ED :: Volume #39

#3813: the Heavens are merciless

Mentioned void Secret Boundary, did not know in many will of the people for it big change, that feared that has experienced countless winds and waves Large Sect Old Ancestor, mentioned void Secret Boundary these four characters time, in heart also for it with amazement. 一提到虚空秘境,不知道多少人心里面为之剧震,那怕是经历过无数风浪大教老祖,一提及“虚空秘境”这四个字的时候,在心里面也都不由为之骇然。 Void Secret Boundary, regarding many cultivator powerhouses, that is similar to not tangibly exist(ence), lets exist(ence) that everyone god yearns, don't said that is the mediocre generation and present age powerhouse, even if invincible like Dao Monarch, mentioned void Secret Boundary, that was the god yearned. 虚空秘境,对于多少修士强者来说,那如同不可触摸的存在,又是让所有人神之向往的存在,莫说是凡俗之辈、当世强者,就算是无敌如道君,提及“虚空秘境”,那都是神之向往。 Void Secret Boundary, these four characters, were full of the infinite charm, does not know that many cultivator powerhouses, the poor its life, want to go to void Secret Boundary to have a look, naturally, was qualified for the void Secret Boundary person, that was few. 虚空秘境,这四个字,充满了无穷魔力,不知道多少修士强者,穷其一生,都想去虚空秘境去看看,当然了,有资格进入虚空秘境的人,那是寥寥无几。 In fact, invincibly like Dao Monarch, not necessarily can enter void Secret Boundary, not necessarily can have the qualifications to be invited. 事实上,无敌如道君,也不见得能进入虚空秘境,也不见得能有资格被邀请进去。 On such as past shocking Eternal Dao Monarch Mo Xian, regarding void Secret Boundary, since dreaded, is startled adore/admire. Even some rumors said that feared Eternal invincible Dao Monarch Mo Xian, he had not obtained the invitation of void Secret Boundary, this rumor does not know the genuine and fake. 就如当年惊艳万古摩仙道君,对于虚空秘境,既是忌惮,也是惊慕。甚至有传言说,那怕万古无敌的摩仙道君了,他都未曾得到虚空秘境的邀请,这个传言也不知道真假。 But, some rumors said that besides some special Ancient Great Emperor, Pure Yang Dao Monarch and Buys Duck Eggs, had once entered void Secret Boundary. 但,也有传言说,除了一些特殊的古之大帝之外,纯阳道君买鸭蛋的,也都曾进入过虚空秘境 Void Secret Boundary, about its legend was really many, mysterious Wushuang/matchless, moreover what kind of legend had, even some people said, void Secret Boundary was the fairyland. 虚空秘境,关于它的传说实在是太多了,玄妙无双,而且怎么样的传说都有,甚至有人说,虚空秘境就是仙境。 However, goes to the void Secret Boundary person also to be few truly, and has gone to the void Secret Boundary person truly, said nothing regarding void Secret Boundary. 但是,真正去过虚空秘境的人却又寥寥无几,而且真正去过虚空秘境的人,对于虚空秘境都是闭口不谈。 Also because of so, causes the person of Eight Desolate, understands extremely few void Secret Boundary are extremely few, various hearsay very absurd. 也正是因为如此,使得八荒之人,对于虚空秘境了解得极少极少,各种传闻都是十分的荒谬。 Although said, about the void Secret Boundary world understood the side that results are few, but, void Secret Boundary in the mind of the world, in the Eight Desolate cultivator mind, has extremely high the extremely high position, even that feared that is powerful to invincible exist(ence), is not willing to talk about regarding void Secret Boundary, has extremely deep dreading. 尽管说,关于虚空秘境世人了解得的极少,但是,虚空秘境在世人的心目中,在八荒修士的心目中,有着极高极高的地位,甚至那怕是强大到无敌的存在,对于虚空秘境都不愿意去谈及,都有着极深的忌惮。 