EG :: Volume #6

#14: Rumor 【Thanked the Anatiomical hegemon】

Joy Joshua, only except mechanism/organization high-rank knight, code name profound phoenix. 乔伊・乔舒亚,净除机关上位骑士,代号玄凤。 In beforehand the fight in Montenegro Hospital, due to excessive injuries, in addition being contaminated of corrosion, Joy this/Ben damn there, possibly was the excessive loss of blood death, possibly became the evil spirit because of the corroded disassimilation. 在之前黑山医院的战斗中,因伤势过重,加上侵蚀的浸染,乔伊本该死在那里,可能是失血过多死亡,也可能是因侵蚀异化成妖魔。 These two results sound also good, at that time the street sweeper had started to take over control of the battlefield, even if oneself turned into the evil spirit, should not have the too big threat. 这两个结局听起来都还不错,当时清道夫已经开始接管战场,哪怕自己变成了妖魔,应该也不会有太大的威胁。 Joy before dropping down did the bad matter, he only wants to forget these, sleeps well. 在倒下前乔伊做了糟糕的事,他只想忘记这些,好好地睡一觉。 Joy thought that oneself life has been worth, he had one also to calculate that good childhood, some were not very proper friends, the short vitality, he also made enough many contributions to this world, his life arrived at the end point, must do, was only the final conclusion. 乔伊觉得自己的一生已经值得了,他有了一个还算不错的童年,有一些不是很正经的朋友,短暂的生命力,他也为这个世界做出了足够多的贡献,他的人生来到了终点,现在要做的,只是最后的结束。 Finished all these, obtained the eternal peace. 结束这一切,获得永恒的安宁。 What may regret, the reality is always unsatisfactory, even if the death were also so. 可遗憾的是,现实总是不如人意,哪怕死亡也是如此。 Joy cannot die, after long-time nightmare, he regains consciousness in this place of sorrowful falling, simultaneously had a new status. 乔伊没能死去,长久的噩梦后,他在这哀落之地苏醒,同时拥有了一个新的身份。 He becomes one of the street sweeper, puts on the gas mask, wears the heavy/thick coat, makes the farewell before all, becomes eliminates the dark surface of mechanism/organization only, incarnation turns over to dead. 他成为了清道夫的一员,戴上防毒面具,穿上厚重的大衣,和之前的所有一切作出告别,成为净除机关的暗面,化身“归亡者”。 Turns over to the dead...... you to link deceased person also to use? Also really makes the best use of things.” “归亡者……你们连‘死人’也要利用吗?还真是物尽其用啊。” At that time lay down Joy on hospital bed, turned toward the black-clothed person before body to ask like this. 当时躺在病床上的乔伊,是这样向着身前的黑衣人问道。 If you have various agreements that read you to sign earnestly, you should know, an agreement was, had the power to process your corpse except the mechanism/organization only under special circumstances ‚’.” “如果你有认真读过你签下的各种协议,那你应该知道,其中一条协议是,净除机关有权力在特殊情况下处理你的‘尸体’。” The black-clothed person exude maliciously the laughter, has the black heart boss to squeeze the appearance of staff. 黑衣人发出不怀好意地笑声,颇有黑心老板压榨员工的样子。 Moreover, are you really willing dead in this manner? Said to stand, drops down in another greater battlefield?” “况且,你真的愿意以这样的方式死去吗?还是说站起来,在另一个更为宏大的战场上倒下?” Joy has not responded, he is very weak, only thought that the whole body hurts, as if the whole body bone was destroyed, then spells again in the same place, near the ear is completely the noise of machine, just like buzzing that is unable to cut off. 乔伊没有回应,他很虚弱,只觉得浑身都疼,仿佛全身骨头都被人打碎,然后重拼在一起,耳边尽是机器的噪音,宛如无法断绝的蜂鸣。 