ED :: Volume #39

#3863: treasure reveals itself

Black Tide Sea treasure one after another was born, attracted the innumerable cultivator powerhouses, at once, the innumerable cultivator powerhouses flooded into Black Tide Sea. 黑潮海宝物纷纷出世,引来了无数的修士强者,一时之间,无数的修士强者都涌入了黑潮海之中。 Especially young generation of cultivator powerhouse, cannot boil, hears to have treasure born, that is calls, flushes away toward Black Tide Sea. 特别是年轻一辈的修士强者,更是熬不住,一听到有宝物出世,那都是嗷嗷叫,往黑潮海冲去。 Clash/To, treasure buries under the sea bed, who obtains turns over to whose.” Had young cultivator unable to repress, pushed to the front, broke in Black Tide Sea. “冲呀,宝物就埋在海床下,谁得到就归谁的。”有年轻修士早就按捺不住了,一马当先,冲入了黑潮海 Also there is young cultivator to form cliques from the beginning, drew in a large numbers of person of same belief the person, broke in Black Tide Sea enormously and powerful: Black Tide Sea still has the bad risk, we treasure hunt, must help each other.” 也有年轻修士一开始就拉帮结派,拉了一大批同道中人,浩浩荡荡地冲入了黑潮海:“黑潮海依然有凶险,我们寻宝,要相互帮助。” At once, does not know that many young cultivator powerhouses descend the mountain like fierce tiger, broke in Black Tide Sea. 一时之间,不知道有多少年轻的修士强者像猛虎下山一样,冲入了黑潮海之中。 Naturally , is not only young one generation, was many older generations also broke in Black Tide Sea, young generation that but, yelled compared with that more older generations, the conduct was quite low-key, or brought the Sect younger generation to enter Black Tide Sea at the maximum speed. 当然,也不仅仅是年轻一辈,就是不少老一辈也冲入了黑潮海之中,只不过,比起那嗷嗷大叫的年轻一辈而言,更多的老一辈,行事比较低调,或者带着宗门晚辈以最快的速度进入了黑潮海 After all, the powerhouse of older generation also knows, the treasure does not expose one's valuables, especially in Black Tide Sea, no one dares saying that what opportunity own has to meet Peerless treasure, extremely in the high-sounding talk, will bring the fatal disaster to own, even is the total destruction. 毕竟,老一辈的强者也都知道,财宝不露白,特别是在黑潮海,谁都不敢说自己有什么样的机会能遇到绝世宝物,太过于高调,会给自己带来杀身之祸,甚至是灭顶之灾。 Lower-key that was the antique that these powerful incomparable Large Sect Old Ancestor and billion years were not born. 更加低调的那就是那些强大无匹的大教老祖千百万年都不出世的老古董了。 Because these people are born very much rarely one time, will not easily act rashly, before without conclusive news, they like young cultivator in Black Tide Sea will not have the goal randomly to dig one. 因为这些人很难得出世一次,不会轻易妄动,没有确凿的消息之前,他们不会像年轻修士一样在黑潮海毫无目标地乱挖一通。 These powerful antique and ancient and decayed Ancient Ancestor, their goals are not general treasure, ordinary treasure does not enter their discernment, they stare at Black Tide Sea Immortal Item in that legend. 这些强大的老古董、古朽古祖,他们的目标不是一般的宝物,普通的宝物也是不入他们的法眼,他们是盯上了黑潮海的那件传说中的仙器 In fact, since billion years, each Black Tide Sea tide has drawn back, many Ancient Ancestor, stare at Immortal Item in that legend supremely, that feared that these Ancient Ancestor, never have show ones face supremely, but, they regarding that Immortal Item news, actually grasp clear, even is staring at any change of Black Tide Sea frequently. 