ED :: Volume #39

#3864: Eastern Barbarian Kuang Shao

Eastern Barbarian Kuang Shao arrives, in an instant, caused a big stir, the especially when young generation, looks at Eastern Barbarian Kuang Shao, pulled out an cold air/Qi. 东蛮狂少到来,刹那之间,也引起了不小的轰动,特别是年轻一辈,远看东蛮狂少之时,不由抽了一口冷气。 Eastern Barbarian Kuang Shao came, if gathers up Correct One Young Master again, that three big talents were in attendance now.” Also there is a young powerhouse to say surprised. 东蛮狂少来了,若是再凑上正一少师,那岂不是当今三大天才都到齐了。”也有年轻强者不由吃惊地说道。 Eastern Barbarian Kuang Shao, is with the Peerless talent that Three Blades Biandu and Correct One Young Master share the honor, but, he resides in Eastern Barbarian, little appears across Buddhist Holy Land or Correct One Cult extremely, perhaps therefore, his sound does not have Correct One Young Master and Three Blades Biandu that prominent, but, his strength, was known as absolutely can be on par with Correct One Young Master. 东蛮狂少,乃是与边渡三刀正一少师齐名的绝世天才,只不过,他远居于东蛮,极少出现在佛陀圣地或者正一教各地,所以,他的声音或许没有正一少师边渡三刀那么的显赫,但,他的实力,绝对是号称可以与正一少师相比肩。 Eastern Barbarian Kuang Shao, was called Eastern Barbarian Eight Countries young generation of number one person, Blade Dao Wushuang/matchless, even was called present age two Divine Blade with Three Blades Biandu together. 东蛮狂少,被称之为东蛮八国年轻一辈的第一人,刀道无双,甚至与边渡三刀被人齐称为当世两把神刀 The Eastern Barbarian Kuang Shao family background is astonishing, he is the Eastern Barbarian Eight Countries allied armies commander-in-chief, is the son of General supreme. 东蛮狂少出身惊人,他就是东蛮八国联军最高统帅,也就是至高大将军的儿子。 But, Eastern Barbarian Kuang Shao also has an astonishing status. 但,东蛮狂少还有一个惊人的身份。 At this time, everyone looks at Eastern Barbarian Kuang Shao behind that the long blade, the long blade was by the beast skin package, rough domineering, fierce extremely, shouldered the long blade, Eastern Barbarian Kuang Shao has not concealed the own blade air/Qi slightly, to blade air/Qi vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered. 在这个时候,大家都看着东蛮狂少身后的那把长刀,长刀乃是由兽皮包裹,粗犷霸气,凶猛万分,背负长刀,东蛮狂少也未丝毫去掩饰自己的刀气,任由刀气纵横。 When Eastern Barbarian Kuang Shao arrival, does not know that many people felt in an instant Crazy Blade flies high to divide to cut, but. 东蛮狂少驾临的时候,不知道多少人都刹那之间感觉到一把狂刀凌空劈斩而至。 Therefore, when the arrival of Eastern Barbarian Kuang Shao, as if everyone neglected him unconsciously, but more vision stayed behind Eastern Barbarian Kuang Shao that long blade. 所以,当东蛮狂少的到来,似乎大家都不觉之间忽略了他本身,而是更多的目光是停留在了东蛮狂少背后的那把长刀。 heard, Eastern Barbarian Kuang Shao, is the Crazy Blade Guan Tianba apprentice.” Some people whispered, said in a soft voice: Is really or false?” 听说,东蛮狂少,乃是狂刀关天霸的徒弟。”有人不由嘀咕一声,轻声地说道:“是真还是假呢?” Mentioned Crazy Blade Guan Tianba this name time, does not know that in many will of the people for it big change, that fears these Large Sect Old Ancestor and a side overlord, in the heart one for it cold. 一提到“狂刀关天霸”这个名字的时候,不知道有多少人心里面为之剧震,那怕那些大教老祖、一方霸主,心里面都不由为之一寒。 Crazy Blade Guan Tianba, this name in Buddhist Holy Land and in entire Southwest Sovereign and even is entire Eight Desolate, is illustrious exist(ence). 