DMWS :: Volume #13

#1226: Earth present situation

With Lin Rui coordination in secret, itself should be held to shut in Loki in Asgard strictest prison cell by Thor such frankly and uprightly to flee. So long as left Asgard, big of world, can go by Loki strength where. 林锐的暗中配合下,本身应该被托尔抓住关进阿斯加德最严密的牢房中的洛基就这么光明正大的逃离了。只要离开了阿斯加德,世界之大,以洛基的实力哪里都能去得。 But this time for lifelike of this major drama, Lin Rui has not told many people this plan. Therefore, Loki deceived Thor has charged into the Bifrost control main hall the time with imaginary technique a moment ago, Spiderman Peter they with every effort prevent in take action. However, Lin Rui actually unintentional gave to sweep the battlefield them, finally and Loki fought, then also directly has entered the Bifrost control main hall Loki. 而这次为了这场大戏的逼真,林锐根本就没有把这个计划告诉多少人。所以,刚才洛基用幻术骗了托尔冲向彩虹桥控制大殿的时候,蜘蛛侠彼得他们可是都在尽力的出手阻止。不过,林锐却有意无意的把他们给扫出了战场,最后自己一个人和洛基战斗,接着还把洛基直接打进了彩虹桥控制大殿。 Except that not and he copes with Loki Thor in the Lin Rui side together, Peter and Jack several people can look that between Lin Rui and Loki have anything. If Lin Rui does not explain now, they will not be tactful continues to ask. 除了没有在林锐身边和他一起对付洛基托尔,彼得杰克几人都能看出来林锐洛基之间有什么。只是,如果林锐现在不解释的话,他们也不会那么不识趣的继续开口问。 But now Loki in these methods of Asgard arrangement also gave Thor wiping out was similar, Loki oneself, although had not been held, but actually also transmitted left Asgard. Later so long as Thor defended Bifrost and several covert difference Asgard channel, then did not fear that Loki continued to do the matter. 而现在洛基阿斯加德布置的那些手段也都给托尔拔除的差不多了,洛基本人虽然没有被抓住,但是却也传送离开了阿斯加德。以后托尔只要守好了彩虹桥和几条隐蔽的出入阿斯加德的通道,那么就不怕洛基继续回来搞事情。 Therefore, after hearing the Lin Rui words, the Thor look slightly was also more moderate. If this time does not have the help of Earth these Superhero, Thor has not known really can oneself crush the plan of Loki. 所以,在听到林锐的话后,托尔神色也稍稍缓和了些。这次如果没有地球这些超级英雄的帮助,托尔还真的不知道自己能不能粉碎洛基的计划。 Jackson, this time was really thank you! If the later Earth has any need Asgard help, I will be certainly bounden!” Made an effort to pat the shoulder of Lin Rui, the Thor earnest commitment. 杰克森,这次真的是谢谢你们了!如果以后地球有什么需要阿斯加德帮助的,我一定会义不容辞的!”用力拍了拍林锐的肩膀,托尔认真的承诺到。 The millenniums ago, Asgard as the god country that the Earth protector status has. However now, and some ultra can the hero erupt along with the science and technology of Earth short time, he no longer is desolated places in nine Greater World. Perhaps, in the near future, Earth can be first runs out of nine Greater World to fire existence of reputation in the entire universe! 在千年之前,阿斯加德还是作为地球守护者身份存在的神国。不过现在,随着地球短时间的科技和一些超能英雄爆发,他已经不再是九大世界中的荒芜之地了。或许,在不久的将来,地球会是第一个冲出九大世界在全宇宙中打响名头的存在! Un, did not have disturbing of Loki, I believe that governed sufficiently Asgard by your present prestige. As for Earth, if comes across the crisis once more, I believe that you will certainly help.” Facing the commitment of Thor, Lin Rui said with a smile. “嗯,没了洛基的捣乱,我相信以你现在的威望足以把阿斯加德治理好了。至于地球如果再次遇到危机的话,我相信你一定会帮忙的。”