Divine Sword that the swordsmanship that void Secret Boundary spreads, void Secret Boundary passes on.” When knows in the Dugu Lan hand this three sword is passes from void Secret Boundary, immediately lets many cultivator powerhouses for it manor appearance/allow, even if Large Sect Old Ancestor, with deep veneration, does not dare to have slight disrespecting. “虚空秘境传出的剑法呀,虚空秘境传出来的神剑呀。”当知道独孤岚手中这把三才剑乃是从虚空秘境传出来的,顿时让许多修士强者为之庄容,就算是大教老祖,也都肃然,不敢有丝毫的不敬。 Reverend Cloud and Mud, huge arrogance.” Also there is Large Sect Old Ancestor is very sigh with emotion, muttered said: That feared that is True Immortal Cult does not have such big face, can obtain personal visiting of void Secret Boundary unexpectedly.” 云泥上人,好大的面子。”也有大教老祖也不由十分感慨,喃喃地说道:“那怕是真仙教也没有这么大的面子吧,竟然能得到虚空秘境的亲自拜访。” Large Sect Old Ancestor such feeling, is not unreasonable, since billion years, there are many Ancient Great Emperor, there are many Dao Monarch, immortal of Sovereign near the world, afterward today's Dao Monarch dominates Eight Desolate, when they proved Grand Dao, mounted the great treasure, not necessarily has the void Secret Boundary emperor's subjects to congratulate. 大教老祖这样的感慨,并非是没有道理,千百万年以来,有过多少的古之大帝,又有过多少的道君,不论是古之仙帝君临天下,还是后来的今日道君凌驾八荒,当他们证得大道、登上大宝之时,也不见得有虚空秘境的仙使来恭贺。 Perhaps said that feared powerful invincible ancient Immortal Emperor and today's Dao Monarch, will not necessarily make void Secret Boundary care, or regarding void Secret Boundary, invincible ancient Immortal Emperor and today's Dao Monarch, that also is just a powerhouse, with numerous world not many differences. 或许说,那怕强大无敌的古之仙帝、今日道君,都不见得会让虚空秘境放在心上,或者对于虚空秘境而言,无敌的古之仙帝、今日道君,那也只不过是一个强者而已,与芸芸世人没有多少区别。 However, Reverend Cloud and Mud, actually that unique, when his Cloud and Mud School opens the institute, void Secret Boundary was Cloud and Mud School delivered secret book and weapon continually. 但是,云泥上人,却是那么的独一无二,当他的云泥学院开院之时,连虚空秘境都为云泥学院送上了秘笈和兵器。 The so big face, only feared that many Dao Monarch are well below. 如此大的面子,只怕许多道君都远远不如吧。 Void is Secret Boundary very powerful?” Also some younger generations understand extremely few void Secret Boundary, has listened to the name merely, even may know nothing. “虚空秘境很强大吗?”也有晚辈对于虚空秘境了解得极少,仅仅是听过名字,甚至有可能一无所知。 Now sees so many Large Sect Old Ancestor and aristocratic family Senior Elder regarding void Secret Boundary such faces become pale, this also makes the younger generations very curious. 现在见如此多的大教老祖、世家元老对于虚空秘境如此的谈之色变,这也让晚辈们十分的好奇。 Far more than is powerful.” Having the Large Sect Old Ancestor manner is grave, said slowly: Void Secret Boundary, even can be called is the taboo.” “何止是强大。”有大教老祖神态庄重,徐徐地说道:“虚空秘境,甚至可以称得上是禁忌。” „Is taboo, what kind of taboo?” youngster filled curiously, cannot bear break the earthen pot to stump the bottom. “禁忌,是怎么样的禁忌?”年轻人充满了好奇,忍不住打破沙锅问倒底。 However, many Large Sect Old Ancestor are not willing to go to discuss void Secret Boundary, having the powerhouse has saying: Said, may extinguish ten thousand sects.” 