DMWG :: Volume #39

#3842: The rainbow shadow above Western Sea

Dao Accumulation of Heaven Domination, heaven and earth in me , if no thing! I am the day, the day is I, above dominate the heaven, above ice myriad things.” 凌天道蕴,天地于我如无物!我即天,天即我,凌天之上,凌万物之上。” Jiang Chen's Dao Accumulation of Heaven Domination, consumes in this moment finally completely, but Long Shisan and Han Yan, all fainted, during by heavily Dao Accumulation of Heaven Domination the crush, their two fell into completely was passive. 江尘的凌天道蕴,终于在这一刻消耗殆尽,而龙十三寒衍,也是全都昏了过去,被一重重凌天道蕴所碾压,他们两个完全陷入了被动之中。 Therefore Jiang Chen's Dao Accumulation of Heaven Domination, starts the unceasing baptism, is purifying Long Shisan and Han Yan unceasingly, the time does not lose the person with high aspirations! 所以江尘的凌天道蕴,开始不断的洗礼,不断的净化着龙十三寒衍,功夫不负有心人! Jiang Chen early has consumed the strength of all Dao Accumulation, sat on the ground, was lucky he not dead, Great Dao did not have the death of the emperor, but Long Shisan and Han Yan, at this time, woke up slowly. 江尘早已经是消耗了所有的道蕴之力,一屁股坐在了地上,万幸他并没有死去,大道并没有崩殂,而龙十三寒衍,在这个时候,也已经缓缓醒来。 Where is my this is at?” “我这是在哪?” Long Shisan brow tight wrinkle, sinking sound said. 龙十三眉头紧皱,沉声说道。 What's all this about?” “这是怎么回事?” Han Yan is also a face ignorant compels, silently looks at the distant place, Jiang Chen is panting, complexion pale, but corner of the mouth brings to wipe the light smiling face. 寒衍也是一脸懵逼,默默的望着远方,江尘气喘吁吁,脸色苍白,但是嘴角却带着一抹淡淡的笑容。 Brother Shisan!” 十三哥!” Lan Lingji was throws during the bosom of Long Shisan directly, nearby Han Yan looked to Jiang Chen and Ba Zhe (tyrant) Monk, as if not know completely before , actually what happened. 蓝灵姬直接是扑进了龙十三的怀抱之中,一旁的寒衍则是看向江尘霸者和尚,似乎完全不知道之前究竟发生了什么事情。 You had been controlled by the demon ancestor with that smelly monkey, Little Chen by the strength of own Dao Accumulation, covers you two, nearly Dao Accumulation collapses, pulled back from Gate of Death you two.” “你跟那臭猴子都被魔祖控制了,小尘子以自己的道蕴之力,将你们两个笼罩在内,险些道蕴崩溃,将你们两个从鬼门关拉了回来。” Ba Zhe (tyrant) Monk sinking sound said that at that moment, Long Shisan and Han Yan all look to Jiang Chen, the look incomparable gentleness, among the brothers, should not the word thank, but they know that Jiang Chen to their saving, was really too prompt, if even did not recall them, might becomes two demon ancestor's executioners hand/subordinate. 霸者和尚沉声说道,那一刻,龙十三寒衍全都是看向江尘,眼神无比的柔和,兄弟之间,本不该言谢,但是他们知道江尘对他们的拯救,实在是太及时了,甚至如果不将他们两个挽回的话,就有可能会成为两个魔祖手下的刽子手。 You are all right, Little Chen.” “你没事吧,小尘子。” Long Shisan looks to Jiang Chen, gaze brilliant. 龙十三看向江尘,目光灼灼。 Cannot die!” “死不了!” Jiang Chen laughs saying that in the heart is much relieved. 江尘大笑道,心中甚慰。 Also waits for anything, first killed this bastard demon ancestor to say again, later again chatted about the former friendship.” “还等什么,先干掉这个混蛋魔祖再说,待会儿再叙旧情。” Han Yan looks to Long Shisan, the Jiang Chen's strength has consumed most probably, now them and Ba Zhe (tyrant) Monk looks at each other one, the union, pressed up to the demon ancestor to go, one line of seven people, the outstanding person in Heavenly King Realm, even if were demon ancestor's Divine Soul phantom, had no alternative, step by step among retreat, situation also extremely worrying. 寒衍看向龙十三,江尘的实力消耗了大半,如今他们与霸者和尚对视一眼,联合而起,直逼魔祖而去,一行七人,天王境之中的佼佼者,即便是魔祖的神魂虚影,也无可奈何,步步后退之间,处境也是极其的堪忧。 Since you so impatient, I deliver you to return to the western paradise.” “既然你们如此的心急,那我就送你们归西吧。” The demon ancestor angrily roars, nine forms, drop from the clouds, finally gathers together, at that moment, the Ba Zhe (tyrant) Monk complexion also excitedly changes. 魔祖怒吼一声,九道身影,从天而降,最终汇聚在一起,那一刻,霸者和尚的脸色也是勃然而变。 