ED :: Volume #39

#3812: Three swordsmanship

12 Fate Palaces, Dugu Lan achieved such strength, this really stemmed from anticipated, only feared that Buddhist Holy Land anybody has not thought that this regarding anybody, that was a pleasant surprise. 十二命宫,独孤岚达到了这样的实力,这实在是太出于意料了,只怕佛陀圣地的任何人都没有想到的,这对于任何人来说,那都是一个惊喜。 Especially regarding the Buddhist Holy Land cultivator powerhouse, when Dugu Lan demonstrated 12 Fate Palaces, this made in everyone heart renew the hope immediately. 特别是对于佛陀圣地修士强者而言,当独孤岚展示出了十二命宫的时候,这顿时让大家心里面再一次燃起了希望了。 Before then, everyone believes, Dugu Lan was not possible to defeat Correct One Young Master, believes in everyone heart, Dugu Lan can defeat gracefully, that is commendable. 在此之前,大家都认为,独孤岚是不可能战胜正一少师了,在大家心里面认为,独孤岚能败得优雅一点,那都已经是难能可贵了。 But, now Dugu Lan demonstrated 12 Fate Palaces time, at this moment made Buddhist Holy Land many cultivator powerhouses see the hope, perhaps after having 12 Fate Palaces, Dugu Lan had the opportunity to defeat Correct One Young Master. 但,现在独孤岚展示出了十二命宫的时候,这一刻就让佛陀圣地的许多修士强者看到了希望,或许拥有了十二命宫之后,独孤岚有机会战胜正一少师 „The Big Senior Sister military might at this time, Cloud and Mud School student one after another shouted loudly cheers. 大师姐威武”在这个时候,云泥学院学生纷纷高呼喝采。 At this time, does not know that many Cloud and Mud School student like hitting chicken blood, cheered loudly, is brandishing the arm, even there is student unable to bear jump, wished one could to tell the world person to be the same such disappearing secret. 在这个时候,不知道有多少云泥学院学生就像打了鸡血一样,大声喝采,挥舞着手臂,甚至有学生忍不住跳了起来,恨不得把这样的消秘告诉天下人一样。 12 Fate Palaces.” even if older generation powerhouse, even is Large Sect Old Ancestor sees at present such a , is very sigh with emotion, muttered said: „After the great river , before the wave pushes, wave, descendants advanced person.” 十二命宫呀。”就算是老一辈强者,甚至是大教老祖看到眼前这样的一幕,也都不由十分感慨,喃喃地说道:“大江后浪推前浪呀,后人超前人呀。” Even if inferior to Correct One Young Master, in the future will be to still have boundless prospects.” Many important people see Dugu Lan 12 Fate Palaces, one after another acclaimed one. “就算不如正一少师,未来也是前途无量也。”不少大人物看到独孤岚十二命宫,都纷纷赞叹一声。 Dugu Lan such age, then has 12 Fate Palaces today, when another day Dugu Lan Grand Dao has become, what kind of altitude that will reach? 独孤岚今天这样的年纪,便已经拥有了十二命宫,若是他日独孤岚大道已成之时,那将会达到怎么样的高度? Although said that feared today the Dugu Lan strength is inferior to Correct One Young Master, perhaps but, can still compete for the position of Dao Monarch in the future with Correct One Young Master. 虽然说,那怕今日独孤岚实力不如正一少师,但,在未来说不定依然能与正一少师争夺道君之位呢。 12 Fate Palaces.” looks at Dugu Lan 12 Fate Palaces, Correct One Young Master also exclaims in surprise one, the feeling, said: When Buddhist Holy Land, I once thinks that Fairy Dugu is just Grand Dao Saint Physique, most also on Great Perfection, today looks like, I underestimated Fairy Dugu.” 十二命宫。”看着独孤岚十二命宫,正一少师也不由惊叹一声,感慨,说道:“在来佛陀圣地之时,我曾认为独孤仙子只不过是大道圣体而已,最多也就大圆满,今日看来,我是低估了独孤仙子了。” Young Master is polite.” 12 Fate Palaces in the sky, but, Dugu Lan is still tranquil, not arrogant is not hot-tempered, said tranquilly: I was also recently broke through, just entered into the threshold, Grand Dao also not steady , Young Master has been a crown prince, not compared with.” 少师客气。”十二命宫当空,但是,独孤岚依然平静,不傲不躁,宁静地说道:“我也是近日才突破的,刚刚迈入门槛而已,大道还不稳也,少师早已是储君,不相比。” Dugu Lan such words, let many cultivator powerhouse blankly look at each other on the scene immediately , Dugu Lan only feared that is about several days opens 12 Fate Palaces silently, that fears is so, still makes in the will of the people engender respect, after all, Dugu Lan such strength, that has been able to excel by far fully present age. 