ED :: Volume #35

#3418: Gnaws up

At once, the atmosphere of entire scene becomes strange incomparable, the undercurrent surges, many cultivator powerhouses look to the Li Qiye's vision, all of a sudden becomes greedy, in everyone both eyes is flashing cold light. 一时之间,整个场面的气氛变得诡异无比,暗流涌动,许多修士强者望向李七夜的目光,都一下子变得贪婪,所有人都双目中闪动着寒光 At this time, who could look, the Li Qiye's strength was average, such strength, who also there are to place in the heart him? 在这个时候,谁都看得出来,李七夜的实力平平而已,这样的实力,又有谁人会把他放在心里面呢? However, his time is grasping the treasure, this is talent can arouse jealousy, when he under everyone's eying covetously, Li Qiye fell into the fat sheep in pack of wolves tiger nest probably, anybody will look will drool with envy. 然而,他此时手握着珍宝,这是怀璧其罪,当他在所有人的虎视眈眈之下,李七夜就好像是落入了狼群虎窝之中的肥羊,任何人看了都会垂涎欲滴。 Your danger, everyone regarded as the fat you.” This time, Qing Shi was reminding Li Qiye one on the quiet. “你危险了,所有人都把你视为肥肉了。”在这个时候,青石悄悄地提醒了李七夜一声。 Regarding the reminder of Qing Shi, Li Qiye also smiled one. 对于青石的提醒,李七夜也只是笑了一下而已。 Shame my Wu State, kill without mercy!” At this time, Wu Shizi drinks one severely, both eyes one severely, revealed fearful incomparable killing intent. “辱我吴国者,杀无赦!”此时,吴世子厉喝一声,双目一厉,露出了可怕无比的杀机 At this time, everyone eyed covetously to Li Qiye, everyone has revealed to the manner that Li Qiye drooled with envy, Wu Shizi does not cover-up, at this time, he must who strikes the first blow has the advantage, if the stone ax in Li Qiye hand fell to other person of hands, that appeared the trouble. 在这个时候,所有人都对李七夜虎视眈眈,所有人对李七夜垂涎欲滴的神态都已经表露出来了,吴世子也不藏着掖着了,在这个时候,他必须先下手为强,万一李七夜手中的石斧落到其他人手中,那就更显得麻烦。 Hands over the stone ax, may forgive you not dead.” Wu Shizi sinks to drink one, to this, Wu Shizi did not flaunt what gentleman, he is the stone ax in Li Qiye hand. “交出石斧,可饶你不死。”吴世子沉喝一声,都到了这一步了,吴世子也不标榜什么君子,他就是要李七夜手中的石斧。 „The tail of fox revealed.” Li Qiye smiled, said slowly: If I don't hand over?”? Death-” Wu Shizi both eyes killing intent cold and severe, making people absolutely terrified, at this time, no matter what who can look, Wu Shizi is wishes one could to kill now, snatches the stone ax in Li Qiye hand. “狐狸的尾巴露出来了。”李七夜笑了一下,徐徐地说道:“如果我不交呢?”?“死-”吴世子双目杀机冷厉,让人不由毛骨悚然,在这个时候,任谁都看得出来,吴世子是恨不得现在就扑杀上去,把李七夜手中的石斧抢过来。 Li Qiye showed the smile, raises hand the stone ax, said: Wants this stone ax, but, you take it, did not fear that was besieged by others?” 李七夜不由露出了浓浓的笑容,扬了扬手中的石斧,说道:“是要这把石斧是吧,但,你拿着它,就不怕被其他人围攻?” Wu Shizi the vision such as cold Dian, sweeps to everyone on the scene immediately, the also many people on the scene looked to Wu Shizi, naturally, more people looked at to the stone ax in Li Qiye hand, looks at this stone ax, many people revealed the manner that drooled with envy, but they have not begun. 吴世子顿时目光如冷电,向在场的所有人一扫而过,在场也不少人望向了吴世子,当然,更多的人是望向李七夜手中的石斧,看着这把石斧,不少人露出垂涎欲滴的神态,只不过他们还没有动手而已。 Who dares to snatch treasure with my Wu State!” Wu Shizi cold snort, his manner is dense, coldly said: „One side not knowing the limitation, kill without mercy, the person of knowing the limitation, obediently falls back on!” “谁敢与我吴国宝物!”吴世子冷哼一声,他神态森然,冷冷地说道:“不识相者,杀无赦,识相的人,乖乖地退到一边去!” Wu Shizi words fall, some people on the scene are you look at me, I look at your, naturally, anybody is not willing easily to give up this stone ax. 吴世子话一落下,在场的一些人是你看我,我看你的,当然,任何人都不愿意轻易地放弃这把石斧。 