DMWG :: Volume #39

#3819: Luoshen Clan mission

The Luoshen Clan Beishan Mountains temple, the heavy snow covers, the spooky ten thousand li (0.5 km), ice the heavy water to turn round. 洛神族的北山神殿,大雪覆盖,幽幽万里,冰重水复。 Reason that Luoshen Clan was awed by the common people, above very big degree, because of Luoshen Clan in ancient era, has presented Beishan Mountains four, initial Beishan Mountains four, the strength was strong, far ultra Heavenly King Realm, was true unsurpassed Supreme, even if in entire Divine World, were the prestige illustrious. 洛神族之所以被世人所敬畏,很大程度之上,是因为洛神族上古时期,出现过北山四杰,当初的北山四杰,实力强劲,远超天王境,乃是真正的无上至尊,即便是在整个神界,都是威名赫赫。 Then later generation Luoshen Clan, has the Beishan Mountains temple, expresses respect for the dead spirits of four ancestors, is entire Luoshen Clan is more mystical, * solemn and respectful place. 遂后世洛神族,才有北山神殿,祭奠四位先祖的亡灵,更是整个洛神族最为神秘,最为*肃穆之地。 The Beishan Mountains temple, means that Luoshen Clan ancient divine might, the present age dignity, nobody dares to trample, Luoshen Clan takes Luo River as the female river, for billion years, years may wrinkle, do not know that inherited many Luoshen Clan later generation descendants, all are shake the whole wide world, but actually rarely have Luoshen Clan expert, mingle among in the world. 北山神殿,意味着洛神族远古神威,当世的尊严,没有人敢践踏,洛神族洛河为母河,千百万年来,岁月悠悠,不知道传承了多少洛神族的后世子孙,无一不是名震八荒,但是却鲜有洛神族高手,混迹于世 Because of Luoshen Clan all later generation descendants' mottos, is Luoshen Clan believes, then does not collaborate with the common custom! 因为洛神族所有后世子孙的座右铭,也是洛神族信奉的,便是不与世俗同流合污! Their this one aloof is arrogant, as the ancient race, after heaven and earth Great Tribulation, throughout the present world, however Luo River above northwest south, actually nobody has not actually known Luoshen Clan exist(ence). 他们孤高冷傲,身为远古种族,却在天地大劫之后,始终未曾现世,但是在西北之上的洛河之南,却没有人不知道洛神族存在 Before Beishan Mountains temple, together azure light shadow, ascend, but, fell under Beishan Mountains finally, four height hundreds of zhang (333 m), incomparably broad ancestor statue, had plenty of fight in one, stands erect not but actually, this was their Luoshen Clan maximum honorable and magnificent years, making them always remember immortally. 北山神殿之前,一道青色的光影,飞升而至,最终落在了北山之下,四座身高百丈,无比恢宏的先祖雕像,斗志昂扬,屹立不倒,这是他们洛神族最大的光荣与辉煌的岁月,让他们永生铭记。 The azure form, naturally is Luo Qing, the long way returns , the entrance of Beishan Mountains temple, opens slowly, profound and chilly mid-hill passage, appears in the Luo Qing front, Luo Qing one step steps forward, directly entered in the Beishan Mountains temple. 青色身影,自然便是洛青,远道而归,北山神殿的门庭,缓缓打开,一条幽深而清冷的山腹通道,出现在洛青的面前,洛青一步跨出,直接进入了北山神殿之中。 Reason that is the Beishan Mountains temple, because of each generation of Luoshen Clan Patriarch, so long as holds an office in the full ten million year later, will then retreat the Patriarch status, enters in the Beishan Mountains temple calmly to cultivate, Beishan Mountains temple, it can be said that entire Luoshen Clan highest palace. 之所以为北山神殿,因为每一代的洛神族族长,只要任职满一千万年之后,便会退去族长身份,进入北山神殿之中静修,北山神殿,可以说是整个洛神族的最高殿堂。 But Luo Qing, is last Luoshen Clan Patriarch direct disciple, in Luoshen Clan, incomparable glory, is the next Luoshen Clan Patriarch candidate. 洛青,则是最后一任洛神族族长亲传弟子,在洛神族,无比的荣耀,也是下一任洛神族族长的人选。 The Beishan Mountains temple, is in the mid-hill, but that flows Luo River that came from the land of the polar north, flows from the mountain. 