ED :: Volume #40

#3935: Swallow the Heaven golden scales glove

Virtuous Ancestor Biandu, wears the immortal clothes, everyone thinks that can obtain Immortal Weapon, but , fails when success seemed within reach finally unexpectedly, still cannot obtain Immortal Weapon, was drilled into the bug-eaten part by immortal light, Virtuous Ancestor Biandu was almost also killed. 边渡贤祖,身披仙衣,大家本以为能取得仙兵了,但是,没有想到,在最后之时,竟然是功败垂成,依然未能取得仙兵,被仙光钻入了虫眼之中,边渡贤祖也差点丧命。 Such, makes one regret, is Biandu Aristocratic Family also regrets non- oneself in the heart, if makes their Biandu Aristocratic Family obtain Immortal Weapon, regarding their Biandu Aristocratic Family, what that means? 这样的一幕,是多么的让人惋惜,就是边渡世家在心里面也是惋惜不己,如果让他们边渡世家得到仙兵的话,对于他们边渡世家来说,那将会是意味着什么? What a pity, finally made immortal light drill into the bug-eaten part, such result / to bear fruit Biandu Aristocratic Family does not want to see, if possible, they also want to make up the immortal clothes. 可惜,最后还是让仙光钻入了虫眼之中,这样的结果边渡世家也不想看到,如果可以的话,他们也都想补好仙衣。 What a pity, the immortal clothes is not the thing in world, does not make up well, their Biandu Aristocratic Family had also once attempted, but, after using various methods, finally cannot make up the immortal clothes. 可惜,仙衣并非世间之物,根本就补不好,他们边渡世家也曾尝试过,但是,使用了各种手段之后,最终还是不能补好仙衣。 Pitifully, almost.” Everyone saw Virtuous Ancestor Biandu has approached Immortal Weapon, finally actually fails when success seemed within reach. “可惜了,就差一点点。”大家都看到了边渡贤祖已经靠近仙兵了,最终却功败垂成。 Even if everyone cannot obtain Immortal Weapon, but, still wants to look at the immortal true might, now looks like, only feared that is the opportunity is not big. 就算大家不能得到仙兵,但,也想看一看仙真正的威力,现在看来,只怕是机会不大。 -- loud sound, in many people regret, suddenly, Supreme Divine Power erupts all of a sudden, fearful Supreme Divine Power is wreaking havoc instantaneously the world. ——”的一声巨响,就在许多人不由惋惜之时,突然之间,无上神威一下子爆发,可怕的无上神威瞬间肆虐着天地。 Erupts from the fog on sky in sudden Divine Power, in this bang under loud sound, fearful aura sweeps across to come instantaneously, in an instant filled the entire world, blasts out like Sun, the Divine Power impact comes, easily accomplished, in this in an instant, can the crew cut ten million place mountain peaks, under such Divine Power impact, no matter how powerful cultivator will feel that can in destroy own instantaneously. 在突然爆发的神威正是从天空上的云雾之中爆发出来的,在这“轰”的巨响之下,一股可怕的气息瞬间席卷而来,刹那之间填充了整个天地,如同一轮轮太阳炸开一样,神威冲击而来,摧枯拉朽,在这刹那之间,可以推平千万座山峰,在这样的神威冲击之下,不管是多么强大的修士都会感觉能在瞬间把自己毁灭。 Instantaneously Correct One Supreme-- this Divine Power erupts in an instant, everyone for it with amazement, some people screamed, is absolutely terrified. 正一至尊——”这神威瞬间爆发的刹那之间,所有人都不由为之骇然,有人尖叫了一声,不由毛骨悚然。 Correct One Supreme take action, when this erupts Divine Power instantaneously, making everyone on the scene tremble, the fearful Divine Power steamroll, having made one pant for breath. 正一至尊出手,在这瞬间爆发神威的时候,让在场的所有人都不由颤了一下,可怕的神威碾压而过,让人不由为之喘息。 