ED :: Volume #39

#3809: Talent showdown

Correct One Young Master challenges Buddhist Holy Land, on Little Saint Mountain, at this time, all Buddhist Holy Land young generation of disciples silent, makes the atmosphere all of a sudden awkward incomparable, the entire atmosphere becomes constraining very all of a sudden. 正一少师挑战佛陀圣地,当在小圣山上,此时,所有佛陀圣地的年轻一辈弟子都不由沉默,一下子使得气氛变得尴尬无比,整个气氛一下子变得十分的压抑。 If big Buddhist Holy Land no one can stand with a Correct One Young Master war, then regarding entire Buddhist Holy Land, that really lost face, in later, how the Buddhist Holy Land disciple can raise the head before the Correct One Cult disciple? This is will make Buddhist Holy Land face countenance not save. 若是偌大的佛陀圣地都没有人能站出来与正一少师一战的话,那对于整个佛陀圣地来说,那实在是太丢脸了,在以后,佛陀圣地的弟子在正一教的弟子面前怎么能抬得起头来?这将是让佛陀圣地颜脸无存。 Young Master comes, Buddhist Holy Land entertained on the same day.” A clear delightful sound resounds, said: Dugu Lan, since said that must with a Young Master war, that decides will not fail to keep an appointment.” 少师既来,佛陀圣地当日招待。”一个清脆悦耳的声音响起,说道:“独孤岚既然说要与少师一战,那定不会失约。” This sound resounds, immediately makes Buddhist Holy Land all youngster inspire for it spirit. 这个声音响起的时候,顿时让佛陀圣地的所有年轻人不由为之精神一振。 Fairy Dugu at this time, does not know that many young generations rouse, in heart one for it happy, cannot bear shout loudly. 独孤仙子”在这个时候,不知道有多少年轻一辈为之振奋,心里面为之一喜,忍不住高呼。 Dugu Lan holds the sword to come, the form drags, such as Fairy arrives general. 独孤岚抱剑而来,身影摇曳,如仙子降临一般。 In fact, at this moment, Dugu Lan in the young generation of eye of Buddhist Holy Land, has no difference from Fairy, even some people think that is salvation Fairy. 事实上,在此时此刻,独孤岚佛陀圣地的许多年轻一辈的眼中,和仙子没有任何区别,甚至有人认为那是救世仙子 When Dugu Lan appears, alleviated the Buddhist Holy Land awkward atmosphere all of a sudden, making entire Buddhist Holy Land all young one generations long implore the one breath. 独孤岚出现的时候,一下子缓解了佛陀圣地的尴尬气氛,使得整个佛陀圣地的所有年轻一辈都不由长长吁了一口气。 At least big Buddhist Holy Land, some people stood to accept a challenge finally, regardless of the victory lost, this good and evil can also say some Buddhist Holy Land people to dare with a Correct One Young Master war. 至少偌大的佛陀圣地,终于有人站出来应战了,不论胜输,这好歹也能说佛陀圣地还是有人敢与正一少师一战的。 Otherwise, Correct One Young Master rules Little Saint Mountain, but entire Buddhist Holy Land has no young generation of disciple to stand a war, that makes the world person scoff Buddhist Holy Land, scoffs Buddhist Holy Land young generation of that is the turtle. 否则的话,正一少师君临小圣山,而整个佛陀圣地没有任何一个年轻一辈的弟子站出来一战,那岂不是让天下人耻笑佛陀圣地,耻笑佛陀圣地的年轻一辈那都是缩头乌龟。 Now the Dugu Lan stand meets head-on Correct One Young Master, this is to make certainly Buddhist Holy Land young one generation rouse, likes happily, will not at least make the world person scoff for the turtle. 现在独孤岚站出来迎战正一少师,这当然是让佛陀圣地的年轻一辈为之振奋,也为之高兴欢喜,至少不会让天下人耻笑为缩头乌龟。 