ED :: Volume #35

#3417: The tail of fox

At this time, Wu Shizi caused a meaningful glance to his behind pillar of the nation. 就在这个时候,吴世子向他身后的一位国柱使了一个眼色。 This pillar of the nation walked, held holding the fist in the other hand to Li Qiye distantly, said slowly: This Fellow Daoist, was courteous.” 这位国柱走了出来,遥遥向李七夜抱了抱拳,徐徐地说道:“这位道友,有礼了。” This pillar of the nation got up suddenly came out to greet to Li Qiye, moreover polite, everyone on the scene looked at each other. 这位国柱突然起了出来向李七夜打招呼,而且还是那么的客气,在场的所有人都不由相视了一眼。 The pillar of the nation has not said the matter, in everyone heart had known 7788, this made the atmosphere on the scene all of a sudden immediately different, everyone smelled the different aura, as if had the conspiracy is fermenting. 国柱还没有说事情,大家心里面都已经知道了七七八八,这顿时让在场的气氛一下子变得不一样了,所有人都嗅到了不一样的气息,似乎有阴谋在其中酝酿着。 Has the matter?” The Li Qiye eyelid has not pulled up, said lightly. “有事吗?”李七夜眼皮都没有撩一下,淡淡地说道。 I look at Fellow Daoist to have the unsurpassed artistry, Fellow Daoist speaks certainly the insect language.” This pillar of the nation is very polite, as the pillar of the nation, called that Li Qiye Fellow Daoist, seems like reconciled to a lowly position. “我看道友身怀绝艺,道友一定是懂虫语吧。”这位国柱十分客气,作为国柱,称上李七夜一声道友,似乎是纡尊降贵。 Pillar of the nation such guess, lets many gently nod, thought that has certain truth, before then, Li Qiye blew a whistling, then can make Stone Beetle Emperor give to him own Prime Stone, so the miracle common matter, this makes one guess, Li Qiye understands the insect language, can exchange with carapace youth sovereign. 国柱这样的猜测,也让不少人轻轻点头,觉得有一定的道理,在此之前,李七夜吹了一声口哨,便是能让石壳郎皇自己原石送给了他,如此奇迹一般的事情,这就让人不由猜测,李七夜是不是懂得虫语,能与甲壳郎皇交流。 Perhaps.” Li Qiye not salty did not say pale. “或许吧。”李七夜不咸不淡地说道。 The pillar of the nation is busy at holding the fist in the other hand to Li Qiye, the attitude seems very polite, said: Is open about the facts Fellow Daoist, our Wu State is eagerly seeks people of talent, most longs for that Fellow Daoist such outstandingly able person different gentleman, does not know Fellow Daoist is interested in coming our Wu State......”? The Wu State pillar of the nation offered the olive branch to Li Qiye suddenly, this makes many people on the scene think the surprised, many people accidental/surprised, the request of like this pillar of the nation, this indeed has stemming from everyone expects. 国柱忙向李七夜抱拳,态度显得很客气,说道:“不瞒道友,我们吴国乃是求贤若渴,最渴望道友这样的奇人异士,不知道道友有没有兴趣来我们吴国……”?吴国的国柱突然向李七夜伸出了橄榄枝,这让在场的很多人都觉得吃惊,很多人都不由意外,国柱的这样请求,这的的确确有出于大家所料。 However, when some cultivator powerhouses recover, thought that Wu State is really eagerly seeks people of talent that also to understand, Li Qiye is really speaks the insect language the words, that indeed is worth Wu State gathering, after all, he has a big value. 不过,当一些修士强者回过神来,觉得吴国真的是求贤若渴那也可以理解,李七夜真的是懂虫语的话,那的确值得吴国去招揽,毕竟,他还是有着不小的价值。 Has no interest.” Without treating the pillar of the nation spoke the words, Li Qiye interrupted the words of pillar of the nation. “没兴趣。”没待国柱把话说完,李七夜就打断了国柱的话。 Li Qiye flatly refuses, Wu State pillar of the nation not in light of this disheartened, he said busily: Fellow Daoist does not need to flatly refuse, my Wu State is Northwest Sovereign big border country, outstanding people and magical soil, the national wealth Monarch virtue, if Fellow Daoist enters our Wu State, our monarchs tread on to welcome surely but actually, presents Fellow Daoist for the distinguished guest......” 李七夜一口拒绝,吴国的国柱并没有就此丧气,他忙是说道:“道友不必一口拒绝,我吴国乃是北西皇一大疆国,人杰地灵,国富君贤,若是道友入我们吴国,我们国君必定是倒履相迎,把道友奉为贵宾……” At this time the Wu State pillar of the nation said heavenly flower randomly to fall, is really an eagerly seeking people of talent appearance. 