In this in an instant, that feared that Correct One Supreme does not have to show one's face, but, making everyone be able to feel, at this moment, the Supreme god stands erect in the own front, in his graces, can destroy everyone present all instantaneously. 在这刹那之间,那怕正一至尊并没有露脸,但是,让所有人都感觉得到,在此时此刻,有一位无上神祗就屹立在自己的面前,在他举手投足之间,就可以瞬间摧毁大家眼前的一切。 Even, he snaps fingers in one, can cut to kill their these Large Sect Old Ancestor and aristocratic family Senior Elder instantaneously. 甚至,他在一个弹指,就能瞬间斩杀他们这些大教老祖、世家元老 Under Correct One Supreme, his to show one's face, has not erupted, Divine Power Ling heaven, lets those present immediately with amazement, many cultivator powerhouses under so powerful Divine Power, instantaneous hong bend down in the place, full of admiration. 正一至尊,他还未露脸,一爆发之下,神威凌天,顿时让在场的人都不由为之骇然,不少修士强者在如此强大的神威之下,瞬间訇伏于地,五体投地。 Correct One Supreme, his powerful this is without a doubt, by his strength, in this in an instant, can steamroll all cultivator powerhouses on the scene. 正一至尊,他的强大这是毋庸置疑的,以他的实力,在这刹那之间,可以碾压在场的所有修士强者。 Correct One Supreme wanted take action.” After feeling so powerful Divine Power, many cultivator powerhouses awe the fog on looks at sky. 正一至尊出手了。”感受到如此强大的神威之后,多少修士强者不由敬畏地看着天空上的云雾。 Correct One Supreme, if cannot succeed, who can become.” That feared that is such as Eight Tribulations Blood King character so, looks at Correct One Supreme take action, is dignified for it manner, does not dare to have slight profaning. 正一至尊若未能成功,何人能成也。”那怕是如八劫血王这般的人物,看着正一至尊出手,也不由为之神态凝重,不敢有丝毫的轻慢。 In fact, far more than is Eight Tribulations Blood King, is Prajñā Senior Monk and Five Colors Saint Venerable their such four Great Grandmaster, will see Correct One Supreme soon take action, same will be the manner is dignified. 事实上,何止是八劫血王,就是般若圣僧五色圣尊他们这样的四大宗师,见到正一至尊即将出手,也一样是神态凝重起来。 Correct One Supreme and Buddha Supreme share the honor, the great strength of their strength, that is can with the Dao Monarch Ba Pi person of the same generation, considers, this is what kind of great strength, what kind of fearfulness. 正一至尊佛陀至尊齐名,他们实力之强大,那是可以与八匹道君平辈,试想一下,这是何等的强大,何等的可怕。 At this moment, facing Immortal Weapon such seduction, Correct One Supreme such Peerless character could not calm down, has to take action seize Immortal Weapon. 此时此刻,面对仙兵这样的诱惑,正一至尊这样绝世人物也沉不住气了,不得不出手去夺仙兵 Bang under loud sound, sky one dark, in this in an instant, bang, bang and bang the sound of thundering is lingering on faintly, sees only on sky to lower the tornado, the tornado dark cloud surrounds, just like obstructs to shut entire sky. “轰”的一声巨响之下,天空一暗,在这刹那之间,“轰、轰、轰”的轰鸣之声不绝于耳,只见天空上降下龙卷风,龙卷风乌云环绕,犹如遮闭了整个天空 Such tornado drops from the clouds, in this in an instant, just like ground the entire space, just like must grind the entire world crushes. 这样的龙卷风从天而降,在这刹那之间,犹如是碾碎了整个空间,犹如是要把整个天地碾得粉碎。 At this time, everyone felt that powerful incomparable strength suppresses in the own heart, is not only makes one pant for breath, even lets the impulsion that the person has to kneel down to pay homage, such strength was really powerful, anybody felt that under such strength, own could not support. 