ED :: Volume #35

#3475: Everyone wants to rob

In Stone Egg, Grand Dao Law occupies, Supreme Grand Dao extends horizontally there, connects endless sun and moon stars, Three Thousand Worlds with as one, the time space is hugging mutually, all strength suppressed in an instant above that thing. 石蛋之中,大道法则盘踞,无上大道亘横在那里,连接着无尽的日月星辰,三千世界同为一体,时光空间相互拥抱,一切的力量刹那之间都镇压在了那件东西之上。 This is the Li Qiye especially refinement prison cell, suppresses all, now concentrate world dao marks, Immortal Emperor Zhan suppression strength, under such situation, that thing is suppressed like this in Stone Egg, did not have the slight sound again. 这是李七夜特地炼制的牢房,镇压一切,现在又凝集了天地道纹,战仙帝的镇压力量,在如此的大势之下,那件东西就这样被镇压在了石蛋之中,再也没有丝毫的动静了。 Li Qiye looked to be suppressed thing in Stone Egg, it also had no sound again, strength fluctuation that also had no again, could not feel any aura, just like the dying thing, just like metal and stone. 李七夜看了看被镇压在石蛋之中的东西,它再也没有任何声息,再也没有任何的力量波动,也感受不到任何的气息,犹如死物,犹如金石 At this time looks at was suppressed in inside thing, you are very difficult to imagine, seemed like one to pierce Eight Desolate general exist(ence) in it a moment ago, if not for personally sees, makes people unable to believe that but also thinks that is just the misconception. 此时看着被镇压在里面的这件东西,你很难想象,在刚才它似乎是一件可以捅破八荒一般的存在,若不是亲眼所见,都让人无法相信,还以为那只不过是错觉而已。 Li Qiye gently pressed a brow, now he understands why Drystone Courtyard why vanished, he understands that is actually what kind of strength dragging to entrain entire Drystone Courtyard . 李七夜不由轻轻地蹙了一下眉头,现在他明白为什么枯石院为何消失了,他明白究竟是怎么样的力量把整个枯石院给拖拽走了。 However, still makes Li Qiye to not understand, is actually what kind of exist(ence), or what kind of form is, has such strength. 但是,依然让李七夜不为明白的,究竟是怎么样的存在,或者是怎么样的形式,才拥有着这样的力量 This strength, he has not seen, has never personally experienced, even not exist(ence) during the record, this can be said as very strange matter. 这种力量,他从来没有见过,从未亲身经历过,甚至不存在于记载之中,这可以说是十分诡异的事情。 Since Eternal, no matter what form, no matter what kind of strength, if it were really exist(ence), that will leave behind the traces surely, but, such strength, did not appear in any record and legend. 万古以来,不管是什么样的形式,不管是怎么样的力量,若它真的是存在了,那必定会留下蛛丝马迹,但是,这样的力量,却不出现在任何记载、传说之中。 Even now he personally experiences this strength, but, still very strange, as for from his personal experience, this strength has not appeared. 就算现在他亲身感受到这种力量了,但是,依然是十分的陌生,至于从他的亲身经历来看,这种力量没有出现过。 However, strength of this rank, is impossible to brave baseless, such matter is absolutely not possible exist(ence), achieved strength of this rank, is exist(ence) is very surely long is very long, all these should have the gauge mark to follow are right, but, has no gauge mark to save now, as if, it really braves baseless is the same. 但是,这一级别的力量,不可能凭空冒出来,这样的事情是绝对不可能存在的,达到了这一级别的力量,必定是存在很久很久,这一切都应该有规迹可循才对,但是,现在却没有任何规迹可存,似乎,它就真的是凭空冒出来的一样。 Really interesting, is really strange.” looks at was suppressed thing in Stone Egg, this aroused the Li Qiye strong incomparable interest, this not only because of this strength exist(ence) threat, what is more important, it caused the Li Qiye exploration desire. “真的有意思,真的是奇怪。”看着被镇压在石蛋中的东西,这引起了李七夜浓厚无比的兴趣,这不仅仅是因为这种力量存在着威胁,更重要的是,它引起了李七夜浓浓的探索欲。 It seems like, I placed above all energy Old Thief Heaven perspective before, there is a neglected place, certainly also has the detail that anything has not noticed.” In looks at Stone Egg was being suppressed thing, Li Qiye touches the chin. “看来,我以前把所有的精力都放在了贼老天角度之上了,还是有所疏忽的地方,一定还有什么没有注意到的细节。”