DMWG :: Volume #37

#3696: Hundred school of thought contended, unfolded the manager respectively

Can refine immortal-grade peak medicine pill to be able entered the stage? That in other words, is unable to refine immortal-grade peak medicine pill, must degenerate into the trash, vanished however the people? 必须要炼制出仙品巅峰丹药才能够上台吗?那也就是说,无法炼制出仙品巅峰丹药,就要沦为垃圾,泯然众人了? Countless people have held breath a cold air/Qi, concocting pills grandmaster who was eager to try, there are, halts in this, if after entered the stage, cannot refine, that is the true awkwardness, such will be doomed countless to look at the joke, it is estimated that in Central Region Divine Land any place, will be in the future even hard to base. 无数人倒吸了一口冷气,原本跃跃欲试的炼丹宗师,也有很多,都是止步于此,因为如果上台之后,炼制不出来,那才是真正的尴尬,那样注定会让无数人看笑话的,估计日后甚至在中州神土任何地方,都是难以立足的。 Suddenly, many people are hesitant, these do not have the person of confidence to oneself, is sighs one, shook the head, choice giving up. To wear the royal crown, must receive its heavily, by their strengths, has not perhaps been able to participate in this time fighting. 一时间,很多人都是犹犹豫豫,那些对自己没有信心之人,也都是叹息一声,摇了摇头,选择了放弃。欲戴王冠,必承其重,以他们的实力,或许还无法参与到这一次的争锋之中来。 expert, after all has the enormous confidence, the person of Jiang Chen looks at side, has many people to go forward one step, prepares to enter the concocting pills stage. 强者,终归是有着极大的信心的,江尘看着身边之人,还是有着不少人上前一步,准备进入炼丹台的。 The person of blooming from the crowd, is the strength certainly, fully-confident person, calm and composed, put on a high and mighty act. 从人群之中脱颖而出之人,无一不是实力强绝,信心百倍之人,一个个气定神闲,趾高气昂。 Jiang Chen expression is indifferent, gradually goes out, side were more many rampant domineering generations, goes to the concocting pills stage. 江尘神色冷漠,缓步走出,身边更是多了不少嚣张跋扈之辈,前往炼丹台。 The time that altogether 500 concocting pills stages, less than burn a joss stick, has stood 300, each is full of vigor, is powerful, has first under heaven conceited domineering greatly, however true strongest Alchemist, can only have one. 一共500座炼丹台,不到一炷香的时间,站满了300之多,各个都是精神饱满,气势十足,大有天下第一唯我独尊的霸气,但是真正的最强炼丹师,只能有一个。 „Your first pass/test, then refines oneself adept peak immortal-grade medicine pill, only then an opportunity, failed, then directly withdraws, hopes that you can make persistent efforts.” “你们的第一关,便是炼制自己拿手的巅峰仙品丹药吧,只有一次机会,失败了,便直接退出,希望你们能够再接再厉。” Danciu lives a face to be serene, genial such as spring breeze common laughter, reverberates above the concocting pills square. 丹丘生一脸安详,和煦如春风一般的笑声,回荡在炼丹广场之上。 immortal-grade peak medicine pill, can refine the person of this grade of medicine pill, mostly is a refiner grandmaster of side, has keen eyesight in top/withstand one by one, disdains in the world to be vulgar. 仙品巅峰丹药,能够炼制出这等丹药之人,多半都是为首一方的炼器宗师,各个眼高于顶,不屑于世俗。 „Isn't that Western Extremity Divine Region concocting pills grandmaster Zhuge Yunfeng?” “那不是西极神州炼丹宗师诸葛云峰吗?” Yes, I also saw, that is Northern Cold Divine Region concocting pills grandmaster Hao Jian!” “是啊,我也看到了,那个是北凉神州炼丹宗师郝建!” Was serious, came including Mountain Sea Sect concocting pills grandmaster Chen Shaohua.” “不得了不得了了,连山海宗炼丹宗师陈少华也来了。” You look, isn't that Yinshan Qiao's chief Alchemist Murong Feiyan? With her Elder Brother Shangguan Hongyan, and becomes the Yinshan double wild goose!” “你们看,那不是银山乔的首席炼丹师慕容飞雁吗?