The day said that the peerlesstalent that the azureHeaven Clanten thousandyearsraremeet, cultivates for 4000years, cultivates the 6-StarGod, the fusiondaycanonlyhave the one pacefrom the 1-Stardeity.
天云,青天族万年难得一遇的绝世天才,修炼4000余年,修炼到六星天主至极,融合天能距离一星天神仅有一步之遥。Has the rumor, hewill inheritto practice the 8th-Layer levelin the sovereignHeaven ClanTai Huangtian[say / way], taking advantage of a Tai Huangtianfearfulmight, contends withgeneralGod Levelexpertsufficiently.
更有传言,他将传承于皇天族的太皇天道修炼到第八重层次,借太皇天道可怕的威力,足以抗衡一般的神级高手。Although the strength of daycloudis extremely intrepid, whenhefacingmoon/monthYe Ming, in the profounddoublepupilhas shown the thickdignifiedcolor.
虽然天云的实力极其强悍,但他面对月叶铭时,深邃的双眸中还是透出了浓浓的凝重之色。Becauseheknowsthatmoon/monthYe Ming came from Void God, regardless of the strengthorinnate skillcompared withhim, hewantsto defeatmoon/monthYe Mingto be very difficultto be very difficult.
因为他知道,月叶铭来自于虚神界,无论实力还是天赋都比他强,他想要击败月叶铭很难很难。Howeverhenot, thereforegives up, heprepareswith the most formidablestrength and attack, defendsowndignity, turning point that winsachievement.
不过他并没有因此放弃,他准备用最强大的实力和攻击,捍卫自己的尊严,博得一丝获胜的契机。„Under moon/monthYe Ming, makesmeexperience, the Void Godtoptalenthas unearned reputation!”
The daycloudregardmoved, summons the treasure of azureHeaven Clantownclan, low gradeTianshengrank the sword of blue sky, ownfighting intentalsointhis momentinfinitedramatic rise, rose suddenly.
天云心意一动,召唤出了青天族镇族之宝,下品通天圣器等级的青天之剑,自身的战意也在这一刻无限的飙升,暴涨。This timedaycloudsthatlooks like a handleleaves the Divine sword of sheath, the fearfulpointmakes the personnot dareto look straight ahead.
此时的天云,就像是一柄出鞘的神剑,可怕的锋芒让人不敢直视。„Will makeyouachieve wishes!”
“会让你如愿的!”MonthYe Mingshouldersboth hands, lookconfidentsaying.
月叶铭背负双手,神色坦然的说道。Although the daycloudis talented, butaccording to the comprehensivestrength, the daycloudinrushing ineightpeople of finalssets the basewithout doubt.
虽然天云实力不俗,但按综合战力来看,天云在闯进决赛的八人中无疑垫底。„Prepared, started!”
“准备好了,开始!”As the white hairold manordered, aroundresort to violencestageraisedtenheavydefenses, had banned the resort to violencestage, as iftheyattacked the destructive power that createdto be too big, bring disaster toinnocently.
随着白发老者一声命下,武斗台四周升起了十重防御,禁制了武斗台,仿佛他们攻击造成的破坏力太大,殃及无辜。„The sword of heaven!”
The dayfuel-airdrinksone, revolves the pinnacle the heavenSecret Art, grasps the sword of blue skyto cutvoid, billowingDao Intentgushed out, turns into a handleas ifto contain the swordglow of strength of heaven, cuttowas tall and straightandvertical, did not dodgemoon/monthYe Ming that did not evade.
天云爆喝一声,将苍天诀运转到极致,手持青天之剑虚空一斩,滚滚道意喷薄而出,化成了一柄仿佛蕴含着苍天之力的剑芒,斩向了挺拔而立,不闪不避的月叶铭。Saw that thisswordmustchopmoon/monthYe Ming, heshoulderedboth handsto treadgentlyonestep, formidablesword intentfilledhisbody, the fastcollection, a sworddividedon the sword of heaven, broke the probing attack of day of cloudeasily.
眼看这一剑就要劈到月叶铭,他背负双手轻轻踏出了一步,一股强大的剑意弥漫出他的身体,快速的汇集,一剑劈在了苍天之剑上,轻易破掉了天云的试探攻击。„BoundlessGrand Dao!”
“苍茫大道!”Saw that moon/monthYe Mingtreadsgentlyonestep, brokeownprobing attack, the daycloudcomplexionslightlychanges, fastdeductionformidableDao Intent, dividedoneto flow rapidly, evolved the Grand Daolightriver, the attackhas been approachingmoon/month of Ye Ming.
