ED :: Volume #29

#2871: Arrow sea

The arrow, no longer is an arrow, but is Vast Ocean, instantaneous the whole world was submerged by the arrow sea, such a, that is how stirring, makes people absolutely terrified. 箭,不再是箭,而是汪洋大海,瞬间整个世界被箭海所淹没,这样的一幕,那是多么的震撼人心,多么的让人为之毛骨悚然。 An arrow, can the fearful soul, but, entire arrow sea? A trillion arrow instantaneous such as Vast Ocean general submergence comes, that is how the terrifying matter. 一支箭,可以会慑人心魂,但是,整个箭海呢?亿万支箭瞬间如汪洋大海一般的淹没而来,那是多么恐怖的事情。 Under so vast dreadful arrow sea, you may flee nowhere, making you not know how should resist to well, that fears you hard treasure shield, again high thick defense, under such inexhaustible arrow sea bang kills, same will be rumbled broken, same will be shot through. 在如此浩瀚滔天的箭海之下,你无处可遁逃,让你不知道该如何抵挡为好,那怕你再坚硬的宝,再高再厚的防御,在这样无穷无尽的箭海轰杀之下,都一样会被轰破,都一样会被射穿。 So terrifying, making everyone pull out an cold air/Qi, even Golden Python True Emperor and Carved Stone True Emperor, in the heart were scared. 如此恐怖的一幕,让所有人都不由抽了一口冷气,就算金蟒真帝刻石真帝,都不由心里面发毛。 As True Emperor, they face in the Pegasus Arrow God heart more or less a little think otherwise, this did not say that they despise the Pegasus Arrow God strength, the behavior that but injures oneself in putting on a vain show regarding Pegasus Arrow God thinks otherwise, without the Ten Million Eras Immortal True God strength, actually must talk into the Ten Million Eras Immortal True God strength own. 作为真帝,他们心里面对于飞马箭神心或多或少有点不以为然,这并非是说他们轻视飞马箭神的实力,而是对于飞马箭神打肿脸充胖子的行为不以为然,没有千万世不朽真神的实力,却偏偏要把自己说成了千万世不朽真神的实力。 Regarding the action of Pegasus Arrow God such vanity, carved stone True Emperor and Golden Python True Emperor will a little think otherwise in the heart somewhat. 对于飞马箭神这样的虚荣之举,石刻真帝金蟒真帝在心里面多多少少都会有点不以为然。 However, when sees at present that dreadful arrow sea, saw when that can rumble breaks to pieces all, to shoot through all arrow seas, Carved Stone True Emperor is also good, Golden Python True Emperor, at this time, in their hearts shook, for it with deep veneration. 但是,当看到眼前那滔天的箭海之时,看到那可以轰碎一切、可以射穿一切的箭海之时,刻石真帝也好,金蟒真帝也罢,在这个时候,他们心里面都不由为之一震,也为之肃然。 Although said, the Pegasus Arrow God strength indeed has not achieved Ten Million Eras Immortal True God realm, but, so powerful Dao of Bow, so the unparalleled archery, by the archery, indeed reached a Ten Million Eras Immortal True God such altitude only. 虽然说,飞马箭神的实力的的确确是没有达到千万世不朽真神境界,但是,如此强大的箭道,如此绝世无双的箭术,单以箭术而言,的确是达到了千万世不朽真神这样的一个高度了。 In this bang, bang and bang in an intermittent bellow, the trillion arrow bang kills, do not say that was a fly mosquito, the arrow sea the place of shooting, all were ground ashes. 在这“轰、轰、轰”的一阵阵轰鸣声中,亿万支箭轰杀而下,不要说是一只苍蝇蚊子了,箭海所射之处,一切都被碾成了齑粉 Land under such arrow sea, was shot equally torn to pieces. 大地更是在这样的箭海之下,也一样被射得支离破碎了。 Under arrow roared, does not know that many student had a shiver, the both legs became tender, stands cannot come to a stop, if such arrow sea bang came, own will be shot blood fog absolutely all of a sudden. 在箭海咆哮之下,不知道有多少学生打了一个冷颤,双腿为之发软,站都站不稳,如果这样的箭海轰来,自己绝对会一下子被射成了血雾 Finally, the sound of thundering stopped, innumerable Divine Arrow in arrow sea shot down, there just like changes to thorn forest to be the same. 最终,轰鸣之声停下来了,箭海中的无数神箭都射落下来了,那里犹如化作了荆棘森林一样。 Everyone looks at such, had a shiver. 所有人看着这样的一幕,都不由打了一个冷颤。 Only feared that died.” looks at was shot the tattered and torn and torn to pieces land, some people said in a low voice. “只怕是死了吧。”