DMWG :: Volume #38

#3705: Revelation Emperor

Little Yu, did you see? I have stood in the summit of state, actually you when can meet with me.” 小雨,你看到了吗?我已经站在了中州之巅,你究竟何时才能够与我相见啊。” The Jiang Chen innermost feelings unceasing call, life in this moment, he has completed most sublimation and transformation diligently, he must make the world all know, he must become that stands in the character of summit of God. 江尘内心不断的呐喊,生命在这一刻,他完成了最努力的升华与蜕变,他要让天下皆知,他要成为那个站在众神之巅的人物。 Jiang Chen! Jiang Chen! Jiang Chen!” 江尘江尘江尘!” The sounds of innumerable call, reverberate above the square, is a focus of public attention, ten thousand people respect, this time Jiang Chen, is enjoying this world biggest glory. 无数的呐喊之声,回荡在广场之上,万众瞩目,万人敬仰,此时的江尘,享受着这世间最大的荣耀。 Wu Yunfang also feels happy for Jiang Chen, his exist(ence), looks like to break record, his exist(ence), does not have the life that may surmount. 武云方也是替江尘感到高兴,他的存在,就像是为了打破记录,他的存在,就是无可超越的人生。 The Jiang Chen's prestige, is likes thunder reverberating in one's ears general, his heroic deed, above Central Region Divine Land, will spread surely widely. 江尘的威名,已经是如雷贯耳一般,他的英雄事迹,也必定会在中州神土之上,广为流传。 Dan Xiaomo, Murong Feiyan, as well as the grey robe man, is sighs one, their three also refined divine-grade medicine pill, but compared with Jiang Chen, was actually nothing to speak. 丹萧默,慕容飞雁,以及灰袍男子,全都是叹息一声,他们三个也炼制出了神品丹药,但是与江尘相比,却是不值一提。 This fellow, can actually refine the spirit pill medicine, simply is unthinkable.” “这个家伙,竟然能够炼制出化灵丹药,简直是匪夷所思。” The silver fox is somewhat unbelievable, but has saying that the Jiang Chen present sale price completely is not, does not know how many people who they can imagine will offer the olive branch to him, even if will be the Martial Pill Palace estimate is will not give up Jiang Chen this big fat absolutely, the refiner and concocting pills, all will be the unsurpassed King, Divine World first, who can give up this kind of extremely terrifying exist(ence)? 银狐有些难以置信,但是不得不说,江尘现在的身价完全不是他们能够想象的了,不知道多少人会向他伸出橄榄枝,即便是武丹殿估计也是绝对不会放弃江尘这块大肥肉的,炼器与炼丹,全都是无上王者,神界第一,谁能放弃这样一个极其恐怖存在 It can be said that present Jiang Chen in these big sect big self-seeking attitudes, turned into the mascot to be ordinary completely, everyone wanted to climb up relations with him, naturally was most excessively simple, was Martial Pill Palace, the advantage of being close to somebody the first moon/month, this was most discouraging. 可以说如今的江尘在这些大宗门大势力眼中,完全变成了吉祥物一般,谁都想要跟他攀上点关系,当然最过简单的,莫过于武丹殿了,近水楼台先得月,这才是最让人担忧的。 Swallow Zhao Wuji and Liao Tiansheng all deep frown, now wants to cope with Jiang Chen again, is the suitable difficulty. 赵无极廖天圣全都是眉头紧锁,如今再想对付江尘,已经是相当的困难了。 We what to do? Also here waits for gains without pains?” “我们怎么办?还在这里守株待兔吗?” The silver fox looks to Liao Tiansheng, in the heart sighs. 银狐看向廖天圣,心中叹息。 First had a look to say again, I do not believe this Jiang Chen to wait in Saint Wucheng not to exit for a lifetime.” “先看看再说吧,我就不信这个江尘会在圣武城待上一辈子不出去。” Liao Tiansheng sneers to say. 廖天圣冷笑道。 Said right, watches changes quietly, at the first opportunity, he should be cannot escape, but if he has joined Martial Pill Palace, perhaps the matter did not have to be so good to be solved.” “说得对,静观其变吧,一有机会,他应该是逃不掉的,但是如果他加入了武丹殿,事情恐怕就没有那么好解决了。” Swallow Zhao Wuji frequently is also staring at Jiang Chen, although present he has been a focus of public attention, but they want to massacre Jiang Chen's to be determined, has not vacillated slightly. 赵无极也是时时刻刻盯着江尘,虽然现在的他已经是万众瞩目,但是他们想要杀掉江尘的决心,也是丝毫没有动摇。 