ED :: Volume #39

#3866: The stone of plump

This stone that jumps from the mud silt, that is a plump, its body has the stripe of black and white interaction, cannot see what special place. 这个从泥淤中跳起来的石头,那是圆滚滚的,它身上有着黑白相间的条纹,看不出什么特别的地方。 Although a stone of such plump, without eye, does not have the both legs, when looks, always thought that it has a sparkling eye to be in sight you to be the same. 虽然这么一个圆滚滚的石头,没有眼睛,也没有双腿,但是,当一望去的时候,总觉得它有一双乌溜溜的眼睛在望着你一样。 Really is treasure?” Sees a stone of such plump, Yang Ling does not believe very much, but, both eyes for it one bright. “真的是宝物吗?”看到这么一个圆滚滚的石头,杨玲不是很相信,但,也不由双目为之一亮。 Small obediently, comes to here quickly.” Yang Ling is staring at the stone of this plump, scolds one tenderly, opens the hand, grasps to the stone of this plump. “小乖乖,快到我这里来。”杨玲盯着这个圆滚滚的石头,娇叱一声,张手,向这个圆滚滚的石头抓去。 In this in an instant, the stone of this plump splits all of a sudden, like the mouth, sprayed a pebble. 就在这刹那之间,这个圆滚滚的石头一下子裂开,就像嘴巴一样,喷射出了一个小石子来。 Bang a resonate sound, this pebble instantaneous fire on the forehead of Yang Ling, Yang Ling was hit the eye to brave golden star all of a sudden, hit one to stagger, almost threw down on the ground, on the forehead a large package. “砰”的一声响起,这小石子瞬间射击在了杨玲的头额上,杨玲一下子被打得眼冒金星,打了一个踉跄,差点摔倒在了地上,头额上起了一个大包。 The Yang Ling pain was called one, is holding the forehead, Yang Ling was also startled, although she was not Peerless expert, but, her skill was very agile, young one generation, the ordinary powerhouse, not possible on so such a to stroke her the head. 杨玲痛叫一声,也不由抱着头额,杨玲也吃惊,虽然她不是什么绝世高手,但是,她的身手是十分敏捷,年轻一辈,普通强者,不可能就如此这么一击打中她的头颅。 Although said, the stone of this plump, sprayed such pebble, hit on the forehead, and there's nothing too big injury, but, like Yang Ling, is actually not able to evade such pebble agilely, by it, as soon as hit, was struck the eye to brave golden star all of a sudden, almost threw down on the ground. 虽然说,这圆滚滚的石头,喷射出了这么一个石子,打在头额上,并没有什么太大的伤害,但,敏捷如杨玲,却无法躲过这么一个石子,被它一击中,就一下子被击得眼冒金星,差点摔倒在地上。 The Yang Ling response was extremely quick, but, such a stone hit, how she did not see clearly projects in the own forehead, perspective was really cunning, making people virtually impossible to guard against. 杨玲反应算是极快了,但是,这么一颗石打了过来,她都看不清楚是怎么打到自己头额上的,角度实在是太刁钻了,让人防不胜防。 what is this thing?” Yang Ling ate the pain to call one, is holding the large package on forehead, said surprised. 这是什么东西?”杨玲吃痛叫了一声,抱着头额上的大包,吃惊地说道。 At this time, the stone of this plump squeak called one, turns around to walk, although it does not have the both legs, but, it rolls toward the ground, hears mediocre, mediocre and mediocre the sound to be lingering on faintly, suddenly, then rolls by far . Moreover the speed is extremely fast. 在这个时候,这个圆滚滚的石头吱的叫了一声,转身就走,虽然它没有双腿,但是,它往地上一滚,就听到“碌、碌、碌”的声音不绝于耳,眨眼之间,便滚得远远的,而且速度极快。 Follows.” Li Qiye smiled lightly, said: It can lead you to go to a place.” Saying, then takes a step the line. “跟上吧。”李七夜淡淡地笑了一下,说道:“它能带你去一个地方的。”说着,便举步而行。 Yang Ling for it one happy, said: Real? Is the place of concealed treasure?” 杨玲不由为之一喜,说道:“真的吗?是藏宝之地吗?” Li Qiye did not speak with a smile, Yang Ling they were also busy with. 李七夜含笑不语,杨玲他们也忙是跟上来。 The stone of this plump, as if also knows that Li Qiye they with, it rolled quickly, the mediocre common sound is lingering on faintly, rolls to seem like a flight sphere to be the same, curled up mist and dust. 这颗圆滚滚的石头,似乎也知道李七夜他们跟上来了,它滚动得更快了,碌碌碌的声音不绝于耳,滚起来像是一个飞行的圆球一样,卷起了一股烟尘。 