ED :: Volume #42

#4188: Second Sword Grave

The sea water submerged entire buried the sword perishing territory, but, any was submerged the cultivator powerhouse in sea water, could not feel that sea water to their influences, the entire process looked like an illusion to be the same. 海水淹没了整个葬剑殒域,但是,任何被淹没在海水中的修士强者,又感觉不到海水对他们的影响,整个过程就像是一种幻觉一样。 In Sea Region, has all sorts of fierce seabed lifeforms, has the giant incomparable sawshark, there is a fierce tooth dragon, flying fish of Divine Light twinkle...... 海域之中,有着种种的凶猛海底生物,有巨大无比的剑鱼,也有凶猛的齿龙,还有神光闪烁的飞鱼…… Entire Sea Region is bizarre, making one look eyes cannot take it all , making one immerse is one of them. 整个海域光怪陆离,让人看得目不暇接,让人都不由为之沉醉在其中。 Look, that is anything, Divine Sword-- at this time, had the cultivator powerhouse to see the one strange fish, seeing only this strange fish was actually the mouth holds Divine Sword, Divine Sword good luck thousand, Divine Light turnover, when such one strange fish held the sword, many seabed lifeform one after another withdrew. “看,那是什么,神剑——”在这个时候,有修士强者看到一条怪鱼,只见这条怪鱼竟然是口衔一把神剑,神剑瑞气千条,神光吞吐,当这样的一条怪鱼衔剑而出的时候,许多海底生物都纷纷退避。 But in such piece of Vast Ocean, phenomenon not only in this. 但这样的一片汪洋大海之中,异象不仅仅于此。 In this in an instant, some people heard clang sword cry, in this electrical spark light, saw that sword light such as the thunder light movie grazes from the sea water generally, when such sword light grazes , the speed is extremely fast, is ordinary like lightning. 在这刹那之间,有人听到了“铛”的剑鸣,就在这石火电光之间,看到一道剑光如雷光电影一般从海水中飞掠而过,当这样的一道剑光飞掠而过之时,速度极快,如同闪电一般。 However, with it with spreading also one flock of huge lightning sawsharks, see only unexpectedly this crowd of lightning sawshark accompanyings sword light is speeding along, bang sends out lightning, frightens many seabed life one after another to run away, does not dare to approach. 但是,与其同驰的竟然还有一群庞大的闪电剑鱼,只见这一群闪电剑鱼随伴着剑光飞驰的时候,“噼哩啦”地散发出了闪电,吓得不少海底生命纷纷逃窜,不敢靠近。 Bang loud sound, in the seabed deep place, has in some oceanic trench, spurted has one thinly to the Celestial Sword glow, sword light opened like the great fan generally, swept ten sides, enabling this piece of Sea Region to have no seabed lifeform to dare to approach, once close, will be swept by fearful sword light, even there is a possibility to cut to kill instantaneously. “轰”的一声巨响,在海底深处,有某一个海沟之中,喷薄出了一股冲天剑芒,剑芒如同巨扇一般打开,荡扫十方,使得这片海域没有任何海底生物敢靠近,一旦靠近,都会被可怕的剑芒扫中,甚至有可能瞬间斩杀。 On some sea surface, hears ------ sound of the intermittent low and deep thundering to be lingering on faintly, with this sound of intermittent thundering, the powerful strength impact, pushed the difficult situation. 在某一处海面上,听到“——————”一阵阵低沉的轰鸣之声不绝于耳,随着这一阵阵的轰鸣之声,强大的力量冲击而出,推起了惊涛骇浪。 When this time, the sea level just like Sun one after another to raise, each Sun raised, resounded the sound of sword cry, in probably each Sun, bred a Sun God sword to be the same, as if, can collect together these nine Sun God swords, can unmatched in the world. 在这个时候,海平面犹如一轮又一轮的太阳升起,每一轮太阳升起之时,都响起了剑鸣之声,好像是每一轮太阳之中,都孕育着一把太阳神剑一样,似乎,能收集齐这九把太阳神剑,就可以天下无敌。 .............................. ………………………… At once, in this piece of Sea Region, presented all sorts of phenomenon, under such phenomenon, many cultivator powerhouses looks at the mind to swing entrains, looks is being charmed heart spreads. 一时之间,在这一片海域,出现了种种的异象,在这样的异象之下,许许多多的修士强者看得心神摇拽,看得是神往心驰。 When there is a phenomenon passed over gently and swiftly from own at present, there is a cultivator powerhouse to put out a hand catches plunders to plunder, but Divine Sword, but, puts out a hand, that is just comes up empty-handed, anything has not caught., 当有异象从自己眼前掠过的时候,有修士强者伸手去捕掠一掠而过的神剑,但是,一伸手,那只不过是扑空罢了,什么都没有抓到。