ED :: Volume #39

#3810: Who won

At this time, everyone is looking at Correct One Young Master and Dugu Lan. 在这个时候,所有人都不由望着正一少师独孤岚 Starts.” Dugu Lan holds the sword, the manner sends idly surely, said slowly: Also looks at Young Master to be liberal to grant instruction.” “开始吧。”独孤岚抱剑,神态闲定发,徐徐地说道:“还望少师不吝赐教。” Correct One Young Master instantaneous both eyes bloomed the radiant ray, when his vision swept, such as Divine Sword cut, making one be afraid, without a doubt , the Correct One Young Master strength was appalling, that feared that was the powerhouse of older generation is no exception. 正一少师瞬间双目绽放出了璀璨的光芒,当他目光一扫的时候,如神剑斩来,让人不寒而栗,毫无疑问,不论是什么时候,正一少师的实力都是让人毛骨悚然,那怕是老一辈的强者也不例外。 My Grand Dao like lance, but also looks at Fairy Dugu to be laughed at not.” Correct One Young Master laughs. “我大道如矛,还望独孤仙子莫见笑。”正一少师大笑一声。 Dugu Lan nods lightly, said slowly: I had heard, Young Master take action.” 独孤岚轻颔首,徐徐说道:“我已有所耳闻也,少师出手吧。” Good Correct One Young Master to sink to drink one , not many wordy, the manner concentrates, the aura vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered, said slowly: Fairy uses the sword.” “好”正一少师沉喝一声,也不多罗嗦,神态一凝,气息纵横,徐徐地说道:“仙子出剑吧。” Dugu Lan still the sword holds in bosom/mind, without moving, does not have any aura, very tranquil, as if the beautiful scenery is common, she smiles lightly, is such light smiles, is such Peerless, absorbs the person heartstrings, does not know that many people look, be infatuated, exclaims in surprise to continue, like this light smiles, does not know that makes many people remember with eternal gratitude, only feared that is hard for a lifetime forgot. 独孤岚依然剑抱于怀,没有动,也没有任何气息,十分的宁静,似乎春花秋月一般,她淡淡一笑,就是这么淡淡的一笑,是那么的绝世,是那么的摄人心弦,不知道多少人一看,都不由神魂颠倒,为之惊叹不止,这样的淡淡一笑,不知道让多少人刻骨铭心,只怕是一辈子都难于忘记。 It can be said that Dugu Lan smiles, that was really beautiful, regarding many people, the beauty of Dugu Lan, is unable to describe with the words. 可以说,独孤岚一笑,那实在是太美丽了,对于多少人来说,独孤岚的美丽,无法用笔墨来形容。 Because in young generation of cultivator mind, Dugu Lan not only beautiful Wushuang/matchless, is women not willing to be left behind by men, pulls the raging tide alone in the danger, the Dugu Lan so unparalleled elegant demeanor, in many of minds, that is how is hard dismisses from mind. 因为在许多年轻一辈修士的心目中,独孤岚不仅仅美丽无双,更是巾帼不让须眉,独挽狂澜于危难之中,独孤岚如此绝世无双的风采,在多少人心目中,那是多么的难于忘怀。 Smiles lightly, Dugu Lan is tranquil, opens the mouth also gently, said: I have used the sword.” But, she is still the sword holds in bosom/mind, in the bosom the long sword, has not come out of the sheath. 淡淡一笑,独孤岚宁静自在,开口也轻柔,说道:“我已出剑。”但,她依然是剑抱于怀,怀中长剑,并未出鞘。 Everyone looked, is startled, at once, powerful cultivator recovers, looks at the Dugu Lan manner, looks at the Dugu Lan aura, suffocates. 所有人一看,不由为之一怔,旋即,也实力强大的修士回过神来,一看独孤岚的神态,一看独孤岚的气息,不由为之一窒息。 However , many cultivation superficial or have not been this level cultivator, looks at present this, they cannot get back one's composure, they cannot see the reason why, is zhang (3.33 m) two monks cannot feel the mind. 但是,也有很多道行浅薄或者没有达到这种层次的修士,一看眼前这一幕,他们也回不过神来,他们也看不出所以然来,不由是丈二和尚摸不着头脑。 At this moment, many cultivation also without achieving the cultivator powerhouse of this level looks like, this time Dugu Lan stands there merely, the sword holds in bosom/mind, the manner is tranquil, absolutely would have no Divine Sword to come out of the sheath. 在此时此刻,不少道行还没有达到这个层次的修士强者看来,此时的独孤岚仅仅是站在那里而已,剑抱于怀,神态宁静,根本就没有神剑出鞘。 However, looks like in the powerful powerhouse, especially important people of older generation looks like, this time Dugu Lan is completely different. 然而,在实力强大的强者看来,特别是老一辈的大人物看来,此时的独孤岚已经完全不一样了。 Although said, looks like in many people, Dugu Lan or the sword have not come out of the sheath, in fact, this time Dugu Lan is the sword, the sword is she, she is a sword. 