However, no matter how it rolls quickly, it cannot throw off Li Qiye, it quick speed, in front of Li Qiye, that also is just the snail line. 不过,不管它滚得如何快,它都甩不掉李七夜,它再快的速度,在李七夜面前,那也只不过是蜗行罢了。 In fact, even if the stone of this plump can throw off Li Qiye they, that there's nothing, Li Qiye they are also still the same as be able to follow. 事实上,就算这颗圆滚滚的石头能甩掉李七夜他们,那也没有什么的,李七夜他们也一样能跟着下去。 Because the stone of this plump, when the ground rolls, then has left behind one the wheel track, only needs to follow this wheel track vanguard, can follow behind the stone of this plump. 因为这颗圆滚滚的石头在地上滚动的时候,便已经留下了一条浅浅的轨辙,只需要跟着这条轨辙前行,就能一直跟在这个圆滚滚的石头后面了。 The stone of this plump is rolling mediocre common, it rolls toward the sea bed deep place, has led the way, has gone toward sea bed Xiabei. 这个圆滚滚的石头碌碌碌地滚动着,它往海床深处滚去,一直前行,就是一直往海床下陂而去。 When rolled into the sea bed bottom, around here is mountain peaks towers, usually, here mountain peak, that was submerged under the Black Tide Sea sea water, now the sea water the tide has drawn back, mountain peaks that expose then tower in everyone's front. 当滚入了海床底之时,这里四周是一座座山峰耸立,平日里,这里的一座座山峰,那都是被淹没在了黑潮海的海水之下,现在海水都已经潮退了,裸露出来的一座座山峰便耸立在所有人的面前。 When stands when the seabed, raise one's head looks at these mountain peaks, discovered that these mountain peak that can also the straight peak enter said that in this mountain ranges, clouds locking mist circles, just like entered another world to be the same. 当站在海底之下的时候,抬头远看这一座座的山峰之时,发现这一座座山峰那也能直耸入云,在这山峦之间,云锁雾绕,犹如是进入了另外一个世界一样。 Here, mountain peaks interlock mutually, the mountain range fluctuates, just like to enter the 100,000 mountain to be the same, that feared these mountain peaks and there's nothing lush trees, but, in this intriguing mountain range, during clouds locking mist circled, incautiously, will still make one lose the direction. 在这里,一座座山峰相互交错,山峦起伏,犹如进入了十万大山一般,那怕这一座座山峰并没有什么茂盛的树木,但是,在这错综复杂的山峦之中,在云锁雾绕之中,一不小心,依然会让人迷失方向。 Li Qiye they followed the stone of this plump to enter in the mountain range of this fluctuating, just like enters was maze-like, making them have an misconception, just like to enter another world to be the same. 李七夜他们跟着这个圆滚滚的石头进入了这一片起伏的山峦之中,也犹如进入了迷宫一般,让他们有着一种错觉,犹如进入了另外一个世界一样。 Finally, the stone of plump brought Li Qiye they to enter in a giant mountain valley, in the center of this giant mountain valley, small hill, as if, such small hill stood erect the stage in this stretch of the world to be the same. 最终,圆滚滚的石头带着李七夜他们进入了一个巨大的山谷之中,在这个巨大山谷的中央,有一座小山丘,似乎,这么一个小山丘就是屹立在这片天地的高台一样。 When sees at present such a giant mountain valley, under Yang Ling they see initially, is startled, looks at dumbfounded. 当看到眼前这样的一个巨大山谷的时候,杨玲他们初见之下,都不由大吃一惊,看得都呆住了 Because in this mountain valley, not only then the stone of that plump, in fact, in this mountain valley, the platoon covered entirely the stones of plump a moment ago. 因为在这山谷之中,不仅仅只有刚才那个圆滚滚的石头,事实上,在这山谷之中,排布满了一颗颗圆滚滚的石头。 A this is what type feeling? Such a giant mountain valley, seems like the lair of some animal to be the same, for example seal anything, at this moment, the stones of plump, look like come from small seal in all directions, they gather completely here, as if must pass the night here or must do the important matter to be the same here. 这是怎么样的一个感觉呢?这么一个巨大的山谷,就好像是某种动物的巢穴一样,比如海豹什么的,此时此刻,一个个圆滚滚的石头,就像是一个个来自于四面八方的小海豹,它们全部都聚集在这里,似乎要在这里过夜或者是要在这里干什么大事一样。 