Dugu Lan holds the sword, comes, the manner flutters indistinct, really such as Fairy descends to earth general, at this time, does not know that many young generation of male disciples looked at as if deluded, are attracted by the Dugu Lan beautiful appearance and unique makings completely, in many of minds, Dugu Lan at this moment was one descends to earth Fairy. 独孤岚抱剑,飘然而至,神态飘缈,真如仙子下凡一般,在这个时候,不知道有多少年轻一辈的男弟子看得如痴如醉,完全被独孤岚美丽的容貌、独一无二的气质所吸引了,在多少人心目中,此时此刻的独孤岚就是一位下凡仙子 Dugu Lan mounted the stone steps, opposite stands with Correct One Young Master. 独孤岚登上了石阶,与正一少师对面而站。 Correct One Young Master both eyes like the electricity, sweeps, looks at Dugu Lan, said sigh with emotion: Name hears about the Fairy Dugu given name, Fairy Dugu is not only the person such as the name, is the womanhood country is competent, takes a broad view at Buddhist Holy Land, can with Fairy shoulder to shoulder, the one or two person.” 正一少师双目如电,一扫而过,看着独孤岚,不由感慨地说道:“名闻独孤仙子大名,独孤仙子不仅是人如其名,更是帼国不让须眉,放眼佛陀圣地,能与仙子并肩者,一二人而已。” Correct One Young Master so appraisal Fairy Dugu, it may be said that was appraised high, making some Buddhist Holy Land young cultivator listen is also proud, especially Cloud and Mud School student, to them, Dugu Lan was the pride of Cloud and Mud School, was the Cloud and Mud School extraordinariest talent. 正一少师如此般评价独孤仙子,可谓是高评价了,让一些佛陀圣地的年轻修士听了也不由为之骄傲,特别是云泥学院学生,对于他们来说,独孤岚就是云泥学院的骄傲,是云泥学院最了不得的天才。 However , after letting some Buddhist Holy Land young talents listened, blushes with shame, in the heart is bitter and astringent. 但是,也让一些佛陀圣地的年轻天才听了之后,不由为之汗颜,心里面为之苦涩。 Buddhist Holy Land son ten million/countless, but, above this Little Saint Mountain, meets head-on Correct One Young Master finally is not their these seven chi (0.33 m) sons, but is a Dugu Lan such female. 佛陀圣地男儿千万,但是,最后在这小圣山之上,迎战正一少师的不是他们这些七尺男儿,而是独孤岚这么一个女子。 Dugu Lan has no qualms in womanhood country is competent such title, but, reviews the Buddhist Holy Land son? That is to make the person blush with shame, challenges Correct One Young Master magnificently to compare with Dugu Lan like this, that is being overshadowed how. 独孤岚无愧于“帼国不让须眉”这样的称谓,但是,反观佛陀圣地的男儿呢?那是多么的让人汗颜,与独孤岚挑战正一少师这样的壮观一比,那是多么的黯然失色。 could it be that takes a broad view at entire Buddhist Holy Land, doesn't have a son to be able with a Correct One Young Master war? Entire Buddhist Holy Land young generation is face countenance, needs a Dugu Lan such female to support? 难道放眼整个佛陀圣地,就没有一个男儿能与正一少师一战吗?整个佛陀圣地的年轻一辈颜脸,就是需要独孤岚这么一个女子撑起来吗? Solemn Buddhist Holy Land, seven chi (0.33 m) son, actually depends upon a Dugu Lan female to strive to turn the tide ten million/countless finally, such aspect, said that made some young talents feel ashamed, making many sons blush with shame. 堂堂佛陀圣地,千万七尺男儿,最后却依靠独孤岚一个女子力挽狂澜,这样的局面,说出来,都让一些年轻天才都不由觉得羞愧,让不少男儿都不由为之汗颜。 At this time , many Buddhist Holy Land young talents also thought of a person, Buddhist Holy Land son, some people can fight Li Qiye with Correct One Young Master. 