ED :: Volume #43

#4274: Heaven Domain

Heaven Domain, is one of the Eight Desolate, even in Eight Desolate, some people said that Heaven Domain is the head of Eight Desolate. 天疆,乃是八荒之一,甚至在八荒之中,有人称天疆八荒之首。 Heaven Domain, in Eight Desolate, possibly is not the place of most vast, but, in Eight Desolate, Heaven Domain, absolutely is the most powerful territory, even some people said, in Eight Desolate, Heaven Domain has had Dao Monarch is most. 天疆,在八荒之中,可能不是最为广袤之地,但是,在八荒之中,天疆,绝对是最为强大的一域,甚至有人说,在八荒之中,天疆出过的道君是最多的。 Moreover, some people have counted, Heaven Domain has had invincible generation, is in entire Eight Desolate are most. 而且,有人统计过,天疆出过的无敌之辈,也是整个八荒之中最多的。 Also because of so, Heaven Domain, was called the head of Eight Desolate by many people, therefore, how various Eight Desolate territories compete, how rank and how struggle, but, only fears in Eight Desolate, no desolate dares saying that own arranges before Heaven Domain, most also says with Heaven Domain compound. 也正是因为如此,天疆,被不少人称之为八荒之首,所以,不论是八荒各域是怎么样攀比、怎么样排名、怎么样斗争,但是,只怕在八荒之中,没有哪一荒敢说自己是排在天疆之前的,最多也就是自称与天疆并列而言。 Since big of Heaven Domain, Heaven Domain, billion years, that has attracted the innumerable cultivator powerhouses in various Eight Desolate territories to travel the pilgrimage, there are innumerable cultivator powerhouses to come Heaven Domain to ask. 天疆之大,天疆之强,千百万年以来,那都是吸引着八荒各域的无数修士强者前来游历朝圣,也有无数的修士强者都前来天疆求道。 Even can say, regarding entire Eight Desolate, since this billion years, Heaven Domain, has been Dao Monarch must come the place. 甚至可以说,对于整个八荒而言,在这千百万年以来,天疆,乃是道君必来之地。 vast of Heaven Domain, is limitless, in entire Heaven Domain, Vast Ocean whether there is to perform, there is all lands endless desert, there are to make people unable to peep at the place of its depth broad big ruins...... 天疆广袤,也是无边无际,在整个天疆之中,有无尽的汪洋大海,也有万域无疆的沙漠,也有让人无法窥视其深浅广阔的大墟之地…… Even some people once said, in Heaven Domain, enough makes any cultivator powerhouse explore for a lifetime, even there are many exist(ence), the poor its life, is unable to explore completely, since billion years, still during the mysterious dense fog covers. 甚至有人曾说,在天疆,足够让任何修士强者探索一辈子,甚至有许许多多的存在,穷其一生,都无法完全探索完,千百万年以来,依然在神秘的迷雾笼罩之中。 For example the place of big ruins is so, since billion years, has not seen people to end Isolated Exploration Ground of big ruins thoroughly. 比如大墟之地就是如此,千百万年以来,也未曾见人彻底把大墟之地探索完。 Heaven Domain vast, just like colossus general Sect inheritance to be as numerous as the hairs of an ox, even in this innumerable Sect inheritance, has many Sect aristocratic families is hidden dragons and crouching tigers, some seemingly small Ancient Aristocratic Family, even has heaven frightening invincible exist(ence), will yield and withdraw including Dao Monarch. 天疆广袤,犹如庞然大物一般的门派传承多如牛毛,甚至在这无数的门派传承之中,有着不少的门派世家乃是藏龙卧虎,一些看起来小小的古老世家,甚至藏有惊天无敌的存在,连道君都会退避三舍。 Also because of so, making Heaven Domain be full of the charm, since billion years, the innumerable cultivator powerhouses in various Eight Desolate territories have come to explore to go on a pilgrimage, and even is asks practice. 也正是因为如此,使得天疆充满了魅力,千百万年以来,八荒各域的无数修士强者都前来探索朝圣,乃至是求道修行 Heaven Domain is one of the Eight Desolate, but, in Heaven Domain, there is the name of five uncultivated area. 天疆乃是八荒之一,但是,在天疆之内,又有五荒之称。 The Heaven Domain five uncultivated area, besides is the region position, marks off by the influence distribution, therefore, a some degree, the Heaven Domain five uncultivated area, is representative Heaven Domain five most powerful strength . Moreover, since these five most powerful strength, billion years, have made Eight Desolate shiver, that fears like Dao Monarch, regarding Heaven Domain five uncultivated area such exist(ence), same is approves the mouth unceasingly. 