ED :: Volume #27

#2645: lightning mighty current

Sees many cultivator powerhouses by the dark(ness) lightning broken chest, this frightens others immediately is pale, other cultivator powerhouses for it with amazement. 看到不少修士强者被黑暗闪电破胸而出,这顿时把其他的人吓得脸色发白,其他的修士强者都不由为之骇然。 Is the corpse black stone, they once took the corpse black stone!” Some powerhouses saw some clue, screamed said. “是死尸黑石,他们都曾经服用了死尸黑石!”有强者看出了一些端倪,不由尖叫地说道。 „It is not good, the corpse black stone is just the bait.” Has aristocratic family Old Ancestor to recover, said: Is the dark(ness) octopus is causing trouble, is it intends to emit corpse, making one take the corpse black stone.” Saying, he pulls out the own corpse black stone, threw. “不好,死尸黑石只不过是诱饵而已。”有世家老祖回过神来,说道:“是黑暗章鱼在作祟,是它有意放出死尸,让人服用下了死尸黑石。”说着,他掏出自己死尸黑石,扔了出去。 „The corpse black stone is the bait.” Many cultivator powerhouses within the short time responded, especially also had the cultivator powerhouse of corpse Blackstone, was frightens to be pale immediately, pulled out own all corpse black stones, one after another threw. 死尸黑石是诱饵。”在短短的时间之内不少修士强者都反应过来了,特别是还存有死尸黑石的修士强者,更是吓得脸色发白,立即把自己所有的死尸黑石都掏了出来,纷纷扔了出去。 Before then, each corpse black stone can sell the sky-high price, now everyone where can also be able to attend to the corpse black stone being worth how much money, one after another pulls out the own corpse black stone, threw completely. 在此之前,每一颗死尸黑石都是能卖到天价,现在大家哪里还能顾得上死尸黑石值得多少钱,都纷纷自己死尸黑石掏出来,全部扔了出去。 At this time, everyone was clear, all these were the dark(ness) octopus are causing trouble, it was seduces under the cultivator powerhouse clothing/taking the corpse black stone, came nourishing these corpse black stones with the body of cultivator powerhouse. 在这个时候,大家才明白,这一切都是黑暗章鱼在作祟,它是诱惑修士强者服下死尸黑石,用修士强者的身体来蕴养这些死尸黑石。 This seems like fishing to be the same, wants to fish the big fish, naturally needs the bait, the corpse black stone was the bait, to strengthen skill, to prolong the life , many the cultivator powerhouse took the corpse black stone. 这就好像是钓鱼一样,想钓到大鱼,当然是需要诱饵了,死尸黑石就是诱饵,为了增强功力、为了延年益寿,又有多少的修士强者服下了死尸黑石。 Therefore, at this time, under all clothing/taking the cultivator powerhouse of corpse Blackstone, went by the dark(ness) lightning broken chest in within the body all of a sudden, was claimed the life instantaneously. 所以,在这个时候,所有服下死尸黑石的修士强者,都一下子被体内的黑暗闪电破胸而去,瞬间被夺去了性命。 Buzz-- a resonate sound, at this time, after the black stone vortex absorbed dark(ness) lightning of all cultivator powerhouse within the body, unexpectedly all of a sudden shone, the entire black stone was lightened probably all of a sudden was the same. “嗡——”的一声响起,在这个时候,黑石漩涡吸收了所有修士强者体内的黑暗闪电之后,竟然一下子亮了起来,整颗黑石好像一下子被点亮了一样。 -- loud sound, in this in an instant, on sky had what thing to blast out probably was the same, as if the whole world blasted out was the same, in this bang in loud sound, the whole world swayed. ——”的一声巨响,在这刹那之间,天空上好像有什么东西炸开了一样,似乎整个世界被炸开了一样,在这“轰”的一声巨响中,整个世界都摇晃了一下。 