DMWG :: Volume #36

#3521: Blames me greedily

Latent evils health/guard is a side influence above Earth Divine Region, a latent evils clan, latent evils clan strength very powerful, but knows that their people, is very few, they look like ancient era Dragon Race are the same, the status above Earth Divine Region, can be inferred. They are surreptitious, mysteriously appear and disappear, rarely having person can hold their traces, these so-called latent evils health/guard, perhaps are only the appetizers, north this Dragon Race, will possibly have the relations with a latent evils clan.” “魔影卫是大地神州之上的一方势力,魔影一族,魔影一族实力非常强悍,但是知道他们的人,却少之又少,他们就像是上古时期龙族一样,在大地神州之上的地位,可见一斑。他们行踪诡秘,神出鬼没,鲜有人能够抓住他们的踪影,这些所谓的魔影卫,恐怕只是开胃菜而已,这个北龙族,很可能会跟魔影一族有关系。” Qing Xuan serious saying, a latent evils clan is above Earth Divine Region the rarely seen mysterious race, is not known, however their strengths, actually unusual powerful, knows their people, the fear such as the tiger is common. 青玄一脸严肃的说道,魔影一族是大地神州之上难得一见的神秘种族,被人所不知,但是他们的实力,却异常的强悍,知道他们的人,畏之如虎一般。 This time they do not know that actually northern Dragon Race has what preparation, but this latent evils health/guard, let the dragon shadow feeling unusual flavor, this northern Dragon Race, it seems like or came prepared. 这一次他们并不知道北龙族究竟有什么样的准备,但是这魔影卫,却让龙影儿感觉到了一丝非同寻常的味道,这北龙族,看来还是有备而来的。 „A latent evils clan above Earth Divine Region?” 大地神州之上的魔影一族?” In the Jiang Chen heart is the doubts is also puzzled, because he indeed has not listened to this so-called latent evils clan, since they appear here, moreover with northern Dragon Race haughty Wu Chang (impermanence), then made the person be full of the anxiety surely. 江尘心中也是疑惑不解,因为他也的确没听过这所谓的魔影一族,不过既然他们出现在这里,而且还是跟北龙族的敖无常,那么必定让人充满了疑虑。 Perhaps regarding this time Rising Dragon Feast, has the considerable important relations, but is till the present, but also is unknown. 对于这一次的升龙宴,或许都是有着相当重要的关系,只不过是现在为止,还不为人知而已。 It seems like we then must be careful, north this person of Dragon Race, harboring unfathomable motives.” “看来我们接下来就要更加的小心了,这个北龙族之人,居心叵测啊。” Jiang Chen stern-faced saying, dragon shadow also silently nods, it seems like that this Rising Dragon Feast, is really blustery, northern Dragon Race with eastern Dragon Race, even has a trend, wants to top, it seems like or has heavy responsibilities, is not a simple matter. 江尘一脸凝重的说道,龙影儿也是默默点头,看来这一次升龙宴,实在是风起云涌,北龙族与东龙族,甚至都有所动向,想要拔得头筹,看来还是任重而道远,并不是一件简单的事情。 Now also can only walk one step to look at one.” “现在也只能走一步看一步了。” dragon shadow knew in the heart that these matters she absolutely does not have any means that this simply is not she can decide that at least in this time Rising Dragon Feast, she also can only do everything possible. 龙影儿心知这些事情她也是完全没有任何的办法,这根本就不是她一个人所能决定的,至少在这一次的升龙宴之中,她也只能是尽力而为了。 You also together go with us, this also well has to take care. Does not need to think troublesome, I with Monk am sworn brothers, I at least must make you have to live in the future the opportunity of meeting.” “你也跟我们一道去吧,这样也好有个照应。不用觉得麻烦,我跟和尚是八拜之交,我至少得让你们日后有活着相见的机会。” Jiang Chen said with a smile, on the one hand also to ease the Qing Xuan pressure, hopes that she can lighten some psychological burdens, on the other hand, is hopes that she do not regard the burden oneself, after all her strength is also not weak, but was plotted, this matter, Jiang Chen naturally cannot make her have any pressure. 