看到月叶铭轻轻踏出一步,就破掉了自己的试探攻击,天云脸色微微一变,快速的推演强大的道意,劈出了一条奔流不息,演化着大道的光河,攻击向了月叶铭。„Daycloudsthatdid not require the delayingtime, thisgradeattackedtomeis useless!”
“天云,不要耽搁时间了,这等攻击对我没用!”Althoughmoon/monthYe Ming and daycloudwithis6-Starbasic shellpeakexpert, butregardless of the strengthor the inside story, moon/monthYe Mingstronghetoomanytoohave been many, saw onlymoon/monthYe Mingto stretch out a fingergently, the pointto the lightriver that has raided.
虽然月叶铭和天云同为六星主级巅峰高手,但无论实力还是底蕴,月叶铭都强过他太多太多,只见月叶铭轻轻伸出了一根手指,点向了袭来的光河。„Kaka ka!”
“咔咔咔!”Crackingresound, the moon/monthYe Mingfingertipjumped the swordglow that shotto pass throughboundlessGrand Daodirectly, brokehisattackwith ease.
一道道破裂声响起,月叶铭手指尖迸射的剑芒直接贯穿了苍茫大道,轻松破掉了他的攻击。„Good strength, thismoon/month of Ye Mingstrengthstrives to excel, the attack that the daycloudlaunchescontinuously, actuallycannot poseanythreattohim!”
“好强,这月叶铭的实力好强,天云连续发动的攻击,竟然对他构不成任何的威胁!”„Heaven TerritoryisHeaven Territory, is unable to comparewithVoid God, buton this day the cloudcanrush in the finals, dependsis not the strength, butis the luck, ifwere notthatYe Chenfengdefeats the day unable, the blackcrazyblade, the cloudis unable at the final moment, to crash infirsteighton this day!”
The audiencewhenstand, witnesses the fearfulness of moon/monthYe Ming, whoops, the complexiondignifieddayYunJiangTai Huangtian[say / way]revolved the pinnacle, the strength of inspiringbillowingdayfromhas welled upin all directions.
就在看台上的观众,目睹月叶铭的可怕,议论纷纷时,脸色凝重的天云将太皇天道运转到了极致,引动滚滚天之力从四面八方涌来。„Atyourage, canpractice the 8th-Layer boundary the Tai Huangtian[say / way], is good!”
“以你的年纪,能将太皇天道修炼到第八重境界,也算不错!”MonthYe Minghas not summonedanyweapon, staticlooks at the golden lightto overflow, cloudsjust like a day of invinciblesovereignthatspoke with confidence.
The dayfuel-airdrinksone, the Tai Huangtian[say / way]revolves the pinnacle, the billowingsovereignair/QiandDao Intentfusesintogether, crazyemergingto the sword of blue sky , a swordsplits the space, cuttomoon/month of Ye Ming
天云爆喝一声,太皇天道运转到极致,滚滚皇气和道意融合在一起,疯狂的涌入到青天之剑中,一剑分裂开空间,斩向了月叶铭„Thisswordis careless, butwantsto defeatme, but also is far from enough!”
“这一剑还马马虎虎,不过想要击败我,还远远不够!”MonthYe Minghas shown a stubbornsmiling face, both handsfastswaying from side to side, congealedto flood the unsurpassedSword Daobighand imprintto move forward to meet somebody.
“轰!”Twofearfulstrengthsclash the same place, has resounded the deafeningdemolitionsound.
两股可怕的力量对撞到一起,响起了震耳欲聋的爆破声。Theswordmight that dayYunZhanleavesalthoughis powerful, the swordsealbang that butwas still congealedbymoon/monthYe Mingis broken, the fearfulremaining prestigefills the airin the air, shakes the daycloudto retreat in defeat again and again.
天云斩出的这一剑威力虽然强大,但依然被月叶铭凝结的剑印轰碎,可怕的余威弥漫在空气中,震得天云节节败退。„Tai Huangtian said that eightheavyheavenstrength!”
“太皇天道,八重皇天力!”Daycloudtook a deep breath, represses the vitality in within the bodytumbling, has mademost formidableonemove, eightheavyheavenstrengthgush out the body, is stimulating the sword of strongestmightblue sky, cuttomoon/month of Ye Ming.
A swordcuts, in the spacepresented a hugehalf a monthswordto cut, the fearfulheavenstrengthfrightenedNine Heavens, vibrated the spaceto shiverunceasingly.
一剑斩出,空间中出现了一道巨大的半月剑斩,可怕的皇天力震慑九天,震动着空间不断地颤抖。„Good, thismove!”
The moon/monthYe Mingpupilshrinks, a handleflows the light of Dao Intentlightswordto appearin his hands, the bodydodges, such ascuts the lightning of vault of heavento move forward to meet somebodytogether.
