ED :: Volume #26

#2582: Grinds kills

fire phoenix flies, the roaring flame burns the day, Divine glow is torrential, True Emperor Aura fills the air , is quite so stirring. 火凤凰飞起,烈焰焚天,神芒滔滔,真帝气息弥漫,如此一幕,颇为震撼人心。 „The technique of True Emperor, took the technique of True Emperor distant place onlooking cultivator unable to bear scream one as getting up type--. 真帝之术,以真帝之术为起式——”远处旁观的修士忍不住尖叫了一声。 Technique of can take action True Emperor, defeat?” Even the technique of older generation cultivator see again/goodbye this True Emperor time, in the heart still shocks. 真帝之术出手了,能战胜吗?”就算老一辈修士再见真帝之术的时候,心里面也不由为之震撼。 The technique of True Emperor, this is Stone Rhyme Dao Lineage only large saves in the world the technique of True Emperor. 真帝之术,这是石韵道统唯一硕存于世真帝之术。 Since Stone Rhyme Dao Lineage decline, as many Large Sect inheritance vanish into thin air, Stone Rhyme Dao Lineage many secret skill and Divine Weapons one after another vanishes in world. 自从石韵道统没落之后,随着很多的大教传承烟消云散,石韵道统的许多绝学神兵一一消失在世间。 At that moment Stone Rhyme Dao Lineage only large saved technique of the True Emperor, the technique of this True Emperor also only has strength most powerful Luo Residence to have. 当下石韵道统仅硕存了一门真帝之术,这一门真帝之术也唯有实力最强大的洛府所拥有。 Even if Luo Residence had the technique of True Emperor, can practice successful still few, Yang Tingyu practices the person of technique of successful True Emperor, moreover is only young one generation. 而且就算洛府拥有了真帝之术了,能修练成功的也没有几个,杨庭宇就是修练成功真帝之术的人,而且也是唯一的年轻一辈。 It can be said that Yang Tingyu with the technique of this True Emperor, does not know defeated many enemies, because of so, with the technique of this True Emperor, he captures Stone Rhyme Dao Lineage first expert such title. 可以说,杨庭宇凭着这一门的真帝之术,不知道打败了多少敌人,也正是因为如此,凭着这一门的真帝之术,他才夺得石韵道统“第一高手”这样的头衔。 Although said, Yang Tingyu is also Great Realm True God, but, discussed by the foundation of basic skills, discussed by the skill deeply, he could not compare Wu Youzheng, but Wu Youzheng actually cannot practice has the technique of True Emperor, when Yang Tingyu technique of True Emperor, Wu Youzheng suffered defeat immediately, was not the Yang Tingyu opponent. 虽然说,杨庭宇也是大境真神,但是,以功底而论,以功力深厚而论,他是比不了吴有正,但是吴有正却未能修练有真帝之术,所以当杨庭宇真帝之术一出之时,吴有正立即败北,不是杨庭宇的对手。 Chirp-- Phoenix Cry Nine Heavens, in this in an instant, fire phoenix both wings, the roaring flame is dreadful, wreaks havoc eight sides. “啾——”的一声凤鸣九天,在这刹那之间,火凤凰双翅一张,烈焰滔天,肆虐八方。 Goes to-- Yang Tingyu to cry loud and long, the whole person spout the incessant roaring flame, in this in an instant, he and fire phoenix as one, the whole person flew in circles to empty, the direct impact approached Li Qiye. “去——杨庭宇长啸一声,整个人喷涌起了滔滔不绝的烈焰,就在这刹那之间,他与火凤凰为一体,整个人翔空而起,直冲向了李七夜 When Yang Tingyu flies in circles spatially, but, is blazing, the burning down world, boils the vastness, singes sun and moon, as if can burn to extinguish all, especially that torrential roaring flame falls in torrents, but below time, just like to want Li Qiye whole person devour(ing) to be thoroughly same. 