看着石蛋中被镇压着的东西,李七夜不由摸了摸下巴。 strength of such rank, non- one-day effort, is impossible to brave suddenly, but, actually braves now suddenly, this means that since this billion years, has the place that he neglects. 这样级别的力量,非一日之功,也不可能突然冒出来,但,现在却突然冒出来了,这就意味着,在这千百万年以来,还是有着他疏忽的地方。 After all, since billion years, he has used lots of energy above the expedition, he went to above the vision the final war, on this perspective, this makes him neglect regarding some thing, perhaps, since ancient, has some form exist(ence), it has been dormant in the unknown corner. 毕竟,千百万年以来,他把大量的精力都用在了远征之上,他把目光都投向了最终一战之上,在这个角度上,这使得他对于某一些东西忽略了,或许,在亘古以来,有着某一种形式的存在,它一直蛰伏在不为人知的角落而已。 It merely is unknown, this not representative its not exist(ence). 它仅仅是不为人知,这不代表着它并不存在 Interesting, imagined me is more interesting.” Li Qiye raise one's head looked at Vault of Heaven, the vision penetrated the endless space, went straight to Vault of Heaven most deep place. “有意思,比我想象中有意思多了。”李七夜不由抬头看了看天穹,目光穿透无尽的空间,直抵天穹最深处。 „The future grand feast, will not be certainly lonely.” Li Qiye both eyes concentrates, the vision beat, incomparable said profoundly slowly: It seems like, but also some people will join!” “未来的盛宴,一定不会寂寞。”李七夜双目一凝,目光跳动了一下,无比的深邃地徐徐说道:“看来,还有人会加入!” At this point, he showed the smile, is meaningful, in looks at Stone Egg the thing, said slowly: Welcome joins, will be certainly livelier.” 说到这里,他不由露出了浓浓的笑容,意味深长,看着石蛋中之物,徐徐地说道:“欢迎加入,一定会更热闹的。” At this point, Li Qiye received Stone Egg, naturally, to him, not only received this thing, he will analyze it well, will not miss any detail, will not miss any slight information. 说到这里,李七夜收起了石蛋,当然,对于他而言,不仅仅是把这东西收起来,他会好好去分析它,不会错过任何的细节,不会错过任何的丝毫信息。 This means, he will dismember this thing thoroughly, such technique, he was skilled, he first time was not handled such matter. 这就意味着,他将会把这件东西彻底地肢解,这样的手法,他再熟练不过了,他又不是第一次做这样的事情。 So long as under Li Qiye examines minutely extremely, there's nothing thing can hide, all will expose under his vision, all will be dissected cleanly by him. 只要在李七夜极微细察之下,没有什么东西可以遁形的,一切都将会暴露在他的目光之下,一切都将会被他解剖得最为干净。 Very will be fun.” Li Qiye when departure, revealed the faint smile manner, person who if can understand his such manner, will be certainly absolutely terrified. “会很好玩的。”李七夜在离开时,露出了似笑非笑的神态,若是能看得懂他这样神态的人,一定会毛骨悚然。 In that Ancient Dark Era, he had revealed such manner, afterward had Blood Hands Demon Slaughterer was brilliant. 在那古冥时代,他就曾经露出过这样的神态,后来就有了血手魔屠的精采了。 Li Qiye turns around to leave, hears "crack, crack, crack" the sound of disruption to be lingering on faintly, the land had cracks, finally hears bang, bang and bang resonate sound of to collapse, this place also to collapse, vanishes does not see, becomes hollow. 李七夜转身离开,听到“喀嚓、喀嚓、喀嚓”的碎裂之声不绝于耳,身后的大地出现了一道道的裂缝,最后听到“轰、轰、轰”的崩塌声响起,这个地方随之崩塌,消失不见,成为了一个凹陷。 Li Qiye went out of here, went out of Fire Territory, but, beside Fire Territory no one, before, here is soon lively extremely, does not know that many cultivator powerhouses gather here, at this moment, actually a person's shadow do not have, everyone walked cleanly, even Pearly Stone Saintess and Stone Baby leaves. 李七夜走出了这里,走出了火域,但是,火域之外已经没有人了,在不久之前,这里还热闹万分,不知道有多少修士强者聚集在这里,此时此刻,竟然一个人影都没有,所有人都走得一干二净,连玑石圣女石娃娃都离开了。 Went out of Fire Territory, Li Qiye is also only the vision sweeps, smiles, outward however goes. 