ED :: Volume #40

#3934: Immortal clothes

Under glare of the public eye, saw only Virtuous Ancestor Biandu to take out ancient small box slowly, this ancient small box was antique, made by the extremely rare stars ancient sandalwood, when such ancient small box took, made one smell fragrance of ancient times Chen sandalwood, was pleasing, just like stands under the starry sky, bathed in Star Radiance. 在众目睽睽之下,只见边渡贤祖缓缓取出了一个古盒,这个古盒乃是古香古色,以极为稀有的星辰古檀所制,当这样的一个古盒一拿出来的时候,就让人闻到了一股远古的辰檀之香,让人身心舒泰,犹如站在星空之下,沐浴在星辉之中。 Anybody looks at such ancient small box, understands, in this ancient small box the thing of splendid attire, that can be the extremely precious treasure. 任何人一看这样的一只古盒,都会明白,这古盒之中所盛装之物,那一定会是极珍贵之宝。 However, when thing in Virtuous Ancestor Biandu ancient small box takes, making everyone be startled. 但是,当边渡贤祖古盒之中的东西取出来的时候,让所有人都不由为之一怔。 Because Virtuous Ancestor Biandu takes from ancient small box is not heaven frightening treasure, unexpectedly is rags, how this does not let everyone for it stare blankly. 因为边渡贤祖古盒之中拿出来的不是什么惊天宝物,竟然是一张破布,这怎么不让所有人都不由为之呆了一下 ancient small box that the stars ancient sandalwood makes, only such ancient small box, is this what kind of value? So precious ancient small box, naturally was the splendid attire rarely world treasure, whom also met to take the wooden box that the stars ancient sandalwood made to come splendid attire such rags? 星辰古檀所制的古盒,单是这样的一个古盒,这是何等价值?如此珍贵的古盒,当然是盛装罕世珍宝了,又会谁拿星辰古檀所制的木盒来盛装这样的一张破布呢? This rags seemed like the age is too remote, everyone could not have seen it is what color, whole piece broken stretch/open Fanbai, seemed like very precious, after being washed time and time again, with preserved well. 这一张破布似乎年代太久远了,大家都已经看不出它原本是什么颜色了,整张破张泛白,似乎是十分珍贵,被洗了一次又一次之后,拿起来好好保存。 Because such rags are really extremely in remote, the whole piece rags had presented some small bug-eaten parts, seems like worm channel that some bugs leave behind. 因为这样的一张破布实在是太过于久远,整张破布已经出现了一些小小的虫眼,似乎是有一些小虫留下的蛀眼。 Moreover, this rags cutting out also very disorderly, the rags border is the thin tiny bits is even broken, was pulled many filaments, revealed the end. 而且,这一张破布裁剪也是十分的凌乱,破布的边沿甚至是稀稀碎碎,被扯了不少的长丝,露出了线头。 The whole piece rags look like, seems like rips from some complete cloth, or is some giant clothes palm of rips is the same. 整张破布看来,似乎是从某一张完整的布匹上撕下来,又或者是某个巨人身上的衣掌所撕下来的一样。 Such rags, if usually, in people's eyes seems like, not know many times the dish towel compared with it. 这样的一张破布,若是平时,在众人眼中看起来,连擦桌布都要比它强不知道多少倍。 If such rags throw on the street, only feared that no one will look at one, most people regard it to tattered, some people will not bend the waist to pick it. 若是这样的一张破布扔在街上,只怕没有任何人会多看一眼,绝大多数人都会视之为破烂,根本就不会有人弯腰去捡它。 However, at this time, it takes from the Virtuous Ancestor Biandu hand . Moreover, the Virtuous Ancestor Biandu manner is grave, anybody looks knows that feared is such as Virtuous Ancestor Biandu exist(ence) so, is treasures regarding this rags incomparably. 但是,此时,它从边渡贤祖手中拿出来,而且,边渡贤祖神态庄重,任何人一看都知道,那怕是如边渡贤祖这般的存在,对于这块破布也是珍惜无比。 What kind of exist(ence) is Virtuous Ancestor Biandu? Is prestigious Old Ancestor, in Biandu Aristocratic Family is powerful, in Biandu Aristocratic Family, what treasure? But, Virtuous Ancestor Biandu actually takes seriously such one piece of rags, this means, such one piece of rags have the heaven frightening incomparable origin. 边渡贤祖是怎么样的存在?乃是威名赫赫的老祖,在边渡世家更是位高权重,在边渡世家,什么样的宝物没有?但,边渡贤祖却偏偏重视这样的一块破布,这就意味着,这么一块破布有着惊天无比的来历。 what is this treasure?” If others so take out such one piece of rags seriously, that will certainly make everyone ridicule, certainly will make person roar with laughter get up. 