与她的哥哥上官鸿雁,并成为银山双雁!” Also is really the groups of heroes gathers together, Hahaha. These time had the good play to look surely.” “还真是群英荟萃啊,哈哈哈。这一次必定有好戏看了。” The increasing number of people, had been recognized by everybody, after all the person of presence, mostly is true expert extremely, prominence, although is insufficient all over the world publicity, but had been recognized as before. 越来越多的人,被大家认了出来,毕竟在场之人,多半都是真正的绝顶高手,声名鹊起,虽然不至于普天之下人尽皆知,但是依旧还是被人认了出来。 Jiang Chen, that person is Jiang Chen! I recognize him, he was initially started the raging tide in Mountain Sea Sect Jiang Chen, but initially Mountain Sea Sect the casualty completely, lost seriously, Mountain Sea Sect background was deep, feared that should not be turned by Jiang Chen that fellow upside down.” 江尘,那个人是江尘!我认得他,他就是当初在山海宗之中掀起狂潮的江尘,当初山海宗可是死伤殆尽,损失惨重啊,要不是山海宗底蕴深厚,怕不是要被江尘那个家伙翻个底朝天了。” Has terrifying that really?” “真有那么恐怖吗?” That, I did not hear, Jiang Chen has torn Mountain Sea Sect, many people admitted defeat in his hand, Elder Brother Shangguan Hongyan of that Murong flying wild goose, was one of them, the Eight Extremities Sect person, the person of Dragon Race, by Jiang Chen repelling, that has fought, but hit gloomily, finally Jiang Chen can also depart proudly, this was the true skill.” “那可不,我也听说了,江尘可是生生撕裂了山海宗,不少人都在其手中吃瘪了呢,那个慕容飞雁的哥哥上官鸿雁,就是其中之一,八极门的人,龙族之人,都被江尘给击退了,那一战可是打得天昏地暗啊,最终江尘还能够傲然离去,这才是真正的本事。” Hahaha, that is real terrifying, when drinks a large cup of wine as a penalty for losing in a finger-guessing game.” 哈哈哈,那是真的恐怖,当浮一大白啊。” Many people discuss spiritedly, the name of Jiang Chen, without doubt is most shocking, because no one has thought that this strength heaven-shaking fellow, does link concocting pills so to be also strong unexpectedly? However actually how, but must wait till him to refine to become Zhihouzai to say. 不少人议论纷纷,江尘之名,无疑是最为令人震惊的,因为谁都没想到这个实力惊天的家伙,竟然连炼丹也这么强吗?不过究竟如何,还要等到他炼成之后再说。 The Jiang Chen's prestige, compares anybody on the scene without doubt, is big, because in the time, Jiang Chen really offended too many expert sect in the twenty years, even turned into everybody to shout object who hits, but others are not in the same old way live well? 江尘的威名,无疑比在场的任何人,都要大,因为这二十年时间里,江尘实在是得罪了太多的强者宗门,甚至已经变成了人人喊打的对象,但是人家不还是照样活的好好的吗? In the crowd, person of Eight Extremities Sect and Mountain Sea Sect, swallow Zhao Wuji and silver fox and the others, is complexion is gloomy, is listening to these words of whooping, this was not equal to that is hitting their faces? However in Saint Wucheng, even if they, does not dare to act rashly, runs up to others Martial Pill Palace domain to act unruly, they did not have this skill. So long as a Jiang Chen Saint Wucheng, then they can resort to all means strikes to kill him! 人群之中,八极门山海宗之人,燕赵无极与银狐等人,都是面色阴沉,听着那些议论纷纷之言,这不是等于在打他们的脸吗?但是在圣武城,即便是他们,也不敢轻举妄动,跑到人家武丹殿的地盘儿来撒野,他们还没这个本事。但是只要江尘一出圣武城,那么他们一定会不择手段的将他击杀! Is enjoying the brilliance of being a focus of public attention, the Jiang Chen not slight joy, because he does not remember here, so long as can become the strongest concocting pills grandmaster is enough, in that case, his goal was also achieved. 享受着万众瞩目的光彩,江尘没有丝毫的喜悦,因为他志不在此,只要能够成为最强的炼丹宗师足以,那样的话,他的目的也就达到了。 