DMWG :: Volume #39

#3845: Tomb-guarding, greenish yellow

Today, all of you die.” “今日,你们所有人都死。” A female of blue clothes, stands above void, the hand grasps the frost sword, murderous aura is cold, awe-inspiring. 一个一身蓝衣的女子,站在虚空之上,手握冰霜之剑,杀气凛凛,威风八面。 In its behind, innumerable expert converge, solely is Heavenly King Realm expert, then more than 30 people, rebirth mirror expert, has more than ten people, performing all was War God of antiquity world, heaven and earth Great Tribulation, making everyone is ready in full battle array, does not dare to have slight idleness. 在其身后,无数的强者云集,单单是天王境强者,便有三十余人,往生高手,更是有着十余人之多,尽皆是上古世界的战神,天地大劫,让所有人都变得严阵以待,不敢有丝毫的懈怠。 Female expression like hook, beautiful unparalleled, Qingcheng (beautiful woman) is peerless, is leading numerous expert, converges above Central Region Divine Land, many survey, will cover completely. 女子神色如钩,美艳无双,倾城绝世,带领着众多的强者,云集在中州神土之上,将不少的巡天者,完全笼罩在内。 Mist and dust, you cannot escape from our day Mr.'s palm.” “烟尘,你是逃不出我们天君的手掌心的。” A black-clothed man of rebirth mirror, the sinking sound said, facing a mist and dust so terrifying weaponry, his complexion also extremely ugly, they only have expert of eight rebirth mirrors, is completely survey, just cut to kill over a hundred Emperor Realm expert, but at this moment, actually by mist and dust stubbornly holds. 一个往生镜的黑衣男子,沉声说道,面对烟尘如此恐怖的阵仗,他的脸色也是极其的难看,他们只有八个往生镜的高手,全部都是巡天者,刚刚斩杀了上百的帝境高手,但是这一刻,却是被烟尘死死的抓住。 If the Jiang Chen station here, can certainly recognize, that blue clothes female, impressively is Yan Chenyu. 如果江尘站在这里,一定能够认得出来,那蓝衣女子,赫然便是烟晨雨 You did not have the qualifications to speak these words to me, only if heaven or blue sky in this.” “你还没资格跟我说这些话,除非苍天或者青天在此。” Yan Chenyu indifferently said, in the hand sword rain wields, behind expert, is ordinary like ten thousand Ma Qianjun, instantaneous take action, presses up to that eight Rebirth Realm survey, murderous aura soars to the heavens. 烟晨雨冷漠的说道,手中剑雨一挥,身后强者,如同万马千军一般,瞬间出手,直逼那八个往生之境的巡天者,杀气冲天。 In Yan Chenyu behind, Heavenly King Realm expert, the palm flag, dances in the breeze against the wind, heaven defying three characters, like engraving in the heart of everyone general, they, are the heaven defying alliances! The true strength achieves Heavenly King Realm expert, can have the qualifications to join the heaven defying alliance, with the Nine Heavens war. 烟晨雨身后,一个天王境强者,手掌大旗,迎风飘舞,‘逆天者’三个字,如同镌刻在每个人的心中一般,他们,便是逆天者联盟!只有真正实力达到天王境强者,才能够有资格加入逆天者联盟,与九天大战。 These eight survey, is a big wave ruthless person, since several months, Yan Chenyu has cut rebirth mirror survey who kills, altogether also five people, but this time, caught survey of eight rebirth mirrors directly, facing their around converging attack, these survey also extremely desperate, because of mist and dust strength, even is they are unable to contend with it. 这八个巡天者,算是一大波狠人,数月以来,烟晨雨所斩杀的往生镜巡天者,总共也才五个人,而这一次,直接抓到了八个往生镜的巡天者,面对他们的前后夹击,这些巡天者也是极其的绝望,因为烟尘的实力,甚至是他们无法与之抗衡的。 Has the skill, you waited for our day Monarch Sir to come, you with its war, killed us to give vent to indignation again, was any heroes. The mist and dust, you die like a dog after all.” “有本事,你就等我们天君大人来了,你再与其一战,杀我们泄愤,算什么英雄好汉。烟尘,你终归不得好死。” That survey angrily roars was saying, was full of the anger with hating regarding Yan Chenyu. 那巡天者怒吼着说道,对于烟晨雨充满了愤怒与憎恶。 Kills one person with killing thousands of people, has what difference? You killed thousands of people, how could to have cared, are they expert of boundary of gods? It is not right, if the boundary of gods, you also do dare to move them? Hehe.” “杀一人与杀千万人,有何区别?你们杀了千万人,何曾在乎过,他们是否是神明之境的强者?