DSED :: Volume #6

#564: Disappearing of church

In the square in capital, the coronation ceremony is in progress. 首都的广场上,加冕仪式正在进行。 The palace of float in sky, clouds is floating, above is standing Kane they. 漂浮在天空中的宫殿,一朵云朵正漂浮下来,上面站着的正是凯恩他们。 Clouds slowly is fluttering downward, later stopped on the floating stage. 云朵慢慢的向下飘着,随后停在了飘台上。 Kane they walked from the cotton candy, stood on the floating stage. 凯恩他们从棉花糖身上走了下来,站在了飘台上。 Below civilians look are Kane of head, many civilians have seen Kane original feature, recognized in abundance. 下方的平民们看着为首的凯恩,许多平民还是见过凯恩的本来面目的,纷纷认了出来。 These left Rollo Stan's residents are quite more familiar with Kane, they are lifting up high both hands, first cheered. 那些左罗洛斯坦的居民更是对凯恩比较熟悉,他们高举着双手,首先的欢呼了起来。 Your majesty!” “陛下!” King destruction!” “众王毁灭者!” Long live!” “万岁!” Various strange cheering, to mention just a few. 各种奇怪的欢呼,不一而足。 Following their cheering, other civilians follow to cheer. 顺着他们的欢呼,其余的平民都跟随着欢呼起来。 The sound that cheers is deafening, will put in order a city and peripheral region covered. 欢呼的声音震耳欲聋,将整座城市及其周边的区域都覆盖了进去。 Cheers from these can also know, a while ago Kane their efforts had not been in vain, but made very good progress. 从这些欢呼中也能够知道,前段时间凯恩他们的努力并没有白费,而是取得了非常不错的成效。 As weakening of gradually cheers, wore the rabbit director of suit to obtain the instruction, wielded the music director stick in hand again. 随着欢呼声的渐渐减弱,身穿西装的兔子指挥得到了指令,再次挥动了手中的指挥棒。 Compared in the former joyful music, this time music obviously dignified, resounded in the surroundings of entire square. 相比于之前欢庆的音乐,此时的音乐更显庄严,在整个广场的周围响起。 The ding sounds again. 钟声再次敲响。 Kane looks at own side, person who these 1st meeting golden bridge teaches. 凯恩看着自己的旁边,那些第一次见面的金桥教会的人。 Follows Sofiane who he is getting down, entered in their team silently. 跟随着他下来的索菲娜,默默的进入了他们的队伍中。 Is the old man of head, looks to have the full spirit, clothes robe compares the surrounding church member to want magnificently and expensively many, in the hand is also grasping a golden luxurious scepter. 为首的一位老者,看着有着饱满的精神,身上的衣袍相比周围的教会成员要华贵不少,手中还握着一柄金色的奢华权杖。 He arrived at the Kane front, bending the waist of slightly, to Kane good a ritual. 他来到了凯恩的面前,微微的弯了弯腰,对着凯恩行了一礼。 Elects the king, now comes to preside over the coronation ceremony of king of platinum by us for you.” “选王陛下,现在就由我们来为你主持白金之王的加冕仪式吧。” The flow of coronation ceremony they have passed, Sofiane told Kane them to make them prepare. 加冕仪式的流程他们已经通过,索菲娜告诉了凯恩他们让他们进行准备。 Kane looks that front old man undulating said the sentence: Does as you please.” 凯恩看着面前的这位老者澹澹的说了句:“请便。” The Pope nods, later is waving to behind these church members. 教皇点点头,随后对着身后的那些教会成员挥了挥手。 These members around the floating station a semicircle, both hands lifted up high later, is mumbling to sky in golden bridge, is reading the prayer. 这些成员绕着飘台站了个半圆,随后双手高举,对着天空中的金桥念念有词,念着祷告。 With the transmission of prayer sound, golden bridge in sky projected one bunch of golden light beams downward. 随着祷告声的传递,天空中的金桥向下投射了一束金色的光柱。 Following light beam, but under is a magnificent and expensive dignified throne, as well as above is floating royal crown. 