ED :: Volume #35

#3415: Weak chicken

The roaring flame falls in torrents, incessant, crazy tyrant extremely, all of a sudden Stone Beetle Emperor submerging. 烈焰倾泻而下,滔滔不绝,狂霸万分,一下子把石壳郎皇给淹没了。 The so powerful roaring flame, making the cultivator powerhouses on the scene look at each other, this was Heaven Venerable Treasure Item, the might can be imagined powerful, such golden bell burnt to refine to come, only feared that the powerful cultivator powerhouse could be built up the flying ash instantaneously. 如此强大的烈焰,让在场的修士强者都不由相视了一眼,这可是天尊宝器,威力之强大可想而知,如此的金钟焚炼而来,只怕再强大的修士强者都会瞬间被炼成飞灰。 This was must be finished, Stone Beetle Emperor can by to burn to death.” The looks at so powerful roaring flame submerges Stone Beetle Emperor, goes all out to burn down to refine, has cultivator to whisper to say. “这是要完蛋了吧,石壳郎皇都会被烧死吧。”看着如此强大的烈焰把石壳郎皇淹没,拼命焚烧炼化,有修士不由嘀咕说道。 Not necessarily, Stone Beetle Emperor was too powerful.” Also there is an old cultivator vision to beat. “不见得,石壳郎皇太强大了。”也有老修士不由目光跳动了一下。 Naturally, they have to acknowledge, Wu Shizi his behind six old man strengths indeed are very powerful, they are the Wu State pillars of the nation, this Wu Shizi leads time them, this looks like, their Wu Family wins regarding Stone Beetle Emperor Prime Stone, even wants to obtain Stone Beetle Emperor. 当然,他们也不得不承认,吴世子他身后的六位老者实力的确是很强大,他们可是吴国的国柱,这一次吴世子一口气把他们带出来,这看来,他们吴家对于石壳郎皇原石是志在必得,甚至是想得到石壳郎皇 If really can obtain Stone Beetle Emperor, that really killed two birds with one stone, this regarding Wu State, is the rich incomparable harvest. 若真的是能得到石壳郎皇,那就真的是一箭双雕了,这对于吴国来说,乃是丰厚无比的收获。 In everyone turns very quiet to breathe looks at to fall in torrents when below roaring flame, Wu Shizi behind six old men loudly shouted with one voice: ” Chain- „ 在所有人都屏住呼吸看着倾泻而下的烈焰之时,吴世子身后的六位老者齐声大喝道:”链锁-“ In this moment, hears clang, clang and clang the sound resounds, sees only the roaring flame that golden bell falls in torrents, pinched the one chains all of a sudden, each one chains was thick, like billion Grand Dao Law pinches to rub. 就在这一刻,听到“铛、铛、铛”的声音响起,只见金钟倾泻的烈焰,一下子捏成了一条条锁链,每一条锁链粗大坚硬,如同是千百万条的大道法则所捏揉而成。 The one chains is red, when everyone responded, saw only this one the chains that was pinched to rub by the roaring flame becomes to lock in Stone Beetle Emperor firmly. 一条条锁链通红,在大家反应过来的时候,只见这一条条由烈焰捏揉而成的锁链已经是把石壳郎皇给牢牢地锁住了。 very powerful, the Heaven Venerable Treasure Item roaring flame is unable to burn to refine it.” Sees this, many people pulled out an cold air/Qi secretly. 好强大,天尊宝器的烈焰都无法把它焚炼掉。”看到这一幕,不少人暗暗地抽了一口冷气。 Although said that at this moment, Stone Beetle Emperor, although locked in firmly, the roaring flame that but golden bell fell in torrents a moment ago, has not burnt down Stone Beetle Emperor slightly. 虽然说,此时此刻,石壳郎皇虽然被牢牢地锁住了,但刚才金钟所倾泻的烈焰,根本就没有焚烧到石壳郎皇丝毫。 At this time, Wu Shizi behind six old men are stimulating to movement golden bell, lives in Stone Beetle Emperor with the True Fire principle chain, they are plan to capture alive Stone Beetle Emperor. 