DSED :: Volume #6

#565: Under the blade of hatred, shatter!

Ruins him, your majesty!” “毁掉他,陛下!” Please save us!” “请拯救我们!” Your majesty! The king of platinum!” “陛下!白金之王!” In the entire square, all civilians are shouting, some people even start to kneel down. 整个广场上,所有的平民都在大喊着,一些人甚至开始跪下。 The person who then these just knelt down, pushing to be standing by a strength. 然后这些刚跪下的人,就被一股力量给推着站了起来。 Kane looks below person, the golden ray in eye appears sacred gentle. 凯恩看着下方的人,眼中的金色光芒显得神圣柔和。 My people, do not need to bow!” “我的子民们,无需屈膝!” Was saying Kane lets loose the platinum scepter in hand, back white golden metal light wheel scattered flew, surrounds around the scepter to start to combine to revolve. 说着凯恩将手中的白金权杖放开,背后的白金色金属光轮分散的飞了出来,环绕着权杖周围开始组合旋转。 Both's combination is bursting out the powerful strength, displayed the strength of its authority as far as possible. 两者的组合迸发着强大的力量,将其权柄的力量尽量的发挥了出来。 On this float slowly in the sky of golden bridge, the white golden silk thread one after another appeared to twine below golden bridge, is imprisoning firmly. 就这样缓缓的漂浮在了金桥的上空,一根又一根的白金色丝线从中出现将下方的金桥缠绕住,牢牢的禁锢着。 The energy ray that on the silk thread exudes is representing the authority of the world, is representing this shatter world final counter-attack. 丝线上泛起的能量光芒代表着世界的权柄,代表着这破碎世界最后的反扑。 Originally by golden bridge that the seal lives, cannot move under such imprisonment, just like a genuine stone bridge to be the same, stayed in the sky, they were stepped on by Kane in the under foot. 本就被封印住的金桥,在这样的禁锢下丝毫动弹不得,就犹如一座真正的石桥一样,停留在了天空中,被凯恩他们踩在脚下。 No matter to the Kane words, serves in his to perish cannot make any response. 不管是对凯恩的话语,还是侍奉于他的就会灭亡都做不出任何的反应。 Kane inserts void the hand, drew out a appearance strange long spear/gun slowly, Sky Shrouder. 凯恩将手插进虚空中,缓缓地拔出了一柄模样怪异的长枪,遮蔽天空 This floated the long spear/gun like this in the in the air, black red aura encirclement in its periphery, the above hatred was such profound. 这把长枪就这样漂浮在了空中,黑红色的气息环绕在其周围,上方的仇恨是那样的深刻。 At this time is standing Kane on golden bridge, clear awareness, this in hand Sky Shrouder, can definitely injure golden bridge, but was unable to destroy. 此时正站在金桥身上的凯恩,清楚的知道,手中的这把遮蔽天空,肯定能够伤害到金桥,但还不能够毁灭。 The hatred compares in the mass of golden bridge extremely in small, the strength extremely in weak. 仇恨相比于金桥的体量太过于微小,力量太过于微弱。 Both's disparity is huge. 两者的差距过于巨大。 However such scene Kane they have to expect. 不过这样的景象凯恩他们早就有预料到。 Almost can be the world will Kane, has realized the energy level of golden bridge. 几乎可以算得上是世界意志的凯恩,早就体会到了金桥的能级。 Kane looks below civilians, looks at own these people. 凯恩看着下方的平民,看着自己的这些子民。 My people, your hatreds, your anger, your sorrow, completely, complete release. “我的子民们,将你们的仇恨,将你们的怒火,将你们的悲痛,全部,全部的释放出来。 Let this to golden bridge that you bring the pain, experiences your pain. ” 让这座给你们带来痛苦的金桥,体验你们的痛苦。” With falling of Kane voice, below Heidi, wielded own both hands, the peaceful pink mist flutters. 随着凯恩话音的落下,处在下方的海迪琳,挥了挥自己的双手,澹粉色的雾气飘荡而出。 These pink mist the angers and hatreds about 1,000-2,000 civilians releasing, these emotionalism and black flooded into toward the above long spear/gun for the blood. 