顺着光柱而下的是一把华贵威严的王座,以及上面的一顶漂浮着的王冠。 Below innumerable civilians such dull looks at the sky, looks at this mysterious one. 下方的无数平民就这样呆呆的看着天空,看着这神奇的一幕。 They were used to golden bridge, never some people the popular science cross golden bridge to have what special place to them, only knows that this thing has been hanging in the horizon, as if since birth there. 他们习惯了金桥,也从未有人给他们科普过金桥有着什么特别之处,只知道这东西一直悬挂在天边,仿佛生来就在那里。 It looks like people same regarding the attitude of Sun. 就像是外界的人们对于太阳的态度一样。 The royal crown and throne float like this, stopping slowly in Kane behind. 王冠和王座就这样漂浮下来,缓缓的停在了凯恩的身后。 Your majesty, please sit down.” “陛下,请坐吧。” Listened to Pope's request, Kane to sit on the back that dignity magnificent and expensive seat slowly. 听着教皇的要求,凯恩缓缓地坐在了背后那威严华贵的座椅上。 The royal crown just stays in the altitude that Pope both hands lift up high to touch. 王冠刚好停留在教皇双手高举能够触碰到的高度。 In front of all people, Pope both hands is lifting up high, lifts the royal crown slowly in own hand. 当着所有子民的面,教皇双手高举,缓缓地将王冠托举在自己的手中。 Under everyone's attention, wore the royal crown in the head of Kane. 在所有人的注目下,将王冠戴在了凯恩的头上。 Afterward he turns around, is facing directly below people, knelt slowly. 随后他转过身来,直面着下方的子民,缓缓的跪了下来。 Welcomed golden bridge!” “恭迎金桥!” His behind these mission members also followed to kneel: Welcomed golden bridge!” 他身后的那些教团成员也都跟着跪了下来:“恭迎金桥!” Their sounds exceptionally loud and clear, transmitted the entire city by some magic, everyone heard clearly. 他们的声音异常的洪亮,透过某种魔法传递到了整座城市,所有人都听得清清楚楚。 Below civilians are noisy, they are exchanging, is inquiring golden bridge. 下方的平民都嘈杂起来,他们相互交流着,询问着金桥。 golden bridge of space is live?” “天上的金桥是活的吗?” Does not know that isn't he continuously in the space?” “不知道啊,他不是一直都在天上吗?” Is the god? In my family has a book collection, it is said is golden bridge in sky this world the god of creation world?” “是神么?我家里有一本藏书,据说天空中的金桥是这世界的创世之神?” Really?” “真的?” Said that also really has the possibility.” “这么说还确实有可能。” Under countless people exchange the noise that but exudes, has not affected the above ceremony conducts. 下方无数人交流而泛起的嘈杂声,并没有影响到上方的仪式进行。 With Pope and the others shouting, in the sky the corner of golden bridge, extending slowly, extends downward, has connected Kane they to flutter the place that stage is. 随着教皇等人的呼喊,天空中金桥的一角,向下缓缓的延伸,一路延伸下来,一直连接到了凯恩他们飘台所在的地方。 Golden transparent rainbow bridge extends, seems greeting anything. 金色透明的虹桥延伸过来,似乎正在迎接着什么。 Whom he is waiting to ascend. 他在等待着谁登上去。 An exaggerating giant golden bridge extends like this from sky among the roads, other parts stretch across the entire horizon. 一个夸张的巨大的金桥就这样从天空中一路延伸下来,其余的部分横跨整个天际。 Such exaggerating phenomenon, making below all civilians stare in a big way and mouth of eye opening looks at this, the beforehand exchange and noise were nothing left. 这样夸张的现象,使得下方所有的平民都瞪大了和眼睛张大的嘴巴看着这一幕,之前的交流与嘈杂声荡然无存。 The Pope stands up to Kane was saying: Your majesty, please mounts golden bridge.” 