在这个时候,也有不少佛陀圣地的年轻天才也想到了一个人,佛陀圣地的男儿,还是有人能与正一少师一战李七夜 However, regarding Li Qiye, Buddhist Holy Land many young one generation to his view is separate, having young one generation admires Li Qiye's to be wrapped in a shroud of obscurity, but also has youngster to hit in heart to disdain to Li Qiye, thinks that Li Qiye that weird method is just the heresy, there is young one generation not to have the favorable impression in the heart to Li Qiye, even is loathes and hates Li Qiye, because Li Qiye that is just the nameless junior family background, is incompatible with their the big sects and countries talent that...... 但是,对于李七夜,佛陀圣地的不少年轻一辈对他的看法是十分的割裂,有年轻一辈佩服李七夜的神秘莫测,而也有年轻人心底里对李七夜不屑,认为李七夜那邪门的手段只不过是旁门左道,也有年轻一辈在心里面就对李七夜没有好感,甚至是厌恶、仇恨李七夜,因为李七夜那只不过是无名小辈出身而已,与他们大教疆国的天才那是格格不入…… Let alone, Li Qiye does not meet head-on Correct One Young Master for Buddhist Holy Land, this was makes many Buddhist Holy Land young one generation loathe. 更何况,李七夜不替佛陀圣地迎战正一少师,这更是让不少佛陀圣地的年轻一辈为之厌恶了。 In this side, regarding the praise of Correct One Young Master, the Dugu Lan manner is tranquil, not proud, nods gently, said: Young Master overpraised , Young Master east, with irresistible force, no one can be enemy, our Buddhist Holy Land many people, was not the Young Master opponent , the Young Master strength, the reality was invincible.” 在这一边,对于正一少师的夸赞,独孤岚神态平静,也没有骄傲,轻轻颔首,说道:“少师过奖也,少师一路东来,势如破竹,无人能敌,我们佛陀圣地诸多人杰,也非少师对手也,少师实力,实乃无敌。” Invincible, that flattered me.” Correct One Young Master laughs, said: Brat becomes famous, Buddhist Holy Land is also hidden dragons and crouching tigers, depends on Young Master one person, makes me look at the dust less.” “无敌,那就是太吹捧我了。”正一少师不由大笑一声,说道:“竖子成名而已,佛陀圣地也是藏龙卧虎也,就凭少爷一人,也让我望尘不及也。” Correct One Young Master works as the people to say such words, that was equal to that acknowledged own did not beat Li Qiye. 正一少师当着众人说出这样的话,那是等于承认自己不敌李七夜了。 In this case, immediately lets everyone blankly look at each other on the scene, especially young generation. 这样的话,顿时让在场的所有人面面相觑,特别是年轻一辈。 According to the truth, Correct One Young Master acknowledged is inferior to Li Qiye, the Buddhist Holy Land young generation of disciple should take it as the honor, took it as arrogantly, but, at this time, many youngster was silent. 按道理来说,正一少师承认不如李七夜,佛陀圣地的年轻一辈弟子应该以之为荣,以之为傲,但是,在这个时候,却很多年轻人沉默不语了。 Snort, again powerful how.” Has young cultivator to whisper in a low voice, said: Again powerful, is not over Buddhist Holy Land, that also is just the useless thing.” “哼,再强大又如何。”有年轻修士不由低声嘀咕,说道:“再强大,也不为佛陀圣地出头,那也只不过是无用之物也。” Has young talent also coldly saying: surnamed Li, then since has the method, why with a Correct One Young Master war, does not make lonely Fairy women shoulder the general situation alone, snort/hum, is the shame of Buddhist Holy Land.” 有年轻天才也冷冷地说道:“姓李的,既然那么有手段,为何不与正一少师一战,却偏偏让孤独仙子一介女流独扛大局,哼,乃是佛陀圣地之耻也。” At this time, in many will of the people could not bear slander Li Qiye, to them, Li Qiye did not meet head-on Correct One Young Master, was not Buddhist Holy Land strives for the glory, that was the Buddhist Holy Land shame. 