北山神殿,身在山腹之中,而那条自极北之地流淌而来的洛河,也是从山中流淌而过。 The purl, has been full of the poetic sentiment and Zen rhyme quietly, is happy carefree. 潺潺流水,静谧而充满了诗意与禅韵,令人心情舒畅,十分的畅快。 In passage end of Beishan Mountains temple, a hands tied and vertical man, the form is thin, has the mountain common back, stands in Luo River side, stares Luo River that this trickle is flowing, does not know that is thinking deeply about anything. 在北山神殿的通道尽头,一个束手而立的男子,身影消瘦,却是有着高山一般的脊梁,站在洛河之边,凝视着这涓涓流淌的洛河,不知道在思索着什么。 Had not found Luoshen Chart, you have a face.” “没有找到洛神图,你还有脸回来。” Emperor Luo cloud expression is tranquil, indifferently said. 洛云帝神色平静,淡淡说道 Luo Qing complexion Yan Jun (severe), facial expression incomparable serious, her look looks to that like the mountain big back, at once, during fell into was silent. 洛青脸色严峻,神情无比的严肃,她的眼神望向那如大山般高大的背影,一时之间,陷入了沉默之中。 Long time, Luo Qing opens the mouth finally slowly, is low and deep was saying: 半晌,洛青终于是缓缓开口,低沉着说道: Master, in Luoshen Chart, actually to hide what secret? Is it really my Luoshen Clan ancient relic?” “师傅,洛神图之中,究竟隐藏了什么样的秘密?它真的是我洛神族远古遗迹吗?” „Do you know that you were speaking to whom? Do you dare to question me?” “你知不知道你在跟谁说话?你竟敢质疑我?” Emperor Luo cloud indifferently said, shook the head. 洛云帝冷漠的说道,摇了摇头。 You disappointed me, Luoshen Clan was the first under heaven clan, in the ancient eight clans, did not have one is our matches, the years ago years, too for a long time were too surely long, that was war of final carry-over and inheritance antiquity various god, was my Luoshen Clan is tracking down with the secret of protection throughout, was the inheritance of my Luoshen Clan, do you unexpectedly dare to question my words now? You thought, the Luoshen Clan everyone ancestor, will deceive you? You thought, you do have to change this world the ability? You think why we do want to stay northwest this place?” “你太让我失望了,洛神族乃是天下第一族,远古八族之中,没有一个是我们的对手,千万年前的岁月,太久太久了,那是上古诸神之战最后的遗留与传承,乃是我洛神族始终都在追寻跟守护的秘密,是我洛神族的传承,你现在竟然敢质疑我的话?你觉得,洛神族诸位先祖,会欺骗你吗?你觉得,你已经有着改变这个世界的能力了吗?你以为,我们为何要呆在这西北一隅之地?” You do not understand, has not known, the war of antiquity world, actually heaven and earth Great Tribulation had how fearfully, my Luoshen Clan resists the mainstay of heaven and earth Great Tribulation, other ancient God Clan, who can have my Luoshen Clan divine might to be unparalleled? However because of this, our Luoshen Clan loses seriously, no matter Heavenly Clan, Dragon Race, Mu Clan, Xuanyuan Clan, all dominates above us, a Immemorial war, disintegrates, our results, are actually most pitiful, but Luoshen Clan inherited at the beginning of epoch-making since old times, Luoshen Chart is the heaven and earth limitless ultimate god, even if four remote antiquity Old Ancestor of our Beishan Mountains temple, simply thoroughly has not solved eight Luoshen Chart secrets, therefore we for searching of Luoshen Chart, have spent the boundless years, this belongs to the inheritance of our Luoshen Clan, is simultaneous/uniform all Luoshen Chart complete collections, can stand above certainly the summit, my Luoshen Clan, Can become true super God Clan, dominates above any sect influence.” “你根本不懂,也不曾知道,上古世界的战争,天地大劫究竟有多么的可怕,我洛神族乃是抗击天地大劫的中流砥柱,其余的远古神族,谁能有我洛神族神威盖世?