独孤岚这样的话,顿时让在场的许多修士强者面面相觑,如此说来,独孤岚只怕是近几日是无声无息开辟第十二命宫的,那怕是如此,依然让人心里面为之起敬,毕竟,独孤岚这样的实力,那已经足可以冠绝当世了。 Besides Correct One Young Master, who can with it fighting.” Has the young talent also to exclaim in surprise one, regarding the Dugu Lan strength, admires full of admiration. “除了正一少师,还有谁人能与之争锋也。”有年轻天才也不由惊叹一声,对于独孤岚的实力,佩服得五体投地。 It looks like in any young talent, that feared that the Dugu Lan strength was inferior to Correct One Young Master, but, took a broad view at the world, can the young generation, besides Correct One Young Master, who with it fighting? 在任何年轻天才看来,那怕独孤岚的实力不如正一少师了,但,放眼天下,年轻一辈,除了正一少师,还有谁人能与之争锋也? That is good, to hit finally happily.” Correct One Young Master appearance Fei Yang(to rise), the exciting, entire spirit, the both eyes turnover the radiant incomparable ray, this is being has one's interest in an old hobby revived upon seeing somebody else doing. “那再好不过,总算能痛快打一场。”正一少师神采飞扬,更加的兴奋,整个更加的精神,双目吞吐着璀璨无比的光芒,此乃是见猎心喜。 If others, seeing the own opponent were more powerful than the imagination, may worry, but, Correct One Young Master sees the opponent more powerful, instead excited, fighting intent soaring. 若是别人,见自己对手比想象中更加强大了,或许会担忧,但是,正一少师一见对手更加强大,反而是更加的兴奋,战意更加的高昂。 Bang loud sound, in this instantaneous, Correct One Young Master is also Fate Palace opens greatly, the blood energy bang day, the 12 Fate Palaces rumbling day, True Fate comes between without any reservation, has the potential of domination world. “轰”的一声巨响,在这瞬间,正一少师也是命宫大开,血气轰天,十二个命宫毫不保留地轰天而起,真命居中,有着凌驾天下之势。 In this moment, Correct One Young Master 12 Fate Palaces Ling heaven, the primal chaos aura fills the air, dominates Eight Desolate, at this moment, Correct One Young Master just like rules the world, holds governing myriad things, among Whole World, I am only invincible. 在这一刻,正一少师十二命宫凌天,混沌气息弥漫,凌驾八荒,在此时此刻,正一少师犹如是君临天下,掌御万物,举世之间,唯我无敌。 Correct One Young Master stands there, as if world Ten Thousand Clans comes to towards, he in graces, but then royal cart 9 Heavens 10 Worlds, Heavens Spiritual God comes accept pays respects. 正一少师站在那里,似乎天下万族来朝,他在举手投足之间,便可御驾九天十地,诸天神灵都前来纳拜。 Without a doubt, in this in an instant, anybody can look, Correct One Young Master strength above Dugu Lan. 毫无疑问,在这刹那之间,任何人都能看得出来,正一少师的实力是在独孤岚之上。 The imposing manners of two people, in this in an instant, can sentence high, Dugu Lan indeed is inferior to Correct One Young Master. 两个人的气势,在这刹那之间,就能判个高下,独孤岚的确是不如正一少师 Saw that Correct One Young Master that rules the world the imposing manner, making many cultivator powerhouses pull out an cold air/Qi, in this moment, many young generation of blankly look at each other. 看到正一少师那君临天下的气势,让不少修士强者都抽了一口冷气,在这一刻,不少年轻一辈都面面相觑 At this time, who can look, Dugu Lan indeed is inferior to Correct One Young Master, at this moment, Dugu Lan has lost to Correct One Young Master in the imposing manner. 此时,谁都看得出来,独孤岚的确不如正一少师,在此时此刻,独孤岚在气势上已经输给了正一少师了。 At this time, everyone also believes, Dugu Lan indeed opened 12th Fate Palace within these days, Dao Foundation was not indeed steady, might as well Correct One Young Master that solid, after all, Correct One Young Master became the crown prince, that was not one day two days of things. 在这个时候,大家也都相信,独孤岚的确是在这几天之内才开辟第十二个命宫的,的确道基不稳,还不如正一少师那么的扎实,毕竟,正一少师成为储君,那并非是一天两天的事情了。 Opens facing Correct One Young Master 12 Fate Palaces greatly, at this time Dugu Lan is the manner is also grave, her manner is dignified, does not dare to have slight having a low opinion of the enemy. 面对正一少师十二命宫大开,此时独孤岚也是神态庄重起来,她神态凝重,不敢有丝毫的轻敌。 