这是什么宝物呢?”若是别人如此郑重地取出这么一块破布,那一定会让所有人嘲笑,一定会让人哄堂大笑起来。 However, such rags take from the Virtuous Ancestor Biandu hand, especially the Virtuous Ancestor Biandu manner is so serious, this made many cultivator powerhouses turn very quiet. 但是,这样的破布从边渡贤祖手中拿出来,特别是边渡贤祖神态如此郑重,这就让许多修士强者不由为之屏住呼吸了。 At this time, many people guessed, such one piece of rags, what treasure investigate sufficiently are, actually to have what magical powers? 在这个时候,很多人都不由猜测,这样的一块破布,充究是什么宝物,究竟有着什么样的神通呢? In fact, the cultivator capable person on the scene are countless, but, no one can see this rags the true origin. 事实上,在场修士能人无数,但,没有谁能看出这块破布的真正来历。 What does it have to affect?” Had aristocratic family Senior Elder also to whisper. “它有什么作用呢?”有世家元老也不由嘀咕了一声。 However, no one can reply, if this rags do not take from the Virtuous Ancestor Biandu hand, only feared, no one will treat as a matter. 但是,没有任何人能回答得上来,如果这块破布不是从边渡贤祖手中拿出来,只怕,没有任何人会当作一回事。 This thing, not the thing of our world of mortals.” At this time, stood and waited for a long time Eight Tribulations Blood King above void to be surprised: „The silk, my life has not so seen.” “此物,非我们凡间之物也。”在这个时候,伫立于虚空之上的八劫血王都不由为之一惊:“如此丝质,我一生未见。” Eight Tribulations Blood King such one sentence, making everyone shake for it mind, clearer this rags are what kind of precious, what kind of Wushuang/matchless. 八劫血王这样的一句话,让所有人都不由为之心神一震,更加明白这块破布是何等的珍贵,何等的无双了。 Myriad Blood Cult is what kind of background, Eight Tribulations Blood King is what kind of experience, but, he has not seen, it can be imagined this was rare and precious. 万血教是何等的底蕴,八劫血王是何等的见识,但,他都未曾见过,可想而知这是多么的珍稀了。 Beyond day thing.” Prajñā Senior Monk also sighed approved one. “天外之物也。”般若圣僧也不由叹赞了一声。 Five Colors Saint Venerable also nod, said: Biandu Aristocratic Family has such divine object, today was to really let Old Man broadened the outlook, has never seen this thing.” 五色圣尊也不由点头,说道:“边渡世家拥有如此神物,今日实在是让老朽大开眼界了,从未见过此般之物也。” Third four Great Grandmaster, so approve the mouth to this rags unceasingly, this is to make in all will of the people shake, at this time, everyone understands, all of them underestimated this rags was precious. 大宗师之三,都如此对这块破布赞口不绝,这更是让所有人心里面为之一震,在这个时候,大家都明白,他们所有人都是低估了这块破布的珍贵了。 Grasps the rags, Virtuous Ancestor Biandu not proudly, he smiled bitterly gently, said: This arrange/cloth, is our Virtuous Predecessor in the Black Tide Sea deep place obtained, for this arrange/cloth, several Virtuous Predecessor was once killed.” 手持破布,边渡贤祖并没有骄傲,他轻轻苦笑了一下,说道:“此布,乃是我们先贤黑潮海深处所得,为得此布,曾有几位先贤丧命也。” Although Virtuous Ancestor Biandu this saying said superficially, but, the knowledgeable people understand that in this superficial a few words, that is how soul-stirring. 边渡贤祖这话虽然说得轻描淡写,但是,有见识的人都明白这轻描淡写的一句话之中,那是多么的惊心动魄。 The Black Tide Sea deep place, that is how the fearful, bad risk how, but Biandu Aristocratic Family Virtuous Predecessor, is what kind of great strength, they were killed. 黑潮海深处,那是多么的可怕,多么的凶险,而边渡世家先贤们,又是何等的强大,他们都丧命于其中。 This is also conceivable, in the past to obtain such one piece of rags, Biandu Aristocratic Family was spares nothing. 这也可以想象,当年为了得到这么一块破布,边渡世家乃是不惜一切代价了。 This arrange/cloth, but is famous?” At this time, in the strong carriage spread a sound, this sound presses very lowly, even is somewhat hoarse, as if intends not to listen clearly. “此布,可有名?”在这个时候,铁铸马车之内传出了一个声音,这个声音压得很低,甚至有些沙哑,似乎有意让人听不清楚。 Hears the strong carriage to spread such a sound, making everyone be startled, this only feared that first few words that after is the Golden Pestle Dynasty protector arrives, says. 