ED :: Volume #42

#4189: Sword furnace

Walks, goes to the sword sea to try, looks whether to have the harvest.” At this time, many cultivator powerhouses had left Sword Grave, goes to the sword furnace to go. “走,去剑海试试,看能否有收获。”在这个时候,已经有不少修士强者离开了剑坟,前往剑炉而去。 Eventually is second Sword Grave, if there is a harvest, obtained Divine Sword, heaven frightening, surely is the big good fortune.” Some powerhouses could not calm down, immediately leaves Sword Grave, heads for the sword sea. “终究是第二剑坟,若是有收获,那所得到神剑,更为惊天,必定是大造化也。”有强者也沉不住气了,立即舍去剑坟,启程前往剑海。 At once, many cultivator powerhouses left Sword Grave, goes to the sword sea to be at the sword furnace that. 一时之间,许多修士强者都离开了剑坟,前往剑海所在的剑炉。 In fact, before then, few people are willing to step in the sword furnace, because there was too dangerous, incautiously, will die a tragic death in the sword furnace, but, the sword sea appears there, because the sword sea can the wide scope cover the sword furnace, this will make the sword furnace safer, even may be safer than Sword Grave, therefore, this is also makes everyone discard Sword Grave, goes to the reason of sword furnace. 事实上,在此之前,很少人愿意涉足剑炉,因为那里太危险了,一不小心,就会惨死在剑炉之中,但是,剑海出现在那里,因为剑海可以大范围覆盖剑炉,这将会使得剑炉更安全,甚至有可能比剑坟还要安全,所以,这也是使得大家舍弃剑坟,前往剑炉的原因。 Was Nine Suns Sword Saint cannot calm down, said a hello, then hastily left, he also went to the sword sea. 就是九日剑圣也沉不住气,打了一声招呼,便匆匆离开了,他也是向剑海而去。 Nine Suns Sword Saint pursues is not the sword sea, the clear sword shadow that but that say/way went to a moment ago air-splitting, this Dao Sword shadow, gave his big vibration. 九日剑圣所追逐的并非是剑海,而是刚才那道破空而去的晶莹剑影,这一道剑影,给了他不小的震动。 Has a look.” Li Qiye smiled, heads for the sword furnace. “去看看吧。”李七夜笑了一下,启程前往剑炉。 I also walk along with Young Master.” Shi Yingxue also has a smile, busy is follows Li Qiye, travels together with Xue Yun Princess. “我也随公子走走。”师映雪也含笑,忙是跟着李七夜,与雪云公主同行。 Discussed by the status, Shi Yingxue is higher than Xue Yun Princess one generation, but, Shi Yingxue actually does not press the capital to discuss the generation now, followed voluntarily side Li Qiye. 以身份而论,师映雪可谓是高出雪云公主一辈,但是,现在师映雪却不按资论辈,自愿跟随在李七夜身边。 When Li Qiye they rush to the sword furnace, beside the sword furnace, had been filled with the person densely and numerously, everyone is waiting for by that sword furnace. 李七夜他们赶到剑炉之时,在剑炉之外,已经密密麻麻地挤满了人,大家都在那剑炉旁边等待着了。 The sword furnace, buries the fourth largest region of sword perishing territory, its fearfulness above sword river, sword deep pool and Sword Grave, but, the sword furnace also has differently with sword river, the sword deep pools and Sword Grave these three big regions. 剑炉,乃是葬剑殒域的第四大区域,它的可怕远在剑河、剑渊、剑坟之上,但是,剑炉又与剑河、剑渊、剑坟这三大区域有所不一样。 sword river, the sword deep pool and Sword Grave may bury Divine Sword, or can obtain the fortuitous encounter here, but the sword furnace was different, the sword furnace is a stretch of deathtrap. 不论是剑河、剑渊、剑坟都有可能埋葬有神剑,或者能在这里得到奇遇,而剑炉就不一样了,剑炉就是一片死地。 