不对,若是神明之境,你们还敢动他们吗?呵呵。” Yan Chenyu laughs was saying, does not spare a glance, the white hands wield, among immediately, behind expert, altogether rushes to survey, that eight survey complexions are ugly, this war, life and death Great Tribulation, without day Monarch in the words, at all some impossible people to move Yan Chenyu, because of her, impressively was exist(ence) of boundary of gods! 烟晨雨嗤笑着说道,不屑一顾,玉手一挥,顿时之间,身后强者,一股脑的涌向巡天者,那八个巡天者脸色难看,这一战,生死大劫,没有天君在的话,根本不可能有人动得了烟晨雨,因为她,赫然便是神明之境的存在 Mist and dust, you after all such impulsive, is really unable to differentiate good from bad, wants my person, must have a look at you to have this skill.” “烟尘,你终归还是那么的鲁莽,真是不知好歹,想要动我的人,也要看看你有没有这个本事。” Covers the man in fog, sound gentle saying, but is unquestionable, making the person mind constrain, even the Yan Chenyu complexion, were still becomes serious. 一个笼罩在云雾之中的男子,声音温柔的说道,但是却不容置疑,令人心神压抑,即便是烟晨雨的脸色,也是变得严肃起来。 Northern heavens! It seems like you have moved.” “玄天!看来你们已经动了。” The Yan Chenyu sinking sound said. 烟晨雨沉声说道。 „If motionless, can raise the standard of revolt by you? One group of unrealistic fellows, wants to fight with heaven and earth, I am the day, is the day I, you can my what? This between Heaven and Earth, without custom not Cheng Fangyuan, I is that wields the person of surrounding area.” “若是再不动的话,岂不是要被你们揭竿而起?一群不自量力的家伙,也想要与天地争锋,我就是天,天就是我,你能奈我何?这天地之间,没有规矩不成方圆,我便是那执掌方圆之人。” Northern heavens, one of the Nine Heavens, is one of the day Monarch, the strength, not the slightest difference from Yan Chenyu, similarly is exist(ence) of boundary of gods. 玄天,九天之一,也是天君之一,实力,与烟晨雨一般无二,同样是神明之境的存在 Day Monarch came, I thought that rampantly when you can also arrive.” “天君来了,我看你还能嚣张到什么时候。” That survey sinking sound said, regarding Yan Chenyu, no longer dreads, because profound daily Mr.'s behind, but also with ten Rebirth Realm super expert, this war, the heaven defying alliance, had lost absolute odds of suc­cess, at least above the Rebirth Realm expert showdown, they occupies absolute passive. 那巡天者沉声说道,对于烟晨雨,更是不再畏惧,因为玄天天君的身后,还带着十个往生之境超级强者,这一战,逆天者联盟,已经失去了绝对的胜算,至少在往生之境强者对决之上,他们已经占据了绝对的被动。 Today a war, my my mist and dust, has not then planned to live departure, even if I died, I must draw you to make the pad back.” “今日一战,我我烟尘,便从来没打算活着离开,即便是我死了,我也要拉你做垫背的。” Yan Chenyu complexion gloomy and cold is staring at daily Monarch unreliably, the look is swift and fierce, murderous aura heavily. 烟晨雨面色阴冷的盯着玄天天君,眼神凌厉,杀气重重 Good, I then help you, whom having a look at to laugh last.” “好,那我便成全你,看看谁能够笑到最后。” Profound Monarch figure moves daily, the fog winds around, is directly soars Yan Chenyu to come, in Yan Chenyu hand governing sword line, with profound daily Mr.'s unceasing interweaving together, rainbow light, Dao Accumulation heaven-shaking, peerless expert of boundary of two Great God clear(ly), started the final life and death war. 玄天天君身形一动,云雾缭绕之间,便是直奔烟晨雨而来,烟晨雨手中御剑而行,与玄天天君不断的交织在一起,一道道虹光,道蕴惊天,两大神明之境的绝世强者,开始了最终的生死大战。 The Yan Chenyu strength cannot be underestimated, facing profound daily Monarch, completely fearless, both's form interweaves unceasingly, appears above all Heavens, actually no one sees clearly two people how to fight, but Yan Chenyu and profound daily Monarch, is actually the war all gets up, is frightened by the slightest sound. 烟晨雨的实力不容小觑,面对玄天天君,完全无惧,两者的身影不断交织,出现在诸天之上,没有人看清楚两个人究竟是如何战斗的,但是烟晨雨与玄天天君,却已经是大战皆起,风声鹤唳。 In the heaven defying alliance, Rebirth Realm expert, was short about one time compared with survey, by an enemy two, the situation of heaven defying alliance is worrying, expert of rebirth mirror, had decided this fight trend, the aspect regarding Yan Chenyu, has become even more disadvantageous. 