天疆五荒,除了是地域位置之外,更是以势力分布而划界,所以,在某一种程度上来讲,天疆五荒,就是代表天疆五股最强大的力量,而且,这五股最强大的力量,千百万年以来,都让八荒颤抖,那怕如道君,对于天疆五荒这样的存在,也一样是赞口不绝。 Heaven Domain has the five uncultivated area, respectively is the east , south , west and north, five Great Ruins, Aramata was called the ruins, some people call it the big ruins. 天疆有五荒,分别是东、西、南、北、中五大荒也,中荒又被人称之为中墟,也有人称之为大墟。 But in this five uncultivated area, was called the desolate of ruins and big ruins is most mystical, even does not dare easily to step in Dao Monarch. 而在这五荒之中,被称之为中墟、大墟的中荒乃是最为神秘,甚至连道君都不敢轻易涉足。 As for other Four Desolated Land, each has his good points. 至于其他四荒,各有千秋。 Northern Desolate, True Immortal has ten thousand sects, uses True Immortal Cult as the cauldron, once was incomparably radiant era, Dao Monarch Mo Xian then stemmed from this. 北荒,真仙万教,其中以真仙教为鼎,曾经是无比璀璨的时代,摩仙道君便是出自于此。 Western Desolate, 3000 asked Dao Temple, was uses Three Thousand Daos as the cauldron, raised Western Desolate, everyone will think of person-- Dao Sanqian, giant in a time river, stood erect of billion years exist(ence), Dao Monarch names for the invincibility of master. 西荒,三千问道场,乃是以三千道为鼎也,提起西荒,所有人都会想到一个人——道三千,一个在时间长河上的巨人,屹立千百万年之久的存在,道君都称之一声为师的无敌。 Southern Desolate, the lion roar has hundred countries, is uses Lion Roar Country as the cauldron, the hold of Lion Roar Country, hundred Saints toward, are prominent toward the prestige, what is more important, the country of lion roar, exist(ence), although billion years has not been born, but since, billion years, still has made the invincible generation dread incomparably. 南荒,狮吼有百国,其中乃是以狮吼国为鼎,狮吼国之盛,百圣在朝,朝威显赫,更重要的是,狮吼之国,有一位存在,虽然千百万年未普出世,但是,千百万年以来,依然让无敌之辈忌惮无比。 Eastern Desolate, is Hundred Families fires a salvo, free and powerful...... 东荒,乃是百家齐放,自由而强盛…… Once some people had said that the Heaven Domain five uncultivated area, any wild exist(ence), the strength of either one, can steamroll Eight Desolate other seven desolate, although said, this saying sounded somewhat exaggerating, but, actually many important people believe that although was a little exaggerating, but, is not far from the fact. 曾有人说过,天疆五荒,任何一荒的存在,任何一方的实力,都可以碾压八荒的其他七荒,虽然说,这话听起来有些夸张,但是,却有不少大人物认为,虽然有点夸张,但是,离事实不远了。 Since no matter how, billion years, Heaven Domain has been has many Dao Monarch, is the most powerful desolate. 不管如何,千百万年以来,天疆乃是出过最多道君、也是最为强大的一荒。 But in Heaven Domain, the person is strolling, this person manner is tranquil, the whole person looks somewhat dirty, moreover is aimless, the whole person seems like to all indifferently is the same, seems like a being as if in a trance person. 而在天疆之中,有一个人在漫行着,这个人神态平静,整个人看起来有些脏兮兮的,而且是漫无目的,整个人看起来好像是对一切都漠然一样,就好像是一个丢了魂的人。 Person who this strolls in Heaven Domain, is not others, is Li Qiye, this time Li Qiye seems like with him is completely usually different, present Li Qiye, seems like one to beg for food, the ratio begged for food so to be little slightly, was so cleanly little. 这个漫行于天疆的人,不是别人,正是李七夜,此时的李七夜看起来和他平时完全不一样,现在的李七夜,看起来就像是一个要饭,稍稍比要饭强那么一点点,干净那么一点点罢了。 Li Qiye strolls in Heaven Domain, probably lost soul, the pair of eyes defocusing was the same, said that exaggerating, seemed like walking dead. 李七夜漫行于天疆之中,好像丢了魂魄,双眼失焦一样,说夸张一点,就好像是行尸走肉 Naturally, Li Qiye did not lose soul, his exile own, sends into exile own True Fate soul, making own flesh body inundate without the goal walks. 当然,李七夜并非是丢了魂魄,他只是放逐自己而已,把自己真命魂魄放逐,让自己肉身漫无目地行走罢了。 Therefore, under such exile, the Li Qiye's body may curl and shrink in a small corner is several years, curls and shrinks like begging for food there , there is a possibility to pass through Eastern Desolate, Northern Desolate wait/etc Grand Territory instantaneously, that feared that is the place of big ruins the world is unable to span, Li Qiye that also was just a cross past. 