面对托尔的承诺,林锐笑着说道。 It looks like in Lin Rui, the crisis rank that Earth will meet in the future no longer is this type can be solved by the army. However, Thor this God of Thunder strength. Moreover, some strength also promotion of Thor, true God of Thunder may such select the strength incessantly. 林锐看来,地球将来遇到的危机等级已经不再是这种靠军队能解决的。不过,托尔这位雷神的实力还是可以的。而且,托尔的实力还有的提升,真正的雷神可不止这么点力量啊。 Also chatted in this Bifrost control center and Thor about Asgard and Earth future, finally, Lin Rui proposed returns to Earth. This time comes Asgard, although was requested by Thor, but also carries on according to the plan of Lin Rui actually. Therefore, after Loki has performed perfectly first departed natural, as supporting role Lin Rui and the others of also this force field, that side Earth also some lot waited for him to do. 又在这彩虹桥的控制中心和托尔聊了些关于阿斯加德和地球的未来,最后,林锐主动提出了回归地球。这次来阿斯加德虽然是受到托尔的请求,但是其实也就是按照林锐的计划进行的。所以,当洛基已经完美的演出了第一场的潇洒离去后,作为配角的林锐等人也该力场了,地球那边还有很多事情等着他去做呢。 Regarding request that Lin Rui set, reason that Thor has not certainly rejected. Has not delayed, Thor take action controlled Bifrost to turn on to lead to Earth transfer passage personally. Then, Lin Rui several people walked have gone to vanish to disappear. 对于林锐提出的要求,托尔当然没有拒绝的理由。没有多耽搁,托尔亲自出手控制着彩虹桥开启了通向了地球的传送通道。然后,林锐几人就一齐走了进去消失不见了。 When Lin Rui several people of forms disappear in the transfer passage completely, stopped vanishing until the transfer passage, Thor has taken back the line of sight. By channel of Bifrost to lead to universe starry sky, the Thor vision looked at these starry skies of two outside deeply. Finally, Thor look complex sighing left the Bifrost control main hall. 林锐几人的身影全部消失在传送通道内,直至传送通道也已经停止消失的时候,托尔才收回了视线。透过彩虹桥通向宇宙星空的通道,托尔目光深沉的看了两眼外界的那些星空。最后,托尔眼神复杂的叹了口气就离开了彩虹桥控制大殿。 ...... …… Rumble! 轰隆隆! Earth, in the New York town center Stark Industries building top layer platform, the Bifrost ray dissipates together slowly. Then, Lin Rui several people walked from inside. In Asgard nearly one month also made Lin Rui they somewhat weary, after all and displaying their wisdom and bravery between Loki was not that simple. 地球,纽约市中心斯塔克集团大厦顶层平台上,一道彩虹桥的光芒慢慢地消散。然后,林锐几人就从里面走了出来。在阿斯加德近一个月的时间也让林锐他们有些疲倦了,毕竟和洛基之间的斗智斗勇也不是那么简单的。 Welcome to come back.” When Lin Rui they enter the Tony luxurious living room, the J.A.R.V.I.S sound passed on. “欢迎回来。”在林锐他们走进托尼的豪华客厅时,贾维斯的声音就传了出来。 Un, J.A.R.V.I.S, what important matter did Earth recently have to have?” Sits on the soft sofa, Lin Rui spoke thoughtlessly to ask one. “嗯,贾维斯,地球最近有发生什么大事吗?”一屁股坐在柔软的沙发上,林锐随口问了一句。 Although in the expectation of Lin Rui, these days Earth should not have any big event to occur, but would some accidents/surprises, perhaps when Lin Rui goes to Asgard, Earth had the matter. However, the reply of J.A.R.V.I.S has not stemmed from the expectation of Lin Rui actually. 虽然在林锐的预想中,这段时间的地球应该不会有什么大事件发生,但是总会有一些意外的,说不定在林锐阿斯加德的时候,地球这边就出事情了。不过,贾维斯的回答倒是没有出乎林锐的预想。 