DMWG :: Volume #39

#3810: Threat of 1 st Buddha

Draws back quickly!” “快退!” Buddha Long Xiang shouted angrily, looked the startled color, urging of dragon shape has sent to extreme, but still cannot evade the Jiang Chen's offensive. 龙象浮屠怒喝一声,面露惊色,龙象之力催发到了极致,但是仍旧没能躲过江尘的攻势。 Now wants to draw back?, Has injured my family member without enough time, I must make you all probably die.” “现在想退?来不及了,伤我亲人,我要让你们全都得死。” Jiang Chen is in an uncontrollable rage similarly, had already set firm resolve, must die to knock with these two people, otherwise vows not to rest. Dares to move own woman, then only has dead end one. 江尘同样是怒不可遏,早就已经下定了决心,要跟这两个人死磕到底,否则誓不罢休。敢动自己的女人,那么只有死路一条。 The Dao Accumulation method seal is easily accomplished, raised it instantaneously flies to go, suffered the enormous heavy losses, well which diamond Buddha did not have to go, in pairs attacked with Buddha Long Xiang, but the result is unable to prevent the Jiang Chen's impact as before, terrifying the strength of Dao Accumulation, was they are unable to resist, that silent between offensive, the hand imprint exceedingly high penetrating place, swept away all obstacles. 道蕴法印摧枯拉朽,瞬间将其掀飞而去,遭受了极大的重创,金刚浮屠也没好到哪去,与龙象浮屠可谓是双双出击,可是结果依旧无法阻挡江尘的冲击,恐怖道蕴之力,根本是他们无法抵御的,那种无声无息之间的攻势,手印通天彻地,所向披靡。 Jiang Chen shows disdain for Vault of Heaven, falls just like the divine weapon day, irresistible, diamond Buddha and Buddha Long Xiang suffer defeat one after another, the situation is worrying. 江尘傲视苍穹,宛如神兵天降,势不可挡,金刚浮屠龙象浮屠接连败北,处境堪忧。 Paternal grandmother, great, Little Chen.” “奶奶的,好样的,小尘子。” Big Yellow cannot bear in the one side applauds, this time he, just walked from six Samsara, the strength cannot help Jiang Chen completely, can only wave the flag to cheer on for him here. 大黄忍不住在一旁叫好,此时的他,刚刚从六道轮回之中走出来,实力完全不能够帮到江尘,只能在这里为他摇旗呐喊助威。 Moreover one side, Ba Zhe (tyrant) Monk and fight between nine dragons Buddha, gets stronger and stronger, both sides hit to have, when present Ba Zhe (tyrant) Monk, no longer was initially the severe wound, to getting up nine dragons Buddha, the prestige of Buddha, is the incomparable powerful. 另外一边,霸者和尚与九龙浮屠之间的战斗,也是愈演愈烈,双方打得有来有回,如今的霸者和尚,已经不再是当初重伤之时,对上九龙浮屠,佛陀之威,亦是无比的强势。 Amitabha, nine dragons Buddha Venerable, the sea of bitterness is boundless, repents and is saved, you quickly are converted my Buddha, now game is as good as lost, you are impossible to win Jiang Chen's.” “阿弥陀佛,九龙浮屠尊者,苦海无涯,回头是岸,你还是赶快皈依我佛吧,如今大势已去,你们是不可能赢下江尘的。” Ba Zhe (tyrant) Monk stern-faced saying, buddhist image *, very calm, nine dragons Buddha is unable how with him, the Buddha rhyme is melodious, the atmosphere is broad, even present Ba Zhe (tyrant) Monk, had a Buddha sect Supreme imposing manner faintly, has to hold in high esteem to it including Jiang Chen. 霸者和尚一脸凝重的说道,宝相*,十分的从容,九龙浮屠根本无法奈何与他,佛韵悠扬,大气恢弘,甚至如今的霸者和尚,已经隐隐有了一股佛宗至尊的气势,连江尘都不得不对其刮目相看。 Gave up any idea of, my Buddha Pagoda is will not recognize absolutely instigates.” “休想,我浮屠塔是绝对不会认怂的。” nine dragons Buddha as before is expression gloomy and cold, does not change the potential of attack, even if saw Buddha Long Xiang and diamond Buddha more and more passive aspect, still did not die with Ba Zhe (tyrant) Monk continuous, has a nightmare black the death of Buddha, aroused his heart of angry thoroughly, he with has a nightmare black the relations of Buddha is best, now this time has a nightmare Buddha to be killed black, he cannot sit waiting for death absolutely, Buddha Pagoda is the entire Divine World most formidable influence, does he possibly bow the head to profess allegiance to Buddha? Even if once Buddha, is above ten thousand people, is powerful and prominent, divine power is dreadful, but after all this for a while other for a while. 