Divine Tier Alchemist, may be called invincible, hehe, including my this old bones, has to praise to you.” 神级炼丹师,堪称无敌啊,呵呵,连我这把老骨头,也是不得不对你交口称赞啊。” A gentle kind laughter, appears in the void summit, all people stare above the vault of heaven, phantom obviously melts together, above the top of the heads of all people, the power and influence completely revealed that has been full of the unsurpassed oppression. 一声慈祥和蔼的笑声,出现在虚空之巅,所有人凝望天穹之上,一道虚影显化而出,在所有人的头顶之上,威势尽显,充满了无上的压迫。 very powerful aura!” 好强气息!” The Jiang Chen pupil reduces, innermost feelings incomparable shock, in the heart has raised a difficult situation, this is true expert, the form that transforms together, has given their huge pressure, except for Emperor Realm expert, nobody can accomplish. 江尘瞳孔紧缩,内心无比的震撼,心中更是掀起了一阵惊涛骇浪,这才是真正的强者,一道幻化出来的身影,就给了他们巨大的威压,除了帝境强者,无人能够办到。 Pays a visit the revelation Emperor.” “拜见天启帝君。” Dan Qiusheng cups one hand in the other across the chest to bow, respectful saying. 丹丘生拱手躬身,恭敬的说道。 Pays a visit the Emperor.” “拜见帝君。” Several tens of thousands people with bowing the head to pay respect, obviously this revelation Emperor has how formidable, prostrated oneself by ten thousand people, that invisible between overbearing aura, suffocating. 数万人都是跟着低首参拜,可见这天启帝君有多么的强大,受万人膜拜,那种无形之间的霸道气息,令人窒息。 True Emperor Realm expert, making countless people scared, 99% people, have not seen Emperor Realm expert, for them, 真正的帝境强者,令无数人恐慌,其中99的人,是根本没见过帝境强者的,对他们来说, That is between Heaven and Earth most expert, will appear only in the legend, unsurpassed Venerable between Immemorial wars, but sees today, making them all extremely excited. 那便是天地之间的最强者,是只会出现于神话传说之中,太古战争之间的无上尊者,可是今日一见,让他们个个都是极为的激动。 Emperor Realm expert, does not save in the world! This is during the innumerable years, all people know that but they have not thought that can actually see, simply is excited cannot self-restrain, however in front of Emperor Realm expert, who dares hurriedly? 帝境强者,不存于世!这是无数岁月之中,所有人都知道的,但是他们没想到竟然能够见到,简直是激动的不能自抑,但是在帝境强者面前,谁敢造次呢? Pays a visit the Emperor. The Emperor erroneous approved.” “拜见帝君。帝君谬赞了。” Jiang Chen is also cups one hand in the other across the chest saying that nods slightly. 江尘也是拱手说道,微微颔首。 Good, wins does not defeat arrogantly hungry, pouring is character of one generation of gallant and chivalrous frame of mind words from the heart, above concocting pills grand meeting that today in this Martial Pill Palace holds, you can resist opposition, surface, really has its talent, my Martial Pill Palace, meets heavily to enjoy surely, Divine Tier Alchemist, lives up to reputation.” “不错,胜不骄败不馁,倒不失为一代侠骨衷肠之人物,今日在这场武丹殿举行的炼丹盛会之上,你能力排众议,脱颖而出,也算是确有其才,我武丹殿,必定会重重有赏的,神级炼丹师,名不虚传啊。” The revelation Emperor acclaimed was saying, innumerable artificial Jiang Chen were gratified, can obtain highly praising of revelation Emperor, conceivable, in the future the Jiang Chen's future, will have no bound surely, can make the Emperor reveal the body for you, this glory, was their lifetime is hard to hope to attain. 天启帝君赞叹着说道,无数人为江尘感到欣慰,能够得到天启帝君的盛赞,可以想象,日后江尘的前途,必定是无可限量啊,能让帝君为你显身,这份荣耀,是他们毕生都难以企及的。 Apologizing revelation Emperor, a Jiang Chen thick patch of grass, does not dare to dominate.” “谢过天启帝君了,江尘一介草莽,不敢称雄。” Jiang Chen shook the head. 江尘摇了摇头。 Your four people, may enter Saint military mountain range, has the person to guide you, comes to receive an award.” “你们四人,可进入圣武山脉,自有人引导你们,前来领赏吧。” Then, the revelation Emperor is turns around to go, changes to a wisp of azure smoke, vanishes above void. 说完,天启帝君便是转身而去,化作一缕青烟,消失在虚空之上。 