EG :: Volume #6

#15: Letter/believes

The primary meeting had ended, Zuo Town said that has the relation again, they will visit personally, then is some at sixes and sevens matters concerned, chatted with several old fogies, then Lorenzo was put. 初次的会面已结束,左镇说再有联系,他们会亲自拜访的,然后便是一些乱七八糟的事宜,和几个老家伙聊聊天,然后洛伦佐就被放了回来。 When comes cannot sit to eliminate the carriage of mechanism/organization only, to make up for the kestrel, Lorenzo is entangling the kestrel, making him deliver itself to come back, this unbearable that the kestrel tosses about, he shouted curses all the way endlessly, he was been always disgusting by Lorenzo, moreover he could not every time be disgusting, this made the kestrel very weak. 来时没能坐上净除机关的马车,为了弥补红隼,洛伦佐缠着红隼,让他送自己回来,这把红隼折腾的够呛,一路上他没完没了地叫骂,他总被洛伦佐恶心,而且每次他都恶心不回去,这让红隼很是无力。 Got in familiar home, Lorenzo felt own these days anxious seems to have alleviated finally, lies on the bed, is feeling comfortably. 回到了熟悉的家里,洛伦佐觉得自己这几日的焦虑似乎终于有所缓解,躺在床上,感受着舒适。 He remembered anything, turned gets out of bed, sits before the table, then opened the drawer, took out a photo album. 他想起了什么,翻下床,坐在了桌前,然后拉开抽屉,取出了一本相册。 Opening, performing is some familiar faces. 翻开,尽是些熟悉的面孔。 The kestrel, Burao, Eve and stopper colored glaze...... even also has Arthur. 红隼、伯劳伊芙、塞琉……甚至还有亚瑟 The picture that inside clamps varies, the newspaper of cutting, as well as some obviously the yellowing picture that tears down from the file, its under also some the short notes of Lorenzo writing by hand, who label these people are. 里面夹的照片各异,还有剪切的报纸,以及一些明显是从档案上撕下的泛黄照片,其下还有一些洛伦佐手写的便签,来标注这些人都是谁。 Comes back after the lonesome sea, Lorenzo worried very much, he will be afraid himself to forget anyone, for this reason he in the idle time, collected these pictures, conformed with them in one. 从寂海回来后,洛伦佐就很担忧,他害怕自己会忘记谁,为此他在空闲时间,收集了这些照片,把它们都整合在了一起。 The picture of stops up colored glaze is best to collect, after all is Stuart's female duke, looks for a newspaper casually, can cut her head picture, Arthur is also so, what is quite difficult is only in these fellows except mechanism/organization. 塞琉的照片是最好收集的,毕竟是斯图亚特的女公爵,随便找个报纸,就能切下她的头像,亚瑟也是如此,比较困难的是净除机关内部的这些家伙。 The Lorenzo being disinclined manages kestrel wants the picture, or leads him to photograph, is not inferior by kestrel that mouthful in own rotten words, Lorenzo only thought that can be one suffers, for this reason Lorenzo uses some strange applications, obtained the jurisdiction of visiting the file, hopes that these fellows have not noticed loss of picture. 洛伦佐懒得管红隼要照片,或者带他去照相,以红隼那满嘴不逊色于自己的烂话,洛伦佐只觉得会是一场折磨,为此洛伦佐利用一些奇怪的申请,获得了访问档案的权限,希望那些家伙没有注意到照片的丢失。 The familiar face, they filled up this photo album one after another, finally a group photo, group photo when Galunalo. 一张又一张熟悉的面孔,它们填满了这本相册,最后还有一场合影,是在高卢纳洛时的合影。 Recalls is touched, Lorenzo tranquil a meeting, receives the photo album, the stopper returned to the drawer, walks toward downstairs. 回忆被触动,洛伦佐平静了一会,把相册收起,塞回了抽屉里,朝着楼下走去。 