ED :: Volume #26

#2583: Fleeing

Although Stone Rhyme Dao Lineage declined, but, many people still have listened to the True Emperor Mu Jian given name, still has listened to the given name of Mu Family. 石韵道统虽然没落了,但是,依然很多人听过沐剑真帝的大名,依然听过沐家之大名. Regarding Stone Rhyme Dao Lineage cultivator, True Emperor Mu Jian, is keeping aloof exist(ence), looks like Supreme in universe to be the same, Whole World is invincible, all ages is incomparable. 对于石韵道统修士而言,沐剑真帝,就是高高在上的存在,就像是天宇上的至高无上一样,举世无敌,万世无匹。 Mu Family, that was needless saying that the Mu Family prestige, spread first another, the invincibility of Mu Family, once swept away era another era. 沐家,那不用多说,沐家的威名,流传了一世又一世,沐家的无敌,曾经横扫了一个时代又一个时代 In Stone Rhyme Dao Lineage all cultivator minds, Mu Family is Hegemon, takes a broad view at Emperor Lineage World, no one can be enemy, such Hegemon, casual can stamp anybody, casual can destroy completely any Sect, any Dao Lineage. 石韵道统的所有修士心目中,沐家就是巨无霸,放眼帝统界,无人能敌,这样的巨无霸,随便都可以踩死任何人,随便都可以灭掉任何门派,任何道统 Now Li Qiye speaks thoughtlessly to mention, then must cut True Emperor Mu Jian, is slaughter Mu Family, this was unable with ruling by force to describe, this is terrifying is peerless. 现在李七夜随口说来,便要斩沐剑真帝,便是屠沐家,这样的话已经是无法用霸道来形容了,这已经是恐怖绝伦了。 If before is trades to do, or everyone will smile Li Qiye to overreach oneself, extremely arrogant invincible, but, thinks that the technique of invincible True Emperor was stepped on by him in the under foot, that also is just wisp of small flame. 如果是换作之前,或者大家会笑李七夜不自量力,狂妄无敌,但是,想到无敌的真帝之术被他踩在脚下的时候,那也只不过是一缕小小的火苗而已。 Therefore, hears this saying, making everyone pull out an cold air/Qi, had a shiver, this named Li Qiye's person, is terrifying to their not unimaginable situations. 所以,听到这话,让所有人抽了一口冷气,不由打了一个冷颤,这个叫李七夜的人,已经是恐怖到他们无法想象的地步了。 Hears the Li Qiye's words, Yang Tingyu complexion deathly white, he also understands, at present this person, is not exist(ence) that he can resist, this was exist(ence) that True Emperor and immortal True Emperor can resist. 听到李七夜的话,杨庭宇不由脸色煞白,他也明白,眼前这个人,已经不是他所能对抗的存在了,这是真帝、不朽真帝才能对抗的存在了。 Good, I will certainly have your words.” Yang Tingyu clenches teeth, a words saying ended, was not loathsome, turned around to walk. “好,我一定会把你的话带到。”杨庭宇一咬牙,话一说完,也不拖泥带水,转身就走。 Li Qiye smiles, has not said anything, turned around to leave, returned to the ruins. He has not stopped slightly, has not gone to look at Sparse Stone Sect one. 李七夜只是笑了笑,也未多说什么,也转身离开了,又回废墟去了。他也未稍作停留,更没有去看疏石宗一眼。 „After my mother Li Qiye leaves, does not know that many of both legs one soft, could not halt again, sits on the ground, the bad person, had been frightened scared shitless. “我的妈呀”李七夜离开之后,不知道多少人双腿一软,再也站不住了,一屁股坐在地上,不济的人,早就被吓得屁滚尿流了。 I, I, when our Ming Luo City came such terrifying exist(ence).” Everyone had a shiver, at this time, Li Qiye stayed in the ruins, everyone thought that looked like a great antiquity giant beast deep sleep to be the same there, who disturbed him slightly, a palm of the hand clapped, will crank up the meat sauce you. “我,我,我们明洛城什么时候来了这么一个恐怖存在了。”所有人都打了一个冷颤,在这个时候,李七夜停留在废墟,所有人都觉得就像是一头洪荒巨兽沉睡在那里一样,有谁稍稍打扰了他,一巴掌拍下,就会把你拍成肉酱。 Everyone blankly look at each other, naturally, everyone does not know when Li Qiye comes Ming Luo City. 所有人都面面相觑,当然,大家都不知道李七夜是什么时候来明洛城的了。 This, this, can this be the invincible talent of our Stone Rhyme Dao Lineage family background.” Has slightly cherishes the fantasy to say young. “这,这,这会不会是我们石韵道统出身的无敌天才呀。”有小年轻抱着幻想说道。 