此时,吴世子身后的六位老者催动着金钟,以真火法则链锁住石壳郎皇,他们是打算活捉石壳郎皇 Hears rolls over, rolls over and rolls over......” heavy resonate sound, at this time, saw only the chains that Stone Beetle Emperor locked in firmly is moving in the mark, golden bell spout the ray, appeared Heaven Venerable Totem, just like Heaven Venerable arrived to be the same. 听到“轧、轧、轧……”的沉重之声响起,就在这个时候,只见把石壳郎皇牢牢锁住的锁链在纹动着,金钟喷涌出了光芒,浮现了天尊图腾,犹如天尊亲临一样。 At once, powerful incomparable strength fills the air in between Heaven and Earth, as the under mark of chain moves, locks in the Stone Beetle Emperor True Fire principle long chain to start to raise firmly upward hangs, must hang Stone Beetle Emperor. 一时之间,强大无匹的力量弥漫于天地之间,随着链锁的纹动之下,牢牢锁住石壳郎皇真火法则长链开始往上提吊,要把石壳郎皇吊起来。 Under so powerful principle strength, sees only the claw lift-off of Stone Beetle Emperor, within the short time, it was raised hangs takeoffs three chi (0.33 m). 在如此强大的法则力量之下,只见石壳郎皇的爪子离地,在短短的时间之内,它被提吊得离地三尺。 Can succeed?” Saw that Stone Beetle Emperor was raised to hang, many cultivator powerhouse eyes open the eyes in a big way, they pulled out an cold air/Qi. “要成功了吗?”看到石壳郎皇被提吊起来,不少修士强者都不由眼睛睁得大大的,他们都不由抽了一口冷气。 Wu Shizi they can capture alive Stone Beetle Emperor.” Sees such a, does not know that many cultivator powerhouses envy the envy, can rob Stone Beetle Emperor Prime Stone, that enviable matter, if even Stone Beetle Emperor caught, a that more enviable envy must be jealous. “吴世子他们是能活捉石壳郎皇了。”看到这样的一幕,不知道有多少修士强者羡慕嫉妒,能抢夺石壳郎皇原石,那都已经让人羡慕的事情了,若是连石壳郎皇都抓到了,那就更让人羡慕嫉妒得眼红了。 Saw that Stone Beetle Emperor was raised to hang, Wu State six pillars of the nation also for it one happy, if their these really can capture alive time Stone Beetle Emperor, then they set up the big merit. 看到石壳郎皇被提吊起来,吴国的六位国柱也不由为之一喜,如果他们这一次真的是能把石壳郎皇活捉回去,那么他们就是立了大功劳。 This they rob Prime Stone time, that comes prepared. 这一次他们来抢夺原石,那可谓是有备而来。 However, when everyone thinks Stone Beetle Emperor must be captured alive, saw only Stone Beetle Emperor to struggle, heard clang, clang and clang the sound of iron chain was lingering on faintly, locked in the Stone Beetle Emperor iron chain closely to stretch firmly immediately. 但是,就在所有人都认为石壳郎皇要被活捉的时候,只见石壳郎皇挣扎了一下,听到“铛、铛、铛”的铁链之声不绝于耳,牢牢锁住石壳郎皇的铁链顿时紧紧绷住。 Gets up-” sees such a, the Wu State six pillars of the nation also anxiously, drinks one together, they display all skills and blood energy, is stimulating to movement the Heaven Venerable golden bell, wants to grasp into golden bell Stone Beetle Emperor. “起-”见到这样的一幕,吴国的六位国柱也不由大为紧张,齐喝一声,他们把所有的功力、血气都施展出来,催动着天尊金钟,欲把石壳郎皇抓入金钟之内。 However, in this moment, Stone Beetle Emperor makes an effort, its body sank immediately, heard bang a resonate sound, the Heaven Venerable golden bell is also entrained by it all of a sudden. 但是,就在这一刻,石壳郎皇一用力,它的身体顿时下沉,听到“砰”的一声响起,天尊金钟也一下子被它拽了下来。 