ED :: Volume #35

#3476: Everyone executes it

At once, atmosphere silent to fearful, everyone is staring at Li Qiye, under the innumerable vision, as if can swallow whole Li Qiye, such atmosphere, such battle formation, trading to be anybody to be absolutely terrified. 一时之间,气氛寂静到了可怕,所有人都盯着李七夜,在无数的目光之下,似乎可以把李七夜生吞活剥,这样的气氛,这样的阵势,换作任何人都会毛骨悚然。 However, under the outstanding heroes lie in wait from all sides, Li Qiye is still serene, but looked at one everyone one eyes on the scene superficially, smiles lightly, said: Quite lively.” Then, then showed the smile. 但是,在群雄环伺之下,李七夜依然是风轻云淡,只是轻描淡写地看了一眼在场的所有人一眼,淡淡地一笑,说道:“好热闹。”说完,便露出了浓浓的笑容。 When Li Qiye shows this smile, why did not know, makes some people have a shiver, they, just like smelled the smell of blood suddenly. 李七夜露出这浓浓的笑容之时,不知道为什么,却让一些人不由打了一个冷颤,他们恍然之间,犹如是闻到了血腥味了。 Li Qiye obviously only then the Silver Armor Battle Body strength, why does not know, during he is situated in arrogantly the outstanding heroes lie in wait from all sides, a not being able to say calm, has a looking disdainfully world, to observe the situation the aura of outstanding heroes. 李七夜明明只有银甲战躯的实力而已,不知道为什么,当他傲立于群雄环伺之中的时候,却给人一种说不出来的淡定,有着一种睥睨天下、环视群雄的气息。 However, at this time, these wants to snatch the Li Qiye's person, turns very quiet, take action, they have not been waiting for others rashly first take action, then, they in behind take action, have more possibilities. 但是,在这个时候,那些想抢李七夜的人,都屏住呼吸,都没有贸然出手,他们都等待着其他的人先出手,如此一来,他们在后面出手,就有着更多的可能。 Anybody knows, no matter who first take action snatches Li Qiye, may become everyone's target, under such situation, might as well calms down, first stands by to look, when everyone massacres mutually, then comes to benefit as the third party in a dispute that is not late. 任何人都知道,不管是谁先出手李七夜,都有可能成为所有人的靶子,在这样的情况之下,还不如沉住气,先作壁上观望,等大家相互残杀的时候,再来个渔翁得利那也不迟。 In fact, at this time, does not know that many people are holding such thoughts, everyone wants to benefit as the third party in a dispute, everyone holds troops, wants to wait for others to massacre mutually. 事实上,在这个时候,不知道有多少人抱着这样的心思,大家都想渔翁得利,所有人都按兵不动,想等着别人相互残杀。 Everyone is holding such thoughts, this made the entire scene reach the marvelous balance within the short time, at once, no one take action attacked Li Qiye. 正是大家都抱着这样的心思,这使得整个场面在短短的时间之内达成了奇妙的平衡,一时之间,都没有人出手攻击李七夜 Immortal Emperor Zhan Treasure Storehouse, actually leaves leeway what thing.” At this time, these waited and saw in the distant place, did not plan to rob the Li Qiye's cultivator powerhouse, they could not repress finally, called out loudly. 战仙帝宝藏,究竟留有什么东西。”在这个时候,那些在远处观望,并不打算抢劫李七夜的修士强者,他们终于按捺不住了,不由大声叫道。 In this case, immediately made in everyone heart beat, is being hopeful Li Qiye's vision, became blazing incomparable, in this innumerable vision, made them like a leader hungry pack of wolves of same greedily. 这样的话,顿时让所有人都不由心里面跳动了一下,所有望着李七夜的目光,都不由变得炽热无比,在这无数目光之中,贪婪使得他们如同一头头饥饿的狼群一样。 At this time, everyone is looking at Li Qiye by the blazing greedy vision, everyone wants to wait for Li Qiye's to reply, everyone also wants to know actually Immortal Emperor Zhan Treasure Storehouse has what thing. 在这个时候,所有人以炽热贪婪的目光望着李七夜,大家都想等待着李七夜的回答,大家也都想知道战仙帝宝藏究竟有什么东西 In everyone's imagination, Immortal Emperor Zhan, is Nine Worlds epoch last Immortal Emperor, one of the most shocking Immortal Emperor, even the rumor said, she once plundered entire Nine Worlds heavenly flowers, treasure items, since had Eternal biggest Treasure Storehouse. 