He is trying setting out, but cannot sit, the muscle sends out to wail, sheared the pain like the blade, how Joy cannot see own body, like having the genuine corpse, the breath must maintain by the machine. 他试着起身,但又坐不起来,肌肉发出哀嚎,如同刀割般痛,乔伊根本看不到自己的身体怎么了,就像具真正的尸体,呼吸都要靠机器维持。 How do you are save me?” “你们是怎么把我救活的?” Hoarse-voiced, like the tattered air blower, is moving the dust and residual heat. 声音沙哑,就像破烂的鼓风机,吹动着灰尘与余温。 Had the surgery operation of risk...... you are is also dying in any case, tries always right, when devoted for the science.” “一些极具风险的手术操作……反正你也是快死了,试一试总没错,就当为科学献身了。” The black-clothed person approached Joy, slightly shone the shadow under hood sparklingly, the face that proliferates the scar exposes in Joy at present, Joy's breath rapid. 黑衣人靠近了乔伊,微光映亮了兜帽下的阴影,遍布疤痕的脸庞暴露在乔伊的眼前,乔伊的呼吸不由地急促了起来。 Visceral organ is damaged along, we few evil spirit flesh will implant, restores by this, then its cutting and ensure your physical body cannot die, energetic aspect, during the surgery, we continued to give you to inject Furlow Rend medicament, this thinks that you will revive, finally you rested was very dead, with really died was the same.” “内脏器官受损沿着,我们将少量的妖魔血肉植入其中,以此来进行修复,然后再将其切割,来保证你肉体不会死亡,精神方面,手术期间,我们持续给你注射了弗洛伦德药剂,本以为你会苏醒过来,结果你睡的很死,跟真的死了一样。” The black-clothed person are playing not the funny joke, idea that Joy simply has not smiled, these that he said are extremely fearful, unexpectedly conducts the medical service using the evil spirit flesh, but seems like, this is in the street sweeper very common matter. 黑衣人开着不好笑的玩笑,乔伊根本没有笑的想法,他所说的这些都太过可怕,居然利用妖魔血肉来进行医疗,而看起来,这还是清道夫中很常见的事。 Joy is recalling memory about the street sweeper. 乔伊回想着自己关于清道夫的记忆。 This is only in most special the department except the mechanism/organization, its head Joy is still not clear, but they as if not control breaking vault, is completely independent in eliminates the department of mechanism/organization only, words that continues to recall, the related material is blank. 这是净除机关中最为特殊的部门,它的负责人乔伊至今也不清楚,而他们似乎也不受破碎穹顶的控制,是完全独立于净除机关的部门,继续回想的话,相关的资料便是一片空白。 What is most fearful, under the careful ponder, Joy realized, oneself was never clear actually the street sweeper department called anything. 最为可怕的是,仔细的思考下,乔伊才意识到,自己从不清楚清道夫部门究竟叫什么。 Right, he does not know, the familiar person, and even Arthur is not clear. 没错,他不知晓,想必熟悉的人,乃至亚瑟也不清楚。 Everyone was clear the fellows who these silent, process the battlefield called the street sweeper, gradually was also called as that department is the street sweeper department, did not have as for other anything. 大家只是清楚这些沉默不语、来处理战场的家伙们叫清道夫,久而久之也将那个部门称作为清道夫部门,至于别的就什么也没有了。 It is a pity that these measures, these cannot guarantee that your spirit can survive, after all before the surgery, you had suffered too many corrosion, do not say in the surgery exerts again, therefore I will exert the counter mold to you, because, this strength can effectively contain the corrosion, Buvelot Rend medicament causes fortunately, will be only its side effect is very huge, refers to erratically will forget anything.” “遗憾的是这些措施,这些都不能保证你的精神能存活,毕竟在手术之前,你就已经遭受了太多的侵蚀,更不要说手术中再施加的了,所以我会对你施加逆模因,这种力量能有效地遏制侵蚀,比弗洛伦德药剂还好使,只是它的副作用很巨大,指不定就会忘记什么。” The black-clothed person continued. 