„When Ye Ming, the rainheart, youswallow the dayto be able, there areto realizeexceptionally?”
After the biographyswingshundredto fight the fearfulvoice of cityvanishes, Ye Chenfenghad foundmoon/month of Ye MingandLingrainheart, askedin a low voice.
传荡百战城的可怕声音消失后,叶晨风找到了月叶铭和玲雨心,低声问道。„Exceptionally? Brother Yewhatthisword?” The moon/monthYe Mingfacial expressionis startledto ask.
“异常?叶兄何出此言?”月叶铭神情一怔问道。„When Iswallow the dayto be able, felt that the daycanhide a strangestrength, corrodes the root of mylifeunceasingly!” When Ye Chenfengwill swallow the dayto be able the bitter experienceto say.
The moon/monthYe Mingtwopeople of complexionschange, immediatelyhas closed the eye, peeps at the root of ownlife.
月叶铭二人脸色微变,立即闭上了眼睛,窥视自己的生命之根。Aftertheypeeping, theyrealized that has invaded the root of deep placelife, corrodedstrength that is almost very difficultto realize, complexioninstantaneousgloomy.
If not eliminateto invade the root of lifecorrodedstrengthpromptly, will practiceto have the enormousinfluencetothemin the future.
如果不及时清除侵入到生命之根的侵蚀力量,将会对他们日后的修炼造成极大的影响。„It seems likethisisgodHeaven Clanholdshundredwarsto meet the military the real objective!” The moon/monthYe Mingcomplexionbecomesgloomyincomparable: „Brother Ye, thisgraciousnessIhave taken down, will repay in the future certainly.”
“看来这才是神天族举行百战会武的真正目的!”月叶铭脸色变得阴沉无比:“叶兄,这个恩我记下了,日后一定报答。”„Was polite!”Ye Chenfengshows a faint smile saying: „Distancehundredfightfinalsalsoonemonth, Ithink that twoshouldbe ableto drive outto corrodeto the strangestrength in root of life.”
“客气了!”叶晨风微微一笑道:“距离百战决赛还有一个月时间,我想二位应该可以驱除侵蚀到生命之根中的诡异之力。”„Does not have the issue!”
“没问题!”MonthYe MingandLingrainheartinside storyis uncommon, after the expression of gratitude, left, finding the wayto refine the root of corrodedlifestrangestrength.
After the moon/monthYe Mingtwopeopleleave, Ye ChenfengfoundXiaWendieimmediately, spiritfishand the others, controlDevouring God Brainto get the physical examforthem.
月叶铭二人离开后,叶晨风立即找到夏纹蝶,灵鱼等人,控制噬神脑为她们检查身体。Becausetheyswallow the dayto be ablestrengthis not long, corrodes the strangestrength in root of lifenot to be many, Ye ChenfengborrowsPrimordial Chaos Divine Wood, has spenthalf a monthtime, has swallowed the root of theirlifestrength of corrosion, has relieved the potential hazard of theirbody.
由于她们吞噬天能的实力不长,侵蚀生命之根中的诡异之力并不多,叶晨风借混沌神木,花了近半个月时间,吞噬了她们生命之根中的侵蚀之力,解除了她们身体的潜在危险。Butfightsininvincible, deepthousandmind and bodyis hiding the bigsecret, taking advantage of the formidableinside story, is eliminating the bodyhidden dangerslowly.
而战无敌,冥千心身上都隐藏着大秘密,借强大的底蕴,缓慢的清除着身体隐患。Quick, onemonthpassed by, hundredwars of being a focus of public attentionmeet the militaryfinalssoonto perform.
很快,一个月时间过去了,万众瞩目的百战会武决赛即将上演。Althoughonly theneightpeopleemergein the preliminary contest, entersto the finalfinals, buttheseeightpeopleare representingHeaven Territoryand even the Void Godyounger generationpeakstandard, amongthem the collision, makingvariousclanexpertquiteanticipate.
虽然只有八人在初赛中脱颖而出,进入到最终的决赛,但这八人代表着天域乃至虚神界年轻一代巅峰的水准,他们之间的碰撞,让诸族高手颇为期待。Buthundredwarsmeet the admission ticket of militaryfinals, was cooked up the sky-high price, is difficult to get a ticket. Canhave the qualificationsenterancienthundredto fight the holy warfield, the short distancewitnessed that hundredwarsmeet the militaryfinals, became the symbol of a statusandstatus.
而百战会武决赛的门票,更是被人炒到了天价,一票难求。能有资格进入古老的百战圣战场,近距离目睹百战会武决赛,成为了一种身份和地位的象征。„Walks, wego tohundredto fight the holy warfield!”
“走吧,我们去百战圣战场!”Bathedto change clothes, has changed a cleanMartial Daoclothing/taking, bursting with lifeYe Chenfengwent out of the room, convergedwithXiaWendie, spiritfishand the others, takes the carriage that the counterheavenly palacewas already suitable forarranges, went tohundredto fight the holy warfield.
