ESBO :: Volume #2 天下何人不识君

#118: Lu Changsheng, do you dare to fight with me?

A point that Daoist Qing Yun said right. 青云道人说的一点都没错。 Talent appealing to heaven talent that cannot grow? 成长不起来的天才叫天才吗? Is the talent in yellow earth the talent? 黄土里的天才是天才吗? Only then lives, you can aspire to seize Paramount. 只有活下来,你才能问鼎至高 Only then lives, you have the qualifications to discuss all. 只有活下来,你才有资格谈论一切。 Cannot live, all are unnecessary. 活不下来,一切都是多余的。 No matter what your Heaven's Chosen unparalleled, no matter what your grace and talent peerless, since time immemorial, does lack your talent? 任你天骄无双,任你风华绝代,古往今来,缺你一个天才吗? since time immemorial, that doesn't Age have the talent? 古往今来,那个时代没有天才? But in the end, who controls the ups and downs? 但到头来,谁主宰沉浮? Person who lives, control world all. 活下来的人,掌控世间一切。 Person who lives, laughs last person. 活下来的人,才是笑到最后的人。 The Daoist Qing Yun murderous intention, he has not cracked a joke, is true must kill Thunderbolt Child. 青云道人杀机已出,他不是开玩笑,是真正要杀雷霆子 The latter is absolutely terrified, if from top to bottom the needle gripped, the death left him to be very near. 后者毛骨悚然,浑身上下如针扎了似的,死亡离他很近。 But in this moment. 但就在这一刻。 The sound resounds together loudly and clearly. 一道洪亮地声音响起。 Qing Yun Sacred Lord, appeases anger!” 青云圣主,息怒!” The sound resounds, on the Thunderbolt Child neck jade pendant of department disrupts, then evolves an old man to touch the type. 声音响起,雷霆子脖子上系的一块玉佩碎裂,而后演化出一个老者摸样。 The old men look very genial, lifts the hand, reduced and solved the attack of Daoist Qing Yun. 老者看起来十分和善,抬起手,化解了青云道人的攻击。 This is Wang Family Patriarch. 这是王家族长 Wang En. 王恩 The strength is also very strong, at least is also Transcending Tribulation Realm cultivator. 其实力也很强,至少也是渡劫境修士 „Do you make me appease anger I to appease anger?” “你让我息怒我就息怒?” Daoist Qing Yun coldly the opens the mouth, does not give any face. 青云道人冷冷开口,丝毫不给任何面子。 Qing Yun Sacred Lord, the struggle between juniors, why involves on us, in addition your beloved disciple, has not suffered a loss, but also looks at Sacred Lord to me a face, another day Wang must visit to apologize.” 青云圣主,小辈之间的斗争,何必牵扯到我们头上,再加上您这位爱徒,也没有吃亏,还望圣主给我一个面子,他日王某必登门谢罪。” The Wang En opens the mouth, so said, hoping Daoist Qing Yun can appease anger. 王恩开口,这般说道,希望青云道人能够息怒。 That is natural, if my disciple receives a wound, after this, has your Wang Family then not to have Great Principle.” “那是自然,如若我这徒儿受到一点伤,从此之后,有你王家便无大罗。” Daoist Qing Yun this saying, and extremely aggressive. 青云道人这番说道,而且极其霸气。 Is favors disciple Crazy Demon simply. 简直是个宠徒狂魔 Such being the case, but also looks at Qing Yun Sacred Lord, appeases anger!” “既然如此,还望青云圣主,息怒!” Wang En continues so to say. 王恩继续这般说道。 Makes me appease anger is not good, your clansman, is rampant, making him kneel in the Zhangqing City three months, this matter has uncovered.” “让我息怒也不是不行,你这个族人,过于嚣张,让他跪在长青城三个月,此事就此揭过。” Daoist Qing Yun worthily is Daoist Qing Yun, the face does not give slightly. 