九龙浮屠依旧是神色阴冷,不改攻击之势,即便是看到了龙象浮屠与金刚浮屠越来越被动的局面,仍旧与霸者和尚不死不休,黑魇浮屠之死,彻底激起了他的愤怒之心,他与黑魇浮屠的关系是最好的,如今这个时候黑魇浮屠被杀,他绝对不能够坐以待毙,浮屠塔乃是整个神界最强大的势力,他怎么可能对佛陀俯首称臣呢?即便曾经的浮屠,也是万人之上,地位显赫,神力滔天,但是毕竟此一时彼一时。 I thought when you can insist.” “我看你们能够坚持到什么时候。” Jiang Chen sneers, in the hand Heavenly Dragon Sword opens greatly gathers greatly, while winning the pursuit, the left hand seal Secret Art, right hand Heavenly Dragon Sword, diamond Buddha and Buddha Long Xiang complained constantly, can only come under attack passively, the injury was also more and more serious. 江尘冷笑一声,手中天龙剑大开大合,趁胜追击,左手印诀,右手天龙剑,金刚浮屠龙象浮屠叫苦不迭,只能被动挨打,伤势也是越来越严重。 Jiang Chen, do not go too far, soon, when the emperor releases day Venerable to arrive, you must die!” 江尘,你不要欺人太甚,用不了多久,等帝释天尊者驾临,你们全都得死!” Buddha Long Xiang clenches teeth saying that was compelled to draw back unceasingly, in an extremely difficult situation, everywhere impedes, eight Buddha of solemn Venerable Emperor rank, in the Jiang Chen's hand, are unexpectedly difficult the slight strength to hit back. 龙象浮屠咬牙说道,不断被逼退,狼狈不堪,处处掣肘,堂堂帝尊级别的八部浮屠,竟然在江尘的手中,难有丝毫的还手之力。 The Jiang Chen anger soars to the heavens, presses up to above the vault of heaven, the method is ruthless, early had not planned that leaves behind any opportunity to them, Ba Zhe (tyrant) Monk everywhere keeps the hand, Jiang Chen actually step by step soars to the heavens, tendency hold, horrible to look at that Buddha Long Xiang and diamond Buddha suppresses. 江尘怒火冲霄,直逼天穹之上,手段狠辣,早已经不打算给他们留下任何的机会,霸者和尚处处留手,江尘却步步冲天,势头正盛,将龙象浮屠与金刚浮屠打压的惨不忍睹。 Asked you to install the ratio, this load on returning ship compared with inadequate, was affected to me.” “叫你们装比,这回装比不成,都给我装孙子吧。” Big Yellow is sneering, delighted, air/Qi Buddha Long Xiang and diamond Buddha clenches teeth, but has no alternative, after all the Jiang Chen's offensive was too simply fierce, two people felt strenuously, even soon, might by Jiang Chen obliterate, even if will be expert of Venerable Emperor rank, will not have the means. 大黄冷笑着,眉飞色舞,气的龙象浮屠与金刚浮屠直咬牙,但是却无可奈何,毕竟江尘的攻势简直太猛了,两个人已经感觉到了吃力,甚至用不了多久,就有可能会被江尘抹杀,即便是帝尊级别的强者,也毫无办法。 Who can think, past their apprentices had not placed Jiang Chen in eye, now actually compels above them the dead end, is similar to the nightmare is simply ordinary, this Jiang Chen's growth, was really too quick, making them start radically without enough time. 谁能想到,昔日他们的徒弟都不曾放在眼中的江尘,现在却将他们逼到了绝路之上,简直就如同梦魇一般,这个江尘的成长速度,实在是太快了,让他们根本来不及下手。 Jiang Chen, you do not want self to harm, if you surrender now, attaches in our Buddha Pagoda, then also has a slim chance of survival, when otherwise the emperor released day Venerable to come, you want to run cannot run away. Buddha is our Buddha Pagoda archenemy, do you want to work oneself to death for him really? You may know, what offends my Buddha Pagoda fate is?” 江尘,你千万不要自误,如果你现在投降,依附于我们浮屠塔的话,那么还有一线生机,否则的话等到帝释天尊者来了,你就算是想跑也跑不掉了。佛陀乃是我们浮屠塔的大敌,你真的要为他卖命吗?你可知道,得罪我浮屠塔的下场是什么?” diamond Buddha angrily roars was saying, wish makes Jiang Chen give way before difficulties. 金刚浮屠怒吼着说道,想要让江尘知难而退。 Joke, how do I offend your Buddha Pagoda to be able? Your Buddha Pagoda must kill me is not a time two, which did time succeed? Is lump of dog deng, do not say that Ba Zhe (tyrant) Monk is my good brothers, even if not, so long as is your Buddha Pagoda enemy, is my Jiang Chen's friends, even if I surrenders with you, you can guarantee my no worries? This saying you possibly will not believe that Hahaha. You two, possibly could not wait for the emperor to release day to come. Even if your so-called demon ancestors comes, my Jiang Chen does not fear absolutely. Now, first takes your several operations, has a nightmare black Buddha is your fate.” “笑话,我得罪你们浮屠塔又能如何?