Starts, hopes that you can display best side.” “开始吧,希望你们都能够发挥出自己最好的一面。” Danciu lives the voice to fall, more than 300 Alchemist started concocting pills, above the entire concocting pills square, is becomes serious, everyone is holds the breath with rapt attention, silently is looking at this soul-stirring one, hundreds of concocting pills expert, are competing at this moment, whose who is weak, clear, moreover that picture, surely is shock extremely. 丹丘生话音一落,300余炼丹师开始了炼丹,整个炼丹广场之上,都已经是变得严肃起来,每个人都是屏息凝神,默默的望着这惊心动魄的一幕,数以百计的炼丹高手,在此刻同台竞技,孰强孰弱,一目了然,而且那种画面,必定是极其的震撼。 Refines immortal-grade peak medicine pill, regarding present Jiang Chen, is easy, the tea time, has then refined to be completed, at the same time, void above, Heavenly Lightning, is glittering, thunder clouds layer upon layer, come in waves, number by hundred compared with Heavenly Lightning falls in torrents, that scene must shock much has multi- shocks. 炼制仙品巅峰丹药,对于如今的江尘,已经是手到擒来,不出盏茶时间,便是已经炼制完成,与此同时,虚空之上,一道道的天雷,也是闪烁而出,一层层的雷云,滚滚而来,数以百比的天雷倾泻而下,那场面要多震撼有多震撼。 Over a hundred concocting pills Grandmaster, were really have shocked, can see this, trip has not been made in vain, Hahaha.” “上百炼丹宗师,真是太震撼了,能看到这一幕,不虚此行了,哈哈哈。” Yes, this warm-blooded boiling, these many concocting pills Grandmaster, tut tut, do not dare to imagine simply simply.” “是啊,这简直让人热血沸腾啊,这么多的炼丹宗师,啧啧啧,简直不敢想象啊。” That, indeed is suitable shock, several hundred Heavenly Lightning fall in torrents, almost made the entire concocting pills square, by Heavenly Lightning surrounding. 那一幕,的确是相当的震撼,数百道天雷倾泻下来,几乎令得整个炼丹广场,都是被天雷包围在内。 Moreover everyone locks the refinement medicine pill to be also different, simply is all kinds , the outstanding heroes strive for hegemony, hundred school of thought contend, unfolds the manager respectively. 而且每个人锁炼制的丹药也不尽相同,简直就是五花八门,群雄争霸,百家争鸣,各展所长。 Rumble -- “轰隆隆—— The ear-splitting thunderclap, proliferate void, medicine pill, at this time, by Heavenly Lightning tempered, pill was born, has carried out thoroughly the refinement. 一声声震耳欲聋的雷声,遍布虚空,一颗颗的丹药,也在这个时候,被天雷淬炼过后,丹雷降生,彻底完成了炼制。 However, this actually some people like some people to worry, after all, must refine immortal-grade peak medicine pill one time, is not everyone can achieve, guarantees absolutely safe, that was really too difficult, regarding the concocting pills grandmaster who vowed solemnly, could not bear be have the mistake, in addition some people, because anxious or because had the slight defect slightly, or simply has not refined the peak immortal-grade medicine pill skill, contributed no work but be undetected because of others. 但是,这一幕却是有人欢喜有人愁,毕竟,要一次性炼制出来仙品巅峰丹药,并不是每个人都能够做到的,确保万无一失,那实在是太难了,对于很多原本信誓旦旦的炼丹宗师,都忍不住会出差错,再加上有些人因为紧张或是因为稍有瑕疵,又或者根本就没有炼制出巅峰仙品丹药的本事,滥竽充数。 Finally, refines successful person one time, only has eight thirteen people merely, in other words, these eight thirteen people, are true concocting pills Grandmaster. 最终,一次性炼制成功的人,仅仅只有八十三人,也就是说,这八十三人,才是真正的炼丹大师 The Heavenly Lightning incline, gradually is thunderously thin, above entire square, is becomes cheers boiling to get up. Regarding them, this was really too important, at this moment, was making clear to their name, is doomed becomes the object who the person of entire Central Region Divine Land discussed. 天雷倾斜而下,雷鸣渐稀,整个广场之上,也是变得欢呼沸腾起来。对于他们来说,这实在是太重要了,这一刻,昭示着他们的名字,注定会成为整个中州神土之人讨论的对象。 expert, will be known by more people surely. 强者,必定会被更多的人所知晓。
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