ED :: Volume #40

#3976: Rolling mountains

-- loud sound, on this day, suddenly, the Black Tide Sea sea water comes in waves. ——”的一声巨响,就在这一日,突然之间,黑潮海的海水滚滚而来。 In this in an instant, black tide all over the sky, such as dreadful monstrous waves same impact, but, inexhaustible. In black tide to, has not looked from afar, then saw coming in waves black tide such as the mighty force to be the same, pushed horizontally, but, has the easily accomplished potential. 在这刹那之间,黑潮满天,如滔天巨浪一样冲击而至,无穷无尽。在黑潮还未冲至之时,远远望去,便见了滚滚而来的黑潮如千军万马一般,横推而至,有着摧枯拉朽之势。 Tide must rise-- black tide to come in waves, immediately alarmed everyone, in Black Wood Cliff as well as other places, the innumerable cultivator powerhouses opens one's eyes wide to look. “潮水要涨上来了——黑潮滚滚而来,顿时惊动了所有人,在黑木崖以及其他的地方,无数的修士强者都不由张目而望。 Tide drew back must finish.” Has experience important people to see such a , knew the this is what type situation. “潮退要结束了。”有经历的大人物看到这样的一幕,也都知道这是怎么样的情况了。 But, then, many people had a scare, bang loud sound is shaking the entire world, as black tide comes in waves, black tide is even more fierce. 但,接下来,很多人都被吓了一大跳,“轰”的巨响撼动着整个天地,随着黑潮滚滚而来的时候,黑潮越发凶猛。 Under loud sound, trillion zhang (3.33 m) black tide instantaneous hit to Black Wood Cliff, at bang under loud sound, raised a trillion zhang (3.33 m) difficult situation in an instant, just like to probably crush the entire Black Wood Cliff hit. 巨响之下,亿万丈的黑潮瞬间撞击向了黑木崖,在“轰”的巨响之下,刹那之间掀起了亿万丈的惊涛骇浪,犹如要把整个黑木崖撞击得粉碎。 black tide is wave, hears bang, bang and bang loud sound is lingering on faintly, in this moment, fearful black tide like insane, is ordinary like the violent storm, is hitting Black Wood Cliff time and time again, is shaking the land time and time again . Moreover, black tide that each hit comes, surges wave upon wave, that feared that black tide has not broken in Black Wood Cliff, but, impact, but hundred quintillion zhang (3.33 m) black tide, far more than must submerge Black Tide Sea, this is to hit entire Black Wood Cliff simply crushes, must the entire Southwest Sovereign destruction. 紧接着,黑潮乃是一浪紧接着一浪,听到“轰、轰、轰”的巨响不绝于耳,在这一刻,可怕的黑潮像疯了一样,如同狂风暴雨一般,一次又一次地撞击着黑木崖,一次又一次地摇动着大地,而且,每一次撞击而来的黑潮,都是一浪高过一浪,那怕黑潮未冲入黑木崖之中,但是,冲击而起的亿亿万丈的黑潮,何止是要把黑潮海淹没,这简直就是要把整个黑木崖撞得粉碎,要把整个南西皇毁灭。 Under such fearful black tide impact one after another, the sound of thundering is lingering on faintly, entire Black Tide Sea sways to continue, under the hit of black tide, entire Black Wood Cliff like the Yi Ye/one leaf small boat in difficult situation, as if there is possibility destruction anytime, is roaring black tide, as if the next quarter must rip entire Black Wood Cliff crushes. 在这样可怕的黑潮一波又一波的冲击之下,轰鸣之声不绝于耳,整个黑潮海摇晃不止,在黑潮的撞击之下,整个黑木崖如同是惊涛骇浪之中的一叶小舟,似乎随时都有可能覆灭,咆哮着的黑潮,似乎下一刻就要把整个黑木崖撕得粉碎。 My mother-- at this time, in Black Wood Cliff does not know that has many cultivator powerhouses to be frightened with amazement is pale, by so terrifying black tide changes colors, does not know that many cultivator powerhouses were frightened hit to tremble, the both legs become tender, sat on the ground, wants to escape cannot escape. “我的妈呀——”在这个时候,黑木崖之中不知道有多少修士强者被如此恐怖黑潮吓得脸色发白,骇然失色,不知道有多少修士强者被吓得直打哆嗦,双腿发软,一屁股坐在了地上,想逃都逃不掉。 „Is this disaster?” Once passed through reaches important people that the black tide tide ebb tide has risen, sees such a, saw that black tide is so wreaking havoc crazily the world, same roared like running away great antiquity ferocious beast, making them pale, because of such a, had not happened before. “这又是一场灾难吗?”就是曾经经达过黑潮潮退潮涨的大人物,看到这样的一幕,看到黑潮如此疯狂地肆虐着天地,如同脱缰的洪荒猛兽一样咆哮,让他们都不由脸色发白,因为这样的一幕,以前是从来没有发生过的。 