虽然说,在很多人看来,独孤岚还是剑未出鞘,事实上,此时的独孤岚便是剑,剑即是她,她即是剑。 Therefore, she does not have the sword of sheath, since does not have the sheath, where to come does come out of the sheath? Does where to come use the sword? 所以,她就是无鞘之剑,既然是无鞘,何来出鞘?更何来出剑呢? In this in an instant, Dugu Lan has then stood above Sword Dao, her, is Sword Dao, she lives, Sword Dao lives, therefore, at this moment, Sword Dao then there, sword already move. 在这刹那之间,独孤岚便已站在剑道之上,她所处,便是剑道,她所生,剑道生,所以,此时此刻,剑道便在那里,剑已出招。 At this moment, Dugu Lan does not need any movement, does not need any style, however, she already move. 在此时此刻,独孤岚不需要任何动作,不需要任何的招式,然而,她已经出招了。 This sounds like that inconceivable, that mysterious, under the person who does not understand, looks, but also thinks mysterious. 这听起来是那么的不可思议,是那么的玄妙,不懂的人,一看之下,还以为故弄玄虚。 However, this time Dugu Lan is actually not mysterious, she indeed is the sword already the sheath, the sword already the move, at this time, she has not incurred to win to incur. 但是,此时的独孤岚却并非是故弄玄虚,她的确是剑已出鞘,剑已出招,此时,她已是无招胜有招。 Moreover, incurs does not have , does where to come murder? Also where to come attack? 而且,招即无,又何来杀伐?又何来攻击呢? Therefore, has had a move of lonely mist, although sword already, murderous aura that but, has no, attacking that does not have any fighting intent, has no. 所以,已出招的孤独岚,虽然剑已出,但,却没有任何的杀气,没有任何的战意,更没有任何的攻伐。 However, what is most inconceivable, there is no murderous aura, does not have any fighting intent, no sword of attacking incurs, can actually prick the will of the people, silent, even makes one have no feeling, as if this sword, it is the growth is the same in your heart. 然而,最不可思议的是,这没有任何杀气,没有任何战意,没有任何攻伐的剑招,却可以刺入人心,无声无息,甚至让人没有任何感觉,似乎这一把剑,它就是生长在你心里面一样。 This is very strange, is very mysterious, letting the person is unable to describe such a feeling in the words and expressions. 这是十分诡异,十分玄妙,让人无法用词语去形容这样的一种感觉。 When many people cannot feel Dugu Lan this sword, but, a Correct One Young Master actually both eyes severe, fearful ray instantaneous blooms immeasurably, in this electrical spark light, the Correct One Young Master vision blasts out like Sun is the same, fearful incomparable strength bombs instantaneously, attacks to 9 Heavens 10 Worlds. 在很多人都感受不到独孤岚这一剑的时候,但,正一少师双目一厉,可怕的光芒瞬间无量地绽放,就在这石火电光之间,正一少师的目光如同一颗颗太阳炸开一样,可怕无匹的力量瞬间轰炸出来,冲击向九天十地 Correct One Young Master did not have take action, but, his fearful incomparable strength that has swept away 9 Heavens 10 Worlds instantaneously, in an instant is wreaking havoc world myriad things, does not know that many cultivator were flown by the Correct One Young Master this so fearful incomparable strength instantaneous bang. 正一少师还没有出手,但是,他那可怕无匹的力量那已经瞬间横扫九天十地,刹那之间肆虐着天地万物,不知道有多少修士正一少师这如此可怕无比的力量瞬间轰飞出去呢。 In this moment, Correct One Young Master does not have take action, fearful strength has flown the cultivator bang that many distant places surround, this is how fearful strength. 在这一刻,正一少师都没有出手,可怕的力量就已经把许多远处围观的修士轰飞,这是多么可怕力量 Therefore, sees such a, does not know that many people pulled out an cold air/Qi, in the heart absolutely terrified, one after another retrocedes. 所以,看到这样的一幕,不知道多少人抽了一口冷气,心里面不由毛骨悚然,都纷纷后退。 Was too powerful.” Everyone the first time is not saw Correct One Young Master take action, but, feels strength that Correct One Young Master that wreaks havoc crazily again, still made many cultivator powerhouses have a shiver, was absolutely terrified. “太强大了。”大家不是第一次见正一少师出手,但是,再一次感受到正一少师那疯狂肆虐的力量,依然让许多的修士强者不由打了一个冷颤,都不由为之毛骨悚然。 At this time, heard clang, clang and clang the sound resounds, the ray that Correct One Young Master both eyes bloomed evolved for the Grand Dao order instantaneously, the fearful Grand Dao order changed to gold/metal lances all of a sudden. 