黑衣人继续说着。 If lucky, but forgets some scattered hours, the unlucky words, how you may forget to breathe, suffocates dead directly.” “幸运的话,只是遗忘一些零零散散小时,倒霉的话,你可能会忘记怎么呼吸,直接窒息死。” Because counter mold, powerful, but is not controllable. 逆模因,强大但又不可控。 You also experienced these, what you forgot, lives? Galahad.” “想必你也经历了这些,那你忘记了什么,才活下来的呢?加拉哈德。” Joy shows the ugly smile, inquired. 乔伊露出难看的笑容,问询道。 Galahad, knight long one, in a original sin mail-armor and helmet loses control vanishes thoroughly, has wide divided opinions about his whereabouts, some people said that Galahad died in the mail-armor and helmet, some people said that he turned into the lunatic, lay down in some corner of Montenegro Hospital. 加拉哈德,骑士长之一,在一次原罪甲胄失控中彻底消失,关于他的去向众说纷纭,有人说加拉哈德死在了甲胄中,也有人说他变成了疯子,躺在黑山医院的某个角落里。 Joy has not thought, oneself will see Galahad unexpectedly here, remembers his result, oneself result, Joy recalled more in people who in the tomb could not find the name, perhaps here was their final homes to return. 乔伊怎么也没想到,自己居然会在这里见到加拉哈德,想起他的结局,还有自己的结局,乔伊回忆起了更多在墓地里找不到名字的人们,或许这里就是他们最终的归宿。 The breath, gasps for breath, heartbeat...... 呼吸,喘气,心跳…… Joy is looking above the bright light, the exhausted will pondered that very difficult, like covering entirely the gear of rusty stain, the mutual linking, sends out to make the sound of person of tooth acid. 乔伊望着上方明亮的灯光,疲惫的意志思考起来十分艰难,就像布满锈迹的齿轮,互相咬合,发出令人牙酸的声响。 He as if made the decision. 他似乎做下了决定。 Begins, Galahad.” “动手吧,加拉哈德。” ...... …… Street sweeper department in fact is not the retired department, we are only except the dark surface of mechanism/organization, is responsible for when event out-of-control, incarnation machinery calls upon the gods, all matter solutions, again the counter mold because of investing the column of furnace, erases everyone's memory, assures own secret and security.” “清道夫部门实际上并不是什么退休部门,我们是净除机关的暗面,负责在事件失控时,化身‘机械降神’,将所有的事情解决,再将逆模因投入熔炉之柱,抹除所有人的记忆,保证自身的隐秘与安全。” Several people walk quickly, Galahad is Washington is explaining and street sweeper department's related all on the way. 几人快步地行走,途中加拉哈德为华生解释着与清道夫部门有关的一切。 After the aid of nine summers, we use the counter mold vigorously, because, built all these,” Galahad is describing kingdom under this shadow, turned over to the dead also to appear after this, some outstanding soldiers received the fatal corroded violation, they after performing volume anterior lobe surgery, turned into a fool, stayed dead in the home for the elderly.” “在九夏的援助后,我们大力利用逆模因,搭建出了这一切,”加拉哈德描述着自己这阴影下的王国,“归亡者也是在这之后出现的,一些优秀的士兵受到了致命的侵蚀侵害,他们会在接受额前叶手术后,变成一个傻子,在养老院里呆到死。” Turns over to the dead to them a brand-new path, forgets something , to continue to go on living in the shadow.” “归亡者则将给他们一条崭新的道路,忘掉一些东西,在阴影中继续活下去。” You and Joy turn over to the product of dead?” Washington asked. “你和乔伊都是归亡者的产物?”华生问。 Almost,” Galahad begins supinely, hides the feeling under shadow is not good.” “差不多吧,”加拉哈德仰起头,“躲在阴影下的感觉并不好。” His words sound have not lost, has some happy expressions. 