ED :: Volume #39

#3867: No one can rush

what is this thing?” After recovering, everyone is looking at the present mountain valley, the stone of everyone looks at this each one plump. 这是什么东西?”回过神来之后,大家都不由望着眼前的山谷,大家都看着这个个圆滚滚的石头。 When the stones of these plump stay there, when their motionless platoon row sitting, no one can look at them to have the striking power, they are the six domestic animals are harmless. 当这一颗颗圆滚滚的石头呆在那里的时候,当它们一动不动排排坐的时候,没有任何人能看得出来它们有攻击力,它们可谓是六畜无害。 They are motionless time, that is just stones, could not look that what kind of damage it can cause. 它们不动的时候,那只不过是一颗颗石头而已,根本就看不出来它能给人造成怎么样的伤害。 However, when they spray pebble, unexpectedly instantaneously hit the forehead of person, seems not possible to avoid to be the same. 但是,当它们喷射出一个个石子的时候,竟然是瞬间击中了人的头额,似乎根本就不可能躲避一样。 Saw that such a powerhouse suffers a loss, many cultivator powerhouse blankly look at each other on the scene. 看到这么一个强者吃了大亏,在场的不少修士强者都不由面面相觑 I do not believe in evil doctrines.” A young generation of powerhouse does not believe unable to rush, sinks to drink one, hears clang, clang and clang the sound resounds, his whole body put on the thick armor instantaneously, the whole body by armor hold/container Keguo, the strict silk tight seam, as if anything does not penetrate. “我就不信邪了。”一位年轻一辈的强者也不信闯不进去,沉喝一声,听到“铛、铛、铛”的声音响起,他全身瞬间披上了厚厚的铠甲,全身被铠甲包课裹着,严丝密缝,似乎什么都穿不透。 Heavy mountain armor, abandons Young Master of section heavy mountain aristocratic family.” Saw that this youth puts on an armor, immediately some people recognized him to come, whispered. “重山甲呀,都舍部重山世家的公子。”看到这个青年穿着一身铠甲,立即就有人认出他来了,不由嘀咕了一声。 Heavy mountain armor is the great strength that the defense becomes famous, heavy/thick incomparable, is hard breaks through.” Knows that the powerhouse of this armor also thought this youth puts on an armor, can definitely be able to block the attack. “重山甲是防御出了名的强大,厚重无比,难于攻破。”知道这身铠甲的强者也觉得这个青年穿着一身铠甲,肯定能挡得住攻击。 At this time, youth heavy armor in body, heart inside courage also strong many, in towards the mountain valley walks slowly. 在这个时候,青年重铠在身,心里面的胆气也壮了不少,缓缓向山谷里面走去。 When he one step steps into the mountain valley, whiz a resonate sound, had the stone of plump to fire at pebble immediately. 当他一步踏入山谷的时候,“嗖”的一声响起,立即有颗圆滚滚的石头射击出了一个石子。 Opening this youth sinks to drink one, he threw over to send out the ray in heavy mountain armor instantaneously, everyone felt in this in an instant, the before body of this youth, appeared mountains, thousand heavy mountains kept off in his front in an instant, as if can block any attack. “开”这位青年沉喝一声,他披在身上的重山甲瞬间散发出了光芒,所有人都觉得在这刹那之间,这位青年的身前浮现了一座座的山岳,千层重岳刹那之间挡在了他的面前了,似乎可以挡得住任何的攻击。 Bang a resonate sound, everyone does not look clearly, that feared that this youth feeling of heaviness in the limbs mountain armor on body, that feared that was his armor has raised thousand mountains to defend, but, did not help matters. “砰”的一声响起,大家看不明白,那怕这个青年一身重山铠甲在身上了,那怕是他身上的铠甲已经升起了千层山岳防御了,但,都无济于事。 The pebble that the fire comes out, is not the least bit off, the instantaneous fire above his forehead, as if it penetrated the armor to be the same all of a sudden, perhaps, it disregards all defenses in an instant, passed through all defenses instantaneously. 射击而出来的石子,丝毫不差,瞬间射击在了他的头额之上,似乎它是一下子穿透了铠甲一样,或许,它是刹那之间无视一切防御,瞬间贯穿了一切防御。 Ah!” a resonate sound, this youth called out pitifully, raised the head to fall down, but, at this moment, he was scared, that feared that was stroked dizzy turns around, he is bearing the pain, tumbled, escaped all of a sudden from the mountain valley. 