In bang under loud sound, smashes deep hole to come the ground, although said, Stone Beetle Emperor entrained golden bell, but, the pounded down Heaven Venerable golden bell still gave to cover it. 在“砰”的一声巨响之下,把地面砸出一个沉坑来,虽然说,石壳郎皇把金钟拽了下来,但是,砸下的天尊金钟依然是把它给盖住了。 Thank God.” Saw the Heaven Venerable golden bell still covering Stone Beetle Emperor, the Wu State six pillars of the nation relax, said: Almost made it run away.” “谢天谢地。”见到天尊金钟依然把石壳郎皇给盖住了,吴国的六位国柱松了一口气,都不由说道:“差点就让它逃走了。” Bang, bang and bang......” just relaxed in six pillars of the nation, hearing sound of the intermittent bombardment is lingering on faintly, the Heaven Venerable golden bell was rumbled to result in the pēng pēng straight sound, without a doubt, was stranded Stone Beetle Emperor in Heaven Venerable golden bell acts crazy, struck time and time again above golden bell. “砰、砰、砰……”就在六位国柱刚松了一口气,听到一阵阵轰击之声不绝于耳,天尊金钟被轰得砰砰直响,毫无疑问,被困在天尊金钟之内的石壳郎皇发飙,一次又一次地击在了金钟之上。 Under Stone Beetle Emperor bombardment time and time again, sees only Heaven Venerable golden bell to sway to continue, moves, as if covers in Stone Beetle Emperor Heaven Venerable golden bell may be thrown anytime turns is the same. 石壳郎皇一次又一次的轰击之下,只见天尊金钟摇晃不止,挪动起来,似乎盖在石壳郎皇身上的天尊金钟随时都有可能被抛翻一样。 Suppression-” six pillars of the nation drink one together, the mouth proclaim Mantra, evolves Cultivation Technique, at once, sees only the golden light ten thousand zhang (3.33 m), runes appears, the entire golden bell becomes like a mountain, just like to suppress Celestials, Deities and Demons. “镇压-”六位国柱齐喝一声,口宣真言,演化功法,一时之间,只见金光万丈,符文浮现,整个金钟变得如同一座山岳,犹如可以镇压诸天神魔 However, that feared that six pillars of the nation use the full power, wants to suppress Stone Beetle Emperor in Heaven Venerable golden bell, but, the Heaven Venerable golden bell still resulted in the pēng pēng straight sound by the Stone Beetle Emperor bang, the entire Heaven Venerable golden bell sways. 但是,那怕六位国柱倾尽全力,欲镇压住天尊金钟之内的石壳郎皇,但是,天尊金钟依然被石壳郎皇轰得砰砰直响,整个天尊金钟都摇晃起来。 Under Stone Beetle Emperor attack time and time again, this makes six pillar of the nation cold sweat brave immediately, only feared that they use suppress full power, how long could not insist. 石壳郎皇一次又一次的攻击之下,这顿时让六位国柱冷汗直冒,只怕他们倾尽全力镇压,也坚持不了多久。 „Can Wu State succeed?” Saw that Stone Beetle Emperor was stranded in the Heaven Venerable golden bell, everyone turns very quiet at once. 吴国能成功吗?”看到石壳郎皇被困在了天尊金钟之内,一时之间所有人都不由屏住呼吸。 Did not say.” At this time, everyone looks at six pillars of the nation suppressed Stone Beetle Emperor. “不好说。”在这个时候,所有人都看着六位国柱镇压石壳郎皇 Naturally, in many will of the people naturally does not hope that Wu State they seized Stone Beetle Emperor, but, the Wu State strength is always such formidable, perhaps these will be really suppressed Stone Beetle Emperor by their Chenggong Town time. 当然,不少人心里面当然不希望吴国他们把石壳郎皇夺走了,但是,吴国实力一直以来都是那么的强悍,这一次说不定真的会被他们成功镇压住石壳郎皇 Wu State also is really a little skill.” Standing Qing Shi sees Stone Beetle Emperor to be stranded in the Heaven Venerable golden bell, he selected nod. 吴国还真是有点本事。”