他的话听起来并没有太失落,紧接着带起些许的笑意。 Knows? Hall Moss Mr. use He Tianshi, is my private car, benefits from that mail-armor and helmet, I turn into now this appearance.” “知道吗?霍尔莫斯先生一直使用的黑天使,原本是我的座驾,也是得益于那个甲胄,我才变成如今这副模样。” Under the ice-cold mask had not responded, actually Washington also the first time is knew these, without thinking of several people long ago then had happening together. 冰冷的面具下没有反应,其实华生也是第一次知道这些,没想到几人很久之前便有了交集。 He came.” “他来了。” Silent Joy said in this time. 沉默的乔伊在此时说道。 Several people pause, the form of distant place stranger is gradually clear, their a total of three people, walk toward here stride, the step is consistent, neat swift and fierce. 几人停步,远处异乡人的身影逐渐清晰,他们总共三个人,朝着这里大步走来,步伐一致,整齐凌厉。 On three people of faces has the consistent happy expression, in this gloomy place bottom, only made one feel gloomy and cold of difficult word, before is the person of head arrived at the body, two portraits are the guards, stood is not saying a word behind. 三人的脸上都带着一致的笑意,在这阴暗的地底,只令人感到一阵难言的阴冷,为首之人来到了身前,身后的两人像是护卫,站在身后一言不发。 Hello everyone.” “各位好。” Is Cai of head said. 为首的蔡公说道。 Hears the present nine summer person to open the mouth, Galahad seems very accidental/surprised, „will you speak? I have thought you are group of mutes, except for smiling anything cannot.” 听到眼前的九夏人开口,加拉哈德显得很是意外,“你们会说话?我一直以为你们是群哑巴,除了微笑什么也不会。” „Everyone Cai's flaw is different, some people cannot say, some people cannot regard, some people cannot listen, I am only quite lucky healthy people.” Cai smiles the reply, the smile is false, as if ice-cold mechanical. “每个人蔡公的缺陷都不一样,有人不能言,有人不能视,有人不能听,我只是比较幸运的一个健全人。”蔡公微笑地回答,笑容虚假,仿佛冰冷的机械般。 Why are you called Cai?” Washington curious say/way. “为什么你们都被叫做蔡公呢?”华生好奇道。 Actually her not clear this is a name, said a title, why they unanimously will call by this. 她不清楚这究竟是一个名字,还是说一个称谓,为什么他们都会一致以此来称呼。 This is called the street sweeper like you, the name is unimportant, sometimes on the contrary it will be in the way very much.” “这就像你们被称作清道夫一样,名字并不重要,相反有时候它会很碍事。” Cai as before is vice- smile desirably, ill, if Lorenzo here, he thinks certainly that very much a fist pounds on Cai's face, looks at him to have other expressions. 蔡公依旧是副刻意的微笑,让人不适,如果洛伦佐在这里,他一定很想一拳砸在蔡公的脸上,看他有没有其它的表情。 These fellows wear the same uniform/subdue, same expression, if not the appearance and build varies, they simply like twin brothers. 这些家伙都穿着相同的制服,一样的表情,如果不是容貌与体型不一,他们简直就像孪生兄弟一样。 Then can start? The counter mold has been ready because of the weapon, dies and machinery calls upon the gods parallel will launch, now only needs to release the bait, the attraction goal.” “那么要开始吗?逆模因武器已就绪,‘死牢’与‘机械降神’将并行展开,现在只需要释放鱼饵,吸引目标了。” Cai said, in the gloom, the guests who these come from nine summers, has completed many tasks, the grand stage will build personally. 蔡公说道,在阴暗里,这些来自九夏的客人们,已经完成了很多任务,将盛大的舞台亲手打造。 Must divulge in this time Finally echo Information here?” “要在此时泄露【终焉回响】在这里的情报吗?” Cai is waiting for several people of responses. 蔡公等待着几人的回应。 