Under Wu Shizi cold snort, his behind six Guozhu Station, heard buzz a resonate sound, saw only the Heaven Venerable golden bell to hang instantaneously in the top of the head, sent out the prestige of boundless invincible Heaven Venerable. 在吴世子的一声冷哼之下,他身后的六位国柱站了上来,听到“嗡”的一声响起,只见天尊金钟瞬间高悬在头顶上,散发了磅礴无敌的天尊之威。 Heaven Venerable strength.” Feels so powerful strength oppression to come, other person one after another on the scene retrocede, has to give away the one path, in everyone on the scene, can shake the Heaven Venerable strength person truly hardly, only feared that does not have. 天尊力量。”感受到如此强大的力量压迫而来,在场的其他人都不由纷纷后退,不得不让出一条道路来,在场的所有人中,真正能硬撼天尊力量的人,只怕是没有。 Who dares with my Wu State for the enemy?” At this time Wu Shizi cold vision flashes, shows disdain for everyone on the scene, the imposing manner is arrogant. “谁人敢与我吴国为敌?”此时吴世子冷眸一闪,傲视在场的所有人,气势凌人。 At this time, in many will of the people uncomfortable, but, the power gap suspends here, the Wu Shizi six pillars of the nation wield the Heaven Venerable golden bell, anybody on the scene is incapable with it contending. 在这个时候,也有不少人心里面不爽,但是,实力差距摆在这里,吴世子的六位国柱执掌天尊金钟,在场的任何人都无力与之抗衡 Let alone, at this moment, Wu Shizi has put the aggressive statement, snatches the stone ax in this crucial point with Wu Shizi, that cannot pass with him, is Wu State for the enemy. 更何况,此时此刻,吴世子已经把狠话搁出去了,在这节骨眼上与吴世子抢石斧,那就是与他过不去,就是与吴国为敌。 Anybody on the scene, any Sect, easily with Wu State for the enemy, after all, Wu State will not be backing on Yin Yang Meditation Sect behind. 在场的任何人,任何一个门派,都不会轻易与吴国为敌,毕竟,吴国身后还背靠着阴阳禅门 At this moment, many cultivator powerhouses fell back on one side, they spread out, this has indicated the attitude , indicating that they did not rob the stone ax with Wu Shizi. 此时此刻,不少修士强者都退到了一边,他们拉开了距离,这是已经表明了态度,表明他们不与吴世子抢夺石斧。 Naturally, saw that the so precious stone ax soon must fall into Wu Shizi hand, this lets also in some will of the people uncomfortable, even is hates the tooth to be itchy, but, the strength is inferior to the person , can only swallow toward the belly in the anger. 当然,看到如此珍贵的石斧即将要落入了吴世子的手中,这让也一些人心里面不爽,甚至是恨得牙痒痒的,但是,实力不如人,也只能是把恼气往肚子里面咽。 This boy, died, was ignorant of the proper action to take.” Saw that Wu Shizi must decide the stone ax, some people looked at Li Qiye, shakes the head gently. “这小子,死定了,太不知进退了。”看到吴世子已经要定了石斧了,有人看了李七夜,轻轻摇头。 Everyone on the scene withdraws, no longer competes for the stone ax with own, this lets in Wu Shizi heart also somewhat pleased with oneself. 在场的所有人都退出,不再与自己争夺石斧,这让吴世子心里面也不由有几分的自鸣得意。 Boy, hands over the stone ax now, but also with enough time, we not only forgive you not dead, but also ensure you can leave here safely.” Wu Shizi overlooks Li Qiye, smiles proudly. “小子,现在交出石斧,还来得及,我们不仅饶你不死,还保证你能安全离开这里。”吴世子俯视李七夜,傲然一笑。 Right?” Li Qiye shows the smile, said leisurely: In my opinion, you kneel down to beg for mercy now, that also with enough time, otherwise, waits to die miserably is very ugly.” “是吗?”李七夜露出浓浓的笑容,慢条斯理地说道:“以我之见,你现在跪下求饶,那还来得及,不然的话,等一下会死得很难看很难看。” Big tone-” Wu Shizi the complexion was ugly immediately, the vision was dense, said: Reckless thing, this Young Master also wants to forgive your life a moment ago, now looks like, this Young Master not only need win your stone ax, but must suffer your, making you live to might as well die. Dares shame Young Master, must die without doubt!” “好大的口气-”吴世子顿时脸色难看极了,目光森然,说道:“不知死活的东西,刚才本少爷还想饶你一命,现在看来,本少爷不仅要夺走你的石斧,还要折磨你一番,让你生不如死。