但是,不少大教老祖不愿意去多谈虚空秘境,有强者只好说道:“一言出,可灭万教。” Said, can extinguish ten thousand sects?” Hears such words, many youngster stare blankly, thought that this was too inconceivable. “一言出,可灭万教?”听到这样的话,不少年轻人呆了一下,觉得这太不可思议了。 Some youngster do not believe that had questioned said: Said, may extinguish ten thousand sects, this real? Is so fierce? Has such big Divine Power?” 年轻人就不相信了,不由有所质疑地说道:“一言出,可灭万教,这真的吗?有这么厉害吗?有这么大的神威吗?” youngster filled curiously, even cannot bear break the earthen pot to ask the bottom, but, Large Sect Old Ancestor and older generation powerhouses are not willing to discuss. 年轻人是充满了好奇,甚至忍不住打破沙锅问到底,但是,不论是大教老祖、老一辈强者都不愿意去谈了。 Such as they said that void Secret Boundary, this is the taboo, little discuss to wonderfully, perhaps which day will direct the calamity upper body. 就如他们所说的那样,虚空秘境,此乃是禁忌也,少谈为妙,说不定哪一天会引祸上身。 Not like youngster that ignorant, like their dashing spirit of fearless young people like that the older generation powerhouse and Large Sect Old Ancestor has not experienced the innumerable storms, knows that fearfulness of void Secret Boundary, that feared that compared with they more powerful exist(ence), said nothing regarding void Secret Boundary, their strengths were considered as anything. 不像年轻人那么的无知,也不像他们那般的初生牛犊不畏虎,老一辈强者、大教老祖经历过无数的风浪,知道虚空秘境的可怕,那怕比他们更加强大的存在了,对于虚空秘境都是闭口不谈,他们这点实力又算得了什么呢。 At this time, Correct One Young Master of Peerless talent, looks at three of sheath the sword, the manner is very even grave. 在这个时候,就算绝世天才的正一少师,看着已出鞘的三才剑,神态无比庄重。 No matter, Correct One Young Master is appearance Fei Yang(to rise), the looking disdainfully world, a thinking nobody exists but oneself appearance, when three sword comes out of the sheath, the Correct One Young Master manner is dignified, is critical situation. 不论什么时候,正一少师都是神采飞扬,睥睨天下,一副目无余子的模样,但,当三才剑出鞘之时,正一少师神态凝重,如临大敌。 Three sword.” Correct One Young Master sighed one lightly, said slowly: My seven shining seizes a day of lance to be inferior.” “三才剑。”正一少师轻叹一声,徐徐地说道:“我的七耀夺天矛不如也。” Young Master was modest.” Dugu Lan said slowly: Had extraordinary Virtuous Predecessor once saying that there's nothing most powerful weapon and Cultivation Technique, only then most powerful person. Three sword in my hands, not necessarily can win Young Master.” 少师自谦了。”独孤岚徐徐地说道:“有了不起的先贤曾说过,没有什么最强大的兵器、功法,只有最强大的人。三才剑在我手中,也不见得能胜得了少师。” At this point, Dugu Lan, the manner was humble, said slowly: I am also the elder deep affection, has the chance to learn three swordsmanship, has the good fortune to have three sword.” 说到这里,独孤岚顿了一下,神态谦逊,徐徐地说道:“我也是得长辈厚爱,才有机缘习得‘三才剑法’,才有厚福持有三才剑也。” The Dugu Lan such modest words, made all cultivator powerhouses on the scene look at each other, especially Large Sect Old Ancestor, in their hearts was clear, Cloud and Mud School not only taught three swordsmanship to Dugu Lan, but also passed to Dugu Lan three sword, this means that Cloud and Mud School favored her extremely, thought highly about her extremely, is going to cultivate her with emphasis. 独孤岚这样自谦的话,却让在场的所有修士强者相视了一眼,特别是大教老祖,他们心里面都清楚,云泥学院不仅是把“三才剑法”传授给独孤岚,而且把三才剑也传给了独孤岚,这就意味着云泥学院极为看好她,也是对她极为器重,将要重点栽培她。 