At this time, the black tide probably angry great antiquity giant beast, is roaring crazily, angry roaring, the strategic place seems to be coming ashore time and time again on, rushes to Black Wood Cliff, must and even be entire Southwest Sovereign rips entire Black Wood Cliff crushes. 在这个时候,黑潮像是愤怒的洪荒巨兽,在疯狂地咆哮着,怒吼着,似乎一次又一次地要冲上岸上,冲上黑木崖,要把整个黑木崖乃至是整个南西皇都撕得粉碎。 However, mentioned also strangely, no matter black tide what kind of roaring of this terrifying, what kind of wreaking havoc, it cannot rush to Black Wood Cliff, this seemed like going crazy great antiquity ferocious beast to be the same, what kind of going crazy no matter it were, how to roar, but, behind it had the long reins to tie up it firmly, did not make it run away to throw. 但是,说来也奇怪,不管这恐怖黑潮如何的咆哮,如何的肆虐,它都未能冲上黑木崖,这就好像是一头发疯的洪荒猛兽一样,不管它是怎么样的发疯,怎么样地咆哮,但,它背后还是有长长的缰绳牢牢地把它拴住,不让它脱缰扑冲过来。 When black tide roared time and time again is attacking Black Wood Cliff, does not know that many cultivator powerhouses were scared, does not know that many cultivator powerhouses think was the judgment day, under the impact of black tide so terrifying, everyone thinks that Black Wood Cliff wanted to collapse. 黑潮一次又一次咆哮地冲击着黑木崖的时候,不知道多少修士强者是被吓破了胆,不知道多少修士强者都以为是世界末日了,在黑潮如此恐怖的冲击之下,所有人都以为黑木崖崩塌了。 What luckily is, under black tide roaring time and time again, attacks time and time again, Black Wood Cliff persevered finally, finally, under loud sound, Black Tide Sea black tide slowly restored tranquilly, black tide also no longer roared, no longer wreaked havoc. 幸好的是,在黑潮一次又一次的咆哮之下,一次又一次地冲击之下,黑木崖最终还是坚守住了,最终,在一声巨响之下,黑潮海黑潮慢慢地恢复平静了,黑潮也不再咆哮,不再肆虐。 When black tide is slowly tranquil, boundless piece of black tide also submerged entire Black Tide Sea, the sea bed that before then reveals, at this moment, that also vanishes to disappear completely. 黑潮慢慢平静下来的时候,茫茫一片的黑潮也淹没了整个黑潮海,在此之前露出来的海床,此时此刻,那也全部都消失不见了。 After black tide is tranquil, many cultivator powerhouses then recover slowly, everyone still shaken, looked at one mutually. 黑潮平静下来之后,许多修士强者这才慢慢回过神来,大家都不由惊魂未定,相互看了一眼。 Finally passed.” After recovering, sees black tide no longer roared charges into Black Tide Sea time, everyone relaxes. “终于过去了。”回过神来之后,见黑潮不再咆哮地冲向黑潮海的时候,大家都不由松了一口气。 This tide rises, that rather was also too fearful, before was not so.” Once experienced important people that a Black Tide Sea tide ebb tide has risen to think that incessantly, that also pulled out an cold air/Qi, they cannot think, a moment ago Black Tide Sea sea water unexpectedly so fierce fearful. “这一次潮涨,那也未免太可怕了罢,以前并非是如此。”曾经不止经历过一次黑潮海潮退潮涨的大人物想到刚才的一幕,那也是不由抽了一口冷气,他们也想不到,刚才黑潮海的海水竟然如此的凶猛可怕。 Everyone does not know that a moment ago was what happened, what luckily was, the Black Tide Sea sea water had the reins to tie up it to be the same probably, not so letting, was really makes it rush to Black Wood Cliff to come, does not know that many cultivator powerhouses will die a tragic death in such terrifying black tide. 大家都不知道刚才是发生什么事了,幸好的是,黑潮海的海水好像是有缰绳拴着它一样,不然的让,真的是让它冲上黑木崖来,不知道有多少修士强者将会惨死在这么恐怖黑潮之中。 Probably different.” When everyone recovers, looks into Black Tide Sea again time, the Black Tide Sea sea water is boundless one piece, inexhaustible, enormous and powerful, the Black Tide Sea sea water is still pitch-dark, still does not have the slight limpidity , sees the Black Tide Sea sea water again, everyone felt as if by prior agreement, Black Tide Sea sea water, probably before was different. “好像不一样。”当大家回过神来的时候,又再一次去眺望黑潮海的时候,黑潮海的海水乃是茫茫一片,无穷无尽,浩浩荡荡,黑潮海的海水依然是黑漆漆的,依然没有丝毫的清澈,但是,再一次见到黑潮海的海水之时,大家都不约而同地觉得,黑潮海的海水,好像是和以前不一样了。 