In this bang in loud sound, saw only the black stone instantaneously spout incessant dark(ness) lightning, inexhaustible dark(ness) lightning attacked to go to Li Qiye instantaneously. 在这“轰”的一声巨响中,只见黑石瞬间喷涌出了滔滔不绝的黑暗闪电,无穷无尽的黑暗闪电瞬间向李七夜冲击而去。 When this torrential infinite dark(ness) lightning impact, this looks like flood bursting a dike same galloping, turbulent unceasingly, if the mighty force gallops to come general, the momentum vast, inexhaustible, incessant dark(ness) lightning impact comes very time, seems like the flood to wash away the world instantaneously. 当这滔滔无穷的黑暗闪电冲击而出的时候,这就像是洪水决堤一样奔腾而出,汹涌不绝,又如千军万马奔腾而来一般,声势十分的浩大,无穷无尽,滔滔不绝的黑暗闪电冲击而来的时候,就好像是洪水瞬间冲毁世界。 When comes like the flood same lightning impact like this, it can wash away all in world instantaneously, Space-Time, Grand Dao and Myriad Law will be pierced by it in an instant, will be destroyed instantaneously by it. 当这样如洪水一样的闪电冲击而来的时候,它能瞬间把世间的一切冲毁,时空大道万法在刹那之间都会被它洞穿,都会在瞬间被它毁灭掉。 So terrifying extremely fast the mighty current impact of dark(ness) lightning comes, keeping anybody from avoiding, keeping anybody from avoiding. 如此恐怖极速黑暗闪电的洪流冲击而来,让任何人都是无法躲避的,让任何人都是无法躲避的。 -- loud sound, in this in an instant, this terrifying peerless lightning hit Li Qiye instantaneously, in an instant just like is the bang destroyed all. ——”的一声巨响,就在这刹那之间,这恐怖绝伦的闪电瞬间击中了李七夜,刹那之间犹如是轰毁了一切。 -- in this one piece of loud sound, mighty current dark(ness) lightning hits the Li Qiye's time, struck thousand overlapping waves to be the same probably, in this bang in loud sound, saw only Li Qiye ray to be flushed by dark(ness) lightning instantaneously, in an instant was attacked to result at the bang the universe. ——”在这一块巨响之中,洪流般的黑暗闪电击中李七夜的时候,就好像是击起了千层浪一样,在这“轰”的一声巨响中,只见李七夜身上的光芒瞬间被黑暗闪电一冲而起,刹那之间被冲击得轰上了天宇。 In this moment, dark(ness) lightning must clash Li Qiye ray flies, must destroy the Li Qiye's body in this in an instant. 在这一刻,黑暗闪电要把李七夜身上的光芒冲飞,要在这刹那之间毁灭掉李七夜的身躯。 Bang, bang and bang sound of the intermittent thundering is lingering on faintly, at this time, saw only the Li Qiye whole body turnover the dreadful ray, this dreadful ray appeared instantaneously, changed to the inexhaustible brilliance, blocks black lightning that this impact came. “轰、轰、轰”一阵阵轰鸣之声不绝于耳,在这个时候,只见李七夜全身吞吐着滔天的光芒,这滔天的光芒瞬间出现,化作了无穷无尽的光焰,挡住了这冲击而来的黑色闪电 ------ sound of the impact by fits and starts is shelling the world, spout to flaming when Li Qiye dreadfully the flame blocks the dark(ness) ray, the dark(ness) ray is unwilling to give up, before the terrifying lightning mighty current is attacking the Li Qiye body, time and time again blazing the flame dreadfully. ——————”一阵又一阵的冲击之声轰击着天地,在李七夜身上喷涌出滔天炽焰挡住黑暗光芒之时,黑暗光芒不甘就此罢休,恐怖闪电洪流一次又一次地冲击着李七夜身前滔天炽焰。 