Good, this saying solid is rational.” Correct One Young Master laughs, said slowly: Today is predestined friends, asks for advice one next three invincibility of swordsmanship, but also asked Fairy to be liberal to grant instruction.” “好,这话实是有理也。”正一少师不由大笑一声,徐徐地说道:“今日有缘,领教一下三才剑法的无敌,还请仙子不吝赐教。” Young Master grants instruction.” Dugu Lan simply is also agile, manner nature, does not have any loathsome. 少师赐教。”独孤岚也干脆利索,神态自然,没有任何的拖泥带水。 At this time, saw only Dugu Lan to raise in the hand slowly three sword, when three sword was held up by her slowly, although did not have dreadful murderous aura, did not have Sword Qi vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered, but, in this in an instant, everyone felt that instantaneously the own destiny had been pinched by Dugu Lan in the hand. 在这个时候,只见独孤岚已经缓缓地举起了手中三才剑,当三才剑被她缓缓举起的时候,虽然没有滔天的杀气,也没有纵横的剑气,但,在这刹那之间,所有人都瞬间感觉自己的命运已经被独孤岚捏在手中了。 As if, in this moment, anybody felt that own stretches out the neck to treat under three sword unites. 似乎,在这一刻,任何人都感觉自己在三才剑下引颈待戮。 Such feeling, makes everyone absolutely terrified immediately, had a shiver, in this moment, many talents feels three fearfulness of sword. 这样的感觉,顿时让所有人都不由毛骨悚然,打了一个冷颤,在这一刻,很多人才感觉到三才剑的可怕。 Dugu Lan did not have take action, without the heaven frightening might, without powerful incomparable strength, lifts the sword merely, then has made one have the feeling that one type stretches out the neck to treat unites, this on the fish meat on such as block, how this is not simply appalling. 独孤岚还没有出手,没有惊天的威力,也没有强大无匹的力量,仅仅是举剑而已,便已经让人有一种引颈待戮的感觉,这简直就如砧板上的鱼肉,这怎么不让人毛骨悚然呢。 The Correct One Young Master manner is also dignified, his hand grasped seven shining to seize a day of lance, both eyes bloomed the infinite ray. 正一少师也神态凝重,他手握七耀夺天矛,双目绽放了无穷光芒。 Kills-- in this instantaneous, Correct One Young Master take action, does not have the slight hesitation, does not have slight loathsome, hears bang loud sound, Grand Dao extends horizontal, Correct One Young Master treads the ground. “杀——”在这瞬间,正一少师出手,没有丝毫的犹豫,没有丝毫的拖泥带水,听到“轰”的一声巨响,大道亘横,正一少师踏道面至。 When close to seven shining in Correct One Young Master hand seizes day of lance strikes horizontally, lance Heng Tian (Cross Heaven), breaks Samsara, cuts Yin Yang, extinguishes Myriad Law, a lance is invincible. 临近之时,正一少师手中的七耀夺天矛横击而出,一矛横天,断轮回,斩阴阳,灭万法,一矛而无敌也。 Lance Heng Tian (Cross Heaven), heaven falls and earth rends, Myriad Dao smashing, so a lance, what kind of terrifying, what kind of fearfulness, in such under strikes, heaven and earth collapse is broken, does not know that many people are absolutely terrified, cannot bear with amazement big shout, as if, under this strikes, even if the big sects and countries, can be hit to sink instantaneously, the strength of this lance, that is what kind of terrifying, what kind of fearfulness. 一矛横天,天崩地裂,万道粉碎,如此一矛,何等的恐怖,何等的可怕,在这样的一击之下,天地崩碎,不知道有多少人为之毛骨悚然,忍不住骇然大叫一声,似乎,在这一击之下,就算是大教疆国,都能被瞬间打沉,这一矛之力,那是何等的恐怖,何等的可怕。 