在这个时候,所有人都感觉强大无匹的力量压制在自己的心头上,不仅仅是让人为之喘息,甚至让人有跪下膜拜的冲动,这样的力量实在是太强大了,任何人都感觉在这样的力量之下,自己根本就撑不住。 Under such strength, is not to fall down pays homage to the place, was being ground by it instantaneously crushes. 在这样的一股力量之下,不是伏倒于地膜拜,就是被它在瞬间碾得粉碎。 In this moment, in the tornado extended an expert, this expert is dried up, making people not feel many blood energy, but, in this moment, the expert let fall primal chaos principles, each primal chaos principle is thick, as if each primal chaos principle can collapse by pressure Heavens. 在这一刻,龙卷风中伸出了一只老手,这只老手干枯,让人感觉没有多少血气,但是,在这一刻,老手垂落了一道道的混沌法则,每一道混沌法则粗大无比,似乎每一道的混沌法则能压塌诸天 At this time, the primal chaos principle lingered the expert, the primal chaos principle was forming defenses layer by layer, as if separated the Vanishing Heaven place, any attack will keep off by the primal chaos principle, as if the powerful attack is unable to penetrate such primal chaos principle defense to be the same. 在这个时候,混沌法则萦绕着老手,混沌法则形成了一层又一层的防御,似乎隔绝天地,任何攻击都会被混沌法则所挡下,似乎再强大的攻击都无法击穿这样的混沌法则防御一样。 But, the Correct One Supreme method not only stops in this, in this moment, hears the clang clang clang the sound to resound. 但,正一至尊的手段不仅仅止于此,在这一刻,听到铛铛铛的声音响起。 At clang, clang and clang in the sound, sees only golden light to reappear, bright golden light shone the world instantaneously, just like Sun to raise from sea surface slowly, the wave light that golden light sparkles can illuminate everyone's eyes in an instant. 在“铛、铛、铛”的声音中,只见金光浮现,灿烂的金光瞬间照射了天地,犹如太阳从海面冉冉升起,金光闪闪的波光能刹那之间照亮了所有人的眼睛。 At the clang clang clang in the sound, sees only the armor to cover, is blinking, the glove that golden light sparkles put on above the expert. 在铛铛铛的声音之中,只见铠甲覆盖,在眨眼之间,金光闪闪的手套穿在了老手之上。 The glove that golden light sparkles puts on , in hand, the entire glove just like is the golden snake scale is common, above golden scales has the trace, all golden scales traces spell, just like is a golden Sun raises general. 金光闪闪的手套穿在手上的时候,整个手套犹如是金色蛇鳞一般,金鳞之上有着纹路,所有金鳞的纹路拼起来,犹如是一轮金色的太阳升起一般。 Bang loud sound, when puts on big hand of glove grasps, the world vibrated, in this in an instant, just like the entire world to be grasped in this palm. “轰”的一声巨响,当穿着手套的大手一握之时,天地震动了一下,在这刹那之间,犹如整个天地被握在这手掌之中。 In everyone heart trembled, because the golden scales glove grasps, everyone felt that the own life was grasped in this only big hand. 所有人都不由心里面颤了一下,因为金鳞手套一握,所有人都感觉自己的性命被握在了这只大手之中。 Swallow the Heaven golden scales glove-- saw that this glove put on the Correct One Supreme golden scales glove, had Large Sect Old Ancestor to call out in alarm for it one: This is Swallow the Heaven Dao Monarch by Dao Monarch Weapon that own scales cast.” 吞天金鳞手套——”看到这只手套穿在了正一至尊金鳞手套,有大教老祖不由为之一声惊呼:“此乃是吞天道君以自身鳞甲所铸的道君之兵。” Swallow the Heaven Dao Monarch by the weapon that the own scales cast.” Hears such words, making in everyone heart shake. 