听到铁铸马车传出这么一个声音,让大家都不由为之一怔,这只怕是金杵王朝守护者到来之后所说的第一句话。 This arrange/cloth nameless, but, our taking is the immortal clothes.” Virtuous Ancestor Biandu complied with one, the reply. “此布无名,但,我们取之为仙衣。”边渡贤祖应了一声,回答。 Immortal clothes?” Virtuous Ancestor Biandu such words, let many blankly look at each other on the scene. “仙衣?”边渡贤祖这样的话,让在场的许多人都不由面面相觑了一眼。 If this said from others mouth, that will certainly make one laugh aloud, the one piece of rags, called it the immortal clothes unexpectedly, this was really odd. 如果这样的话从别人口中说出来,那一定会让人笑掉大牙,一块破布,竟然称之为仙衣,这实在是太离谱了。 However, said from the Virtuous Ancestor Biandu mouth in type words at this moment, everyone has not smiled. 但是,在此时此刻迪样的话从边渡贤祖口中说出来,大家都没有笑。 At this time, Virtuous Ancestor Biandu bound this rags on own, bound the own whole body solid. 在这个时候,边渡贤祖把这块破布裹在了自己身上,把自己全身严严实实地裹了起来。 Actually, this one piece of rags have not been able to wrap completely completely the body of Virtuous Ancestor Biandu, but, to package the own whole body in the rags, Virtuous Ancestor Biandu is shrinking the body of own tiredly, lets the rags own whole body cling. 其实,这一块破布还不能完全把边渡贤祖的身体完全包裹起来,但是,为了把自己全身包裹在破布之中,边渡贤祖倦缩着自己的身体,让破布把自己全身卷住。 Virtuous Ancestor Biandu is shrinking the body tiredly, packages solid own with the one piece of rags, this appearance, seems somewhat funny, but, no one laughs. 边渡贤祖倦缩着身体,用一块破布把自己包裹得严严实实,这番模样,看起来似乎有些滑稽,但是,没有任何人笑话。 At this time, curled solid Virtuous Ancestor Biandu to jump to fly own with the rags, instantaneously to inserting Immortal Weapon on mountain peak threw. 在这个时候,用破布把自己卷得严严实实的边渡贤祖纵身飞起,瞬间向插在山峰上的仙兵扑去。 In this in an instant, everyone eyes open the eyes in a big way, earnest looks at this, everyone eyes do not wink at present, feared that misses any detail, four Great Grandmaster are no exception. 在这刹那之间,所有人都眼睛睁得大大的,认真看着眼前这一幕,所有人眼睛都不眨一下,怕错过任何细节,连四大宗师都不例外。 In this instantaneous, Virtuous Ancestor Biandu approached Immortal Weapon, in this electrical spark light, sees only Immortal Weapon that wipes the white as ivory cold light to flash, in an instant shoots to Virtuous Ancestor Biandu. 在这瞬间,边渡贤祖靠近了仙兵,就在这石火电光之间,只见仙兵的那一抹牙白冷光一闪,刹那之间向边渡贤祖射去。 Careful-- such wipes the white as ivory cold light to the time that Virtuous Ancestor Biandu shoots, many people are surprised, some people call out in alarm one, reminded Virtuous Ancestor Biandu. “小心——”这样的一抹牙白冷光向边渡贤祖射去的时候,不少人为之一惊,有人惊呼一声,提醒边渡贤祖 Everyone personally sees this has wiped the white as ivory cold light how fearfully, therefore, in this wipes the instance that the white as ivory cold light projects, everyone 's heart hangs. 大家都亲眼见过这一抹牙白冷光是多么的可怕,所以,在这一抹牙白冷光射出的瞬间,大家的一颗心都不由为之高悬起来。 But, at this time, inconceivable matter happened. When this wipes the white as ivory cold light shoots above the rags, this seemed like a wisp of ordinary ray to shoot above the thick cotton fiber, without injuring Virtuous Ancestor Biandu, probably what matter has not happened is the same. 但,在这个时候,不可思议的事情发生了。当这一抹牙白冷光射在破布之上的时候,这就好像是一缕普通的光芒射在了厚厚的棉絮之上,没有伤害到边渡贤祖,好像是什么事情都没有发生过一样。 Really became?” Sees such one piece of rags, blocked unexpectedly like this wiped the white as ivory cold light, making many cultivator powerhouses on the scene cheer. “真的成了?”看到这么一块破布,竟然就这样挡住了一抹牙白冷光,让在场的许多修士强者都不由为之喝采了一声。 No wonder will call it the immortal clothes.” Has Large Sect Old Ancestor to mutter said: Such one piece of rags, can block to wipe white immortal light, this is really the miracle.” “难怪会称之为仙衣。”有大教老祖不由喃喃地说道:“就这么一块破布,就能挡得住抹白仙光,这实在是奇迹呀。” Is beyond the day immortal object, perhaps is to make to repel one another?” Some important people also said sigh with emotion. “都是天外仙物,或许是相制相克呢?”