ED :: Volume #35

#3414: Snatches Prime Stone

Prime Stone that Stone Beetle Emperor rolls is very big, blooms such as the agate common ray, each wisp of ray blooms, just like broke out the space, each wisp of ray, seemed clear, probably in was the same the time seal. 石壳郎皇滚出来的原石很大,绽放出如玛瑙一般的光芒,每一缕光芒绽放出来的时候,犹如劈开了空间,每一缕的光芒,都显得晶莹,好像是把时间封印在了里面一样。 Entire Prime Stone, had been truncated stone shell, is only left over light stone skin. The agate color ray blooms from stone skin, the agate ray under stone skin, was extremely was really dazzling, probably the inside Sun same blooming ray, was dazzling makes people unable to look straight ahead, was actually makes people unable to see clearly under stone skin to contain is being what kind of treasure. 整颗原石,已经被削了石壳,只剩下薄薄的石皮。玛瑙色的光芒正是从石皮之下绽放出来的,石皮之下的玛瑙光芒,实在是太过于耀眼了,好像里面有一颗太阳一样绽放光芒,耀眼得让人无法直视,更是让人无法看清楚石皮之下究竟蕴藏着是怎么样的珍宝。 Under so intense ray, even can make people feel under stone skin to have the roaring flame to come in waves, under the stone skin package, as if can let the person hears shouts, shouts and shouts the sound, as if the roaring flame in stone skin will tear stone skin momentarily. 在如此强烈的光芒之下,甚至能让人感受到了石皮之下有烈焰滚滚而来,在石皮的包裹之下,都似乎能让人听到“呼、呼、呼”的声音,似乎石皮之内的烈焰随时都会撕裂石皮而出。 Prime Stone stone skin can isolate to seal, although is so, but is away from this light stone skin, has made people feel under stone skin that boundless infinite strength, such powerful strength, will as if break the skin momentarily. 原石石皮可以隔绝封存,尽管是如此,但隔着这薄薄的石皮,已经让人感受到了石皮之下那磅礴无穷的力量了,这样强大的力量,似乎随时都会破皮而出。 At once, everyone turns very quiet to breathe looks at this Prime Stone, everyone stopped the own movement, everyone eyes the Prime Stone that opens looks at Stone Beetle Emperor to roll greatly. 一时之间,所有人都不由屏住呼吸看着这颗原石,所有人都停下了自己的动作,所有人都不由一双眼睛睁得大大地看着石壳郎皇滚出来的这一颗原石 Sees this Prime Stone, the cultivator powerhouse who even if cannot judge the quality of goods, same clear, under this Prime Stone, nourishing a very extraordinary treasure. 看到这一颗原石,就算是再不识货的修士强者,也一样明白,在这原石之下,蕴养着一件十分了不得的珍宝。 Hears turning over the sound resounds, some people could not bear, swallowed saliva, looks at such Prime Stone, does not know that many people were drool with envy. 听到“咕碌”的声音响起,有人忍不住,咽了一口口水,看着这样的一颗原石,不知道有多少人是垂涎三尺呢。 In this nourishing what kind of treasure?” Some people whispered said. “这里面蕴养着怎么样的珍宝呢?”有人不由嘀咕地说道。 Sees by me, at least is also Meteoric crystal of Dao Monarch rank is the start.” Old cultivator both eyes one severe, his vision wants to penetrate stone skin to be the same probably. “以我见,至少也是道君级别的精壁为起步。”有一位老修士双目一厉,他的目光好像想穿透石皮一样。 In fact, at this time does not know that has many of both eyes anger to open, they want to penetrate stone skin, actually looks under Prime Stone nourishing what kind of treasure. 事实上,此时不知道有多少人双目怒张,他们都想穿透石皮,看一看原石之下究竟蕴养着怎么样的宝物 Only pitifully, whatever their how both eyes anger opens, what kind of hits the Heaven Splitting eye, does not have the aid matter, is unable to pass through stone skin, is unable to peep to the treasure under stone skin. 