此时吴国的国柱说得天花乱坠,真的是一副求贤若渴的模样。 Wu State pillar of the nation such words, hearing some cultivator powerhouses to palpitate with excitement, after all as we all know, Wu State is a great nation, is the Yin Yang Meditation Sect collateral branch, has a big influence in Northwest Sovereign, really can be presented by Wu State for the distinguished guest, such treatment is what kind of noble, is what kind of glory. 吴国的国柱这样的一席话,听得一些修士强者都不由为之怦然心动,毕竟大家都知道,吴国乃是一个大国,又是阴阳禅门的旁支,在北西皇有着不小的势力,真的是能被吴国奉为贵宾,这样的待遇是何等的高贵,是何等的荣耀。 Yellow weasel pays new year's call to the chicken, does not have the peaceful good intention.” But, there is a cultivator mind of older generation to be sober, when the Wu State pillar of the nation blows heavenly flower falls randomly, in a low voice sneered. “黄鼠狼给鸡拜年,没安好心。”但,也有老一辈的修士头脑是清醒的,在吴国的国柱吹得天花乱坠的时候,低声地冷笑了一下。 After this saying lets nearby some cultivator powerhouses hear, in the heart shakes, when this time, they recovered, careful taste, thought of other thing all of a sudden. 这话让旁边的一些修士强者听到之后,心里面为之一震,在这个时候,他们回过神来,细细品味之时,一下子想到了其他的东西 Li Qiye obtained Stone Beetle Emperor Prime Stone, if he really entered Wu State, be please entered the imperial palace by the Wu State monarch, even if Li Qiye is not the Wu State distinguished guest, or when the time comes, Li Qiye did not have the use value. 要知道,李七夜可是得到了石壳郎皇原石,若是他真的是进入了吴国,被吴国的国君请入皇宫,就算李七夜不做吴国的贵宾,或者说,到时候,李七夜没有利用价值了。 Arrived that situation, can Li Qiye also leave the Wu State imperial palace? Arrived only feared, only feared is he like the fish meat, artificial knife and chopping block. 到了那个地步,李七夜还能离开吴国的皇宫吗?到只怕,只怕是他如鱼肉,人为刀俎。 Thinks of this point, in many cultivator powerhouse heart one for it cold, some especially slippery customers, saw clearly the intention of Wu State pillar of the nation from the beginning, his is must ask Monarch to enter the jar, so long as deceived Wu State Li Qiye, that he obtained stone ax, to become the Wu State it's in the bag. 想到这一点,不少修士强者心里面都不由为之一寒,特别是一些老油条,一开始就看清楚了吴国国柱的用心,他这是要请君入瓮,只要把李七夜骗到了吴国,那么,他得到的那把石斧,岂不是成了吴国的囊中之物。 Has no interest, should not be wordy.” A Li Qiye unceasing face, interrupted the words of Wu State pillar of the nation. “没兴趣,不要罗嗦。”李七夜毫不绝情面,打断了吴国国柱的话。 Wu State pillar of the nation, is important people, he is so polite to Li Qiye, is so humble, that was reconciled to a lowly position completely, now Li Qiye actually so does not give the face, is in front of people, over and over interrupted his words, this made his face somewhat unable to hang. 吴国的国柱,也算是一个大人物,他向李七夜如此客气,如此谦卑,那都完全是纡尊降贵了,现在李七夜却如此不给情面,当着众人的面,再三打断了他的话,这让他老脸有些挂不住了。 The Wu State pillar of the nation coughed, said slowly: My also this is considers for the Fellow Daoist safety, considers, Fellow Daoist has Ultimate Treasure, a person outside, only feared is danger, was inferior that Fellow Daoist travels together with us, if Fellow Daoist is not willing to come my Wu State, we deliver Fellow Daoist to go to the safe place also to be possible......” 吴国的国柱咳嗽了一声,徐徐地说道:“我也这是为道友的安危着想,试想一下,道友身怀重宝,一个人在外,只怕是十分的危险,不如道友与我们同行,若是道友不愿意来我吴国,我们送道友去安全的地方也可……” The Wu State pillar of the nation said the sound of this saying, there is old cultivator to whisper, said: „The tail of fox revealed finally.” 吴国的国柱说这话之声,也有老修士嘀咕一声,说道:“狐狸的尾巴终于露出来了。” Naturally, the words of Wu State column, has the truth, when he said this saying, the atmosphere on the scene became is all of a sudden stranger, some people looked unintentionally to Li Qiye. 