Bang loud sound, lance Heng Tian (Cross Heaven), sweeps all ages, the person of present age, for it with amazement, younger generation, no matter the shocking and stunning person, sees this lance Heng Tian (Cross Heaven), changes colors with amazement, they know, under this lance, own must die without doubt. “轰”的一声巨响,一矛横天,荡扫万世,当世之人,都不由为之骇然,年轻一代,不管是多么惊才绝艳的人,看到这一矛横天,都不由骇然失色,他们都知道,在这一矛之下,自己必死无疑。 But, facing this lance Heng Tian (Cross Heaven), the Dugu Lan manner is free, shortly lance Heng Tian (Cross Heaven) suppression kill, but, Dugu Lan take action. 但,面对这一矛横天,独孤岚神态自若,眼看一矛横天镇杀而至,独孤岚出手了。 Clang a resonate sound, three sword turns, white/in vain is on, drives straight ahead to enter, a sword is brutal, Supreme. “铛”的一声响起,三才剑一翻,白为上,长驱而入,一剑无情,至高无上 When a sword, has the flower petal to bloom air-splitting instantaneously, this is for the blue lotus, but, blue lotus that also flashes to pass merely, three sword pricks instantaneously, certain kill is brutal. 在一剑破空之际,瞬间有花瓣绽放,此乃为青莲,但,青莲那也仅仅是一闪而逝,三才剑瞬间刺入,绝杀无情。 the Heavens are merciless! A sword punctures, is killing of heaven, moreover is certain kill is brutal, a sword is fatal. 苍天无情!一剑刺来,便是苍天之杀,而且是绝杀无情,一剑致命也。 Under a sword, everyone with amazement, no matter how powerful person, felt that a sword pierced the throat of own, the blood sputtering, a severe pain, such feeling was too fearful, frightens many people to scream. 一剑之下,所有人都不由骇然,不管多么强大的人,都感觉一剑刺穿了自己的喉咙,鲜血溅射,一阵剧痛,这样的感觉太可怕了,吓得不少人尖叫起来。 In this electrical spark light, Correct One Young Master lance Heng Tian (Cross Heaven), instantaneous Absolute Seal, breaks Samsara, cuts Yang Yin, all cut off Absolute Seal, Deities are hard span half step. 在这石火电光之间,正一少师的一矛横天,瞬间封绝,断轮回,斩阳阴,一切都被斩断封绝,诸神都难于跨越半步。 However, under a sword, that feared that is breaks Samsara, to cut Yang Yin to be the same is unable Absolute Seal. 但是,在一剑之下,那怕是断轮回、斩阳阴都一样无法封绝 Hears clang a resonate sound, three sword strikes, in seven shining seized above a day of lance, among electrical spark light, Correct One Young Master suddenly/violently to retreat, the entire process was really quick, among 1/10000 electrical spark light, on the scene basic saw clearly on few people. 听到“铛”的一声响起,三才剑击在了七耀夺天矛之上,石火电光之间,正一少师暴退,整个过程实在是太快了,万分之一的石火电光之间而已,在场根本就没有几个人看得清楚。 The blood bead splashed to fly, heard Correct One Young Master one stuffily. 血珠溅飞,传来了正一少师的一声闷哼。 At this time, suddenly/violently to retreat Correct One Young Master stood firm, everyone decided the eye to look, sees only the Correct One Young Master shoulder by blood dyed red, in his shoulder a sword. 在这个时候,暴退的正一少师站定,大家定眼一看,只见正一少师肩膀被鲜血染红,他肩膀中了一剑。 However, carefully looked again that injured the body merely, has not constituted many injury. 不过,再仔细看,那仅仅是伤了皮肉而已,并没有构成多少的伤害。 For all this, immediately makes everyone mind shake, like Correct One Young Master, wants to injure him powerful is difficulty how, let alone, comes compared with ordinary cultivator, Correct One Young Master body firm like steel, is so easy to puncture his body! 尽管如此,顿时让所有人心神一震,强大如正一少师,想伤他是多么的困难,更别说,比起普通修士来,正一少师的皮肉坚如钢铁,又焉那么容易刺破他的皮肉!
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