只可惜,任由他们如何地双目怒张、如何的打开天眼,都毫无济事,根本就无法穿越石皮,无法窥向石皮之下的珍宝。 Can begin?” At this time, many cultivator powerhouses have been discussing in a low voice . Moreover, these cultivator powerhouses are powerful, some are an elder, some is a school of lord. “要动手吗?”在这个时候,已经有不少修士强者在低声商量着,而且,这些修士强者都是实力强大,有的是一门长老,有的是一派之主。 Everyone can look, Prime Stone that Stone Beetle Emperor rolls, only feared that thinks a person has sole possession of that is not possible, let alone, Stone Beetle Emperor so powerful, if their go it alone, only feared that is unable to seize it. 谁都看得出来,石壳郎皇所滚出来的原石,只怕想一个人独吞那是不可能了,更何况,石壳郎皇是如此的强大,如果他们单独行动,只怕也无法夺之。 Chī-- a resonate sound, in some people how also in discussing to seize Stone Beetle Emperor the Prime Stone, in this electrical spark light, some people had begun, Cinsault one volume, bound Stone Beetle Emperor Prime Stone instantaneously, makes an effort ruthlessly. “嗤——”的一声响起,就在有人还在商量该如何夺下石壳郎皇的这颗原石之时,就在这石火电光之间,已经有人动手了,神索一卷,瞬间绑住了石壳郎皇原石,狠狠地用力一拉。 However, the Stone Beetle Emperor small feet is pressing Prime Stone, does not draw. 但是,石壳郎皇的小脚压着原石,根本就拉不动。 At present this can only Stone Beetle Emperor big? Also on fist size, its calf, in everyone eyes, that simply like mosquito leg. 眼前这只石壳郎皇能有多大?也就拳头大小罢了,它那只小腿,在大家眼中,那简直就像蚊子腿一样。 However is such calf, a pressure on Prime Stone, that very powerful cultivator, is unable to draw Prime Stone gently, as if, this Prime Stone has ten million place mountains to suppress to be the same at this time, is unable to move. 然而就是这样的小腿,在原石上轻轻一压,那位很强大的修士,都无法拉得动原石,似乎,此时这颗原石有千万座山岳压住一样,根本就无法搬动。 Buzz a resonate sound, sees only this only Stone Beetle Emperor wing one, he has not flown, the wing sweeps, golden light such as the sword blade cuts together generally. “嗡”的一声响起,只见这只石壳郎皇的翅膀一张,他根本就没有飞起来,翅翼一扫,一道金光如剑刃一般斩出。 Ah!-- a resonate sound, this cultivator powerhouse who takes the lead take action was cut the head immediately, the blood sprayed. ——”的一声响起,这位率先出手修士强者顿时被斩下了头颅,鲜血喷洒。 The great strength of Stone Beetle Emperor, that is by far lies above other Stone Beetle, it is the wing wields merely, cut to kill this powerhouse easily. 石壳郎皇之强大,那是远远在于其他的石壳郎之上,它仅仅是翅翼一挥而已,就轻而易举地斩杀了这位强者了。 Suppresses-- in this electrical spark light, three old cultivator take action, these three old cultivator are the status is uncommon, their take action, hears bang loud sound. “镇压——”在这石火电光之间,有三位老修士出手,这三位老修士都是身份不凡,他们一出手,听到“轰”的一声巨响 Old cultivator is valuable seal suppresses, such as 1 million mountain common bang to Stone Beetle Emperor, another old cultivator long and loud cry continued, hand True Dragon, to open the five fingers, such as dragon claw is ordinary, hears hiss the sound of tearing, tore the space instantaneously, grasps to Stone Beetle Emperor Prime Stone. 