在所有人的想象中,战仙帝,乃是九界纪元的最后一位仙帝,最惊艳的一位仙帝之一,甚至传言说,她曾搜刮了整个九界天华物宝,拥有了万古以来最大的宝藏 If Immortal Emperor Zhan left behind Treasure Storehouse, that is conceivable her Treasure Storehouse how richly, shocking Wushuang/matchless, this does not know makes many people palpitate with excitement, even goes crazy. 若是战仙帝留下了宝藏,那可以想象她的宝藏是多么的丰厚,是多么的惊世无双,这不知道让多少人为之怦然心动,甚至为之发狂。 At this time, everyone to the greediest vision be looking at Li Qiye most blazingly, they are waiting for the Li Qiye's reply. 在这个时候,所有人以最炽热最贪婪的目光望着李七夜,他们都等着李七夜的回答。 Treasure Storehouse.” Li Qiye smiled, looks at presented everyone that greedy manner, smiled. 宝藏嘛。”李七夜不由笑了一下,看着在场所有人那贪婪的神态,不由笑了。 Li Qiye's each character each few words are such affects to present everyone's heartstrings, therefore, that feared that Li Qiye said again slowly, everyone has patience, calmly is listening. 李七夜的每一个字每一句话都是那么的牵动在场所有人的心弦,所以,那怕李七夜说得再慢,所有人都有着十分的耐心,静静地听着。 Immortal Emperor Zhan's treasure trove, can have what thing, on some junks.” Li Qiye smiles at will, superficial. 战仙帝的宝藏,能有什么东西,也就一些破铜烂铁而已。”李七夜随意一笑,轻描淡写。 Everyone believes, Immortal Emperor Zhan's treasure trove has most shocking treasure and most Wushuang/matchless Cultivation Technique, the most invincible weapon, but, they actually do not know, Immortal Emperor Zhan has not left behind what Treasure Storehouse, so-called Treasure Storehouse, that is just they drives to drive, thing that fantasizes in the greedy desire. 所有人都认为,战仙帝的宝藏是有着最惊世的宝物、最无双功法、最无敌的兵器,但是,他们却不知道,战仙帝根本就没有留下什么宝藏,所谓的宝藏,那只不过是他们在贪婪的欲望驱驶下,所幻想出来的东西而已。 Now Li Qiye actually says that Immortal Emperor Zhan's treasure trove is just some junks, how this will make one believe that at once, many people looked at each other, no one believe the Li Qiye's words. 现在李七夜竟然说战仙帝的宝藏只不过是一些破铜烂铁,这怎么会让人相信,一时之间,不少人相视了一眼,没有任何人会相信李七夜的话。 Everyone saw with one's own eyes Li Qiye to enter the gateway platform household, without a doubt, Li Qiye obtained certainly Immortal Emperor Zhan's treasure trove, no matter how now he said, no one believes Immortal Emperor Zhan simply has not left behind what treasure, let alone was what junk. 所有人都亲眼看到李七夜进入道台门户了,毫无疑问,李七夜肯定是得到了战仙帝的宝藏了,现在不管他怎么说,都没有任何人会相信战仙帝根本没有留下什么宝物,更别说是什么破铜烂铁了。 Snort, this saying can only deceive three -year-old child!” Has the older generation to sneer, said: Immortal Emperor Zhan once plundered Nine Worlds treasure, fills own Treasure House, she once had world biggest Treasure House, his Treasure Storehouse, possibly was the junk. This talks irresponsibly, can world to believe!” “哼,这话只能骗三岁小孩!”有老一辈冷笑一声,说道:“战仙帝曾搜刮九界宝物,充填自己宝库,她曾是拥有世间最大的宝库,他的宝藏,焉可能是破铜烂铁。此般信口雌黄,又焉能让天下人相信!” Many person one after another nod, Li Qiye such words, are certainly impossible any on the scene to believe that anybody does not believe that Immortal Emperor Zhan's treasure trove will only leave behind the junk, this in anybody opinion, that is the not possible matter, is the unreasonable matter. 不少人纷纷点头,李七夜这样的话,当然是不可能让在场的任何人为之信服,任何人都不会相信战仙帝的宝藏只会留下破铜烂铁,这在任何人看来,那都是不可能的事情,也是不合理的事情。 Believes , I do not need you to believe as you like.” Li Qiye smiled, very shrugged at will. “信不信,随你们,我又不需要你们相信。”李七夜不由笑了起来,十分随意地摊了摊手。 Hey, Immortal Emperor Zhan's treasure trove, plundered entire Nine Worlds, this Treasure Storehouse, when was later generation everyone.” At this time, there is old cultivator Yin Yang to be odd, said slowly: Such Treasure Storehouse, the world person all has the share, anybody can not have sole possession.” “嘿,战仙帝的宝藏,乃是搜刮了整个九界,此宝藏,当属于后世所有人。”