江尘笑着说道,一方面也是为了缓解一下青玄的压力,希望她能够减轻一些心理负担,另外一方面,也是希望她不要把自己当成累赘,毕竟她的实力也是不弱的,只是被暗算了而已,这种事情,江尘自然不会让她有任何的压力。 That...... Good, many thanks Big Brother Jiang.” “那……好吧,多谢江大哥了。” The Qing Xuan red lip bites tightly, in heart somewhat is disturbed and restless, even is guilty, after all was Jiang Chen has given such big trouble. 青玄红唇紧咬,心中还是有些忐忑与不安,甚至是愧疚,毕竟为江尘添了这么大的麻烦。 Younger sister, you were good with me, I will not make anybody bully absolutely your, above my Dragon Race domain, but can also make them give to bully me?” “妹妹,你就跟着我好了,我绝对不会让任何人欺负你的,在我龙族的地盘之上,还能让他们把我给欺负了?” dragon shadow waves saying that eldest sister's big model/pattern Ertou is full, draws behind Qing Xuan, face the color of domineering, is first time sees including Jiang Chen, she unexpectedly such sense of justice full house, completely not like initially that innocent young girl. 龙影儿挥手说道,大姐大的范儿头十足,将青玄拉到身后,一脸的霸气之色,连江尘也是第一次看到,她竟然如此的正义感爆棚,完全不像当初那个天真烂漫的少女了。 Jiang Chen one line of three people continue to start off, in the seabed world shuttle, the quantity of Flying Eagle fish have not been many, their moon/month, caught four Flying Eagle fish, in which spirit fish paste, extremely precious, even can eat, spiritual energy that contained, was makes the person suck the tongue, but Jiang Chen has not taken, since because that defended the commissioner always saying that this thing had big using, he well received surely. 江尘一行三人继续上路,在海底世界穿梭而过,飞鹰鱼的数量并不多,他们两个月的时间,也才捕捉到了四条飞鹰鱼而已,其中的灵鱼膏,更是极其的珍贵,甚至是可以食用的,其中所蕴含的灵气,也是令人咂舌,但是江尘并没有服用,因为既然那守关长老说这东西有大用,那么他必定好好的收起来。 Two months, Jiang Chen and the others even more approached the evil spirit island, the quantity of Flying Eagle fish but they obtain, is actually incomparable few, do not say them, anybody is so, can obtain spirit fish paste of Flying Eagle fish, is the huge good fortune. 两个月的时间,江尘等人已经越发的靠近恶灵岛,不过他们得到的飞鹰鱼之数量,却是无比之少,不要说他们,任何人都是如此,能够得到一条飞鹰鱼的灵鱼膏,就已经是天大的造化了。 Three people in the bottom of deep sea, have bumped into a person once again, had saved the Jiang Chen's person, the dragon that has keen eyesight in top/withstand roar Kun. 三人在深海之底,再度碰到了一个人,一个曾经救过江尘的人,眼高于顶的龙啸坤。 But this time, he was being sieged by the more than 10 strip Flying Eagle fish, scene crisis , the strength of each Flying Eagle fish, has achieved the God Sovereign Realm rank, their attacks, the book grows perceptibly at the speed, the thirteen strip Flying Eagle fish, almost makes the dragon roar Kun to be unable to take a single step forward, the crisis, definitely is unable to do step by step these Flying Eagle fish. 而这一次,他正在被十几飞鹰鱼所围困,场面十分的危机,每一条飞鹰鱼的实力,都是达到了神皇境的级别,他们的攻击,本就是以速度见长,十三飞鹰鱼,几乎让龙啸坤寸步难行,步步危机,完全无法将这些飞鹰鱼搞死。 These many Flying Eagle fish, roar Kun in dragon look like, is not treasure storehouse, but is the life and death hopeless situation. 这么多的飞鹰鱼,在龙啸坤看来,并不是宝藏,而是生死绝境。 The thirteen strip Flying Eagle fish, the rapidness of speed, making the person suck the tongue, everywhere the attack, was makes the dragon roar Kun to be unable to take a single step forward. 十三飞鹰鱼,速度之快,令人咂舌,处处攻击,都是让龙啸坤寸步难行。 Damn fellow!” “该死的家伙!” dragon Xiaokun, thinks angrily these fellows are not formidabe, in his heart excited incomparable, catches the thirteen strip Flying Eagle fish one time, but has not thought that the final result, makes him be startled a place chin, oneself have not thought under completely the union of thirteen strip Flying Eagle fish, unexpectedly such terrifying, he but annoys the starting honeycomb, in the heart is bitterly and astringently difficult to keep off. 