吞天道君自己鳞甲所铸的兵器呀。”听到这样的话,让所有人都心里面不由为之一震。 As we all know, Swallow the Heaven Dao Monarch is Monster Race becomes enlightened, his True Body is the one python, becomes one generation of invincible Dao Monarch. 大家都知道,吞天道君乃是妖族成道,他的真身一条蟒蛇,成为一代无敌道君 Swallow the Heaven Dao Monarch takes the python, he achieves certain realm every time, will shed the snake skin of own. 吞天道君作为蟒蛇,他每达到一定境界,就会蜕下自己的蛇皮。 This „the Swallow the Heaven golden scales glove, Swallow the Heaven Dao Monarch sheds invincible Dao Monarch Weapon that the institute snake skin builds by own. 这一件“吞天金鳞手套”,正是吞天道君自己蜕下来所蛇皮所打造出来的无敌道君之兵 At this time, Correct One Supreme wore „the Swallow the Heaven golden scales glove to come, what this means? Correct One Supreme strength that already enough powerful, is fearful enough, now he also wears „the Swallow the Heaven golden scales glove, what kind of degree this is powerful. 在这个时候,正一至尊穿着“吞天金鳞手套”而来,这是意味着什么?正一至尊的实力那已经足够强大,已经足够可怕了,现在他还穿着“吞天金鳞手套”,这将会是强大到怎么样的程度呢。 At this time, saw only Correct One Supreme big hand one, golden light sparkles, just like infinite golden light to overspread the land in this in an instant, this only big hand opened, grasped the entire world probably in the hand. 在这个时候,只见正一至尊大手一张,金光闪闪,犹如无穷的金光在这刹那之间铺满了大地,这只大手一张开,也好像把整个天地握在了手中。 Under everyone suffocates, Correct One Supreme big hand has grasped to Immortal Weapon. 在所有人一窒息之下,正一至尊大手已经抓向了仙兵了。 In this in an instant, everyone turns very quiet, good is not willing to miss, more people prayed in the heart, hoping Correct One Supreme can succeed, if Correct One Supreme cannot take this Immortal Weapon, only feared that no one can obtain. 在这刹那之间,所有人都不由为之屏住呼吸,都不错不愿意错过,更多的人在心里面祈祷,希望正一至尊能成功,如果正一至尊都取不下这把仙兵,只怕再也没有人能取得下来了。 When big hand grasps to Immortal Weapon, that wipes the cold light of white as ivory to flash, instantaneous shoots towards one to supreme big hand. 大手抓向仙兵的时候,那一抹牙白的冷光一闪,瞬间射向正一至一至尊的大手 Hears crack the sound resounded, sees only the white as ivory cold light to penetrate the defense of primal chaos principle instantaneously, left behind a tiny incomparable wound, but, the defense most powerful offensive, was cracked-up instantaneously, the crack spread to all around. 听到“喀嚓”的声音响起,只见牙白冷光瞬间击穿了混沌法则的防御,留下了一个细小无比的伤口,但,防御受到最强大攻击,瞬间被撞碎,裂缝向四周扩散。 Penetrated the primal chaos principle defense instantaneously, this made everyone pull out an cold air/Qi, in the heart for it with amazement, this was how powerful, this was how terrifying strength. 瞬间就击穿了混沌法则防御,这让所有人都抽了一口冷气,心里面不由为之骇然,这是多么强大,这是多么恐怖力量 Correct One Supreme is powerful, his primal chaos principle defense, presenting anybody is impossible to break through, but, the white as ivory cold light was actually penetrating instantaneously, this is the terrifying matter. 正一至尊是何等强大,他的混沌法则防御,在场任何人都不可能攻破,但,牙白冷光却在瞬间击穿了,这是十分恐怖的事情。 