Above sky, blustery, heaven and earth vibrates. 天空之上,风起云涌,天地震动。 He came.” “他来了。” Ba Zhe (tyrant) Monk a few words, making all people be startled, at once the complexion big change, the demon ancestor's giant skeleton, fuses at this time gradually, finally gathered a thin form, wore the black battle dress, sent the pinkeye scarlet, killing intent like the rainbow, dominated above Nine Heavens, was despising all people, however his appearance, was actually without change with Ba Zhe (tyrant) Monk. 霸者和尚的一句话,让所有人一怔,旋即脸色大变,魔祖的巨型骷髅,在这个时候逐渐融合,最终汇聚成了一道消瘦的身影,身披黑色战袍,赤发红眼,杀意如虹,凌驾于九天之上,藐视着所有人,但是他的样子,却与霸者和尚一般无二。 The demon ancestor fights with the fists, one line of seven Heavenly King Realm expert, were shaken all draws back to go, scene extremely passive. 魔祖一拳打出,一行七个天王境强者,尽数被震退而去,场面极其的被动。 This, is true Rebirth Realm expert! 这,才是真正的往生境强者 The audience in an uproar, but the person of Buddha sect, understands particularly that at all is not Buddha Ancestor, but is their personal enemies, demon ancestor! 全场哗然,不过尤其是佛宗之人,都明白,那根本不是佛祖,而是他们的仇人,魔祖! For these years, you after all are not willing to rein at the brink of the precipice, after all must with the world artificial enemy.” “这么多年来,你终归还是不肯悬崖勒马,终归还是要与天下人为敌。” Ba Zhe (tyrant) Monk sinking sound said that the present demon ancestor, is own read is evil and fresh, finally actually turned into the biggest enemy, was the heaven and earth Great Tribulation biggest enemy. 霸者和尚沉声说道,眼前的魔祖,是自己的一念邪恶而生,最终却变成了自己最大的敌人,也是天地大劫最大的敌人。 Your time passed by, now, should take responsibility by me. An era passed by, you are not willing to drop, in vain is the ancestors of ten thousand Buddha, I look at the person who cannot put down truly, should be you?” “你的时代已经过去了,现在,就该由我来做主。一个纪元过去了,你还是不肯放手,枉为万佛之祖,我看真正放不下的人,应该是你吧?” The demon ancestor laughs was saying, rules the world the stance, now his this venerable/true body came, is no comparison between them completely. 魔祖嗤笑着说道,一副君临天下的姿态,如今他的本尊已经来了,完全不可同日而语。 Amitabha, you did not want a thief crying "stop thief", you should understand, your I, can only the person live.” “阿弥陀佛,你就不要贼喊捉贼了,你应该明白,你我,只能有一个人活下来。” Ba Zhe (tyrant) Monk said. 霸者和尚道。 Therefore this person is I, but is not you, because you do not have this qualifications.” “所以这个人是我,而不是你,因为你没有这个资格。” Demon ancestor/grandfather said, early had judged the Ba Zhe (tyrant) Monk death penalty, has judged the death penalties of all people. 魔祖说道,早已经宣判了霸者和尚的死刑,宣判了所有人的死刑。 Is fights at the last minute, must cut to kill you, otherwise does my Buddha, have what face to see the world common people?” “就算是战斗到最后一刻,都必须要将你斩杀,否则我佛陀,有何颜面去见天下苍生?” Ba Zhe (tyrant) Monk pushes to the front, charges into the demon ancestor once again, seven people go on an expedition, knows perfectly well the situation to be worrying, but nobody flinches, once flinched, then may make them fall into to the despair , the demon ancestor's domineering, the fearfulness of Rebirth Realm, is not they can compare, almost among instant that Ba Zhe (tyrant) Monk once again was then compelled to draw back by Demon Race, incurs the move to be repulsed, in an extremely difficult situation. 霸者和尚一马当先,再度冲向魔祖,七人征战而下,明知处境堪忧,可是没有人退缩,一旦退缩了,那么就可能会让他们陷入到绝望之中,魔祖的强势,往生之境的可怕,根本不是他们所能比拟的,几乎霎那之间,霸者和尚便是被魔族再度逼退,招招败退,狼狈不堪。 I come!” “我来也!” purple gold red light, shoots up to the sky together, finally fell on demon ancestor's behind, the terrifying tide has swept across, but , an demon ancestor brow wrinkle, but was still aloof, sneered, fought with the fists, compelled to draw back Ancestral Dragon Emperor, under eight people collaborated, after all was also not the demon ancestor's match, even if there is Ancestral Dragon Emperor to be involved, they also just slightly felt better, wanted to repel the demon ancestor, as before was difficult such as on blue sky. 