事实上,千百万年以来,每一次黑潮海潮退的时候,都有不少古祖、至尊盯上了那件传说中的仙器,那怕这些古祖、至尊从来没有露过脸,但,他们对于那件仙器的消息,却掌握得一清二楚,甚至是时时刻刻都在盯着黑潮海的任何变化。 Within the short time, does not know that many cultivator powerhouses flooded into Black Tide Sea, came from all corners of the country and cultivator powerhouses of Buddha Saint eight sides, dug in Black Tide Sea dutifully. 在短短的时间之内,不知道有多少修士强者涌入了黑潮海,来自于五湖四海、佛陀圣八方的修士强者,也都义无返顾地一头扎入了黑潮海之中。 From the beginning, regarding many cultivator powerhouses, they are supports Black Wood Cliff, but, before also the future, regarding many cultivator powerhouses, that naturally must break in Black Tide Sea to try one's luck greatly ominously, perhaps own can obtain Eternal unmatched weapon. 一开始,对于多少修士强者而言,他们是来支援黑木崖的,但是,在大凶还未来之前,对于许多修士强者来说,那当然要冲入黑潮海去碰碰运气了,说不定自己能得到万古绝世之兵 Biandu Aristocratic Family and Military Guard Legion Dao Pillar territory gate is open, this made the Buddhist Holy Land all cultivator powerhouse more convenient, rushed to Black Tide Sea promptly. 边渡世家戎卫军团道台域门开放,这更使得佛陀圣地的各方修士强者更方便、更及时地赶到了黑潮海 If usually, Black Tide Sea black tide wreaks havoc berserk, the common cultivator powerhouse, does not dare to step in Black Tide Sea, can be killed instantaneously, but, immediately, Black Tide Sea has ebbed, making Black Tide Sea change the security, therefore, many cultivator powerhouses broke in Black Tide Sea in the heart unscrupulously. 若是平日,黑潮海黑潮肆虐狂暴,一般的修士强者,根本就不敢涉足于黑潮海,会瞬间丧命,但是,当下,黑潮海已经退潮,使得黑潮海变安全,所以,许多修士强者在心里面都无所顾忌地冲入了黑潮海之中。 Black Tide Sea has many treasure, this is not an empty talk, indeed has many treasure in Black Tide Sea, since this has died besides billion years of Black Tide Sea important people legacy treasure, there are some treasures that Black Tide Sea is born. 黑潮海有很多宝物,这可不是一句空话,在黑潮海的的确确是有很多宝物,这除了千百万年以来死于黑潮海大人物遗留宝物之外,也有黑潮海本身所诞生的一些珍宝。 Therefore, when many people break in the Black Tide Sea treasure hunt, one after another spread the good news. 所以,当不少人冲入黑潮海寻宝的时候,接二连三传出了好消息。 East Black Tide Sea, was to hear clang on the same day the ray soared to the heavens, everyone saw the unusual brightness to soar to the heavens, some people overtake immediately, but, is late, treasure must walk, the hearsay also passed on. 黑潮海东边,当日就是听到“铛”的光芒冲天,大家见宝光冲天,就立即有人赶了过去,但,已经迟了,宝物已经被人得走,小道消息也传出来了。 Black Wood Cliff simultaneous/uniform Young Master, obtained a valuable clothes, is Dao Monarch the legacy valuable clothes.” Some hearsay said: heard, valuable clothes, although destroyed most probably, but, actually still defends astonishingly.” 黑木崖的齐公子,得到了一件宝衣,是道君遗留的宝衣。”有小道消息说道:“听说,宝衣虽然毁了大半,但,却依然防御惊人。” Dao Monarch's treasure clothes.” Heard some people to obtain the Dao Monarch's treasure clothes, immediately made many people exclaim in surprise one, that feared that this was already the valuable clothes that damaged to lack, but, still has the astonishing incomparable value, regarding many cultivator powerhouses, was rare treasure. 道君的宝衣。”