DSED :: Volume #6

#586: Secret organization

, The quickest renewal extraction skill, explores the dungeon latest chapter! ,最快更新抽取技能,探索地牢最新章节! Float in in the air platinum palace. lt ; /pgt ; 漂浮在空中的白金宫殿。lt;/pgt; Kane is resting in own room, but has not slept, but sits cross-legged on the bed. lt ; /pgt ; 凯恩在自己的房间中休息着,不过并没有睡觉,而是盘坐在床上。lt;/pgt; At this time the Kane whole person entered the Deity condition, but the back does not have the symbolic round wheel, they enters the Deity condition the appearance to be similar to. lt ; /pgt ; 此时凯恩整个人都进入了神人状态,不过背后却没有标志性的圆轮,跟克蕾雅他们进入神人状态的样子差不多。lt;/pgt; Can see around him in the air to flash through the mysterious rune/symbol writing rhythm, appear and disappear from time to time. lt ; /pgt ; 能够看见他周围的空中闪过一道道神秘符文的律动,时隐时现。lt;/pgt; The rank insufficient person looks that these mysterious rune/symbol writing rhythm metropolis/can minds swell, the eye braves the golden light. lt ; /pgt ; 级别不够的人看着这些神秘符文的律动都会头脑发胀,眼冒金光。lt;/pgt; This is Kane is then using, after becoming the gold level, sense. lt ; /pgt ; 这便是凯恩正在使用,成为黄金级后所拥有的感官。lt;/pgt; He is conducting the understanding of rule through these senses, he first understanding and learn/study is creates in the rule, fast construction and lasting principle. lt ; /pgt ; 他正在通过这些感官进行规则的理解,他首先理解和学习的便是创造规则中,快速构建与持久的法则。lt;/pgt; The pointedness is extremely strong, this almost cannot be regarded is together, can take the rule that acts. lt ; /pgt ; 针对性极强,这几乎都算不得上是一道,能够拿得出手的规则。lt;/pgt; Even if this rule comprehends, should still have the enormous limit, when creates the object will accelerate, object that only then creates lasting. lt ; /pgt ; 这规则就算领悟出来,也会有极大的限制,只有创造物体时才会加速,只有创造出来的物体才会更加的持久。lt;/pgt; Kane is entirely aiming at his Original Skill, conducts the pointed rule understanding. lt ; /pgt ; 凯恩完全就是在针对他的本源技能,进行针对性的规则理解。lt;/pgt; He focused on a very small point, this can achieve the effect that he wanted quickly, he needed a successful experience, can find to comprehend other rules the paths. lt ; /pgt ; 他将目标放在了很小的一个点上,这样才能够更快的达到他想要的效果,他需要一个成功的经验,才能够找到领悟其他规则的道路。lt;/pgt; Kane they promote to become the gold time, exchanged with Burton for a long time, inquiry is the experience of golden rank. lt ; /pgt ; 凯恩他们升级成为黄金的时候,与伯顿交流了许久,询问的便是黄金级别的经验。lt;/pgt; The 1st prompt of harvest, is the enemies of all golden ranks cannot underestimate, even you are powerful are not good. lt ; /pgt ; 收获的第一个提示,便是所有黄金级别的敌人都不能小看,即使你再强大也不行。lt;/pgt; Because you do not know that your opponent, the rule that he learns is anything, does not remove the rule that some people will study then by 1 to trade 1. lt ; /pgt ; 因为你不知道你的对手,他所学会的规则是什么,不排除会有人学习的规则便是以一换一。lt;/pgt; Received in exchange by own death by own the severe wound of person of incantation killing is or limited, the powerful rule even can definitely achieve, lives and dies together. lt ; /pgt ; 以自身的死亡换取被自己咒杀之人的重伤或者说是限制,强大的规则甚至完全能够做到,同生共死。