ED :: Volume #29

#2872: myriad things has the arrow

myriad things has the arrow, this made Pegasus Arrow God shake the hand of long bow to tremble. 万物有箭,这让飞马箭神握着长弓的手都不由为之颤了一下。 He has not thought, today achieves myriad things to have the arrow realm person unexpectedly is Li Qiye, in his opinion, this simply is the not possible matter, but, the fact actually puts at present. 他都没有想到,今天达到万物有箭这个境界的人竟然是李七夜,在他看来,这简直就是不可能的事情,但,事实却摆在了眼前。 Such result / to bear fruit, regarding Pegasus Arrow God, that is really attacks big, he in Dao of Bow for a lifetime, can say gradually, on Dao of Bow attainments no one can, be possible be called present age first, but, is actually exceeded by a younger generation today, this to him, in the heart is hundred tastes assumes mixed. 这样的结果,对于飞马箭神来说,那实在是打击不小,他在箭道中浸淫了一辈子,可以说,在箭道上的造诣无人能及,堪称当世第一,但是,今天却偏偏被一个晚辈超越了,这对于他来说,心里面是百味呈杂。 „Do you want to be clear?” When Pegasus Arrow God absent-minded, the Li Qiye long sound resounds, said: This is your final arrow!” “你想清楚了没有?”飞马箭神失神之时,李七夜悠悠的声音响起,说道:“这是你最后的一箭!” Li Qiye such words made Pegasus Arrow God tremble immediately in one in the heart, the last arrow, these words have the implication of multi-layer. 李七夜这样的话顿时让飞马箭神在心里面颤了一上,最后一箭,这句话有着多层的寓意。 Pegasus Arrow God deeply shouted inspires, heard buzz a resonate sound, at this time, appeared in the ray of his whole body diverges, Dao of Bow vanished does not see. 飞马箭神深深地呼吸了一口气,听到“嗡”的一声响起,此时,浮现在他周身的光芒散去,箭道消失不见。 Li Qiye said right, the attack is the best defense, regarding Dao of Bow, take action, the defense, this had not then captured the low grade, the excellent plan, is an arrow kills it, making the enemy not have the take action opportunity. 李七夜说得没错,进攻就是最好的防守,对于箭道来说,未出手,便防御,这已经是攻入了下乘了,上乘之策,乃是一箭杀之,让敌人连出手的机会都没有。 This is a Pegasus Arrow God final arrow, this is not only last arrows in his three arrow, may be the last arrow in his life, this arrow, is surely radiant, is surely shocking, he cannot be too conservative, otherwise, this disappointed in his life institute Dao of Bow gradually. 这是飞马箭神最后的一箭,这不仅仅是他三箭中的最后一箭,有可能是他这一生中的最后一箭,这一箭,必定璀璨,必定惊艳,他不能太保守了,否则的话,这就辜负了他一生中所浸淫的箭道 Bang, bang and bang at this time, the world space shivered, shivering slightly was more and more rapid, at this time, calming down Pegasus Arrow God finally again take action. “轰、轰、轰”在这个时候,天地空间都颤抖起来,微微的颤抖是越来越急促,在这个时候,沉住气的飞马箭神终于再一次出手了。 When the Pegasus Arrow God finger clamps, the world arrow, the myriad things arrow, the Grand Dao arrow, the blood energy arrow, all in world all change to sharp arrow, in this in an instant, between Heaven and Earth all strength concentrate, in Pegasus Arrow God double refers, just like to be pinched in this fingertip. 飞马箭神手指一夹之时,天地化箭,万物化箭,大道化箭,血气化箭,世间的一切皆化作一支利箭,在这刹那之间,天地之间的一切力量凝集在了飞马箭神的双指之间,犹如一切都被捏在了这指尖之中了。 The lifetime good fortune, lifetime cultivation, lifetime blood energy, and even is the lifetime life, at this moment, by Pegasus Arrow God was pinched, in referred, changed to sharp arrow. 一生的造化,一生的道行,一生的血气,乃至是一生的寿元,此时此刻,都被飞马箭神捏在了指间,化作了一支利箭 Buzz-- the string moves resonate sound, at this time saw only Pegasus Arrow God to open the long bow slowly, as the long bow pulled open, sharp arrow appeared in the string slowly. “嗡——”的弦动之声响起,此时只见飞马箭神缓缓地拉开了长弓,随着长弓拉开,一把利箭缓缓出现在弦上。 Arrow invisible, concentrates the forming, this arrow is not the substantive arrow, this arrow by Pegasus Arrow God whole body blood energy and Grand Dao and even is the strength of the world concentrate, finally invisible changes visible. 