走出了火域,李七夜也只是目光一扫,笑了笑,往外而去。 Beside Stone Forest, the sea of people, according to the truth, the matter of Treasure Storehouse, are the things quiet down, everyone should diverge, however, all cultivator powerhouses have not diverged at this time, instead gathers beside Stone Forest. 石林之外,已经人山人海,按道理来说,宝藏之事,已经是曲终人散,大家都应该散去了,然而,此时所有修士强者都并没有散去,反而是聚集在石林之外。 Moreover, strength that at this moment, beside Stone Forest gathers, that is above the imagination, even is before then more powerful, does not know that many Large Sect Old Ancestor appeared. 而且,此时此刻,石林之外所聚集的力量,那是超乎想象,甚至比在此之前还要强大,不知道有多少大教老祖出现了。 Before then, many Large Sect to show one's face is young one generation, or is the powerhouse elder of this Cult and so on, many Large Sect Old Ancestor even if came, hidden, but, does not facilitate makes an appearance directly, after all here is the Ancestral City domain. 在此之前,很多大教露脸的都是年轻一辈,或者是本教的强者长老之类的,很多大教老祖就算是来了,都隐而不出,不方便直接露面,毕竟这里是祖城的地盘。 However, now these hidden Large Sect Old Ancestor that but, one after another acted, could not have repressed. 然而,现在这些隐而不出的大教老祖,都纷纷出面了,都已经按捺不住了。 The reason is very simple, Li Qiye not only obtained Immortal Emperor Zhan's treasure trove, but also obtained Phoenix lost treasure, anybody will not miss this opportunity, at this time, no matter what who understands, if robs Li Qiye to be successful, not only can obtain Immortal Emperor Zhan Treasure Storehouse, can obtain Phoenix lost treasure. 原因很简单,李七夜不仅仅是得到了战仙帝的宝藏,而且还得到了凤凰遗宝,任何人都不会错过这个机会,此时,任谁都明白,如果抢劫李七夜成功的话,不仅仅是能得到战仙帝宝藏,也能得到凤凰遗宝 Immortal Emperor Zhan Treasure Storehouse, Phoenix lost treasure, which same enough makes people crazy, so long as can obtain, can make anybody, any Sect profit fully infinitely, can make the strength progress by leaps and bounds, even there is a possibility powerful to dominating the situation of the world. 战仙帝宝藏,凤凰遗宝,不论是哪一样都足够让人为之疯狂,只要能得到其中一件,就足可以让任何人、任何门派受益无穷,可以让实力突飞猛进,甚至有可能强大到称霸天下的地步。 Therefore, which Treasure Storehouse, is worth anybody, any Sect taking risk, that feared that offended Ancestral City. 所以,不论是哪一件宝藏,都值得任何人、任何门派去冒险,那怕是得罪了祖城 At this time, beside Stone Forest not only gathered many Large Sect soldiers and horses, even Yin Yang Meditation Sect, Skybright Country and Heavencycle School have massive soldiers and horses coagulations here, their three big Sect Old Ancestor one after another to show one's face. 在这个时候,石林之外不仅仅是聚集了诸多大教的兵马,连阴阳禅门天朗国周天门都有大量的兵马结集在这里,他们三大门派老祖纷纷露脸 When Fire Territory, three big Sect were also slaughtered the 100,000 army by Li Qiye, however, within short time, made three big Sect coagulations the so powerful soldiers and horses wait beside Stone Forest, such strength, has to for it surprised, three big Sect overawed the world, had the truth. 火域之时,三大门派还被李七夜屠杀了十万大军,然而,在短短的时间之内,又让三大门派结集了如此强大的兵马在石林之外等候着,这样的实力,不得不让人为之侧目,三大门派威震天下,不是没有道理的。 At this moment, the innumerable eyes gather at the entrance, everyone calmly is waiting, at this moment, does not know many people turn very quiet, waits for the goal to appear. 此时此刻,无数双眼睛聚集在入口,所有人都静静地等待着,此时此刻,不知道多少人屏住呼吸,等待着目标出现呢。 Naturally, gathers the person beside Stone Forest, is not everyone is planned that take action robs Li Qiye, some cultivator powerhouses, some Sect also had self-knowledge, they know, so many the big sects and countries want to get rid of Li Qiye, they absolutely did not have the opportunity, therefore they eliminated robbed the Li Qiye's thought that stood observes in the distant place. 