A swordfrom out of the blue, the fearfulswordburrin the midpoint that half a monthswordhas cut, fearfulsword intentpours intotohalf a monthswordinstantaneouslycuts, crushedit.
The nextquarter, moon/monthYe Mingdivided18swordscontinuously, 18sharpswordglowwere blockingvoid, dividedto cuttohas grasped the day of sword of full powerdefenseblue skyto say.
下一刻,月叶铭连续劈出了18剑,18道锋利的剑芒封锁着虚空,劈斩向了手持青天之剑全力防御的天云。AlthoughdayYunJinbitesjaw, resiststhese18swords that moon/month of Ye Minghas cut, buthisboth armswere overawed the wound by these18swords, the massiveblooduncontrolledflow, sprinklesin the groundbloodstained.
虽然天云紧咬牙关,抵御住了月叶铭斩出的这18剑,但他双臂被这18剑的余威震伤,大量的鲜血不受控制的流淌出来,洒落在地上血迹斑斑。„Yeah, YunErmustdefeat!”
“哎,云儿要败了!”Wears the dark bluelong gown, is impressive, passesis not getting angryfrom the prestigeaggressivemiddle-aged mansighsgently a sound track.
一名身穿深蓝色长袍,气度不凡,透着不怒自威霸气的中年男子轻轻叹息一声道。Butthispersononcechased downYe Chenfeng, compelledintobeyondYe Chenfeng the daybattlefieldazureHeaven ClandaytimeZhidao.
而此人正是曾追杀叶晨风,将叶晨风逼入天外战场的青天族长天至道。BecauseYe Chenfengconstantlychanges the appearanceinfaintly recognizableSecret Realmtaking advantage ofimaginaryDao Intent, makinghimnot recognizeYe Chenfeng.
由于叶晨风在飘渺秘境借幻之道意不断地变化容貌,让他并没有认出叶晨风。„Yes, thismoon/month of Ye Mingstrengthwas too fearful, the dayYunJiangTai Huangtian[say / way]promotestoeightheavydays, cannotcompelhiscard in a hand, it seems like that this moon/month of Ye Minghasto aspire to seize the firststrengthreally!”BlueHeaven Clancannodto saygreatly.
“是啊,这月叶铭的实力太可怕了,天云将太皇天道提升到八重天,都未能逼出他的底牌,看来这月叶铭真的拥有问鼎第一的实力!”青天族大能点了点头道。„Tai Huangtian said that Heaven and Earthwithturning over to!”
“太皇天道,天地同归!”DayYunWufaaccepts the way of thisgrade of failure, histook a deep breath, represses the vitality in within the bodytumbling, displayedhimto graspmoststruck.
天云无法接受这等失败的方式,他深吸一口气,按捺住体内翻滚的气血,施展了他掌握的最强一击。Heaven and Earthwithturning over toisstrongestonemove of Tai Huangtianevolution, the mightis extremely fearful, butdisplayedthismoveto needto sacrifice the human bodyis the price, was a mutually woundedstyle, oncewere displayed the priceto be enormous.天地同归是太皇天道演化的最强一招,威力极其可怕,但施展这招需要牺牲肉体为代价,是一个两败俱伤的招式,一经施展代价极大。Howevertowoundmoon/monthYe Ming, defends the dignity, the daycloudcould not estimatethese many.
不过为了击伤月叶铭,捍卫尊严,天云已经估计不上了这么多了。„What's wrong, wantedto go all out?”
“怎么,想要拼命了?”MonthYe Minginheritsdivine abilityquiteto understandtosovereignHeaven Clanthatlooks the day of cloudhuman bodyexplodesunceasingly, had guessed correctlyhepreparesto displayHeaven and Earthwithturning over.
The nextquarter, the body of moon/monthYe Mingchanged toflowing light, with a mysteriousstrength, suddenlyappearsin front of the daycloud.
“嗡!”Encounters the mysteriousstrengthattack that moon/monthYe Mingrumbles, dayYunLinghunshivers, the reversal of stresspresented a slowness.
遭到月叶铭轰出的神秘力量攻击,天云灵魂颤抖了一下,反应力出现了一丝迟缓。Althoughherestoredin a flashsoberly, butexpertcontests, the subtlechangeis fatal.
虽然转瞬之间他就恢复了清醒,但高手过招,微妙的变化都是致命的。MonthYe Minghas printed out a palm, massivesword intentfill the airinhisfive fingers, Palm Sealleaves, moon/monthYe Mingbroke the bodydefense of day of clouddirectly, does not wait forhimto displayHeaven and Earthwithturning over tothismove, rumbledhim the resort to violencestage, lost the competition.
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