看着被射成了千疮百孔、支离破碎的大地,有人低声地说道。 In anybody opinion, in such arrow sea, will be shot the hedgehog, even may be killed blood fog, vanish(ed) in a puff of smoke. 在任何人看来,在如此的箭海之中,都会被射成了刺猥,甚至有可能会被射杀成血雾,灰飞烟灭 Only feared that had been shot blood fog, had vanished into thin air.” Has student to seek for Li Qiye, seeks for Li Qiye in such as thorn forest like this, does not seem like that easy matter. “只怕已经被射成血雾了,已经是烟消云散了。”有学生寻找着李七夜,在这样如荆棘森林中寻找到李七夜,似乎不是那么容易的事情。 Will not have the matter.” In the student hearts of Zhao Qiushi their these Washing Sins Institute jumped, after all, a moment ago this arrow might was really big, was really terrifying, the arrow sea was torrential, powerful True God, was difficult to escape dies. “不会有事吧。”赵秋实他们这些洗罪院学生心里面都不由跳了一下,毕竟,刚才这一箭威力实在是太大了,实在是太恐怖了,箭海滔滔,再强大的真神,都是难逃一死。 Look, there-- at this time, had student to be sharp-eyed, finally saw the Li Qiye's form, big shout. “看,在那里——”在这个时候,有学生眼尖,终于看到了李七夜的身影了,大叫一声 Everyone looks, sees only Li Qiye still to stand there, as if from beginning to end his gearing has not moved . Moreover, he does not damage, that feared that is the entire arrow sea bang kills, but got down, but, no Divine Arrow injures to him slightly. 大家望去,只见李七夜依然站在那里,似乎从始至终他连动都没有动一下,而且,他丝毫不损,那怕是整个箭海轰杀而下了,但是,没有一支神箭是伤到他丝毫的。 At this time everyone has seen that stands Li Qiye in arrow sea that calm, this seems him to stroll in the rainstorm, but the rainstorm wet is not the same as his clothes, that calm comfortable, that calm. 此时所有人都看到,站在箭海之中的李七夜是那么的气定神闲,这就好像他是漫步在暴雨之中,而暴雨却未湿到他衣裳丝毫一样,是那么的从容自在,是那么的气定神闲。 This, this, how this is possible-- to see Li Qiye to stand there, probably the gearing has not moved, everyone cannot believe, thought this was really weird. “这,这,这怎么可能——”看到李七夜站在那里,好像连动都没有动一下,所有人都不敢相信,觉得这实在是太邪门了。 Impossible-- Pegasus Arrow God complexion big change, for it with amazement, to retrocede several steps. “不可能——飞马箭神都不由脸色大变,为之骇然,后退了好几步。 It can be said that he regarding own this arrow that is confidence 100%, do not say that is Carved Stone True Emperor and Golden Python True Emperor, even if more powerful True Emperor comes, he has the self-confident arrow to draw back it. 可以说,他对于自己这一箭那是信心十足,不要说是刻石真帝金蟒真帝,就算是更加强大的真帝前来,他都有自信一箭退之。 However, now under own this produces, under that dreadful infinite arrow sea, Li Qiye is still stands there calmly, what is more fearful, his gearing has not moved. 但是,现在在自己这一产之下,在那滔天无穷的箭海之下,李七夜依然是气定神闲地站在那里,更可怕的是,他连动都没有动一下。 This looks like meets the sorcery to be the same simply, arrived weirdly. 这简直就像是会妖法一样,邪门到透顶了。 At this time, Carved Stone True Emperor and Golden Python True Emperor their two people looked at each other, the manner is all of a sudden dignified, because of beginning to end, actually them has not seen clearly Li Qiye is what kind of Movement Technique, actually they have not seen Li Qiye in the mysterious method in this arrow sea safe and sound. 在这个时候,刻石真帝金蟒真帝他们两个人都不由相视了一眼,神态一下子凝重起来,因为从始至终,他们也没有看清楚李七夜究竟是怎么样的步法,他们也没有看出李七夜究竟是以何等奥妙的手段在这箭海之中安然无恙。 In such arrow sea, so calm, this is the matter that they cannot achieve absolutely. 在这样的箭海之中,如此的气定神闲,这是他们绝对做不到的事情。 This arrow, is interesting.” Li Qiye stands there, smiles lightly, said: Pitifully, maturity / crucial moment bad a little. Has saying that under this arrow, the appearance of your also somewhat arrow god.” “这一箭,还是有点意思。”李七夜站在那里,淡淡地一笑,说道:“可惜,火候还是差那么一点。