听到有人得到了道君的宝衣,顿时让不少人惊叹一声,那怕这是已损缺的宝衣,但,依然是有着惊人无比的价值,对于多少修士强者来说,乃是不可多得的宝物 In meanwhile, Black Tide Sea many places leapt the unusual brightness once for a while, some people dug treasure from the soil of sea bed, some people obtained rare treasure from the gulley, some people met the foreign matter...... 在同时,黑潮海不少地方时不时都腾起了宝光,有人从海床的泥土里挖到了宝物,也有人从深沟中得到了奇珍,也有人遇到了异物…… Wonderful Elder Yun obtained one to feel strange that in an oceanic trench the incomparable conch, after the Biandu Aristocratic Family appraisal, this was crosses the sea unique night to complain about the spiral black, building up was the treasure, may cause the powerful enemy to the dusk.” “奇云长老在一个海沟之中得到了一只奇怪无比的海螺,经边渡世家鉴定,此乃是黑渡海独一无二的夜喑螺,炼之为宝,可使强敌至昏。” Young Master of white horse tower also caught the one strange fish, this strange fish all over the body snow white, such as frost general. After the Biandu Aristocratic Family appraisal, this is variety, is in legend the black dorado flood dragon astrays the Black Tide Sea variant. If this fish takes if the blood, boils down it, may make the skill increase.” “白马塔的少主也抓到了一条怪鱼,这条怪鱼通体雪白,如冰霜一般。经边渡世家鉴定,此乃是异种,是传说中黑鳅蛟误入黑潮海的变种。此鱼若取若血,熬炼之,可使功力大增。” even the mountains Princess obtained a little golden tower, unknown origin, even some people said, long blade in this little golden tower and Young Master Biandu hand has lineage/vein.” “连山公主得到了一只小金塔,来历不明,甚至有人说,此小金塔与边渡少主手中的长刀是同出一脉。” ............................................................ …………………………………………………… Within the short time, Black Tide Sea news pass on, many cultivator powerhouses, obtained some treasure, and has much is the thing of heaven frightening. 在短短的时间之内,黑潮海一个又一个消息传出来,不少修士强者,都得到了一些宝物,而且其中有不少是惊天之物。 Also is because many cultivator powerhouses obtained treasure, this makes many cultivator powerhouses come in swarms, wants to dig out the Peerless treasure from Black Tide Sea. 也自是因为有不少修士强者都得到了宝物,这使得许多修士强者是蜂涌而至,都想从黑潮海中挖出绝世珍宝了。 Digs, must dig 3000 chi (0.33 m), digs underground treasure.” As news come, does not know that many cultivator powerhouses continue excitedly, wishes one could to dig out 3000 zhang (3.33 m) the sea bed of own under foot. “挖,一定要掘地三千尺,把地下的宝物都挖出来。”随着一个又一个消息传来,不知道有多少修士强者为之兴奋不止,都恨不得把自己脚下的海床挖出三千丈来。 Naturally, is not all cultivator powerhouses is so lucky, when Black Tide Sea has the unusual brightness soars to the heavens, some places fluctuate, there is a pitiful yell to transmit, the sound of fighting is lingering on faintly. 当然,也不是所有修士强者那么幸运,在黑潮海有宝光冲天的时候,有一些地方起伏之间,也有惨叫传来,打斗之声不绝于耳。 Therefore, when the good news of treasure to come, there are other bad news to transmit, for example the disciple in valuable spirit room met the ominous thing in the oceanic trench, suddenly is attacked, in Sect the elder rushes to rescue, is annihilated ; If Young Master of ten thousand groups of sects dug out a wicked thing in the sea bed, instantaneously fatal ; Also such as star rain Princess was chased down the thousand li (500 km) by a 80% strange insect...... wait/etc. 所以,在得宝的好消息传来之时,也有其他的坏消息传来,比如宝灵斋的弟子在海沟遇到了凶物,突然遇袭,宗门内长辈驰援,全军覆没;又如万行宗的少主在海床中挖出了头恶物,瞬间被致命;又如星雨公主被一头八足怪虫追杀千里……等等。 