在这个时候,也有老修士阴阳怪气,徐徐地说道:“这样的宝藏,天下人皆有份,任何人都不得独吞。” If, robs Li Qiye, like this said that did not seem like suitable, after all many people came from the prestigious family are honest, when clear(ly) is leaving for good robs a younger generation, this harmed the own Sect image. 如果说,去抢劫李七夜,这样说出来,似乎不适合,毕竟有很多人都是出身于名门正派,当明正大去抢劫一个晚辈,这有损自己宗门形象。 Therefore, regarding many cultivator powerhouses, they must rob Li Qiye obviously, but, they need to find an excuse, no matter their excuses have how farfetched, but, this can make them finish an apprenticeship famously. 所以,对于很多修士强者来说,明明他们是要抢劫李七夜,但,他们需要找一个借口,不管他们这个借口是有多么的牵强附会,但,这都能让他们出师有名。 Right, right.” When this old cultivator said such words, immediately made everyone on the scene echo with one voice, everyone one after another nod, the Large Sect powerhouse said loudly: heavenly flowers, treasure items, has occupies it, should not be you holds secretly.” “没错,没错。”所以当这位老修士说出这样的话之时,顿时让在场的所有人齐声附和,大家都纷纷点头,有一个大教的强者大声说道:“天华物宝,有得者居之,不该是你私自占有。” Immortal Emperor Zhan Treasure Storehouse, belongs to Eight Desolate, everyone has, you cannot have sole possession of Treasure Storehouse, should take to share with the world person.” Some other Large Sect Old Ancestor is also agitating. 战仙帝宝藏,属于八荒,人人都有份,你不可以独吞宝藏,应该拿出来与天下人共享。”另有大教老祖也在煽风点火。 Fast hands over Treasure Storehouse, in order to avoid from by mistake......” “速速交出宝藏,以免自误……” .......................................... …………………………………… At once, the public sentiment is turbulent, the cultivator powerhouses called rampantly, although they have not begun to Li Qiye, but, one after another spoke, forcing Li Qiye to hand over Immortal Emperor Zhan's treasure trove. 一时之间,群情汹涌,一个个修士强者都叫嚣张,虽然他们还没有对李七夜动手,但,都纷纷出言,强迫李七夜交出战仙帝的宝藏 „To rob states clearly.” Saw their appearances, Li Qiye smiled, said: Has a look at your ugly appearances, is one group of clumsy mischief-doers, own must be the robber, actually ships out an affectedly virtuous appearance, arranges to finish an apprenticeship the famous excuse to own, such prestigious family is honest, really loses face to!” “想抢劫就明说嘛。”看到他们的模样,李七夜都不由笑了起来,说道:“看看你们丑陋的模样,就是一群跳梁小丑,自己要做强盗,却偏偏装出一副道貌岸然的模样,给自己编个出师有名的借口,这样的名门正派,实在是丢脸致极!” Called to be rampant to force Li Qiye to hand over the Treasure Storehouse cultivator powerhouse, some people by a Li Qiye saying, face were so blushed immediately, but, some people did not treat as a matter. 叫嚣张着强迫李七夜交了出宝藏修士强者,有些人被李七夜如此一说,顿时老脸发红,但,有些人也不当作一回事。 Gives up any idea to have sole possession of Treasure Storehouse, otherwise, everyone executes it.” At this time, some people had gotten angry, sharp roar said. “休想独吞宝藏,否则,人人诛之。”此时,已经有人红了眼了,厉叫道。 Right, does not hand over Treasure Storehouse, gave up any idea of that leaves here.” Many people have been ready to make trouble, yelling, the weapon in hand has been pointing to Li Qiye, prepares to begin at any time. “没错,不交出宝藏,休想离开这里。”不少人已经蠢蠢欲动,大叫着,手中的兵器已经直指李七夜了,随时都准备动手。 Right?” The Li Qiye faint smile, said: „Can you on together? Also good, I deliver Western Paradise you completely!” “是吗?”李七夜似笑非笑,说道:“你们要一起上吗?也好,我把你们全部送上西天!” Originally, as merely only then the Silver Armor Battle Body person, said this saying, was the there's nothing threat component, but, this saying said from the Li Qiye mouth, immediately made the person who these were ready to make trouble stop footsteps, in the heart the round cold. 本来,作为仅仅只有银甲战躯的人,说出这话,是没有什么威胁份量,但,这话从李七夜口中说出来的时候,顿时让那些蠢蠢欲动的人不由止了一下脚步,心里面发寒了一下。 After all, some time ago, the Li Qiye also one breath slaughter the 100,000 army, that bloody slaughter, still made one have a lingering fear , Li Qiye said such words at this time, still has a big might. 