教皇站起身来对着凯恩说道:“陛下,请登上金桥吧。” Kane accepts good advice readily, has not refused, to stand up to take up has floated in platinum scepter, the bridge floor that extends toward golden bridge walks slowly upwardly. 凯恩从善如流,并没拒绝,站起身来拿起一直漂浮在身旁的白金权杖,缓缓地向着金桥延伸出来的桥面向上走去。 When he walks above of golden bridge, he has felt, this is the main body of golden bridge. But has stretched across in horizon golden bridge is actually his one projection. 当他走在金桥的上面时,他已经感觉到了,这就是金桥的本体。而一直横跨在天际的金桥实则是他的一种投影。 Kane is taking a walk following golden bridge upwardly, until arriving at the lift-off was close to 100 meters position, this position enables below all civilians to see to say clearly. 凯恩顺着金桥向上走动着,直到来到了离地接近100米的位置,这个位置使得下方所有的平民都能够清清楚楚地看道。 However Kane has not continued to take a walk, but stayed there. 然而凯恩并没有继续走动,而是停留在了那里。 He stands on golden bridge said toward below civilians. 他站在金桥上面朝着下方的平民说道。 My people!” The Kane sound loud and clear has a dignity, resembles is passing a sacredness. “我的子民们!”凯恩的声音洪亮中带着一丝威严,似又透着一股神圣。 His sound transmission in the ear of everyone, as if Kane in their front. 他的声音传递到了每个人的耳中,仿佛凯恩就在他们的面前。 You as if in curious, what is this golden bridge?” “你们似乎在好奇,这金桥到底是什么?” The coup of Kane, does not let ahead of time informed Pope and the others is somewhat startled, but hears the Kane words, seems like feels relieved. 凯恩的突然行动,让没有提前得到通知的教皇等人有些惊慌,但听到凯恩的话,又似乎是放下了心来。 However the next a few words make him start to shout abuse directly. 然而下一句话直接让他开始破口大骂。 This golden bridge is the sources of all your misery.” “这金桥便是你们一切苦难的源头。” After these words saying, Kane the Pope will just wear to pick directly in the imperial crown of oneself top of the head, later in the smashing that in the hand pinches. 这句话说完后,凯恩直接将刚刚教皇戴在自己头顶的皇冠摘下来,随后在手中捏的粉碎。 Afterward continues to say. 随后继续说道。 This golden bridge is the parasite of this world, it is swallowing the energy of the world, is gobbling up your family member's souls, making this world fall into the shatter destruction.” “这金桥是这世界的寄生虫,它吞噬着世界的能量,吞吃着你们亲人的灵魂,让这世界陷入破碎毁灭。” „The world falls into ruined, no longer has the four seasons, the land is no longer fertile, life no longer new student/life.” “世界陷入破败,不再拥有四季,土地不再肥沃,生命不再新生。” Even, the Hundred Years'War of your long-time experience, its source also becomes by other party. He destroyed the country of once platinum, induces the kings to fight mutually, only after to let him can swallow you dead the soul.” “甚至,就连你们长久经历的百年战争,其源头也是由他造成。他毁灭了曾经的白金之国,诱导众王相互争战,只为让他能够吞噬掉你们死后的灵魂。” In any case after golden bridge, will be eliminated, Kane decided that flings all pots completely on golden bridge, could be thing him completely to use. 反正金桥之后就会被消灭,凯恩决定把所有的锅全部甩在金桥身上,也算得上是物其尽用了。 Also for his former actions delivery interest. 也是为他从前的所作所为交付利息。 The Kane words make below Pope and the others the angry roaring filial piety curse: Your this bastard, closes your mouth quickly, blasphemed! What kind blaspheming!” 凯恩的话语让下方的教皇等人愤怒咆孝咒骂着:“你这个杂种,快闭上你的嘴巴,亵渎!何等的亵渎!” The person who the Pope as well as golden bridge teach is angry is wanting to step golden bridge, flushes away toward the position that Kane is. 