When some wicked transmits disturbingly, the cultivator powerhouse who also causes many treasure hunts starts the caution and care, naturally , many cultivator powerhouses also understand, after obtaining treasure, is more careful, even if has not met what ominous thing, but, might still stare by other cultivator powerhouses, will become their prey, was killed to seize the treasure. 在一些恶噩传来之时,也使得不少寻宝的修士强者开始谨慎小心起来,当然,也有不少修士强者也明白,得到了宝物之后,更加要小心,就算没有遇到什么凶物,但,也有可能会被其他修士强者盯上,成为他们的猎物,被杀害夺宝。 In many cultivator powerhouses swarm on, enters Black Tide Sea seizes the treasure time, instead, Biandu Aristocratic Family that Black Tide Sea most understands is actually very peaceful. 在许多修士强者都蜂涌而上,进入黑潮海夺宝的时候,反而,对于黑潮海最了解的边渡世家却是十分安静。 In Black Wood Cliff and even is entire Southwest Sovereign, as we all know, if by the understanding Black Tide Sea, no one, any Sect inheritance compared favorably with Biandu Aristocratic Family. 黑木崖乃至是整个南西皇,所有人都知道,若是论对黑潮海的了解,没有任何人、任何门派传承比得上边渡世家了。 In the past, Black Tide Sea each tide drew back, Biandu Aristocratic Family will send out the soldiers and horses and mounted scout four, plundered massive treasure rare treasure in Black Tide Sea. 在以往,黑潮海每一次潮退的时候,边渡世家都会派出兵马、侦骑四出,在黑潮海中搜刮走了大量宝物奇珍 It can be said that when each Black Tide Sea tide draws back, what the harvest is biggest is Biandu Aristocratic Family is not, therefore, some also say that also some people call it „the Black Tide Sea harvesting person Biandu Aristocratic Family. 可以说,每一次黑潮海潮退之时,收获最大的是边渡世家莫属,所以,也有人说,也有人把边渡世家称之为“黑潮海的收割人”。 Even some rumors said, the Biandu Aristocratic Family plan has an extremely detailed Black Tide Sea map, since in billion years, no one Black Tide Sea has found out, Biandu Aristocratic Family the Black Tide Sea exhaustively drawing had come out, some people said that Biandu Aristocratic Family the map is concealed treasure chart, but, Biandu Aristocratic Family has not acknowledged this map exist(ence). 甚至有传言说,边渡世家绘制有一张极为详细的黑潮海地图,在千百万年以来,没有谁把黑潮海摸清楚之时,边渡世家已经把黑潮海详尽地绘画出来了,也有人称边渡世家的这张地图是“藏宝图”,但,边渡世家从来没有承认过这张地图的存在 However, this Biandu Aristocratic Family actually appears low key especially, will not send out lots of disciples to seek treasure and mounted scout four like the past. 但是,这一次边渡世家却显得格外的低调,不像以往那样会派出大量弟子寻索宝物、侦骑四出。 Even if some cultivator powerhouses obtain treasure in Black Tide Sea, goes to the Biandu Aristocratic Family warning treasure, Biandu Aristocratic Family still appraises merely, without other any movements. 就算有一些修士强者在黑潮海得到宝物,去边渡世家鉴宝,边渡世家也仅仅是鉴定而已,没有其他的任何动作。 Biandu Aristocratic Family is so suddenly low-key, this makes many cultivator powerhouses wonder, some cultivator powerhouses find it strange. 边渡世家突然间如此低调,这让很多修士强者都不由为之纳闷,也有些修士强者觉得奇怪。 However, at this time all cultivator powerhouses dig in Black Tide Sea seek treasure to do bustling, they do not have to pay attention to the Biandu Aristocratic Family low key many. 不过,此时所有修士强者在黑潮海挖寻宝物搞得热火朝天,他们都没有多去理会边渡世家的低调。 But, these powerful incomparable Ancient Ancestor and Heaven Venerable actually noticed the Biandu Aristocratic Family low key. 