沐浴更衣,换上了一身干净武道服,神采奕奕的叶晨风走出了房间,与夏纹蝶、灵鱼等人汇合,乘坐着逆天宫早已顺备好的马车,前往了百战圣战场。„Halts, not having the admission ticket can not enter!”
When Ye Chenfengoneline of arrivehundredfight the holy warfield, immediatelyby the entrancebodyguardis intercepted, the warning of coldlysaid.叶晨风一行人来到百战圣战场时,立即被入口的侍卫拦截住,冷冷的警告道。„Iam notobserve, Iamcomeparticipating!”Ye Chenfengis arrogantandvertical, tookownstatustoken.
“我不是来观战的,我是来参赛的!”叶晨风孤傲而立,将自己的身份令牌拿了出来。„Young Master Ye, inrequests personally!”
“叶公子,里面请!”Sees the Ye Chenfengstatustoken, interceptstheirbodyguardcomplexionbig change, has revealed the color of awe, has givenhimstatustokenboth hands of Ye Chenfengrespectfully, made wayon own initiative a road.
看到叶晨风的身份令牌,拦截他们的侍卫脸色大变,露出了敬畏之色,恭敬地将叶晨风的身份令牌双手递给了他,主动让开了一条路。„Young Master Ye...... could it beheishundredwarlistfirstYe Chenfeng! Looked that the strengthis not what kind of!”
“叶公子……难道他就是百战榜第一名的叶晨风!看实力也不怎样嘛!”„Not much? The hearsaygodHeaven Clandayis unable, the blackcrazyblade of blackdemonclanto lose tohim, yousaid that hisstrengthis weak?”
“不怎么样?传闻神天族的天无法,黑魔族的黑狂刀就败给了他,你说他实力弱吗?”„Thisactually, butplays in the finalsis not the preliminary contest, hewantsto winin the finals, has not hoped!”
“这倒是,不过决赛可不是初赛,他想要在决赛中夺魁,根本没希望!”„Un, perhapsaccording to the old timessuccess, thishundredwarsmet the militaryfirstalsoto be wrested awaybyHeaven Clan!”
“嗯,按往年战绩来看,此次百战会武第一恐怕还会被天族霸占!”Looks atYe Chenfengfrom afar, hundredfoughtholy waroutsideto raise the noise, an eyeneatprojectioncame, to whoopin pairs.
远远地看着叶晨风,百战圣战场外掀起了嘈杂声,一双双眼睛齐刷刷的投射而来,议论纷纷。„Theyaremyfriend, in shouldbe ableto enterobserves!”Ye Chenfengdisregards the surroundinglook and discussion, received the statustoken, lightsaying.
“她们是我朋友,应该可以进入里面观战吧!”叶晨风无视周围的眼神和议论,收起了身份令牌,淡淡的说道。„Ok, naturally!”
“可以,当然可以!”Hundredfought the citybodyguardsas ifchanged a person, the nodsaid.
“我们走吧!”Ye Chenfengdoes not have the delayingtime, is leadingXiaWendie, spiritfishand the othersenteredextremely busylyhundredfight the holy warfield.叶晨风没有耽搁时间,带着夏纹蝶,灵鱼等人走进了热闹非凡的百战圣战场。„Big, thesehundredfight the holy warfieldto be big!”
“好大,这百战圣战场好大!”Enters the holy warfield, XiaWendieand the othersdeeplywere shockedbypresentone, theydiscovered that holy warfieldstandjust likedaywalls, reaches as high as the numberhundred zhang (333m), palatialgrand.
走进圣战场,夏纹蝶等人被眼前的一幕深深地震撼住,他们发现圣战场看台宛如一块块天壁,高达数百丈,巍峨雄伟。Butin the midpoint of stand, floattogetherbeing through a lotyears, buildswithDivine Stone, bathesin the resort to violencestage under light of ban.
而在看台的正中央,悬浮着一块历经沧桑岁月,用神石打造而成,沐浴在禁制之光下的武斗台。Because the Ye Chenfengresultis too outstanding, the holy warfieldstandalreadygaveYe Chenfengand the othersto leave behind the bestposition.
Shortly after Ye Chenfengjustarrived, moon/monthYe Ming, Lingrainheartand the othersalsoappeared.叶晨风刚刚到来不久,月叶铭,玲雨心等人也出现了。Looks attheirlooks, theyhave relieved the secret disease of body, moreoverrefineto melt the dayto be able the strengthto go a step further.
看他们二人的神色,他们已经解除了身体的隐疾,而且炼化了天能实力更进一步。Alsoafter a while, dayQingyun, sovereigndoes not have the day, ancientHong, demondust, as well asazureHeaven ClanfirsttalentdayYunallarrives, the atmosphere of entireholy warfieldbecomeswarm, audiencehappythis not otherdiscussion on standwhowill be surfacingin the numeroustalents, captureshundredwarsto meetmilitaryfirst.