Looking into the distance, the entire sword furnace looks seems like a scarlet red world, although here is the mountain range fluctuates, faint, can see that mountain peaks tower, but, in such a scarlet world, does not have the life, because flows in this world blazing the red liquid unexpectedly. 放眼望去,整个剑炉看起来就好像是一片赤红色的世界,在这里虽然是山峦起伏,隐隐之间,可以看到一座座山峰耸立,但是,在这样的一个赤红的世界,却没有生命,因为流淌在这世界里的竟然是炽红的液体。 This blazing the red liquid, looks somewhat looks like magma, but it is not magma, seemingly is more like boiled the red molten iron, in this red molten iron, floats has dark grey thing, looks is a bit like the rust, but does not seem like, probably the blood congealment is the same, has light fishy smell. 这炽红的液体,看起来有些像岩浆,但它又不是岩浆,看起来更像是被煮得通红的铁水,就在这通红的铁水上,漂着有一层暗灰色的东西,看起来有点像铁锈,但又不像是,好像是鲜血凝结一样,有着一股淡淡的腥味。 What is more strange, flowing magma or the molten iron of entire sword furnace, it broke everyone's general knowledge, according to truth, magma, is the molten iron, it flows from the high place downward, flows toward a more low-lying place surely. 更奇怪的是,整个剑炉的流动岩浆或铁水,它是打破了所有人的常识,按道理来说,不论是岩浆,还是铁水,它都是从高处往下流,都必定是往更低洼的地方流淌。 However, in magma or the molten iron of sword furnace, is actually not this, it does not have flows regularly, it has from the mountain peak flows toward the gully, is flowed by the high place downward, but, there are at the foot of the hill toward the molten iron that on the mountain crawls, might crawl to the summit on is the same , some molten iron unexpectedly are the feelings of going over hill and dale, climbed over Hengling, as if it must crawl same the sword furnace...... 但是,在剑炉的岩浆或铁水,却不是这样的,它是无规则地流动,它既有从山峰往沟壑流淌的,由高处往下流,但是,也有从山脚下往山上爬的铁水,好像是要爬到山顶上一样,也有铁水竟然是翻山越岭的感觉,爬过了一个又一个横岭,似乎它是要爬出剑炉一样…… From high place downward class/flow molten iron, or must climb up the mountain peak the molten iron, thinks that transversal grade crawling wants to crawl the molten iron of sword furnace...... in brief, in this sword furnace is flowing molten iron, has the life to be the same probably, is tumbling in the sword furnace, is struggling in the sword furnace, probably refining up the territory to be the same. 不论是从高处往下流的铁水,又或者要爬上山峰的铁水,还是想横坡爬行想爬出剑炉的铁水……总之,在这剑炉流淌着的铁水,就好像是有生命一样,在剑炉之中翻滚着,在剑炉之中挣扎着,好像是炼域一般。 Sees such a, this made one imagine, at present the whole world, looks like a giant incomparable sword furnace, was used to refine to produce the trillion Divine Sword great furnace, but is flowing in this great furnace, was built up the friendly molten iron, actually to refine with Divine Iron as for this molten iron melts with Immortal Gold, was unknown. 看到这样的一幕,这就让人想象到了,眼前整个世界,就像是一个巨大无比的剑炉,是用来炼造亿万神剑的巨炉,而在这巨炉流淌着的,正是被炼融的铁水,至于这铁水究竟是用神铁所炼还是用仙金所融,就不得而知了。 As for on the molten iron is floating that dark ash, perhaps is these is brought life that offers a sacrifice to the sword, when refining up casts billion Divine Sword, perhaps is trillion creature is brought to offer sacrifices, threw into the great furnace, refine billion Divine Sword by their lives, by their blood and by their corpses. 