Jiang Chen long breathed a sigh of relief, this revelation Emperor takes to his pressure not to be indeed small, is really is hard to imagine. However Buddha Pagoda has wisdom such Emperor Realm expert, regarding Martial Pill Palace, there is Emperor Realm expert to appear, is not considered as that any incredible matter. 江尘长舒了一口气,这个天启帝君带给他的压力的确不小,实在是难以想象。不过浮屠塔有般若那样的帝境强者,对于武丹殿来说,有帝境强者出现,也就不算是什么不可置信的事情了。 Buddha Pagoda, eight Buddha, were doomed to have over eight Emperor Realm expert, but Martial Pill Palace can compare favorably with Buddha Pagoda, its terrifying strength , was hard to guess that surely, in Jiang Chen heart very dignified, Martial Pill Palace, feared that was not the class of Mountain Sea Sect can place on a par, no wonder these many years, consistently stood in the summit of state, basic nobody dared to provoke they. 浮屠塔,八部浮屠,就注定了会有超过八个帝境强者,而武丹殿能够与浮屠塔相媲美,其恐怖的实力,也必定是难以猜测的,江尘心中十分的凝重,武丹殿,怕远不是山海宗之流能够相提并论的,怪不得这么多年,始终都是站在中州之巅,根本无人敢于挑衅他们。 Sees off the Emperor!” “恭送帝君!” Saying of Dan Qiusheng expression Yan Jun (severe), turns around, looks to Jiang Chen and the others, serious. 丹丘生神色严峻的说道,转身之间,看向江尘等人,一本正经。 Your four, go to Saint military mountain range, to there, naturally some people will have received and instructed your, spoke for you including the revelation emperors, was your good fortunes.” “你们四个,去圣武山脉吧,到了那里,自然会有人接引你们的,连天启帝君都为你们说话,也算是你们的造化了。” The Dan Qiusheng voice falls, Jiang Chen and the others actually becomes dignified, in heart disturbed, it seems like that this revelation Emperor status is not low, Dan Qiusheng as if absolutely does not have any right to speak, before him, the Emperor is lofty unsurpassed exist(ence). 丹丘生话音一落,江尘等人倒是变得凝重起来,心中忐忑,看来这天启帝君地位不低啊,丹丘生似乎完全没有任何的话语权,在他面前,帝君就是崇高无上的存在 Dan Qiusheng's son Dan Xiaomo in row, Jiang Chen has not thought impressively actually, it seems like that this time he refines the spirit pill medicine, has concerned everyone, even if in Martial Pill Palace, feared that also some people have been ready to make trouble, has to bow the head to profess allegiance to Jiang Chen including Dan Qiusheng, because he knows that oneself cannot bring forth Jiang Chen's ten pill success, middle grade divine-grade medicine pill, even worked, this is most fearful. 丹丘生的儿子丹萧默也赫然在列,江尘倒是没有多想,看来这一次他炼制出化灵丹药,已经牵动了每个人的心,即便是武丹殿之中,怕也是有人蠢蠢欲动了,连丹丘生都不得不对江尘俯首称臣,因为他知道自己练不出江尘的成丹,中级神品丹药,甚至已经化灵,这才是最可怕的。 expert, is doomed to obtain many respect and resources, but Jiang Chen stands Divine Tier Alchemist at this time above commanding point, Martial Pill Palace does not think that absolutely ignores Jiang Chen this greatly fat goose departs in light of this. 强者,注定会得到更多的尊重与资源,而江尘此时就是站在制高点之上的神级炼丹师,武丹殿也绝对不想放任江尘这只大肥鹅就此离去。 „, These four people of future achievements are evidently limitless.” “看样子,这四人未来成就不可限量啊。” In the final analysis, but can also strength enough, otherwise, not let the person to humiliate? Person who has the skill, where arrives is the sweetie pies.” “说到底,还得自己实力足够强,否则的话,还不是任人欺凌?有本事的人,到哪里都是香饽饽。” „The name of Jiang Chen, spreads over the state, this time, feared that was nobody can leave its right. Haha.” 江尘之名,传遍中州,这一次,怕是无人能出其右了。哈哈。” Yes, particularly Jiang Chen, before he in the trouble that above Central Region Divine Land made, I looked that looked like in Martial Pill Palace is not the matter, even if were Mountain Sea Sect and Eight Extremities Sect comes the important person, it is estimated that also can only be rebuffed.” “是啊,尤其是江尘,之前他在中州神土之上惹下的麻烦,我看在武丹殿看来都不算事儿,即便是山海宗八极门来要人,估计也是只能碰一鼻子灰了。”
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