As the elder, a palm of the hand pulls out immediately in his back of the head, a palm of the hand extinguishes his small fantasy racket, said: „Do you have a dream have not awaked? Our Stone Rhyme Dao Lineage is in such situation barrenly, but can also have this type invincibly? Presses out to do entire Stone Rhyme Dao Lineage, cannot leave to be like this invincible!” 作为长辈的,就立即一巴掌抽在他的后脑勺,一巴掌把他的小幻想拍灭,说道:“你做梦还没醒吗?我们石韵道统贫瘠到这样的地步,还能出这种无敌吗?榨干整个石韵道统,都出不了这样的无敌了!” Like this invincible, is not our Stone Rhyme Dao Lineage can withstand.” Other also smiled bitterly. “这样的无敌,已经不是我们石韵道统所能承受了。”其他们也苦笑了一下。 With great difficulty, Sparse Stone Sect all disciple then one after another recover, was frightened the paralysis to crawl from the ground in the disciple of ground with great difficulty, is somewhat still shaken, said: Finally finished, we were saved.” 好不容易,疏石宗的所有弟子这才纷纷回过神来,一些被吓瘫在地上的弟子好不容易才从地上爬了起来,有些惊魂未定,说道:“终于结束了,我们得救了。” According to the truth, encircles their black invincible armies to be extinguished, Yang Tingyu is also defeated, Luo Residence will also be unable to recover henceforth, their Sparse Stone Sect escapes finally, finally was saved, they should the pleasant surprise be right, but, they could not be happy at this time. 按道理来说,围剿他们的黑铁军被灭,杨庭宇也落败,洛府也将会从此一蹶不振,他们疏石宗终于逃过一劫,终于得救了,他们应该惊喜才对,但是,在这个时候他们却高兴不起来。 Because they were scared, all of them are still shaken, Li Qiye left was very long, their both legs hit to tremble, even speaks the time tooth to hit to shiver. 因为他们都被吓破了胆,他们所有人都惊魂未定,李七夜离开很久了,他们都双腿直打哆嗦,连说话的时候牙齿都直打颤抖。 If makes them see Li Qiye now, that feared that was Li Qiye came by far, they splash have knelt on the ground immediately, even raise one's head looked that the Li Qiye's courage did not have, so long as Li Qiye stood there, was Supreme, pressed their unable to breathe. 如果说现在让他们见到李七夜,那怕是李七夜远远来了,他们都会立即扑嗵一直跪在地上,连抬头去看李七夜的勇气都没有,只要李七夜站在那里,就是至高无上,压得他们喘不过气来 With great difficulty, Lin Yixue then crawls, gasps for breath, returned to side Wu Youzheng. 好不容易,林亦雪这才爬起来,喘了一口气,回到了吴有正身边。 This time invited Young Master, rescued Sect, you performed high service through hard work.” Wu Youzheng sees apprentice is well, he also relaxes. “这次请来公子,救得宗门,你劳苦功高。”吴有正看到徒弟平安无事,他也不由松了一口气。 Lin Yixue smiled bitterly, she is in a daze for a while, for a very long time cannot get back one's composure. 林亦雪不由苦笑了一下,她一时怔怔发呆,久久回不过神来。 Considers, in several days before, she also in front of Li Qiye ominous, even also threatened that must make Li Qiye attractive, even added that must teach Li Qiye. 试想一下,在前几天,她还在李七夜面前凶巴巴的,甚至还扬言要让李七夜好看,甚至还说要教训李七夜 At that time, she is confident about own, to own or energy 100%, own once believes that if Li Qiye continues to spread rumors and mislead the people, her take action teaches Li Qiye well. 在那个时候,她对自己还是信心满满,对自己还是底气十足,自己曾认为,如果李七夜继续妖言惑众,她就出手好好教训李七夜 Now thinks, own looks like a small lamb to be the same, to raise the prestige military might in front of a great antiquity giant beast, so long as this great antiquity giant beast opens the mouth, eats her slightly, moreover gives him the stops up gap between teeth to be insufficient. 现在想一下,自己就像是一只小羔羊一样,在一头洪荒巨兽面前扬威耀武,只要这一头洪荒巨兽稍稍一张口,就把她吃掉,而且给他塞牙缝都不够。 Now thinks, Lin Yixue feels own at that time how ignorant, how laughable, in front of Li Qiye like clown. 现在想一想,林亦雪觉得自己在那个时候是多么的无知,是多么的可笑,在李七夜面前就像小丑一样。 Supreme invincible exist(ence) like Li Qiye, to raise the prestige military might of own before him, but also an ominous appearance, he has not extended the take action finger/refers to pinch all of a sudden own, that leniency, was broadminded. 