教皇以及金桥教会的人愤怒着想要踏上金桥,朝着凯恩所在的位置冲去。 However the white golden streamer flies from their behind positions, twines to imprison all round them, their mouth tight blocking from. 然而白金色的飘带从他们身后的位置飞来,将他们团团的缠绕禁锢住,将他们的嘴巴紧紧的遮住。 Only has the mouth of Pope is not sealed up. 唯有教皇的嘴巴并没有被封闭住。 Sofiane who at this time has worn the white golden clothes robe walked, her clothes robe can see is the white golden lining, decoration that but has no. 此时已经身披白金色衣袍的索菲娜走了上来,她身上的衣袍能够看得出是白金色的面料,但却没有任何的装饰。 The back lower hem is the innumerable long cotton tape, above is exuding the ray of energy, is fluttering following her idea. 背后的衣摆是无数根长长的布带,上面泛着能量的光芒,顺着她的想法飘动着。 «Immortal Wooden Irony of fate» 《仙木奇缘》 Closes your to foul-mouthed that your majesty disrespects, peaceful waiting trial.” “闭上你们那对陛下不敬的臭嘴,安静的等待审判。” This time Sofiane, as before is that unemotional facial features. 此时的索菲娜,依旧是那幅面无表情的面容。 The Pope turns the head, stares the eye to look at Sofiane greatly, incredible asking: Why, why can betray the church? Is I, teaches to save you, raises you, how you dare to betray, such blaspheming!” 教皇转过头来,瞪大着眼睛看着索菲娜,不可置信的问道:“为什么,为什么要背叛教会?是我,是教会将你拯救出来,将你养育成人,你怎么敢背叛,如此的亵渎!” Sofiane turns the head to visit him, in the soulless face is disclosing the hatred: From the birth, I have to remember.” 索菲娜转过头来看着他,无神的面孔中透露着仇恨:“从出生起,我就有着记忆。” Struggling, the Pope is also wanting to say anything, but was twined the mouth by it behind platinum colored goods belt/bring. 挣扎着,教皇还想说些什么,但被其身后的白金色布带缠绕住了嘴巴。 Everyone is struggling, the body even started to ignite the golden arrogance. 所有人都在挣扎着,身上甚至开始燃起了金色的气焰。 They in side static looks. 克蕾雅他们就在旁边静静的看着。 Sofiane's helpless shaking the head , the white golden cotton tape changed into one sharp blade, puncture from all imprisoned church members. 索菲娜无奈的摇了摇头,白金色的布带化为了一把把尖刃,从所有被禁锢的教会成员背后穿刺而出。 On the cotton tape that the chest place punctures does not have the luster of platinum, but is scarlet. The blood soaked the cotton tape to drop following the peak under. 胸口处刺出来的布带上已经没有了白金的色泽,而是猩红。血液浸湿了布带顺着顶端滴落而下。 All church members, were killed by Sofiane flash personally. 所有的教会成员,被索菲娜一瞬间亲手地干掉。 Afterward twines in their cotton tape falls off, all corpses poured in the blood that the above that fluttered stage, chest large cave/hole flowed out interwove to overspread a trim. 随后缠绕在他们身上的布带脱落,所有的尸体倒在了飘台的上方,胸口大洞流出的血液交织铺满了一整片。 Falls on Sofiane front Pope, large cave/hole of that chest, flowed out blood. Slowly from her foot side stream, near the white shoes had caught a scarlet luster. 倒在索菲娜面前的教皇,那胸口的大洞,流出的血液。缓缓的从她的脚边流过,洁白的鞋边上染上了一圈猩红的色泽。 Walks up, looks at front unemotional young girl, extends a hand to wipe off several drops of blood that on her corner of the eye dropped. 克蕾雅走上前来,看着面前的这位面无表情的少女,伸出一只手擦掉了她眼角上滴落的几滴血液。 These drops of blood before cleaning, had been diluted, is not bright red. 这几滴血液在擦拭之前,就已经被稀释,以不在鲜红。 Afterward feels her head, supported into it the bosom. 随后摸着她的脑袋,将其拥入了怀中。 A Li path path twinkle appeared in Sofiane's side, is blowing to Sofiane's ear place. 