ED :: Volume #27

#2644: suppression kill

At bang in loud sound, the dark(ness) real fog submerged instantaneously, under the fearful dark(ness) real fog corrodes, stars on starry sky were destroyed, hears bang, bang and bang the sound all of a sudden resounds, stars blasted out, just like is the night smoke and fire. 在“轰”的一声巨响中,黑暗真雾瞬间淹没了一下,在可怕的黑暗真雾所侵蚀之下,星空上的一颗颗星辰一下子被毁灭,听到“砰、砰、砰”的声音响起,一颗颗的星辰炸开了,犹如是夜间烟火。 Also there are many stars to crash from the starry sky, at bang, bang and bang since an intermittent bellow, this like putting into the pot stuffed dumpling same crash stars drags long flames, vanished in the starry sky deep place. 也有很多的星辰从星空上坠落,在“轰、轰、轰”的一阵阵轰鸣声中,这如同是下锅饺子一样的坠落星辰拖起了长长的焰火,消失在了星空深处。 Under the fearful dark(ness) real fog, Li Qiye was also submerged all of a sudden, submerged the Li Qiye's time in the dark(ness) real fog instantaneously, heard Tzzzzzzzzz the sound resounds, Li Qiye all Space-Time were perished by the dark(ness) real fog all of a sudden, entire Space-Time in Tzzzzzzzzz in the sound changed to ashes, scatters to go, entire Space-Time becomes the fearful black hole, as if can momentarily turnover all. 在可怕的黑暗真雾之下,李七夜也一下子被淹没了,在黑暗真雾瞬间淹没了李七夜的时候,听到了“滋、滋、滋”的声音响起,李七夜所有的时空一下子被黑暗真雾所腐蚀掉,整个时空在“滋、滋、滋”的声音中化作了齑粉,飘散而去,整个时空成为了可怕的黑洞,似乎随时可以吞吐一切。 Sees such a, does not know that many people are absolutely terrified, had a shiver, some people lose one's voice said: This was too dangerous, can First Ominous Person be able to withstand?” 看到这样的一幕,不知道多少人为之毛骨悚然,都不由打了一个冷颤,有人失声地说道:“这太危险了,第一凶人能承受得了吗?” Can say the dark(ness) octopus suddenly spout the dark(ness) real fog time, that does not have the slight indication, making people suddenly unexpected, when many people have not recovered, Li Qiye had been submerged by the dark(ness) real fog. 可以说黑暗章鱼突然喷涌出黑暗真雾的时候,那是没有丝毫的征兆,让人猝然不防,在很多人都还没有回过神来的时候,李七夜就已经被黑暗真雾所淹没了。 Sees dark(ness) real fog such terrifying, submerges Li Qiye instantaneously all of a sudden, Lu Keweng they looked at each other, in their hearts secretly rejoices, if Li Qiye were injured by this fearful dark(ness) real fog, to them, that was the good matter. 看到黑暗真雾如此的恐怖,瞬间把李七夜一下子淹没,鹿客翁他们不由相视了一眼,他们心里面不由为之暗喜,如果说李七夜被这可怕的黑暗真雾所伤,对于他们来说,那是再好不过的事情了。 They are Li Qiye that in the heart most hopes with this giant dark(ness) octopus perish together, then, that does not know that saved them not to know many time, they can definitely profit from another's strife. 他们在心里面最希望的就是李七夜与这只巨大的黑暗章鱼同归于尽,如此一来,那就是不知道省了他们不知道多少的功夫,他们就完全可以坐收渔利了。 bo a resonate sound, presents all looks at Li Qiye the dark(ness) real fog submerges, the world gently vibrated, in this in an instant, that black disclosed that like the ink same dark(ness) real fog in ray continuously, this ray extremely fast continuously expands, the expansion, hears Tzzzzzzzzz outward the sound resounds, when the ray expands outward, sees only the dark(ness) real fog to be cremated continuously, melted used the ashes, along with Feng Piao/breeze dispersed to go. “啵”的一声响起,在场所有看着李七夜黑暗真雾所淹没的时候,天地轻轻地震动了一下,在这刹那之间,那黑如墨汁一样的黑暗真雾之中透露出了缕缕的光芒,这缕缕的光芒极速扩张,向外扩大,听到“滋、滋、滋”的声音响起,在光芒向外扩张的时候,只见黑暗真雾被缕缕焚化,化用了灰烬,随风飘散而去。 