在这个时候,不少人心里面也忍不住诋毁李七夜,对于他们来说,李七夜不迎战正一少师,不为佛陀圣地争取荣耀,那就是佛陀圣地的耻辱。 Young Master, is horizon True Dragon, non- our generation can.” Dugu Lan has a smile, said slowly, are not many discusses. 少爷,乃是天际真龙也,非我辈所能及。”独孤岚含笑,徐徐说道,也不多谈也。 Dugu Lan so appraises Li Qiye high, surprises Buddhist Holy Land many people, the especially young generation, everyone has not thought, Li Qiye does not lift up the general situation, lost to Dugu Lan, Dugu Lan actually also praised him. 独孤岚如此高评价李七夜,也让佛陀圣地的很多人意外,特别是年轻一辈,大家都没有想到,李七夜不扛起大局,丢给了独孤岚,独孤岚竟然还如此赞美他。 Fairy Dugu, is our Buddhist Holy Land pillar of the nation , is not only cultivation is profound, has the broad incomparable mind, non- these ordinary people can compare.” Some many young cultivator thought that Dugu Lan was really magnanimous, the mind was broad. 独孤仙子,才是我们佛陀圣地的国柱也,不仅是道行高深,更是有着广阔无比的胸襟,非那些凡夫俗子所能相比。”有不少年轻修士都觉得独孤岚实在是太大度了,胸襟广阔。 Naturally, the ordinary people in their mouth, referred to was Li Qiye. 当然,他们口中的凡夫俗子,指的就是李七夜了。 However, Correct One Young Master, is Dugu Lan, has not gone to pay attention to Buddhist Holy Land young one generation, each other already not above a level. 不过,不论是正一少师,还是独孤岚,都未曾去理会佛陀圣地的年轻一辈,彼此已经不是在一个层次之上了。 Today is also receives the officer to fight.” Correct One Young Master has a smile, said: Finally cannot with a Fairy Dugu war, Buddhist Holy Land one line, is complete. Today, asking Fairy to advise, divides outcome.” “今日也算是收官一战。”正一少师含笑,说道:“最后不能与独孤仙子一战,佛陀圣地一行,也算圆满也。今日,请仙子指教,分个胜负。” By the merit of Young Master, cannot fight, wins in me surely.” Dugu Lan said calmly: Young Master cultivates demon to swallow seven volumes has over four volumes, this is invincible , I believe that Cultivation Technique that I cultivate/repair, is hard fights.” “以少师之功,不需一战,也是定胜于我。”独孤岚平静地说道:“少师修有‘魔吞七卷’乃有四卷以上,此乃是无敌也,我自认为,我所修的功法,都难于争锋也。” Has not fought, Dugu Lan had admitted defeat, this makes Buddhist Holy Land young one generation suffocate immediately, in this moment, many young generation of blankly look at each other. 还未战,独孤岚已经认输了,这顿时让佛陀圣地的年轻一辈都不由为之一窒息,在这一刻,不少年轻一辈都不由面面相觑 Also without starting, Dugu Lan admits defeat, this regarding Buddhist Holy Land young one generation, in the heart was the feeling is very certainly uncomfortable. 还没有开始,独孤岚就认输,这对于佛陀圣地的年轻一辈来说,心里面当然是感觉十分难受了。 However, matter that this also has no alternative, the great strength of Correct One Young Master, everyone is obvious to all, some even if people did not acknowledge that cannot change such fact. 但是,这又无可奈何的事情,正一少师的强大,所有人有目共睹,就算是有人不承认,那也改变不了这样的事实。 Has not fought to lose, but, this said from the Dugu Lan mouth, that seemed different, Dugu Lan very tranquil, very calm, since there is any shame, there's nothing shame in opens the mouth. 未战而输,只不过,这样的话从独孤岚口中说出来,那显得不一样,独孤岚十分的平静,十分的从容,既然有什么羞愧,也没有什么耻于开口。 