杨庭宇翔空而至,烈焰滚滚,焚烧天地,煮汪洋,燎日月,似乎可以焚灭一切,特别是那滔滔的烈焰倾泻而下的时候,犹如要把李七夜整个人彻底地吞噬一样。 Sees such overbearing one, does not know that many people pulled out an cold air/Qi, in their eyes Yang Tingyu the technique of True Emperor is invincible, once were submerged by his Phoenix roaring flame, no matter you are powerful, will be burnt down the flying ash all of a sudden. 看到这样霸道的一幕,不知道多少人都为之抽了一口冷气,在他们的眼中杨庭宇真帝之术已经是无敌了,一旦被他的凤凰烈焰淹没,不管你有多么强大,都会一下子被焚烧成了飞灰。 Careful-- saw that the Phoenix roaring flame falls in torrents, must Li Qiye devour(ing), this make nearby Lin Yixue also in great surprise, quickly make noise to remind Li Qiye. “小心——”看到凤凰烈焰倾泻而下,要把李七夜吞噬,这让旁边的林亦雪也不由大惊,急忙出声提醒李七夜 However, falls in torrents the Phoenix roaring flame that facing this comes, Li Qiye the eyelid has not pulled up, but raises legs merely, steps on merely. 然而,面对这倾泻而来的凤凰烈焰,李七夜连眼皮都没有撩一下,只是仅仅一抬腿而已,就仅仅是一脚踩下而已。 Bang-- one, is flew in circles Yang Tingyu that flies to clash under a Li Qiye's foot, immediately was stepped on the under foot. “砰——”的一声,本是翔飞冲来的杨庭宇李七夜的一脚之下,立即被踩在了脚下了。 No matter the Yang Tingyu roaring flame is how dreadful, no matter Yang Tingyu what kind of Phoenix flies Nine Heavens, but when Li Qiye steps on, was stepped on by Li Qiye directly in the sole. 不管杨庭宇如何烈焰滔天,不管杨庭宇如何的凤凰九天,但当李七夜一脚踩下的时候,就直接被李七夜踩在了脚底了。 At this time, that feared already with fire phoenix as one Yang Tingyu, when Li Qiye stepped on, that also was just the ant cricket of under foot, no matter some big skills, no matter some big methods, were stepped on easily in the under foot. 在这个时候,那怕已经与火凤凰为一体的杨庭宇,在李七夜一脚踩下的时候,那也只不过是脚下的一只蚁蝼而已,不管有多大的本事,不管有多大的手段,都被轻而易举地踩在了脚下。 Chirp--, in Yang Tingyu was stepped on the under foot, fire phoenix long roar, wants to soar, the roaring flame blazing brightly, wants to burn down all, fire phoenix this makes final struggling. “啾——”在杨庭宇被踩在脚下的时候,火凤凰长吟,欲腾空而起,烈焰炽亮,欲焚烧一切,火凤凰这是作最后的挣扎。 But in the Li Qiye under foot, even if true fire phoenix does not help matters, do not say that is false fire phoenix. 但在李七夜脚下,就算是真正的火凤凰也无济于事,不要说是假的火凤凰 Therefore, Li Qiye used a strength slightly, hears bang fire phoenix that a resonate sound, the roaring flame shoots up to the sky was ground by Li Qiye instantaneously extinguishes, changed to the light smoke. 所以,李七夜只是稍稍用了一点力气,就听到“砰”的一声响起,烈焰冲天而起的火凤凰瞬间被李七夜一脚碾灭,化作了青烟。 This roaring flame dreadful fire phoenix when the Li Qiye under foot, just like is wisp of small flame, only needs the Li Qiye's foot to grind gently, grinding extinguished it. 这只烈焰滔天的火凤凰李七夜脚下的时候,犹如是一缕小小的火苗而已,只需要李七夜的脚轻轻一碾,就把它给碾灭了。 When a Li Qiye's foot uses a strength slightly, hears crack the sound resounds, , the Yang Tingyu blood spurts crazily, his chest was stepped on by Li Qiye all of a sudden broken. 