啊”一声响起,这位青年惨叫一声,仰首栽倒,但,这一刻,他被吓破了胆,那怕被击打得头昏转身,他都忍受着痛苦,连滚带爬,一下子从山谷之中逃出来。 Although is so, he still ate 23 pebble, after crawling the mountain valley, is painful he is yelled, in this blinks, his head is still swells looks like the pig head. 尽管是如此,他依然是吃了二三颗石子,爬出山谷之后,痛得他是嗷嗷大叫,在这眨眼之间,他的头颅依然是肿得像猪头。 Sees this youth, wears heavy mountain armor, was still hit by the pebble, this was really odd, those present blankly look at each other, at once, everyone could not speak. 看到这个青年,身穿重山甲,依然被石子击中,这实在是太离谱了,在场的人都不由面面相觑,一时之间,大家都说不出话来了。 Because everyone cannot understand, under the numerous defenses, under the heavy mountain armor package, why the pebble still can also hit the heavy mountain aristocratic family Young Master forehead? Everyone thinks that is not clear. 因为所有人都看不懂,在重重的防御之下,在重山甲的包裹之下,为什么石子依然还能击中重山世家公子的额头呢?大家都想不明白了。 Why can like this?” At once, everyone blankly look at each other, everyone thinks clearly, why seemingly not to have the pebble of injury, was actually projected in the forehead of person accurately, could not hide, could not defend. “为什么会这样?”一时之间,大家都面面相觑,所有人都想不明白,为什么看起来没有伤害的石子,却是那么准确地打到了人的额头上,根本就躲不掉,也根本防御不住。 what is this truth?” Yang Ling cannot understand, does not look clearly, pebble hits, regarding any cultivator, this radically is the attack that nothing hurts, a little cultivation people can evade slightly, or is defends, but, in the stone of this plump makes under the pebble, cannot defend, does not evade. 这是什么道理呀?”杨玲看不懂,也看不明白,一颗石子打来,对于任何修士来说,这根本就是没有任何伤害的攻击,稍有点道行的人都能躲得过,或者是防御得住,但是,在这圆滚滚的石头打出石子之下,根本就是防不住,躲不过。 Li Qiye smiled one merely, has not said anything, on treasure regarding hill, he has not looked at one. 李七夜仅仅是笑了一下而已,没有说什么,对于山丘上的宝物,他也没有多看一眼。 Space circumvention.” The old servant looks at mountain valley, the vision is profound, especially that precious jade on looks at small hill, his vision beat. “空间规避。”老奴看着山谷,目光深邃,特别是看着山丘上的那块宝玉,他的目光更是跳动了一下。 Without a doubt, the old servant saw some clue. 毫无疑问,老奴是看出了一些端倪。 I try.” At this time, a youth stood, whole body turnover flame. “我来试试。”在这个时候,一个青年站了出来,全身吞吐着火焰。 Tuhuo Aristocratic Family Young Master.” Saw that this stands, the youth of whole body turnover flame, many Black Wood Cliff on the scene cultivator powerhouses recognized all of a sudden. 吐火世家少主。”看到这个站出来,全身吞吐火焰的青年,在场很多黑木崖修士强者都一下子认出来了。 At this time, Young Master Tuhuo stood by the mountain valley, cried loud and long, the whole body the flame shoots up to the sky in an instant, shouted greatly severely: World magma words fall, pinch the real secret art, executes Cultivation Technique. 在这个时候,吐火少主站在山谷旁边,长啸一声,全身刹那之间火焰冲天而起,大厉喝道:“天地岩浆”话一落下,捏真诀,施功法 Bang, bang and bang loud sound, in this in an instant, saw only the land instantaneously spout magma, on sky instantaneously the impact giant meteorite, each giant meteorite impact, is dragging the long flame fire, was ordinary like the destruction world. “轰、轰、轰”的一声声巨响,在这刹那之间,只见大地瞬间喷涌起了岩浆,天空上瞬间冲击下了一颗颗巨陨,每一颗巨陨冲击而下,都拖着长长的炎火,如同毁灭世界一般。 At bang under loud sound, tens of thousands of giant meteorite attacked to the mountain valley, the torrential racing wells up magma towards the mountain valley submerged to go, the day swung shakes, just like was the judgment day is the same. 在“轰”的巨响之下,成千上万的巨陨冲击向了山谷,滔滔奔涌的岩浆向山谷淹没而去,天摇地晃,犹如是世界末日一样。 Under so the terrifying attack, many cultivator powerhouse on the scene, that pulled out an cold air/Qi. 在如此恐怖攻击之下,在场的不少修士强者,那都不由抽了一口冷气。 Tuhuo Aristocratic Family Young Master, living up to reputation, worthily is the Black Wood Cliff young talent.” After seeing such a, even if not the Black Wood Cliff powerhouse, still approved one. 