Moreover, when the mighty current impact of dark(ness) lightning, but also resounded one intermittently bang, bang, bang the sound, at this time, the innumerable tiny electric arcs was full of the magnetic force to be the same probably, stuck instantaneously above the flaminging flame that on Li Qiye spout, the silk threads electric arc flaminged in the flame toward Li Qiye's the facing set, these tiny electric arcs drilled into to flaming in the flame probably, broke through the Li Qiye's defense. 而且,在黑暗闪电的洪流冲击之时,还响起了一阵阵“噼、噼、噼”的声音,在这个时候,无数细小的电弧好像是充满了磁力一样,瞬间黏在了李七夜身上所喷涌出来的炽焰之上,丝丝缕缕的电弧往李七夜的炽焰里面钻去,这些细小的电弧是好像钻入炽焰之中,攻破李七夜的防御。 Bang, bang and bang thunder unceasingly, the dark(ness) lightning full flow attacks Li Qiye's to flaming the flame time and time again, at once, the dark(ness) lightning mighty current and Li Qiye's flaminged flame stiff zhi to live, dark(ness) lightning like the mighty current incessantly, galloped crazily. “轰、轰、轰”轰鸣不绝,黑暗闪电的满流一次又一次地冲击着李七夜的炽焰,一时之间,黑暗闪电的洪流与李七夜的炽焰僵峙住了,黑暗闪电像洪流一样滔滔不绝,疯狂地奔腾而来。 But Li Qiye's blazing the flame is also vast boundless, dreadful endless, in dark(ness) lightning mighty current under attacks time and time again, still has not collapsed, still blocked impact of one after another dark(ness) lightning. 李七夜的炽焰也是浩瀚无垠,滔天无尽,在黑暗闪电洪流的一次又一次冲击之下,依然没有崩溃,依然是挡住了黑暗闪电的一轮又一轮的冲击。 Without a doubt, within this short time, dark(ness) lightning is unable rumbling broken Li Qiye's to flaming the flame, both sides can only be stiff zhi there. 毫无疑问,在这短短时间之内,黑暗闪电是无法轰破李七夜的炽焰了,双方只能是僵峙在那里。 Saw Li Qiye's to flaming the flame and dark(ness) lightning mighty current stiff zhi in one, in this moment, True Emperor Mu Jian, Lu Keweng, Four Great Treasures King and Guan Shuzhe their four people looked at each other. 看到李七夜的炽焰与黑暗闪电的洪流僵峙在了一起,就在这一刻,沐剑真帝鹿客翁四大宝王观树者他们四个人相视了一眼。 Without a doubt, at this moment they already heart movement, because at this moment to them is ten thousand years the opportunity that is difficult to meet, in this moment, Li Qiye and dark(ness) lightning stiff zhi, has no time to attend to other things mutually. 毫无疑问,这一刻他们已经心动了,因为这一刻对于他们来说是万载难逢的机会,在这一刻,李七夜黑暗闪电相互僵峙,无暇他顾。 If, in this time take action, that were to the Li Qiye most disadvantageous time, even can say, this moment was the Li Qiye weakest time, if there is third party take action, Li Qiye suffered a loss surely, light, then the severe wound, heavy was killed. 如果说,在这个时候出手,那是对李七夜最不利的时候了,甚至可以说,这一刻是李七夜最弱的时候,如果有第三方出手,李七夜必定是吃大亏,轻则重伤,重则丧命。 Therefore, in this electrical spark light, True Emperor Mu Jian their four people looked at each other, they cannot miss this ten thousand years the opportunity that is difficult to meet, once missed this ten thousand years the opportunity that is difficult to meet, only feared that the situation is disadvantageous to them. 所以,在这石火电光之间,沐剑真帝他们四个人相视了一眼,他们不能错过这万载难逢的机会,一旦错过了这万载难逢的机会,只怕大势对他们不利。 Li Qiye was too powerful, at this time has let in their hearts deep dreading, at the present to them, don't says independent combat, even if their four people collaborate, True Emperor Mu Jian they do not have the absolute assurance to defeat Li Qiye. 