而且在李七夜的一脚稍稍用点力气的时候,听到“喀嚓”的声音响起,“噗”的一声,杨庭宇鲜血狂喷,他的胸膛一下子被李七夜踩碎了。 Ah!-- chest was stepped on all of a sudden broken, the pain results in Yang Tingyu to call out pitifully. ——”胸膛一下子被踩碎,痛得杨庭宇惨叫一声。 At once, time like framing there, everyone cannot close up the mouth, these person of mouths open in a big way, can force in a goose egg. 一时之间,时间如同定格在了那里,所有人都合拢不上嘴巴,那些人嘴巴张得大大的,可以塞进一只鹅蛋。 The technique of True Emperor, in Stone Rhyme Dao Lineage all disciple minds, that is most invincible Cultivation Technique, that is Supreme Cultivation Technique, unequalled. 真帝之术,在石韵道统的所有弟子心目中,那是最无敌的功法,那是至高无上功法,无与伦比。 Many times, when Yang Tingyu technique of True Emperor, that has meant that Yang Tingyu must win, can say, each time Yang Tingyu and enemy showdown time, he executes the technique of True Emperor, everyone knows, Yang Tingyu has won. 多少时候,当杨庭宇真帝之术一出的时候,那就已经是意味着杨庭宇必胜了,可以说,每次杨庭宇与敌人对决的时候,他一施出真帝之术,大家知道,杨庭宇已经胜了。 However, in this moment, Yang Tingyu executed the technique of True Emperor, not only has not won, but also the technique of his True Emperor did not help matters completely. 但是,在这一刻,杨庭宇施出了真帝之术,不仅仅没有胜出,而且他的真帝之术完全无济于事。 What terrifying is, that feared that executes the technique of True Emperor, Yang Tingyu in the Li Qiye under foot, that also was just the ant cricket. 更为恐怖的是,那怕是施出了真帝之术了,杨庭宇李七夜脚下,那也只不过是蚁蝼而已。 When fire phoenix of technique of True Emperor struggles, no matter its roaring flame is how dreadful, however just like wisp of small flame in the Li Qiye's under foot. 真帝之术的火凤凰挣扎的时候,不管它的烈焰如何滔天,但是在李七夜的脚下犹如一缕小小的火苗而已。 At once, everyone was shocked, everyone mouth opens in a big way, for a very long time could not speak. 一时之间,所有人都被震慑住了,所有人都不由嘴巴张得大大的,久久说不出话来。 The technique of True Emperor, this is their Stone Rhyme Dao Lineage most powerful and most invincible Cultivation Technique, it is also displayed let alone by their Stone Rhyme Dao Lineage most powerful first expert. 真帝之术呀,这可是他们石韵道统最强大、最无敌的功法,更何况它还由他们石韵道统最强大的第一高手所施展出来。 It can be said that such battle efficiency in their Stone Rhyme Dao Lineage no one can be enemy, unequalled, anybody cannot block such a move. 可以说,这样的战斗力在他们石韵道统无人能敌,无与伦比,任何人都挡不住这样的一招。 Wu Youzheng is an example, his skill was so deep, when technique of True Emperor, puts in an appearance, Wu Youzheng on the severe wound, is unable with technique of contending True Emperor. 吴有正就是一个例子,他功力那么深厚了,但是在真帝之术一出的时候,一个照面,吴有正就重伤,根本就无法与真帝之术抗衡 Now the technique of they most powerful True Emperor, same is ground like wisp of small flame unexpectedly extinguished, this how terrifying matter. 现在他们最强大的真帝之术,竟然如同一缕小小的火苗一样被碾灭了,这多么恐怖的事情。 Before then, Li Qiye sword slaughter thousand army, this were once scared them, sees in them, Li Qiye take action, too terrifying, too blood and iron. 在此之前,李七夜一剑屠千军,这曾把他们吓破了胆,在他们看出,李七夜出手,太恐怖了,太铁血了。 