莉路路一个闪烁出现在了索菲娜的旁边,对着索菲娜的耳朵处吹了吹。 A golden small winged insect was blown, later changed into the flying ash in the midair. 一只金色的小飞虫被吹了出来,随后在半空中化为了飞灰。 But Li path path the air flush, pink smog entered in Sofiane's ear, but Sofiane also closed the eye slowly, heavy going off. 而莉路路的这一口吹气,一丝粉红色的烟雾进入了索菲娜的耳朵内,而索菲娜也缓缓地闭上了眼睛,沉沉的睡去。 The cotton candy fluttered, received own body this young girl. 棉花糖飘了过来,将这位少女接到了自己的身上。 Afterward waves, on the floating stage on all corpses ignited the black-and-white flame. 随后克蕾雅挥了挥手,飘台上所有的尸体身上都燃起了黑白色的火焰。 But Li path path also moves the finger, the mission member soul that just died starts to appear, can be seen by everyone. 而莉路路也动了动手指,刚刚死亡的教团成员灵魂开始显现出来,能够被所有人看见。 They flew from the corpse, later is struggling the facial features pain is yelling, later was torn into shreds, the fragment flies in the direction of golden bridge. 他们从尸体中飞了出来,随后挣扎着面容痛苦的叫喊着,随后被撕碎,碎片向着金桥的方向飞去。 This scene saw clearly by below people. 这一景象被下方的子民看得清清楚楚。 Afterward the white golden ray covers Kane, his eyes burst out the golden ray, the whole body wear on the white golden clothes robe, has golden is making the embellishment with the green decoration. 随后白金色的光芒将凯恩笼罩,他的双眼迸发出金色的光芒,浑身都穿着白金色的衣袍上面,有着金色的与绿色的饰边做着点缀。 The back presents the mechanical light wheel that a white golden metal constituted, uses the mechanism transformation to rotate in behind. 背后出现了一圈白金色金属所构成的机械光轮,在后面不停的使用着机械结构变换轮转。 On floating stage they, entered the same condition. 飘台上的克蕾雅他们,也进入了相同的状态。 Above golden bridge Kane, grasped the platinum scepter to wield wielding. 金桥上方的凯恩,握着白金权杖挥了挥。 My people, have a look at this thing ugly.” “我的子民们,看看这东西的丑恶吧。” As a golden ray shakes, this ray tore anything to cover the sky the filtering mirror to be the same probably. 随着一阵金色的光芒震荡出去,这圈光芒像是扯开了什么遮挡天空的滤镜一样。 Appeared its behind real scene completely, enabling everyone to see its behind reality clearly. 将其背后的真实景象完全的显现了出来,使得所有人都能够清楚的看见其背后的真实。 Sky over sky color golden bridge, appeared a huge profound vortex, this vortex jet black distortion, is rotating, just like a huge mouth. 天空色的金桥上空,显现出了一个巨大的深邃漩涡,这漩涡漆黑扭曲,不停的转动着,犹如一张巨口。 The green aura of ground is sending out the vigorous vitality, is flooding into by that distortion huge mouth upwardly is gobbled up. 地面的绿色气息散发着勃勃的生机,正在向上涌入被那张扭曲的巨口吞吃着。 But before just died, torn to pieces Pope and the others the soul fragments are also following the vortex to fly, was in front of all well-known to be entered in the vortex to change into the fragment powder. 而之前才刚刚死亡,被扯碎的教皇等人的灵魂碎片也在顺着漩涡飞去,当着所有知名的面被入漩涡中化为了齑粉。 This makes below people look frightened, twists the reality of evil huge mouth as well as world, even makes them start scared. 这一幕让下方的子民面露恐惧,扭曲邪恶的巨口以及世界的真实,甚至让他们开始恐慌。 Is scared, as your kings, I will certainly save you, saves your family members, saves your children, saves your, world!” “无需恐慌,身为你们的王,我必将拯救你们,拯救你们的家人,拯救你们的孩子,拯救你们的,世界!” The Kane voice falls, and the others also flew, stood in the Kane side. 凯恩的话音落下,克蕾雅等人也飞了上去,站在了凯恩的身旁。 https:// https:// :. 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