, After all sorts of phenomenon keep coming in a steady stream , hears crash, crash and crash water resonate sound, in this moment, sees only the trim Vast Ocean tide to retreat, like the speed that time such extremely fast, the tide draws back is also very astonishing, within the short time, was submerged entire buries the sea water of sword perishing territory also to retreat, was blinking, vanish into thin air. 当种种异象纷沓之后,紧接着,听到“哗啦哗啦哗啦”的水声响起,在这一刻,只见整片汪洋大海潮水撤退,如同来的时候那么的极速,潮退的速度也是十分惊人,在短短时间之内,本是淹没整个葬剑殒域的海水也退去了,在眨眼之间,消失得无影无踪 Vanished, anything vanished.” When many cultivator powerhouses recover, opens one's eyes wide to look in all directions, has not discovered any phenomenon, has not left any trace, probably had not had anything a moment ago, that is just an illusion. “消失了,什么都消失了。”当许多修士强者回过神来的时候,张目四顾,没有发现任何的异象,也没有留下任何的痕迹,好像刚才没有发生任何事情,那只不过是一种幻觉罢了。 This, this, this outcome what's the matter?” After having the cultivator powerhouse recovers, is dumbstruck, does not know that actually this was what happened. “这,这,这究竟是怎么回事?”有修士强者回过神来之后,不由发懵,不知道这究竟是发生什么事情了。 Sword sea, the second Sword Grave-- sword sea in Sword Grave.” Had the powerhouse of older generation to recover, hit quickly grasping the meaning of something, yelled. “剑海,剑坟之中的第二剑坟——剑海。”有老一辈的强者回过神来,打了一个激灵,不由大叫道。 Sword sea left, second Sword Grave appeared.” Has Large Sect Old Ancestor to call out in alarm said: „, In Sword Grave the most mystical second Sword Grave sword sea appeared unexpectedly, before buried the sword perishing territory born several times, has not seen the sword sea the trace, this time, the sword sea appeared unexpectedly, inconceivable.” “剑海出了,第二剑坟出现了。”有大教老祖惊呼道:“没有想到,剑坟之中最为神秘的第二剑坟剑海竟然出现了,以前葬剑殒域几次出世,都未见剑海的踪影,这一次,剑海竟然出现了,不可思议。” this era, mysterious second Sword Grave appeared unexpectedly, what is this omen?” After having the powerhouse to recover, muttered said. 这一世,神秘的第二剑坟竟然出现了,这是预兆着什么呢?”有强者回过神来之后,不由喃喃地说道。 -- in this moment, Vault of Heaven shivered, everyone raise one's head looked, this sees together clear air-splitting, the speed is unequalled, tore the space instantaneously, stays behind day mark that is unable to obliterate. ——”就在这一刻,天穹颤抖了一下,所有人抬头一看,此见一道晶莹破空,速度无与伦比,瞬间撕裂了空间,留下了无法磨灭的天痕。 When this together clear air-splitting, because the speed was too fast, impact strength is vibrating the entire world, just like the colossus is firing into the universe to be the same. 这一道晶莹破空之时,正是因为速度太快了,冲击的力量震动着整个天地,犹如庞然大物在冲向天宇一般。 Is a sword, is Wushuang/matchless Divine Sword?” Saw that like this clear sword shadow goes air-splitting, to burying sword perishing territory most deep place sped along to go, has important people to yell one. “是剑,是无双神剑吗?”看到这样的晶莹剑影破空而去,向葬剑殒域最深处飞驰而去,有大人物不由大叫了一声。 Like this clear sword shadow goes to air-splitting time, just like a time river is ordinary in galloping, speeds along, but time, flowed off the eternal trace, seems like the time to flow here, comes compared with time of real world, its flow rate is billion times. 这样的晶莹剑影破空而去的时候,犹如一股时间长河在奔腾一般,飞驰而过的时候,流下了永恒的痕迹,似乎是时间在这里流淌而过,比起现实世界的时光来,它的流动速度乃是千百万倍之多。 Like this clear sword image Space-Time speeds along to go generally, passed through in this probably in an instant through ancient times, without the past and present, as if this moment is becomes eternal, such presents time, the miracle of ten points, magnificent incomparable. 这样的晶莹剑影像时空一般飞驰而去,就好像在这刹那之间穿越了亘古,没有古今,似乎这一刻乃是成为了永恒,这样的一幕出现的时候,十分的奇迹,壮观无比。 That is what thing-- saw that this clear sword shadow like time same vanishes, when buried the sword perishing territory deep place, there is a powerhouse to call out in alarm one. “那是什么东西——”看到这道晶莹剑影如同时光一样消失在了葬剑殒域深处的时候,有强者惊呼一声。 