这些粉红色的雾气将大约1,000-2,000名平民的愤怒与仇恨给释放了出来,这些情绪化为了血与黑向着上方的长枪内涌入去。 As the angers and hatreds of these people start to release, had the predecessor to make the head, everyone started to follow to release. 随着这些人的愤怒与仇恨开始释放,有了前人做头,所有人都开始跟着释放起来。 Suppresses the anger in heart, the hatred and sorrow, as if had an explicit proclaiming drain port, lets the mood in heart like surging tides, following this opening to this, in sky crazy wells up. 憋在心中的愤怒,仇恨以及悲痛,仿佛有了一道明确的宣泄口,让心中的情绪如潮水般,顺着这道口子向这,天空中疯狂的涌去。 At this time, similarly who side Kane was at the Deity condition, seeing such scene to wave, the black-and-white flame welled up toward the long spear/gun in following the air. 这时候,凯恩身边同样处于神人状态的克蕾雅,看见这样的景象挥了挥手,黑白色的火焰顺着空气朝着长枪内涌去。 Such energy level, can create fatal killing to golden bridge. 这样的能级,才能够对金桥造成致命的杀伤。 Kane extends a hand to come to the float empty to grasp in the in the air long spear/gun. 凯恩伸出一只手来对着漂浮在空中的长枪虚握。 Hatred makes the blade!” “仇恨做刃!” white jade zhuang spear head, that middle scarlet trace puts greatly. The blood and black mood that all were attracted, changed into the energy of rushing to puncture on the spear/gun blade following the trace. 白玉状的枪头,那中间猩红的纹路大放。所有被吸引上来的血与黑的情绪,化为了澎湃的能量顺着纹路在枪刃上刺出。 My once people, lost the life because of golden bridge, because of golden bridge, but the soul of defect, because of golden bridge but sorrowful world, now, the opportunity of revenge has arrived.” “我曾经的子民们,因为金桥而失去性命,因为金桥而缺失的灵魂,因为金桥而悲痛世间,现在,复仇之机已到。” As Kane another voice falls. 随着凯恩的又一次话音落下。 Log elder in square, singing loudly. Holds up own wooden stick, hammer ruthlessly in ground. 一直在广场处的巨木长者,高歌着。举起自己的木杖,狠狠的锤击在了地面上。 Some energy following its hammer, transmitted in the land, seemed like awakening anything, seemed like transmitting anything. 某种能量顺着它的锤击,传递到了大地之中,似乎是在唤醒什么,又似乎是在传递着什么。 Many children of moon/month, soar in the midair, silver-gray particle floods into toward the sky. 许多的月之子,飞翔在半空中,身上的银灰色微粒向着天空涌入。 The golden ray was suppressed , the starry sky and full moon appear in the horizon. 金色的光芒被压制而下,星空与圆月出现在天边。 The trim sky presented the extremely strange scenery, golden bright daytime, echoes with the moving nighttime sky intersection. 整片天空出现了极其离奇的景色,金色的明昼,与动人的夜空相交呼应。 golden bridge and full moon appear in the sky simultaneously. 金桥与圆月同时出现在天空之中。 The hot lineage of one-eyed, the stone image of limestone, the beast person of long ear,...... 独眼的火裔,灰石的石人,长耳的兽人,……。 Was being oppressed innumerably the different race, the innumerable present also hid in the antiquity races of various places. 无数被压迫着的异种族,无数现在还躲藏在各处的上古种族。 Is also preserving the soul innumerably, drags life that the incomplete body is barely managing to maintain a feeble existence. 无数还保存着灵魂,拖着残缺身体苟延残喘的生命。 In their ears all heard the Kane sound, in their eyes all saw, at this time mainland center scene. 他们的耳中全都听到了凯恩的声音,他们的眼中全都看见了,此时大陆中心的景象。 The plant of entire land, the thick earth of entire land is vibrating. 整个大地的植物,整个大地的厚土都在震动。 The spheroid that the innumerable souls change into, is glittering the glimmer, from various directions of mainland rapid flies. 