逆天者联盟之中,往生之境强者,足足比巡天者少了将近一倍,以一敌二,逆天者联盟的处境堪忧,往生镜的强者,已经决定了这场战斗的走向,局面对于烟晨雨而言,已经变得越发的不利。 Battle song is resonant, I do not lose hope, kill off the grafty and evil person, but also my Shanhe (mountains and rivers).” “战歌嘹亮,我心不死,杀尽奸邪,还我山河。” Yan Chenyu murderous aura like the great wild goose, fights with profound Monarch times daily, the shake of terrifying, causes the trim horizon, becomes twists unceasingly, fight of boundary of gods, often in instant. 烟晨雨杀气如鸿,与玄天天君一次次交手,恐怖的震荡,使得整片天际,都变得不断扭曲起来,神明之境的交手,往往只是在一念之间。 Although the Yan Chenyu strength has achieved the boundary of gods, but just restored after all shortly, but before profound daily Monarch actually has been hundred million ten thousand years years, then has battle strength of boundary of gods, whose who is weak, clear. 烟晨雨的实力虽然已经达到了神明之境,但是毕竟刚刚恢复没多久,但是玄天天君却早已经是亿万载岁月之前,便是有着神明之境的战力,孰强孰弱,一目了然。 Wants heaven defying the line, you are impossible to succeed after all.” “想要逆天而行,你们是终归不可能成功的。” Profound Monarch connects take action daily, Yan Chenyu impedes step by step, the situation is also becomes extremely passive, is looking at rebirth mirror expert, retreats in defeat again and again, her heart also becomes the incomparable dreariness. 玄天天君接连出手,烟晨雨步步掣肘,处境也是变得极其的被动,望着身边的往生强者,也都是节节败退,她的心也是变得无比的沉寂。 Dares to move my woman, who no matter you are, the fathers must make your blood debt blood recompense.” “敢动我的女人,不管你是谁,老子都要让你血债血偿。” A angry roaring sound gets up, sword qi vertically and horizontally/able to move unhindered 800 li (0.5 km), sword-light cold 14 states! 一声怒吼之声响起,剑气纵横八百里,一剑光寒十四州! Husband?” “夫君?” Yan Chenyu look one bright, worried that with joyful color, five senses heterogeneous, she does not hope that Jiang Chen appears here, but actually wants to see own beloved person, in heart incomparable contradiction. 烟晨雨眼神一亮,担忧与喜悦之色,五味驳杂,她不希望江尘出现在这里,但却又想看到自己的心爱之人,心中无比的矛盾。 rebirth mirror? Also dares to fight with me? Really laughs, Hahaha.” 往生镜?也敢与我一战?真是笑话,哈哈哈。” Profound Monarch laughs daily was saying, Jiang Chen's Sword of No Realm, sweeps across, but, terrifying aura, flutters in between Heaven and Earth, the Jiang Chen fearless life and death, the domineering impact, the sword 25 point of no return, has crossed the rainbow. 玄天天君嗤笑着说道,江尘的无境之剑,席卷而至,恐怖气息,翻飞于天地之间,江尘无惧生死,强势冲击,剑二十五已经箭在弦上,横贯长虹。 Sword shadow boundless, cuts to fall the summit of Nine Heavens, facing the boundary of gods profound daily Monarch, Jiang Chen, no matter opposite party strength strong, wants own woman, only if treads from him. 剑影无穷无尽,斩落九天之巅,面对神明之境的玄天天君,江尘不管对方实力有多强,想要懂自己的女人,除非从他身上踏过去。 Overreaches oneself! Rolls to me!” “不自量力!给我滚!” Profound Monarch angrily roars daily, a filling the heavens big hand, drops from the clouds, presses up to Jiang Chen. 玄天天君怒吼一声,一只弥天大手,从天而降,直逼江尘而来。 Spreads out Heavenly Seal, profound Heavenly Seal!” “衍天印,玄天印!” Profound Heavenly Seal evolves to come from profound Monarch daily, this seal, with profound Monarch to together, Jiang Chen is repulsed to go daily, but profound daily Mr.'s complexion, actually extremely ugly. 天印是从玄天天君演化而来,这一印,与玄天天君对在一起,江尘败退而去,但是玄天天君的脸色,却是极为的难看。 Were many before recently , the dragon marks brothers started to look at the Old Su new book sword immortal on, the result of new book day by day was also good, the brothers who have not started to see, can start to butcher, one and dragon marks equally warm-blooded fervor profound imaginary.】 【最近很多之前龙纹的兄弟都开始看老苏的新书剑仙在上了,新书的成绩也一天比一天好,还没有开始看的兄弟们,可以开始宰了,一本和龙纹一样热血激情的玄幻。】
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