Probably a sword, should be Divine Sword.” Having Large Sect Old Ancestor has not seen clearly that is what thing. “好像是一把剑,应该是一把神剑吧。”有大教老祖也没有看清楚那是什么东西 Is a sword, but, looks at the appearance, does not seem like the sword in Sword Grave, this sword does not know where braves.” The strength very powerful Ancient Dynasty Old Ancestor manner said dignifiedly. “是一把剑,但,看模样,好像不是剑坟里的剑,这把剑不知道是从哪里冒出来的。”有一位实力很强大的古朝老祖神态凝重地说道。 Another Large Sect Ancient Ancestor said: Buries the sword perishing territory, is the territory of myriad swords, many Wushuang/matchless Divine Sword nourishing here, such a sword dares to bury the sword perishing territory is so high-profile unexpectedly across the sky, that surely is very terrifying.” 另外一个大教古祖说道:“葬剑殒域,乃是万剑之域,多少无双神剑蕴养在这里,这样的一把剑竟然敢在葬剑殒域如此高调横空而起,那必定是十分恐怖。” At once, many cultivator powerhouse one after another discussions. 一时之间,许多修士强者纷纷议论。 Had the good play.” The Li Qiye looks at this clear sword shadow goes together air-splitting, smiles, said. “有好戏了。”李七夜看着这一道晶莹的剑影破空而去,不由笑了笑,说道。 -- loud sound, in this in an instant, a strength impact that pushes dry to decay comes, in this instantaneous, just like pushes 1 million li (0.5 km) horizontally, pushed strength that came to stretch across horizontally instantaneously entire buried the sword perishing territory, vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered ten sides. ——”的一声巨响,就在这刹那之间,一股推枯拉朽的力量冲击而来,在这瞬间,犹如横推百万里,横推而来的力量瞬间横跨了整个葬剑殒域,纵横十方。 This boundless invincible strength impact comes time, in this instantaneous, Heavens creature like suppressed was the same, many cultivator powerhouses on the scene startle, even many cultivation shallow people were suppressed all of a sudden on the ground, hong cannot bend down. 这一股磅礴无敌的力量冲击而来的时候,就在这瞬间,诸天生灵如同被镇压了一样,在场的许多修士强者不由为之一骇,甚至许多道行浅的人一下子被镇压在地上,訇伏不起。 At once, just like is trillion honored strength presses on everyone's shoulder, making any cultivator powerhouse feel that the back of own must be broken by pressing to be the same. 一时之间,犹如是亿万钧的力量压在所有人的肩膀上,让任何修士强者都感觉自己的背脊要被压断一样。 very powerful-- at once, many cultivator powerhouses yelled with amazement, under the boundless invincible strength suppression, lets many cultivator powerhouse unable to breathe like this, was suppressed to unable to move. 好强大——”一时之间,有不少修士强者骇然大叫,在这样的磅礴无敌的力量镇压之下,让多少修士强者喘不过气来,被镇压得动弹不得。 When this pushes dry to decay the strength impact that comes, a person's shadow at the unequalled speed breaks in buried the sword perishing territory, spanned sword river instantaneously, goes nonstop to buries the deep place of sword perishing territory. 就在这一股推枯拉朽的力量冲击而来的时候,一个人影以无与伦比的速度冲入了葬剑殒域,瞬间跨越了剑河,直通葬剑殒域的更深处。 Who that was-- this form is really quick, spanned sword river instantaneously, broke in the sword furnace, this made all cultivator powerhouses pull out an cold air/Qi immediately., “那是何人——”这个身影实在是太快了,瞬间跨越了剑河,冲入了剑炉之中,这顿时让所有修士强者都抽了一口冷气。, The instance that such a person presents, many cultivator powerhouses feel tiny of own, as if this person puts out a hand, can grind own instantaneously extinguishes, under such might, regarding many cultivator powerhouses, the own strength is not worth mentioning. 这样的一个人出现的瞬间,多少修士强者都感受到自己的渺小,似乎这个人一伸手,就能把自己瞬间碾灭,在这样的威力之下,对于许多修士强者而言,自己的实力根本就不值得一提。 Five big giants, the Sword Continent five big giants, were five big giants come certainly.” Large Sect Old Ancestor pulled out an cold air/Qi, said with amazement. “五大巨头,剑洲五大巨头,一定是五大巨头来了。”有一位大教老祖不由抽了一口冷气,骇然地说道。 What, five big giants came.” After others hear such news, screamed one, even many cultivator powerhouses were frightened with amazement by such words change colors. “什么,五大巨头来了。”