无数灵魂化为的球体,闪烁着微光,从大陆的各方向迅速的飞来。 Summit, forest land, pothole and seabed. 山顶、林地、坑洞、海底。 All acts boldly regardless of one's safety, put into the float in the long spear/gun before Kane body. 全都奋不顾身的,投入了漂浮在凯恩身前的长枪内。 Revenge, revenge!” “复仇,复仇!” Ruins him, must ruin!” “毁掉他,一定要毁掉!” A lot of years, approaches at this moment finally!” “千百年的时间,此刻终于来临!” The innumerable souls, the body of defect, invests in abundance, and is telling the respective hatred and last words. 无数的灵魂,缺失的躯体,纷纷投入进去,并且诉说着各自的仇恨与遗言。 Mother!” A veteran of wing of steel, the black and white mixed hair is demonstrating his age at this moment. “母亲!”一位钢铁之翼的老兵,黑白交杂的头发显示着他此刻的年龄。 Also has like this old performance in the time of death collapse, obviously big of his age. 在死亡崩坏的时刻还有着这样的年老表现,可见他的年龄之大。 His front, is one has five points of similar female soul with his facial features. 他的面前,是一位与他面容有着五分相似的女性魂魄。 Hears his summon, that female soul, flight on the way, stopped the form, turns the head to visit him pleasantly surprised. 听到他的呼唤,那位女性魂魄,飞行的途中,停下了身影,转过头来惊喜地看着他。 Afterward flies rapidly, empty hugged an own son, looks at his time old facial features, the corner of the eye flowed off drop of soul tears. 随后迅速飞过来,虚抱了一下自己的儿子,看着他此时的苍老面容,眼角流下了一滴魂泪。 Bye, child.” “再见,孩子。” Said to turn around, long spear/gun of continuation of acting boldly regardless of one's safety in toward sky flies, yearns for a point again, in her heart will be many a weakness. 说完转身,奋不顾身的继续朝着天空中的长枪飞过去,再多留恋一分,她的心中就会多一份软弱。 Mother!” “妈!” This veteran is bellowing, wants to put out a hand to hold own mother, however the palm actually passes through from own mother's body. 这位老兵大吼着,想要伸手抓住自己的母亲,然而手掌却从自己母亲的身体中穿过。 What held is only wisp of peaceful white mist. 抓住的只是一缕澹白色的雾气。 Looks that in protein color mist that in own palm dissipates: „!” 看着在自己手心中消散的蛋白色雾气:“啊啊啊啊!” The roaring filial piety sound of anger and in hatred brings a sorrow, a lot of blood and black, gush out from his body. Just likes black column of smoke to fire into the sky was floating the long spear/gun. 愤怒与仇恨的咆孝声中带着一丝悲痛,大量的血与黑,从他的身体中涌出。犹如一根黑色的烟柱冲向了天空中漂浮着的长枪。 Such scene appears in various places of square, many people also think their family members, after the death, was far away sorrowfully, at least can trade peacefully in the horizon. 这样的景象出现在广场的各处,许多的人还认为他们的亲人,死亡后远离了悲痛,至少能够在天边换来安宁。 However the present scenery actually broke their imagination, making their hatreds and angry even more profound. 然而现在的景色却打破了他们的想象,让他们的仇恨与愤怒越发的深刻。 With more and more flooding into of soul and remnant body. 随着越来越多的魂魄和残躯的涌入。 On the spiral rifle stock, the black and green glow intersection are twining. 螺旋的枪杆上,黑色与绿芒相交缠绕着。 Lombe and Li path path wave, the strength of soul and life, crashed in the long spear/gun following the air. 隆贝和莉路路挥了挥手,灵魂与生命的力量,顺着空气冲进了长枪之中。 Body !” “身躯化柄!” The entire root long spear/gun has become exceptionally huge, the range estimate has reached twenty meters length. 整根长枪已经变得异常巨大,目测已经达到了二十几米的长度。 Entire spear's/gun's body crazy is shivering, the energy exceeds the limit that can fuse. 