DMWG :: Volume #39

#3847: Executes the day

all Heavens Supreme returns, tomb-guarding returns greenish yellow, regarding the heaven defying alliance, being no different hit cardiotonic. 诸天至尊回归,守墓者苍黄归来,对于逆天者联盟而言,无异于是打了一记强心剂。 Infinite God Tomb expert, although is only left over Divine Sense, wipes Divine Soul, but as before to protect this piece of heaven and earth, pledges to fight to the death a war. 无穷的神墓强者,虽然只剩下一丝神念,一抹神魂,但是依旧为了守护这片天地,誓死一战。 Under that Heavenly River Great Dao abyss, is the God Tomb entrance, was I protected the place of infinite years.” “那天河大道的深渊之下,便是神墓的入口,也是我守护了无穷岁月的地方。” Big Yellow incomparably sigh with emotion saying. 大黄无比感慨的说道。 „The God Tomb protector, is I. This time, my choice will not flinch again. Does not have the brothers, does not fight!” 神墓的守护者,便是我。这一次,我绝不会再选择退缩。无兄弟,不战斗!” Big Yellow grasps the rifle, imposing manner Rulong (like a dragon). 大黄手握钢枪,气势如龙 Since fusing the second memory, in Big Yellow's look, filled guilty, past he, is talented, actually hides in the rear, the graves of various god finally rather the tomb-guarding gods fell from the sky, is not willing with a all Heavens war, expert to return at the present, he abandoned shrinking of previous life finally, this, he must reappear radiance surely, let entire Divine World, saw his exist(ence). 自从融合了两世记忆之后,大黄的眼神之中,也是充满了愧疚,当年的他,实力不俗,却总是躲在最后面,最终宁愿守墓神明陨落的诸神之墓,也不愿意与诸天一战,而今强者归来,他终于是摒弃了前世的畏缩,这一世,他必定要重现光华,让整个神界,都看到他的存在 Good! We fight side-by-side.” “好!那我们就并肩作战。” Jiang Chen extends the take action palm, Long Shisan, Big Yellow, Ba Zhe (tyrant) Monk, Han Yan, the palms of five people, tight grasping together, the brothers of one mind, fight a decisive battle unreliably daily Monarch! 江尘出手掌,龙十三,大黄,霸者和尚,寒衍,五个人的手掌,紧紧的握在一起,兄弟齐心,决战玄天天君! One group of motley crew, court death.” “一群乌合之众,找死。” Profound daily Monarch completely fearless Jiang Chen and the others, before was because had Yan Chenyu exist(ence), therefore he under drives back it by Jiang Chen and Yan Chenyu jointly, now to previous five Rebirth Realm, he also has what to fear? 玄天天君完全无惧江尘等人,之前是因为有烟晨雨存在,所以他才会被江尘烟晨雨联手之下将其逼退,如今对上五个往生之境,他又有何惧呢? everyone, this war, is related to the life and death, we can only succeed, cannot be defeated!” 诸位,这一战,事关生死,我们只能成功,不能失败!” Jiang Chen angrily roars, under Dragon Transformation, takes the lead, takes Monarch unreliably, the hand grasps Heavenly Dragon Sword daily, the sword 20 five heavily pack of waves, lashes out at profound Monarch again daily. 江尘怒吼一声,龙变之下,身先士卒,直取玄天天君,手握天龙剑,剑二十五重重叠浪,再度对玄天天君发难。 Big Yellow Divine Spear shining world, Rebirth Realm, invincible! 大黄神枪耀世,往生之境,所向无敌! Ba Zhe (tyrant) Monk grasps the infinite Buddha rhyme, said seal unparalleled, raised the standard of revolt. 霸者和尚手握无穷佛韵,道印无双,揭竿而起。 The Han Yan palm dies divine sword, the chaotic army, kill to kill, socializes to the utmost. 寒衍手掌绝命神剑,乱军从中,杀进杀出,极尽周旋。 Long Shisan wields peerless Divine Stick, unparalleled revering, whole-heartedly, Ao Zhantian. 龙十三执掌绝世神棍,盖世之尊,全力以赴,敖战天君。 The Jiang Chen leadership people, started to counter-attack certainly, five rebirth mirror expert, regretted the boundary of gods hardly profound daily Monarch, it may be said that very difficult, at this time, besides Google, no matter the hidden point or Yan Chenyu, all place the disadvantage, even with for the boundary of gods, the disparity between both, were still irreparable exist(ence). 江尘领衔众人,开始了绝地反击,五个往生强者,硬憾神明之境的玄天天君,可谓是十分的艰难,这个时候,除了谷歌之外,不管是藏锋还是烟晨雨,全都是身处劣势,即便同为神明之境,两者之间的差距,也是无法弥补的存在 looks at Yan Chenyu was driven back by yellow heaven step by step, Jiang Chen is burning with impatience. 看着烟晨雨被黄天步步逼退,江尘心急如焚。 Must solve inevitably as soon as possible unreliably reveres daily is good, only by doing so, can solve Yan Chenyu urgent matter, otherwise, once were suppressed by yellow heaven, she might present the danger. 