在这个时候,听到“铛、铛、铛”的声音响起,正一少师双目绽放出来的光芒瞬间演化为了大道秩序,可怕的大道秩序一下子化作了一把把的金矛。 When such a the gold/metal lance appears, it sends out fearful incomparable murderous aura, as if can pierce all instantaneously, even can cut the demon slaughter god, cold and severe golden light that each gold/metal lance sends out, makes people absolutely terrified. 当这样的一把把金矛出现的时候,它散发出了可怕无比的杀气,似乎瞬间可以洞穿一切,甚至是可以斩魔屠神,每一把金矛所散发出来的冷厉金光,都让人不由为之毛骨悚然。 At this time, an eye of Correct One Young Master seemed to have changed to ancient infinite gold/metal lance fountain, the inexhaustible gold/metal lance evolves in both eyes, as if in this instantaneous, gold/metal lance bang day of moving mountains. 在这个时候,正一少师的一双眼睛似乎已经化作了亘古无穷的金矛泉眼,无穷无尽的金矛在双目之中演化,似乎在这瞬间,排山倒海的金矛轰天而出。 In this moment, everyone can see, golden light blooms continuously, one gold/metal lance in revolving disc ring, but in both eyes also thousand large sum of money lances as if can turn out in full strength momentarily, the howling bang kills. 在这一刻,所有人都能看到,一缕缕金光绽放的时候,一把把金矛在旋转盘环着,而双目之中还有千万金矛似乎随时都可以倾巢而出,呼啸轰杀而来。 In this electrical spark light, everyone felt that thousand large sum of money lances can strangle to death to come in electrical spark light, suppression kill trillion creature, cuts to kill Demon King, the slaughter extinguishes Deities. 就在这石火电光之间,所有人都感觉千万金矛能在石火电光之间绞杀而来,镇杀亿万生灵,斩杀魔王,屠灭众神 That feared that is gold/metal lance is not the attack to own, but, does not know that many cultivator powerhouses felt a whole body intermittent stabbing pain, probably these gold/metal lance has punctured to the body of own, even killed the own nail on the ground, therefore, in this instantaneous, many cultivator powerhouses did not receive such fearful stabbing pain, could not bear yell. 那怕是金矛不是攻击向自己,但,不知道有多少修士强者感觉全身一阵阵刺痛,好像是这一把把的金矛已经刺到自己的身上,甚至把自己钉杀在地上了,所以,在这瞬间,有不少修士强者是受不到这么可怕的刺痛,忍不住大叫起来。 Such, making many people absolutely terrified, shivers, one after another retroceded, elongated the distance, in order to avoid own was affected by such fearful strength. 这样的一幕,让多少人毛骨悚然,都不由直打冷颤,都不由纷纷后退,拉长了距离,以免得自己被这么可怕的力量波及。 Sees such a, how many people making hold breath cold, the Correct One Young Master gold/metal lance had not rumbled to kill, that terrifying , the gold/metal lance bang ten million/countless had so killed, did its might have fearfully how? 看到这样的一幕,让多少人倒吸了一口冷,正一少师的金矛都还没有轰杀而出,那都已经如此恐怖了,那么,千万的金矛轰杀而出,它的威力是有多么的可怕呢? No matter Correct One Young Master thousand large sum of money lance what kind of fearfulness, what kind of murdering, even, when one gold/metal lance in revolving in an instant, it can tear the world, howling strength can pierce world instantaneously all. 不管正一少师千万金矛如何的可怕,如何的杀伐,甚至,当一把把金矛在旋转的刹那之间,它能撕裂天地,呼啸的力量可以瞬间洞穿世间的一切。 However sends, Dugu Lan still stands there, very tranquil, moreover is getting more and more distant, with Correct One Young Master gold/metal lance strength more and more powerful time, Dugu Lan becomes more and more distant, good to stand there obviously, but, she seems to be passing to be the same with time, suddenly ten million years later, what is most marvelous, the world accompanies, rather than she on said alone. 然而发,独孤岚依然是站在那里,十分的宁静,而且越来越悠远,随着正一少师的金矛力量越来越强大的时候,独孤岚变得越来越悠远,好明明是站在那里,但是,她又似乎随着时光在流逝一样,眨眼在千万年之后,最为奇妙的是,天地随行,而不是她独自上道。 The world accompanies, suddenly, then ten million years later, such marvelous peerless feeling, is no one can feel, is no one can completely understand that mystery, don't said that is the common powerhouse, the powerhouses of even if many older generation, is hard peeps mysteriously its. 天地随行,眨眼之间,便千万年之后,这样奇妙绝伦的感觉,不是谁都能感受得到,也不是谁都能看得透这其中的奥妙,莫说是一般强者,就算是不少老一辈的强者,都难于窥得其玄妙。 Dugu Lan, one person one sword , the world accompanies, suddenly ten million years. 