整个枪身都在疯狂的颤抖着,能量超出了能够融合的极限。 At this time Medsker waves, the energy authority of harmony was filled with. 这时候梅兹克挥了挥手,协和的能量权柄充入其中。 The long spear/gun that shivers crazily, consolidates rapidly, all breaks in can quantify, for the overall, mutual interdependence interweaves. 疯狂颤抖的长枪,迅速稳固下来,所有冲入其中的能量化为了整体,相互依存交织。 Looks at front this giant long spear/gun, Kane body is also changing. 看着面前这巨大的长枪,凯恩的身型也在发生着变化。 Creates the body of the world!” “创世之躯!” With the authority of platinum scepter, in addition Original Skill as well as Kane in the inspiration that ten thousand gods obtain on the airplane. 用白金权杖的权柄,加上本源技能以及凯恩在万神之机上所获得的灵感。 One 20 meters come high giant airplane armor to be constructed by Kane. 一件20米来高的巨型机甲被凯恩构造出来。 As before is the proportional human form body, but compared in the former water is distinct, this time body being close in the shape of person. 依旧是成比例的人形机体,但是相比于从前的菱角分明,这次的机体更加的接近于人的形态。 The face of entire machine armor, is the mask shape without the five senses, above only has an energy mark of inspection lamp. 整个机甲的脸部,是一幅没有五官的面具形态,上面只有一个提灯的能量标记。 The fuselage and head this of human form are to let entire collective fitting in Kane, this can be close to the supernatural power inspiration on the god of affairs of state obtaining. 人形的机身和头部这是为了让整个集体更加的贴合于凯恩,这样才能够更加接近于万机之神上获得的神力灵感。 After all the shape of god of affairs of state is close to the human form that the machinery constitutes, now the Kane knowledge and design could not be separated from this contour, need many studies. 毕竟万机之神的形态接近于机械构成的人形,现在凯恩的知识与设计还不能脱离这层外形,需要更多的学习。 The luster of entire body is a luster of ancient bronzes, the back has the spacious cloak to be the white golden color at the same time. 整个机体的色泽是一种古铜的色泽,背后有着一面宽大的披风呈白金色。 On the white golden cloak no longer is the chart tuart of inspection lamp, but is two from beginning to end connected mechanical snakes. 白金色的披风上不再是提灯的图桉,而是两条头尾相连的机械之蛇。 On the entire fuselage the mark dense and numerous rune/symbol writing, is being is used to assist the use of supernatural power as well as authority completely. 整个机身上都纹着密密麻麻的符文,全部是用来辅助神力以及权柄的使用。 The moving parts of all joints no longer are the mechanical structures, but can see the obvious magic energy, rippling in, for its alternation link. 所有关节的可动部分不再是机械的结构,而是能够看见明显的魔法能量,荡漾其中,为其穿插链接。 5 giant crystal stones, regarding creating the body of body world surround. Following these 5 crystal stones, the streamer that the five colors energy forms, similarly is surrounding the fuselage. 五颗巨大的晶石,围绕着创世之躯机体环绕。顺着这五颗晶石,五色能量所形成的飘带,同样环绕着机身。 The body stretches out the bronze mechanical palm, steady in the air will be floating the giant long spear/gun grasped in the hand. 机体伸出古铜色的机械手掌,稳稳的将空中漂浮着的巨型长枪握在了手中。 Afterward another hand is grasping to sky in air actual situation grasping of, later ruthlessly pulls backward. 随后另一只手对着天空中的空气虚实的抓握着,随后狠狠的向后扯去。 It seems like the energy same spider web light to wind, was torn. 一层像是能量一样的蛛网光络,被撕扯下来。 This pulls seal complete tearing, now only then Kane back machinery gold/metal wheel and platinum scepter, but also is conducting the suppression regarding golden bridge. 