一道紫金红光,冲天而起,最终落在了魔祖的身后,恐怖的浪潮席卷而至,魔祖眉头一皱,不过仍旧是无动于衷,冷笑一声,一拳打出,生生将祖龙皇逼退,八个人联手之下,终归还不是魔祖的对手,哪怕有祖龙皇加入其中,他们也只不过是稍稍好过一点,想要击退魔祖,依旧是难如上青天 Jiang Chen deeply frowns, looks at these brothers friends, were compelled to draw back by the demon ancestor unceasingly, complained constantly at heart, but was helpless. 江尘眉头紧锁,看着自己这些兄弟朋友,不断被魔祖逼退,心里也是叫苦不迭,但是却无能为力。 Gives a try actually you were useful.” “试试看你究竟有没有用了。” The Jiang Chen palm turns, Bronze Throne then appears in his hand, this was his only trump card, on looks at Bronze Throne whether to suppress the demon ancestor. 江尘手掌一翻,青铜王座便是出现在其手中,这是他唯一的杀手锏了,就看着青铜王座能否镇压住魔祖了。 Suppresses to me!” “给我镇压!” Bronze Throne, in demon ancestor look, rays of light glittering, even brings to wipe to dread the color, but is not willing to have as before makes concessions slightly, in one vigorous effort, unprecedented. 青铜王座一出,魔祖眼神之中,光芒闪烁,甚至带着一抹忌惮之色,不过依旧不肯有丝毫退让,一鼓作气,一往无前。 Suppresses to me again!” “再给我镇压!” Jiang Chen does four Bronze Throne one after another once again, the complete suppression above the demon ancestor's top of the head, the demon ancestor's complexion became in this moment Yan Jun (severe) gets up. 江尘接二连三再度搞出四座青铜王座,全部镇压在了魔祖的头顶之上,魔祖的脸色在这一刻才变得严峻起来。 Good method!” “好手段!” Often has the Buddha sect disciple, applauds again and again, relies on four Bronze Throne and Ancestral Dragon Emperor and other talented people suppresses demon ancestor Rebirth Realm super expert, but aspect as before very difficult, after all, that is Rebirth Realm of genuine, wants to defeat it, is no different than dream of a fool. 不时有佛宗弟子,连连叫好,凭借着四座青铜王座祖龙皇等八人才算是镇压住魔祖这个往生之境超级强者,但是局面依旧十分的艰难,毕竟,那可是货真价实的往生之境,想要将其击败,无异于痴人说梦。 Specters unparalleled, heaven and earth such as burns!” “魔影无双,天地如焚!” The demon ancestor hand grasps the heavy blows, flies high to make, instantaneously as well as Long Shisan and the others shakes the four-pole god draws back to go, is complexion pale, retreat, can stand firm the figure step by step only, only had Ancestral Dragon Emperor of Half Step rebirth mirror. 魔祖手握重拳,凌空打出,瞬间将四极神相以及龙十三等人震退而去,全都是面色苍白,步步后退,唯一能够稳住身形的,只有半步往生镜的祖龙皇了。 -- “噗—— At this moment, Bronze Throne in Jiang Chen hand, was shaken draws back to go, in an extremely difficult situation. 这一刻,就连江尘手中的青铜王座,都是被震退而去,狼狈不堪。 Rebirth Realm, was too is really strong. 往生之境,实在是太强太强了。 The audience deathly stillness, nobody dares to say one, because this regarding them, was the death certainly. 全场死寂,没有人敢多说一句,因为这对于他们来说,就是死亡的绝地。 Ended? Did our Buddha sect such end?” “完了吗?难道咱们佛宗就这么完了吗?” Yes, incessantly is the Buddha sect, Western Extremity Divine Region also surely will fall into during the control of Buddha Pagoda, this was too simply fearful.” “是啊,不止是佛宗,就连西极神州也必定会陷入浮屠塔的掌控之中,这简直太可怕了。” Rebirth Realm, is simply desperate, this is between Heaven and Earth to expert?” 往生之境,简直让人绝望,这就是天地之间的至强者吗?” Everyone is anxiety silently, does not dare loud the language. 每个人都是默默的揪心,不敢高声语。 Ba Zhe (tyrant) Monk and the others, is looks bitterly and astringently, between Heaven and Earth, was difficult some people able to suppress the demon ancestor, did not have the least bit means including Buddha Ancestor, Rebirth Realm, went smoothly everywhere, nobody may keep off! 霸者和尚等人,也都是面露苦涩,天地之间,再难有人能够压制住魔祖了,连佛祖也是没有半点办法,往生之境,无往不利,无人可挡! At this time, above Western Extremity Divine Region Western Sea, the rainbow shadow that blocked the sky together, from Western Sea, leap. 就在这个时候,西极神州西海之上,一道遮天蔽日的虹影,从西海之中,飞跃而出。
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