不得不说,这一箭之下,你还真有点箭神的模样。” Such was teased by Li Qiye, the Pegasus Arrow God complexion was very of a sudden ugly, he most thinks arrogant is not other, was his archery, but, is said by Li Qiye now is not worth a red cent! 李七夜这样一调侃,飞马箭神一下子脸色十分难看了,他最以为傲的不是其他的,就是他的箭术了,但是,现在却被李七夜说得一文不值! But, at the same time, Pegasus Arrow God also eye pupil contraction, because such situation he has not met, he had once fought with other True Emperor, under his arrow, that fears powerful like True Emperor, deals with somewhat distressedly, True Emperor that can move out, that was very powerful exist(ence). 但,与此同时,飞马箭神也不由眼瞳收缩,因为这样的情况他是从来没有遇到过,他曾经与其他的真帝交过手,在他这一箭之下,那怕强大如真帝,也应付得有些狼狈,能全身而退的真帝,那都是很强大的存在了。 However, under his arrow sea, Li Qiye actually strolls to be the same, this simply is the not possible matter. 但是,在他的箭海之下,李七夜却闲庭信步一样,这简直就是不可能的事情。 Also remains an arrow.” Li Qiye smiles, said: I also respect your arrow, can an arrow to an arrow, you confident?”? Li Qiye this saying said that Pegasus Arrow God suffocated, retroceded one step. “还剩一箭。”李七夜笑了笑,说道:“我也敬你一箭,一箭对一箭,你可有信心?”?李七夜这话一说出来,飞马箭神不由一窒息,不由后退了一步。 If before, if some people said with him compared with the arrow, what kind of True Emperor no matter he is, even is Forever Existing Immortal, he has the confidence to compare, regarding Dao of Bow, Pegasus Arrow God until now, is confidence 100%, after all , he above Dao of Bow, he thought no one to be able here gradually for a lifetime its right. 若是在以前,如果有人说与他比箭,不管他是怎么样的真帝,甚至是长存不朽,他都有信心一比,对于箭道,飞马箭神一直以来,都是信心十足,毕竟,他在这里浸淫了一辈子了,在箭道之上,他自认为无人能了其右。 Now Li Qiye must with him compared with the arrow, this make in his heart not have the energy suddenly all of a sudden, why does not know, at this time, he thought that present Li Qiye was full of the charm, weird, the intuition told him, with Li Qiye compared with the arrow, he must lose without doubt. 现在李七夜突然要与他比箭,这一下子让他心里面没有底气了,不知道为什么,在这个时候,他觉得眼前的李七夜是充满了魔力,邪门透顶,直觉告诉他,与李七夜比箭,他必输无疑。 Compared with arrow-- student blankly look at each other on the scene, the Pegasus Arrow God archery, the world all knew, now Li Qiye must with him compared with the arrow, this little be as if odd unexpectedly. “比箭——”在场的学生都不由面面相觑了一眼,飞马箭神的箭术,天下皆知,现在李七夜竟然要与他比箭,这似乎有点离谱。 Has what does not dare-- Pegasus Arrow God to sink to drink one, goes forward one step, a chest, shouted: Compared with on the ratio, who feared.” “有何不敢——飞马箭神沉喝一声,上前一步,挺了一下胸膛,喝道:“比就比,谁怕谁了。” When Pegasus Arrow God sticks out chest high, in his own heart lacks self-confidence at once, how he will not know this arrow, but, at this time, he did not have to choose . Moreover, he cannot sneak away at a critical juncture. 飞马箭神高高挺起胸膛的时候,他自己心里面一时之间都没有底,他也不知道这一箭将会如何,但是,在这个时候,他没得选择,而且,他更不能临阵脱逃。 As him of arrow god, if not dare compared with the arrow with Li Qiye, he not only lost to Li Qiye, lost to own, only feared, even if he can live departure, he will still cover under this shadow forever, is unable raised the head, unable to inspire the strong wind again. 作为箭神的他,如果连与李七夜比箭都不敢,他不仅仅是输给了李七夜,更是输给了自己,只怕就算他能活着离开,他也会永远笼罩在这个阴影之下,再也无法抬起头来,再也无法一振雄风。 Good, is courageous, starts.” Li Qiye was very optional, smiled. “好,有胆量,开始吧。”李七夜十分随意,笑了一下。 Pegasus Arrow God cold snort, went forward one step, the hand grasps the long bow, deeply shouted inspires, gathered the air/Qi with rapt attention. 飞马箭神冷哼了一声,上前一步,手握长弓,深深地呼吸了一口气,凝神聚气。 