你们浮屠塔要杀我也不是一次两次了,哪一次成功了?都是一坨狗屎,不要说霸者和尚是我的好兄弟,就算不是,只要是你们浮屠塔的敌人,那么都是我江尘的朋友,就算是我投诚与你,你们就能够保我无虞?这话你们自己可能都不会信吧,哈哈哈。你们两个,可能等不到帝释天来了。即便是你们所谓的魔祖前来,我江尘也绝对不惧。现在,就先拿你们几个开刀,黑魇浮屠就是你们的下场。” eyes unceasing glittering of Jiang Chen bloodthirsty, diamond Buddha and Buddha Long Xiang look at each other one, felt the deep fear, because the Jiang Chen's imposing manner was too fearful, must compel into 18 hells to be ordinary them simply. 江尘嗜血的双眸不断的闪烁着,金刚浮屠龙象浮屠对视一眼,都感觉到了深深的恐惧,因为江尘的气势太可怕了,简直要将他们逼入18层地狱一般。 Spelled! Does not spell, we must die here, bastard who this unable to differentiate good from bad, the oil salt does not enter.” “拼了!再不拼,咱们都得死在这里,这个不知好歹,油盐不进的混蛋。” diamond Buddha knows, at this time they did not have the escape route . Moreover the very possible next second, Jiang Chen to let their consigned to eternal damnation, only the war, fights to win or die. 金刚浮屠知道,这个时候他们已经没有了退路,而且很可能下一秒,江尘就会让他们万劫不复,唯有一战,背水一战。 Profound Heavenly Seal!” “玄天印!” Jiang Chen grasps the heavy blows, prints Secret Art one, strength of incomparable rushing Dao Accumulation, charges into above the sky, blocks diamond Buddha and Buddha Long Xiang completely, making their onset and retreat roadless, on the point of death. 江尘手握重拳,印诀一出,道蕴之力无比的澎湃,冲向天空之上,将金刚浮屠龙象浮屠完全封死,让他们两个进退无路,命在旦夕。 Brat dares!” “竖子敢尔!” Sonic boom drinks the sound to get up, after diamond Buddha and Buddha Long Xiang, the form skices together, but , the double palm joint effort, patted above two people shoulders, about three people of strength, finally Jiang Chen's profound Heavenly Seal the potential of soaring to the heavens counter-balancing, but diamond Buddha and Buddha Long Xiang, are an arrow at the end of its flight, very distressed, on face surprised uncertain, a moment ago life and death only in instant. 一声爆喝之音响起,金刚浮屠龙象浮屠之后,一道身影疾行而至,双掌合力,拍在了两人的肩膀之上,合三人之力,终于是将江尘的天印的冲天之势给抵消掉了,但是金刚浮屠龙象浮屠,已经是强弩之末,十分的狼狈,脸上惊疑不定,刚才生死只在一念之间。 First Old Ghost, you come was too simply prompt, later one step, our two must see has a nightmare black Buddha.” “一世老鬼,你来的简直太及时了,稍晚一步,我们两个就得去见黑魇浮屠了。” diamond Buddha long breathed a sigh of relief, sweat on face unceasingly low, their two never with death such near. 金刚浮屠长舒了一口气,汗水在脸上不断低落,他们两个从来没有跟死亡如此之近。 Jiang Chen, has not thought that your strength unexpectedly such powerful, it seems like we underestimated you.” 江尘,没想到你的实力竟然如此的强悍,看来我们都低估你了。” First Buddha nods, looks to Jiang Chen and Ba Zhe (tyrant) Monk, is hands tied and vertical, in the look, the incomparable tranquility, as if completely has not placed in Jiang Chen the eye. 一世浮屠点点头,看向江尘霸者和尚,束手而立,眼神之中,无比的平静,似乎完全没有将江尘放在眼中。 The Jiang Chen look narrows the eyes, coldly said: 江尘眼神微眯,冷冷的说道: Another Buddha? Today no matter comes many, my Jiang Chen then is, I must have a look but actually, who can my what.” “又一尊浮屠是吧?今日不管来多少,我江尘接着便是,我倒要看看,谁能奈我何。” Words do not say is too full, perhaps later you in my, will bow the head to profess allegiance, perhaps?” “话可不要说的太满,说不定待会儿你就会在我脚下,俯首称臣,也说不定呢?” First Buddha shows a faint smile, the calm calm appearance, lets Jiang Chen look gloomy and cold even more, self-confidence that this fellow, actually which comes? 一世浮屠微微一笑,从容淡定的样子,让江尘眼神越发的阴冷,这个家伙,究竟哪来的自信? Has saying that you are really everywhere are also forgiving, the son works as so. Good, good. Whether you do remember their two?” “不得不说,你还真是处处留情啊,男儿当如此。不错,不错。你又是否记得她们两个呢?” The first Buddha palm moves, four forms then appear in its behind, impressively is Wu Ningzhu and Yan Qingcheng, by two Emperor Realm expert, was being suppressed stubbornly. 一世浮屠手掌一动,四道身影便是出现在其身后,赫然便是舞凝竹燕倾城,被两个帝境强者,死死的压制着。
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