Was tranquiler.” Has powerhouse looks at Black Tide Sea, recovering time, is not definitely said very much. “更平静了。”有强者看着黑潮海,回过神来的时候,不是很肯定地说道。 Everyone looks, indeed, Black Tide Sea compared with before, indeed was tranquiler, although said, this time Black Tide Sea was still the mighty waves tumbles, the wave was unceasing, but , ten thousand zhang (3.33 m) monstrous waves compared before that type of difficult situation, present Black Tide Sea does not know that was tranquil many. 大家望去,的确,黑潮海比起以前来,的的确确是更平静了,虽然说,此时的黑潮海依然是波涛翻滚,波浪不绝,但是,和以前那种惊涛骇浪、万丈巨浪相比起来,现在的黑潮海不知道是平静了多少。 Before, once enters Black Tide Sea, the fearful great waves can rip immediately crush, but, present Black Tide Sea, no matter your great waves are how billowing, without the beforehand that fierceness. 在以前,一旦进入黑潮海,可怕的浪涛立即就能把人撕得粉碎,但是,现在的黑潮海,不管你如何浪涛滚滚,都没有以前的那种凶猛。 looks at such a, many blankly look at each other , the black tide fierce, difficult situation how, now unexpectedly are all of a sudden is a moment ago tame, this was makes many cultivator powerhouses feel hard believing. 看着这样的一幕,不少人面面相觑,在刚才的时候,黑潮是多么的凶猛,多么的惊涛骇浪,现在竟然是一下子温驯起来,这是让很多修士强者都觉得难于置信。 This, this, is actually this what happened?” After crossing some little time, there is cultivator to recover, said in a low voice. “这,这,这究竟是发生什么事情呢?”过了好一会儿之后,有修士回过神来的时候,不由低声地说道。 However, no one could reply, no one knows that actually Black Tide Sea what happened, suddenly, the Black Tide Sea sea water all of a sudden will be why tranquil. 但是,没有人回答得上来,也没有人知道黑潮海究竟发生什么事情了,为什么突然之间,黑潮海的海水会一下子平静下来。 That, that Your Majesty, did he, where he go to?” For a long time later, some people could not bear ask finally. “那,那陛下呢,他,他去哪里了?”许久之后,终于有人忍不住问了。 Li Qiye enters Black Tide Sea most deep place, this is the matter of the world person all knowledge, but, after he goes, did not have the news again, lost to view soundless, fight of there's nothing heaven frightening. 李七夜进入黑潮海最深处,这是天下人皆知之事,但是,他进去之后,再也没有消息了,杳无声息,也没有什么惊天的战斗。 Besides black tide roared to wreak havoc a moment ago suddenly, did not have other things to happen again, but after Li Qiye went, also had no sound again. 除了刚才黑潮突然之间咆哮肆虐之外,再也没有其他的事情发生了,而李七夜进去之后,再也没有任何动静了。 This makes everyone strange, Li Qiye enters Black Tide Sea, actually this must do, actually this what happened. 这就让所有人都不由为之奇怪,李七夜进入黑潮海,这究竟是要干什么,这究竟是发生了什么事情。 What a pity, no one can answer this issue, no one guessed obtains. 可惜,没有人能回答这个问题,也没有人猜测得到。 Your Majesty will not have an accident.” Also some powerhouses guessed, after Li Qiye goes, such, unexpectedly does not have any sound, could it be that really said, Li Qiye had an accident in Black Tide Sea. 陛下不会出事吧。”也有强者不由为之猜测,李七夜进去之后如此之久,竟然没有任何动静,难道真的说,李七夜黑潮海里面出事了。 Naturally, there is powerful incomparable exist(ence) and thinking otherwise, even Worldly Affairs Immortal is so powerful fearful exist(ence) to be respectful to Li Qiye, considers, Li Qiye how fearfully, his such exist(ence) enters Black Tide Sea most deep place, that fears returns empty-handed, he will not have anything, exist(ence) like him, that feared that encounters the big danger, only feared that also same can move out. 当然,也有强大无比的存在并不以为然,连红尘仙这么强大可怕的存在都对李七夜恭敬无比,试想一下,李七夜是多么的可怕,他这样的存在进入黑潮海最深处,那怕是空手而归,他也不会出什么事情,像他这样的存在,那怕是遇到再大的危险,只怕也一样能全身而退。 Although everyone does not dare to discuss loudly, in discussed in private, everyone wants to know to want, actually Li Qiye went to where, because after he enters Black Tide Sea most deep place, had not appeared again, at once, entire Western Sovereign has all kinds of news to spread in secret. 