lt;/pgt; Adventurer of golden rank depends on some unusual rules instead to kill certainly, such situation is everywhere. lt ; /pgt ; 黄金级别的探索者靠着一些奇特的规则绝地反杀,这样的情况比比皆是。lt;/pgt; Therefore must maintain the vigilance. lt ; /pgt ; 所以一定要保持警惕。lt;/pgt; Next is all regular comprehensions. lt ; /pgt ; 其次便是所有规则的领悟。lt;/pgt; Arrived the gold level is truly to the stage of putting together the talent, before gold level, must find own path. lt ; /pgt ; 到了黄金级是真正到了一个拼天赋的阶段,黄金级之前一定要找到自己的道路。lt;/pgt; Found the most suitable own path, this can be problem-free in the direction of comprehension rule. lt ; /pgt ; 找到最适合自己的道路,这样才能够在领悟规则的方向一帆风顺。lt;/pgt; Two different rules suit oneself can comprehend quickly, grasps well. lt ; /pgt ; 两种不同的规则适合自己的才能够领悟得更快,掌握得更好。lt;/pgt; Fierce not necessarily suits you, suits your is best. lt ; /pgt ; 厉害的不一定适合你,适合你的才是最好的。lt;/pgt; Therefore as we all know, before gold level, found own road is most important. lt ; /pgt ; 所以所有人都知道,黄金级之前找到自己的路才是重中之重。lt;/pgt; After all the talent is even powerful, the body of gold level can the rule of carrying/sustaining be still limited, must comprehend the rule according to the path that oneself choose, rather than all rules want. lt ; /pgt ; 毕竟就算天赋再强大,黄金级的身躯能够承载的规则也是有限的,一定要根据自己选择的道路来领悟规则,而不是所有的规则都想要。lt;/pgt; lt ; aid = " wzsy " href = " https://;gt ; «Immortal Wooden Irony of fate» lt ; /agt ; lt ; /pgt ; lt;aid="wzsy"href="https://;gt;《仙木奇缘》lt;/agt;lt;/pgt; Each rule oppresses. lt ; /pgt ; 每一道规则都是压迫。lt;/pgt; Before Burton gold level, had not found own road, wasted own talent, after promoting the gold level, reluctantly then difficult. lt ; /pgt ; 伯顿黄金级之前就没有找到自己的路,浪费了自己的天赋,勉强晋升黄金级之后便寸步难行。lt;/pgt; This is he gives Kane their lesson. lt ; /pgt ; 这便是他给凯恩他们的教训。lt;/pgt; At this time Kane opened the eye, in the hand presented one with the high energy ball that Original Skill constructed. lt ; /pgt ; 这时候凯恩睁开了眼睛,手中出现了一颗用本源技能构造出来的高能量球。lt;/pgt; He has suppressed authority now completely, he wants to experience is he now the most essential strength. lt ; /pgt ; 他现在已经将身上的权柄完全的压制了下去,他想要体验的就是他现在最本质的力量。lt;/pgt; But the authority will have the addition to his body, will make him misjudge the weak rise of oneself present strength. lt ; /pgt ; 而权柄会对他的身体产生加成,会让他错判自己现在实力的微弱提升。lt;/pgt; Strange?” Kane cannot bear mutter. lt ; /pgt ; “奇怪?”凯恩忍不住喃喃自语道。lt;/pgt; His strange place the rule that lay in he comprehends, the speed felt strange, understood with him the information as well as his acquired information that were not completely in line. lt ; /pgt ; 他奇怪的地方就在于他所领悟的规则,速度过于奇怪了,和他了解到的信息以及他收集到的情报完全不相符。lt;/pgt; If found own road, comprehends and studies suit own rule. lt ; /pgt ; 如果找到自己的路,去领悟和学习适合自己的规则。lt;/pgt; Rule that most subdivides ordinary, generally time of expenditure in 2 ~ 3 times. lt ; /pgt ; 一个最普通最细分的规则,一般花费的时间是在2~3次。