After the dark(ness) real fog females were cremated, Li Qiye appeared before everyone, saw only the Li Qiye whole body turnover the sacred ray, each wisp of ray that on him sent out was glittering and translucent carving, crystal of probably does not have any impurity was the same. 黑暗真雾女都被焚化之后,李七夜又出现在了所有人面前了,只见李七夜全身吞吐着神圣的光芒,他身上所散发出来的每一缕光芒都是晶莹剔透,好像是没有任何杂质的水晶一样。 The clear ray that this sends out, filled with the sacred aura, this is extremely pure Holy Light, sacred Supreme, any dark(ness) and contamination under this sacred ray, will be washed to cremate, all dark(ness) in world under this sacred ray, hide nowhere, as if such god Holy Light glow lit up each corner in world. 这散发出来的晶莹光芒,充满了神圣气息,这是极为纯粹的圣光,神圣无上,任何黑暗、污秽在这神圣的光芒之下,都会被洗涤焚化,世间的一切黑暗在这神圣的光芒之下,都无处遁形,似乎这样的神圣光芒照亮了世间的每一个角落。 I must look at that but actually you have what skill.” Li Qiye above the upper air, has turned the tentacle cuns (2.5 cm) place of dark(ness) octopus crushes, finally, he laughs wildly one, rips open bare handedly ruthlessly. “我倒要看你还有什么本事。”李七夜在高空之上,已经是把黑暗章鱼的触手一寸寸地扭得粉碎,最后,他狂笑一声,赤手狠狠地撕开。 Hiss-- the tearing sound resounds, at this time, Li Qiye dark(ness) octopus that giant incomparable body cuns (2.5 cm) place tearing, ripped open bare handedly fifty-fifty. “嘶——”的撕裂声音响起,在这个时候,李七夜赤手把黑暗章鱼那巨大无比的身体一寸寸地撕裂,对半撕开。 --, when body of own by Li Qiye cuns (2.5 cm) ripping open, the dark(ness) octopus screamed sad and shrill, its giant body twists crazily, dashes crazily, wants to escape from the Li Qiye's hand. “呜——”在自己的身体被李七夜一寸寸撕开的时候,黑暗章鱼凄厉尖叫,它巨大的身体疯狂地扭曲,疯狂地冲撞,欲从李七夜的手中逃脱出来。 When the dark(ness) octopus screamed crazily, its body is attacking crazily, heard bang, bang and bang the sound was lingering on faintly, under body hit that it twisted, void was hit an cuns (2.5 cm) disintegration like the crystal surface by it. 所以在黑暗章鱼疯狂尖叫的时候,它的身体疯狂地冲击着,听到“砰、砰、砰”的声音不绝于耳,在它扭曲的身体撞击之下,虚空都像水晶面一样被它撞得一寸寸崩碎。 However, no matter dark(ness) octopus what kind of struggling, how is twisting the body of own crazily, does not help matters, it was held by Li Qiye, is unable to flee to go, can only bear the pain, the body is ripped open by Li Qiye cuns (2.5 cm). 但是,不管黑暗章鱼如何的挣扎,如何地疯狂扭曲着自己的身体,都无济于事,它被李七夜抓住,根本就是无法遁逃而去,只能是承受着痛苦,身体被李七夜一寸寸撕开。 Hiss-- hiss-- hiss-- sound of the intermittent sharp tearing is lingering on faintly, making one hear absolutely terrifiedly. The body of dark(ness) octopus like a stars size, at this moment, was actually torn by Li Qiye cuns (2.5 cm), tearing results in the dark(ness) blood sputtering. “嘶——————”一阵阵尖锐的撕裂之声不绝于耳,让人听得毛骨悚然。