所以,在这样的放逐之下,李七夜的身体有可能在一个小角落一卷缩就是好几年,像要饭一样卷缩在那里,也有可能瞬间穿过了东荒北荒等等大域,那怕是世人无法跨越的大墟之地了,李七夜那也只不过是一步跨过去而已。 Therefore, even if Li Qiye sent into exile own, all of this world will not become any influence on other party, nothing but is he wants. 所以,就算是李七夜放逐了自己,这世间的一切都不会对他造成任何影响,无非是他愿不愿意而已。 When Li Qiye sends into exile in place of legendary place, two forms flash before instantaneously, these two form speeds are extremely fast, can say that instantaneous cross passes through the space, as if world there's nothing compared with them quicker, but, their speed is fast, quickly Li Qiye. 李七夜放逐在一片充满传奇的地方之地,有两个身影瞬间闪现,这两个身影速度极快,可以说瞬间跨穿越空间,似乎世间没有什么比她们更快的了,但是,她们速度再快,也快不过李七夜 Therefore, when they arrive in the place of Li Qiye exile instantaneously, Li Qiye has left, had vanished. 所以,当她们瞬间抵达李七夜放逐之地的时候,李七夜已经离开了,已经消失了。 That feared that is the Li Qiye self- exile, but, if he does not need others to pursue, that feared that powerful exist(ence), cannot catch up with him, even cannot see him. 那怕是李七夜自我放逐,但是,如果他不需要别人追上来,那怕再强大的存在,都追不上他,甚至见不到他。 These two flash before instantaneously, is two Peerless beautiful women, smoke regards to flatter the line, one is the mature noble descent, two Peerless beautiful women, where to show one's face, will seize the person soul, two present simultaneously time, is frightening, does not know that can make many of states of mind not defend. 这两个瞬间闪现的,乃是两个绝世美女,一个烟视媚行,一个乃是成熟贵胄,两个绝世美女,不论是哪里一露脸,都会夺人心魂,两个同时出现的时候,更是让人心惊,不知道能让多少人神魂不守。 „Did you feel?” That charming female's bone to inter the body female to the mature noble descent said. “你感觉到了?”那个妩媚入骨的女子对成熟贵胄的女子说道。 Female nod of mature noble descent, said: Yes, is he.” 成熟贵胄的女子点头,说道:“是,是他吧。” Otherwise.” The charming female bone to inter the body said: Which man does world have to let your heart movement?” “不然呢。”妩媚入骨的女子说道:“世间还有哪个男子能让你心动?” Nonsense.” The female sinking sound of mature noble descent said. “胡说。”成熟贵胄的女子沉声地说道。 The charming female bone to inter the body smiles, is overwhelmed with emotion to seize the mortal form, said: Yo, do not think that I do not know.” 媚妩入骨的女子一笑,乃是销魂夺魄,说道:“哟,别以为我不知道。” The female of mature noble descent pays no attention to her, turns the head, said: He, he also.” 成熟贵胄的女子不理她,侧首,说道:“他,他还在。” He definitely cannot die.” The charming female bone to inter the body is very confident, said: I know, world no one kills dies he. But, but why he must come back.” “他肯定死不了。”媚妩入骨的女子十分有信心,说道:“我就知道,世间没有谁杀得死他。但,但他为什么要回来。” Must have, because.” The female of mature noble descent thinks deeply, in her heart knows, this man is Eternal Wushuang/matchless, past Nine Worlds or today's Eight Desolate, cannot leave behind him, but, actually comes back today, appeared, this indeed was surprises her, making her shock, was what reason, making his such man come back? “必有所因。”成熟贵胄的女子不由深思,她心里面知道,这个男人乃是万古无双,不论是过去的九界还是今天的八荒,都留不下他,但是,今天却回来了,却出现了,这的确是让她意外,让她震惊,是什么原因,让他这样的男人回来呢? Was comes back to look at you, yo, who let our Senior Sister such soul seizing.” The charming female bone to inter the body smiles charmingly, soul-stirring, was really charming. “是回来看你了,哟,谁让我们师姐那么的勾魂呢。”媚妩入骨的女子妩媚一笑,惊心动魄,实在是太妩媚了。 „Do you think?” The female of mature noble descent shot a look at her one eyes. “你认为呢?”成熟贵胄的女子瞥了她一眼。 Speaking of the earnest matter, the charming female bone to inter the body also restrained the smile, elegant eyes concentrates, in elegant eyes that in this concentrates, boiled up the fearful incomparable ray, the sun and moon ups and downs, the Myriad Law change, this is the invincible shape. 