其他人听到这样的消息之后,都不由尖叫了一声,甚至有许多修士强者被这样的话吓得骇然失色。 Five big giants came, what come is who?” Some powerhouses have doubts, is curious. “五大巨头来了,来的是谁呢?”有强者也不由疑惑,为之好奇。 In a moment ago, that person's shadow was really quick, spanned sword river instantaneously, many cultivator powerhouses have not seen clearly this are the appearances of person. 在刚才,那个人影实在是太快了,瞬间跨越了剑河,许许多多的修士强者都没有看清楚这是人的模样。 „The Sword Continent five big giants came, is actually what matter, is worth alarming the Sword Continent five big giants.” Also there is dynasty Ancient Sovereign to pull out an cold air/Qi. 剑洲五大巨头来了,究竟是什么样的事情,值得惊动剑洲五大巨头。”也有王朝古皇抽了一口冷气。 After all, the Sword Continent five big giants had little appeared extremely, now in the Sword Continent five big giants some people appear suddenly bury the sword perishing territory, that had certainly the matter of heaven frightening to happen, certainly had the shocking thing born. 毕竟,剑洲五大巨头已经极少出现了,现在剑洲五大巨头中突然有人惊现葬剑殒域,那一定是有惊天之事发生了,一定有惊世之物出世。 Even can say, thing like Dao Monarch weapon, cannot alarm the Sword Continent five big giants, after all, regarding the Sword Continent five big giants, their Sect at least several Dao Monarch weapons, they will not be born for the Dao Monarch weapon specially the loss life. 甚至可以说,像道君兵器这样的东西,都不能惊动剑洲五大巨头,毕竟,对于剑洲五大巨头而言,他们宗门至少有好几把的道君兵器,他们不会专程为了道君兵器出世损耗寿元。 If, the Sword Continent five big giants are born, that had certainly astonishing incomparable thing born, such thing, certainly above the Dao Monarch weapon. 如果说,剑洲五大巨头出世,那一定是有惊人无比的东西出世了,这样的东西,一定是远在道君兵器之上。 In many people are startled some Sword Continent five big giant people arrive, at this time, buries the sword perishing territory finally to have the news to pass on. 就在许多人吃惊剑洲五大巨头有人驾临之时,在这个时候,葬剑殒域终于有消息传出来了。 Second Sword Grave, the sword sea, appears in the sword furnace.” This news spread over within the short time entire buried the sword perishing territory. “第二剑坟,剑海,出现在剑炉之中。”这个消息在短短的时间之内传遍了整个葬剑殒域。 What, does the sword sea appear in the sword furnace? It should not in the Sword Grave region?” Has young cultivator to hear such news, cannot believe. “什么,剑海出现在剑炉之中?它不是应该在剑坟区域的吗?”有年轻修士一听到这样的消息,都不敢相信。 Second Sword Grave, is most mystical Sword Grave, it mysteriously appears and disappears, that feared that was buries the sword perishing territory to appear, it may not appear.” Older generation important people said: Moreover, as the second Sword Grave sword sea, it may not appear in Sword Grave, it can appeared burying any place of sword perishing territory, but, the hearsay said, it is the big probability appears in Sword Grave.” “第二剑坟,是最神秘的剑坟,它是神出鬼没,那怕是葬剑殒域出现了,它也不一定会出现。”有一位老一辈大人物说道:“而且,作为第二剑坟的剑海,它不一定需要出现在剑坟之中,它可以出现在葬剑殒域的任何一个地方,但是,传闻说,它是大机率出现在剑坟之中。” Appears in Sword Grave fortunately, this at least also has the opportunity to go, after all the sword sea it can cover the entire sword furnace, but, if appears in sword, that had no opportunity, that feared that was the sword sea can cover, anybody is unable to span.” important people rejoiced very said. “还好是出现在剑坟之中,这至少还有机会进去,毕竟剑海它可以覆盖整个剑炉,但是,如果是出现在剑界,那就没有任何机会了,那怕是剑海能覆盖,任何人也都无法跨越。”有一个大人物不由十分庆幸地说道。 Yes, coverage of sword sea, this regarding anybody, that is a good deed, at least the opportunity goes.” Had dynasty Ancient Ancestor also to say by relaxing, said: If appears in sword, no one think, only if were Dao Monarch, five big giants, not necessarily can be good.” “是呀,剑海的覆盖,这对于任何人来说,那都是一件好事,至少还有机会进去的。”有王朝古祖也说由松了一口气,说道:“如果出现在剑界,谁都别想了,除非是道君了,五大巨头,都不一定能行。”
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