青云道人不愧是青云道人,丝毫面子都不给。 Is Thunderbolt Child so unruly, making him kneel down? 雷霆子如此桀骜不驯,让他下跪? Killing him was more difficult. 比杀了他还难。 Has a dream.” “做梦。” The Thunderbolt Child opens the mouth, is still rampant. 雷霆子开口,依旧嚣张。 ! 啪! At this moment, is a slap, but is not Daoist Qing Yun acts, but is Wang En acts, and is fiercer, the Thunderbolt Child full mouth blood of direct fan. 这一刻,又是一巴掌,但不是青云道人出手,而是王恩出手,并且更加凶猛,直接扇的雷霆子满口鲜血。 Elder spoke, share that some you interrupted?” “长辈说话,有你插嘴的份吗?” Wang En is indifferent. 王恩冷漠无比。 At this moment, Thunderbolt Child is silent, he did not have to speak again, but the person could see, the Thunderbolt Child innermost feelings are full of the dreadful anger. 这一刻,雷震子沉默不语,他没有再说话了,但是人都看得出,雷震子内心充满着滔天怒火。 Qing Yun Sacred Lord, my grandson, some indeed some do not make sense, I lead him to go back, teaches him well, hopes Sacred Lord be magnanimous.” 青云圣主,我这孙儿,的确有一些不像话,我带他回去,好好教训教训他,也希望圣主高抬贵手。” The Wang En facial features are genial, the switch over is free. 王恩面容和善,切换自如。 Since I said knelt for three months, knelt for three months, Wang En, you should know my temperament.” “既然我开口说跪三个月,就跪三个月,王恩,你应该知道我的脾气。” Daoist Qing Yun is unforgiving to say. 青云道人不依不饶道。 Must manage actually not unforgiving, is mainly looked that this Thunderbolt Child is uncomfortable, that is all. 倒不是得理不饶人,主要就是看这个雷霆子不爽,仅此而已。 Qing Yun Sacred Lord, you also know, my grandson, the temperament is anxious, moreover is unruly, you make him kneel down, can some manage unforgiving?” 青云圣主,你也知道,我这孙儿,脾气焦躁,而且桀骜不驯,你让他跪下,岂不是有一些得理不饶人?” Wang En said with a smile as before genially. 王恩依旧和善笑道。 I must manage unforgiving, how?” “我就是得理不饶人,如何?” Daoist Qing Yun has really not known that should say anything. 青云道人还真不知道该说什么。 But reasonable and fair. 合情合理 Why do some strengths want rich/forgive people? 有实力为什么要饶人? Did not bully you to calculate, you also counted on that I did forgive you? 不欺负你已经算好了,你还指望我饶你? There is an ancient saying, a person of circumstance should be magnanimous, Qing Yun Sacred Lord, why?” “古人云,宰相肚里能撑船,青云圣主,何必呢?” Wang En requested desperately. 王恩苦苦相求。 Right, a person of circumstance should be magnanimous, I am not the prime minister, Wang En, I do not want rubbish with you, a few words, kneel do not kneel.” “对啊,宰相肚里能撑船,我又不是宰相,王恩,我不想与你废话,一句话,跪还是不跪。” Wang En: „???” 王恩:“???” People: „???” 众人:“???” Lu Changsheng was flabbergasted, Daoist Qing Yun also is really the logical wizard. 陆长生都不由咂舌了,青云道人还真是逻辑鬼才啊。 But what has saying that Daoist Qing Yun simply is the domineering to making person scalp tingles. 但不得不说的是,青云道人简直是强势到令人头皮发麻。 He has not really thought oneself this Master, is so overbearing. 他是真的没想到自己这个师父,如此霸道。 Perhaps, this is oneself Master touches the type. 或许,这才是自己师父真实摸样吧。 Strong men. 猛男。 What real his mother is a strong man. 真他娘的是个猛男。 But Liu Qingfeng reveals the color of respect thoroughly. 刘清风则彻彻底底流露出崇敬之色。 At this moment, he felt the taste that some people supported finally. 