一位老修士乃是宝印镇压而下,如百万大山一般轰向了石壳郎皇,另一位老修士长啸不止,手化真龙,五指一张,如龙爪一般,听到“嘶”的撕裂之声,瞬间撕裂了空间,向石壳郎皇原石抓去。 Last old man is bang loud sound, the hand grasps great shield, pushes horizontally to Stone Beetle Emperor, their three collaborate, it may be said that is tacit, attacks defends, seizes Prime Stone. 最后一位老者是“砰”的巨响,手握巨,向石壳郎皇横推过去,他们三个联手,可谓是默契,一攻一守,一夺原石 However, they underestimated this only Stone Beetle Emperor, saw only Stone Beetle Emperor sharp horn(s) to curl upwards, hears crack the sound resounds, but the suppression below valuable seal was punctured all of a sudden, its wing, golden light flashes, hears bang a resonate sound, great shield was cut as two halves. 但是,他们还是低估了这只石壳郎皇了,只见石壳郎皇尖角一翘,听到“喀嚓”的声音响起,镇压而下的宝印一下子被刺破,它的翅翼一张,金光一闪,听到“砰”的一声响起,巨被斩为两半。 Finally it lifts a foot lightly, pressed to go, heard bo a resonate sound, dragon claw is ground blood fog instantaneously. 最后它轻举一只脚,一压而去,听到“啵”的一声响起,龙爪瞬间被碾成了血雾 Stone Beetle Emperor take action three strike, forms a coherent whole, the passing clouds and flowing water, the great strength of strength, is as good these prestige illustrious invincible generations. 石壳郎皇出手三击,一气呵成,行云流水,实力之强大,一点都不逊于那些威名赫赫的无敌之辈。 Ah!, Ah! and Ah!” pitiful yell sound fluctuates, within the short time, three old cultivator was cut to kill by Stone Beetle Emperor. 啊”惨叫声起伏,在短短的时间之内,三位老修士都被石壳郎皇斩杀。 Do not make it enter the hole.” Drinks greatly, several powerhouses jump, take action assaults Stone Beetle Emperor. “不要让它进洞了。”一声大喝,几位强者跳跃而起,出手搏击石壳郎皇 Everyone knows the great strength of Stone Beetle Emperor, but, the treasure moves the will of the people, such precious Prime Stone, indeed is worth them risking neck to wrestle. 大家都知道石壳郎皇的强大,但是,珍宝动人心,这么一颗珍贵的原石,的的确确是值得他们去冒着生命危险一搏。 At once, saw only the cultivator powerhouses to jump, used the skills, they want to seize Stone Beetle Emperor Prime Stone. 一时之间,只见一个个修士强者跃起,使出了浑身解数,他们都想夺下石壳郎皇原石 But Stone Beetle Emperor is pressing Prime Stone, shoots first with one hand and then the other, fights the outstanding heroes. At this time, heard Ah!, Ah! and Ah!” resonate sound of pitiful yell, the blood sprinkling, take action robbed Prime Stone powerhouse falls/dies one after another. 石壳郎皇一脚压着原石,左右开弓,大战群雄。在这个时候,听到“啊”的惨叫之声响起,鲜血溅洒,一位又一位出手抢夺原石的强者陨落 At this time, Li Qiye crossed the hands behind the back to stand, he was only calmly looks at Stone Beetle Emperor Prime Stone, the meaning of also not having begun. 在这个时候,李七夜负手而立,他只是静静地看着石壳郎皇原石而已,也没有动手的意思。 very powerful Stone Beetle Emperor.” Sees under besieging of so many powerhouses, Stone Beetle Emperor such as the passing clouds and flowing water are unexpectedly common, one after another cuts to kill to rob the Prime Stone powerhouse, making Stone Baby look stares dumbfounded. 好强大石壳郎皇。”看到在这么多强者的围攻之下,石壳郎皇竟然如行云流水一般,一一斩杀来抢夺原石的强者,让石娃娃看得都不由瞠目结舌。 Standing Qing Shi, he to Stone Beetle Emperor powerful has no interest, looks at Stone Beetle Emperor that Prime Stone, he asked actually interestingly Li Qiye said: You think under Prime Stone, is what kind of treasure.” 