黑暗章鱼的身体如同一颗星辰大小,此时此刻,却被李七夜寸寸撕裂开,撕裂得黑暗鲜血溅射。 Hears crash, crash and crash the sound resounds, at this time, a lot of dark(ness) blood sprayed, then if the torrential downpour dropped from the clouds, dark(ness) octopus that huge incomparable body was ripped open by Li Qiye forcefully. 听到“哗啦哗啦哗啦”的声音响起,在这个时候,大量的黑暗鲜血喷洒而出,如则倾盆大雨从天而降,黑暗章鱼那巨大无比的身躯被李七夜硬生生地撕开了。 „, And......” The dark(ness) octopus called out pitifully to continue sad and shrill, between Heaven and Earth is reverberating that sad and shrill pitiful yell sound, terrifying of ten points, appalling. “呜、呜、呜……”黑暗章鱼凄厉地惨叫不止,天地之间回荡着那那凄厉的惨叫声,十分的恐怖,让人毛骨悚然。 The looks at dark(ness) octopus by Li Qiye cuns (2.5 cm) tearing, was listening to dark(ness) octopus that sad and shrill incomparable pitiful yell, making everyone on the scene have a shiver, absolutely terrified, the back cold sweat streaming, the timid person, was frightened the whole body to be in a cold sweat. 看着黑暗章鱼被李七夜一寸寸撕裂,听着黑暗章鱼那凄厉无比的惨叫,让在场的所有人都不由打了一个冷颤,毛骨悚然,背脊不由冷汗涔涔,胆子小的人,更是被吓得浑身出了冷汗。 At present such too terrifying, especially the looks at dark(ness) blood same falls in torrents like the torrential downpour , is to make the person look at the both legs to become tender, even some people cannot bear the vomit. 眼前这样的一幕太恐怖了,特别是看着黑暗鲜血如倾盆大雨一样倾泻而下,更是让人看得不由双腿发软,甚至有人忍不住呕吐。 So powerful dark(ness) octopus, in the Li Qiye hand that also is just the fish meat on block, whatever Li Qiye slaughters, its all struggle waste energy. 如此强大的黑暗章鱼,在李七夜手中那也只不过是砧板上的鱼肉而已,任由李七夜宰杀,它的一切挣扎都是白费力气。 Sees so terrifying one, making everyone on the scene pull out an cold air/Qi, demonstrated in this moment Li Qiye the strength that was more powerful than the past, slaughter True Dragon in bare handedly legend, that also crossed not so. 看到如此恐怖的一幕,让在场的所有人都抽了一口冷气,在这一刻李七夜展示出来的实力比以往都要强大,传说中的赤手屠真龙,那也莫过如此。 Hiss-- the body of dark(ness) octopus by cuns (2.5 cm) tearing, sky like the raining heavy rain black rain, the dark(ness) octopus was being screamed crazily, is calling out pitifully sad and shrill, it has not thought that will run into so the terrifying opponent. “嘶——黑暗章鱼的身体被一寸寸撕裂,天空如同下雨了瓢泼黑雨,黑暗章鱼疯狂地尖叫着,凄厉地惨叫着,它也没有想到会遇到如此恐怖的对手。 Does not know that in the past had many powerful enemies, even to include Immortal True God and invincible True Emperor dead in its hand. 要知道,当年不知道有多少强敌、甚至包括了不朽真神、无敌真帝都死在了它的手中。 However, until now, it in the Li Qiye hand, only then the slaughtered share, even revolts appears such being incapable, in the Li Qiye hand, that is collapses at the first blow radically. 但是,时至今日,它在李七夜手中,只有被宰杀的份,连反抗都显得那么的无力,在李七夜手中,那是根本不堪一击。 Hiss--, when the body of dark(ness) octopus was torn the head, sprays, but the dark(ness) blood are more, same falls in torrents like the flood, seems like the water of bursting a dike, incessant. “嘶——”当黑暗章鱼的身体被撕裂到了脑袋之时,喷洒而出的黑暗鲜血更多,如同洪水一样倾泻而下,就好像是决堤之水,滔滔不绝。 