Mechanical institute stopped other production, assistance dies full power ‚’, it is expected that does not have/leave half a month time, we then can build a simple refuge shelter under the column of furnace, is unable to guarantee that various facilities can invest, but can guarantee the Zhengsheng silver to proliferate completely, blocks the invasion.” “机械院停止了所有其它生产,全力协助‘死牢’,预计不出半个月的时间,我们便能在熔炉之柱下打造出一个简易的避难所,无法保证各种设施能够投入,但可以保证圣银将完全遍布其中,阻绝入侵。” In the mind reverberates the words of Meilin, Lorenzo writes to draw on the map. 脑海里回响着梅林的话语,洛伦佐在地图上写写画画着。 He sweeps completely spatially the thing on desktop, map even shop/spread who will then hang up above. 他把桌面上的东西全部扫空,然后将挂起的地图平铺在其上。 Old Turin was maintained heavy guard, the iron whale and frequency of armed Iron Snake patrol wanted high, do not say anti-riot of street patrol. 旧敦灵被严加保护着,铁鲸与武装铁蛇巡逻的频率要高了很多,更不要说街头巡逻的镇暴者了。 These to not contain Roger exist, the iron and fire are he who cannot kill, all these are for a somewhat cruel reason. 这些并非是为了遏制罗杰而存在,铁与火是杀不死的他的,这一切是为了一个有些残忍的理由。 Once such monster falls into Old Turin, by erosion intensity that he releases, manufacture massive evil spirit, resist Roger sufficiently, these military equipment actually to kill the residents who may turn into the evil spirit. 一旦这样的怪物落入旧敦灵之中,以他释放的侵蚀强度,足以制造大量的妖魔,与其说是对抗罗杰,这些武装倒是为了杀死有可能变成妖魔的市民们。 Lorenzo drew a big triangle on the map, three apexes respectively are located in Ingerveig, Galunalo and sacred gospel Papal States. 洛伦佐在地图上画了一个大大的三角,三个顶点分别位于英尔维格高卢纳洛以及神圣福音教皇国。 In was not clear that under Roger concrete trend, these three regions may encounter his attacking fiercely, then is...... the counter-attack. 在不清楚罗杰具体的动向下,这三个区域都有可能遭到他的猛击,然后便是……反击。 Thinks that here Lorenzo then feels a headache, he feels strangely, probably had anything to forget , the probably wall, is preventing itself to ponder in some direction. 想到这里洛伦佐便觉得一阵头疼,他感觉怪怪的,好像有什么东西被忘记了,又好像有一道墙,在阻止自己往某个方向去思考。 Under Helck words, Lorenzo suspected whether oneself suffered the counter mold, because, but he thinks that was not clear why will make, making oneself forget the choice of something, as for forgetting the thing is anything, was hard to think. 在赫尔克里的话语下,洛伦佐怀疑自己是否遭受了逆模因,可他想不清楚自己为什么会做出,令自己忘记某事的抉择,至于忘记的东西是什么,更难以去想了。 Therefore he fell into a strange position, believes that own words, Lorenzo should not go into seriously , to continue to maintain forgetting, suspected that own words, Lorenzo feared own behavior will urge some mistake. 为此他陷入了一个奇怪的境地,相信自己的话,洛伦佐就不该深究,继续保持着遗忘,怀疑自己的话,洛伦佐又怕自己的行为会促使某种错误。 Also some are, is the truth really this? 还有的就是,真相真的是这样吗? The innumerable suspicion covered Lorenzo, but the present is he most should not suspect the time, mental by consideration. 数不清的怀疑笼罩住了洛伦佐,而现在是他最不该怀疑的时候,心智备受考量。 He puts out Finally echo, Is manipulating this jet black cube. 他拿出【终焉回响】,摆弄着这漆黑的立方。 This black cube is tempting, is ordinary just like the corrosion, Lorenzo can feel the influence that above transmits, attracts him to spy on, but he understands, this is not the issue of black cube, but is own issue. 这黑色立方极具诱惑力,宛如侵蚀一般,洛伦佐能感受到其上传来的影响,吸引着他去窥探,但他明白,这不是黑色立方的问题,而是自己的问题。 Everyone is so, when seeing this affects the world trend black cube sufficiently, no one can stop to its daydream. 