DMWG :: Volume #36

#3588: For example the morning dew, went the date to be painstakingly many

What's the matter? Our Mountain Sea Sect ding had ten thousand years not to make a sound.” “怎么回事?咱们山海宗的钟声已经有万年未曾响过了。” „A day clock sound, must have the important matter to occur. Does not know that is actually any matter, can make Mountain Sea Sect attach great importance.” “天钟一响,必有大事发生。不知道究竟是什么事情,能够让山海宗如此重视。” Yes, walks quickly, has a look, our Mountain Sea Sect was very long not such lively.” “是啊,快走,去看看,我们山海宗可是很久没有这么热闹过了。” In entire Mountain Sea Sect, the ding is melodious, heaven and earth is turbulent, in the mountain Netherworld, the sea winning side gets up, causes entire Mountain Sea Sect in ten thousand miles, runs around spreading the news, the innumerable disciples, rush the Mountain Sea Sect center. 整个山海宗之内,钟声悠扬,天地动荡,山中幽冥,海上风起,使得整个山海宗万里之内,都是奔走相告,无数弟子,涌向山海宗的中心。 As Central Region Divine Land above, is next to Buddha Pagoda and Martial Pill Palace influence, terrifying of Mountain Sea Sect, is not Fossil Sect, the class of Ghost Pill Sect, can place on a par, Mountain Sea Sect expert like clouds, the disciple 20 million, solely are the disciples above Heavenly God Realm, crosses several thousands, God Venerate Realm God King Realm disciple several thousands, including God Sovereign Realm expert, several hundreds, such colossus, can be called is true sect extremely! 作为中州神土之上,仅次于浮屠塔武丹殿的势力,山海宗恐怖,绝不是化石宗,鬼丹宗之流,能够相提并论的,山海宗强者如云,弟子20000000,单单是天神境之上的弟子,就已经过数万,神尊境神王境弟子数千,连神皇境强者,也有数百之多,这样的庞然大物,才称得上是真正的绝顶宗门 Even if Martial Pill Palace and Buddha Pagoda, regarding Mountain Sea Sect such super big sect, does not dare to act rashly, pulls one round to move the whole body, obviously the greatness of Mountain Sea Sect, terrifying, the absolutely not common person can imagine. 即便是武丹殿浮屠塔,对于山海宗这样的超级宗门,也是不敢轻举妄动的,牵一发而动全身,可见山海宗之博大,之恐怖,绝非寻常人能够想象。 Void above, Mountain Sea Sect Third Elder is hands tied and vertical, is staring at the void under ten several tens of thousands disciples, a dignified color of face, this is their Mountain Sea Sect in history unprecedented meeting, the innumerable disciples are run. 虚空之上,山海宗三长老束手而立,凝视着虚空之下的十数万弟子,一脸的凝重之色,这是他们山海宗有史以来空前的聚会,无数弟子都是奔走而来。 Third Elder is dignified, strength heaven-shaking, the innumerable disciples, lie prostrate in worship. As sect that above entire Central Region Divine Land ranks among the best, Mountain Sea Sect grand occasion, is the grand occasion above entire state. 三长老威严盖世,实力惊天,无数的弟子,都是顶礼膜拜。作为整个中州神土之上数一数二的宗门,山海宗的盛事,就是整个中州之上的盛事。 As the Mountain Sea Sect overall plan elder, Yang Chan very dignified, looks disdainfully indifferently, 100,000 disciple all silently is looking at him, raises the head to hope. 作为山海宗的统筹长老,杨禅十分的凝重,冷眼睥睨,十万弟子全都是默默的望着他,翘首以盼。 The innumerable noisy sounds, cause in the entire mid-hill, has been full of the echo, ten several tens of thousands disciples, talked, was guessing, some Third Elder actually what must announce that made long-waited. 无数的嘈杂之声,使得整个山腹之间,都是充满了回响,十数万弟子,你一言我一语,都是猜测着,三长老究竟有何事要宣布,令得万众期待。 „The matter of today, is my Mountain Sea Sect ten thousand years of grand occasion, is worth worldwide celebration, ten thousand people cheer. I am Third Elder Yang Chan, presents the mountain main imperial mandate, announced again, after the hundred days, in my Mountain Sea Sect, holds the martial arts contest to live with the bride's family, all over the world, eight side expert, who can become the final victor, may become my Mountain Sea Sect disciple, the Mountain Sea Sect son-in-law.” “今日之事,乃是我山海宗万年盛事,值得普天同庆,万人欢呼。