lt;/pgt; Here number of times refers to going through customs a time golden dungeon, the reward that the dense fog gives. lt ; /pgt ; 这里的次数指的是通关一次黄金地牢,迷雾所给予的奖励。lt;/pgt; According to information and Burton. lt ; /pgt ; 据情报和伯顿的叙述。lt;/pgt; That is a special space, inside has rule that covers all aspects, no matter big small, arranges according to groups one by one. lt ; /pgt ; 那是一个特别的空间,里面有着涵盖所有方方面面的规则,不管是大的小的,分门别类地挨个排好。lt;/pgt; In that space comprehension rule, just like the brain to straighten out to be the same, felt own whole person became intelligent. lt ; /pgt ; 在那片空间领悟规则,就犹如大脑开了窍一样,感觉自己整个人都变聪明了。lt;/pgt; Corresponding comprehension rule, is easier and fast. lt ; /pgt ; 相应的领悟起规则来,也更加的容易和快速。lt;/pgt; The experience of time approximately in 24 hours, for one day and one night. But the outside world only crossed for one hour. lt ; /pgt ; 时间的体验大致是在24小时,一天一夜。只不过外界只过了一个小时而已。lt;/pgt; Kane tries to use Skill Rune Intelligent learn/study Cannot accelerate the comprehension of rule, he picks up the learning speed of brain, making more ideas produce in the brain. lt ; /pgt ; 凯恩试过使用技能石【聪慧学习】并不能加速规则的领悟,他只是加快大脑的学习速度,让更多的想法在大脑中产生。lt;/pgt; Cannot conduct any change and promotion to the sense that the gold level comes out suddenly. lt ; /pgt ; 并不能对黄金级突然多出来的感官进行任何的改变和提升。lt;/pgt; According to the conception of Kane, they conduct the comprehension of rule in the outside world, was definitely inferior comprehension space that the dense fog gives. lt ; /pgt ; 按照凯恩的构想,他们在外界进行规则的领悟,肯定是不如迷雾所给予的领悟空间的。lt;/pgt; Definitely by significantly weakening, the advantage lies in being able anytime and anywhere without any scruples comprehends and studies. lt ; /pgt ; 肯定会遭到大幅度的削弱,优势就在于能够随时随地毫无顾忌的去领悟和学习。lt;/pgt; However the issue leaves in this. lt ; /pgt ; 然而问题就出在这。lt;/pgt; The time of Kane comprehension has 8 hours here, his bewildered feeling oneself grasped the fur/superficial knowledge, has crossed the threshold. lt ; /pgt ; 凯恩在这里领悟的时间已经有八个小时了,他莫名其妙的感觉自己掌握了皮毛,已经入门了。lt;/pgt; The speed that the energy ball in hand, he can the obvious feeling construct became quick. lt ; /pgt ; 手中的能量球,他能够明显的感觉到构建起来的速度变快了。lt;/pgt; Once this high energy object, at least must spend for 2 seconds to construct, now only spends more than one. seconds. lt ; /pgt ; 曾经这种高能量物体,至少都得花费二秒钟才能够构建出来,现在只花费了一秒多。lt;/pgt; The so-called durability is the consumption reduces, Kane also obviously felt. lt ; /pgt ; 所谓的持久性便是消耗减少,凯恩也明显感觉到了。lt;/pgt; Properly speaking should not cross the threshold quickly, according to Burton said, is 1 hour crosses the threshold in the comprehension space normal situation, the 1st comprehension basically grasps. lt ; /pgt ; 按理来说不该这么快入门的,根据伯顿所说,在领悟空间正常的情况是一小时入门,第一次领悟基本掌握。lt;/pgt; The 3rd time skilled even completely grasps for the 2nd time. lt ; /pgt ; 第二次第三次熟练甚至是完全掌握。