有大人物也不由为之感慨地说道。 Before then, many Large Sect Old Ancestor have attempted, how powerful invincible defense and weapon, cannot keep off Immortal Weapon the wipes the white as ivory cold light, strikes fatally. 在此之前,多少大教老祖尝试过,多么强大无敌的防御、兵器,都未曾能挡下仙兵的这一抹牙白冷光,一击致命。 However, in this moment, this wiped the white as ivory cold light to be blocked by this rags unexpectedly, this was how inconceivable matter, was really the miracle. 但是,在这一刻,这一抹牙白冷光竟然是被这块破布所挡住了,这是多么不可思议的事情,实在是奇迹了。 Such one piece of rags, call it the immortal clothes, is not overrated slightly. 这样的一块破布,称之为仙衣,丝毫都不为过。 After the rags block this wiped the white as ivory cold light, making Virtuous Ancestor Biandu also relax, it seems like, their treasure indeed plays the role. 当破布挡住了这一抹牙白冷光之后,让边渡贤祖也不由为之松了一口气,看来,他们的宝物的确是起到作用了。 This also makes Virtuous Ancestor Biandu also one happy, if their immortal clothes really can block this Immortal Weapon ray, can make to repel one another with Immortal Weapon , their Biandu Aristocratic Family has the opportunity to obtain this Immortal Weapon. 这也让边渡贤祖也不由为之一喜,如果他们的仙衣真的能挡得住这仙兵的光芒,能与仙兵相制相克的话,那么,他们边渡世家就有机会得到这件仙兵 If their Biandu Aristocratic Family really obtains Immortal Weapon, what that does mean? 若是他们边渡世家真的是得到仙兵,那将会是意味着什么? In this in an instant, Virtuous Ancestor Biandu approaches to Immortal Weapon, wants to seize Immortal Weapon. 就在这刹那之间,边渡贤祖仙兵靠近,欲夺仙兵 In this electrical spark light, Immortal Weapon bloomed instantaneously continuously one wipes the white cold light, this white as ivory cold Guangshe continuously above the rags, had not shot through the rags unexpectedly. 就在这石火电光之间,仙兵瞬间绽放了一缕缕的抹白冷光,这一缕缕的牙白冷光射在了破布之上,竟然没有射穿破布。 This makes everyone surprised incomparable, Virtuous Ancestor Biandu also felt relieved thoroughly. 这让所有人都不由惊奇无比,边渡贤祖也彻底放心了。 However, when Virtuous Ancestor Biandu feels relieved thoroughly, the wisp stops on rags the white as ivory cold light, really like having life, swung above the rags, made it find that tiny incomparable bug-eaten part above rags unexpectedly, worms one's way into from the bug-eaten part instantaneously. 但是,就在边渡贤祖彻底放心的时候,有一缕停在破布上的牙白冷光,竟然如同有生命一样,在破布之上摆动了一下,竟然让它找到了破布之上的那细小无比的虫眼,瞬间从虫眼钻了进去。 Ah!-- a pitiful yell, Virtuous Ancestor Biandu causes heavy losses instantaneously, in this electrical spark light, Virtuous Ancestor Biandu but actually vertical departs, at the maximum speed runs away to go. ——”的一声惨叫,边渡贤祖瞬间重创,在这石火电光之间,边渡贤祖倒纵飞出,以最快的速度逃遁而去。 Bang a resonate sound, Virtuous Ancestor Biandu threw down layer on layer/heavily before the Biandu Aristocratic Family disciple. “砰”的一声响起,边渡贤祖重重地摔倒在了边渡世家的弟子面前。 The Biandu Aristocratic Family disciple takes down the immortal clothes immediately, sees only the Virtuous Ancestor Biandu whole body dripping with blood, but, had not been killed, still living. 边渡世家的弟子立即取下仙衣,只见边渡贤祖全身鲜血淋漓,但是,并没有被杀死,依然活着。 Quick life-saving.” Biandu Aristocratic Family crossed the tight ancestor to lift immediately, rapidly life-saving. “快救人。”边渡世家立即把边渡紧祖抬了下去,急速救人。 Such, making everyone look to stay, can keep off the Immortal Weapon white as ivory cold light to exclaim in surprise for the rags in everyone a moment ago , in an instant Virtuous Ancestor Biandu by severe wound. 这样的一幕,让所有人都看呆了,在刚才大家都为破布能挡下仙兵的牙白冷光而惊叹,没有想到,刹那之间边渡贤祖就被重伤了。 This immortal clothes, has the breakage place, without the means protects completely.” important people sees very clearly, understands why Virtuous Ancestor Biandu will receive so the severe wound. “这块仙衣,有破损的地方,没办法完全防护。”有一位大人物看得很清楚,明白边渡贤祖为什么会受到如此重伤。
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