但,那些强大无匹的古祖天尊却留意到了边渡世家的低调。 Biandu Aristocratic Family this low-key, unusual, said rarely, Biandu Aristocratic Family does have the clue Immortal Weapon in legend to Black Tide Sea that? 边渡世家这一次低调,非同寻常,难得说,边渡世家已经对黑潮海那把传说中的仙兵有了线索了? Therefore, at once, has the innumerable eyes to stare at Biandu Aristocratic Family in dark(ness). 所以,一时之间,在黑暗中也有无数双眼睛盯着边渡世家 These Ancient Ancestor and Heaven Venerable believe that if who can first find Black Tide Sea that Immortal Weapon, that was most likely is Biandu Aristocratic Family, because the Biandu Aristocratic Family generation kept watch Black Tide Sea, only feared that they have found out Black Tide Sea. 这些古祖天尊都认为,如果说,谁能最先找到黑潮海的那把仙兵,那最有可能就是边渡世家了,因为边渡世家世代守望黑潮海,只怕他们已经把黑潮海摸清楚了。 In fact, when a Black Tide Sea ebb tide, Biandu Aristocratic Family has a team to enter Black Tide Sea very low-key, but, Black Tide Sea vast is boundless, the person who even if sees, does not know where Biandu Aristocratic Family the team went. 事实上,在黑潮海一退潮之时,边渡世家就已经有一支队伍十分低调地进入了黑潮海了,只不过,黑潮海广袤无际,就算看到的人,也不知道边渡世家的这一支队伍去了哪里。 Clang, clang and clang resonate sound of blade cry, when many cultivator powerhouses unearth treasure, suddenly, own blade sword cry sound. “铛、铛、铛”的刀鸣之声响起,在不少修士强者挖掘宝物的时候,突然之间,自己的刀剑鸣响。 This sudden resounding, has a scare many cultivator powerhouses, even some people are excited, thinks that had treasure born, caused their sword resonance. 这突然的鸣响,把不少修士强者吓了一跳,甚至有人为之兴奋,以为有宝物出世了,使得他们刀剑共鸣。 Eastern Barbarian Kuang Shao came.” But, at this time, actually some people saw that a person cross empties to come, with him cross spatial, but , the sword weapons of many also resounds to continue. 东蛮狂少来了。”但,在这个时候,却有人看到一个人跨空而来,随着他跨空而至,不少人的刀剑兵器也随之鸣响不止。 Eastern Barbarian Kuang Shao!” Hears this name, many one after another raise one's head looks around, in the heart shakes. 东蛮狂少!”听到这个名字,不少人都纷纷抬头张望,心里面为之一震。 This cross spatial, but to the youngster, wears a beast clothes, the long hair shawl, the scattered in disorder disorder, his whole person a very wild feeling, as if, he comes and goes out in remote mountains and ancient forests year to year, battles with Ominous Beast fierce bird. 这个跨空而至的少年,穿着一身兽衣,长发披肩,散乱无序,他整个人给人一种十分狂野的感觉,似乎,他是常年出入于深山老林,与凶兽猛禽作战。 Such a youngster, most conspicuous is that he conducts the back the long blade, that he conducts the back long blade, is with the beast skin package, the there's nothing fine decoration, is seemingly rough, very wild, put in order to send out very wild overbearing aura the long blade. 这么一个少年,最显眼的就是他背上的那把长刀,他背上的那把长刀,乃是以兽皮包裹,没有什么精美的装饰,看起来粗糙,也是十分的狂野,整把长刀散发出了十分狂野霸道的气息。 Others have not arrived, the blade air/Qi vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered, the wild overbearing blade air/Qi in an instant, then fills the world, making people feel that just like a fierce wild animal to have the tree to be the same. 他人未到,刀气纵横,狂野霸道的刀气在刹那之间,便是弥漫天地,让人感觉犹如一头凶猛的野兽出柙一般。
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