The stones of rows of plump, the order distribution of ten points in this mountain valley, starts from the mountain valley entrance, to mountain valley central that small hill, filled the stones of plump . Moreover, as if each stone has the own position to be the same, therefore, the stone of each plump, absolutely not going astray direction, entire scene, will not be chaotic, very neat, very orderly. 一排排圆滚滚的石头,十分的秩序地排布在这个山谷之中,从山谷入口开始,一直到山谷中央的那座小山丘,都排满了一个个圆滚滚的石头,而且,似乎每一个石头都有着自己的位置一样,所以,每一个圆滚滚的石头,绝对不会走错方向,整个场面,也不会混乱,十分的整齐,十分的有秩序。 At this time, mediocre, mediocre and mediocre the sound to resound, the stones of other direction also plump rolled into the mountain valley, when the stones of looks at plump rolled into the mountain valley, this seemed like the small seal of thousands to go home to be the same, that feeling, both cute and funny. 在这个时候,“碌、碌、碌”的声音响起,其他方向也有一颗颗圆滚滚的石头滚进山谷之中,当看着一颗颗圆滚滚的石头滚进山谷中的时候,这就好像是成千上百的小海豹归家一样,那种感觉,既可爱又滑稽。 Naturally, at this time beside this mountain valley, already not only then Li Qiye they, many cultivator powerhouses also appeared beside this mountain valley, they also followed the stones of such plump to come here. 当然,此时在这山谷之外,已经不仅仅只有李七夜他们了,不少修士强者也出现在这山谷之外了,他们也是跟着这么一颗颗圆滚滚的石头来到这里的。 What treasure is that?” At this time, the Yang Ling vision fell in the mountain valley on that small hill the summit. “那是什么宝物?”在这个时候,杨玲的目光落在山谷中那座小山丘的山顶上。 On this small hill summit, has treasure float there, this treasure, seems like approximately the basin size, approximately compared with ordinary basin also at big three points. 在这座小山丘的山顶上,有着一件宝物悬浮在那里,这一件宝物,看起来大约面盆大小,大约比普通面盆还在大三分。 Entire item treasure seems a little the oval-shape, but, the end is long and narrow, is then sharp. Entire item treasure seems like one piece of complete treasure armor and so on thing. 整件宝物看起来有点椭圆形,但,有一端是狭长,便尖。整件宝物看起来像一块完整的宝甲之类的东西 This treasure seems like the jade, translucent, under the treasure quality of material is obviously the light white, looks has the sense of reality, as if it is the one piece of precious jade, but, actually not like precious jade, because it does not have to seep coldly like the precious jade. 这件宝物看起来似玉,半透明,宝物质地下又是显浅白色,看起来十分有质感,似乎它是一块宝玉,但,却又不像宝玉,因为它不像宝玉那样有着沁冷。 However, is one piece of treasure such, it emitted the light gloss, gloss that it emitted like Elf, sprinkled in the mountain valley, when grains of gloss granules fell gently, will fall gently in the stone of plump. 但是,就是这么样的一块宝物,它散发出了淡淡的光泽,它所散发出来的光泽像精灵一样,洒落在山谷之中,当一粒粒的光泽粒子飘落的时候,都会飘落在圆滚滚的石头上。 Therefore, the gloss sprinkles, one after another floating pouring in the stone of each plump, when the gloss granule falls in the stone of plump, probably the flower petal falls gently on the water surface is the same, meets the rippling dimple, therefore, the gloss granule falls, will also swing the halo unexpectedly , was absorbed to be the same by the stone of plump probably all of a sudden. 所以,光泽洒落,一一飘浇在每一圆滚滚的石头上,当光泽粒子落在圆滚滚的石头上的时候,好像花瓣飘落在水面上一样,会荡漾起波纹,所以,光泽粒子落下,竟然也会荡起光晕,随之,就好像一下子被圆滚滚的石头所吸收一样。 The gloss sprinkles, the stones of all plump bathe in this gloss, the stone as if ten shares of each plump receive to be the same, this seems like in the winter morning, a leader seal is bathing the sunlight to be the same, that sluggish, that comfortable. 光泽洒落,所有圆滚滚的石头都沐浴在这光泽之中,每一个圆滚滚的石头都似乎十分享受一样,这就好像是在冬天的早晨,一头头海豹在沐浴着阳光一样,是那么的懒散,是那么的舒服。 looks at such, everyone looks to stay at present, everyone understands why the stones of plump ran from other places, came for this treasure because of them, they are bathing this treasure gloss, regarding them, this treasure gloss had the profit. 