站在旁边的青石,他对石壳郎皇的强大倒没有兴趣,倒是饶有兴趣地看着石壳郎皇的那颗原石,他问李七夜说道:“兄台认为原石之下,是一件怎么样的珍宝呢。” „A good weapon.” Li Qiye looked at Qing Shi one, smiles. “一件不错的兵器。”李七夜看了青石一眼,笑了笑。 „Can you be able to see?” Qing Shi is spoke thoughtlessly asked that but, Li Qiye said the treasure under Prime Stone, this makes him be startled immediately. “兄台能看得见?”青石本是随口一问,但,李七夜却说出了原石之下的珍宝,这顿时让他不由大吃一惊。 After all stone skin isolation seal, no matter what you big skill is unable to peep at the treasure under stone skin, but, Li Qiye actually tastes leave. 毕竟石皮隔绝封印,任你再大的本事都无法窥视石皮之下的珍宝,但,李七夜却一口道出。 Li Qiye smiles, without reply. 李七夜只是笑了笑,没有回答。 „Are brothers Grandmaster Stone Craftsman?” Qing Shi also looks at Li Qiye, according to the truth, most understands the Prime Stone person curiously, can guess the Prime Stone person, that was belongs to Grandmaster Stone Craftsman. “兄弟是石匠大师吗?”青石也不由好奇地看着李七夜,按道理来说,最懂原石的人,能揣测原石的人,那就是非石匠大师莫属了。 Li Qiye had not replied, but Stone Baby actually rushes saying: Our Young Master, that may be fierce, he selects the stone the skill, that is great, he has looked at stone, is very accurate.” 李七夜没有回答,而石娃娃却抢着说道:“我们少爷,那可厉害了,他挑石头的本事,那是没得说的,他看过的石头,都是很准的。” Stone Baby this is experiences personally, not the word of slight eating breathing out. 石娃娃这是亲自经历,没有丝毫的吃嘘之词。 The Stone Baby words, make Qing Shi size up Li Qiye very curiously, he wants to know that actually Li Qiye is what kind of person, but, no matter how he sizes up, could not completely understand that what kind of person Li Qiye is. 石娃娃的话,更让青石十分好奇地打量着李七夜,他都想知道李七夜究竟是怎么样的一个人呢,但是,不管他如何打量,都看不透李七夜是怎么样的一个人。 Ah!-- finally, died a tragic death including the most powerful elder in under the hand/subordinate of stone Langke sovereign, the blood sprays, Stone Beetle Emperor is still pressing own Prime Stone, stands there, its appearance, probably a King who shows disdain for the world. ——”最终,连一位最为强大的长老都惨死在了石郎壳皇的手下了,鲜血喷洒,石壳郎皇依然压着自己原石,站在那里,它那副模样,好像是一位傲视天下的王者。 So many powerhouses died a tragic death in the under foot of Stone Beetle Emperor, this made all cultivator powerhouses on the scene pull out an cold air/Qi immediately, at once, cultivator powerhouse blankly look at each other on the scene, within the short time, so many powerhouses was cut to kill, others do not dare to jump over the Thunder Pond half step at once. 如此多的强者都惨死在了石壳郎皇的脚下,这顿时让在场的所有修士强者不由抽了一口冷气,一时之间,在场的修士强者都不由面面相觑,在短短的时间之内,这么多强者被斩杀,其他的人一时之间都不敢越雷池半步。 Bang-- loud sound, at this time, Wu Shizi behind several old man take action, their take action, had six pieces bronzes treasure to fall instantaneously, six pieces bronzes treasure sieges instantaneously Stone Beetle Emperor. “砰——”的一声巨响,就在这个时候,吴世子身后的几位老者出手了,他们一出手,瞬间有六块宝落下,六块宝瞬间把石壳郎皇围困起来。 Before then, side Wu Shizi these old men did not have take action, they have waited and seen, are pondering over the Stone Beetle Emperor weakness. 