狂刀关天霸,这个名字在佛陀圣地、在整个南西皇乃至是整个八荒,都是赫名赫赫的存在 In now Southwest Sovereign, could say is hidden dragons and crouching tigers , some Large Sect Holy Land still have Ancient Ancestor that large saves , some antiques have not been born. 在当今南西皇,也说得上是藏龙卧虎,也有一些大教圣地依然有硕存的古祖,也有一些老古董未出世。 Entire Southwest Sovereign, discussed by the strength, Buddha Supreme and Correct One Supreme, stood in most peak exist(ence), that feared that was some the big sects and countries still has large saves powerful incomparable Ancient Ancestor, supreme, but, does not dare easily to provoke Buddha Supreme and Correct One Supreme authority. 在整个南西皇而言,以实力而论,佛陀至尊正一至尊,都是站在最巅峰的存在,那怕是一些大教疆国依然有硕存强大无匹的古祖、至尊了,但,都不敢轻易去挑衅佛陀至尊正一至尊的权威。 Crazy Blade Guan Tianba, in Buddhist Holy Land and even is entire Southwest Sovereign, his also title third! 狂刀关天霸,在佛陀圣地乃至是整个南西皇,他还有一个称号“第三尊”! A long time within, everyone believes, Crazy Blade Guan Tianba, that has the strength to be on par in Buddha Supreme and Correct One Supreme exist(ence). 在很长的一段时间之内,大家都认为,狂刀关天霸,那是有实力比肩于佛陀至尊正一至尊存在 When he is young, Innate Talent vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered, with Crazy Blade, that fights all over unmatched in the world, sweeps away Western Sovereign, eight sides, Blade Dao, no one can offend its peak vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered. 他年少之时,天赋纵横,凭着一把狂刀,那是打遍天下无敌手,横扫西皇,纵横八方,刀道之强,无人能撄其峰。 Although, has not heard Crazy Blade Guan Tianba and Buddha Supreme and Correct One Supreme decides outcome, but, in many mind, believes, Crazy Blade Guan Tianba indeed has strength of the war. 虽然,未听闻狂刀关天霸佛陀至尊正一至尊一决胜负,但,在很多人的心里面,都认为,狂刀关天霸的确是有一战之力。 It can be said that after Dao Monarch Ba Pi era, in entire Southwest Sovereign, was no one can be enemy Crazy Blade Guan Tianba, because of so, some people revered him for supremely third. 可以说,八匹道君时代之后,在整个南西皇,是无人能敌狂刀关天霸了,也正是因为如此,有人尊他为“第三至尊”。 However, when Crazy Blade Guan Tianba prestige Masataka, he vanished suddenly, disappear without trace, without any news, no one knows where all of a sudden he went. 但是,就在狂刀关天霸声威正隆之时,他突然之间消失了,一下子无影无踪,没有了任何的消息,没有人知道他去了哪里。 After this, the Crazy Blade Guan Tianba prestige slowly faded from the memory. 从此之后,狂刀关天霸的声威才慢慢被人淡忘。 Now some people raised Eastern Barbarian Kuang Shao was the Crazy Blade Guan Tianba apprentice, this made many people shock immediately. 现在有人提起说东蛮狂少狂刀关天霸的徒弟,这顿时就让不少人为之震惊了。 For now three big talents, Three Blades Biandu and Correct One Young Master, they, although comes heaven frightening, but, without such noble family background. 在为当今三大天才,边渡三刀正一少师,他们虽然出身惊天,但,也没有这样高贵的出身。 Like Correct One Young Master, some hearsay had said, Correct One Young Master has obtained the direction of Correct One Supreme, but, actually never some people dare saying that Correct One Young Master is the Correct One Supreme apprentice. 就如正一少师,早就有传闻说,正一少师得到过正一至尊的指点,但,却从未有人敢说,正一少师就是正一至尊的徒弟。 Then, if Eastern Barbarian Kuang Shao is really the Crazy Blade Guan Tianba apprentice, then, not only regarding youngster, is an enormous impact, even if such as Correct One Young Master and Three Blades Biandu such Peerless talent, only fears background. 