a glance, doesn't this make people angry? 这话不仅是不把龙教放在眼中,也是不把东荒百教千族放在眼里,甚至是不屑一顾,这怎么不让人为之愤怒呢?
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