至于铁水上面漂着的那一层暗灰,或许就是那些被拿来祭剑的生命吧,当炼铸千百万把神剑的时候,或许是亿万生灵都被拿来献祭了,都扔入了巨炉之中,以他们的生命、以他们的鲜血、以他们的尸体炼成了千百万把神剑 As for offered a sacrifice to the life that refining up to come from where, that was unknown, perhaps is millions of birds and beasts, perhaps is trillion people, or is some unknown race...... wait/etc, varying, but is. 至于被祭炼的生命是从何而来,那就不得而知了,或许是千千万万的飞禽走兽,或许是亿万子民,又或者是不为人知的某一个种族……等等,不一而是。 Perhaps, because this trillion life offered a sacrifice to refine in this, this made the molten iron in great furnace seem like bestows on was the same the life, some molten iron were the high place flow downward, some molten iron must climb up the peak, some molten iron must crawl the sword furnace, because here was the most fearful building up territory, has the trillion ghost to wail in the sword furnace, is struggling...... 或许,也正是因为这亿万的生命被祭炼于此,这使得巨炉之中的铁水好像是被赋于了生命一样,有的铁水是高处往下流,有的铁水是要爬上高峰,更是有的铁水要爬出剑炉,因为这里就是最可怕的炼域,有着亿万冤魂在剑炉之中哀嚎着、挣扎着…… Has to arrive at the sword furnace beforehand person for the first time, looks at at present such, had a shiver. 有第一次来到剑炉之前的人,看着眼前这样的一幕,都不由打了一个冷颤。 This, this refining up the territory?” Has young one generation to whisper said. “这,这是炼域吗?”有年轻一辈不由嘀咕地说道。 Although just arrived at beside the sword furnace, but also without seeing what terrifying or bad risk thing, but, looks at at present sword furnace such environment and atmosphere, have made people think that was absolutely terrified, made people feel that feared. 虽然刚到剑炉之外,还没有看到什么恐怖或者凶险的事物,但是,看着眼前剑炉这样的环境和气氛,就已经让人觉得是毛骨悚然了,就让人感到惧怕了。 In such a place, had the trillion life once dead here probably, had offered sacrifices here, the red molten iron that especially looks at surged, had the trillion ghost to struggle probably here, here wailing. 在这样的一个地方,就好像有亿万生命曾经死在了这里,曾经在这里被献祭过,特别是看着涌动的通红铁水,就好像是有亿万冤魂在这里挣扎着,在这里哀嚎着。 Who knows.” Some powerhouses also smiled bitterly, in fact, even if regarding many Large Sect Old Ancestor, first time time of seeing the sword furnace, in the heart is also absolutely terrified. “谁知道呢。”有强者也苦笑了一下,事实上,就算是对于不少的大教老祖而言,第一次见到剑炉的时候,心里面也不由为之毛骨悚然。 This is many people are not willing to come one of the sword furnace reasons, because the sword furnace does not produce Divine Sword, moreover very easy to cast the cannot erase shadow in the heart of person, therefore, many cultivator powerhouse clearly knows have the opportunity to come outside the sword furnace have a look/take a liking, but, is not willing to come. 这也是很多人不愿意来剑炉的原因之一,因为剑炉不产神剑,而且很容易在人的心里面留下不可磨灭的阴影,所以,多少修士强者明知道有机会来剑炉外看上一眼,但,都不愿意来。 -- -- -- at this time, saw only in sword furnace that red molten iron, departed giant sword one after another, each giant sword was limpid transparent, each was the sea water gathers to congeal unexpectedly, therefore, when such giant sword departed from the red molten iron, letting the person can smell a light sea water to be salty. “噗——————”在这个时候,只见在剑炉那通红的铁水之中,飞出了一道又一道的巨剑,每一道的巨剑都是清澈透明,每一支竟然是海水聚凝而成,所以,当这样一支又一支的巨剑从通红铁水飞出的时候,让人能闻得到一股淡淡的海水咸腥。 