如此一来,如果说,东蛮狂少真的是狂刀关天霸的徒弟,那么,不仅是对于年轻人来说,是一种极大的冲击,就算是正一少师边渡三刀这样的绝世天才,只怕底蕴都有所不及。 In this case, makes one have to suspect all of a sudden unavoidably, there is a young talent saying: Real false, Eastern Barbarian is Kuang Shao really the Crazy Blade Guan Tianba true line disciple?” 这样的话,就一下子让人有所不免怀疑,也有年轻天才说道:“真的假的,东蛮狂少真的是狂刀关天霸的真传弟子吗?” If not for, only feared that will not be aimless.” Some powerhouses whispered said: After all, this is not cracks a joke, who dares easily to pretend to be the Crazy Blade Guan Tianba disciple?” “若不是真的,只怕不会无的放矢吧。”有强者不由嘀咕地说道:“毕竟,这可不是开玩笑的,谁敢轻易去冒充狂刀关天霸的弟子?” This saying said is also reasonable, many people are also nod, after all, the Crazy Blade Guan Tianba prestige outside, is no one dares easily to pretend to be, let alone, the world people know, the Crazy Blade Guan Tianba character is quite arrogant, a word does not gather then draws a sword, if by him is known who pretends to be his disciple, perhaps is in a rage, he will extinguish a person of entire clan. 这话说得也是有道理,不少人也是点头,毕竟,狂刀关天霸的威名在外,不是谁都敢轻易冒充,更何况,天下人都知道,狂刀关天霸性格极为孤傲,一言不合便拔刀,如果被他知道谁人冒充他的弟子,说不定一怒之下,他会灭人全族。 Although Eastern Barbarian Kuang Shao is the son of General supreme, but, really angered Crazy Blade Guan Tianba, only feared that his father cannot preserve him same. 虽然东蛮狂少至高大将军的儿子,但,真的惹怒了狂刀关天霸,只怕他父亲也一样保不住他。 Therefore, according to the truth, some people does not dare easily to pretend to be the Crazy Blade Guan Tianba apprentice, let alone, Eastern Barbarian Kuang Shao is the family background prestigious family aristocratic family, does not need to pretend to be others' apprentice completely. 所以,按道理来说,不会有人敢轻易去冒充狂刀关天霸的徒弟,更何况,东蛮狂少是出身名门世家,完全是没必要去冒充别人的徒弟。 Has important people of older generation to know this news, hesitated, said: This also has possibly, the hearsay said that when Crazy Blade Guan Tianba prestige Masataka, he had once entered Eastern Barbarian Eight Countries, after this, has not then heard from, views believe, Crazy Blade Guan Tianba has lived in seclusion in Eastern Barbarian Eight Countries.” 有老一辈的大人物知道这个消息,也不由沉吟了一下,说道:“这个也不是没有可能,有一个传闻说,狂刀关天霸声威正隆之时,他曾入过东蛮八国,从此之后,便杳无音讯,有一种说法认为,狂刀关天霸已经隐居于东蛮八国。” In this case, made some Buddhist Holy Land cultivator powerhouses conflict immediately, some people said in a low voice: Is impossible, how Crazy Blade Guan Tianba may go to Eastern Barbarian Eight Countries to live in seclusion, there is the place of wild.” 这样的话,就立即让一些佛陀圣地修士强者抵触了,有人低声地说道:“不可能,狂刀关天霸怎么可能会去东蛮八国隐居呢,那里是荒蛮之地。” Yes, Crazy Blade Guan Tianba is our Buddhist Holy Land Peerless talent, how also to run up to Eastern Barbarian Eight Countries to live in seclusion.” Even some Buddhist Holy Land older generations conflict such view. “就是,狂刀关天霸乃是我们佛陀圣地绝世天才,又怎么会跑到东蛮八国隐居去呢。”连一些佛陀圣地的老一辈都抵触这样的说法。 The Buddhist Holy Land cultivator powerhouse has such contradiction, that can also understand that because Crazy Blade Guan Tianba came from Buddhist Holy Land. 佛陀圣地修士强者有这样的抵触,那也是能理解的,因为狂刀关天霸是出身于佛陀圣地 Crazy Blade Guan Tianba not only came from Buddhist Holy Land, but also came from abandons the section, is Cloud and Mud School student. 