DMWG :: Volume #39

#3840: My tears, are your tears

The next quarter, the emperor releases day to turn around suddenly, a palm compels to draw back wisdom Buddha, the situation was worrying, staggers two steps, the strength has encountered huge weakening. 下一刻,帝释天猛然转身,一掌逼退般若浮屠,处境堪忧,踉跄两步,实力遭到了巨大的削弱。 However Jiang Chen actually at this time, started to rise spiritedly to counter-attack, six Heavenly King Realm expert, added on the emperor who received the heavy losses to release the day again, this war, his odds of suc­cess was enormous. 但是江尘却在这个时候,开始奋起反击,六个天王境强者,再加上一个受到了重创的帝释天,这一战,他的胜算极大。 However as the saying goes, camel of skinny is big, at this time, who was hard to expect, less than at the last minute, the aspect meets is what kind. 不过俗话说得好,瘦死的骆驼比马大,这个时候,谁都难以预料,不到最后一刻,局面会是怎样的。 Although Jiang Chen was eased, but the emperor releases the day with first Buddha and the others, the offensive is as before swift and violent, during both sides fell into have refused to budge, but wisdom Buddha, actually like was an outsider, standing there. 江尘虽然得到了缓解,但是帝释天与一世浮屠等人,依旧攻势迅猛,双方陷入了僵持之中,而般若浮屠,却像是一个局外人一样,愣愣的站在那里。 The Jiang Chen eye is looking at wisdom Buddha, holds up the sword in hand personally, has placed above own powder neck, in the look, brings to wipe the happy expression, even more is actually complex. 江尘眼望着般若浮屠,亲手举起手中的剑,放在了自己的粉颈之上,眼神之中,带着一抹笑意,甚至更多的却是复杂。 Does not want-- “不要—— The Jiang Chen pupil reduces, the complexion is startled changes, is he is helpless, can only looks at wisdom direct obliterate helplessly fall own life, finally under drops above Nine Heavens. 江尘瞳孔紧缩,脸色惊变,可是他却无能为力,只能眼睁睁的看着般若直接抹杀掉了自己的生命,最终跌落下九天之上。 Jiang Chen eyes is red, killing intent to completely appear, grips tightly Heavenly Dragon Sword, the strength in innermost feelings unceasing is surging, rushing, fighting intent is soaring. 江尘双眼赤红,杀机毕现,紧握天龙剑,内心之中的力量不断的涌动着,澎湃着,战意高昂。 Dies to me!” “都给我死!” Jiang Chen is similar to the divine weapon day falls general, under violent rage, sweeps away thousand army, the sword 25 is impacting the front unceasingly, advances on unceasingly, Sword of No Realm, in the Jiang Chen's hand, the rippling century, is unapproachable. 江尘如同神兵天降一般,暴怒之下,横扫千军,剑25不断冲击着前方,不断进击,无境之剑,在江尘的手中,荡漾千秋,无可匹敌。 Nobody can block Jiang Chen, present he, looks like unparalleled Demon God is common, charges into among eight Buddha, the emperor releases the day to be cut by a Jiang Chen sword directly, god shape entirely to extinguish, entire Buddha Pagoda, changes colors completely with amazement, other six Buddha, in this moment, fell into the deathly stillness, because of the Jiang Chen's second sword, then by an enemy six, a sword leaves, ten thousand Jianzhe, Heavenly Dragon Sword, killing intent in the sky, six people were torn by Heavenly Dragon Sword magnificently completely, have not fresh, above the entire Western Extremity Divine Region sky, is becomes the incomparable tranquility. 没有人能够挡住江尘,现在的他,就像是一个盖世魔神一般,冲向八部浮屠之间,帝释天直接被江尘一剑斩中,神形俱灭,整个浮屠塔,全部骇然失色,其余六个浮屠,也是在这一刻,陷入了死寂之中,因为江尘的第二剑,便是以一敌六,一剑出,万剑折,天龙剑辉煌而起,杀意当空,六个人全部被天龙剑撕裂,有死无生,整个西极神州的天空之上,都是变得无比的宁静。 The Jiang Chen moving quickly goes, caught the wisdom Buddha form directly, at that moment, blood already incarnadine her front piece, suffocates. 江尘飞身而去,直接是接住了般若浮屠的身影,那一刻,鲜血已经染红了她的衣襟,奄奄一息。 