箭无形,凝成形,这支箭不是实质的箭,这一支箭由飞马箭神的全身血气大道乃至是天地之力所凝集而成,最后无形化作有形。 At this time, above the bowstring, presented blood arrow, this is bright blood arrow, entire sharp arrow is jumping blood light, blood light continuously when shivering, entire sharp arrow like seeming like the ruby carves becomes same. 在这个时候,弓弦之上,出现了一把血箭,这把血箭鲜艳嫣红,整支利箭跳跃着血光,一缕缕的血光在颤抖之时,整支利箭如同像是红宝石所雕琢而成的一样。 This long arrow very sharp, the arrow arrow is flashing blood red cold light, probably general that refracts from the ice-cold ruby, saw blood light that the arrow arrow flashes, makes one think of arrow to seal/confer throat immediately. 这把长箭十分的锐利,箭矢闪动着血红的寒光,就好像从冰冷的红宝石中折射出来的一般,看到箭矢所闪动的血光,就立即让人想到一箭封喉。 The arrow in the hand, bends/bow full bow, in this in an instant, Pegasus Arrow God has locked Li Qiye, in this moment, the Pegasus Arrow God whole person enters the condition that a person of arrow united. 箭在手,弓满弦,在这刹那之间,飞马箭神已经锁定了李七夜,在这一刻,飞马箭神整个人进入了人箭合一的状态。 In this in an instant, who looks like, Pegasus Arrow God is the arrow, the arrow, is Pegasus Arrow God, in the eye of Pegasus Arrow God, only has the arrow, but in the eyes of others , only has the arrow, as if Pegasus Arrow God has vanished was the same. 就在这刹那之间,不论是谁看来,飞马箭神就是箭,箭,就是飞马箭神,在飞马箭神的眼中,也唯有箭,而在旁人的眼中,也唯有箭,似乎飞马箭神已经消失了一样。 The person arrow unites, locked the Li Qiye's time in Pegasus Arrow God, in everyone heart one cold, no matter how powerful exist(ence), in this in an instant, same felt that own like locked, own is prey under sharp arrow, appalling. 人箭合一,就在飞马箭神锁定了李七夜的时候,所有人都心里面一寒,不管是多么强大的存在,就在这刹那之间,一样感觉自己就像被锁定了一样,自己就是利箭之下的猎物,让人毛骨悚然。 What is most appalling, regardless of your what kind of escape, what kind of hiding regardless of you are, could not avoid locking of sharp arrow, you forever under arrow arrow. 最让人毛骨悚然的是,不论你怎么样的逃避,不论你是怎么样的遁形,都躲避不了利箭的锁定,你永远都在箭矢之下。 take action.” Facing was locked, Li Qiye smiled. 出手吧。”面对被锁定,李七夜笑了一下。 Chī--, the Li Qiye words have not fallen, Pegasus Arrow God take action, sharp arrow has let go to depart, Pegasus Arrow God caught well the time, spoke when Li Qiye that instantaneous, this was Li Qiye loses concentration, was exposes weaknesses. “嗤——”的一声,李七夜话还没有落下,飞马箭神已经出手了,利箭脱手飞出,飞马箭神把时机抓到了最好,在李七夜说话那瞬间,这是李七夜分神之时,也是露出破绽之时。 Pegasus Arrow God held this ten thousand years the opportunity that is difficult to meet, instantaneous arrow, an arrow is fatal, but long arrow sound air-splitting, after is very long, passes on. 飞马箭神抓住了这万载难逢的机会,瞬间出箭,一箭致命,而长箭破空之声,是很久之后才传出来的。 blood arrow shoots, at this time, blood arrow just like jumps the space, exceeded time, just like spanned all in world all of a sudden, remote distance, long time, under this arrow, did not become the issue, no longer exist(ence). 血箭一射而出,在这个时候,血箭犹如跳跃出了空间,超越了时光,犹如一下子跨越了世间的一切,不论是多遥远的距离,不论是多漫长的时光,在这一箭之下,都不成为问题,都不复存在 blood arrow has shot, hears „ziii” a resonate sound, fearful appeared in everyone at present, when blood arrow plundered, the space, was time, withered instantaneously, probably carried off all strength to be the same by blood arrow all of a sudden, was only left over the empty shell all of a sudden. 血箭射过,听到“滋”一声响起,可怕的一幕出现在了所有人的眼前,当血箭一掠而过的时候,不论是空间,还是时光,瞬间都枯萎,好像一下子被血箭带走了所有的力量一样,一下子只剩下空壳。 Also because of so, when blood arrow plunders, in the air presented the fearful day mark, this Dao Celestial mark appears there, that shocking. 也正是因为如此,当血箭一掠而过,空中出现了可怕的天痕,这一道天痕出现在那里,是那么的触目惊心。 