That also is just the merit of predecessor.” The Dugu Lan words, making Correct One Young Master smile, shook the head, said: This also not necessarily is my great strength, that can only say, Cultivation Technique that Ancestral Master keeps was really powerful. If Fairy practiced same Cultivation Technique, not necessarily will be weaker than many me.” “那也只不过是前人之功也。”独孤岚的话,让正一少师笑了一下,摇头,说道:“这也不见得是我的强大,那只能说,祖师留下来的功法实在是太强大了。若是仙子修练了一样的功法,也不见得会比我弱多少。” Many thanks Young Master praise.” Dugu Lan smiled, said slowly: Young Master had gone out of the own say/way, although, Dugu Lan confessed does not beat, but, must ask for advice one or two to Young Master ; first, to ask for advice Young Master unparalleled Cultivation Technique ; Second, the Cloud and Mud School disciple, can never not fight to lose.” “多谢少师夸奖。”独孤岚笑了一下,徐徐地说道:“少师已走出了自己的道,虽然,独孤岚自认不敌,但,还是要向少师讨教一二,一是领教一下少师绝世无双功法;二是云泥学院的弟子,从不会不战而输。” Good Correct One Young Master to laugh, said: I also for a long time heard that Fairy Sword Dao Wushuang/matchless, heard Fairy once to practice a unparalleled swordsmanship, when was the antiquity Eternal invincible swordsmanship that most Peerless most invincible Immortal Emperor created, today, and made me experience one or two.” “好”正一少师大笑,说道:“我也久闻仙子剑道无双,听闻仙子曾修练了一门绝世无双剑法,乃是上古之时最绝世最无敌的仙帝所创的万古无敌剑法也,今日,且让我见识一二。” Young Master this word, making me blush with shame.” Dugu Lan shakes the head gently, said: „The Immortal Emperor of invincible swordsmanship, is ancient Wushuang/matchless, but I, but learns the fur/superficial knowledge, harms ancient Divine Power. But listened to create this swordsmanship ancient Immortal Emperor once saying that world there's nothing most powerful Cultivation Technique, only then most powerful person.” 少爷此言,让我汗颜。”独孤岚轻轻摇头,说道:“古之仙帝的无敌剑法,乃是亘古无双,而我,只不过习得皮毛而已,有损古人神威。而听创此剑法的古之仙帝曾说,世间没有什么最为强大的功法,只有最为强大的人。” Wonderful , Immortal Emperor, is the wonderful word.” Correct One Young Master also to praise. “妙也,古之仙帝,乃是妙言也。”正一少师也不由大赞。 The Dugu Lan words also acknowledged she indeed practiced the swordsmanship in legend, that is the unparalleled swordsmanship. 独孤岚的话也是承认了她的的确确修练了传说中的剑法,那是绝世无双的剑法。 How is that the invincible swordsmanship?” Many cultivator powerhouse on the scene hears such dialogue, filled all of a sudden was curious. “那是怎么样无敌的剑法呢?”在场不少修士强者听到这样的对话,就一下子充满了好奇了。 The great strength of Correct One Young Master was needless saying that he practiced demon swallowed seven volumes Wushuang/matchless was needless saying that but, Correct One Young Master says that now the Dugu Lan swordsmanship was Eternal Wushuang/matchless, such swordsmanship, actually how powerful. 正一少师的强大不用多说,他修练的“魔吞七卷”的无双也不用说,但,现在正一少师都称独孤岚的剑法是万古无双,这样的剑法,究竟是多么的强大呢。 Has compared with demon swallows seven volumes also to want powerful Cultivation Technique?” Also some powerhouses were curious. “有比‘魔吞七卷’还要强大的功法吗?”也有强者不由为之好奇了。 :.: :。:
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