毕竟,不久前,李七夜还一口气屠了十万大军,那一声血腥的屠杀,依然让人心有余悸,所以,此时李七夜说出这样的话之时,依然有着不小的威力。 The Li Qiye words fall, many people you look at me, I look at you, everyone does not want first to try take action, after all, no one thinks that first goes forward to bring death. 李七夜话一落下,不少人你看我,我看你,大家都不愿意第一个尝试着出手,毕竟,谁都不想第一个上前去送死。 One group of idiots, one crowd instigate the goods.” Li Qiye smiles, shakes the head. “一群蠢货,一群怂货。”李七夜不由笑了笑,摇头。 Many people were said face to blush by Li Qiye, but, no one wants first to try take action, wants to wait for others to bring death, first makes others attempt. 不少人被李七夜说得老脸发红,但,没有人愿意第一个尝试出手,都想等着其他人上去送死,先让其他人去尝试一下。 -- loud sound, in the world cultivator powerhouses hesitate, the land swayed, a person dropped from the clouds, falls before the Skybright Country army. ——”的一声巨响,就在天下修士强者都犹豫之时,大地摇晃了一下,一个人从天而降,落在了天朗国的大军之前。 This is an old man, the whole body puts on the armor, his armor very heavy/thick, he drops from the clouds, pounds layer on layer/heavily , in land, pounds a gulf the land. 这是一个老者,全身穿着铠甲,他身上的铠甲十分的厚重,他从天而降,重重地砸在大地上的时候,把大地都砸出一个深坑来。 Array-- when this old man arrival, sinks to drink one. “列阵——”在这个老者一到来之时,沉喝一声。 Hears bang, bang and bang the sound resounds, team instantaneous forming formation, holds throws over sharply firmly, huge valuable shield set upright, the weapon comes out of the sheath, in an instant, fighting intent is dreadful. 听到“砰、砰、砰”的声音响起,队伍瞬间成阵,执锐披坚,一面面巨大的宝竖起来,兵器出鞘,刹那之间,战意滔天。 Before then, Skybright Country team, although continuously, but, they are looking on at the same time, has not begun, now this old man arrives, they entered the state of war immediately. 在此之前,天朗国的队伍虽然一直都在,但,他们在一边旁观,并没有动手,现在这位老者到来,他们立即进入了战争状态。 Skybright Country Country Expert-- sees this old man, immediately many people call out in alarm one, these proceeded a moment ago the crowded cultivator powerhouse, in the heart one for it cold, retroceded several steps. 天朗国国师——”一看到这位老者,顿时有不少人惊呼一声,刚才那些往前挤的修士强者,心里面不由为之一寒,后退了几步。 Skybright Country Country Expert came.” Some many people whispered, heart inside are scared. 天朗国国师来了。”有不少人嘀咕一声,心里面发毛。 Skybright Country Country Expert, is the ruthless role, the palm rigid Skybright Country power, under he manages, does not know that put down many Sect of Skybright Country border area, it may be said that is the blood-stained people. 天朗国国师,乃是狠角色,掌执着天朗国大权,在他主持之下,不知道扫平了天朗国边疆的多少宗门,可谓是双手沾满鲜血的人。 Clang-- sword cry, in all will of the people are scared, huge incomparable Divine Sword appears suddenly, hears bang a resonate sound, Divine Sword attacks on the ground. “铛——”的一声剑鸣,在所有人心里面发毛之时,一把巨大无比的神剑从天而下,听到“砰”的一声响起,神剑直插在地上。 Divine Sword is very big, when this inserts Divine Sword in the ground, just like a Jianfeng is the same, making person raise one's head look up. 神剑很高大,当这把神剑插在地上之时,犹如一座剑峰一样,让人不由抬头仰望。 Above Divine Sword, is standing a old man, this old man long dress is floating, entire Sword Qi vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered, as if he is a sword, the sword of sheath, filled murdered the aura. 神剑之上,站着一位老者,这位老者长衣飘飘,整个剑气纵横,似乎他就是一把剑,一把出鞘的剑,充满了杀伐气息。 Heavencycle School Sect Master.” Sees this old man, many people recognized all of a sudden. 周天门掌门。”看到这位老者,不少人一下子认出来了。 Heavencycle School Sect Master arrives, he is Heavencycle Saint Master, when he by sword prove the dao, is young is Ominous Person, does not know that many opponents were cut to kill by him. 周天门掌门到来,他就是周天圣子师父,他是以剑证道,年轻时是一个凶人一个,不知道有多少对手被他斩杀。 Now sends the day one, has the matter to go out. 今发天一更,有事出去。
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