lt;/pgt; But 24 hours of Kane in the normal boundary crosses the threshold, estimates compared with him is much better. lt ; /pgt ; 可是凯恩在正常的地界里24小时入门,比他预想的要好很多。lt;/pgt; Must know that Kane this may not have the limit of number of times and time, others spend for day, he spends for 24 days to achieve others success. lt ; /pgt ; 要知道凯恩这个可没有次数和时间的限制,别人花费一天,他花费24天就能够达到别人一次的成功。lt;/pgt; But others want this time, does not know how long time must spend to be able a time to pass dungeon. lt ; /pgt ; 而别人想要拥有这一次,不知道要花费多久的时间才能够通过一次地牢。lt;/pgt; This is no matter how calculates business that gains crazily. lt ; /pgt ; 这是不管怎么算都疯狂赚的买卖。lt;/pgt; In the estimate of Kane, the time that should spend must more be right. lt ; /pgt ; 凯恩的预想中,应该花费的时间要更多才对。lt;/pgt; Because before Kane, has comprehended in the outside world simply, to be honest, Kane felt that at that time when comprehension, own brain looks like a stone same not to run errands. lt ; /pgt ; 因为凯恩之前在外界就已经简单的领悟过了,说实话,凯恩感觉那时候在外界领悟时,自己的大脑就像是一块石头一样不听使唤。lt;/pgt; In the country of platinum, has the addition. lt ; /pgt ; 在白金之国中,是有加成的。lt;/pgt; This is the conclusion that Kane results, Kane can feel, makes the addition is not on the platinum royal crown that he has that 5 lawful rights. lt ; /pgt ; 这是凯恩得出来的结论,凯恩能够感觉到,做出加成的并非是他所拥有的白金王冠上那五个权柄。lt;/pgt; But is he has this dungeon, he has this dungeon, looks like this dungeon world will. lt ; /pgt ; 而是他拥有这座地牢,他拥有这座地牢,就像是这地牢的世界意志。lt;/pgt; The world is providing the addition to him, and with his body and soul extremely adaptive. lt ; /pgt ; 世界在给他提供加成,并且与他的身体和灵魂极度的适配。lt;/pgt; Thinks of here, Kane cannot bear the space equipment that in the hand puts, what he puts is the space equipment of depositing valuables. lt ; /pgt ; 想到这里,凯恩忍不住将手伸进的空间装备中,他伸进的是存放贵重物品的空间装备。lt;/pgt; Afterward put out a small jade from inside. lt ; /pgt ; 随后从里面拿出了一颗小小的玉石。lt;/pgt; When this jade once left the world restaurant, Bagrij gives his. lt ; /pgt ; 这颗玉石是曾经离开世界餐厅时,鲍格里给他的那一颗。lt;/pgt; The potential meaning, he almost knows Kane can have own personal dungeon from now on. lt ; /pgt ; 潜在的意思,他差不多知道了凯恩今后能够拥有自己的私人地牢。lt;/pgt; If Kane truly had, can join them. lt ; /pgt ; 如果凯恩确实拥有了,可以加入他们。lt;/pgt; Kane was pondering that must use. lt ; /pgt ; 凯恩正在思考要不要使用。lt;/pgt; Thinks, a charm flooded into the jade. lt ; /pgt ; 想了想,一丝魔力涌入了玉石之中。lt;/pgt; Kane has entered the Deity condition now, will be vigilant to a big way. lt ; /pgt ; 凯恩现在已经进入了神人状态,将警惕拉到最大。lt;/pgt; Hey? Who?” lt ; /pgt ; “喂?谁呀?”lt;/pgt; Bagrij's voice conveys from the jade. lt ; /pgt ; 鲍格里的声音从玉石中传来。lt;/pgt; Afterward suddenly stopped: „, Should be Kane? Is Kane?” lt ; /pgt ; 随后突然停顿了一下:“哦,应该是凯恩吧?是凯恩吗?”lt;/pgt; Kane is looking at the jade in hand: Right, is I.” lt ; /pgt ; 凯恩看着手中的玉石:“对,是我。”