Mentioned also strangely, like this giant sword that became by sea water concentrate, in the molten iron flew, will not be evaporated unexpectedly, very mysterious. 说来也奇怪,这样的一支又一支由海水凝集而成的巨剑,在铁水之中飞出来的时候,竟然不会被蒸发掉,十分的神奇。 „This sword boat to sword sea, had the opportunity quickly on, entered the sword sea a bit faster.” Saw sea water giant sword fly, some elders yelled, pushed up sea water giant sword the own disciple. “这就是通往剑海的剑舟了,有机会都快上,快点进入剑海。”看到一支支的海水巨剑飞出来的时候,有长辈大叫了一声,把自己的弟子推上了海水巨剑 In this moment , many cultivator powerhouse one after another jumped up sea water giant sword, has while sea water giant sword, 35 people accompany with riding sea water giant sword. 在这一刻,也有许多修士强者都纷纷跳上了海水巨剑,有乘一把海水巨剑,也有三五人结伴同乘海水巨剑的。 When such a number of sea water giant sword fly, all cultivator on the scene strive to be the first terrifying, one after another rushed to sea water giant sword, at once, many cultivator powerhouses push and shove, even is moves the sword to fight. 当这样的一批海水巨剑飞出来的时候,在场的所有修士都争先恐怖,都纷纷冲上了海水巨剑,一时之间,不少修士强者推搡起来,甚至是动刀剑打斗。 But, had the cultivator powerhouse incautiously, falls into the sword furnace, heard Ah!” resonate sound of pitiful yell, these fell into the cultivator powerhouse in sword furnace, the body undercut immediately, under the probably red molten iron had billion hands to entrain to be the same them. 但,有修士强者一不小心,就摔入了剑炉之中,听到“啊”的惨叫之声响起,这些掉进剑炉之中的修士强者,身体立即下陷,好像通红的铁水之下有千百万之手把他们拽下去一样。 During by the strength of cultivator powerhouse, will not be drowned or fall into the mud to fall, can withdraw easily. 修士强者的实力而言,根本就不会溺水或者落入泥陷之中,都能轻而易举地脱身。 However, once fell into the sword furnace, fell into the molten iron, could not get up again, in Tzzzzzzzzz in the sound, the body sinks, finally submerges in the molten iron, vanishes does not see. 但是,一旦掉入了剑炉之中,落入了铁水之中,就再也起不来了,在“滋、滋、滋”的声音中,身体下沉,最后淹没于铁水之中,消失不见。 At this time, everyone felt the person who falls into the red molten iron, was entrained into the sword furnace by billion both hands probably forcefully, finally submerges under the red molten iron, such a life alas, lives does not see the person, refuses stubbornly to see the corpse. 在这个时候,所有人都感觉摔入通红铁水的人,都好像是被千百万双手硬生生地拽入了剑炉之中,最后淹没在通红的铁水之下,就这样一命乌呼,生不见人,死不见尸。 Suddenly, this batch of departing sea water giant sword, carried the cultivator powerhouses to fly to sword sea whereabouts. 眨眼之间,这一批飞出的海水巨剑,载着一个又一个的修士强者飞向了剑海所在之处。 Mentioned also strangely, these is being carried by sea water giant sword the cultivator powerhouse, crossed the sword furnace unexpectedly very much safely, has not had what accident/surprise. 说来也奇怪,这些由海水巨剑所载着的修士强者,竟然很安全地渡过剑炉,没发生什么意外。 However, saw that did not have sea water giant sword to/clashes, some cultivator powerhouses have pressed not to live, offered a sacrifice to own treasure, protected the whole body, loudly shouted, jumps to go to the direction that sea water giant sword sped along, they wanted the forcing a crossing sword furnace, own enter the sword sea forcefully. 但是,看到还没有海水巨剑冲出来的时候,有些修士强者已经按奈不住了,就祭出了自己宝物,护住周身,大喝一声,向海水巨剑所飞驰的方向纵身而去,他们欲强渡剑炉,自己强行进入剑海。 -- a resonate sound, has cultivator just flew, in the sword furnace suddenly spurts roaring flame, the roaring flame shot up to the sky, hears „a pitiful yell of Ah!”, this powerhouse that feared that is treasure protects the body, does not help matters, was fired the flying ash instantaneously. “蓬——”的一声响起,有修士刚飞出去的时候,剑炉之中突然喷起了一股烈焰,烈焰冲天而起,听到“啊”的一声惨叫,这位强者那怕是宝物护体,也无济于事,瞬间被烧成了飞灰。 Also there is the cultivator powerhouse just flew over a gully a time, hears whish a resonate sound, is the scarlet light flashes in the deep pit suddenly, probably one huge tongue one volume comes, was involved in this cultivator powerhouse the deep pit instantaneously, reverberates „the pitiful yell of Ah!” in this deep pit. 也有修士强者刚飞越一个沟壑的时候,听到“哗”的一声响起,在深壑之中突然是赤光一闪,好像是一条巨大的舌头一卷而来,瞬间把这个修士强者卷入了深壑之中,在这深壑之中回荡起“啊”的惨叫。 The powerhouse just had flown a mountain top time, hears scoffing air-splitting, projected red light in the mountain top suddenly, hits his between the eyebrows instantaneously, the head is penetrated instantaneously, this cultivator powerhouse the pitiful yell without enough time, raises the head to fall down, the corpse falls into the molten iron. 还有强者刚刚飞过一个山头的时候,听到“嗤”的一声破空,在山头突然射出了一道红光,瞬间击中他的眉心,头颅瞬间被击穿,这个修士强者连惨叫都来不及,仰首栽倒,尸体落入铁水之中。 Carefully looked again, on that mountain peak is empty, does not know that was what thing killed him. 再仔细看,那山峰上空无一物,根本就不知道是什么东西射杀了他。 .............................. ………………………… My mother .” The sudden accident/surprise, frightened these to want forcefully to cross the cultivator powerhouse of sword furnace to jump immediately, or stopped the step immediately, does not dare to enter in the sword furnace again adventurous. “我的妈呀,不要去了。”突然发生的意外,吓得那些想强行渡过剑炉的修士强者立即跳了回来,或者立即刹住了步伐,不敢再冒险进入剑炉之中。 „To cross the sword furnace forcefully? That must look that you have this skill not to have, if you are Dao Monarch, but can also cross forcefully, otherwise, that is brings about own destruction, even if powerful such as five big giants, does not dare to bluster, can cross the entire sword furnace alone forcefully.” Large Sect Old Ancestor shakes the head, said: „The bad risk of sword furnace, is next to sword, besides Dao Monarch and these heaven defying powerful exist(ence), others wants to go in extremely, only feared that is hard to live, must die without doubt!” “想强行渡剑炉?那得看你有这个本事没有,如果你是道君,还能强行渡过去,否则,那是自寻死路,就算是强大如五大巨头,也不敢口出狂言,能独自强行渡过整个剑炉。”有一位大教老祖摇了摇头,说道:“剑炉之凶险,仅次于剑界,除了道君和那些极为逆天强大的存在之外,其他人想进去,只怕都难于活着回来,必死无疑!” Big news, Immortal Emperor Zhan strength exposure! To know the Immortal Emperor Zhan strength strongly? To understand Immortal Emperor Zhan multi-information? Comes to here!! Pays attention to WeChat public number „the Xiao Residence regiment, examines the historical news, or input „the Immortal Emperor Zhan strength then reads the relevant information!! 大爆料,战仙帝实力曝光了!想知道战仙帝的实力有多强吗?想了解战仙帝的更多信息吗?来这里!!关注微信公众号“萧府军团”,查看历史消息,或输入“战仙帝实力”即可阅览相关信息!!
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