Zheng this time, Dugu Lan is pulling out the long sword in own bosom slowly, the long sword came out of the sheath slowly, when the sound of sword blade light grinding scabbard resounds, everyone felt that the time all of a sudden becomes long incomparable, all probably are slow in an instant in this. “铮”在这个时候,独孤岚缓缓地抽出了自己怀中的长剑,长剑缓缓出鞘,当剑身轻磨剑鞘的声音响起的时候,大家都感觉时间一下子变得悠长无比,一切都好像在这刹那之间缓慢下来。 The long sword in Dugu Lan bosom comes out of the sheath, does not have the eye-catching ray, does not have swift and fierce murderous aura. 独孤岚怀中的长剑出鞘,没有夺目的光芒,也没有凌厉的杀气 At this time, everyone saw clearly, the long sword in Dugu Lan hand seemed like wooden non- wooden, resembles stone Feishi, to resemble gold/metal Feijin, does not know that was what material quality builds, what is more strange, bid good-bye the long sword, sword blade side was the white, side is the black. 在这个时候,大家才看清楚,独孤岚手中的长剑看起来似木非木、似石非石、似金非金,不知道是什么材质打造,更为奇怪的是,分手中的这把长剑,剑身一面是白色,一面是黑色。 as if clear daytime, black like paint, as if with sword blade one revolution, daytime downward, is during the daytime, black japan downward, is at night. 白如昼,黑如漆,似乎随着剑身一转,白昼向下,便是白天,黑漆向下,更是黑夜。 In this in an instant, everyone has a very strange misconception, the world Yin Yang sleep/felt grasped in the hand of Dugu Lan. 在这刹那之间,所有人都有一种十分诡异的错觉,天地阴阳都觉握在了独孤岚的手中了。 Everyone can feel, obviously is the Correct One Young Master strength above Dugu Lan, when Dugu Lan is grasping this long sword, actually a feeling of reverse, as if Dugu Lan is this world's control, she is grasping this world, the alone palm universe, as if, in this in an instant, Dugu Lan is Supreme exist(ence). 所有人都感觉得出来,明明是正一少师的实力在独孤岚之上,但是,当独孤岚手握着这把长剑的时候,却给人一种反转的感觉,似乎独孤岚才是这个世界的主宰,她掌握着这个世界,独掌乾坤,似乎,在这刹那之间,独孤岚至高无上存在 Such feeling, does not stem from Dugu Lan, but stems from the sword in Dugu Lan hand. 这样的感觉,不是源于独孤岚本身,而是源于独孤岚手中的这把剑。 At this time, everyone blankly look at each other, such feeling, was really extremely was strange, was really extremely in Nanyu imagines. 在这个时候,大家都不由面面相觑,这样的感觉,实在是太过于诡异了,实在是太过于难于想象了。 This in Dugu Lan hand long sword, for white, for black, has no arrogant murderous aura obviously, has no dazzling ray, but, such a sword makes one feel like unmatched in the world to be the same. 独孤岚手中的这把长剑,一面为白,一面为黑,明明没有任何凌人的杀气,也没有任何刺眼的光芒,但,这么一把剑却让人感觉像是天下无敌一样。 what is this sword?” Sees in the Dugu Lan hand such a sword, everyone for it one dull, everyone cannot see a Dugu Lan such sword is what origin. 这是什么剑?”看到独孤岚手中这样一把剑,所有人都不由为之一呆,大家都看不出独孤岚这样的一把剑是什么来历。 Invincible sword.” Correct One Young Master looks at this in Dugu Lan hand the sword , the manner is grave, said slowly. “无敌之剑。”正一少师一看独孤岚手中的这把剑,也不由神态庄重,徐徐地说道。 In this case, immediately lets everyone blankly look at each other, Correct One Young Master, came from Correct One Cult, as Correct One Cult Successor, what weapon he hasn't seen? Let alone, Correct One Cult is three Dao Monarch, has many Dao Monarch weapons. 这样的话,顿时让所有人面面相觑,正一少师,出身于正一教,作为正一教传人,什么样的兵器他没有见过?更何况,正一教乃是一门三道君,拥有不少的道君兵器。 Now Correct One Young Master commends this in Dugu Lan hand the sword, this could be imagined this sword powerful and be fearful. 现在正一少师都如此称赞独孤岚手中的这把剑,这可想而知这把剑是多么的强大、多么的可怕了。 This sword, named three talents.” Dugu Lan said slowly. “此剑,名为三才。”独孤岚徐徐地说道。 Three sword?” Heard Dugu Lan to send out this name of sword, making many people somewhat dumbfounded. “三才剑?”听到独孤岚报出了这把剑的名字,让很多人都有些傻眼。 Anybody can feel, this is quite invincible the sword, even in seven shining compared with Correct One Young Master hand seizes a day of lance to be powerful, but, actually gave such a ordinary name. 任何人都感受得到,这把剑极为无敌,甚至比正一少师手中的七耀夺天矛要强大,但,却取了这么一个普通的名字。 