ESBO :: Volume #5 仙界之主

#503: I give you finally a double-hour the time

Remote Antiquity Supreme palace. 上古至尊殿堂。 Here was covered dark, moreover some strange thing. 这里被黑暗笼罩,而且有许多诡异之物。 Initially after the Remote Antiquity Supreme palace was extinguished, the bloodshed was torrential, ghost endless, the addiction came innumerable Monster Beast and strange thing. 当初上古至尊殿堂被灭之后,血海滔滔,冤魂无尽,瘾来啦无数妖兽和诡异之物。 Lu Changsheng was sent into exile to come by Supreme Buddha Mother, he avoided all strange thing. 陆长生是被无上佛母放逐而来,他避开了所有的诡异之物。 However, Jiangcheng and purple dream Daoist is different, they kill directly from outside. 但是,江城和紫梦道人不一样,他们是从外面直接杀来的。 Therefore met many troublesome, but river Chen has no complaint. 所以遇到了许多麻烦,但江辰没有任何一点抱怨。 Because in his eyes, oneself can obtain the Supreme bone symbol immediately, even can also subdue to lock in the monster tower all peerless Vicious Beast. 因为在他眼中,自己马上就可以获得至尊骨符,甚至还可以收服锁妖塔里面所有的绝世凶兽 Thinks of here, Jiangcheng then excited, he is very clear, these peerless ominous thing fearful, if can use for oneself, simply is happy boundless. 想到这里,江城便不由兴奋,他十分清楚,那些绝世凶物到底有多可怕,如若能够为己所用,简直是乐无边。 Also at this moment, Jiangcheng and purple dream Daoist has arrived has locked outside the monster tower. 也就在这时,江城和紫梦道人已经来到了锁妖塔外。 When two people arrive locks outside the monster tower, the purple dream Daoist look changes. 只是当两人来到锁妖塔外时,紫梦道人的神色不由一变。 Young Lord, you look quickly.” 少主,你快看。” Purple dream Daoist points is locking the monster tower look to be not quite attractive. 紫梦道人指着锁妖塔神色不太好看。 In a flash, the vision of Jiangcheng looks following the place that purple dream Daoist refers. 一瞬间,江城的目光顺着紫梦道人所指的地方看去。 The look of quick Jiangcheng also changes. 很快江城的神色也不由一变。 Because of the lock monster tower at this moment, had been opened. 因为此时此刻的锁妖塔,已经被打开了。 This is impossible, locking the monster tower will be is impossible to be opened, above will have the Supreme mansion paper, besides me, no one can open this.” “这不可能,锁妖塔是不可能会被打开的,上面有至尊府纸,除了我以外,没有人可以打开这个。” Jiangcheng so said, he is very self-confident, because he is Son of Destiny, all magnificent should be he comes the casting. 江城这般说道,他很自信,因为他是天命之子,一切的辉煌都应该是他来铸造的。 Therefore he does not believe all that at present has. 所以他不相信眼前所发生的一切。 But locks the front door of monster tower indeed to open, really does not know at once should say anything. 但锁妖塔的大门的确是开着的,一时之间真不知道该说什么。 Locks the monster tower, should not open, perhaps is these Vicious Beast wants to deceive us to go in?” “锁妖塔,不应该是开着的,或许是这些凶兽想要骗我们进去?” Also at this moment, the purple dream Daoist opens the mouth, the thoughts are meticulous, first associates to these Vicious Beast wants to deceive oneself to go. 也就在这时,紫梦道人开口,心思缜密,第一时间联想到这些凶兽想要欺骗自己进去。 Hears this saying, Jiangcheng stares slightly, later the thinking, opens the mouth to say slightly. 听到这话,江城微微一愣,随后稍加思索,紧接着开口道。 Right, locks the monster tower possibly not to open, the only explanation, is these Vicious Beast wants to deceive us, these Vicious Beast each and everyone are shrewd and crafty, is the purple dream senior thoughts is meticulous!” “没错,锁妖塔不可能是开着的,唯一的解释,就是这些凶兽想要把我们骗进去,这些凶兽一个个老奸巨猾,还是紫梦前辈心思缜密!” Jiangcheng opens the mouth, he then believed the guess of purple dream Daoist directly. 江城开口,他直接便相信了紫梦道人的猜测。 