Now Li Qiye raises legs, ground extinguished their technique of True Emperor, this made them desperate all of a sudden, the technique of they powerful most invincible True Emperor, in the Li Qiye under foot, that was just the small flame. 现在李七夜一抬腿,就碾灭了他们的真帝之术,这就一下子让他们绝望了,他们最强大最无敌的真帝之术,在李七夜脚下,那只不过是小火苗而已。 Therefore, a Li Qiye foot grinds extinguishes fire phoenix the time lightly, was not only grinds extinguished the technique of True Emperor, was grinds extinguished their Stone Rhyme Dao Lineage self-respect, ground extinguished the self-confidence of their Stone Rhyme Dao Lineage, their self-respect like that fire phoenix, was only ground by Li Qiye gently, was ground place is. 所以,李七夜一脚轻而碾灭火凤凰的时候,不仅仅是碾灭了真帝之术,也是碾灭了他们石韵道统的自尊,碾灭了他们石韵道统的自信,他们一颗自尊心就像那只火凤凰一样,被李七夜轻轻一碾,就被碾碎得一地都是。 All of a sudden, Stone Rhyme Dao Lineage all cultivator, their moods dropped most bottom glade unprecedentedly, at this time, they knows that had one to be called desperately palely and weakly. 一下子,石韵道统的所有修士,他们的心情前所未有地跌落到了最底谷,在这个时候,他们才知道有一张绝望叫做苍白无力。 At this time, they looked up to Li Qiye, although Li Qiye was not specially big, but when everyone raised the head looked up to the Li Qiye's time, Li Qiye like the giant, the top of the head heaven, treadonned the land, but they, but was the ant cricket of Li Qiye under foot, that insignificant, that base and low. 在这个时候,他们都不由仰望李七夜,虽然李七夜并不是特别的高大,但当大家抬起头来仰望李七夜的时候,李七夜就像巨人一样,头顶苍天,脚踏大地,而他们,只不过是李七夜脚下的一只蚁蝼而已,是那么的微不足道,是那么的卑微。 At this time, does not know that many portrait/people looks like discouraged bladders, sit on the ground, a head blank, for a very long time cannot get back one's composure. 在这个时候,不知道有多少人像泄气的汽球,一屁股坐在地上,脑袋一片空白,久久回不过神来。 Considers, the technique of they powerful most invincible True Emperor, in the Li Qiye under foot, that is just wisp of small flame, what then the technique of their these True Emperor didn't even have the person of qualifications practice to be considered as? 试想一下,他们最强大最无敌的真帝之术,在李七夜脚下,那只不过是一缕小小的火苗而已,那么他们这些连真帝之术都没资格修练的人算得了什么? They practice Cultivation Technique with hardship, practices Grand Dao with hardship, that also has what significance, the self-torture for a lifetime, still is just others ant cricket. 他们苦苦修练功法,苦苦修练大道,那还有什么意义,苦修一辈子,依然只不过是人家脚下的一只蚁蝼而已。 At once, does not know that many people despaired, the mood drops to the most low point of life all of a sudden. 一时之间,不知道多少人绝望了,心情一下子跌落到人生的最低谷。 If Li Qiye sword slaughter thousand army, this became in their hearts a moment ago shadow for a lifetime, then Li Qiye grinds extinguishes the technique of True Emperor, is their nightmares for a lifetime, often night time, will be awakened by this nightmare. 如果说刚才李七夜一剑屠千军,这一幕成为他们心里面一辈子的阴影,那么李七夜一脚碾灭真帝之术,便是他们一辈子的噩梦,每每夜深的时候,都会被这个噩梦惊醒。 Li Qiye stepped on above the chest of Yang Tingyu, entire Ming Luo City was silent, everyone did not dare the breath, does not know that many people are unable to control own, the whole body rustle tremble. 