Why must such do, why!” “为什么要这么做,为什么!” Jiang Chen looks at wisdom Buddha life-force helplessly, exhausts gradually, she disintegration oneself dantian Qi Sea, oneself Divine Soul fission, dead intent has decided that even if the gods , is powerless to save the situation. 江尘眼睁睁的看着般若浮屠生机,渐渐耗尽,她已经崩碎了自己的丹田气海,已经将自己的神魂分裂,死意已决,即便是神明,也是回天乏力。 You are I go on living, the only significance, trillion years of years, I do not know how oneself were passed, however in Zhou Mountain Ridge, you made me understand, a person, should have own joy, anger, sorrow, and happiness, the vicissitudes of life. I caused heavy losses to the emperor to release the day, eight Buddha, such as I was common, the sentiment with the sisters, I am not able to face them. My both hands, are stained with full blood, in my eye, only remaining dark(ness), but my at heart, at least also has you.” “你是我活下去,唯一的意义,亿万年岁月,我不知道自己是怎样度过的,但是在周山屋脊,你让我明白,一个人,应该有自己的喜怒哀乐,悲欢离合。我重创了帝释天,八部浮屠,如我一般,情同姐妹,我无法面对他们。我的双手,沾满鲜血,我的眼里,只剩下黑暗,但我的心里,至少还有你。” The wisdom shows a faint smile, divine light in her eyes, is gradually lax. 般若微微一笑,她眼中的神光,渐渐涣散。 Jiang Chen tight is grasping the palm of wisdom, in the look glittering desperate dismal. 江尘紧紧的握着般若的手掌,眼神之中闪烁着一丝绝望的悲凉。 Sentiment does not know to get up, one toward...... But deep...... You do not need...... Is occupied by me, is similar to we...... Never meets by chance......” “情不知所起,一往……而深……你不必记……住我,就如同我们……从未相逢……” The eye pupil of wisdom, gradually closed, the Jiang Chen's heart, sank to the valley, drop of tears, fell from his look, submerged in the eye of wisdom. 般若的眼眸,渐渐闭合,江尘的心,沉入了谷底,一滴泪,从他的眼神落下,没入了般若的眼中。 My tears, are your tears. 我的泪,便是你的泪。 The death of wisdom, regarding Jiang Chen, the attack was really too big, even if there is he thousand abilities, were also powerless, at that moment, he knows, oneself simply was not a god, is unable to change all these. 般若之死,对于江尘来说,打击实在是太大了,他纵有千般本领,亦无力回天,那一刻,他才知道,自己根本就不是神,无法改变这一切。 Buddha Pagoda, I want you forever to drop Samsara!” 浮屠塔,我要你们永堕轮回!” Jiang Chen raises the sword, kills to kill, the person of thousands Buddha Pagoda, Venerable Emperor more than ten several, Emperor Realm more than hundred several, under the Jiang Chen's sword, became forever will all drop the Samsara ghost. 江尘提剑而起,杀进杀出,数以万计的浮屠塔之人,帝尊十数余,帝境百数余,全都是在江尘的剑下,成为了一道道永堕轮回的亡魂。 But at this moment, the four-pole god deals with under collaboration of Ba Zhe (tyrant) Monk, they have also repelled demon ancestor heavily, but at that moment, Ba Zhe (tyrant) Monk knows, this is not the true demon ancestor, but is his clone, even if together clone, being in chaotic situation that also does them, the four-pole god deals with Ba Zhe (tyrant) Monk, no one dares to treat it lightly, acts full power. 而此时此刻,四极神相与霸者和尚的联手之下,他们也已经将魔祖重重击退,但是那一刻,霸者和尚才知道,这并不是真正的魔祖,只不过是他的一道分身而已,即便是一道分身,也是将他们搞的鸡飞狗跳,四极神相与霸者和尚,谁都不敢掉以轻心,全力施为。 Demon ancestor, you dies to me!” “魔祖,你给我死吧!” Jiang Chen early is kills to get angry, directly soars the demon ancestor to go, the round four-pole god deals with Ba Zhe (tyrant) Monk, six people of strength, with irresistible force, making the demon ancestor be incapable of fighting radically again, huge black skeleton, is getting smaller, is getting more and more passive. 江尘早已经是杀红了眼,直奔魔祖而去,回合四极神相与霸者和尚,六人之力,势如破竹,让魔祖根本无力再战,巨大的黑色骷髅,也是越来越小,越来越被动。 Hateful, wish makes me submit, you were too tender.” “可恶,想要让我臣服,你们还太嫩了。” Demon ancestor coldly snorted, completely fearless Jiang Chen and the others, although he has been repulsed step by step, is as before confident. 