Moreover, when blood arrow shoots, all student on the scene had a shiver, because blood arrow plunders, not only pulled out to Space-Time strength, even also seemed like drained strength of blood energy and all Grand Dao of their whole body all of a sudden, even their True Fate and soul also flew, along with the arrow went. 而且,当血箭一射而出的时候,在场的所有学生都不由打了一个冷颤,因为血箭一掠而过,不仅仅是抽离了时空力量,甚至也好像是一下子抽干了他们全身的血气、所有的大道之力,甚至他们的真命魂魄都随之飞了起来,随箭而去。 In instance that this blood arrow projects, as if entrains world all, screened out all essence in world. 在这血箭射出的瞬间,似乎拽起世间的一切,抽走了世间的一切精气。 Good fearful-- an arrow, everyone to be absolutely terrified, no matter how powerful student, under this arrow, thinks that own was killed surely, certainly cannot escape this fatal arrow. “好可怕——”如此一箭,所有人都毛骨悚然,不管是多么强大的学生,在这一箭之下,都认为自己必定是丧命,一定逃不过这致命的一箭。 Before then, some student more or less will look down upon Pegasus Arrow God in the heart, because Pegasus Arrow God has not achieved Ten Million Eras Immortal True God obviously, actually poses as Ten Million Eras Immortal True God. 在此之前,有一些学生在心里面或多或少会看不起飞马箭神,因为飞马箭神明明没达到千万世不朽真神,却以千万世不朽真神自居。 When such a arrow projects, when this fatal arrow air-splitting, everyone trembled in the heart, in the heart produced fear, at this time, everyone felt that Pegasus Arrow God calls it Ten Million Eras Immortal True God, does this have why not? Depending on this arrow, can call thousand th immortally ten thousand! 当这样的一箭射出的时候,这致命一箭破空之时,所有人在心里面都颤了一下,都不由心里面产生了畏惧,此时,所有人都觉得,飞马箭神称之为千万世不朽真神,这又有何妨呢?凭这一箭,便可称千世万不朽! Must dead--, when this arrow projects, in all will of the people had such thought that thinks that under this fatal arrow, Li Qiye must die without doubt. “必死——”在这一箭射出的时候,所有人心里面都产生了这样的念头,都认为在这致命一箭之下,李七夜必死无疑。 But, in the fatal arrow shoots, Li Qiye take action, in his hand did not have the arrow, does not have the bow, but, his arrow projected. 但,就在致命一箭射来之时,李七夜出手了,他手中无箭,也无弓,但,他一箭射出了。 A Li Qiye arrow, silent, invisible without interest, even makes people unable to feel its might. 李七夜一箭,无声无息,无形无息,甚至让人感受不到它的威力。 However, when a Li Qiye arrow projects, in all will of the people the feelings of unparalleled, in this in an instant, they feel in the own heart born sharp arrow, as if, is directly shoots of sharp arrow such from the heart, the directly shoots approached Pegasus Arrow God. 但是,就在李七夜一箭射出的时候,所有人心里面都有一种绝无伦比的感觉,就在这刹那之间,他们感觉自己心里面诞生了一支利箭,似乎,就是这么样的一支利箭从心中直射而出,直射向了飞马箭神 In this electrical spark light, as if Pegasus Arrow God became everyone's target, becomes object who in all person hearts sharp arrow killed. 就在这石火电光之间,似乎飞马箭神成了所有人的目标,成了所有人心中利箭所射杀的对象。 This feeling is really unequalled, because many people do not have the enmity with the Pegasus Arrow God not resentment, but at this time, in their hearts will actually be born sharp arrow, moreover really also has to kill the idea of Pegasus Arrow God in the heart, such a thought sudden time, has a scare everyone. 这种感觉真的是无与伦比,因为很多人都以飞马箭神无怨无仇,而就在这个时候,他们心里面却会诞生一支利箭,而且在心里面竟然还有射杀飞马箭神的想法,这样的一个念头突然出现的时候,把所有人都吓了一大跳。 Kills--, when everyone had a scare by own heart inside thought that but, killing intent in heart actually increases steadily, instantaneous killing intent is blazing, sharp arrow in heart kills to go to Pegasus Arrow God, takes an arrow to drive him surely to commit suicide! “杀——”在所有人都被自己心里面的念头吓了一大跳的时候,但是,心中的杀意却有增无减,瞬间杀意炽热,心中的利箭飞马箭神射杀而去,必定要一箭置他于死地! Chī-- a resonate sound, an arrow air-splitting, in all person hearts has the arrow, moreover an arrow must set at Pegasus Arrow God in the deathtrap time, an arrow, an arrow hit a target air-splitting Pegasus Arrow God between the eyebrows. “嗤——”的一声响起,一箭破空,当所有人心中有箭,而且一箭要置飞马箭神于死地的时候,一箭破空而出,一箭射中了飞马箭神眉心 At once, the air like solidifying was the same, the time like stopping one, Pegasus Arrow God stood there, still maintains the stance that an arrow is projecting. 