吐火世家少主,名不虚传,不愧是黑木崖的年少天才。”看到这样的一幕之后,就算不是黑木崖的强者,也都不由赞了一声。 Without a doubt, Tuhuo Aristocratic Family Young Master first sends at this time, he first does not defend, but in the stone of plump to the mountain valley launched the attack directly, as if wanted the instantaneous disintegration to submerge all rocks in mountain valley. 毫无疑问,此时吐火世家少主是先发致人,他不是先防御,而是直接对山谷之中圆滚滚的石头发起了攻击,似乎要瞬间崩碎淹没山谷之中的所有岩石。 In the meteorite and magma must destroy the entire mountain valley in an instant, hears buzz a resonate sound, saw only that precious jade above hill to send out the clear ray in an instant, the clear ray like a giant incomparable large bowl, the counter- buckle, covered the entire mountain valley in the clear ray in an instant. 就在陨石、岩浆要毁灭整个山谷的刹那之间,听到“嗡”的一声响起,只见山丘之上的那块宝玉刹那之间散发出了晶莹的光芒,晶莹的光芒像一个巨大无比的海碗一样,刹那之间反扣,把整个山谷都笼罩在了晶莹光芒之中。 Bang, bang and bang sounds of the hit are lingering on faintly, see only Tuhuo Aristocratic Family Young Master giant meteorite and magma impact when next, the completely covered clear ray blocked, no matter how the giant meteorite is impulse terrifying, no matter magma is what kind of boiling hot, can burn down all, but, cannot break through the defense of this Ying crystal ray. “砰、砰、砰”的一声声撞击之声不绝于耳,只见吐火世家少主巨陨岩浆冲击而下之时,全部都被笼罩的晶莹光芒挡住了,不管巨大的陨石是冲击力如何恐怖,不管岩浆是何等的滚烫,可以焚烧一切,但,都冲不破这莹晶光芒的防御。 Opens to me in this in an instant, nearby Large Sect Old Ancestor could not calm down, he stands in the distant place, drinks one severely, furiously roared said: Galaxy falling day exploded words to fall, offers a sacrifice to treasure. “给我开”在这刹那之间,旁边的一位大教老祖也沉不住气了,他站在远处,厉喝一声,狂吼道:“星河坠天爆”话一落下,祭出了一件宝物 When sees only his treasure offers a sacrifice, prestige of wreaking havoc world Heaven Venerable, just like a galaxy to overhang above Vault of Heaven, as the world sways, bang loud sound, trillion stars in this like the violent storm same impact came, to pinch in an instant is destroying the prestige of bang Heavenly Annihilation place to the mountain valley, wanted the defense of bang broken clear ray. 只见他这宝物一祭出之时,天尊之威肆虐天地,犹如一个星河高挂在天穹之上,随着天地摇晃,“轰”的一声巨响,亿万星辰在这刹那之间如狂风暴雨一样冲击而来,挟着毁灭天灭地之威轰向了山谷,欲轰破晶莹光芒的防御。 Starry sky senior prime minister sees this take action Large Sect Old Ancestor, some people recognized, called out in alarm said: „The starry sky border country senior prime minister, his galaxy falling day exploded one time once is collapsed the 100,000 army.” “星空老丞相”看到这个出手大教老祖,有人认出来了,惊呼道:“星空疆国的老丞相,他的星河坠天爆曾是一次崩溃了十万大军。” This take action Large Sect Old Ancestor, is a Buddhist Holy Land border country prime minister, is powerful, take action, making many people on the scene frightened. 这位出手大教老祖,正是佛陀圣地一个疆国的丞相,实力强大,一出手,让在场不少人为之惊悚。 Bang loud sound, such as destroying the heavens, extinguishing the earth is the same, in this senior prime minister powerful incomparable under strikes, numerous hits above Ying crystal ray, but, still cannot break the defense of crystal treasure ray. “砰”的一声巨响,如毁天灭地一样,在这位老丞相强大无匹的一击之下,重重撞击在了莹晶光芒之上,但,依然破不了晶宝光芒的防御。 In this electrical spark light, buzz, the space shivered slightly, everyone decides the eye opens, on mountain valley small hill, before the precious jade, unexpectedly has been standing Old Ancestor. 就在这石火电光之间,“嗡”的一声,空间微微颤抖了一下,大家定眼一开的时候,在山谷的小山丘上,在宝玉之前,竟然已经站着一个老祖了。 This Old Ancestor black clothes, the whole person is the form is indistinct, just like very weak flame to be the same, as if can extinguish momentarily, vanishes all of a sudden does not see, his form is very fuzzy, he stands there, looks like a shadow, can escape in shadowless invisible momentarily. 