此时此刻,他终于感受到了有人撑腰的滋味了。 Crisp! 爽! Really crisp! 真爽! Qing Yun Sacred Lord, are you must get so far as this situation the matter?” 青云圣主,您是非要将事情弄到这个地步?” The Wang En opens the mouth, the genial facial features, did not have finally, displacing is indifferent. 王恩开口,和善的面容,终于没了,取而代之是冷漠。 What's wrong? What do you also want to make?” “怎么?你还想做什么?” Daoist Qing Yun forwarded calmly one step. 青云道人语气平静地向前走了一步。 In an instant, Myriad Beginnings Sacred Lord and Purple Azure Sacred Lord, proceeded one step including Yin-Yang Sacred Lord and Shu Gate Sacred Lord one after another. 刹那间,万初圣主紫青圣主,包括阴阳圣主蜀门圣主纷纷往前走了一步。 This step, although is a five people of half step, but is actually the Central State attitude. 这一步,虽然是五人的一小步,但却是中州的态度。 Originally Central State and Eastern Land relations are not specially good. 本来中州东土关系就不是特别好。 Let alone now this matter, is in itself the mistake of opposite party, their what fears it? 更何况如今这件事情,本身就是对方的错,他们何惧之? In a flash, the scene becomes extremely heavy. 一瞬间,场面变得极其沉重。 This matter, indeed fell into a bottleneck. 这件事情,的确陷入了一个瓶颈。 Wang Lei is impossible to kneel down. 王雷不可能下跪。 But Daoist Qing Yun is impossible to regress. 青云道人也不可能退步。 If to the final result, Daoist Qing Yun really cut to kill Wang Lei, that was the huge matter. 如果到最后的结果,青云道人真的斩杀了王雷,那就是天大的事情了。 Although Daoist Qing Yun dares to do that also there is an energy to do that. 虽然青云道人敢这么做,也有底气这么做。 But in any event, matter will make very greatly. 可无论如何,事情会闹得很大。 This is a deadlock. 这是一个僵局。 A deadlock stubbornly. 一个死死的僵局。 Only if some people yield, otherwise, stiffly to dying. 除非有人让步,不然的话,僵到死。 Qing Yun can Sacred Lord, really be in this situation?” 青云圣主,真的要到这个地步吗?” Crossed half sound, the Wang En opens the mouth, finally asked. 过了半响,王恩开口,最后问一遍。 However Daoist Qing Yun has not spoken, but looks at all these indifferently. 然而青云道人没有说话,只是冷漠地看着这一切。 In fact the Daoist Qing Yun really face did not say actually not. 实际上青云道人倒不是真的一点情面不讲。 He is mainly setting up the prestige! 主要他是在立威! He must world to know, even Thunderbolt Child, Wang Family Supreme Heaven's Chosen, he must kill, then, so long as oneself in Immortal Cultivation World, will basically not have looked for Lu Changsheng to be troublesome. 他要让天下人知道,即便是雷震子,王家无上天骄,他都要杀,如此一来的话,只要自己还在修仙界,基本上不会找陆长生麻烦了。 If this matter, in light of this ok, after that who can bully Lu Changsheng. 若是这件事情,就此算了,那以后谁都可以欺负陆长生 His can Master also work as? 他这个师父还要不要当了? All are seemingly crude, but is actually hiding many heavy meanings. 一切看似鲁莽,但却藏着许多重意思。 Daoist Qing Yun oneself gives a oneself to praise. 青云道人自己都不由给自己点个赞。 Really wise. 真・足智多谋。 However indeed has, matter made too stiffly. 不过的确有一点,事情闹得太僵了。 But in the face cannot lose. 但面子上不能输。 Daoist Qing Yun is not afraid of getting into trouble. 青云道人也不怕事。 At the worst kills the complete human, bringing Lu Changsheng to go back, cultivation dozens years, waited for Lu Changsheng true invincible well, come out not to relate again. 