When the body of dark(ness) octopus was torn head position, revealed the one piece of black stone unexpectedly, this black stone very big, is bigger than a round table, such one piece of black stone smooth like jade, the entire black stone has wrapped in a shroud of obscurity dao marks, each wisp of dao marks is flowing, the mystery of ten points, as if there is Supreme chapter to be the same in this black stone. 黑暗章鱼的身体被撕裂到了脑袋这个位置的时候,竟然露出了一块黑石,这块黑石十分的大,比一张圆桌还要大,这样的一块黑石光滑如玉,整块黑石有着神秘莫测的道纹,每一缕的道纹都在流淌,十分的奥妙,似乎在这黑石之中藏有无上的篇章一样。 bang-- lightning resonate sound, this one piece of black stone reveals, flees unexpectedly lightning, lightning that each wisp of institute flees unexpectedly is the black. “噼——”的闪电声响起,这一块黑石露出来的时候,竟然是窜动着闪电,每一缕所窜动的闪电竟然是黑色的。 Black stone, look, that is Blackstone, the black stone of Hegemon rank.” When this black stone reveals, there is Immortal True God to be sharp-eyed, yelled one. “黑石,看,那是黑石,巨无霸级别的黑石。”当这一颗黑石露出来的时候,有不朽真神眼尖,不由大叫了一声。 Everyone looks to this one piece of black stone, when looks at careful this one piece of black stone, everyone was attracted by this one piece of black stone. 所有人都向这一块黑石望去,当看仔细这一块黑石的时候,所有人都被这一块黑石所吸引住了。 „Is this female stone of corpse black stone? Is the sovereign stone in black stone?” shield to this black stone, had the powerhouse to scream one. “这就是死尸黑石的母石吗?或者是黑石中的皇石?”到这块黑石,有强者不由尖叫了一声。 Treasure, the Supreme treasure, such one piece of black stone, is the priceless treasure.” Sees this black stone, some aristocratic family Old Ancestor yelled, could not bear swallow saliva. “珍宝呀,无上珍宝,这样的一块黑石,是无价之宝。”看到这块黑石,有世家老祖宗不由大叫,都忍不住咽了一口口水。 Before then, the corpse black stone can sell to a sky-high price, for once many people can seize the corpse black stone, that is reckless, a corpse black stone, it not only can increase the skill, but can also prolong the life span. 在此之前,死尸黑石都能卖到一个天价,曾有不少人为了能夺到死尸黑石,那是不顾一切,一颗死尸黑石,它不仅仅能增加功力,还能延长寿命。 Everyone the black stone that takes from corpse, that also is just the finger size, some black stones also dim infinite. 要知道,大家从死尸中取出来的黑石,那也只不过是手指大小而已,有些黑石还黯淡无穷。 However, this black stone in dark(ness) octopus head really has the round table size, smoothly like jade, dao marks mysterious Wushuang/matchless on black stone, even the entire black stone or black lightning linger, the even if silly person, sees this black stone, knows that this is the priceless treasure. 然而,这一颗在黑暗章鱼脑袋中的黑石竟然有圆桌大小,光滑如玉,黑石上的道纹奥妙无双,甚至整颗黑石还是黑色的闪电萦绕,就算是再傻的人,一看到这块黑石,都知道这是无价之宝。 Therefore, sees such one piece of black stone time, on the scene does not know that had many people to look at each other, could not bear swallowed saliva ruthlessly, to many, if can obtain this black stone, that only feared that was this whole life is to profit infinitely. 