在此之前,吴世子身边的这几位老者都一直没有出手,他们一直观望,琢磨着石壳郎皇的弱点。 Bang loud sound, in this instantaneous, sees only six pieces bronzes treasure to lock Stone Beetle Emperor all of a sudden sleepily, hears rolls over, rolls over and rolls over the sound to resound, sees only six pieces bronzes treasure contraction, they must the Stone Beetle Emperor trapped/sleepy lock in their treasure, carry off together with Stone Beetle Emperor and Prime Stone. “轰”的一声巨响,在这瞬间,只见六块宝一下子困锁石壳郎皇,听到“轧、轧、轧”的声音响起,只见六块宝收缩,他们是要把石壳郎皇困锁在他们的宝物之中,连同石壳郎皇原石带走。 Big ambition, even Stone Beetle Emperor wants to carry off.” Sees this, many people are also startled secretly. “好大的野心,连石壳郎皇都想带走。”看到这一幕,不少人也暗吃一惊。 After all is Wu State important people.” Some people recognize the identities of these old men, said in a low voice. “毕竟是吴国大人物。”有人认出这几位老者的身份,低声地说道。 Bang, bang and bang the sound resounds, sees only six pieces bronzes treasure just locked in Stone Beetle Emperor sleepily the time, one intermittent bang strikes resonate sound, sees only six pieces bronzes treasure to be struck convex-concave varies, finally, hears bang loud sound, six pieces bronzes treasure cannot lock in Stone Beetle Emperor, was struck all of a sudden crushes. “砰、砰、砰”的声音响起,只见六块宝刚刚困锁住石壳郎皇的时候,一阵阵砰击之声响起,只见六块宝被击得凸凹不一,最终,听到“砰”的一声巨响,六块宝未能锁住石壳郎皇,一下子被击得粉碎。 Receives-- in this instantaneous, Wu Shizi behind six old men loudly shout, they collaborate, the blood energy fusion, offered a sacrifice to Ultimate Treasure. “收——”在这瞬间,吴世子身后的六位老者大喝一声,他们联手,血气融合,祭出了一件重宝 Thump!” a resonate sound, sees only a golden bell to appear, this only golden bell appears, the prestige of Heaven Venerable instantaneous overwhelming, just like Heaven Venerable to sit the clouds high, the turning over the palm then suppresses Heavens. “咚!”的一声响起,只见一只金钟出现,这只金钟出现,天尊之威瞬间浩然,犹如一位天尊高坐云端,覆手便镇压诸天 Heaven Venerable treasure-- sees this only golden bell, many people call out in alarm one, the prestige of Heaven Venerable especially this only golden bell sends out, is to make people absolutely terrified. 天尊宝物——”看到这只金钟,不少人惊呼一声,特别是这只金钟所散发出来的天尊之威,更是让人不由毛骨悚然。 Heaven Venerable treasure, spurted had/left the enormous and powerful invincible aura thinly, let in many will of the people absolutely terrified, hit one to tremble. 天尊宝物,喷薄出了浩荡无敌的气息,让不少人心里面毛骨悚然,打了一个哆嗦。 Worthily is Wu State, take action is Heaven Venerable treasure.” Sees such a golden bell, others are absolutely terrified. “不愧是吴国,出手就是天尊宝物。”看到这样的一只金钟,其他人都毛骨悚然。 „” a resonate sound, saw only this only golden bell to fall in torrents the incessant roaring flame all of a sudden, suddenly, this incessant roaring flame Stone Beetle Emperor submerging. “蓬”的一声响起,只见这只金钟一下子倾泻下了滔滔不绝的烈焰,眨眼之间,这滔滔不绝的烈焰把石壳郎皇给淹没了。 The roaring flame falls in torrents, may burn the day, but, the might is friendly peerless. 烈焰倾泻而下,可焚天,可融地,威力绝伦。
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