势必要尽快解决玄天天尊才行,只有这样,才能够解决烟晨雨的燃眉之急,否则的话,一旦被黄天所压制,她很可能会出现生命危险的。 Elder Brother several, wrestle full power, the life and death do not discuss!” “哥几个,全力一搏,生死勿论!” Jiang Chen to the frontline, Asura Sword Formation, displays as before instantaneously, 108 peak Primal Origin Treasure Tool, the instantaneous set up formation opens, will be unreliable Monarch to surround daily. 江尘依旧是冲在最前方,修罗剑阵,瞬间施展开来,一百零八柄巅峰混元宝器,瞬间布阵开啦,将玄天天君包围在内。 Four people follow, attack full power, resist daily Monarch unreliably, the strength of opposite party, as before is irresistible, after all is expert of boundary of gods, how with being easy. 四个人紧随其后,全力出击,对抗玄天天君,不过对方的实力,依旧是势不可挡,毕竟是神明之境的强者,岂同易于。 everyone, to protect, I must cut to kill the northern heavens!” 诸位,为了护阵,我要斩杀玄天!” The Jiang Chen sound incomparable vigor, incomparable gloomy and cold, Asura Sword Formation displays, Big Yellow, Long Shisan, Ba Zhe (tyrant) Monk, Han Yan, respectively is Jiang Chen surrounds and protects, protects Asura Sword Formation, Jiang Chen started Asura Sword Formation at the same time, opened Seven Stars Battle Formation Technique! 江尘声音无比的浑厚,无比的阴冷,修罗剑阵施展开来,大黄,龙十三,霸者和尚,寒衍,分别为江尘拱卫,守护修罗剑阵,江尘启动了修罗剑阵的同时,也是开启了七星斗阵术 Present Asura Sword Formation, could be the strongest version, in addition the surrounding and protecting protection of Big Yellow and the others, the Asura Sword Formation offensive, overlay doubled and re-doubled, under Seven Stars Battle Formation Technique, the multiple of sevenfold attack, superimposed unceasingly, Asura Sword Formation, just like will be unreliable Monarch to block daily, difficult. 如今的修罗剑阵,算得上是最强版了,再加上大黄等人的拱卫守护,修罗剑阵的攻势,成倍的叠加,在七星斗阵术之下,七重攻击的倍数,不断叠加,修罗剑阵,俨然已经将玄天天君封锁其中,寸步难行。 Good strange formation.” “好诡异的阵法。” Profound Mr. brow tight wrinkle, the complexion is gloomy daily, but at this moment, he knows that oneself cannot neglect absolutely, otherwise, might really be in danger. 玄天天君眉头紧皱,脸色阴沉,不过这一刻,他知道自己绝对不能够怠慢了,否则的话,真的有可能会有生命危险。 Northern heavens star!” “玄天星斗!” Profound Monarch palm ties seal daily, moves to the star to trade to fight, all Heavens drastic change, but Jiang Chen defends Asura Sword Formation stubbornly, refuses stubbornly to drop, five people, Asura Sword Formation, as stable as Mount Tai, profound Monarch make with joint forces daily unceasingly, the method is thunderous, star thousand honored, regrets Asura Sword Formation hardly, but the Seven Stars Battle Formation Technique in addition holds, with the protection that Jiang Chen and the others goes all out, Asura Sword Formation fiercely competes and successfully competes, finally at this time, thorough will be unreliable daily Monarch, suppresses. 玄天天君手掌结印,移星换斗,诸天剧变,不过江尘死死守住修罗剑阵,死不放手,五个人合力之下,修罗剑阵,稳如泰山,玄天天君不断打出,手段雷动,星斗千钧,硬憾修罗剑阵,但是七星斗阵术的加持,与江尘等人拼命的守护,修罗剑阵愈战愈勇,终于在这个时候,彻底的将玄天天君,压制下来。 Big brother saves me!” “大哥救我!” The heaven and the others complexion changes, wants to rescue daily Monarch unreliably, but has actually been too late, 108 peak Primal Origin Treasure Tool in Jiang Chen hand, at this time, were crushed by profound Monarch completely daily, but he also along with being shattered of Asura Sword Formation, radical falling from the sky, destroy both body and soul. 苍天等人脸色一变,想要去营救玄天天君,但是却已经为时已晚,江尘手中的一百零八柄巅峰混元宝器,在这个时候,全部被玄天天君击碎,但是他也是伴随着修罗剑阵的破灭,彻底的陨落,形神俱灭 A julid wriggles even after being cut dead, profound Mr.'s Divine Soul also wants to gather daily, after all is expert of boundary of gods. However Jiang Chen absolutely to his opportunity, palm Great Yu Soul Form Lantern, the crush of blotting out the sky, not making profound Monarch complain constantly daily, dies with injustice unredressed. 百足之虫死而不僵,玄天天君的神魂还想要重新汇聚,毕竟是神明之境的强者。