At this time, Carved Stone True Emperor and Golden Python True Emperor, they also turn very quiet to breathe looks at same at present this, because at this time, strongly actually they also wants to know the Li Qiye's strength. 在这个时候,刻石真帝金蟒真帝,他们也一样屏住呼吸看着眼前这一幕,因为在这个时候,他们也想知道李七夜的实力究竟有多强。 In this moment, they also understand, this is the Pegasus Arrow God last arrow, he will give it all surely, at this time, could find out the Li Qiye's depth. 在这一刻,他们也明白,这将会是飞马箭神的最后一箭,他必定会放手一搏,在这个时候,或许能探出李七夜的深浅来。 Buzz-- a resonate sound, saw only the Pegasus Arrow God whole body to reappear the light ray, a ray vertical stroke continuously floated there, probably long arrows surrounded Pegasus Arrow God to be the same, as if this long arrow then changed to the copper wall iron wall, to do to defend, this was the Dao of Bow defense of Pegasus Arrow God. “嗡——”的一声响起,只见飞马箭神周身浮现了淡淡的光芒,一缕缕的光芒竖浮在那里,好像一支支长箭环绕着飞马箭神一样,似乎这支支的长箭便是化作了铜壁铁壁,以作防御,这正是飞马箭神箭道防守。 Arrow, is stakes everything on a single throw of the dice, the attack, is the best defense.” Li Qiye looked at Pegasus Arrow God, said: take action, you have not then defended, the sharp vigor is weak, what discussed Dao of Bow!” “箭,乃是孤注一掷,攻击,便是最好的防御。”李七夜看了一眼飞马箭神,说道:“还未出手,你便防御,锐劲已弱,何谈箭道!” Li Qiye this saying falls, in the Pegasus Arrow God heart shakes, as him of arrow god, understands certainly the Dao of Bow essence, performed to become aware the Dao of Bow mystery, Li Qiye this saying happen to hit in his heart a weakest point, this seemed like sharp arrow the same as hit a target all of a sudden his heart. 李七夜这话一落下,飞马箭神心里面为之一震,作为箭神的他,当然深谙箭道的精髓,尽悟箭道的奥妙,李七夜这话正好击中了他心中最弱的一环,这就好像是利箭一样一下子射中了他的心脏。 In Pegasus Arrow God heart one for it cold, retroceded one step. 飞马箭神心里面为之一凛,不由后退了一步。 Li Qiye smiled, takes the right leg, the hand pulls the bow, said: I have bent in the hand, the arrow in the string.” 李七夜笑了一下,迈出右腿,手挽弓,说道:“我已弓在手,箭在弦。” Everyone one after another looks, sees only Li Qiye both hands air-to-air, in the hand simply does not have the long bow, does not have Divine Arrow , he made the stance of pulling the bracing. 大家纷纷望去,只见李七夜双手空空,手上根本没有长弓,也没有神箭,他只是作了一个挽弓上弦的姿态而已。 However, when Li Qiye makes such a gesture, in the Pegasus Arrow God heart trembled, retroceded one step. 但是,当李七夜一作出这样的一个姿态之时,飞马箭神心里面不由为之颤了一下,不由后退了一步。 Impossible-- to look at Li Qiye such condition, Pegasus Arrow God loses one's voice Grand Dao, an eye opens the eyes in a big way. “不可能——”一看李七夜这样的状态,飞马箭神不由失声大道一声,一双眼睛睁得大大的。 General student cannot see the clue, but, Carved Stone True Emperor and Golden Python True Emperor their complexion changes, concentrates for it vision, is staring at a Li Qiye such condition. 一般的学生看不出端倪来,但是,刻石真帝金蟒真帝他们不由脸色一变,为之目光一凝,盯着李七夜这样的一个状态。 In heart had arrow-- to see such stance, Carved Stone True Emperor and Golden Python True Emperor their two people looked at each other. “心中有箭——”看到这样的姿态,刻石真帝金蟒真帝他们两个人都不由相视了一眼。 In this time Pegasus Arrow God also absent-minded, muttered said: myriad things has the arrow!” 在这个时候飞马箭神也失神,喃喃地说道:“万物有箭!” The bystanders cannot see the clue, but, Pegasus Arrow God actually understands mysteriously. Li Qiye such condition, is the condition that he has pursued, in his heart, this is Dao of Bow highest realm-- myriad things has the arrow! 外人看不出端倪,但是,飞马箭神却深谙其中奥妙。李七夜这样的状态,是他一直追逐的状态,在他心里面,这是箭道的最高境界——万物有箭! But, he as arrow god, to this realm, but also has certain distance. 而,他作为箭神,离这一境界,还有着一定距离。
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