Makes me think that......” Galahad stops to say. “让我想想……”加拉哈德制止道。 „Did you hesitate?” “你是犹豫了吗?” Washington looks to Galahad, on the face that proliferates the scar is hard to see what expression, probably in he is injured, he turned into a facial paralysis. 华生看向身旁的加拉哈德,遍布疤痕的脸庞上难以看到什么表情,好像在他受伤时,他就变成了一个面瘫。 This is an important matter, once leaks such news, Roger or Erdlen, will be attracted Old Turin, this great city will turn into the battlefield, but our odds of success is uncertain.” Galahad said. “这可是个大事啊,一旦泄露这样的消息,无论是罗杰还是艾德伦,都会被吸引到旧敦灵,这座伟大的城市将变成战场,而我们胜算渺茫。”加拉哈德道。 What is your must make?” “你们这是要做什么?” Nearby Joy responded is bigger, in information that he understood, simply did not have this point of existence, should take the new Pope and Lawrence as the bait, delays the time to be right. 一旁的乔伊反应更大,他了解的情报里,根本没有这一环的存在,应该是以新教皇与劳伦斯为诱饵,来拖延时间才对。 This is machinery calls upon the gods part.” “这是‘机械降神’的一部分。” Washington said. 华生说道。 The machinery calls upon the gods, story plot most towering transition, tedious, but the premise of transition, needs existence of contradiction, now Washington they must do, then causes the contradiction, at that uncontrollable critical moment, reverses all these. 机械降神,故事剧情最为突兀的转折,令人生厌,但转折的前提,是需要有矛盾的存在,现在华生她们要做的,便是制造矛盾,在那无可调节的关键时刻,逆转这一切。 Present condition with the situation that you speculate, is actually entirely opposite,” Washington said that Erdlen at all not battue Roger, they, although is the foe, but real disaster, only then the mine shaft of sublimation station, Erdlen do not guarantee that cannot because of Roger's action, but causes moving restlessly of well of sublimation.” “现实情况与你们推测的情况,其实完全相反,”华生说道,“艾德伦根本不会追猎罗杰,他们虽然是仇敌,但真正的灾难只有升华之井下的不可言述者,艾德伦要保证不会因罗杰的举动,而引起升华之井的躁动。” Roger's goal not station, but Erdlen's goal entirely is opposite with him, this moment stagnation temple was being guarded with large army, perhaps Erdlen then assumes personal command personally there, to avoid Roger having any possibly approaches here opportunity, he will not leave the well of sublimation, Erdlen by stubbornly foot pin rod there, timid and hesitant.” “罗杰的目标只有不可言述者,而艾德伦的目的则与他完全相反,想必此刻静滞圣殿正被重兵把守,说不定艾德伦便亲自坐镇在那里,以避免罗杰有任何可能靠近这里的机会,他不会离开升华之井的,艾德伦被死死地钉在那里,束手束脚。” Information that in other words, issues the new Pope, in fact issues Erdlen?” “也就是说,发给新教皇的信息,实际上是发给艾德伦?” Joy awakens, perhaps under Lorenzo and Washington two-sided operations, they as if deceived...... to originally plan everyone is this, has deceived the enemy, has deceived itself. 乔伊惊醒,在洛伦佐与华生双面操作下,他们似乎把所有人都骗了过去……或许原计划就是这样,骗过敌人,骗过自己。 Two sets of plan parallel advance, no one knows when will interlock, bursts out the roguest fireworks. 两套计划并行前进,谁也不知道会在何时交错,迸发出最为凶恶的焰火。 Right, Finally echo As can threaten the weapon of station only, Roger will not let off it, is unable to capture in the situation in stagnation temple, his priority selection will certainly destroy us. “对,【终焉回响】作为唯一能威胁到不可言述者的武器,罗杰不会放过它的,在无法攻陷静滞圣殿的情况下,他一定会优先选择来摧毁我们。 