尽管大家不敢大声去议论,在私下议论,大家都想知道要,李七夜究竟是去了哪里,因为他进入黑潮海最深处之后,就再也没有再出现了,一时之间,整个西皇都有着各式各样的消息在私底下流传着。 Some people said, Li Qiye died in battle in Black Tide Sea most deep place ; Some also say that Li Qiye pushed the Black Tide Sea bad risk ; Also some people said, in Black Tide Sea most deep place, Li Qiye opened Immortal Sect, already Heaven Ascending emergence...... 有人说,李七夜战死在了黑潮海最深处;也有人说,李七夜推来了黑潮海的凶险;还有人说,在黑潮海最深处,李七夜打开了仙门,已经登天羽化…… Eight Desolate has a continent, named Sword Continent, Sword Continent, such as its, takes the sword as hold. 八荒有一洲,名为剑洲,剑洲,如其名,以剑为盛也。 Sword Continent, this is Great Ruins of Eight Desolate , compared with Sword Continent, Western Sovereign can only be the small desolate. 剑洲,此乃是八荒大荒,与剑洲相比起来,西皇只能算是小荒而已。 Just, among Eight Desolate, there is a restricted area great distance, is unable to span, only if the day of Dao Monarch prove the dao, broke the strength of forbidden area, otherwise, has not had the Dao Monarch's age, Eight Desolate was hard interlinked, even if can span, that also needs the huge incomparable resources. 只不过,八荒之间,有禁地相隔,无法跨越,除非道君证道之日,打破禁区之力,否则,未有道君的年代,八荒难于相通,就算是可以跨越,那也是需要庞大无比的资源。 Big of Sword Continent, limitless, entire Sword Continent has thousand clan ten thousand sects, Sect, broad of territory, making one be hard the imagination. 剑洲之大,无边无际,整个剑洲有千族万教,门派之多,疆土之广,让人难于想象。 Has the ten thousand sects hundred boundaries in Sword Continent, countless, but, must be headed by Sea Emperor Sword Country, Nine Circular Cities, Sword Ascetism, Benevolent Sword School, Sword-Fighting Dao Arena and Wooden Sword Holy State...... these most powerful colossus general the big sects and countries, overawes the world. 剑洲之中有万教百疆,数之不尽,但,其中要以海帝剑国九轮城剑斋善剑宗战剑道场木剑圣国……这几个最强大的庞然大物一般的大教疆国为首,威震天下。 Listens to these Sect border country names, knows, these the big sects and countries, are calling the world by Sword Dao. 听这些宗门疆国的名字,就知道,这些大教疆国,都以剑道称著天下。 Right, in entire Sword Continent, ten the big sects and countries, at least eight the big sects and countries is primarily Sword Dao, takes a broad view at entire Sword Continent, most Sect border country practices Sword Dao. 没错,在整个剑洲之中,十个大教疆国,至少有八个大教疆国是以剑道为主,放眼整个剑洲,绝大多数的门派疆国都是修练剑道 Naturally, in Sword Continent, there are other Sect not to call by Sword Dao, such as Nine Circular Cities, but, dominates entire Sword Continent, is still Sword Dao. 当然,在剑洲之中,也有其他门派并非是以剑道称著,如九轮城,但是,称霸整个剑洲的,依然是剑道 Therefore, has such one sentence in Sword Continent, a sword in the hand, the world I have. 所以,在剑洲有着这样的一句话,一剑在手,天下我有。 These words, can look at Sword Continent regarding Sword Dao are what kind of frantic, because of so, presented one after another startled certainly in the world Sword Dao invincible exist(ence) in Sword Continent. 这一句话,就可以看得出来剑洲对于剑道是何等的狂热,也正是因为如此,在剑洲也出现了一位又一位惊绝于世剑道无敌的存在 Sea sword Dao Monarch, Sword Empress and war-god Dao Monarch and purple deep pool Dao Monarch...... wait/etc sweeps away Eight Desolate invincible exist(ence) by Sword Dao one after another. 如海剑道君剑后、战神道君、紫渊道君……等等一位又一位以剑道横扫八荒的无敌存在 Also because has this invincible Dao Monarch one after another, making Sword Dao bloom the tendrils leaf in Sword Continent, causing Sword Continent becomes Eight Desolate one powerful, becomes the entire Eight Desolate most unique desolate. 也正是因为有着这一位又一位的无敌道君,使得剑道剑洲开枝蔓叶,使得剑洲成为八荒最强大之一,也成为整个八荒最独一无二的荒。 Sword Continent, are calling by Sword Dao, most world praised naturally was One of the Nine Grand Heavenly Scriptures «Only Sword Nine Say/Way»! 剑洲,以剑道称著,其中最为世人所称道的当然是九大天书之一止剑・九道》! 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