站在旁边的青石看到石壳郎皇困在天尊金钟之内,他不由点了点头 „A Heaven Venerable golden bell , can surround Stone Beetle Emperor.” Li Qiye looked at one, superficial. “一只天尊金钟而已,又焉能困得住石壳郎皇。”李七夜只是看了一眼而已,轻描淡写。 Li Qiye this states the fact merely, but, his such words, listened to hear by Wu Shizi all of a sudden. 李七夜这仅仅是陈述事实而已,但是,他这样的话,就一下子被吴世子听入耳中了。 Wu Shizi immediately vision one severe, the cold light sound of sword, is staring at Li Qiye, drinks one densely coldly, said: Ignorant young child, rests in this to talk nonsense!” 吴世子顿时目光一厉,寒光霍霍,盯着李七夜,森然冷喝一声,说道:“无知小儿,休得在此大放厥词!” They invited such a Heaven Venerable golden bell with great difficulty, now is so regarded by Li Qiye faraway, Wu Shizi was certainly uncomfortable to Li Qiye, let alone, Li Qiye such ordinary cultivator, dares to talk nonsense before him, to act recklessly. 他们好不容易请来这么一件天尊金钟,现在被李七夜如此邈视,吴世子当然对李七夜不爽,更何况,李七夜这样的一个普通修士而已,也敢在他面前大放厥词,不知死活。 where to come fainting word, truth.” Li Qiye smiled lightly. 何来厥词,实话而已。”李七夜淡淡地笑了一下。 Wu Shizi both eyes one severe, is staring at Li Qiye, said densely: Reckless thing, actually talked nonsense in front of this Young Master, deserves to slap!” 吴世子双目一厉,盯着李七夜,森然地说道:“不知死活的东西,竟然在本少爷面前胡说八道,该当掌嘴!” Could not look at the eye in nearby Qing Shi, exposed to the sun smiles one, said: Now has not played the power and prestige time, when you can seize Prime Stone, capturing alive Stone Beetle Emperor plays the power and prestige is not late again!” 在旁边的青石就看不下眼了,晒笑一声,说道:“现在还不是耍威风的时候,等你们能夺下原石,活捉石壳郎皇再耍威风还不迟!” Snort, besides us, who can seize Prime Stone, captures alive Stone Beetle Emperor!” Wu Shizi sneers, very proud, crosses the hands behind the back to stand, observes the situation the outstanding heroes. “哼,除了我们,还有谁人能夺原石,活捉石壳郎皇!”吴世子冷笑一声,十分的自傲,负手而立,环视群雄。 Although Wu Shizi this attitude is somewhat rampant, lets in some cultivator powerhouse hearts uncomfortable, but, their six pillars of the nation on the scene, please a Heaven Venerable golden bell, such strength, only fear that is also when is this place to be strongest, everyone also can only suppress is not speaking. 虽然吴世子这态度有些嚣张,让一些修士强者心里面不爽,但是,他们六位国柱在场,又请得一件天尊金钟,这样的实力,只怕也是当属此地最强,大家也只能憋着不说话了。 You? Do not have a dream.” Li Qiye smiles, shakes the head, said: This thing, is not you have the qualifications to obtain. Now also with enough time, interrupts me to take Prime Stone independently not.” “你们?就别做梦了。”李七夜笑笑,摇头,说道:“这东西,不是你们有资格能得到的。现在放手还来得及,莫防碍我取原石。” „Do you want to capture Prime Stone?” Wu Shizi eyes open, looks at Li Qiye, that look does not spare a glance, hears the biggest joke to be the same probably, laughs said: Depends on you, wants to take Prime Stone? The toad wants to eat swan meat! Ha, ha, ha, does not know the sky is high the earth is deep thing!” Saying, laughs loudly. “你想夺得原石?”吴世子一双眼睛睁大,看着李七夜,那眼神是那么不屑一顾,就好像听到最大的笑话一样,大笑地说道:“就凭你,也想取原石?癞蛤蟆想吃天鹅肉!哈,哈,哈,不知天高地厚东西!”说着,放声大笑。 