敢辱本少爷,必死无疑!” Right?” Li Qiye smiled, said slowly: It seems like, had the good play to look.” “是吗?”李七夜笑了一下,徐徐地说道:“看来,有好戏看了。” On, takes him, breaks his hands and feet, selected the veins.” Wu Shizi both eyes one severe, to behind pillar of the nation instruction. “上,把他拿下,打断他手脚,挑了筋脉。”吴世子双目一厉,对身后的国柱吩咐。 A Guozhu Station, the sinking sound said: junior, this is you brings about own destruction, no wonder we.” 一位国柱站了出来,沉声地说道:“小辈,这是你自寻死路,莫怪我们。” Is you brings about own destruction.” Li Qiye showed the smile, at this time, sounded the whistling. “是你们自寻死路。”李七夜露出了浓浓的笑容,在这个时候,吹响了口哨。 „-” Whistling resonate sound, bright rhythm is beating a not, bright rhythm is striking the atrium a not. “唏-”的口哨声响起,一种莫明的节奏在跳动着,一种莫明的律动在直擂心房。 Buzz a resonate sound, at this time, saw only Stone Beetle Emperor to fly. “嗡”的一声响起,在这个时候,只见石壳郎皇飞了起来。 „Not good-”, when Stone Beetle Emperor flies, everyone complexion big change, included Wu Shizi they. “不好-”当石壳郎皇飞起来的时候,所有人都不由脸色大变,包括了吴世子他们。 They placed above all attention the stone ax a moment ago, was about to neglect Stone Beetle exist(ence). 刚才他们把所有的注意力都放在了石斧之上,都快忽略了石壳郎存在了。 Squeak-” a resonate sound, at this time, Stone Beetle Emperor resounded a sound command, command all Stone Beetle Emperor on the scene. “吱-”的一声响起,在这个时候,石壳郎皇响起了一声号令,号令在场的所有的石壳郎皇 Buzz, buzz and buzz the sound resounds, in electrical spark light, saw only all Stone Beetle to fly, immediately was dense one piece, dense and numerous. “嗡、嗡、嗡”的声音响起,在石火电光之间,只见所有的石壳郎都飞了起来,顿时是黑压压的一片,密密麻麻。 Considers, time that Stone Beetle ten million/countless flies, that is how terrifying one, that simply like insect plague, so long as they sweep away the transit, all can no longer exist(ence). 试想一下,千万的石壳郎飞起来的时候,那是多么恐怖的一幕,那简直就是像虫灾一样,只要它们横扫过境,一切都将会不复存在 Draws back-” at this time, six pillars of the nation were also scared, they retreat immediately, hears bang loud sound, they offer a sacrifice to the Heaven Venerable golden bell, lets fall Myriad Dao Law, firmly protects them. “退-”在这个时候,六位国柱也被吓破了胆子,他们立即撤退,听到“轰”的一声巨响,他们祭出天尊金钟,垂落万道法则,牢牢的把他们护住。 However, hears buzz, buzz and buzz the sound resounds, all Stone Beetle rush over, to a Stone Beetle dense piece, seems like the black tide to be the same, their complete person submerges Wu Shizi instantaneously. 但是,听到“嗡、嗡、嗡”的声音响起,所有石壳郎冲了过去,冲过来的石壳郎黑压压的一片,就好像是黑色的潮水一样,瞬间把吴世子他们全部人淹没。 My mother, this simply is the insect sea.” Saw that dense big piece of Stone Beetle Emperor gave to submerge Wu Shizi everyone, many cultivator powerhouses on the scene had a shiver, absolutely terrified, does not know that many of both legs hit to tremble, stood continually cannot come to a stop. “我的妈呀,这简直就是虫海。”看到黑压压一大片的石壳郎皇把吴世子所有人都给淹没了,在场的许多修士强者都不由打了一个冷颤,毛骨悚然,不知道有多少人双腿直打哆嗦,连站都站不稳呢。 Bang, bang and bang the sound is lingering on faintly, this time, full Stone Beetle is hitting the Heaven Venerable golden bell time and time again. “砰、砰、砰”的声音不绝于耳,在这个时候,铺天盖地的石壳郎一次又一次地撞击着天尊金钟。 Has to acknowledge, this Heaven Venerable golden bell indeed is very powerful, when six pillars of the nation they use the full power, defended Stone Beetle hit one after another. 不得不承认,这一只天尊金钟的确是很强大,在六位国柱他们倾尽全力的时候,防御住了石壳郎一轮又一轮的撞击。 Hang there.” Although the Heaven Venerable golden bell blocked a hit of only Stone Beetle, but, their complete people by scared out of one's wits, once their Heaven Venerable golden bell cannot defend, their complete person will be buried in the insect sea. “坚持住。”