一时之间,空气如同凝固了一样,时间如同停止了一眼,飞马箭神站在那里,依然保持着一箭射出的姿态。 Crossed a moment later, the body of Pegasus Arrow God then went, heard bang a resonate sound slowly face up but actually, the body of Pegasus Arrow God falls layer on layer/heavily on the ground. 过了片刻之后,飞马箭神的身体这才缓缓仰面倒去,听到“砰”的一声响起,飞马箭神的身体重重地摔在了地上。 A Pegasus Arrow God eye that falls to the ground face up opens the eyes in a big way, in this moment, his between the eyebrows place flowed out the blood slowly, that bright. 仰面倒地的飞马箭神一双眼睛睁得大大的,在这一刻,他的眉心处缓缓地流出了鲜血,是那么的鲜艳。 „Not injust-- last minute at the point of death, Pegasus Arrow God was saying such a few words slowly, finally his eyes shut, the life goes to the Yellow Springs. “不冤——”在临死的最后一刻,飞马箭神缓缓地说出了这么一句话,最后他双眼一闭,命赴黄泉。 Everyone one eyes open the eyes in a big way, looks at this, looks at Pegasus Arrow God pours in the corpse of ground inconceivable at present. 所有人都一双眼睛睁得大大的,不可思议地看着眼前这一幕,看着飞马箭神倒在地上的尸体。 In this moment, everyone's feeling that clear, because everyone felt own killed Pegasus Arrow God, everyone felt, a arrow in own heart projected, then has set at Pegasus Arrow God in the deathtrap, as if, in this moment, all of them kills the Pegasus Arrow God murderer. 在这一刻,所有人的感觉都是那么的清晰,因为所有人都感觉是自己杀死了飞马箭神,所有人都感觉,自己心中的一箭射出,便已经置飞马箭神于死地,似乎,在这一刻,他们所有人都是杀死飞马箭神的凶手。 My mother, after this is what chapter of matter-- some little time, there is student to recover, yelled one with amazement. “我的妈呀,这是怎么回事——”好一会儿之后,有学生回过神来,不由骇然大叫了一声。 Because this feeling was too real, does not seem like the illusion, a own arrow then killed Pegasus Arrow God, this type felt that everyone really feels incomparable, seems own to pull the bow archery to be the same personally! 因为这种感觉太真实了,根本就不像是幻觉,自己一箭便射杀了飞马箭神,这种感觉所有人都感觉得真实无比,就好像自己亲手挽弓射箭一样! After recovering, everyone with amazement, one after another looked to Li Qiye. 回过神来之后,所有人都骇然,都纷纷望向了李七夜 even if Golden Python True Emperor and Carved Stone True Emperor, in their heart are terrified, in this moment, they understands, an arrow that Li Qiye projected a moment ago, is in Dao of Bow the highest realm arrow . Moreover, Pegasus Arrow God practiced not to practice to this realm for a lifetime, Li Qiye actually practices. 就算是金蟒真帝刻石真帝,他们都心里面不由为之悚然,在这一刻,他们都明白,李七夜刚才射出的一箭,乃是箭道中最高境界的一箭,而且,飞马箭神修练了一辈子都没有修练到这种境界,李七夜却修练到了。 Do not look at me.” Li Qiye shrugs, said: „It is not I kills his, is you. In your hearts has the arrow, therefore meets an arrow to be fatal, if in your hearts does not have the arrow , definitely is then impossible to kill him.” “不要看我。”李七夜耸了耸肩,说道:“可不是我杀死他的,是你们。你们心中有箭,所以才会一箭致命,如果你们心中无箭,那么,肯定不可能杀死他。” Hears Li Qiye such words, everyone blankly look at each other, enters the period of five days in this at once, everyone had nothing to say in reply, because everyone felt, own arrow take action, then set at Pegasus Arrow God in the deathtrap, this feeling was too real. 听到李七夜这样的话,一时之间所有人都不由面面相觑,在这个进候,所有人都无言以对,因为所有人都感觉,自己一箭出手,便置飞马箭神于死地,这种感觉太真实了。 Now Li Qiye said is they kill Pegasus Arrow God time, they as the murderer, cannot put out the words to refute unexpectedly! 现在李七夜说是他们杀死飞马箭神的时候,他们作为凶手,竟然拿不出话来反驳!
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