李七夜太强大了,此时已经让他们心里面深深的忌惮,在现在对于他们来说,莫说是单打独斗,就算是他们四个人联手,沐剑真帝他们也没有绝对的把握能战胜李七夜 Clang-- a resonate sound, in this in an instant, Emperor's Sword long cry in True Emperor Mu Jian hand, sword light shoots up to the sky instantaneously, Sword Qi overwhelming. “铛——”的一声响起,在这刹那之间,沐剑真帝手中的帝剑一声长鸣,剑芒瞬间冲天而起,剑气浩然。 True Emperor Mu Jian Emperor's Sword instantaneous long cry, attracted everyone's attention all of a sudden, everyone them looks to True Emperor Mu Jian. 沐剑真帝帝剑瞬间长鸣,一下子就吸引了所有人的注意了,所有人都不由向沐剑真帝他们这边望去。 „Not good-- to see that True Emperor Mu Jian both hands are grasping Emperor's Sword, Emperor's Sword is the sword light ten million zhang (3.33 m), Emperor Power is billowing, steamroll 9 Heavens 10 Worlds, the innumerable cultivator powerhouses pulled out an cold air/Qi. “不好——”看到沐剑真帝双手握着帝剑,帝剑乃是剑芒千万丈,帝威滚滚,碾压九天十地,无数修士强者都不由抽了一口冷气。 Everyone understands all of a sudden True Emperor Mu Jian they must do, can look in this moment silly person, True Emperor Mu Jian they must begin to First Ominous Person. 大家一下子明白沐剑真帝他们是要干什么了,在这一刻再傻的人也能看得出来,沐剑真帝他们是要对第一凶人动手了。 Sees such a, many people looked at each other, everyone also understands, if True Emperor Mu Jian they missed this time, is time won't come again. 看到这样的一幕,不少人相视了一眼,大家也明白,如果沐剑真帝他们错过了这个时机,就是时不再来。 Fellow Daoist, offended.” At this time True Emperor Mu Jian sinks to drink one, Emperor's Sword in hand at one fell swoop. 道友,得罪了。”此时沐剑真帝沉喝一声,手中的帝剑一举。 Clang-- sword cry Nine Heavens, in this in an instant, with True Emperor Mu Jian Emperor's Sword above, on sky appeared at one fell swoop all of a sudden trillion Emperor's Sword, at clang, clang and clang in the inexhaustible sword cry sound, trillion float revolves Emperor's Sword, changed to a Supreme Emperor's Sword world, when inexhaustible Emperor's Sword revolving, it can twist to extinguish world all. “铛——”一声剑鸣九天,在这刹那之间,随着沐剑真帝帝剑一举之上,天空上一下子浮现了亿万帝剑,在“铛、铛、铛”的无穷无尽剑鸣声中,亿万帝剑悬浮旋转起来,化作了一个无上帝剑世界,当无穷无尽的帝剑旋转的时候,它可以绞灭世间一切。 Sword Domain-- sees such a, some people screamed one, when the sword dense/woods that such slaughtered arrived, suppression kill Deities, slaughtered all living things, under such Sword Domain, can the slaughter extinguish world all. 剑域——”看到这样的一幕,有人不由尖叫一声,这样一个森罗杀戮的剑森降临之时,镇杀诸神,屠戮众生,这样的一个剑域阵下,可以屠灭世间的一切。 Kills--, when True Emperor Mu Jian Sword Domain arrives, takes the lead take action instead is not True Emperor Mu Jian, takes the lead take action unexpectedly is Four Great Treasures King. “杀——”在沐剑真帝剑域降临的时候,率先出手的反而不是沐剑真帝,率先出手的竟然是四大宝王 Thump, thump and thump......” sticks out suddenly with Four Great Treasures King, his both hands are thrashing his Soul Chasing Drum crazily, in thump, thump and thump in the drumbeat, all sound waves submerged the world to send, attacked to go to Li Qiye with the easily accomplished stance. “咚、咚、咚……”随着四大宝王暴起,他双手疯狂地捶打着他的追魂鼓,在“咚、咚、咚”的鼓声中,所有的声波淹没了世界发,以摧枯拉朽的姿态向李七夜冲击而去。 