当然,吴国柱的话,也不是没有道理,他说出这话之时,在场的气氛一下子就变得更加诡异起来了,有些人有意无意地望向李七夜 In fact, before then, does not know in many will of the people to have the Li Qiye's idea, but, no one said that now Wu State column pierces, that all of a sudden was different, everyone looked to the Li Qiye's vision, somewhat was different. 事实上,在此之前,不知道多少人心里面都有打着李七夜的主意,只不过,没有人说出来而已,现在吴国柱一口戳穿,那就一下子不一样了,大家望向李七夜的目光,就有些不同了。 On the scene anyone, has the idea to the Li Qiye's stone ax. 在场不论是谁,都对李七夜的石斧有想法。 Right?” Regarding Wu State column such words, Li Qiye faint smile. “是吗?”对于吴国柱这样的话,李七夜似笑非笑。 Others had not thought that the manner of Li Qiye this faint smile has anything, even Stone Baby had not thought that has what issue, after all, he is quite pure. 别人没有觉得李七夜这似笑非笑的神态有什么,甚至石娃娃也没觉得有什么问题,毕竟,他还是比较纯粹。 However, was different in Li Qiye Qing Shi, sees Li Qiye that faint smile the manner, he absolutely terrified, why does not know, when Li Qiye said these two characters, when he revealed such manner, he felt that own had smelled very thickly very thick smell of blood. 但是,在李七夜身边的青石就不一样了,一看到李七夜那似笑非笑的神态,他就不由毛骨悚然,不知道为什么,当李七夜说出这两个字的时候,当他露出这样的神态之时,他感觉自己已经闻到了一股很浓很浓的血腥味了。 Li Qiye such manner, making the Wu State column not know how saying that because Li Qiye radically is calm, this makes him not have the means to go the words. 李七夜这样的神态,让吴国柱都不知道如何说下去,因为李七夜根本就是波澜不惊,这让他没办法把话接下去。 „Does the stone ax in your hand, sell.” When the Wu State column said that many words do not have result / to bear fruit, at this time Wu Shizi could not calm down, immediately stood. “你手中的石斧,卖不卖。”在吴国柱说了那么多话都没有结果的时候,此时吴世子沉不住气了,立即站了出来。 Said for quite a while, Wu Shizi they nothing but in the stone ax to Li Qiye hand goes, but the Wu State column circled the big half-turn. 说了大半天,吴世子他们无非是冲着李七夜手中的石斧而去,只不过吴国柱是绕了大半圈而已。 Did not sell Li Qiye to smile, flatly refused. “不卖”李七夜笑了一下,一口拒绝了。 You leave anxiously the rejection, our Wu State gives your price, will make your using not end and cause it absolutely for a lifetime not.” Wu Shizi sinking sound said: My Wu State is willing with 80 box of treasures, place of mansion to exchange the stone ax in your hand!” “你别急着拒绝,我们吴国给你的价格,绝对会让你一辈子都用之不完、使之不尽。”吴世子沉声地说道:“我吴国愿意与八十箱珍宝,一府之地交换你手中的石斧!” Place of mansion exchanges the stone ax!” Hears this saying, everyone in an uproar, many people are startled. “一府之地交换石斧!”听到这话,所有人都不由为之哗然,不少人都大吃一惊。 Place of mansion.” At this time, many blankly look at each other, no matter what who hears this saying, several points will palpitate with excitement. “一府之地呀。”在这个时候,不少人都面面相觑,任谁听到这话,都会有几分怦然心动。 Everyone understands that Wu State place of mansion means anything. 谁都明白吴国的一府之地是意味着什么。 So long as you have place of mansion, this is not only you have enjoying for a lifetime not the glory, splendor, riches and honor, only feared that your generation after generation will therefore enjoy not.” Wu Shizi sinking sound said: So long as you had the place of this mansion, you are a side overlord, city Emperor, act wilfully, enjoying utmost world beautiful luck......” “只要你拥有一府之地,这不仅仅是你一辈子有着享之不尽的荣华富贵,只怕你子子孙孙都会因此而享之不尽。”吴世子沉声地说道:“只要你拥有了这一府之地,你就是一方霸主,一城帝王,为所欲为,享尽世间美福……” Wu Shizi such words, that also was really full of the attraction, does not know that many cultivator powerhouses have such dream. 吴世子这样的一席话,那还真的是充满了诱惑力,不知道多少修士强者都有着这样的梦想呢。 Wu State this also is really big handiwork, 80 box of treasures, place of mansion, that longed for even in dreams even simply.” Even some cultivator powerhouses hear to palpitate with excitement, the overlord who they want to make a side, is the earth overlord! 吴国这还真的是大手笔,八十箱珍宝也就算了,一府之地,那简直就是梦寐以求。”