魔祖冷哼一声,完全无惧江尘等人,虽然他已经是步步败退,可是依旧信心十足。 Now, makes you have a look, who is the genuine winner, Hahaha.” “现在,就让你们看看,谁才是真正的赢家,哈哈哈。” The demon ancestor laughs wildly was saying, the giant blood-stained mouth, gushes out, two person's shadows, appeared in void above, Jiang Chen and Ba Zhe (tyrant) Monk eyes reduced, has not thought that these two people, unexpectedly was Long Shisan and Han Yan! 魔祖狂笑着说道,巨大的血口,喷薄而出,两道人影,也是出现在了虚空之上,江尘霸者和尚双眼紧缩,没想到这两个人,竟然是龙十三寒衍 Is impossible, this is impossible!” “不可能,这不可能!” Ba Zhe (tyrant) Monk look hidden in the shade, the staring being bewitched ancestor stubbornly, looks at each other one with Jiang Chen, two people both exceptionally excited. 霸者和尚眼神阴翳,死死的盯着魔祖,与江尘对视一眼,两个人都是异常的激动。 What is impossible, I open the door of small Samsara by the gate of big Samsara, has put in them the gate of big Samsara, their two have not made me disappointed, three six, trillion lives, all gathered on their bodies, now their strength, is not weaker than you, Buddha, the war of today, I must make you be annihilated, the Buddha sect, after this, will disappear from Divine World surely thoroughly without the trace.” “没什么不可能的,我以大轮回之门打开小轮回之门,将他们两个放入了大轮回之门中,他们两个也没有令我失望,三界六道,亿万生灵,全都是汇聚在了他们的身上,如今他们两个的实力,可是一点都不比你弱,佛陀,今日之战,我要让你们全军覆没,佛宗,从此之后,必定会从神界彻底消失无踪。” Jiang Chen tight is gripping the fist, Long Shisan and Han Yan at this moment, in eyes, the remaining blood red colors, did not only leave the accident/surprise their two completely controlling by the demon ancestor, at this moment, they got sucked into the difficult position, this war, does not know how should continue. 江尘紧紧的攥着拳头,此时此刻的龙十三寒衍,双眼之中,只剩下血红之色,不出意外他们两个已经完全被魔祖给控制住了,这一刻,他们深陷困境之中,这一战,根本不知道该如何继续。 Has put them, my Golden Body, returned to you.” “放了他们,我的金身,归你了。” Ba Zhe (tyrant) Monk sinking sound said that orthoptic being bewitched ancestor. 霸者和尚沉声说道,直视着魔祖。 Right? Hehe, what a pity, I do not need, because of them, captures sufficiently you, my right-hand, good, Hahaha. Brothers remnant, I look at anyone of you am the final winner.” “是吗?呵呵呵,可惜,我不需要,因为他们两个,足以将你擒拿下来,我的左膀右臂,不错吧,哈哈哈。兄弟相残,我看你们谁才是最终胜者。” The demon ancestor laughs, during Jiang Chen and Ba Zhe (tyrant) Monk actually fell into was silent. Whom no matter who wins to lose, the final defeated, is they. 魔祖嗤笑不已,江尘霸者和尚却是陷入了沉默之中。不管谁赢谁输,最终的败者,都是他们。 „Are you what kind of?” “那你到底想怎么样?” Ba Zhe (tyrant) Monk tight is gripping fist, this is his brothers. 霸者和尚紧紧的攥着拳头,这是他的兄弟。 You did not have escape route, is what kind, also isn't I decides? First won right-hand my this said again, but depended on your several, perhaps is unable to achieve, their two have swallowed in six Samsara all lives, even if were I controls them, has spent not small flustered. You wait to suffer to death, this is your only results.” “你们都已经没有了退路,想怎么样,还不是我说了算?先赢了我这左膀右臂再说,不过就凭你们几个,恐怕无法做到,他们两个吞噬了六道轮回之中所有的生灵,即便是我控制住他们两个,也是费了不小的周章。你们就等着受死吧,这是你们唯一的结局。” Demon ancestor indifferently said, however these words, in the Jiang Chen's heart, are actually the incomparable bitterness, lets him such as the falling ice hole. 魔祖淡淡的说道,然而这些话,在江尘的心中,却是无比的酸涩,让他如坠冰窟。 Brother, my brother......” “兄弟,我的兄弟……” Jiang Chen muttered was saying, the thoughts fought the revolutions, this war, they did not have the escape route. 江尘喃喃着说道,心思斗转,这一战,他们已经没有了退路。
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