At this time, the Four Great Treasures King Soul Chasing Drum sound was incessant, probably the difficult situation, the sound wave flushed a hundred quintillion zhang (3.33 m) voice, patted ruthlessly to Li Qiye. 在这个时候,四大宝王追魂鼓声滔滔不绝,像是惊涛骇浪,声波冲起了亿亿万丈的声浪,狠狠地向李七夜拍去。 Bang, bang and bang the sound resounds, when the voice attacks comes, in the universe stars instantaneously are attacked to crush, considers, but so the voice impact of terrifying, that is how the terrifying might. “砰、砰、砰”的声音响起,在声浪冲击而来的时候,天宇中一颗颗星辰瞬间被冲击得粉碎,试想一下,如此恐怖的声浪冲击而至,那是多么恐怖的威力。 Bang--, the voice has not attacked the Li Qiye's time, Space-Time that Li Qiye is at must crush by the voice impact all of a sudden, entire Space-Time changed to the innumerable fragments to flutter about. “砰——”的一声,声浪还没有冲击到李七夜的时候,李七夜所在的时空一下子被声浪冲击得粉碎,整个时空化作了无数碎片纷飞。 Clang-- must attack Li Qiye's at the voice in an instant, True Emperor Mu Jian Sword Domain arrived instantaneously above the Li Qiye top of the head. “铛——”在声浪要冲击到了李七夜的刹那之间,沐剑真帝剑域瞬间降临在了李七夜头顶之上。 With clang sword cry Nine Heavens, Sword Domain trillion Emperor's Sword changed to the sword sea in an instant, submerges Li Qiye instantaneously, trillion to slaughter all living things, to twist to extinguish the all ages stance Emperor's Sword to go to Li Qiye suppression kill. 随着“铛”的一声剑鸣九天,刹那之间剑域亿万帝剑化作了剑海,瞬间把李七夜淹没,亿万帝剑以屠戮众生、绞灭万世的姿态向李七夜镇杀而去。 Kills-- in an instant, Guan Shuzhe and Lu Keweng collaborate, Guan Shuzhe that boundless infinite strength injected into Lu Keweng within the body instantaneously, but the antler of Lu Keweng penetrated the sword sea in this electrical spark light, exceeded the voice, instantaneous thorn to the Li Qiye's vest. “杀——”在刹那之间,观树者鹿客翁联手,观树者那磅礴无穷的力量瞬间注入了鹿客翁的体内,而鹿客翁的鹿角在这石火电光之间穿透了剑海,超越了声浪,瞬间刺向了李七夜的背心。 „It is not concerned about face-- to see that True Emperor Mu Jian their four people take action sneak attack Li Qiye simultaneously, Breaking Jade True Emperor complexion big change, one step treads. “不要脸——”看到沐剑真帝他们四个人同时出手偷袭李七夜,断玉真帝脸色大变,一步踏出。 However, the instance that Breaking Jade True Emperor one step treads, the invisible hand suppressed her shoulder. 但是,断玉真帝一步踏出的瞬间,身后有一只无形之手压住了她的肩膀。 Resounded an old sound in this time Breaking Jade True Emperor behind, said slowly: Slightly peaceful should not be hot-tempered, his great strength, far exceeds your imagination, this does not need your take action to assist, his own can keep off, you stand are seeing a play can.” 在这个时候断玉真帝身后响起了一个苍老的声音,徐徐地说道:“稍安毋躁,他的强大,远远超出你的想象,这并不需要你出手相助,他自己就能挡得下来,你站着看戏便可。” The person who although this old sound after behind resounding of Breaking Jade True Emperor, however spoke did not have to show one's face, as if he here was not same. 这个苍老的声音虽然在断玉真帝的身后响起,但是说话的人一直都没有露脸,似乎他并不在这里一样。 Heard this saying hesitant, Breaking Jade True Emperor, finally her deep breath one breath, halted has not moved. 听到这话,断玉真帝不由犹豫了一下,最后她深呼吸一口气,止步未动。
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