又过了一会,天青云,皇无天,古鸿,魔一尘,以及青天族第一天才天云全部到来,整个圣战场的气氛变得热烈起来,看台上的观众乐此不彼的讨论着谁会在众天才中脱颖而出,夺得百战会武第一名。AlthoughYe Chenfengwins the preliminary contestfirst, butto the finals, nobodyfavoredhim, guessed that hisfirstroundwill be eliminated.
虽然叶晨风勇夺初赛第一,但到了决赛,没人看好他,猜测他第一轮就会被淘汰。„Was good, everybodycalm down a bit!”
In the entireholy warfieldbiographyis swinging the gratingdiscussionsound, wears the whitelong gown, the hairbeardsnow white, ownauraandHeaven and Earthfuseintogether, the doublepupilfieryold manappearsinvoid, but his opens mouth, the fearfulsoundhas pressed the noiseinstantaneously, deters the audience.
“好可怕的大能!”Looks at the presentwhite hairold man, the Ye Chenfengpupilcannot help butcontracts the most dangerouspinholeshape, smelleddeeply the dangerousaurafromhim.
看着眼前的白发老者,叶晨风瞳孔不由得收缩成最危险的针孔状,从他身上嗅到了深深地危险气息。„Was good, nowdraws lots, the finalsrule and former yearsfor the single cycleelimination series, laughed lastequally the personarethishundredwarsmeetmilitaryfirst, mygodHeaven Clanwill reward his Middle GradeZupill, a Primordial Chaosstone.” The white hairold manannouncedloudly.
“好了,现在进行抽签,决赛规则与往届一样为单循环淘汰制,笑到最后的人就是此次百战会武第一名,我神天族将会奖励他一颗中品祖丹,一颗混沌石。”白发老者大声宣布道。„Primordial Chaosstone!”
“混沌石!”Ye Chenfengeyeonebright, has not thought that hundredwarsmeet the militaryfirstrewardsorichly, not onlythere is a Zupill, builds the Ancestral ArtifactPrimordial Chaosstone, ifhecanobtainthisPrimordial Chaosstone, can perhaps promoteto seal|conferMojianto the Top GradeTianshengrank, at the appointed timedraws support fromDao of Controlling Artifactsagain, hecompletelyhasstrengthinstant killgeneralGod Levelexpert.叶晨风眼睛一亮,没想到百战会武第一名的奖励如此的丰厚,不但有祖丹,还有打造祖器的混沌石,如果他能得到这颗混沌石,说不定能将封魔剑提升到极品通天圣器等级,到时再借助御器之道,他完全有实力秒杀一般的神级高手。„Herehaseightball of light, youcan make a movedraw lots!”
The white hairold mantook outball of light of eightfloatsinvoid, announcedloudly.
白发老者取出了八颗漂浮在虚空中的光球,大声宣布道。„Buzzhumming sound!”
The silentholy warfieldspacefluctuated, Ye Chenfengand the otherssimultaneouslydeduceDao Intent, condensesoneonlyto obstruct the daybig hand, separatesgraspsspatiallytoball of light.
寂静的圣战场空间波动了起来,叶晨风等人同时推演道意,凝聚着一只只遮天大手,隔空抓向一颗颗光球。AlthoughdayQingyun, the sovereigndoes not haveday of wishto makeYe Chenfenglose face, the obstructingdaybig hand that attackYe Chenfeng that intendscondenses, wantsitscrushing.
虽然天青云,皇无天想要让叶晨风丢脸,有意的攻击叶晨风凝聚的遮天大手,想要将其击碎。ButYe Chenfengunderstands the emptywickedtabletseveral hundredyears, roseseveralstairsto the comprehension of Dao Intent, dayQingyun and sovereigndo not have the daycheap tricknot to prevail, was caughtball of lightbyYe Chenfengwith ease.
但叶晨风参透虚无道碑数百年,对道意的领悟上升了数个台阶,天青云和皇无天的小把戏并未得逞,被叶晨风轻松抓到了一颗光球。WhenYe Chenfengand the otherscrumbball of light, float, inhundredfoughton the holy warfieldabovelightjadeto reappear the name and number of showdownboth sides.
当叶晨风等人捏碎光球时,悬浮在百战圣战场上空的光璧上浮现出了对决双方的名字和场次。Ismoon/monthYe Mingcloudsto the dayseparatelythatdayQingyuntoancientHong, Ye Chenfengtodemondust, Lingrainheartdoes not have the dayto the sovereign.
分别是月叶铭对天云,天青云对古鸿,叶晨风对魔一尘,玲雨心对皇无天。„Was good, Iannounced that hundredwarsmeet the militaryfinalsformallyto start!”
The ballotended, the white hairold manannouncedloudly.
The nextquarter, twogratingsoundsfrom out of the blueget up, moon/monthYe Ming and daycloudstands up, just likestwohandleinvincibleDivine sword, cuts the expansive sky, appearedon the resort to violencestage of being through a lotyears, remotelooked at each other, prepares the finalcontention.
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