李七夜这样至尊无敌的存在,自己在他面前扬威耀武,还一副凶巴巴的模样,他没有伸出手指来一下子把自己捏死,那已经是慈悲为怀,宽宏大量了。 Now own Sparse Stone Sect has difficult, he can also take action rescue, this is the great mind, this is the broad mind/bosom. 现在自己疏石宗有难,他还能出手相救,这是何等伟大的胸襟,这是何等宽广的胸怀。 At once, Lin Yixue is thinking was crazy, she knows, world has how lofty, supreme invincible how remote, how broad thick, at once, making her unable to get back one's composure for a very long time. 一时之间,林亦雪都想着痴了,她才知道,世间是有多么的高远,至尊无敌是多么的遥远,又是多么的广厚,一时之间,让她久久回不过神来。 Xue'er finally, when Wu Youzheng big shout, Lin Yixue then recovers. 雪儿”最后,当吴有正大叫一声的时候,林亦雪这才回过神来。 Master Lin Yixue recovers, is looking at own Master busily. 师父林亦雪回过神来,忙是望着自己师父 Also has what thing, tidies up, we walked, leaves here.” Wu Youzheng told that she said. “还有什么东西,就收拾一下,我们走了,离开这里。”吴有正吩咐她说道。 I, I, I......” Lin Yixue stayed, the somewhat slow god comes, then said: Master, I, I, do we also want to leave?” “我,我,我……”林亦雪不由呆了呆,有些缓不过神来,然后说道:“师父,我,我,我们还要离开吗?” Yes, must walk.” At this time Wu Youzheng raise one's head looked at a distant place, said slowly: Even if the catastrophe does not come, only feared that Ming Luo City is unable to stay.” “是的,要走了。”此时吴有正不由抬头看了一下远处,徐徐地说道:“就算大灾难不来,只怕明洛城也无法呆下去了。” Why?” Lin Yixue is not clearly, said very much dull. “为什么?”林亦雪不是很明白,呆呆地说道。 Only fears soon, the Mu Family army will arrive, True Emperor Mu Jian will meet after the wedding the automatic pilot to be near, regarding Mu Family, regarding True Emperor Mu Jian, their authorities cannot be defied.” Wu Youzheng sighed gently, said slowly: By that time, Ming Luo City will become the fearful battlefield, perhaps touches, entire Ming Luo City meets vanish(ed) in a puff of smoke, even, our Stone Rhyme Dao Lineage will be destroyed.” “只怕用不了多久,沐家的大军将会开到,沐剑真帝将会亲自驾临,对于沐家来说,对于沐剑真帝来说,他们的权威不容挑衅。”吴有正轻轻地叹息一声,徐徐说道:“到了那个时候,明洛城将会成为可怕的战场,说不定一触之下,整个明洛城灰飞烟灭,甚至,我们石韵道统都会被打碎。” At this point, his manner is low-spirited, but, he does not have the means that he cannot change anything, he can do, can only lead the Sect disciple to leave here, leading more common people to leave. 说到这里,他不由神态黯然,但是,他也没有办法,他改变不了什么,他能做的,只能带着宗门弟子离开这里,带着更多的平民百姓离开。 The Lin Yixue place, tidies up good thing silently silently, finally leaves Ming Luo City time, she could not have borne look from afar to the Heavenly Rhyme Ruins direction. 林亦雪默默地头,默默地收拾好东西,最后离开明洛城的时候,她还忍不住远远地向天韵废墟的方向望去。 After this, only feared that she could not see this man again, his itself/Ben was the supremeness in universe, their itself/Ben was two different world. 从此之后,只怕她再也见不到这个男人了吧,他本就是天宇上的至尊,他们本就是两个不同的世界。 Finally, Lin Yixue sighed gently, as the elders left Ming Luo City. 最后,林亦雪轻轻地叹息一声,随着长辈们离开了明洛城 Li Qiye take action, entire Ming Luo City keeps silent, does not know that many people knew Li Qiye stays after Heavenly Rhyme Ruins, they do not dare to go to Heavenly Rhyme Ruins, even if passed by, hides by far. 李七夜出手,整个明洛城噤若寒蝉,不知道多少人得知李七夜就呆在天韵废墟之后,他们都不敢去天韵废墟,就算是路过了,都躲得远远的。 As for Luo Residence, declines overnight, because the black invincible army is Luo Residence elite, is entire Luo Residence most powerful strength, the mainstay, the entire black invincible army was cut to kill by a Li Qiye sword, made entire Luo Residence lose strength instantaneously. 