但是正因为如此,我们洛神族损失惨重,不管是天族,龙族,牧族,轩辕族,全都是凌驾于我们之上,太古一战,分崩离析,我们的结局,却是最为凄惨的,而洛神族自古传承于开天辟地之初,洛神图就是天地无极的终极神相,即便是我们北山神殿的四位太上老祖,也根本没有彻底解开八张洛神图的秘密,所以我们为了洛神图的寻觅,花费了无穷无尽的岁月,这是属于我们洛神族的传承,只有将所有的洛神图全部集齐,才能够站在绝颠之上,我洛神族,才能够成为真正的超级神族,凌驾于任何的宗门势力之上。” Even if were the past divine might unparalleled Buddha sect, the disciple spread around the world, did not have my Luoshen Clan to be magnificent, was only a pity, actually appeared briefly, because after Luoshen died, Luoshen Clan lost became to the capital of strong family/home Clan. Therefore, this time, our Luoshen Clan, even if the entire life, pays, is indisputable, doing one's best until my heart stops beating, as the person of Luoshen Clan, should already have such consciousness. We live, but manner, then after is Luoshen, you are clear, own mission with persevering!” “即便是当年神威无双的佛宗,门徒遍天下,也没有我洛神一族辉煌,只可惜,却是昙花一现,因为洛神死后,洛神族就已经失去了成为至强家族的资本。所以,今时今日,我们洛神族即便是一生一世,为之付出,也是无可厚非的,鞠躬尽瘁死而后已,身为洛神族之人,早就已经应该有这样的觉悟。我们生而为人,便是洛神之后,你要明白,自己的使命与坚守!” Emperor Luo cloud the character character pearl, the look is swift and fierce, murders resolute, as if despises the world, disregards any exist(ence). 洛云帝字字珠玑,眼神凌厉无比,杀伐果决,似乎藐视天下,无视任何存在 Luoshen Clan, is not easy target that everybody rubs to pinch, Luoshen Clan background is deep, even if in the ancient eight clans, rarely has the person to be able with them to fight, between Heaven and Earth, Luoshen Clan exist(ence), is unrivaled, unique. Luo Qing appears to understand but not really understand, when her extremely seven Luoshen Chart, wants to piece together, at that moment, she is felt the infinite charm that in Luoshen Chart contained, own heart, as if shivers, that destroying the Heavens and exterminating the Earth strength, after entering her body, Luo Qing is felt that were innumerable she has never seen the thing, the off and on fragment, looked like the historical dust of antiquity world, the inheritance entered her mind, that invisible strength, the silent thought that let her mood incomparable complex, because of this, her strength can advance by leaps and bounds, achieve now this step., Emperor Realm peak, how long even does not need, then possibly touches Venerable Emperor realm, this even including Luo Qing master Luo saying that the imperial capital has not thought. 洛神族,不是人人揉捏的软柿子,洛神族底蕴深厚,即便是远古八族之中,亦是鲜有人能够与他们争锋,天地之间,洛神族存在,是举世无双,独一无二的。洛青似懂非懂,但是当她极其七张洛神图的时候,想要拼凑起来,那一刻,她便是感觉到了洛神图之中蕴藏的无穷魔力,自己的心,仿佛都是为之颤动,那种毁天灭地的力量,进入了她的身体之后,洛青便是感觉到了无数她从未看到过的东西,断断续续的片段,就像是上古世界的历史尘埃,传承进入她的脑海,那种无形的力量,无声的意念,都让她的心情无比的复杂,正因为如此,她的实力才会突飞猛进,达到如今这一步。,帝境巅峰,甚至无需多久,便可能触及到帝尊境界,这甚至是连洛青的师傅洛云帝都未曾想到的。 In remote Luo River south, as if has other state, that is a brand-new domain, but Luoshen Chart in oneself hand pieces together the successful time completely, she perhaps thorough unlock, direction in that Luoshen Chart, actually how. 在遥远的洛河之南,似乎有着一个另外的国度,那是一个全新的领域,而自己手中的洛神图完全拼凑成功的时候,她或许就会彻底的解出,那洛神图之中的指向,究竟如何。 The disappearance other shore, Netherworld of deep sleep, Luo River Heavenly Dragon, consciousness of earth, as if there is inseparable relations with this Luoshen Chart, these that she knows, all come from Luoshen Chart, but these, Emperor Luo cloud is not clear. 消失的彼岸,沉睡的幽冥,洛河天龙,大地的苏醒,似乎都与这洛神图有着密不可分的关系,她知道的这些,全都是源自于洛神图,而这些,洛云帝也不清楚。 Luo Qing knows, this looks like a prediction, is more like Samsara, as if certain things, in the unseen world of spirits already already exist(ence), but is she has not opened the strength of this mysterious veil. 洛青知道,这就像是一个预言,更像是一个轮回,似乎某些东西,冥冥之中早就已经存在了,只不过是她没有打开这层神秘面纱的实力而已。
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