At this time, was not only Wu Shizi, many cultivator powerhouse looks at Li Qiye on the scene, many cultivator powerhouse complexion showed the smile, naturally ridiculed was in the majority. 在这个时候,不仅仅是吴世子,在场的很多修士强者都看着李七夜,不少修士强者脸色都露出了笑容,当然嘲笑的居多。 Does not know the sky is high the earth is deep.” Has the cultivator powerhouse to shake the head, said: This strength, dares boast shamelessly, dares to say unexpectedly captures Prime Stone, only feared how dead does not know.” “不知天高地厚。”有修士强者摇头,说道:“这点实力,也敢大言不惭,竟然敢说夺取原石,只怕是怎么样死都不知道吧。” Everyone looks at Li Qiye, who can look, Li Qiye that is just the Silver Armor Battle Body strength, is not worth mentioning, such strength also wants to seize Prime Stone, don't said is Stone Beetle Emperor, even if ordinary Stone Beetle can want his life. 大家都看着李七夜,谁都看得出来,李七夜那只不过是银甲战躯的实力而已,根本就不值得一提,这样的实力也想夺原石,莫说是石壳郎皇,就算是普通的石壳郎都能要他的性命。 youngster, just the coming out wanderer, did not know the sky is high the earth is deep, little spoke, worked.” Has old cultivator to smile, shakes the head. 年轻人,刚出来闯荡,不知天高地厚,还是少说话,多做事。”有老修士笑笑,摇头。 Hey, he brings about own destruction, why to be blocking him.” Also some young cultivator take pleasure in others' misfortunes, sneers. “嘿,他是自寻死路,何必拦着他呢。”也有一些年轻的修士幸灾乐祸,冷笑一声。 Li Qiye does not care, but smiled lightly, looked at Heaven Venerable golden bell, said: „One side ok, you rolled, I took Prime Stone.” 李七夜也不在意,只是淡淡地笑了一下,看了看天尊金钟,说道:“好了,你们滚一边去,我取原石。” big mouth!” Everyone was scared, the cultivator powerhouse on the scene also thinks that Li Qiye said that blows boasting , he comes. 好大口气!”大家都傻眼了,在场的修士强者还以为李七夜说说而已,吹吹牛皮,没有想到,他是来真的。 Depends on him also to take Prime Stone? Daydreams, if he can take Prime Stone, I hug Shi Shan to gnaw eating.” Also there is young cultivator not to spare a glance to Li Qiye. “就凭他也能取原石?白日做梦,如果他都能取原石,我抱着石山啃着吃。”也有年轻修士李七夜不屑一顾。 little bastard, you bring about own destruction!” Wu Shizi both eyes is dense, revealed killing intent all of a sudden, coldly said: You dare to go bad our important matter, this is Young Master cut to pieces you......”? Wu Shizi words have not fallen, bang loud sound, sees only suppresses the Stone Beetle Emperor Heaven Venerable golden bell to be raised all of a sudden flies. 小畜生,你这是自寻死路!”吴世子双目森然,一下子露出了杀机,冷冷地说道:“你敢坏了我们的大事,本少主把你千刀万剐……”?吴世子话还没有落下,“砰”的一声巨响,只见镇压着石壳郎皇天尊金钟一下子被掀飞。 Hears thump, thump and thump the sound resounded, sees only the Wu State six pillars of the nation to be shaken continually by this powerful strength drew back several steps. 听到“咚、咚、咚”的声音响起,只见吴国的六位国柱被这强大的力量震得连退了好几步。 At this time, six pillars of the nation were also pale. 在这个时候,六位国柱也是脸色发白。 very powerful-” at this time, six pillar of the nation some people also yelled one. 好强-”此时,六位国柱有人也不由大叫了一声。 At this time, Stone Beetle Emperor looked, cold light flashed, immediately made six pillars of the nation absolutely terrified, was frightened retroceded several steps. 在这个时候,石壳郎皇一眼望来,寒光一闪,顿时让六位国柱毛骨悚然,被吓得后退了好几步。 Today one 今天一更
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