连一些修士强者听得都不由怦然心动,他们都想做一方的霸主,做做土霸王! Hey, handiwork is big, but, you had the life to enjoy said again.” Some old foxes understand that Wu Shizi Wishful abacus, sneers, said: „Such a stone ax, Wu State, if has, that can become the treasure of Suppression Country surely, trades it by place of mansion, does not suffer a loss.” “嘿,手笔是大,但,也得你有命去享受再说。”有老狐狸明白吴世子的如意算盘,冷笑一声,说道:“这样的一把石斧,吴国若是拥有,那必定能成为镇国之宝了,以一府之地换之,也不吃亏。” In this case, lets in many will of the people one cold, even if Wu State is really willing to change this with place of mansion the stone ax, but, day of will Li Qiye die a violent death in the future suddenly? The place of this mansion has not become the Wu State it's in the bag finally. 这样的话,也让不少人心里面一寒,就算吴国真的愿意拿一府之地来换这把石斧,但是,未来有一天李七夜突然暴毙呢?这一府之地最后还不是成为吴国的囊中之物。 Without interest Li Qiye has not waited Wu Shizi to say the words, smiled, flatly refuses. “没兴趣”李七夜没待吴世子把话说完,笑了一下,就一口拒绝。 Li Qiye hard soft does not eat, this makes Wu Shizi complexion ugly/difficult to look at immediately, his cold snort, the calm face, said: You have Ultimate Treasure, if no one protects, must die without doubt!” 李七夜硬软不吃,这顿时让吴世子脸色难看,他不由冷哼了一声,沉着脸,说道:“你身怀重宝,若是没有人保护,必死无疑!” What's wrong, soft is not good, comes hardly?” Li Qiye showed the smile, said: Is you wants to snatch this treasure?” “怎么,软的不行,来硬的吗?”李七夜不由露出了笑容,说道:“是不是你们想来抢这宝物呢?” At this time, many people know, Wu State this was must reveal to reveal one's evil nature, naturally, is in front of the world person, Wu State or does not facilitate robs immediately, but, once left here, that does not say. 在这个时候,很多人都知道,吴国这是要露出狐狸尾巴了,当然,当着天下人的面,吴国或者不方便立即抢夺,但是,一旦离开了这里,那就不好说了。 Even if our Wu State does not snatch your Ultimate Treasure, only feared that you turn around, some people put in your deathtrap.” Wu Shizi sneers said: Might as well sold to my Wu State......” “就算我们吴国不抢你重宝,只怕你一转身,就有人置于你死地。”吴世子冷笑地说道:“还不如卖给我吴国……” Drives me to commit suicide?” Li Qiye smiled lightly, said: Who wants to snatch? I did not mind that some people stand.” “置我于死地?”李七夜淡淡地笑了一下,说道:“有谁想抢呢?我不介意有人站出来的。” Li Qiye said like this, naturally no one will stand in this time. 李七夜这样说,当然没有人会在这个时候站出来了。 „, Some people snatch, is indifferent.” Li Qiye then smiles, said: Is one crowd of any cat any dog, could it be that can also raise the storm to be inadequate?” “不过嘛,有人来抢,也无所谓的。”李七夜接着笑了笑,说道:“都是一群阿猫阿狗,难道还能掀起风浪不成?” Your this saying anything meaning Wu Shizi immediately the complexion changes! “你这话什么意思”吴世子顿时脸色一变! I help you.” Li Qiye smiles, said: „Don't you want to snatch my stone ax? Also excuse me, without the issue, come, depends on your people, what Wu State depends on the classes of your, but also really has the strength to rob it to be inadequate?”? big mouth Li Qiye this saying falls, some people loudly shout. “我只是成全你而已。”李七夜笑了笑,说道:“你不也是想抢我石斧吗?又不好意思而已,没问题,来吧,就凭你们这点人,就凭你们什么吴国之流的,还真有实力抢走它不成?”?“好大口气李七夜这话一落下,就有人大喝一声。 Before then, everyone does not facilitate to tear to pieces the facial skin, said directly must snatch the Li Qiye's stone ax, but, Li Qiye these words give to offend everyone now. 在此之前,大家都不方便撕破脸皮,直接说要抢李七夜的石斧,但是,现在李七夜这句话就把所有人给得罪了。 Yes, regards our no one?” At once, many cultivator powerhouses loudly shout, they became flushed the face, many cultivator powerhouses were ready to make trouble, at this time, really had the opportunity to snatch the Li Qiye stone ax, only feared that many cultivator powerhouses on the scene can well up on, took advantage. “就是,视我们无人吗?”一时之间,不少修士强者大喝一声,他们都涨红了脸,不少修士强者都蠢蠢欲动了,在这个时候,真的有机会抢李七夜石斧,只怕在场的许多修士强者都会一涌而上,趁火打劫。
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