Because he knows, these Vicious Beast each and everyone are shrewd and crafty, they were stranded here, that the life span is restricted, swallows either mutually, either can only swallow others. 因为他知道,这些凶兽一个个老奸巨猾,他们被困在这里,寿命受到的限制,要么互相吞噬,要么只能吞噬别人。 Now opens the front door, making perplexed cultivator step into this leaf of front door, was swallowed by them directly. 如今打开大门,让不明所以的修士踏入这扇大门,被他们直接吞噬。 Also only has this to explain all. 也唯有这个才能解释一切。 Locks the monster tower to paste Supreme talisman paper, they can open the front door, actually cannot walk . Moreover the purple dream senior you detects, the surroundings are filling dreadful ominous intent.” “锁妖塔贴着至尊符纸,他们可以打开大门,却不可以走出来,而且紫梦前辈你有没有察觉到,周围弥漫着滔天凶意。” Jiangcheng looks to locking the monster tower, he so asked. 江城看向锁妖塔,他这般问道。 This words saying, purple dream Daoist nods, he indeed detected this unusual dreadful ominous intent. 此话一说,紫梦道人点了点头,他的确察觉到了这不同寻常的滔天凶意。 Thinks of here, his more definite oneself suspicion is right. 想到这里,他更加确定自己猜想是对的。 How should we do? Young Lord?” “那我们该怎么做?少主?” Purple dream Daoist so asked. 紫梦道人这般问道。 Jiangcheng looked at a glimpse to lock the monster tower, pondered a meeting, later thought aloud. 江城看了一眼锁妖塔,沉思了一会,随后自言自语道。 This crowd of Vicious Beast were detained in locking the monster tower, they want certainly, thinks compared with anyone, but they disdain in cooperate with ordinary cultivator, will want to trap these cultivator to enter locks in the monster tower.” “这群凶兽被扣押在锁妖塔内,他们一定想要出来,比谁都想,只是他们不屑于跟普通修士合作,才会想要诱骗这些修士进入锁妖塔内。” However I am different, I am Son of Destiny, perhaps they are willing to cooperate with me.” “而我不一样,我是天命之子,或许他们愿意与我合作。” Jiangcheng said, he is very clear, these peerless Vicious Beast have wants to leave the unlocking monster tower. 江城如此说道,他十分清楚,这些绝世凶兽有多么想要离开锁妖塔。 Reason that clear , because cultivator that says is the Remote Antiquity Supreme palace has looked for him, considering his a lot, therefore he is clear. 之所以清楚,是因为有一个自称是上古至尊殿堂的修士找过他,告之他很多事情,所以他才明白。 Since knows that this crowd of Vicious Beast want anything, then the means had. 既然知道这群凶兽想要什么,那么办法就有了。 Quick, Jiangcheng forwarded one step, his vision gaze is locking the monster tower, opened the mouth to say slowly. 很快,江城向前走了一步,他目光注视在锁妖塔,紧接着缓缓开口道。 everyone, I know that you in inside, I am Son of Destiny, inheritance in Remote Antiquity Supreme palace, I know, you hate the Remote Antiquity Supreme palace, but so many years, the hatreds in your heart, I have thought now has dissipated.” 诸位,我知道你们在里面,吾乃天命之子,上古至尊殿堂的传承者,我知道,你们非常痛恨上古至尊殿堂,但如今过了这么多年,你们心中的恨意,我想早已经消散了吧。” I am willing to cooperate with you, so long as you help me, becomes my subordinate, when I rule the world, making the benevolence I not forget.” “我愿意与你们合作,只要你们帮助我,成为我的属下,待我君临天下之时,让恩情我绝不会忘记。” And, I can put now you, how?” “并且,我现在就可以将你们放出来,如何?” Jiangcheng lengthy speech, but his tone actually very gentle. 江城长篇大论,但他的语气却十分的平和。 He does not want to anger this group of Vicious Beast, he only hopes that can discuss with the opposite party well. 他不想要惹怒这帮凶兽,他只希望能够与对方好好谈一谈。 Because he indeed needs a support force now he, Remote Antiquity Supreme palace former subordinates also not clear where, even if obtained Supreme ancient rune/symbol, still needs to seek for these former subordinates. 因为他现在的的确确需要一股力量支持着他,上古至尊殿堂旧部还不清楚在何处,即便是得到了至尊古符,也需要寻找那些旧部。 