大不了杀完人,带着陆长生回去,好好修练了几十年,等陆长生真正天下无敌,再出来也没关系。 In the meantime, the Thunderbolt Child sound resounds again. 只是就在此时,雷霆子的声音再次响起。 I refuse to accept!” “我不服!” He has felt suffocated, the anger is dreadful, at this moment, he could not bear again. 他一直憋着一口气,怒火滔天,此时此刻,他再也忍不住了。 Qing Yun Sacred Lord, your use a position of power to intimidate others, uses strength to bully the weak, I refuse to accept, making me kneel down, I must hit with Lu Changsheng! If I lost, I from waste cultivation base, suicide Zhangqing City, if I won, Divine Beast turns over to me.” 青云圣主,你以势压人,以强欺弱,我不服,让我下跪可以,我要与陆长生打一场!如若我输了,我自废修为,自刎长青城,如若我赢了,神兽归我。” Thunderbolt Child is the fight madman, even to this time, he refused to accept as before, extremely arrogant. 雷霆子是个战斗狂人,即便到了这个时候,他依旧不服,狂妄至极。 You? Hits with Lu Changsheng? Can not make laugh?” “就你?跟陆长生打?能别搞笑吗?” Wang Lei, Senior Brother Lu, but transcending tribulation expert, your trivial Spirit Transformation Realm, do you fight him?” 王雷,陆师兄可是渡劫强者,你不过区区化神境,你跟他打?” Admires your courage, spirit transformation games transcending tribulation? You feared that hasn't awaked?” “佩服你的勇气,化神渡劫?你怕是没睡醒?” Your this is not crazy, were you insane?” “你这不是狂,你这是疯了啊?” At this moment some people open the mouth, is Heaven's Chosen, heard Thunderbolt Child to say again like this, naturally, brought in a ridicule. 这一刻有人开口,也是天骄,再听到雷霆子这样说,自然而然,引来一阵讥讽。 The Wang En complexion slightly changes. 就连王恩脸色都微微一变。 spirit transformation games transcending tribulation? 化神渡劫 Courts death? 找死吗? However Wang Lei actually took a deep breath, in the middle of the vision splits open the electric light, looked that said to Lu Changsheng: Suppresses realm, Lu Changsheng, do you dare to fight with me?” 然而王雷深吸一口气,目光当中迸裂出电光,看向陆长生道:“压制境界,陆长生,你敢与我一战吗?” His saying, but proposed suppresses realm, otherwise, spirit transformation hit transcending tribulation, he insane will say like this. 他这番说道,不过提出压制境界,不然的话,化神渡劫,他疯了才会这样说。 But Lu Changsheng stares slightly. 陆长生微微一愣。 Fights I unable. 打架我不会啊。 Moreover fights this fight strong man, isn't courts death? 而且跟这种战斗猛男打,不是找死吗? But others open the mouth like this. 但人家都这样开口。 If rejects, seems not to have the face? 要是拒绝,岂不是显得没面子? The words that may meet head-on, oneself several jin (0.5 kg) several two also have several. 可迎战的话,自己几斤几两也有数啊。 Slightly thinking, calm analysis. 稍加思索,冷静分析。 Had! 有了! Makes way quickly, how making my Lu Changsheng teach you acting cool. 快让开,让我陆长生教你们怎么装哔 In a flash, Lu Changsheng had the idea.- 一瞬间,陆长生有了主意。- 10 : 00 am! 早上 10 点! Valentine day, Reba and asked simultaneously I prepared what gift to deliver them, I pondered was very long, look that downstairs let Liying who I rested earlier, is lost in thought! 情人节,热巴和娜扎同时问我准备了什么礼物送她们,我沉思了很久,看着楼下让我早点休息的丽颖,陷入了沉思! I forgot that was the valentine day, Reba and can blame me? 我忘记是情人节了,热巴和娜扎会不会怪我? Online, anxiously! 在线等,急!
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