lt;/pgt; Can activate this jade, it seems like you have your personal dungeon.” lt ; /pgt ; “能激活这颗玉石,看来你已经成功拥有了自己的私人地牢。”lt;/pgt; Then I said directly beyond the shadow, must join our small meetings, we are one crowd of Adventurer that has the personal dungeon, can exchange the experience, can definitely obtain the harvest as you of rookie. lt ; /pgt ; “那么我直接开门见山的说了,要不要加入我们的小聚会呢,我们都是一群拥有私人地牢的探索者,可以互相交流经验,作为新人的你肯定能够获得收获的。lt;/pgt; Naturally, and does not have any duty of force, but hopes, if you have to grasping the experience of dungeon, or parsimonious share. ” lt ; /pgt ; 当然了,并没有什么强迫的义务,只是希望,如果你有对掌握地牢的心得体会的话,也要不吝啬的分享出来。”lt;/pgt; Bagrij's voice falls, the surroundings are a peace. lt ; /pgt ; 鲍格里的话音落下,周围便是一片安静。lt;/pgt; He is waiting for the reply of Kane, Kane is also pondering success and failure. lt ; /pgt ; 他在等待着凯恩的回答,凯恩也在思考着这其中的得失。lt;/pgt; Finally Kane spoke of: Ok, I join.” lt ; /pgt ; 最后凯恩还是说到:“可以,我加入。”lt;/pgt; Intelligent, wise action, you prepare, after 10 minutes, I look for you.” lt ; /pgt ; “聪明,明智之举,你准备一下,十分钟之后我来找你。”lt;/pgt; „?” lt ; /pgt ; “啊?”lt;/pgt; Bagrij's words, making Kane somewhat compel ignorant. lt ; /pgt ; 鲍格里的话,让凯恩有些懵逼。lt;/pgt; This, hung!” lt ; /pgt ; “就这样,挂了!”lt;/pgt; Looks the jade that in the hand is extinguishing, Kane thinks, on the ruby through collar leads the clip to transmit own situation to immediately they. lt ; /pgt ; 看着手中重新熄灭的玉石,凯恩想了想,将自己的情况立刻通过衣领上的红宝石领夹传递给了克蕾雅他们。lt;/pgt; Afterward immediately vanishes in the platinum palace, appeared in the association hall, vanished in the association hall, returned in the association station. lt ; /pgt ; 随后立刻消失在了白金宫殿内,出现在了公会大厅,又消失在了公会大厅,重新回到了公会驻地之中。lt;/pgt; At this time the outside world is still a jet black night. lt ; /pgt ; 此时外界依然是漆黑的一片夜晚。lt;/pgt; Kane arrived at the entrance of association station, waits. lt ; /pgt ; 凯恩来到了公会驻地的大门口,等待起来。lt;/pgt; The ruby gets in the clip, their pass on message had also passed on. lt ; /pgt ; 红宝石领夹中,克蕾雅他们的传讯也已经传了过来。lt;/pgt; In the Kane then heart felt at ease much. lt ; /pgt ; 凯恩这才心中安心了不少。lt;/pgt; After 10 minutes of past, Kane space broke open an opening, a Bagrij fist broke open the opening. lt ; /pgt ; 当十分钟过去后,凯恩身旁的空间破开了一道裂口,鲍格里一拳将裂口砸开。lt;/pgt; Afterward drilled from the opening. lt ; /pgt ; 随后从裂口中钻了出来。lt;/pgt; However has not waited for Bagrij to drill completely, Kane then obviously felt the aura of dense fog. lt ; /pgt ; 然而还没等鲍格里完全钻出来,凯恩便明显感觉到了迷雾的气息。lt;/pgt; Afterward Kane then saw Bagrij to seem like from inside is kicked a foot to be the same, flew. lt ; /pgt ; 随后凯恩便看见鲍格里像是从里面被人踢了一脚一样,飞了出来。lt;/pgt; The person who Bagrij is all right probably same patted own buttocks to stand, the image of no Iridescent powerhouse. lt ; /pgt ; 鲍格里像是没事的人一样拍了拍自己的屁股站了起来,毫无彩色强者的形象。lt;/pgt; Excuse me, making you be laughed , the time caught up, without means.” lt ; /pgt ; “不好意思,让你见笑了,时间太赶了,没办法。”