说到认真的事情,妩媚入骨的女子也不由收敛了笑容,不由秀目一凝,在她这一凝的秀目之中,迸出了可怕无比的光芒,日月沉浮,万法更替,这是无敌之象。 World, no one woman keeps under him.” The charming female bone to inter the body is very clear, after all, which woman this man for will not stay behind absolutely, Nine Worlds does not have, Eight Desolate does not have. “世间,没有人女人留得下他。”妩媚入骨的女子很清楚,毕竟,这个男人绝对不会为哪一个女人留下的,九界没有,八荒更没有。 She said a moment ago that just teases her Senior Sister, this man came back, that has certainly the reason, the heaven frightening incomparable reason, can say, can pierce the day the reason. 她刚才所说,那只不过是调侃她师姐罢了,这个男人回来了,那一定是有原因的,惊天无比的原因,可以说,可以捅破天的原因。 She knows that this man, he will return to this stretch of the world, that happened certainly was very very fearful, extraordinary matter, as for was anything, that feared that such as they such invincible exist(ence), is unable to guess. 她知道这个男人,他会回到这片天地,那一定是发生了十分可怕、十分了不得的事情,至于是什么,那怕如她们这样无敌的存在,都无法去揣测。 They are known as invincibly, that just in this mortal world, but, in their hearts is very clear, above that remote upper air, the man is the true invincibility. 她们号称无敌,那只不过是在这尘世间而已,但是,她们心里面十分清楚,在那遥远的高空之上,有一个男人才是真正的无敌。 Today, this truly invincible man actually came back, this indeed is to make in their hearts shock. 今天,这个真正无敌的男人却回来了,这的确是让她们心里面为之震惊。 Wanted reign of terror.” The charming female bone to inter the body muttered said. “要腥风血雨了。”妩媚入骨的女子喃喃地说道。 In the past, this man appeared, same was not reign of terror, many considered oneself as that invincible generation, finally was the tragic death in his hands, many being insufferably arrogant Sect inheritance, was not in his hands vanish(ed) in a puff of smoke. 当年之时,这个男人出现的时候,不也一样是腥风血雨,多少自视无敌之辈,最终是惨死在他的手中,多少不可一世的门派传承,不也是在他手中灰飞烟灭 This time, this man comes back, only feared that created sound, only feared that is by far lies before, even may throw off Eight Desolate. 这一次,这个男人回来,只怕所造成的动静,只怕是远远在于以前,甚至有可能掀翻八荒 Hopes some people long eyes.” The female of ripening noble descent said slowly. “希望一些人长长眼睛。”熟成贵胄的女子不由徐徐地说道。 The charming female bone to inter the body smiles like the young succuba, making the person soul sell, said: No, I am just opposite, hope that these idiots can hit in his hand, this can raise the heaven frightening blood wave, this was lively, has the good play to look.” 妩媚入骨的女子如同小魔女一笑,让人魂销,说道:“不,我刚好相反,希望那些蠢材能撞到他的手中,这样才能掀起惊天血浪,这才热闹,有好戏看了。” As if, to her, anxious to stir up trouble probably. In fact, she also understands, would some idiots provoking this man, finally was out that to be needless to say. 似乎,对于她来说,好像是唯恐天下不乱。事实上,她也明白,总会有一些蠢货去招惹这个男人,最后下场那是不用多说了。 The female of mature noble descent shot a look at her one eyes, finally is looking at the distant place, said: Is willing to see him.” 成熟贵胄的女子瞥了她一眼,最后望着远处,不由说道:“愿能见到他。” Yo, our Senior Sister missed the illness/quick, wishing one could to see the person who liked.” The charming female bone to inter the body smiles tenderly. “哟,我们师姐思念成疾了,恨不得能见到喜欢的人了。”妩媚入骨的女子不由娇笑起来。 The female of mature noble descent has not taken back the vision, but asked slowly: „Don't you want to see him?” 成熟贵胄的女子没有收回目光,只是徐徐地问道:“你不想见到他?” The charming female bone to inter the body does not speak all of a sudden, received the smile, is looking at the distant place. 妩媚入骨的女子一下子不说话了,收起了笑容,也不由望着远处。 even if has nothing to do in deep love between man and woman, she also wants to see this man, among Whole World, how many old friends? The most important thing is, the appearance of this man, has certainly the matter, therefore, she is also the same wants to know 就算是无关于儿女情长,她也想见到这个男人,举世之间,还有几个人故人?最为重要的是,这个男人的出现,一定有事,所以,她也一样想知道
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