看着眼前这样的一幕,所有人都看呆了,大家都明白,为什么一颗颗圆滚滚的石头从其他地方跑来了,因为它们都是为这件宝物而来的,它们都是沐浴着这件宝物光泽而已,对于它们来说,这宝物的光泽是十分有益处。 what is this treasure?” Sees on small hill float treasure, resembles the precious jade non- precious jade, everyone whispered. 这是什么宝物呢?”看到小山丘上所悬浮着的宝物,似宝玉又非宝玉,大家都不由嘀咕了一声。 Even the experienced person, that does not know what is this treasure, that feared that everyone has not seen such treasure, but, the fools can look, this treasure indeed is very extraordinary. 就算见多识广的人,那都不知道这是什么宝物,那怕大家没有见过这样的宝物,但是,傻子都看得出来,这宝物的确是十分了不得的。 I wanted to have the older generation powerhouse response to be extremely quick, sank to drink one, leapt the body, dashed to small hill in towards the mountain valley, big hand, grasped to treasure. “我要了”有老一辈强者反应极快,沉喝一声,跃身而起,直扑向山谷之中的小山丘,大手一张,向宝物抓去。 But, probably in this in an instant, heard squeak a resonate sound, in the mountain valley has the stone of plump to scream, the opens the mouth, sprayed the pebble. 但,就在这刹那之间,好像听到“吱”的一声响起,山谷之中有圆滚滚的石头尖叫了一声,张口,喷射出石子。 This older generation powerhouse sinks to drink one, the sleeves flings, the strong winds erupts, his sleeves such as obstruct a day of robe equally to shooting the pebble covers, his big hand still non-stop, grasps to treasure. 这位老一辈强者沉喝一声,衣袖一甩,狂风大作,他的衣袖如遮天袍一样向射来的石子罩去,他大手依然不停,向宝物抓去。 Bang a resonate sound, everyone has not seen clearly, this projecting pebble was not the least bit off strikes above the forehead of this powerhouse. “砰”的一声响起,大家都还没有看清楚,这颗射出的石子丝毫不差地击在了这个强者的头额之上。 This powerhouse eats pain big shout, bang a resonate sound, the whole person fell in the mountain valley. 这位强者吃痛大叫一声,“砰”的一声响起,整个人摔在了山谷之中。 At this time, heard bang, bang and bang the sound resounds, sees only the stones of plump to spray pebble, hit above the forehead of this powerhouse. 在这个时候,听到“砰、砰、砰”的声音响起,只见一颗颗圆滚滚的石头喷射出了一个个石子,打在了这个强者的头额之上。 My mother.” This powerhouse where can also attend to resisting, in fact, his any resists is that useless, the pebble shoots, was accurate incomparably strikes above his forehead. “我的妈呀。”这位强者哪里还顾得上抵挡,事实上,他的任何抵挡都没有用,射出来的石子,就是准确无比地击在了他的头额之上。 This powerhouse, eats pain big shout, tumbles, escaped from the mountain valley, when he escapes from the mountain valley, collapses to the ground all of a sudden on, the pain must waul, because under his forehead fired by the pebble time and time again, at this time, his head has swollen like Luo Kuang, probably a big pig head. 这个强者,吃痛大叫一声,连滚带爬,从山谷之中逃了出来,当他逃出山谷的时候,一下子瘫坐在地上,痛得哇哇叫,因为他的头额被石子一次又一次射击之下,在这个时候,他的头颅已经肿得像罗筐一样,好像是一个大猪头。 Looks at side cultivator to smile does not dare to smile, but, everyone also feels very strangely. 看得旁边修士想笑又不敢笑出来,但,大家也都觉得十分诡异。 Has the companion to spread Medicine Pill for him busily, but, not helping matters, is still painful this powerhouse to yell, to him, seemed like by the poisonous bee is given the hibernation of insects to be the same, moreover was incessantly the one or two needle. 有同伴忙是为他涂上丹药,但是,无济于事,依然是痛得这位强者哇哇大叫,对于他来说,就好像是被毒蜂给蛰了一样,而且是远不止一二针。 Explosive news, the Emperor's Domination first God Item exposure! To know that can actually get rid of Old Thief Heaven Emperor's Domination first God Item is what? To understand these more secrets? Comes to here!! Pays attention to God Itemthen to read the relevant information!! 劲爆消息,帝霸第一神器曝光了!想知道可以干掉贼老天帝霸第一神器究竟是什么吗?想了解这其中更多的隐秘吗?来这里!!关注神器”即可阅览相关信息!!
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