这位老祖一身黑衣,整个人乃是身影飘渺不定,犹如十分微弱的火焰一样,似乎随时都可以熄灭,一下子消失不见,他的身影十分模糊,他站在那里的时候,就像是一个影子,随时都可以遁于无影无形 Divine Ghost Division spirit Old Ancestor sees this Old Ancestor time, there is a powerhouse to call out in alarm one, has not thought, presented so many important people in this in an instant. 神鬼部的幽灵老祖”看到这位老祖的时候,有强者不由惊呼一声,也没有想到,在这刹那之间出现了这么多的大人物 Getting up this spirit Old Ancestor sinks to drink one, puts out a hand grasps to the precious jade, the precious jade grasped instantaneously firmly. “起”这位幽灵老祖沉喝一声,伸手向宝玉抓去,瞬间牢牢地宝玉抓到手了。 Must attain.” Saw that spirit Old Ancestor holds the precious jade instantaneously, everyone calls out in alarm one, it seems like spirit Old Ancestor must obtain treasure. “要拿到了。”看到幽灵老祖瞬间抓住宝玉,大家都不由惊呼一声,看来幽灵老祖要取得宝物了。 However, that feared that spirit Old Ancestor firmly held this precious jade, float there precious jade, took root to be the same unexpectedly probably, is entirely still. 但是,那怕幽灵老祖牢牢抓住这宝玉了,悬浮在那里的宝玉,竟然像是生根一样,纹丝不动。 Spirit Old Ancestor sinks to drink one, his whole body dim light soared to the heavens, used the strength of nursing, but, still cannot move this precious jade slightly. 幽灵老祖沉喝一声,他全身幽光冲天,使出了吃奶的力气,但是,依然移动不了这块宝玉丝毫。 In this in an instant, had the stone of plump to fire at the pebble instantaneously, the spirit Old Ancestor speed was extremely fast, such as the flying soul startled mortal form was ordinary, at the maximum speed towards the mountain valley escaped. 就在这刹那之间,有颗圆滚滚的石头瞬间射击出了石子,幽灵老祖速度极快,如飞魂惊魄一般,以最快的速度向山谷外逃去。 But, he still cannot escape, in bang , the pebble was not the least bit off hits his forehead, his pain resulted in big shout, fell down on the ground, tumbled, escaped from the mountain valley, but, ate several pebble continually, the head was hit blood directing current, was painful he unable to bear yelled. 但,他依然未能逃过一劫,在“砰”的一声中,石子丝毫不差地打中了他的额头,他痛得大叫一声,栽倒在地上,连滚带爬,逃出了山谷,但,一连吃了好几颗石子,头颅被打得鲜血直流,痛得他都忍不住哇哇大叫。 This place was too strange.” Saw that Young Master Tuhuo and starry sky senior prime minister and spirit Old Ancestor such powerful character take action flies back without any results, immediately lets those present blankly look at each other. “这地方太诡异了。”看到吐火少主、星空老丞相、幽灵老祖这样强大的人物出手都无功而返,顿时让在场的人都不由面面相觑 This , is not only this mountain valley is strange, that precious jade, that is heaven defying is also incomparable, under does not have any strength stimulation of movement, cannot block the starry sky senior prime minister unexpectedly strikes.” Some important people hesitate said. “这不仅是这山谷诡异,那块宝玉,那也是逆天无比,没有任何力量催动之下,竟然不能挡得住星空老丞相的一击。”有大人物不由沉吟地说道。 The starry sky senior prime minister sinking sound said: Defense strength of this precious jade, that absolutely is the Dao Monarch rank, under I strike full power, does not damage, this was too powerful.” 星空老丞相沉声地说道:“这宝玉的防御力量,那绝对是道君级别,在我全力一击之下,丝毫不损,这太强大了。” Is so powerful hears such a few words of starry sky senior prime minister, those present palpitate with excitement. “这么强大”听到星空老丞相的这么一句话,在场的人都不由为之怦然心动。 Considers, the defense of Dao Monarch rank, what that means that if refining up this precious jade, can become defense invincible treasure? 试想一下,道君级别的防御,那是意味着什么,若是把这件宝玉炼成,岂不是能成为一件防御无敌的宝物了? At once, cultivator powerhouse blankly look at each other on the scene, no matter what who wants to obtain this treasure, but, those present, as if do not have that ability to take this precious jade from the mountain valley. 一时之间,在场的修士强者都不由面面相觑,任谁都想得到这件宝物,但是,在场的人,似乎都没有那个能力从山谷之中把这块宝玉取出来。
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