每个人都是如此,在见到这足以影响世界走向的黑色立方时,没有人能止住对它的遐想。 Has the charm is not the gold, but is the heart. 有魔力的不是金子,而是心。 Lorenzo is rubbing the surface of black cube, feels its ice-cold, the vision is fixing the eyes in the map. 洛伦佐揉搓着黑色立方的表面,感受着它的冰冷,目光则紧盯在地图上。 The suspicion of innermost feelings even more intensifies, Lorenzo likes all the feeling in autogenous control, but now the mixture of truth and deceit, making him anxious, when staring at black cube, he had that the misconception of flash. 内心的怀疑越发加剧,洛伦佐喜欢一切都在自己控制中的感觉,而现在虚虚实实,令他不安,以至于在凝视黑色立方时,他都产生了那么一瞬间的错觉。 The counter mold because of being the self- close information, it needs a carrier the carrying/sustaining, then this black cube, is really its carrier? 逆模因是自我封闭的信息,它需要一个载体的承载,那么这黑色立方,真的是它的载体吗? This is a black box, Lorenzo does not have the means to prove all these, like him is unable to show that oneself whether by counter mold because of influence. 这是一个黑箱,洛伦佐没有办法去证明这一切,就像他无法证明自己是否被逆模因影响一样。 Perhaps I need another plan, possibly deals all...... sure-kill.” “或许我需要另一个计划,一个应对所有可能的……绝杀。” Lorenzo by to behind, turned upwards the leg, holds the black cube in the hand, like surrounding the child. 洛伦佐靠向了身后,翘起腿,把黑色立方捧在手中,就像在环抱着孩子。 Counter mold because of needing a carrier, this carrier can be the heavy rain, can be the black cube, even said...... the person. 逆模因需要一个载体,这个载体可以是大雨,也是可以是黑色立方,甚至说……人。 Incessantly so, Lorenzo starts to ponder, whether the consciousness can also be used as the counter mold because of carrier. 不止如此,洛伦佐开始思考,意识是否也可以作为逆模因的载体。 He sets out fiercely, like the demented lunatic, takes up the ruler, Lorenzo starts to survey Old Turin with seven earthen mounds the distance, in the existing survey method, the error thinks that will be very big, but in Gap Under the shuttle, such error does not affect anything. 他又猛地起身,就像个癫狂的疯子,拿起笔尺,洛伦佐开始测量旧敦灵与七丘之所的距离,以现有的勘测手段,误差想必会很大,但在【间隙】穿梭下,这样的误差并不影响什么。 Lorenzo calculates the corrosive influence most wide scope, pondered how long if oneself lonely throw needs to arrive in the stagnation temple. 洛伦佐计算自己侵蚀影响的最大范围,思考自己如果孤独一掷需要多久才能抵达静滞圣殿。 He was not clear the difference that feel, actually came from where, Lorenzo does not have the courage, pins all hopes in this blindness, he needs to take the lead, when at least the disaster happened, he has the ability of recovery. 他不清楚自己所感受到的这种异样,究竟是从何而来,洛伦佐也没有勇气,将所有的希望寄托于这种盲目,他需要自己占据主动,至少当灾难发生时,他有补救的能力。 Therefore, what you need is only the carrier is right?” “所以,你需要的只是载体对吧?” Lorenzo is gazing at the black cube, blazing the white glimmer to flash past in the eyeground. 洛伦佐注视着黑色立方,炽白的微光在眼底一闪而过。 Perhaps...... Lorenzo can this when necessary. 或许……必要时洛伦佐可以这样做。 This is a somewhat crazy action, it can be the Lorenzo card in hand, to deal any has the possibility sudden situation. 这是个有些疯狂的举动,它会是洛伦佐的底牌,以应对任何有可能突然的情况。 So long as Roger appears, then Erdlen will certainly also appear...... not, he may also guard to sublimate the well, avoids luring the enemy out of his stronghod.” “只要罗杰出现,那么艾德伦一定也会出现……不,他也有可能镇守升华之井,避免被调虎离山。” Lorenzo looks at the red triangle, in fact the fourth corner/horn, but that is Roger of no trail, when he appears, all points will then be linked to each other, common performance crazy opening. 