What luckily is, hears clang a resonate sound, although this wiped the white as ivory cold light to penetrate the primal chaos principle defense, but, was actually worn the Swallow the Heaven golden scales glove on Correct One Supreme to block. 幸好的是,听到“铛”的一声响起,虽然这一抹牙白冷光击穿了混沌法则防御,但,却被穿在正一至尊手上的吞天金鳞手套所挡住了。 Saw that the Swallow the Heaven golden scales glove kept off this to wipe the white as ivory cold light, immediately made everyone relax. 见到吞天金鳞手套挡下了这一抹牙白冷光,顿时让大家不由松了一口气。 But, is this in an instant, Immortal Weapon bloomed a white as ivory cold light continuously, a white as ivory cold light continuously projects instantaneously, bang a resonate sound, under white as ivory cold light puncture, Correct One Supreme primal chaos principle thorough disintegration. 但,就是这刹那之间,仙兵绽放了一缕缕的牙白冷光,一缕缕的牙白冷光瞬间射出,“砰”的一声响起,在牙白冷光击穿之下,正一至尊混沌法则彻底的崩碎。 Hears clang, clang and clang resonate sound of collision, everyone sees clearly, saw only a white as ivory cold light continuously to puncture like silver needle above the Swallow the Heaven golden scales glove. 听到“铛、铛、铛”的碰撞之声响起,大家看清楚的时候,只见一缕缕的牙白冷光像一支支银针一样刺在了吞天金鳞手套之上了。 At this time, the Swallow the Heaven golden scales glove was covered with the hedgehog of long thorn probably, but punctures very much deeply with the white as ivory cold light, as if poor point can pierce the Swallow the Heaven golden scales glove. 在这个时候,吞天金鳞手套像是长满了长刺的刺猥,而用牙白冷光刺得很深,似乎差一点点就能把吞天金鳞手套刺穿了。 Luckily, the Swallow the Heaven golden scales glove has not disappointed everyone, although a white as ivory cold light continuously pricked the Swallow the Heaven golden scales glove, but, has not pierced it eventually, Correct One Supreme big hand grasps to Immortal Weapon. 幸好,吞天金鳞手套没有让大家失望,虽然一缕缕的牙白冷光刺入了吞天金鳞手套,但,终究还是没有刺穿它,正一至尊大手仙兵抓去。 In this electrical spark light, everyone flashes at present, Correct One Supreme big hand has gripped Immortal Weapon. 就在这石火电光之间,所有人眼前一闪的时候,正一至尊大手已经握住了仙兵了。 Good-- to see grips Immortal Weapon, immediately cheering resonate sound. “好——”见到一握住仙兵,顿时一阵喝采之声响起 Succeeded-- to see that Correct One Supreme big hand gripped Immortal Weapon firmly, does not know that many cultivator powerhouses could not bear cheer, excited incomparable. “成功了——”见到正一至尊大手牢牢握住仙兵,不知道多少修士强者都忍不住喝采,兴奋无比。 Correct One Supreme worthily is Correct One Supreme, worthily is now Southwest Sovereign most powerful exist(ence), his really success.” even if Large Sect Old Ancestor, sees with one's own eyes such a , excited incomparable. 正一至尊不愧是正一至尊,不愧是当今南西皇最强大的存在,他真的成功了。”就算是大教老祖,亲眼看到这样的一幕,也不由激动无比。 Many people died a tragic death under the white as ivory cold light, finally Immortal Weapon has not even wiped, passed away. 多少人惨死在了牙白冷光之下,最后连仙兵都没有抹到,就一命呜呼了。 Is Virtuous Ancestor Biandu, wears an immortal clothes, but , he although approached Immortal Weapon, same has not traced Immortal Weapon. 就是边渡贤祖,穿着一身仙衣,但是,他虽然靠近了仙兵,一样是没有摸到仙兵 It can be said that from beginning to end, Correct One Supreme touches to the Immortal Weapon person only. 可以说,从始至终,正一至尊是唯一摸到仙兵的人。
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