But this thing to Erdlen, is tempting, Lorenzo has said that in fact we and Erdlen are with the camp, he can also rob Finally echo, Ends all these. ” 而这东西对艾德伦而言,也极具诱惑力,洛伦佐说过的,实际上我们与艾德伦是同阵营的,他也会来抢夺【终焉回响】,来终结这一切。” Washington is revealing the trend of enemy. 华生吐露着敌人的走向。 Roger is thorny, was we could not find him, he can wander in the mind of anyone, the assassin in incarnation shadow, but this time, we must make him expose under the sunlight, he will arrive at Old Turin, encountered our resistances, our resistances will be very tenacious, nailed tight Roger in Old Turin.” “罗杰之所以棘手,是我们根本找不到他,他可以游荡在任何一个人的脑海之中,化身阴影里的刺客,而这一次,我们要让他暴露在阳光下,他会来到旧敦灵,遭到我们的抵抗,我们的抵抗会很顽强,将罗杰钉死在旧敦灵之中。” Then Erdlen realized that Roger exists in Old Turin, but also was constrained, this hiding foe appears finally, only waits for oneself to go him to cut to kill, and also has Finally echo......” Joy muttered. “然后艾德伦意识到罗杰存在于旧敦灵之中,还被拖住,这个躲躲藏藏的仇敌终于出现,只等待自己去将其斩杀,并且还有着【终焉回响】……”乔伊喃喃道。 This is what kind of seduction, making two monsters kill one another. 这是何等的诱惑,令两头怪物自相残杀。 At his intensity, conducts Gap The shuttle, he will then arrive in less than several minutes here.” “以他的强度,进行【间隙】穿梭,用不了几分钟他便会降临在这里。” Joy flash felt oneself are hard to breathe, „can you these two monster attractions to Old Turin, initiate the bloody battle?” 乔伊一瞬间觉得自己难以呼吸,“你们要将这两头怪物吸引至旧敦灵,引发血战?” Once lets such bloody battle eruption, Old Turin will be hard to escape by luck. 一旦让这样的血战爆发,旧敦灵将难以幸免。 We have also thought supposes the corner/horn of high sea for the battlefield, but this was too obvious, Roger is very easy to realize that here is a trap, only then here, innumerable resident, single layer heavy system and steel, only except mechanism/organization and Ingerveig core, be only such value, can erase his anxiety.” “我们也想过将怒涛之角设为战场,但这太明显了,罗杰很容易意识到这里是陷阱,只有这里,数不清的市民,一重重的系统与钢铁,净除机关与英尔维格的核心,只有这样的价值,才能抹除他的疑虑。” Galahad opens the hand, is hugging the darkness, as if must haunch the buildings clusters in surface. 加拉哈德张开手,拥抱着黑暗,仿佛要撑起地表的楼群们。 Therefore this is ‚’ the reason that dies to have.” “所以这才是‘死牢’存在的原因。” Joy follows to begin supinely, looks to the dark deep place, that built refuge shelter, there will protect is not the resident, is not the material and technology, what there will protect is a regiment, in final of fight, crawls from the darkness, gives fatally their strikes...... 乔伊跟着仰起了头,看向黑暗深处,那正被打造的避难所,那里将保护的不是市民,也不是资料与技术,那里将保护的是一支军团,在战斗的最后,从黑暗里爬出,给予他们致命的一击…… He remembered anything suddenly, the vision has the suspicion completely, twittering. 他突然想起了什么,目光满带着怀疑,呢喃着。 Has deceived the enemy, has deceived......” “骗过敌人,骗过自己……” Joy is gazing at Washington that silver white mask, attempts to penetrate the metal, sees through its below the mind. 乔伊注视着华生那银白的面具,妄图透过金属,看穿其下的心神。 You said that? Can this be the complete picture of entire plan?” “你们所说的,是真的吗?这会是整个计划的全貌吗?” Washington had not replied, only then selects the point glimmer to circle in the darkness. 华生没有回答,只有点点的微光在黑暗里盘旋。 The single layer the lie and misleading of single layer, except for outsider, no one know all these truth. 一重又一重的谎言与误导,除了“局外人”,没有人知晓这一切的真相。
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