独孤岚,一人一剑,天地随行,眨眼千万年。 Correct One Young Master, gold/metal Maopo the day, tears Eternal, a lance spanned the infinite world. 正一少师,金矛破天,撕裂万古,一矛跨越了无穷的天地。 In this instantaneous, both sides had begun, but, can look to understand that truly, few individuals, everyone also find it very strange. 在这瞬间,双方已经动手了,只不过,真正能看明白的,没有几个人而已,大家也都觉得很奇怪而已。 It looks like in many cultivator powerhouses, Correct One Young Master is imposing manner terrifying is incomparable, wreaks havoc ten sides, but, he so powerful strength actually hidden did not send. 在很多修士强者看来,正一少师是气势恐怖无比,肆虐十方,但是,他如此强大的力量却一直隐而不发。 But Dugu Lan is actually calmly stands there, moves motionless, does not have any movement, she had not as if discovered that Correct One Young Master that fearful peerless strength is the same. 独孤岚却是静静地站在那里,一动都不动,没有任何动作,似乎她没有发现正一少师那可怕绝伦的力量一样。 But, there is strength very powerful Large Sect Old Ancestor, looked to understand mystery, their looks at such, the manner was dignified. 但,也有实力十分强大的大教老祖,看明白了其中的奥妙,他们看着这样的一幕,不由神态凝重。 Because they had seen, Correct One Young Master and Dugu Lan two people had begun, walks pursues, among them the showdown, is not the chase between distances, but in time pursues walks. 因为他们已经看到了,正一少师独孤岚两个人已经动手了,一走一追而已,他们之间的对决,不是距离之间的追逐,而是在时间上的一追一走。 It looks like in these powerful Large Sect Old Ancestor, if makes Correct One Young Master catch up, only feared Dugu Lan cannot block so fearfully strikes. 在这些实力强大的大教老祖看来,如果一旦让正一少师追上,只怕独孤岚挡不住如此可怕的一击。 Most cultivator on the scene cannot understand Correct One Young Master and Dugu Lan at this time the showdown in time, everyone can only looks at this, feel strength of Correct One Young Master that wreaking havoc world dull at present. 在场的绝大多数修士都看不懂正一少师独孤岚此时在时间上的对决,大家只能是呆呆地看着眼前这一幕,感受着正一少师那肆虐天地的力量 Clang, clang and clang an intermittent gold/metal called resonate sound, when many people were not clear, saw only the gold/metal lance to diverge, bloomed the ray that to be reserved from Correct One Young Master both eyes, suddenly, Correct One Young Master that fearful incomparable strength vanish into thin air. “铛、铛、铛”一阵阵金鸣之声响起,在很多人都不明白的时候,只见金矛散去,从正一少师双目中绽放出来的光芒内敛,眨眼之间,正一少师那可怕无比的力量消失得无影无踪 At this time, many cultivator powerhouse blankly look at each other on the scene, everyone has not looked to understand, Correct One Young Master received the hand unexpectedly, this was too rather quick. 在这个时候,在场的很多修士强者都面面相觑,大家都还没有看明白了,正一少师竟然收手了,这未免太快了吧。 I am less than Fairy Dugu.” Correct One Young Master shakes the head, sighs one, the manner is free. “我不及独孤仙子也。”正一少师摇了摇头,感叹一声,神态自若。 What, when Correct One Young Master this saying said that everyone on the scene exploded, all cultivator powerhouse one in an uproar on the scene. “什么”当正一少师这话一说出来的时候,在场的所有人都炸了,在场的所有修士强者都一片哗然。 Everyone had not looked that understands how to come back, Correct One Young Master actually admitted defeat, this simply is the inconceivable matter. 大家都还没有看明白怎么回来呢,正一少师竟然认输了,这简直就是不可思议的事情。 Real?” At this time, that feared that full power supports Dugu Lan Cloud and Mud School student unable to believe this is real, calls out in alarm said: „Did Big Senior Sister really win?” “真的吗?”在这个时候,那怕全力支持独孤岚云泥学院学生也都不敢相信这是真的,不由惊呼地说道:“大师姐真的赢了吗?” In fact, at this time, many people cannot believe that Dugu Lan has won. 事实上,在这个时候,很多人都不敢相信独孤岚已经赢了。 Big news, Old Thief Heaven birth truth exposure!! To know how Old Thief Heaven is born? To understand these more secrets? Comes to here!! Pays attention to WeChat public number „the Xiao Residence regiment, examines the historical news, or input heaven birth then reads the relevant information!! 大爆料,贼老天诞生真相曝光啦!!想知道贼老天是怎么诞生的吗?想了解这其中更多的隐秘吗?来这里!!关注微信公众号“萧府军团”,查看历史消息,或输入“老天诞生”即可阅览相关信息!!
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