龙啸坤愤怒不已,原本以为这些家伙并不难对付,他心中兴奋无比,一次性抓到十三飞鹰鱼,但是没想到最后的结果,却让他惊掉一地下巴,自己完全没想到十三飞鹰鱼的联合之下,竟然如此的恐怖,他自己无奈之下惹上了马蜂窝,心中苦涩难挡。 However in this deep sea, he is actually so distressed now, is so distressed, falls into the hopeless situation at once, actually can only be towed while still alive by the thirteen strip Flying Eagle fish, perhaps this way, oneself must feed the fish, very possible was Dragon Race first feeds the fish the youth. 但是在这深海之中,他现在却是叫天天不应,叫地地不灵,一时之间陷入绝境,却只能是被十三飞鹰鱼活活拖死,这样下去,自己恐怕就要喂鱼了,很可能是龙族第一个喂鱼的少年了。 dragon Xiaokun attacks furiously, but actually does not help matters, oneself have not thought that so will be unexpectedly bad luck, killed these Flying Eagle fish, it is estimated that can steady entered the evil spirit island, but has not thought that finally actually became so embarrassed, stole a chicken inadequate backlash meter/rice, making dragon Xiaokun feel sad, under the life and death crisis, hated bitterly, regrets past mistakes. 龙啸坤奋力冲击,但是却是无济于事,自己怎么也没想到竟然会这么倒霉,本来干掉这些飞鹰鱼,估计就能够稳稳的进入恶灵岛了,但是没想到最终却变得如此难堪,偷鸡不成反噬一把米,令龙啸坤心酸不已,生死危机之下,痛心疾首,悔不当初。 Blames me greedily.” “都怪我贪心不足啊。” dragon Xiaokun wants to cry but have no tears, now he may really be absolutely does not have any means that oneself in this endless Western Sea, this so-called Sea Monster, made person heart alarmed, trembling in fear completely, even if were this Dragon Race genius, in this boundless Western Sea, has filled the crisis, had slightly carelessly, might be able by obliterate here. 龙啸坤欲哭无泪,现在他可真是完全没有任何办法了,自己在这无尽西海之中,这所谓的海妖,完全令人心惊胆战,即便是他这个龙族天才,在这无穷无尽西海之中,也是充满了危机,稍有不慎,就有可能会被抹杀在这里。 Stupid human, but also wants to kill us, hehe, is really dream of a fool.” “愚蠢的人类,还想要杀我们,呵呵,真是痴人说梦。” Yes, this fellow overreaches oneself, giggle.” “是啊,这家伙真是不自量力,咯咯咯。” Has killed him, kills then quickly, cannot make him have any hitting back leeway, humph humph, making him install the ratio.” “杀了他,杀之而后快,千万不能让他有任何的还手余地,哼哼,让他装比。” Must kill him, these human always think oneself clever, making them know our fierce.” “一定要干掉他,这些人类总是自作聪明,让他们知道一下咱们的厉害。” The thirteen strip Flying Eagle fish chirp saying, just like has regarded the it's in the bag dragon Xiaokun, even massacres him, does not need any pressure completely. 十三飞鹰鱼叽叽喳喳的说道,俨然是将龙啸坤当成了囊中之物,甚至杀掉他,完全不需要任何的压力。 Your this group of bastards, father do not believe you to massacre me.” “你们这群王八蛋,老子就不信你们能杀掉我。” dragon Xiaokun angry exclaiming, after then tea, dragon Xiaokun was thoroughly scared, he has been seriously battered deeply, the thirteen strip Flying Eagle fish, becomes quite proud, because he retreated in defeat again and again, completely became a joke, just blew the good ratio a moment ago, direct broken merit. 龙啸坤愤怒的吼道,然后盏茶之后,龙啸坤彻底傻眼了,他已经是深受重创,十三飞鹰鱼,变得相当的骄傲,因为他已经是节节败退,完全成为了一个笑话,刚才刚吹完牛比,直接破功。 Father will not die really here......” “老子不会真的死在这里吧……” dragon Xiaokun muttered was saying. 龙啸坤喃喃着说道。 It seems like this fellow could not insist that we hurried take action, Elder brother, otherwise, ate delicacies Kun to by this flock of Flying Eagle fish eating.” “看来这个家伙已经坚持不住了,我们还是赶紧出手吧,哥哥,否则的话,啸坤真的要被这群飞鹰鱼给吃掉了。”
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