吾乃三长老杨禅,奉山主圣谕,再次宣布,百日之后,在我山海宗,举行比武招亲,普天之下,八方强者,谁能成为最终的胜利者,就可成为我山海宗的弟子,山海宗的女婿。” Yang Chan words, cause under entire Mountain Sea Sect, is becomes the incomparable vibration, countless people are eager to try, cannot bear watch mutually, because all people are the incomparable curiosity, is this so-called girl student, actually who? 杨禅的话,使得整个山海宗之下,都是变得无比的震动,无数人都是跃跃欲试,忍不住互相观看,因为所有人都是无比的好奇,这个所谓的女弟子,究竟是谁呢? Mountain main imperial mandate, its basic disciple Ling Yun, the gentle and graceful girl, the virtuous virtue, the reality is the model of my Mountain Sea Sect, in female Yingjie, therefore, gives the Saint marriage, for my Mountain Sea Sect ten thousand years of great happiness, is really encouraging may celebrate.” “山主圣谕,其入门弟子凌昀,窈窕淑女,贤良淑德,实乃我山海宗之楷模,女中英杰,故此,亲授圣婚,为我山海宗万年大喜,实在是可喜可贺啊。” Yang Chan expression saying proudly. 杨禅神色傲然的说道。 Instantaneous, entire Mountain Sea Sect in an uproar! 瞬间,整个山海宗一片哗然! Ling Yun, that is their Mountain Sea Sect female Divine Tier character, is the disciple who entire Mountain Sea Sect is second to none, strength powerful did not say that is mountain Lord the apprentice, the future is limitless, the strength startled is Celestial. 凌昀,那可是他们山海宗的女神级人物啊,是整个山海宗首屈一指的弟子,实力强悍不说,更是山主的入室弟子,前途不可限量,实力惊为天人 In entire Mountain Sea Sect, countless people can not hold a candle, although the admirer is numerous, but actually rarely has the person to dare to Ling Yun to reveal the love, because all people know that the Mountain Sea Sect Big Senior Brother Chu Monarch acute hearing, is the Ling Yun most influential supporter, who dares to tread to Ling Yun Half Step, it is estimated that will be shaken by Chu Monarch acute hearing draws back, even is...... obliterate! 在整个山海宗,无数人都是望尘莫及,虽然敬仰者众多,但是却鲜有人敢向凌昀表露爱意,因为所有人都知道,山海宗大师兄褚君聪,就是凌昀最具实力的拥护者,谁敢踏向凌昀半步,估计就会被褚君聪震退,甚至是……抹杀 Ling Yun Child of Heaven is remarkable, like flower, the this one aloof is beautifully arrogant, is Mountain Sea Sect most has one of the talent disciples, does not know that many people regard as it in the dream the sweetheart. 凌昀天子卓越,美艳如花,孤高冷傲,乃是山海宗最具天赋的弟子之一,不知道有多少人将其视为梦中情人。 At this moment, Chu Monarch acute hearing silently is looking at Yang Chan, looked at Ling Yun above distant place mountain peak, corner of the mouth flashes through wipes the self-confident color. 此时此刻,褚君聪默默的望着杨禅,又看了一眼远处山峰之上的凌昀,嘴角闪过一抹自信之色。 Nobody can rob you from my hand, you certainly are my.” “没有人能够从我手中把你抢走,你一定是我的。” Chu Monarch acute hearing tight is gripping the fist, in the look, glittering the color of difference, at this moment, he has been waiting till finally, it seems like mountain Lord had decided that betrothed Ling Yun to him, don't said in entire Mountain Sea Sect, even if youth talent above entire Central Region Divine Land, who can with side by side? 褚君聪紧紧的攥着拳头,眼神之中,闪烁着异样的色彩,这一刻,他终于是等到了,看来山主已经决定将凌昀许配给他了,莫说是在整个山海宗,即便是在整个中州神土之上的青年才俊,又有谁能够与自己比肩呢? This martial arts contest lives with the bride's family, although quite obviously rapid, but made entire Mountain Sea Sect, has raised the difficult situation, unceasing called out in alarm, making the innumerable male disciples crazy, the girl student was jealous. This is mountain marriage go-between bestows marriage, this is the how big glory. 这一次比武招亲,虽然颇显急促,但是却令得整个山海宗,都是掀起了惊涛骇浪,不断的惊呼起来,令无数男弟子疯狂,女弟子妒忌。这可是山主亲自赐婚,这是多么大的荣耀啊。 Third Elder, I do not want to become Dao Companion with the person, is not willing to attend the martial arts contest to live with the bride's family.” 三长老,我不想与人结为道侣,更不愿意参加比武招亲。” Ling Yun row of numerous, tread to empty on, with Third Elder both eyes looking straight ahead, the red lips opens lightly, said in a low voice. 凌昀排众而出,踏空而上,与三长老双目直视,朱唇轻启,低声说道。 