狂刀关天霸不仅仅是出身于佛陀圣地,而且也是出身于都舍部,更是云泥学院学生 As we all know, abandons the section is one of the Buddhist Holy Land five most parts, is one of the Buddhist Holy Land backbone strength, let alone Crazy Blade Guan Tianba or Cloud and Mud School proud. 大家都知道,都舍部乃是佛陀圣地五大部之一,是佛陀圣地的中坚力量之一,更何况狂刀关天霸还是云泥学院的骄傲呢。 Buddhist Holy Land first has Buddha Supreme, latter has Crazy Blade Guan Tianba, this makes the Buddhist Holy Land cultivator powerhouse believe somewhat, has two in a big way supreme, this makes the Buddhist Holy Land strength dominate above Correct One Cult. 佛陀圣地先有佛陀至尊,后有狂刀关天霸,这多多少少都让佛陀圣地修士强者认为,拥有两大至尊,这让佛陀圣地的实力是凌驾于正一教之上。 Now if some people said, Crazy Blade Guan Tianba lives in seclusion in Eastern Barbarian Eight Countries, this little goes to the meaning of Eastern Barbarian Eight Countries, this made certainly the Buddhist Holy Land person conflict. 现在若有人说,狂刀关天霸隐居于东蛮八国,这就有点是投奔东蛮八国的意思了,这当然让佛陀圣地的人抵触了。 Crazy Blade Guan Tianba, indeed has come Eastern Barbarian Eight Countries, but, his goal is not Eastern Barbarian Eight Countries, he seeks for Ancient's Immortal Country.” From definitely said in the Eastern Barbarian Eight Countries older generation powerhouse. 狂刀关天霸,的的确确是来过东蛮八国,不过,他的目标不是东蛮八国,他是寻找古之仙国。”有一位来自于东蛮八国的老一辈强者十分肯定地说道。 Seeks for Ancient's Immortal Country?” In this case, at once, one after another makes many people discuss in a low voice, said: „Does could it be that want to challenge Worldly Affairs Immortal?” “寻找古之仙国吗?”这样的话,一时之间,也纷纷让不少人低声议论,说道:“难道是想挑战红尘仙?” Speaking of Ancient's Immortal Country, everyone first thought of Eastern Barbarian Eight Countries, in Southwest Sovereign, many cultivator powerhouses thinks that Ancient's Immortal Country was one of the Eastern Barbarian Eight Countries. 提起古之仙国,大家首先就想到了东蛮八国,在南西皇,很多修士强者都会认为古之仙国就是东蛮八国之一。 In fact, is not so, only then the Eastern Barbarian Eight Countries person their own truly is clear, Ancient's Immortal Country, is not in Eastern Barbarian Eight Countries. 事实上,并非是如此,只有东蛮八国的人他们自己才真正清楚,古之仙国,并不在东蛮八国之中。 Although until now, Ancient's Immortal Country indeed in Eastern Barbarian, but, the Eastern Barbarian Eight Countries person does not talk clearly, actually Ancient's Immortal Country is where, because Ancient's Immortal Country is always does not have the trace indistinctly. 虽然一直以来,古之仙国的的确确是在东蛮,但,东蛮八国的人也说不清楚,古之仙国究竟是在哪里,因为古之仙国一直以来都是飘渺无踪。 However, in Eastern Barbarian, Eastern Barbarian Eight Countries other, so long as is Eastern Barbarian, Ancient's Immortal Country regarding for the head of their Eastern Barbarian, will be their Eastern Barbarian protection country. 但是,在东蛮之中,不论是东蛮八国还是其他的,只要是东蛮,都会把古之仙国视之为他们东蛮之首,是他们东蛮的守护国。 This is the same like Buddhist Holy Land, Buddhist Holy Land Saint Mountain until now, that does not have the trace indistinctly, but, Buddhist Holy Land thousand teach international, is still regards Saint Mountain is the head. 这就如佛陀圣地一样,佛陀圣地圣山一直以来,那也是飘渺无踪,但,佛陀圣地的千教万国,依然是视圣山为首。 In Worldly Affairs Immortal as for legend, that was world few individuals can see, even if Dao Monarch, some not necessarily qualifications saw. 