这一扯则是将封印完全的扯开,现在只有凯恩背后的机械金轮与白金权杖,还在对于金桥进行着压制。 But the 4 people also disperse near four, is using the authority assistance scepter and gold/metal in wheel hand is suppressing golden bridge. 而克蕾雅的四人也分散在四边,使用着手中的权柄辅助权杖与金轮压制着金桥。 With tearing of seal, the complete picture of golden bridge reveals. 随着封印的扯开,金桥的全貌显露出来。 The entire golden bridge stretches across the horizon, the complete impediment of bridge floor sky over below city. 整个金桥横跨天际,桥面将下方的城市上空完全的阻挡。 At this time Kane they above bridge floor, but others under bridge floor. 此时凯恩他们在桥面之上,而其余人则在桥面之下。 Created the body of the world to stand above golden bridge. 创世之躯站在了金桥上方。 Both legs slightly bends, later jumping ruthlessly to in the air. 双腿微屈,随后狠狠的跳至了空中。 A huge blood red mark, appears in golden bridge bridge floor that in Kane just took off. 一个巨大的血红色标记,出现在了凯恩刚刚起跳的金桥桥面上。 In the hand is grasping Sky Shrouder, all energies instilled into the long spear/gun, the above hatred and burnt angrily the blood and black arrogance. 手中握着遮蔽天空,所有的能量灌输进了长枪之中,上面的仇恨与愤怒燃烧起了血与黑的气焰。 Changed into a giant spear/gun blade, wants on big compared with Kane the body of whole of creation world, in the spear/gun blade was disclosing all hates and anger. 化为了一柄巨大的枪刃,比凯恩的创世之躯整体都还要大上一圈,枪刃中透露着全是仇恨与愤怒。 Gives me, broken!” “给我,碎!” Kane angry long spear/gun penetration ruthlessly the golden transparent bridge floor of under foot. 凯恩愤怒的将长枪狠狠的穿透进了脚下的金色透明的桥面。 Deterrent that on the spear/gun blade coerces, is the whole world anger and hatred, only the anger and hatred of the whole world life. 枪刃上裹挟的威慑,是整个世界愤怒与仇恨,只整个世界生命的愤怒与仇恨。 Flip-flop!” “噼啪!” Just likes the glass shatter sound to resound, clear transmission the whole world. 犹如玻璃破碎的声音响起,清脆的传递到了整个世界。 The place that the long spear/gun penetrates presented a giant disruption cavity, the surroundings all are the dense and numerous fissures. 长枪所穿透的地方出现了一个巨大的碎裂空洞,周围全是密密麻麻的裂痕。 «At first Evolution» 《最初进化》 These fissures start crazily starts the spread a while entire bridge floor then to proliferate the fissure toward the surroundings. 这些裂痕开始疯狂的朝着周围开始蔓延一会儿整个桥面便遍布着裂痕。 Kane the body of creation world, will insert the spear/gun blade on golden bridge pulls up. Afterward both hands grip tightly to lift up high, to under has been proliferating the crack bridge floor, again is numerous strikes. 凯恩的创世之躯,将插在金桥上面的枪刃拔起。随后双手紧握高举起来,对着下方已经遍布裂纹的桥面,再是重重的一击。 People look, this is your hatreds and angers.” “子民们看着,这就是你们的仇恨与愤怒。” Spear/Gun blade wielding ruthlessly cut to stroke in the bridge floor. 枪刃狠狠的挥砍击打在了桥面上。 Flip-flop!” “噼啪!” The entire bridge floor, the complete break crushes. 整个桥面,完全的断裂粉碎开来。 Stretches across the horizon golden bridge to start shatter, breaks golden fragment that comes, starts to turn into the golden fragments one after another to fall toward under. 横跨天际的金桥开始破碎,破碎而来的金色碎片,开始变成一块又一块的金色碎屑朝着下方掉落。 Golden rain, is found in the trim mainland. 一场金色的雨,遍布整片大陆。 The whole world tasted the blood of foe. 整个世界都品尝到了仇敌的血液。 https:// https:// :. Cell phone version reading website: :。手机版阅读网址:
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