Yang Chan brow twists, the sinking sound said: 杨禅眉头一拧,沉声说道: This is mountain Lord the imperial mandate, is beyond control you, Ling Yun, you well think over oneself, mountain Lord words, but does not accommodate disobediently, punishment that otherwise, your receive will be hard to imagine surely.” “这是山主的圣谕,由不得你,凌昀,你还是好好掂量一下自己吧,山主的话,可是不容忤逆的,否则的话,你必定会受到难以想象的责罚。” Shaking the head that Ling Yun incomparably insists as before. 凌昀依旧无比坚持的摇头。 Ling Yun not this heart, is not the sincerity disobeys the back of the mountain main wish, has stroked Third Elder face, I mind like still water, wholeheartedly practice, all not in this.” 凌昀并无此心,并非诚意违背山主意愿,拂了三长老颜面,我只是心如止水,一心修炼,全不在此。” That may be beyond control you, this is important matter lifelong, the mountain main unretractable statement, may not withdraw an order decidedly, mountain Lord has not told you personally, but makes me announce this time, you should understand that mountain main all consider for you. You do not do unable to differentiate good from bad.” “那可由不得你,此乃终身大事,山主金口玉言,断然不可收回成命,山主没有亲自告诉你,而是让我来宣布此时,你应该明白,山主一切都是为了你着想。你休要不知好歹。” Yang Chan serious saying, coldly snorted, the Ling Yun heart trembles, it seems like that this is mountain Lord the meaning, but mountain Lord had not said to oneself directly, as the matter stands, overruled her to disobey the back of the mountain main wish the meaning, this did not solicit her suggestions, but was the notice, informed all people, with the name of Ling Yun, the martial arts contest lived with the bride's family, will cause above entire Central Region Divine Land surely, was blustery. 杨禅一脸严肃的说道,冷哼一声,凌昀心头一颤,看来这是山主的意思,而山主并未直接跟自己说,这样一来,也是否决了她想要违背山主意愿的意思,这并不是征求她的意见,而是通知,通知所有人,以凌昀之名,比武招亲,必定会使得整个中州神土之上,都是风起云涌的。 The Ling Yun red lip bites tightly, complexion blanch, her heart, is becomes gloomy, this thinks to be able in Mountain Sea Sect forever the relieved practice, but as if as before cannot escape from the control of common custom, thought mountain Lord to her quite kindness, but can be a such region finally unexpectedly. 凌昀红唇紧咬,脸色发白,她的心,也是变得灰暗下来,本以为在山海宗可以永远安心的修炼下去,但是似乎依旧逃不出世俗的掌控,原以为山主对她颇为恩德,但是最后竟然会是这样的一番境地。 What is published the sentiment is, teaches life loathsome appearance allows. 问世间情为何物,直教人生死相许。 Ling Yun has remembered Jiang Chen, that is not willing to marry her man, since for *, her then entire life is the Jiang Chen's wife, will not remarry, although two person days respectively, but she will not leave the Jiang Chen's world eventually, liked loving, hated to hate, if when two sentiments long ago, how also in the mornings and evenings, in oneself heart to have the love, then has been enough, even if Jiang Chen cannot feel at ease to her. 凌昀不禁想起了江尘,那个不愿意娶她的男人,既然已经为*,她便一生一世都是江尘的妻子,绝不会再嫁,尽管两个人天各一遍,可是她终究不会去离开江尘的世界,爱了就爱了,恨了就恨了,两情若是久长时,又岂在朝朝暮暮,自己心中有爱,便足以了,即便江尘并不能给她一份心安。 Nobody understands, at this moment, the Ling Yun mood, the people of all Mountain Sea Sect, silently are waiting, was waiting for has true expert, steps the highest heaven, gets married Goddess in their mind, Ling Yun. Although the heart has the intimacy, but they are glad to see such unprecedented big celebration similarly. 没有人明白,此时此刻,凌昀的心情,所有山海宗之人,都是默默的等待着,等待着有真正的强者,踏上九霄,迎娶他们心目之中的女神,凌昀。虽然心有戚戚,但是他们同样乐于见到这样盛况空前的大喜事。 Yang Chen steadfast, crushed the illusion in Ling Yun heart, it seems like, she escapes the evil clutches that transports eventually difficultly, if has such one day, she rather died. 杨辰的坚定不移,更是击碎了凌昀心中的梦幻,看来,她终究难逃命运的魔爪,不过如果真的有那么一天,她宁愿死去。 For example the morning dew, went the date to be painstakingly many, life first, did not leave not abandoned. 譬如朝露,去日苦多,人生一世,不离不弃。
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