至于传说中的红尘仙,那就是世间没有几个人能见到了,就算是道君,也不一定有资格见到。 Eastern Barbarian Kuang Shao entered Black Tide Sea, he has not stayed, shoulders the long blade, the long body enters, suddenly, then vanished in the boundless sea bed. 东蛮狂少进入了黑潮海,他未多停留,背负长刀,长躯而入,眨眼之间,便消失在了茫茫海床之中。 Eastern Barbarian does Kuang Shao have the clear goal?” Has the powerhouse to see Eastern Barbarian Kuang Shao to drive straight ahead to enter, many people whispered, some people want to follow, but, actually with losing. 东蛮狂少有明确的目标吗?”有强者见东蛮狂少长驱而入,有不少人嘀咕了一声,也有人想跟着上去,但,却跟丢了。 The Black Tide Sea tide draws back, treasure reveals itself, noisy, the innumerable cultivator powerhouses swarm to enter, enter the Black Tide Sea treasure hunt. 黑潮海潮退,宝物出世,一片沸沸扬扬,无数的修士强者蜂涌而入,进入黑潮海寻宝。 On this day, Li Qiye Their group also entered Black Tide Sea, naturally, regarding Black Tide Sea treasure, Li Qiye does not care actually, but, Yang Ling has called to shout to dig treasure, therefore, Li Qiye while having time, leads them to come out to see the world. 这一日,李七夜他们一行人也都进入了黑潮海,当然,对于黑潮海宝物,李七夜倒是不在乎了,只不过,杨玲一直叫嚷嚷来挖宝物,所以,李七夜趁有时间,也带着他们出来见见世面。 After entering Black Tide Sea, Li Qiye they also noticed that many people dug treasure, this was makes Yang Ling this girl excited, drew Li Qiye to toward inside clash may not, on the mouth shouts must find big treasure to leave. 进入黑潮海之后,李七夜他们也看到不少人挖到了宝物,这更是让杨玲这丫头为之兴奋了,拉着李七夜非要往里面冲不可,口上嚷嚷着一定要找到大宝物才离开。 Eastern Barbarian is Kuang Shao really the true line disciple who closes the senior?” Enters Black Tide Sea time, Yang Ling also saw from afar Eastern Barbarian Kuang Shao cross empties one that comes, she hears some Eight Trigrams/gossip, was curious. 东蛮狂少真的是关前辈的真传弟子吗?”进入黑潮海的时候,杨玲也远远看到了东蛮狂少跨空而来的一幕,她听到一些八卦,也不由为之好奇了。 Therefore, Yang Ling whispered, said: I the person, does not close the senior to find a Eastern Barbarian person to be the apprentice.” 所以,杨玲就不由嘀咕了一声,说道:“我就不相人,关前辈会找一个东蛮人做徒弟。” Yang Ling has such wishful thinking, that is also normal, because Guan Tianba not only came from abandons the institute, is Cloud and Mud School student , like her family background. 杨玲有这么样的小心思,那也是正常的,因为关天霸不仅是出身于都舍院,也是云泥学院学生,和她的出身一样。 Regarding Yang Ling, Crazy Blade Guan Tianba like her kinsman, takes him as arrogantly, takes him as the honor, if Guan Tianba were really runs up to Eastern Barbarian to go, in her heart was certainly uncomfortable. 对于杨玲而言,狂刀关天霸就像她的同族一样,以他为傲,以他为荣,若是关天霸真的是跑到东蛮去了,她心里面当然是不舒服了。 Li Qiye smiled, has not said anything. 李七夜笑了一下,没说什么。 The old servants also smile, said: World would some people tooting one's own horn toward own, studied a fur/superficial knowledge, whose apprentice also shouts calls own is being, feared that the world person does not know, such matter was nothing unusual.” 老奴也笑了笑,说道:“世间总会有人往自己脸上贴金,学了一点皮毛,也就会嚷嚷地叫着自己是谁的徒弟,怕天下人不知道,这样的事情不足为奇。” could it be that, Eastern Barbarian did Kuang Shao, really practice Crazy Blade in legend?” Yang Ling is also startled. 难道,东蛮狂少,真的是修练了传说中的狂刀吗?”杨玲也不由为之吃惊。 Crazy Blade Guan Tianba, his Blade Skill, is Crazy Blade! 狂刀关天霸,他的刀法,就是“狂刀”!
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