所以,看到这样的一块黑石的时候,在场不知道有多少人相视了一眼,都忍不住狠狠地咽了一口口水,对于不少人来说,如果能得到这块黑石,那只怕是这辈子都是受益无穷。 At this time, even if Lu Keweng their four people also looked at each other , their Guest Union to obtain the black stone, does not hesitate to take tens of thousands common people to come the blood sacrifice. 在这个时候,就算是鹿客翁他们四个人也都不由相视了一眼,要知道,他们客盟为了得到黑石,不惜拿几万平民百姓来血祭。 Now does such one piece of priceless black stone on the swayed before them, they will not be excited? Especially regarding Lu Keweng, Four Great Treasures King and Guan Shuzhe such age high Immortal True God, they must long for increase and prolong the life in the innermost feelings compared with anybody. 现在这么一块无价的黑石就摆在他们面前,他们会不心动吗?特别是对于鹿客翁四大宝王观树者这样年纪已高的不朽真神来说,他们在内心里面比任何人都要渴望着益寿延年 bang at this time, lingered dark(ness) lightning of Blackstone to flee instantaneously, is blinking unexpectedly gathers in one, in an instant formed an vortex. “噼”在这个时候,萦绕着黑石的黑暗闪电瞬间窜动了一下,竟然在眨眼之间汇聚在了一起,刹那之间形成了一个漩涡。 Scoffs, scoffs and scoffs......” in this moment, resonate sound air-splitting, dark(ness) lightning jump out. “嗤、嗤、嗤……”就在这一刻,一声声的破空声响起,一道道的黑暗闪电窜出。 The instance that Ah!-- Ah!-- Ah!-- in this moment, in scoffs, scoffs at and scoffs at the sound resounds, is pitiful yell sounds is lingering on faintly. ——————”就在这一刻,在“嗤、嗤、嗤”的声音响起的瞬间,也是一声声的惨叫声不绝于耳。 In this in an instant, many cultivator powerhouse of far view onlooking suddenly, their within the body jumped out dark(ness) lightning, this dark(ness) lightning fled from within the body together, broke open their chests instantaneously, brings the sprinkling blood, these dark(ness) lightning go air-splitting. 就在这刹那之间,远观旁观的不少修士强者突然之间,他们体内窜出了一道黑暗闪电,这一道黑暗闪电从体内窜了出来,瞬间把他们的胸膛破开了,带着溅洒的鲜血,这一道道的黑暗闪电破空而去。 Hears whiz, whiz and whiz sound air-splitting is lingering on faintly, but these broken chests dark(ness) lightning all invested in the black stone vortex. 听到“嗖、嗖、嗖”的破空声不绝于耳,这些破胸而出的黑暗闪电全部都投入了黑石漩涡之中。 How like this-- suddenly, there is many cultivator powerhouse within the body really to have the dark(ness) lightning broken chest, in a big way frightens one to jump many cultivator powerhouses, many complexion deathly white, was frightened is scared out of one's wits. “怎么会这样——”突然之间,有不少的修士强者体内竟然会有黑暗闪电破胸而出,把不少修士强者吓得一大跳,不少人脸色煞白,被吓得魂不附体。 Is the corpse black stone, they, they took the person of corpse black stone, only will then take the person of corpse black stone to have dark(ness) lightning in resting.” Some people responded, screamed one. “是死尸黑石,他们,他们都是服用了死尸黑石的人,只有服用了死尸黑石的人才会在休内有黑暗闪电。”有人反应过来,不由尖叫了一声。 corpse Blackstone-- hears such words, everyone in an uproar, at once, everyone one after another retrocedes. 死尸黑石——”听到这样的话,所有人都哗然,一时之间,所有人都纷纷后退。 ps: The hand of breaking was good to select, pain, symbol good pain!!!! ps:摔伤的手好点了,痛,码字好痛!!!!
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