洛伦佐看着红色的三角,实际上还有第四角,而那便是毫无踪迹的罗杰,当他出现时,所有的点便将被连在一起,共同演奏疯狂的开幕。 However perhaps in all sorts of situations, has flash that the stagnation temple is unguarded. 不过在种种情况下,或许有那么一瞬间,静滞圣殿是无人看守的。 The Lorenzo innermost feelings are ready to make trouble. 洛伦佐的内心蠢蠢欲动。 Such ponder has not continued is too long, after wants to be clear all, Lorenzo curls up the map, is placed in one side well. 这样的思考没有持续太久,想清楚一切后,洛伦佐将地图卷起,好好地摆在一边。 He takes up nearby suitcase, inside packed the clothes of changing and washing, then is own weapon, as well as some at sixes and sevens things. 他拿起一旁的行李箱,里面装满了换洗的衣服,然后便是自己的武器,以及一些乱七八糟的东西。 Arthur proposed that makes Lorenzo move into eliminates the mechanism/organization only, otherwise must look for him each time is really troublesome, do not say now in this case, once there is a thunderbolt, the action will be very difficult. 亚瑟提议让洛伦佐入驻净除机关,不然每次都得来找他实在是太麻烦了,更不要说现在这种情况下,一旦有突发事件,行动会很困难。 Lorenzo understands that the meaning of Arthur, in the surface said that in fact is the surveillance to Lorenzo, in order to avoid Lorenzo makes what crazy action, substitutes another branch road the trend of story. 洛伦佐明白亚瑟的意思,表面上这么说,实际上是对洛伦佐的监视,以免洛伦佐做出什么疯狂之举,把故事的走向代入另一条歧路。 Also some are, this fellow is worried about Lorenzo very much. 还有的就是,这个家伙很担心洛伦佐 Although Arthur does not want to say that but the fact is so, Lorenzo is at present the peak individual strength, and is also taking care Finally echo, Once in night that in some no one knows, Lorenzo such dying an untimely death office? 虽然亚瑟很不想这么说,但事实便是如此,洛伦佐是目前最为顶尖的单兵战力,并且还保管着【终焉回响】,一旦在某个无人知晓的夜晚里,洛伦佐就这么横死事务所了呢? For these all kinds of reasons, Lorenzo must move, is only the short-term housing, but he did not abandon to here. 出于这些各式各样的原因,洛伦佐久违地要进行搬家,只是短期居住,但他仍对这里十分不舍。 Thinks carefully, besides kills with the evil spirit, the Lorenzo desire only had here the nest to dying probably, now makes him leave here, poured somewhat hard to endure, but thinks, if had the fight here, the office possible minute/share of minute by the crew cut, Lorenzo is not hesitated. 仔细想想,除了和妖魔打打杀杀外,洛伦佐的愿望好像就只剩下在这里窝到死了,如今让他离开这里,倒有些难忍,但一想到,如果在这里发生战斗,事务所可能分分钟就被推平了,洛伦佐就没那么犹豫了。 With it own crew cut, might as well damage eliminates the mechanism/organization only, in any case is the request that they put forward. 与其把自己家推平了,不如去祸害净除机关,反正是他们提的要求。 The thing that must bring almost brought, as for these Saint silver that the kestrel brought, in also had except the mechanism/organization in only, does not need to take. 要带的东西都差不多带好了,至于红隼带来的那些圣银,在净除机关里还有更多,没必要带上。 Takes up the hat to buckle in the head, Lorenzo is drawing the suitcase, just prepared to go out of the office, he remembered anything, has turned around, steps on the chair to climb up the table. 拿起帽子扣在头上,洛伦佐拉着行李箱,刚准备走出了事务所,他又想起了什么东西,转过身,踩着椅子爬上了桌子。 Yo, my small treasure.” “呦,我的小宝贝。” Lorenzo takes down it, it by the face, made an effort to rub the butt of wooden, held in the mouth the beloved bone like only the big dog. 