李七夜一脚踩在了杨庭宇的胸膛之上,整个明洛城寂静了,所有人连呼吸都不敢,不知道多少人无法控制自己,全身簌簌发抖。 Good words persuaded, actually did not listen.” Li Qiye looked at Yang Tingyu one lightly, said lightly: Some people, really do not have the means that must see that the coffin will shed tears.” “好言相劝,却偏偏不听。”李七夜淡淡地看了杨庭宇一眼,淡淡地说道:“有些人,真的没办法,要见到棺材才会掉泪。” You killed me-- Yang Tingyu to clench teeth, sharp roar said: My throat one is not a man, is a son-of-bitch!” “你杀了我呀——杨庭宇一咬牙,厉叫道:“我吭一声就不是汉子,就是狗娘养的!” The Yang Tingyu somewhat strength of spirit, defeated in the Li Qiye hand actually, this he does not beg for mercy, quarrelled simply sternly, saved from impending death wholeheartedly. 杨庭宇倒是有几分骨气,败在了李七夜手中,这一下他也不求饶了,索性厉声相向,一心救死。 No, killed you, cannot increase my ominous name.” Li Qiye smiles lightly, said: I will keep your life, will make you live is leaving.” “不,杀了你,也不能增我凶名。”李七夜淡淡地一笑,说道:“我会留你一命的,会让你活着离开的。” Li Qiye said this saying, making everyone one surprised, some people also think that Li Qiye cracked a joke. 李七夜说出这话,让所有人都不由为之一愕,有些人还以为李七夜开玩笑呢。 At this time, Li Qiye has lifted the foot, the optional foot, then kicked Yang Tingyu one side. 在这个时候,李七夜已经抬起了脚,随意一脚,便把杨庭宇踢到一边了。 With great difficulty, Yang Tingyu of dripping with blood crawled, he cannot believe that looks at Li Qiye, he has to go to the heart, never expected that Li Qiye also puts his horse unexpectedly, forgives his life. 好不容易,鲜血淋漓的杨庭宇爬了起来,他都不敢相信地看着李七夜,他已经有赴死之心了,没有想到李七夜竟然还放他一马,饶他一命。 Everyone looks at this, cannot believe that Li Qiye really forgave a Yang Tingyu life like this, this simply on such as a dream. 所有人都怔怔地看着这一幕,不敢相信李七夜真的就这样饶了杨庭宇一命,这简直就如一场梦。 You know why I don't kill you?” Li Qiye looked at astonished Yang Tingyu, said lightly with a smile: Since you are the Mu Jian apprentice, good, gives me to have a few words, killed his younger brother Mu Shaochen First Ominous Person to wait for him here, I was also disinclined Mu Family......” “你知道我为什么不杀你吗?”李七夜看了一眼惊愕的杨庭宇,淡淡地笑着说道:“既然你是沐剑的徒弟,那好,给我带一句话,就是杀了他弟弟沐少晨第一凶人在这里等着他,我也懒得去沐家一趟了……” „...... Called them Mu Family person many people, rolled to me, I cut their head one after another, so as to avoid I was upon the jump, was troublesome.” At this point, he is light smiles, serene. “……叫他们沐家人多少人,就给我滚过来吧,我把他们的头颅一一砍下来,免得我又跑来跑去的,多麻烦。”说到这里,他是淡淡一笑,风轻云淡 Hears Li Qiye such words, Yang Tingyu stares dumbfounded all of a sudden, everyone was frightened all of a sudden. 听到李七夜这样的话,杨庭宇一下子瞠目结舌,所有人都一下子被惊吓了。 This is declares war to True Emperor Mu Jian nakedly, this challenges Mu Family nakedly, this was really terrifying, this was really overbearing. 这是赤裸裸地向沐剑真帝宣战,这是赤裸裸地挑战沐家,这实在是太恐怖了,这实在是太霸道了。 Declares war to one generation of invincible True Emperor, declares war to Hegemon Mu Family! 向一代无敌真帝宣战,向巨无霸沐家宣战!
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