至于洛府,一夜之间没落,因为黑铁军就是洛府精锐,是整个洛府最强大的力量,中流砥柱,整个黑铁军被李七夜一剑斩杀,瞬间让整个洛府失去了力量 But after Yang Tingyu leaves, entire Luo Residence was in a group of people without a leader, entire Luo Residence went haywire at once, even many disciples think to be faced with imminent disaster, especially Li Qiye still stays in Ming Luo City, therefore frightened many Luo Residence disciples at the same night to escape from Ming Luo City. 杨庭宇离开之后,整个洛府更是陷入了群龙无首的局面,一时之间整个洛府陷入了混乱,甚至有不少弟子认为大难临头,特别是李七夜依然呆在明洛城中,所以吓得不少洛府的弟子连夜逃出了明洛城 When Sparse Stone Sect evacuates, took away many common people, under without Luo Residence interference and impeded, in addition the Sparse Stone Sect strength and Wu Youzheng prestige, many common people are willing to follow Sparse Stone Sect to walk. 疏石宗撤离的时候,带走了很多的平民百姓,在没有了洛府的干涉和掣肘之下,再加上疏石宗的实力与吴有正的声望,有很多平民百姓都愿意跟着疏石宗走。 Under the propaganda of Sparse Stone Sect, everyone knows that the disaster must approach, therefore many common people one after another pack the valuables, with Sparse Stone Sect far away from Ming Luo City. 疏石宗的宣传之下,大家都知道灾难要来临了,所以许多的平民百姓都纷纷收拾细软,跟着疏石宗远离明洛城 Naturally, there are many common people to leave, after all regarding many common people, Ming Luo City was their families/home, was their only dependences, in any event, they must protect the own homeland, is not willing to be forced to leave native place absolutely, even many people are willing dead in the own hometown. 当然,也有不少的平民百姓离了下来,毕竟对于很多平民百姓而言,明洛城就是他们的家,就是他们唯一的依靠,不论如何,他们都要守护自己的家园,绝对不愿意背井离乡,甚至有不少人愿意死在自己的家乡。 Except that many common people are following Sparse Stone Sect to evacuate, there are many cultivator one after another to escape from Ming Luo City. 除着不少百姓跟着疏石宗撤离,也有不少的修士纷纷逃出了明洛城 Then sharply is running away to do, the disaster may not come, even if came, when the time comes runs again is not late.” Some people do not want to escape, said. “那么急着逃干什么,灾难不一定会来,就算来了,到时候再跑也不迟呀。”有些人不想逃,就说道。 Nonsense, even if the disaster will not come, the Mu Family army will still come.” The person of running away sneers, said: When the Mu Family army threatens the border, only feared that Ming Luo City was finished.” “废话,就算灾难不会来,沐家大军也会来。”逃走的人冷笑一声,说道:“当沐家大军压境的时候,只怕明洛城完蛋了。” Naturally , many cultivator remain, after all, many cultivator families/home in Ming Luo City, how they will abandon the own family member, the own family member, the own family flee to go. 当然,也有很多修士留下来,毕竟,很多修士的家本来就在明洛城,他们又怎么会抛弃自己的家人,自己的亲人,自己的家族逃离而去呢。 Therefore, within the short time, Ming Luo City has the 200,000 - 300,000 population, finally was only left over half, this also makes Ming Luo City lonely many. 所以,在短短的时间之内,明洛城二三十万人口,最后只剩下了一半都不到,这也使得明洛城变得冷清不少。 Ming Luo City ended.” Some old cultivator clearly knows were faced with imminent disaster, still has not walked, still remained. 明洛城完了。”有些老修士明知道大难临头了,依然没有走,依然留下来了。 Since Ming Luo City must end, why doesn't run away?” Some people asked. “既然明洛城要完了,为什么不逃?”有人问道。 Escapes? Where toward escapes?” Old cultivator shakes the head, said: „The Mu Family army threatens the border, when the time comes, only feared that incessantly is our Ming Luo City, entire Stone Rhyme Dao Lineage ended, perhaps fights heaven frightening, punctures Stone Rhyme Dao Lineage. Since dies in any case, might as well remains, has a look at the True Emperor elegant demeanor, has a look at a True Emperor level heaven frightening war, this for a lifetime was not to live in vain.” “逃?往哪里逃?”老修士摇了摇头,说道:“沐家大军压境,到时候,只怕不止是我们明洛城,整个石韵道统都完了,说不定一战惊天,把石韵道统打穿。既然横竖都是死,还不如留下来,看看真帝的风采,看看真帝级的一场惊天大战,这一辈子也不算白活了。” Hears such words , many cultivator thought that is a truth. 听到这样的话,也有不少修士觉得是个道理。
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