当然,聚集在石林之外的人,并非是所有人都是打算出手抢劫李七夜,有些修士强者,有些门派也有自知之明,他们知道,如此多的大教疆国想干掉李七夜,他们根本就没有机会,所以他们打消了抢劫李七夜的念头,站在远处观战。 Wind and cloud gets up, only feared that is reign of terror.” Some powerhouses whispered. “风云起,只怕又是一场腥风血雨。”有强者不由嘀咕一声。 Everyone understands, even if some people robbed Li Qiye to succeed, this was not Lao Wanyi a matter, even if own robbed Li Qiye to succeed, the next quarter only feared that should still become others' target. 谁都明白,就算有人抢劫李七夜成功了,这还不是一劳万逸的事情,就算自己抢劫李七夜成功,下一刻只怕也都会成为别人的目标。 Anybody can imagine, soon, here only feared that will become the Asura blood prison, only feared that will have tens of thousands of the big sects and countries to slaughter here. 任何人都能想象得到,用不了多久,这里只怕会成为修罗血狱,只怕会有成千上万的大教疆国在这里厮杀。 Also because has such idea, therefore many the big sects and countries had the plan, they have even prepared the escape route, once so long as Treasure Storehouse succeeds in obtaining, they retreat immediately, at the maximum speed leaves here, in order to avoid must be besieged by everyone. 也正是因为有这样的想法,所以不少大教疆国都有了计划,他们甚至已经准备好了退路,只要一旦宝藏到手,他们立即撤退,以最快的速度离开这里,以免得被所有人围攻。 Naturally , many Large Sect Old Ancestor hid the own identity, because they do not hope after own robs the Li Qiye success, was recognized the own family background, then, will draw fire to oneself, after all escaped the monk unable to escape the temple. 当然,也有不少大教老祖隐藏了自己身份,因为他们不希望自己抢劫李七夜成功之后,被人认出自己的出身,如此一来,就会引火烧身,毕竟逃得了和尚逃不了庙。 Also many person plans, if after robbing the Li Qiye success, immediately hidden some time, waits for own to possess of Treasure Storehouse thoroughly, thoroughly after the digestion, this throws to show one's face. 也有不少人打算,如果抢劫李七夜成功之后,立即隐藏一段时间,等自己彻底把宝藏占为己有,彻底消化之后,这才抛头露脸 At this time, beside Stone Forest, appears especially silent, but, does not know that many people are ready to make trouble, mutually guarding, has is the hand is grasping the weapon, so long as take action, will strike to the own goal fatally. 此时,石林之外,显得格外的寂静,但,不知道多少人都蠢蠢欲动,相互提防着,已经有很多是手握着兵器了,只要一出手,都会给自己的目标致命一击。 Presented-- at this time, in crowd ten million/countless presented the tumult. “出现了——”就在这个时候,千万的人群中出现了骚动。 Li Qiye appeared in the Stone Forest entrance finally, in this electrical spark light, thousand Myriad Dao vision shot all of a sudden on Li Qiye's, the innumerable vision gathered on Li Qiye all of a sudden, seemed well-illuminated same here photo. 李七夜终于出现在了石林的入口,在这石火电光之间,千万道的目光一下子射在了李七夜的身上,无数的目光一下子聚集在了李七夜身上,似乎把这里照得通明一样。 At this time, everyone vision is staring at Li Qiye, many people are sizing up Li Qiye up and down, everyone wants to know, actually Li Qiye obtained what kind of treasure from Immortal Emperor Zhan's treasure trove. 此时,所有人目光盯着李七夜,不少人上下打量着李七夜,所有人都很想知道,李七夜究竟从战仙帝的宝藏之中得到了怎么样的宝物 In this instantaneous, the time like stagnating was the same, everyone looks at Li Qiye, is anxious, does not know that many Large Sect Old Ancestor, got hold of the own weapon subconsciously. 在这瞬间,时间如同停滞了一样,所有人都看着李七夜,都不由紧张起来,不知道多少大教老祖,下意识地握紧了自己的兵器。 Just, in this most tense time, actually has no one rashly take action, because of no matter who first take action, the goal that may become everyone to besiege. 只不过,在这最紧张的时刻,竟然没有任何一个人贸然出手,因为不管是谁第一个出手,都有可能成为所有人围攻的目标。 At once, the atmosphere of entire scene like stiff zhi lives was the same. 一时之间,整个场面的气氛如同是僵峙住了一样。
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