洛伦佐将它取了下来,把它靠在脸上,用力地蹭了蹭木质的枪托,就像只大狗叼起了自己心爱的骨头。 Do not enter that good night gently.” “不要温柔地走进那个良夜。” The finger has delimited the concave-convex scratch, the craftsmanship of artisan is very good, according to the description of Lorenzo, even some small details did. 手指划过凹凸的刻痕,工匠的手艺很不错,按照洛伦佐的描述,连一些微小的细节都做了出来。 This was not original Winchester, but Lorenzo so many art, have not treated as brand-new regarding it as before, was like Helck Borloo, nothing but several generations of items. 这不是原版的温彻斯特了,但洛伦佐没那么多讲究,依旧把它当做崭新的看待,就跟赫尔克里的波洛一样,无非几代目而已。 In afterward fight, because oneself became powerful, Lorenzo barely used this weapon, it was more like a souvenir, is commemorating the past all sorts. 后来的战斗中,因为自身变得强大,洛伦佐很少用起这把武器了,它更像是一件纪念品,纪念着过去的种种。 Lorenzo wants to keep in the office it, may when going out he does not want, this Lorenzo choice to take it like this, for as if not appear by oneself lonely is so same. 原本洛伦佐想把它留在事务所里的,可在出门时他又不想这样了,这一次洛伦佐选择带上它,似乎为了不让自己显得那么孤独一样。 Therefore...... I want also to have a talent is right.” “所以……我想还有一个人才对的。” Lorenzo stands on the table, looking at this was not narrow and small, not very big office. 洛伦佐站在桌子上,看了看这不算狭小,也不算很大的事务所。 He very clear is a somewhat eccentric person, in casual daily, the biggest hobby also lies down on the sofa kills the time, but Lorenzo always thought that...... here should not be like this lonely. 他很清楚自己是个有些孤僻的人,休闲的日常里,最大的爱好也是躺在沙发上消磨时间,可洛伦佐总觉得……这里不该这样冷清。 Lorenzo always felt own side should also the person, but looked at the distribution of room, here not to the position of new roommate, actually then own misconception does come from where? 洛伦佐总觉得自己身旁应该还有一个人,但看了看房间的分布,这里没有给新室友的位置,那么自己的错觉究竟是从何而来呢? Headache. 头疼。 He cannot think that forgotten roommate, went down the table, is carrying Winchester and suitcase, Lorenzo deadlocks the door, the form was increasingly estranged, disappears in the corner end. 他想不起来那个被忘记的“室友”了,走下桌子,拎着温彻斯特与行李箱,洛伦佐将房门锁死,身影渐行渐远,消失在了街角尽头。 ...... …… Galunalo, Marulis harbor. 高卢纳洛,玛鲁里港口。 After the night of misery, here then turns into the frontline of Galunalo war, the innumerable battleship arrangement above the sea level, in the ruins of city, the pastor of orthodox church goes through back and forth, is spreading the glow of belief. 自苦难之夜后,这里便变成高卢纳洛战争的前线,数不清的战舰排列在海面之上,城市的废墟中,正教的牧师来回穿行,播撒着信仰的辉光。 Under Lawrence's method, the orthodox church deeply has dug in the people, and is centered on Marulis harbor, spreads toward all around. 在劳伦斯的手段下,正教已经深深地扎入民众之中,并且以玛鲁里港口为核心,向着四周扩散。 In the street under curtain of night, the pastor of finding at everywhere orthodox church, they are grasping the inspection lamp candlestick, goes forward, while is praying. 夜幕下的街头里,随处可见正教的牧师,他们手持着提灯烛台,一边前进,一边祷告着。 Lorenzo several people of atrocities, ignite the supply system to detonate Marulis's underground completely, the line was buried completely, now people can only illuminate using the candlelight, all as if turned toward advanced in the past. 洛伦佐几人的暴行,将玛鲁里的地下燃起供应系统全部引爆,线路完全被掩埋,如今人们只能利用烛火来照明,一切仿佛都向着过去推进。 