However surrenders this group of peerless Vicious Beast, to currently speaking, is a huge good deed. 然而降服这帮绝世凶兽,对目前来说,是一件天大的好事。 Locks in the monster tower not to broadcast any sound, all seem extremely peaceful. 只是,锁妖塔内没有传来任何一点声音,一切显得极其安静。 This makes Jiangcheng knit the brows. 这让江城不由皱眉。 Purple dream Daoist has not said anything in the one side, he is waiting for opposite party's response. 紫梦道人在一旁没有说什么,他在等待对方的回应。 Burns a joss stick, locking the monster tower is peaceful, a sound does not have. 足足一炷香后,锁妖塔安静无比,一点声音都没有。 At this moment, river Chen slightly angry. 这一刻,江辰不由微微恼怒。 To be honest, he is Son of Destiny, in the future control Great Thousand Worlds, All-Heavens and Myriad Realms, will exceed proving the Way. 说实话,他乃天命之子,未来统御大千世界,诸天万界,超越证道 Now wants to ask them to help, did not respond the response, how not to make him angry. 如今想要找他们帮忙,却连回应都不回应,如何不让他愤怒。 But Jiangcheng endured this tone, he was very clear, present oneself, indeed needs their help. 但江城还是忍下了这口气,他十分清楚,如今的自己,的确需要他们的帮助。 To be clear about this, Jiangcheng continues to open the mouth. 想清楚这点,江城继续开口。 everyone, you did not need to hide again, I knew you in inside, although your method defying heavens, all hid your aura extremely, may be unable to escape my discernment, I have seen you.” 诸位,你们不用再隐藏了,我知道你们都在里面,虽然你们的手段极其逆天,将你们的气息全部隐藏,可逃不过我的法眼,我已经看到你们了。” Jiangcheng so said, he has not naturally seen this crowd of Vicious Beast, nothing but cheats them. 江城这般说道,他自然没有看到这群凶兽,无非是诈他们而已。 Naturally what is main, he believes this crowd of Vicious Beast certainly in locking the monster tower, because besides him, in this world was almost impossible some people able to open that ancient rune/symbol. 当然更主要的是,他相信这群凶兽一定在锁妖塔内,因为除了他以外,这世界上几乎不可能有人能够揭开那张古符。 But what makes Jiangcheng depressed is, this crowd of Vicious Beast do not come out. 但让江城郁闷的是,这群凶兽就是死活不出来。 „The person in Remote Antiquity Supreme palace has looked for me, I know you were stranded in inside, is he tells me, locks on monster tower talisman paper, is the Buddha Sect Supreme six character true words, every 3000 years, will then cross you forcefully.” 上古至尊殿堂的人已经找过我了,我之所以知道你们被困在里面,就是他告诉我的,锁妖塔上面的符纸,乃是佛门无上六字真言,三千,便会强行渡化你们。” I believe that this type of taste, you do not want to attempt again, if you cooperate sincerely, all said that I only gave you a double-hour the time, your oneself thinks well.” “我相信这种度化的滋味,你们不会再想尝试了,如果你们诚心合作的话,一切好说,我只给你们一个时辰的时间,你们自己好好想想吧。” Since the opposite party did not appear, that Jiangcheng also has no means that he only gives the opposite party a double-hour the time, if the opposite party does not respond the own words, he turned around. 既然对方一直不出现,那江城也没有任何办法,他只给对方一个时辰的时间,若是对方还是不搭理自己的话,他转身走了。 Time gradually in the past, Jiangcheng was very self-confident, he believes that these Vicious Beast are intelligent. 时间一点一点过去,江城很自信,他相信这些凶兽都是聪明的。 But pitifully, a double-hour passed by, the opposite party has not paid attention to oneself as before. 但可惜,一个时辰过去了,对方依旧没有理会自己 Thinks of here, Jiangcheng indeed got angry. 想到这里,江城的确怒了。 He forwarded one step, incomparably said earnestly. 他向前走了一步,认真无比道。 I give a everyone double-hour again the time, this is really the last double-hour, my Jiangcheng lives up to one's words.” “我再给诸位一个时辰的时间,这真的是最后一个时辰,我江城说到做到。”
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