尽管天尊金钟挡住了一只只石壳郎的撞击,但是,他们全部人都被吓破胆了,一旦他们的天尊金钟守不住的话,他们全部人都会葬身于虫海之中。 Buzz-” a resonate sound, they relaxes when Wu Shizi secretly, rejoiced the Heaven Venerable golden bell can defend, Stone Beetle Emperor flew. “嗡-”的一声响起,就在吴世子他们暗暗松一口气,庆幸天尊金钟能防御得住之时,石壳郎皇飞了过去。 „Not good-” saw Stone Beetle Emperor to fly, this let Wu Shizi immediately their complexion deathly white, with amazement big shout. “不好-”一见石壳郎皇飞了过去,这顿时让吴世子他们脸色煞白,不由骇然大叫一声 Bang-” loud sound, shakes the world, Stone Beetle Emperor take action, the might no small matter, golden light soars to the heavens, fills the air in between Heaven and Earth. “轰-”的一声巨响,撼动天地,石壳郎皇出手,威力非同小可,金光冲天,弥漫于天地之间 Under loud sound, saw only to protect Wu Shizi their Heaven Venerable golden bell to be rumbled to fly firmly all of a sudden. 在一声巨响之下,只见牢牢守护着好吴世子他们的天尊金钟一下子被轰得飞了出去。 After Wu Shizi they lost the protection of Heaven Venerable golden bell, that consequence was dreadful, hears buzz, buzz and buzz the sound resounds, millions of Stone Beetle submerge them all of a sudden. 当吴世子他们失去了天尊金钟的守护之后,那后果就不堪设想了,听到“嗡、嗡、嗡”的声音响起,千千万万的石壳郎一下子把他们所有人淹没。 Ah!, Ah! and Ah!- no-” at once, pitiful yell sound fluctuating continues, the blood sprinkling, the blinking time, sees only the Wu State six pillars of the nation to be gnawed cleanly by millions of Stone Beetle, underground only had six skeleton. -不-”一时之间,惨叫声起伏不止,鲜血溅洒,在眨眼的时间,只见吴国的六位国柱被千千万万的石壳郎啃得一干二净,地下只剩下了六具白骨 My mother.” Is blinking, six pillars of the nation become skeleton, this is how dreadful matter, has not seen cultivator of magnificent scene to be frightened to vomit immediately. “我的妈呀。”在眨眼之间,六位国柱就成为了白骨,这是多么可怕的事情,没见过大场面的修士顿时被吓得呕吐起来。 Must do, you must do.” At this time, screamed resonate sound. “要干什么,你们要干什么。”在这个时候,尖叫声响起 Everyone looks, Wu Shizi is actually also living, seeing only Stone Beetle is the same like the tide, lifted Wu Shizi, threw the Li Qiye under foot. 大家看去,吴世子竟然还活着,只见石壳郎如潮水一样,把吴世子抬了过来,扔到了李七夜脚下。 Stone Beetle Emperor flew side Li Qiye, flatters the Li Qiye's appearance completely. 石壳郎皇李七夜身边飞了一圈,完全是讨好李七夜的模样。 At this time, all talents realized, Li Qiye can command here all Stone Beetle. 在这个时候,所有人才意识到,李七夜可以号令这里的所有石壳郎 bang, Wu Shizi was thrown the Li Qiye under foot, cannot move, he had been scared, screamed: You, you, do not come, do not come......” ”的一声,吴世子被扔到李七夜脚下,动弹不得,他已经被吓破了胆了,尖叫道:“你,你,你别过来,你别过来……” Experienced such terrifying matter, Wu Shizi had been frightened scared shitless, the pants crotch was wet. 经历了这么恐怖的事情,吴世子都已经被吓得屁滚尿流,裤裆都湿了。 Li Qiye bends the waist, looked at Wu Shizi, showed the smile, said: What's wrong, no longer played the power and prestige?” 李七夜弯下腰,看了看吴世子,露出了浓浓的笑容,说道:“怎么,不再耍威风了?” At this time, no matter who, sees Li Qiye that smile, absolutely terrified. 在这个时候,不管是谁,看到李七夜那浓浓的笑容,都不由毛骨悚然。 Imagines, suddenly will become skeleton, that is how dreadful matter, at this time, no matter who, does not dare to provoke Li Qiye that can command all Stone Beetle, that is brings about own destruction! 想象一下,眨眼之间就会成为白骨,那是多么可怕的事情,在这个时候,不管是谁,都不敢去招惹可以号令所有石壳郎李七夜了,那是自寻死路! At this time, everyone then understands, Li Qiye said is the truth, Wu Shizi this is brings about own destruction, what a pity, is late. 在这个时候,大家这才明白,李七夜所说的都是实话,吴世子这是自寻死路,可惜,已经迟了。 Today one. 今天一更。
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