The pastor arrived among the soldiers of patrol, is praying the Saint word, whispered fluctuating, gathered with the sound of distant place in one, like the nameless hymn, circled above this city. 牧师走到了巡逻的士兵间,祷告着圣言,低语起伏,跟着远处的声响汇聚在了一起,如同无名的圣歌,盘旋在这城市之上。 Is overlooking Marulis from the upper air, can see that the endless candlelight raises in the street, they interlocked mutually, build the spider web of combustion, outside along the ray was somewhat gloomy, but walked toward the core of spider web, the glow was even more intense, its center was common like the daytime. 从高空俯视着玛鲁里,能看到无尽的烛火在街头升起,它们相互交错,构筑成了燃烧的蛛网,外沿的光芒有些暗淡,但朝着蛛网的核心走去,辉光越发强烈,以至于它的中央如同白日一般灿烂。 In center that this candlelight flutters, then after the extension Herrn cathedral, Lawrence as the orthodox church Pope, sets up here for the residence, the innumerable priest surrounds here, in the blood is rolling the taboo. 在这烛火飘荡的中央,便是经过扩建的赫恩大教堂,劳伦斯作为正教教宗,将这里立为居所,数不清的教士环绕在这里,血液里滚动着禁忌。 The wax oil of melting soaked the long step, like blood of solidification. 融化的蜡油浸透了长阶,如同凝固的鲜血。 Liya steps on the bright red long step, unemotionally upward advance, past shy laughter, on her nothing left, now is only left over ice-cold that the candlelight is not even able to warm. 丽雅踩在鲜红的长阶上,面无表情地向上前进,以往的青涩嬉笑,在她身上荡然无存,如今只剩下了连烛火也无法温暖的冰冷。 She crosses hinders layer upon layer, saw the bright red form in the core of Herrn cathedral. 她越过层层阻碍,在赫恩大教堂的核心见到了鲜红的身影。 He is turning away from Liya, situated in the huge pipe organ in church, both hands plays a qin, seeming like wants to play one, but does not know that is what reason, has not begun. 他背对着丽雅,位于教堂内的庞大的管风琴下,双手抚琴,似乎是想弹奏一曲,但不知是什么原因,迟迟没有动手。 Liya walks toward him, in the hand takes a confidential file, then stayed in his body side. 丽雅朝着他走去,手里拿着一份秘密文件,然后停留在了他的身侧。 Under crown, you have to seal the letter/believes from Old Turin.” “冕下,您有封来自旧敦灵的信。” Old Turin?” 旧敦灵?” Lawrence has turned the head, on the ice-cold mask is producing an inverted image the similarly ice-cold face, the hoarse laughter resounds. 劳伦斯转过头,冰冷的面具上倒映着同样冰冷的脸庞,沙哑的笑声响起。 Letter/believes from Old Turin?” “来自旧敦灵的信?” Right.” “没错。” Liya nods , indicating oneself have not cracked a joke, the White Tide Strait situation is stern, between both countries almost does not have any communicated, but now should not present the letter/believes here, arrived here. 丽雅点点头,表示自己没有开玩笑,白潮海峡局势严峻,两国之间几乎没有任何来往了,而现在一封不该出现在这里的信,抵达了这里。 Evidently through some special channels, here that escorts to urgently,” Liya said, mailman I also made one inquire, his anything does not know.” “看样子是通过一些特殊渠道,紧急送往的这里,”丽雅说,“邮递员我也令人去查询了,他什么也不知道。” This?” “这样吗?” Lawrence raised some interests, at this time the private letter from Old Turin, he can be anything curiously. 劳伦斯提起了些许的兴趣,这种时候来自旧敦灵的私人信件,他很好奇会是什么。 Received the letter, the sharp fingertip like the blade then, easily cut the envelope, took in which paper, in this does not calculate that under neat handwriting, Lawrence found that familiar name in the corner. 接过信件,锐利的指尖如同刀刃便,轻易地划开了信封,将其中的纸张取了出来,在这不算工整的字迹下,劳伦斯在角落里找到了那个熟悉的名字。 Lorenzo Hall Moss.” 洛伦佐・霍尔莫斯。”
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