Has a look at the Correct One Young Master weapon, the good and evil is also seizes day the name, sounds like powerful, but this in Dugu Lan hand the sword, is three sword such ordinary to cannot merely the ordinary name. 看看正一少师的兵器,好歹也是一个“夺天”的名字,听起来是威风凛凛,而独孤岚手中的这把剑,仅仅是“三才剑”这么普通到不能再普通的名字。 Hears three sword, such a name, many people are very easy to think, these small sect small school to just the weapon of official apprentice, these weapons nothing but called what primal chaos sword, three sword and Four Divisions blade...... and so on. 听到三才剑,这样的一个名字,很多人都很容易想到,那些小门小派给刚入门弟子的兵器,这些兵器无非就是叫什么太极剑、三才剑、四象刀……之类的。 Now in the Dugu Lan hand such a invincible sword, actually gives such a ordinary name, this indeed is to make everyone be in a daze. 现在独孤岚手中这么一把无敌之剑,却偏偏取了这么一个普通的名字,这的的确确是让所有人都发呆。 Three sword many blankly look at each other, at once, could not find out what such invincible Divine Sword, because the name of this sword was too ordinary. “三才剑”很多人都面面相觑,一时之间,想不出有什么这么无敌的神剑了,因为这剑的名字太普通了。 This sword, with three swordsmanship.” The Dugu Lan manner is earnest, said slowly: Looks at Young Master to be liberal to grant instruction.” “此剑,配三才剑法。”独孤岚神态认真,徐徐地说道:“望少师不吝赐教。” Three swordsmanship.” The Correct One Young Master manner incomparable dignity, said slowly: This sword has three talents, will certainly be invincible!” “三才剑法。”正一少师神态无比的凝重,徐徐地说道:“此剑出三才,必将无敌!” Correct One Young Master such manner, is to make many cultivator powerhouse on the scene dumbstruck. 正一少师这样的神态,更是让在场的很多修士强者发懵。 Before then, facing Golden Cicada Bodhisattva „when Buddha crosses the world person, Correct One Young Master not such manner, now such sounds very ordinary name three sword and three swordsmanship unexpectedly is such manner is dignified, this was too rather inconceivable. 在此之前,面对金蝉佛子的“佛渡天下人”之时,正一少师都没有这样的神态,现在这么一个听起来十分普通名字的“三才剑”、“三才剑法”竟然是如此的神态凝重,这未免太不可思议了吧。 Three swordsmanship, when many people felt this name is ordinary, the seventy years of age is incomparable, seems like been on the verge of death Large Sect Old Ancestor with amazement big shout, said: could it be that, could it be that this is three in legend the swordsmanship.” “三才剑法”在很多人都觉得这个名字普通的时候,有一位古稀无比,看起来已经行将就木的大教老祖不由骇然大叫一声,说道:“难道,难道这是传说中的三才剑法。” Three in legend is the swordsmanship very powerful?” Having the younger generation is unclear, asks this seventy years of age incomparable Large Sect Old Ancestor. 传说中的三才剑法很强大吗?”有晚辈不明,问这位古稀无比的大教老祖 This Old Ancestor manner is dignified, said slowly: Hearsay said, this swordsmanship, passes from in Secret Boundary.” 这位老祖神态凝重无比,徐徐地说道:“传闻说,此剑法,传自于秘境。” Secret Boundary, what Secret Boundary?” Many people felt strange, this three is the swordsmanship, really so scary? 秘境,什么秘境?”不少人都奇怪了,这门三才剑法,真的有这么吓人吗? However, this Large Sect Old Ancestor pays no attention to others, said to Dugu Lan: Fairy, this swordsmanship, but really stems from Secret Boundary?”? Yes.” Dugu Lan has not concealed, nods gently, said slowly: In the past our First Ancestor opened the institute, the void Secret Boundary emperor's subjects arrived, offer the congratulatory gift.” 但是,这位大教老祖不理他人,对独孤岚说道:“仙子,此剑法,可真的是出自于秘境?”?“是的。”独孤岚没有隐瞒,轻轻颔首,徐徐地说道:“当年我们始祖开院,虚空秘境的仙使亲临,奉上贺礼。” One hear of Dugu Lan words, the young generation has not recovered, but, does not know many older generations immediately complexion big change, even for it with amazement. 一听独孤岚的话,年轻一辈还没有回过神来,但是,不知道多少老一辈顿时脸色大变,甚至不由为之骇然。 Really is void Secret Boundary!” Had Large Sect Old Ancestor to pull out an cold air/Qi. “真的是虚空秘境!”有大教老祖不由抽了一口冷气。
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