lt;/pgt; Kane knows certainly the intention that he does this, in the heart truly felt at ease much. lt ; /pgt ; 凯恩当然知道他这样做的用意,心中确实安心了不少。lt;/pgt; Bagrij looks up the Kane back inspection lamp construction: This building is good, your?” lt ; /pgt ; 鲍格里抬头看着凯恩背后的提灯建筑:“这建筑不错呀,你的吗?”lt;/pgt; Kane nods, later said: Comes, here is not the conversation good place.” lt ; /pgt ; 凯恩点点头,随后说道:“进来吧,这里可不是交谈的好地方。”lt;/pgt; Was saying then opens the front door to greet Bagrij to come. lt ; /pgt ; 说着便打开大门迎接鲍格里进来。lt;/pgt; After Bagrij comes, looked around a surrounding environment, later sits down on the nearby sofa of hall directly. lt ; /pgt ; 鲍格里进来后,张望了一下周围的环境,随后直接就在大厅的旁边的沙发上坐下。lt;/pgt; Afterward Bagrij looked at Kane, satisfied nod: Really is a young talent, you have also really grasped the personal dungeon in the silver rank, is really fierce.” lt ; /pgt ; 随后鲍格里看了看凯恩,满意的点点头:“真是一个年轻的天才,你还真在白银级别就已经掌握了私人的地牢,真厉害。”lt;/pgt; The Bagrij not parsimonious own praise, to front Kane is being one chaotic boasts. lt ; /pgt ; 鲍格里毫不吝啬自己的夸奖,对着面前的凯恩就是一顿乱夸。lt;/pgt; Thanks.” Nod of Kane smile, asked later: What advantage does silver rank grasp the personal dungeon to have?” lt ; /pgt ; “谢谢。”凯恩微笑的点点头,随后问道:“白银级别掌握私人的地牢有什么好处吗?”lt;/pgt; To be honest, Kane have not felt what advantage. lt ; /pgt ; 说实话,凯恩自身并没有感觉到什么好处。lt;/pgt; Advantage cannot feel that now, you did not have the entry gold dungeon to obtain the rule the comprehension number of times. When you start to comprehend the rule time knew.” lt ; /pgt ; “好处现在感觉不到的,你还没有通关黄金地牢获得规则的领悟次数吧。等你开始领悟规则的时候就知道了。”lt;/pgt; Silver rank grasps the personal dungeon, after being promoted to become the gold, inexplicable has the world will same attribute, the comprehension rule is quickly to be better than others. This will make you enjoy for a lifetime.” lt ; /pgt ; “白银级别掌握私人的地牢,晋级成为黄金后会莫名的拥有世界意志一样的属性,领悟规则就是要比别人更快更好。这会让你受用一辈子的。”lt;/pgt; Is saying Bagrij, but also with envying the vision is blinking to Kane. lt ; /pgt ; 说着鲍格里,还用羡慕的目光对着凯恩眨眨眼。lt;/pgt; In our small meetings, two same grasped the dungeon with you in silver level, this special nature is they shares.” lt ; /pgt ; “我们的小聚会里,就有两位跟你一样在白银级就掌握了地牢,这个特殊的性质就是他们俩分享出来的。”lt;/pgt; After saying, in Bagrij in the space equips touched, put out a card of jade system to give Kane. lt ; /pgt ; 说完后,鲍格里在空间装备里摸了摸,拿出了一张玉制的卡片递给了凯恩。lt;/pgt; This is I must to your thing, remembers the appraisal use, believes that this cannot baffle your.” lt ; /pgt ; “这就是我要给你的东西,记得鉴定使用,相信这难不倒你的。”lt;/pgt; Was saying Bagrij is beckoning with the hand to Kane: I first left, urgent matter.” lt ; /pgt ; 说着鲍格里对着凯恩摆摆手:“我就先离开了,还有急事。”lt;/pgt; Kane looks that like this Bagrij disappears in oneself front directly. lt ; /pgt ; 凯恩就这样看着鲍格里直接消失在自己的面前。lt;/pgt; Really has better transfer method. lt ; /pgt ; 果然有着更好的传送方式吗。lt;/pgt;
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