Establishment of Earth Federation was in the official procedure, the corporate meeting of each national and influence had ended, conforms with the global resource strength the effect to win initial success. But before you walk, that special thing that search Colorado throughout that said seeks for had not found, but also several days of Colorado must be leafed through. If could not find, thing that perhaps you must look for not in Colorado. „ “地球联邦的建立已经进入正式程序了,各个国家和势力的合作会议已经结束,整合全球资源实力的效果正在初见成效。而你走之前说的搜索科罗拉多州全境寻找的那个特殊的东西还没有找到,不过还有几天科罗拉多州就要被翻遍了。如果还找不到的话,或许你要找的东西不在科罗拉多州。“ Un, the progress of Earth Federation is very normal. However...... Hadn't that thing found? Only then difference not mostly month, not in Colorado? The ` hear the reply of J.A.R.V.I.S, Lin Rui look Blink several whispered two. Establishes the following development of the Earth Federation and Earth Federation is not Lin Rui needs the key attention, so long as he ensure the development of Earth Federation conformed with itself from the beginning and Tony also has Rogers the original intention of their alliance to be good. However, about seeking for keeps Earth Hidden Quest on that seed not to have the result to the present, this let some Lin Rui headaches. “嗯,地球联邦的进度很正常。不过……那个东西还没找到吗?只有差不多半个月的时间了,难道不在科罗拉多州吗?‘听完贾维斯的回答,林锐眼神闪烁了几下嘀咕了两句。建立地球联邦和地球联邦的后续发展并不是林锐需要重点关注的,他只要保证地球联邦的发展合乎自己一开始和托尼还有罗杰斯他们联盟的初衷就好了。不过,关于寻找伊戈留在地球上的那个种子的隐藏任务到现在还没有结果,这就让林锐有些头疼了。 Although present Lin Rui did not say that lacks such 50,000 Reward points, but can not enter the intense fight to be able with great difficulty to obtain these many Reward points, Lin Rui does not have the reason to give up. And, has produced the star of self-awareness as one, is in the universe few deities plants, his seed definitely has big research value. 虽然现在的林锐也不是说就缺那么50000的奖励点,但是好不容易能不进过激烈的战斗就能得到这么多的奖励点,林锐没理由放弃。并且,伊戈作为一颗产生了自我意识的星球,也是宇宙中为数不多的天神种,他的种子肯定具有很大的研究价值。 In original plot, when swallowed the Star Lord within the body energy to stimulate him to place the seed on innumerable life star to start to grow to swallow each life star crazily the source strength. Therefore , these seeds itself should also contain many strengths, perhaps they were waiting for that a turning point, came from introduction. 在原剧情中,伊戈在吞噬星爵体内能量的时候就已经能激发他放在无数生命星球上的种子开始疯狂生长吞噬每一颗生命星球的本源力量了。所以说,这些种子本身应该也是蕴含了不少力量了,或许它们只是在等待一个契机,一个来自于伊戈的引子。 Incorrect words also can only look personally! Although that side Star Lord will not be done by, but if same were attracted part of energy activation seeds with the original plot. Did not say that destruction of seed crazy growth to environment, my Hidden Quest and research to the seed were also hopeless.” “不行的话也只能亲自去找了!虽然星爵那边不太会被伊戈搞死,但是如果和原剧情一样被吸了一部分能量激活种子的话。不说种子疯狂生长对周围环境的破坏,我的隐藏任务和对种子的研究也就没戏了。” After has pondered simply next, Lin Rui has made the decision. Since that many people could not find to keep the seed of Earth, then his oneself look. Perhaps, this Hidden Quest is not that simple. 简单的思考了下后,林锐就做出了决定。既然那么多人多找不到伊戈留在地球的种子,那么他就自己去找。或许,这个隐藏任务也不是那么简单的。
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