不过江尘绝对不会给他这个机会的,手掌大禹结魂灯,铺天盖地的碾压,让玄天天君叫苦不迭,死不瞑目。 Soul extinguishes, the lamp opens! Swallows to me!” “魂灭,灯启!给我吞噬吧!” Jiang Chen killing intent to completely appear, swallowed daily Mr.'s remnant soul Great Yu Soul Form Lantern directly unreliably, between Heaven and Earth, filled with grief extremely, the heaven, yellow heaven and blue sky all are angry roar to soar to the heavens, because of Jiang Chen these five common Rebirth Realm, obliterate their brothers, Nine Heavens is only left over angrily unexpectedly now for three days, the heaven, blue sky and yellow heaven. 江尘杀意毕现,直接将大禹结魂灯吞噬了玄天天君的残魂,天地之间,悲怆万分,苍天,黄天与青天全都是怒吼冲天,愤然而起,因为江尘这五个不起眼的往生之境,竟然抹杀了他们的兄弟,九天如今只剩下三天,苍天,青天与黄天了。 Even Yan Chenyu with hidden point and the others, has not thought, Jiang Chen can actually that profound daily Monarch thorough obliterate, simply is incomparable filling people with enthusiasm. 烟晨雨跟藏锋等人,都没有想到,江尘竟然能够将那玄天天君彻底抹杀,简直是无比的振奋人心。 Executes the day, not necessarily is any difficult matter.” “诛天,未必是什么难事。” Jiang Chen complexion pale, long breathes a sigh of relief, the complexion is gloomy, the strength has consumed half, but Long Shisan and Big Yellow and the others, has suffocated, cuts to kill daily Monarch unreliably, they also lost the battle efficiency similarly, sat on the ground, as if completed the final mission to be ordinary. 江尘脸色苍白,长舒了一口气,脸色阴沉,实力已经消耗了半数之多,而龙十三大黄等人,更是早已经奄奄一息,斩杀了玄天天君,他们也同样是失去了战斗力,一屁股坐在了地上,仿佛是完成了最后的使命一般。 Now looks your. Little Chen, do not disappoint us.” “现在就看你的了。小尘子,千万别让我们失望。” Long Shisan gaze brilliant, pinned all hopes on Jiang Chen's. 龙十三目光灼灼,把所有的希望都是寄托在了江尘的身上。 However at this moment, although Jiang Chen continuous fighting victoriously completes, put to death daily Monarch unreliably, but another side, the heaven and blue sky yellow heaven, restrained the ancient song completely, the hidden point and Yan Chenyu, perform are all repelled by the heaven three people of institutes, very distressed. 然而这一刻,虽然江尘连战告捷,诛杀了玄天天君,但是另外一边,苍天与青天黄天,完全克制了古歌,藏锋以及烟晨雨,尽皆是被苍天三人所击退,十分的狼狈。 The Jiang Chen look narrows the eyes, expert of boundary of six Great God clear(ly), fight terrifying, completely compared with fearfulness that he imagined. 江尘眼神微眯,六大神明之境的强者,战斗的恐怖,完全比他想象的更加可怕。 Jiang Chen, suffers to death!” 江尘,受死吧!” Suddenly, during is void, the terrifying specters, pass through heaven and earth to come together, the terrifying great shadow, drops from the clouds together. 突然之间,虚空之中,一道恐怖的魔影,贯穿天地而来,一道恐怖的巨影,从天而降。 Demon ancestor!” “魔祖!” The Jiang Chen look is imposing, the demon ancestor hand grasps the treasure, pounds down Jiang Chen directly, Jiang Chen deeply frowns, retreats in order to advance, fortifies at every step. 江尘眼神凛然,魔祖手握重器,直接砸下江尘,江尘眉头紧锁,以退为进,步步为营。 Is careful the gate of his Samsara.” “小心他的轮回之门。” The river Kun from side Jiang Chen's dashes instance that but, pounds down in that terrifying the gate of Samsara, river Kun direct incarnation 1 million zhang (3.33 m) big obstructing day form, Jiang Chen covering firmly, but he actually shaking drew back by the gate of Samsara. 江鲲从江尘的身边飞奔而至,在那恐怖轮回之门砸下的瞬间,江鲲直接化身百万丈之大的遮天身影,将江尘牢牢的笼罩在内,而他却是被轮回之门给震退了。 blue sky seal!” 青天印!” The Jiang Chen hand strength of Dao Accumulation, terrifying even more, an seal offers a sacrifice, raised directly flew the demon ancestor, the demon ancestor's form, was scattered by Jiang Chen directly, vanishes in between Heaven and Earth, at that moment, the Ba Zhe (tyrant) Monk complexion slightly changed, somewhat felt dejected, although that demon ancestor no longer has been part of body, but after all was his shadow. 江尘手中的道蕴之力,越发的恐怖,一印祭出,直接掀飞了魔祖,魔祖的身影,直接是被江尘打散,消失于天地之间,那一刻,霸者和尚脸色微微一变,有些黯然神伤,虽然那魔祖早已经不再是自己身体的一部分,但是终归是他的影子。
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